InnerDeltaPhi Class Reference

#include <RecoTracker/TkHitPairs/src/InnerDeltaPhi.h>

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef Basic2DVector< double > Point2D

Public Member Functions

 InnerDeltaPhi (const DetLayer &layer, const TrackingRegion &region, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, bool precise=true)
PixelRecoRange< float > operator() (float rHit, float phiHit, float zHit, float errRPhi) const
float operator() (float rHit, float zHit, float errRPhi) const
 ~InnerDeltaPhi ()

Private Member Functions

void initBarrelLayer (const DetLayer &layer)
void initForwardLayer (const DetLayer &layer, float zMinOrigin, float zMaxOrigin)
float innerRadius (float hitX, float hitY, float hitZ) const
float minRadius (float hitR, float hitZ) const
PixelRecoRange< float > phiRange (const Point2D &hitXY, float zHit, float errRPhi) const

Private Attributes

float theA
float theB
float theHitError
bool thePrecise
float thePtMin
float theRCurvature
bool theRDefined
float theRLayer
float theROrigin
float theThickness
Point2D theVtx
float theVtxZ

Detailed Description

Definition at line 16 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef Basic2DVector<double> InnerDeltaPhi::Point2D

Definition at line 19 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

InnerDeltaPhi::InnerDeltaPhi ( const DetLayer layer,
const TrackingRegion region,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup,
bool  precise = true 

Definition at line 19 of file

References GeomDetEnumerators::barrel, PixelRecoUtilities::bendingRadius(), initBarrelLayer(), initForwardLayer(), DetLayer::location(), TrackingRegion::originZBound(), sigma, thePtMin, theRCurvature, and theVtxZ.

00023   : theROrigin(region.originRBound()),
00024     theRLayer(0),
00025     theThickness(0),
00026     theA(0),
00027     theB(0),
00028     theVtx(region.origin().x(),region.origin().y()),
00029     theVtxZ(region.origin().z()),
00030     thePtMin(region.ptMin()),
00031     sigma(0),
00032     thePrecise(precise)
00033 {
00034   float zMinOrigin = theVtxZ-region.originZBound();
00035   float zMaxOrigin = theVtxZ+region.originZBound();
00036   theRCurvature = PixelRecoUtilities::bendingRadius(thePtMin,iSetup);
00038   sigma = new MultipleScatteringParametrisation(&layer,iSetup);
00040   if (layer.location() == GeomDetEnumerators::barrel) initBarrelLayer( layer);
00041   else initForwardLayer( layer, zMinOrigin, zMaxOrigin);
00043 }

InnerDeltaPhi::~InnerDeltaPhi (  ) 

Definition at line 46 of file

References sigma.

00046 { delete sigma; }

Member Function Documentation

void InnerDeltaPhi::initBarrelLayer ( const DetLayer layer  )  [private]

Definition at line 48 of file

References BoundSurface::bounds(), TrackingRegionBase::hitErrRPhi(), Cylinder::radius(), BarrelDetLayer::specificSurface(), GeometricSearchDet::surface(), theHitError, theRDefined, theRLayer, theThickness, and Bounds::thickness().

Referenced by InnerDeltaPhi().

00049 {
00050   const BarrelDetLayer& bl = dynamic_cast<const BarrelDetLayer&>(layer); 
00051   float rLayer = bl.specificSurface().radius(); 
00053   // the maximal delta phi will be for the innermost hits
00054   theThickness = layer.surface().bounds().thickness();
00055   theRLayer = rLayer - theThickness/2;
00056   theHitError = TrackingRegionBase::hitErrRPhi( &bl);
00057   theRDefined = true;
00058 }

void InnerDeltaPhi::initForwardLayer ( const DetLayer layer,
float  zMinOrigin,
float  zMaxOrigin 
) [private]

Definition at line 60 of file

References BoundSurface::bounds(), TrackingRegionBase::hitErrRPhi(), BoundDisk::innerRadius(), GeometricSearchDet::position(), ForwardDetLayer::specificSurface(), GeometricSearchDet::surface(), theA, theB, theHitError, theRDefined, theRLayer, theThickness, Bounds::thickness(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by InnerDeltaPhi().

00062 {
00063   const ForwardDetLayer &fl = dynamic_cast<const ForwardDetLayer&>(layer);
00064   theRLayer = fl.specificSurface().innerRadius();
00065   float layerZ = layer.position().z();
00066   theThickness = layer.surface().bounds().thickness();
00067   float layerZmin = layerZ > 0 ? layerZ-theThickness/2.: layerZ+theThickness/2.;
00068   theB = layerZ > 0 ? zMaxOrigin : zMinOrigin;
00069   theA = layerZmin - theB;
00070   theRDefined = false;
00071   theHitError = TrackingRegionBase::hitErrRPhi(&fl);
00072 }

float InnerDeltaPhi::innerRadius ( float  hitX,
float  hitY,
float  hitZ 
) const [private]

Definition at line 76 of file

References max, sqr(), funct::sqrt(), t, theA, theB, theRDefined, theRLayer, theVtx, Basic2DVector< T >::x(), and Basic2DVector< T >::y().

00077 {
00078   float theVtxX = theVtx.x();
00079   float theVtxY = theVtx.y();
00080 // cout <<"--------------------------------"<<endl;
00081 // cout <<"HIT (x,y,z) :"<<" ("<<hitX<<", "<<hitY<<", "<<hitZ<<") "<<endl;
00082   if (theRDefined) {
00083 //     cout <<" return defined R layer!"<<theRLayer<<endl;
00084      return theRLayer;
00085   }
00086   else {
00087    float t = theA/(hitZ-theB);
00088    float layer_X = theVtxX + (hitX-theVtxX)*t;
00089    float layer_Y = theVtxY + (hitY-theVtxY)*t;
00091 //   cout <<"  t from line:"<<t<<endl;
00093    float layer_R = sqrt( sqr(layer_X)+ sqr(layer_Y) );
00096 //   cout << " crossing in TR: "<<" (x,y):"<<layer_X<<","<<layer_Y <<" radius: "<<layer_R<< endl;
00097    return std::max(layer_R, theRLayer);
00099 //   float hitR = sqrt( sqr(hitX)+sqr(hitY)); 
00100 //   float invRmin = (hitZ-theB)/theA/(hitR-theVtxR);
00101 //        << " result2: " <<1./invRmin+theVtxR << endl;
00102 //   return ( invRmin> 0) ? std::max( 1./invRmin, (double)theRLayer) : theRLayer;
00103   }
00104 }

float InnerDeltaPhi::minRadius ( float  hitR,
float  hitZ 
) const [inline, private]

Definition at line 62 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

References max, theA, theB, theRDefined, and theRLayer.

Referenced by operator()().

00062                                                  {
00063     if (theRDefined) return theRLayer;
00064     else {
00065       float invRmin = (hitZ-theB)/theA/hitR;
00066       return ( invRmin> 0) ? std::max( 1./invRmin, (double)theRLayer) : theRLayer;
00067     }
00068   }

PixelRecoRange<float> InnerDeltaPhi::operator() ( float  rHit,
float  phiHit,
float  zHit,
float  errRPhi 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 30 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

References funct::cos(), phiRange(), and funct::sin().

00031   {
00032 //     float phiM =  operator()( rHit,zHit,errRPhi); 
00033 //     return PixelRecoRange<float>(phiHit-phiM,phiHit+phiM);
00035        Point2D hitXY( rHit*cos(phiHit), rHit*sin(phiHit));
00036        return phiRange(hitXY,zHit,errRPhi);
00037   }

float InnerDeltaPhi::operator() ( float  rHit,
float  zHit,
float  errRPhi 
) const

Definition at line 209 of file

References deltaPhi(), minRadius(), theHitError, thePrecise, thePtMin, theRCurvature, theROrigin, and theVtxZ.

00210 {
00211   // alpha - angle between particle direction at vertex and position of hit.
00212   // (pi/2 - alpha) - angle hit-vertex-cernter_of_curvature
00213   // cos (pi/2 - alpha) = (hRhi/2) / theRCurvature
00214   // so:
00216   float alphaHit = asin( rHit/(2*theRCurvature));
00219   float rMin = minRadius( rHit, zHit);
00220   float deltaPhi = fabs( alphaHit - asin( rMin/(2*theRCurvature)));
00222   // compute additional delta phi due to origin radius
00223   float deltaPhiOrig = asin( theROrigin * (rHit-rMin) / (rHit*rMin));
00225   // hit error taken as constant
00226   float deltaPhiHit = theHitError / rMin;
00228   if (!thePrecise) {
00229     return deltaPhi+deltaPhiOrig+deltaPhiHit;
00230   } else {
00231     // add multiple scattering correction
00232     PixelRecoPointRZ zero(0., theVtxZ);
00233     PixelRecoPointRZ point(rHit, zHit);
00234     float scatt = 3*(*sigma)(thePtMin,zero, point) / rMin; 
00235     float deltaPhiHitOuter = errRPhi/rMin; 
00237     return deltaPhi+deltaPhiOrig+deltaPhiHit + scatt + deltaPhiHitOuter;
00238   }
00240 }

PixelRecoRange< float > InnerDeltaPhi::phiRange ( const Point2D hitXY,
float  zHit,
float  errRPhi 
) const [private]

Definition at line 107 of file

References deltaPhi(), Basic2DVector< T >::dot(), e, Basic2DVector< T >::mag(), max, min, Basic2DVector< T >::phi(), sqr(), funct::sqrt(), t, theA, theB, theHitError, thePrecise, thePtMin, theRCurvature, theRDefined, theRLayer, theROrigin, theThickness, theVtx, theVtxZ, and Basic2DVector< T >::unit().

Referenced by operator()().

00108 {
00109   double rLayer = theRLayer;
00110   bool checkCrossing = true;
00111   Point2D crossing;
00113   Point2D dHit = hitXY-theVtx;
00114   double  dHitmag = dHit.mag();
00115   double  dLayer = 0.;
00116   double dL = 0.;
00117   //
00118   // compute crossing of stright track with inner layer
00119   //
00120   if (!theRDefined) {
00121     double t = theA/(hitZ-theB); double dt = fabs(theThickness/(hitZ-theB));
00122     crossing = theVtx + t*dHit;
00123     rLayer =  crossing.mag();
00124     dLayer = t*dHitmag;           dL = dt * dHitmag; 
00125     checkCrossing = false;
00126     if (rLayer < theRLayer) {
00127       checkCrossing = true;
00128       rLayer = theRLayer;
00129       dL = 0.;
00130     } 
00131   }
00133   //
00134   // compute crossing of track with layer
00135   // dHit - from VTX to outer hit
00136   // rLayer - layer radius
00137   // dLayer - distance from VTX to inner layer in direction of dHit
00138   // vect(rLayer) = vect(rVTX) + vect(dHit).unit * dLayer
00139   //     rLayer^2 = (ect(rVTX) + vect(dHit).unit * dLayer)^2 and we have square eqation for dLayer 
00140   //
00141   // barrel case
00142   //
00144   if (checkCrossing) {
00145     double vtxmag2 = theVtx.mag2();
00146     if (vtxmag2 < 1.e-10) {
00147       dLayer = rLayer;
00148     }
00149     else { 
00150       double var_c = theVtx.mag2()-sqr(rLayer);
00151       double var_b = 2*;
00152       double var_delta = sqr(var_b)-4*var_c;
00153       if (var_delta <=0.) var_delta = 0;
00154       dLayer = (-var_b + sqrt(var_delta))/2.; //only the value along vector is OK. 
00155     }
00156     crossing = theVtx+ dHit.unit() * dLayer;
00157     double cosCross = fabs( dHit.unit().dot(crossing.unit()));
00158     dL = theThickness/cosCross; 
00159   }
00162   // track is crossing layer with angle such as:
00163   // this factor should be taken in computation of eror projection
00164      double cosCross = fabs( dHit.unit().dot(crossing.unit()));
00167   double alphaHit = asin( dHitmag/(2*theRCurvature));
00168   double deltaPhi = fabs( alphaHit - asin( dLayer/(2*theRCurvature)));
00169         deltaPhi *= (dLayer/rLayer/cosCross);  
00171   // additinal angle due to not perpendicular stright line crossing  (for displaced beam)
00172   double dPhiCrossing = (cosCross > 0.9999) ? 0 : dL *  sqrt(1-sqr(cosCross))/ rLayer;
00173   Point2D crossing2 = theVtx + dHit.unit()* (dLayer+dL);
00174   double phicross2 = crossing2.phi();  
00175   double phicross1 = crossing.phi();
00176   double dphicross = phicross2-phicross1;
00177   if (dphicross < -M_PI) dphicross += 2*M_PI;
00178   if (dphicross >  M_PI) dphicross -= 2*M_PI;
00179   if (dphicross > M_PI/2) dphicross = 0.;  // something wrong?
00180   phicross2 = phicross1 + dphicross;
00183   // compute additional delta phi due to origin radius
00184   double deltaPhiOrig = asin( theROrigin * (dHitmag-dLayer) / (dHitmag*dLayer));
00185         deltaPhiOrig *= (dLayer/rLayer/cosCross);
00187   // inner hit error taken as constant
00188   double deltaPhiHit = theHitError / rLayer;
00190   // outer hit error
00191 //   double deltaPhiHitOuter = errRPhi/rLayer; 
00192     double deltaPhiHitOuter = errRPhi/hitXY.mag();
00194   double margin = deltaPhi+deltaPhiOrig+deltaPhiHit+deltaPhiHitOuter ;
00196   if (thePrecise) {
00197     // add multiple scattering correction
00198     PixelRecoPointRZ zero(0., theVtxZ);
00199     PixelRecoPointRZ point(hitXY.mag(), hitZ);
00200     double scatt = 3*(*sigma)(thePtMin,zero, point) / rLayer; 
00202     margin += scatt ;
00203   }
00205   return PixelRecoRange<float>( std::min(phicross1,phicross2)-margin, 
00206                                 std::max(phicross1,phicross2)+margin);
00207 }

Member Data Documentation

MultipleScatteringParametrisation* InnerDeltaPhi::sigma [private]

Definition at line 54 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

Referenced by InnerDeltaPhi(), and ~InnerDeltaPhi().

float InnerDeltaPhi::theA [private]

Definition at line 47 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

Referenced by initForwardLayer(), innerRadius(), minRadius(), and phiRange().

float InnerDeltaPhi::theB [private]

Definition at line 48 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

Referenced by initForwardLayer(), innerRadius(), minRadius(), and phiRange().

float InnerDeltaPhi::theHitError [private]

Definition at line 46 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

Referenced by initBarrelLayer(), initForwardLayer(), operator()(), and phiRange().

bool InnerDeltaPhi::thePrecise [private]

Definition at line 55 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

Referenced by operator()(), and phiRange().

float InnerDeltaPhi::thePtMin [private]

Definition at line 53 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

Referenced by InnerDeltaPhi(), operator()(), and phiRange().

float InnerDeltaPhi::theRCurvature [private]

Definition at line 45 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

Referenced by InnerDeltaPhi(), operator()(), and phiRange().

bool InnerDeltaPhi::theRDefined [private]

Definition at line 49 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

Referenced by initBarrelLayer(), initForwardLayer(), innerRadius(), minRadius(), and phiRange().

float InnerDeltaPhi::theRLayer [private]

Definition at line 42 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

Referenced by initBarrelLayer(), initForwardLayer(), innerRadius(), minRadius(), and phiRange().

float InnerDeltaPhi::theROrigin [private]

Definition at line 41 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

Referenced by operator()(), and phiRange().

float InnerDeltaPhi::theThickness [private]

Definition at line 43 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

Referenced by initBarrelLayer(), initForwardLayer(), and phiRange().

Point2D InnerDeltaPhi::theVtx [private]

Definition at line 51 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

Referenced by innerRadius(), and phiRange().

float InnerDeltaPhi::theVtxZ [private]

Definition at line 52 of file InnerDeltaPhi.h.

Referenced by InnerDeltaPhi(), operator()(), and phiRange().

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