PedeSteerer Class Reference

provides steering for pede according to configuration More...

#include <Alignment/MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm/src/PedeSteerer.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

std::string buildMasterSteer (const std::vector< std::string > &binaryFiles)
 construct (and return name of) master steering file from config, binaryFiles etc.
void buildSubSteer (AlignableTracker *aliTracker, AlignableMuon *aliMuon)
 construct steering files about hierarchy, fixing etc. an keep track of their names
double cmsToPedeFactor (unsigned int parNum) const
void correctToReferenceSystem ()
 If reference alignables have been configured, shift everything such that mean position and orientation of dets in these alignables are zero.
const std::string & directory () const
 directory from constructor input, '/' is attached if needed
bool isNoHiera (const Alignable *ali) const
 True if 'ali' was deselected from hierarchy and any ancestor (e.g. mother) has parameters.
int parameterSign () const
 results from pede (and start values for pede) might need a sign flip
 PedeSteerer (AlignableTracker *aliTracker, AlignableMuon *aliMuon, AlignmentParameterStore *store, const PedeLabeler *labels, const edm::ParameterSet &config, const std::string &defaultDir, bool noSteerFiles)
 constructor from AlignableTracker/AlignableMuon, their AlignmentParameterStore and the labeler (NOTE: The latter two must live longer than the constructed PedeSteerer!)
bool runPede (const std::string &masterSteer) const
 run pede, masterSteer should be as returned from buildMasterSteer(...)
 ~PedeSteerer ()
 non-virtual destructor: do not inherit from this class

Private Types

typedef std::map< const
Alignable *, std::vector
< float > > 

Private Member Functions

unsigned int buildNoHierarchyCollection (const std::vector< Alignable * > &alis)
 Store Alignables that have SelectionUserVariables attached to their AlignmentParameters (these must exist) that indicate removal from hierarchy, i.e.
bool checkParameterChoices (const std::vector< Alignable * > &alis) const
 Checks whether SelectionUserVariables that might be attached to alis' AlignmentParameters (these must exist) are all known.
std::ofstream * createSteerFile (const std::string &name, bool addToList)
 create and open file with name, if (addToList) append to mySteeringFiles
void defineCoordinates (const std::vector< Alignable * > &alis, Alignable *aliMaster, const std::string &fileName)
 Create steering file with constraints defining coordinate system via hierarchy constraints between 'aliMaster' and 'alis'; 'aliMaster' must not have parameters: would not make sense!
std::string fileName (const std::string &addendum) const
 full name with directory and 'idenitfier'
int fixParameter (Alignable *ali, unsigned int iParam, char selector, std::ofstream *&filePtr, const std::string &fileName)
 If 'selector' means fixing, create corresponding steering file line in file pointed to by 'filePtr'.
std::pair< unsigned int,
unsigned int
fixParameters (const std::vector< Alignable * > &alignables, const std::string &file)
 Checks whether 'alignables' have SelectionUserVariables attached to their AlignmentParameters (these must exist) that indicate fixation of a parameter, a steering 'file' is created accordingly.
void hierarchyConstraint (const Alignable *ali, const std::vector< Alignable * > &components, std::ofstream &file) const
unsigned int hierarchyConstraints (const std::vector< Alignable * > &alis, const std::string &file)
unsigned int presigmas (const std::vector< edm::ParameterSet > &cffPresi, const std::string &fileName, const std::vector< Alignable * > &alis, AlignableTracker *aliTracker, AlignableMuon *aliMuon)
 interprete content of presigma VPSet 'cffPresi' and call presigmasFile
unsigned int presigmasFile (const std::string &fileName, const std::vector< Alignable * > &alis, const AlignablePresigmasMap &aliPresisMap)
 look for active 'alis' in map of presigma values and create steering file
std::vector< Alignable * > selectCoordinateAlis (const std::vector< Alignable * > &alignables) const
 Return 'alignables' that have SelectionUserVariables attached to their AlignmentParameters (these must exist) that indicate a definition of a coordinate system.

Private Attributes

edm::ParameterSet myConfig
 pointer to labeler (not the owner)
std::string myDirectory
const PedeLabelermyLabels
 not the owner!
std::set< const Alignable * > myNoHieraCollection
 keeps track of created 'secondary' steering files
bool myNoSteerFiles
 directory of all files
int myParameterSign
 flag to write steering files to /dev/null
const AlignmentParameterStoremyParameterStore
std::vector< std::string > mySteeringFiles
 old pede versions (before May '07) need a sign flip...
std::vector< Alignable * > theCoordDefiners
 master coordinates, must (?) be global frame
 Alignables deselected for hierarchy constr.

Detailed Description

provides steering for pede according to configuration

: Gero Flucke date : October 2006
2008/02/15 14:42:27
(last update by

Definition at line 33 of file PedeSteerer.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<const Alignable*,std::vector<float> > PedeSteerer::AlignablePresigmasMap [private]

Definition at line 64 of file PedeSteerer.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PedeSteerer::PedeSteerer ( AlignableTracker aliTracker,
AlignableMuon aliMuon,
AlignmentParameterStore store,
const PedeLabeler labels,
const edm::ParameterSet config,
const std::string &  defaultDir,
bool  noSteerFiles 

constructor from AlignableTracker/AlignableMuon, their AlignmentParameterStore and the labeler (NOTE: The latter two must live longer than the constructed PedeSteerer!)

Definition at line 47 of file

References AlignmentParameterStore::alignables(), correctToReferenceSystem(), Exception, myDirectory, myParameterSign, myParameterStore, selectCoordinateAlis(), theCoordDefiners, and theCoordMaster.

00050                                             :
00051   myParameterStore(store), myLabels(labels), myConfig(config),
00052   myDirectory(myConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("fileDir")),
00053   myNoSteerFiles(noSteerFiles),
00054   myParameterSign(myConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int>("parameterSign")),
00055   theCoordMaster(0)
00056 {
00057   if (myParameterSign != 1 && myParameterSign != -1) {
00058     cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "Expect PedeSteerer.parameterSign = +/-1, "
00059                                 << "found " << myParameterSign << ".";
00060   }
00062   // Correct directory, needed before asking for fileName(..):
00063   if (myDirectory.empty()) myDirectory = defaultDir;
00064   if (!myDirectory.empty() && myDirectory.find_last_of('/') != myDirectory.size() - 1) {
00065     myDirectory += '/'; // directory may need '/'
00066   }
00068   const std::vector<Alignable*> &alis = myParameterStore->alignables();
00069   if (!this->checkParameterChoices(alis)) {} // anyway thrown exception
00071   // Coordinate system selection and correction before everything
00072   theCoordDefiners = this->selectCoordinateAlis(alis);
00073   if (!theCoordDefiners.empty()) { // Create steering with constraints to define coordinate system:
00074     theCoordMaster = aliTracker; // Both tracker and muon have global coordinates, though...
00075     if (!theCoordMaster) theCoordMaster = aliMuon; // ...which coordinates should not really matter anyway.
00076     // FIXME: With both tracker and muon, only tracker will be shifted in correctToReferenceSystem!
00077     // Could be fixed by introducing AlignableComposite with both, but must prevent double deletion.
00078     // If this has 'global frame', correctToReferenceSystem can use globalParameters (as it does)
00079     this->correctToReferenceSystem(); // really before 'defineCoordinates'?
00080   } 
00082 }

PedeSteerer::~PedeSteerer (  ) 

non-virtual destructor: do not inherit from this class

Definition at line 85 of file

00086 {
00087 }

Member Function Documentation

std::string PedeSteerer::buildMasterSteer ( const std::vector< std::string > &  binaryFiles  ) 

construct (and return name of) master steering file from config, binaryFiles etc.

Definition at line 632 of file

References createSteerFile(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), i, myConfig, and mySteeringFiles.

Referenced by MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm::terminate().

00633 {
00634   const std::string nameMasterSteer(this->fileName("Master"));
00635   std::ofstream *mainSteerPtr = this->createSteerFile(nameMasterSteer, false);
00636   if (!mainSteerPtr) return "";
00638   // add steering files to master steering file
00639   std::ofstream &mainSteerRef = *mainSteerPtr;
00640   for (unsigned int iFile = 0; iFile < mySteeringFiles.size(); ++iFile) {
00641     mainSteerRef << mySteeringFiles[iFile] << "\n";
00642   }
00644   // add binary files to master steering file
00645   mainSteerRef << "\nCfiles\n";
00646   for (unsigned int iFile = 0; iFile < binaryFiles.size(); ++iFile) {
00647     mainSteerRef << binaryFiles[iFile] << "\n";
00648   }
00650   // add method
00651   mainSteerRef << "\nmethod  " << myConfig.getParameter<std::string>("method") << "\n";
00653   // add further options
00654   const std::vector<std::string> opt(myConfig.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("options"));
00655   mainSteerRef << "\n* Outlier treatment and other options \n";
00656   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < opt.size(); ++i) {
00657     mainSteerRef << opt[i] << "\n";
00658   }
00660   delete mainSteerPtr;  // close (and flush) again
00662   return nameMasterSteer;
00663 }

unsigned int PedeSteerer::buildNoHierarchyCollection ( const std::vector< Alignable * > &  alis  )  [private]

Store Alignables that have SelectionUserVariables attached to their AlignmentParameters (these must exist) that indicate removal from hierarchy, i.e.

make it 'top level'.

Definition at line 117 of file

References Alignable::alignmentParameters(), Exception, SelectionUserVariables::fullSelection(), Alignable::mother(), myNoHieraCollection, params, AlignmentParameters::size(), and AlignmentParameters::userVariables().

00118 {
00119   myNoHieraCollection.clear();  // just in case of re-use...
00121   for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator iAli = alis.begin() ; iAli != alis.end(); ++iAli) {
00122     AlignmentParameters *params = (*iAli)->alignmentParameters();
00123     SelectionUserVariables *selVar = dynamic_cast<SelectionUserVariables*>(params->userVariables());
00124     if (!selVar) continue;
00125     // Now check whether taking out of hierarchy is selected - must be consistent!
00126     unsigned int numNoHieraPar = 0;
00127     unsigned int numHieraPar = 0;
00128     for (unsigned int iParam = 0; static_cast<int>(iParam) < params->size(); ++iParam) {
00129       const char selector = selVar->fullSelection()[iParam];
00130       if (selector == 'C' || selector == 'F' || selector == 'H') {
00131         ++numNoHieraPar;
00132       } else if (selector == 'c' || selector == 'f' || selector == '1' || selector == 'r') {
00133         ++numHieraPar;
00134       } // else ... accept '0' as undetermined
00135     }
00136     if (numNoHieraPar) { // Selected to be taken out.
00137       if (numHieraPar) { // Inconsistent: Some parameters still in hierarchy ==> exception!
00138         throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") 
00139           << "[PedeSteerer::buildNoHierarchyCollection] All active parameters of alignables to be "
00140           << " taken out of the hierarchy must be marked with capital letters 'C', 'F' or 'H'!";
00141       }
00142       bool isInHiera = false; // Check whether Alignable is really part of hierarchy:
00143       Alignable *mother = *iAli;
00144       while ((mother = mother->mother())) {
00145         if (mother->alignmentParameters()) isInHiera = true; // could 'break;', but loop is short
00146       }
00147       // Complain, but keep collection short if not in hierarchy:
00148       if (isInHiera) myNoHieraCollection.insert(*iAli);
00149       else edm::LogWarning("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::buildNoHierarchyCollection"
00150                                         << "Alignable not in hierarchy, no need to remove it!";
00151     }
00152   } // end loop on alignables
00154   return myNoHieraCollection.size();
00155 }

void PedeSteerer::buildSubSteer ( AlignableTracker aliTracker,
AlignableMuon aliMuon 

construct steering files about hierarchy, fixing etc. an keep track of their names

Definition at line 584 of file

References AlignmentParameterStore::alignables(), defineCoordinates(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), hierarchyConstraints(), myConfig, myNoHieraCollection, myParameterStore, presigmas(), theCoordDefiners, and theCoordMaster.

Referenced by MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm::initialize().

00585 {
00586   const std::vector<Alignable*> &alis = myParameterStore->alignables();
00588   if (theCoordMaster && !theCoordDefiners.empty()) {
00589     const std::string nameCoordFile(this->fileName("Coord"));
00590     this->defineCoordinates(theCoordDefiners, theCoordMaster, nameCoordFile);
00591     edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::buildSubSteer" 
00592                               << theCoordDefiners.size() << " highest level objects define the "
00593                               << "coordinate system, steering file " << nameCoordFile << ".";
00594   }
00596   const std::string nameFixFile(this->fileName("FixPara"));
00597   const std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> nFixFixCor(this->fixParameters(alis, nameFixFile));
00598   if (nFixFixCor.first != 0 || nFixFixCor.second != 0) {
00599     edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::buildSubSteer" 
00600                               << nFixFixCor.first << " parameters fixed at 0. and "
00601                               << nFixFixCor.second << " at 'original' position, "
00602                               << "steering file " << nameFixFile << ".";
00603   } 
00605   if (this->buildNoHierarchyCollection(alis)) { // before hierarchyConstraints(..)
00606     edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::buildSubSteer"
00607                               << myNoHieraCollection.size()<<" alignables taken out of hierarchy.";
00608   }
00610   const std::string nameHierarchyFile(this->fileName("Hierarchy"));
00611   unsigned int nConstraint = this->hierarchyConstraints(alis, nameHierarchyFile);
00612   if (nConstraint) {
00613     edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::buildSubSteer" 
00614                               << "Hierarchy constraints for " << nConstraint << " alignables, "
00615                               << "steering file " << nameHierarchyFile << ".";
00616   }
00618   const std::string namePresigmaFile(this->fileName("Presigma"));
00619   unsigned int nPresigma = 
00620     this->presigmas(myConfig.getParameter<std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> >("Presigmas"),
00621                     namePresigmaFile, alis, aliTracker, aliMuon);
00622   if (nPresigma) {
00623     edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::buildSubSteer" 
00624                               << "Presigma values set for " << nPresigma << " parameters, "
00625                               << "steering file " << namePresigmaFile << ".";
00626   }
00628   // Delete all SelectionUserVariables now? They will anyway be overwritten by MillePedeVariables...
00629 }

bool PedeSteerer::checkParameterChoices ( const std::vector< Alignable * > &  alis  )  const [private]

Checks whether SelectionUserVariables that might be attached to alis' AlignmentParameters (these must exist) are all known.

Definition at line 158 of file

References Exception, SelectionUserVariables::fullSelection(), EgammaValidation_Zee_cff::sel, AlignmentParameters::size(), and AlignmentParameters::userVariables().

00159 {
00160   for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator iAli = alis.begin() ; iAli != alis.end(); ++iAli) {
00161     AlignmentParameters *paras = (*iAli)->alignmentParameters();
00162     SelectionUserVariables *selVar = dynamic_cast<SelectionUserVariables*>(paras->userVariables());
00163     if (!selVar) continue;
00164     for (unsigned int iParam = 0; static_cast<int>(iParam) < paras->size(); ++iParam) {
00165       const char sel = selVar->fullSelection()[iParam];
00166       if (sel != 'f' && sel != 'F' && sel != 'c' && sel != 'C' &&
00167           sel != '0' && sel != '1' && sel != 'H' && sel != 'r') {
00168         throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
00169           << "[PedeSteerer::unknownParameterChoices] " 
00170           << "Unexpected parameter selector '" << sel
00171           << "', use \n'f/F' (fix),\n'c/C' (fix at correct pos.),\n'1/H' (free),\n"
00172           << "'r' (free, but defining reference system) or \n'0' (ignore).\n"
00173           << "Capital letters mean that the Alignable is taken out of a possible hierarchy,\n"
00174           << "but must be used consistently for all its parameters.";
00175         return false; // unreached
00176       }
00177     }
00178   }
00180   return true;
00181 }

double PedeSteerer::cmsToPedeFactor ( unsigned int  parNum  )  const

Definition at line 96 of file

References RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dalpha, RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dbeta, RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dgamma, RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dx, RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dy, and RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dz.

Referenced by fixParameter(), MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm::globalDerivativesHierarchy(), and PedeReader::setParameter().

00097 {
00098   return 1.; // mmh, otherwise would need to FIXME hierarchyConstraint...
00100   switch (parNum) {
00101   case RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dx:
00102   case RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dy:
00103     return 1000.; // cm to mum *1/10 to get smaller values
00104   case RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dz:
00105     return 2500.;   // cm to mum *1/4 
00106   case RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dalpha:
00107   case RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dbeta:
00108     return 1000.; // rad to mrad (no first guess for sensitivity yet)
00109   case RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::dgamma:
00110     return 10000.; // rad to mrad *10 to get larger values
00111   default:
00112     return 1.;
00113   }
00114 }

void PedeSteerer::correctToReferenceSystem (  ) 

If reference alignables have been configured, shift everything such that mean position and orientation of dets in these alignables are zero.

Definition at line 309 of file

References e, it, Alignable::move(), Alignable::rotateInGlobalFrame(), theCoordDefiners, theCoordMaster, and align::toMatrix().

Referenced by PedeSteerer().

00310 {
00311   typedef RigidBodyAlignmentParameters RbPars;
00312   if (!theCoordMaster || theCoordDefiners.empty()) return; // nothing was defined
00314   std::vector<Alignable*> definerDets; // or ...DetUnits
00315   for (std::vector<Alignable*>::iterator it = theCoordDefiners.begin(), iE = theCoordDefiners.end();
00316        it != iE; ++it) {// find lowest level objects of alignables that define the coordinate system
00317     const std::vector<Alignable*> &comp = (*it)->deepComponents();
00318     definerDets.insert(definerDets.end(), comp.begin(), comp.end());
00319   }
00321   for (unsigned int iLoop = 0; ; ++iLoop) { // iterate: shifts and rotations are not independent
00322     AlgebraicVector meanPars(RbPars::N_PARAM);
00323     for (std::vector<Alignable*>::iterator it = definerDets.begin(), iE = definerDets.end();
00324          it != iE; ++it) { // sum up mean displacements/misrotations:
00325       meanPars += RbPars(*it, true).globalParameters();// requires theCoordMaster has global frame
00326     }
00327     meanPars /= definerDets.size();
00328     const align::Scalar squareSum = meanPars.normsq();
00330     if (squareSum < 1.e-20) break; // sqrt(1.e-20)=1.e-10: close enough to stop iterating
00331     if (iLoop == 0) {
00332       edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::correctToReferenceSystem"
00333                                 << "Loop " << iLoop << " "
00334                                 << "Mean misalignment of dets of defined coordinate system"
00335                                 << (squareSum < 1.e-20 ? ":" :
00336                                     " (will be iteratively corrected to < 1.e-10):") << meanPars;
00337     }
00338     if (iLoop >=5) { // 3 iterations should be safe, use 5 for 'more' safety...
00339         edm::LogError("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::correctToReferenceSystem"
00340                                    << "No convergence in " << iLoop << " iterations, " 
00341                                    << "remaining misalignment: " << meanPars;
00342       break;
00343     }
00345     const GlobalVector globalShift(meanPars[RbPars::dx],meanPars[RbPars::dy],meanPars[RbPars::dz]);
00346     align::EulerAngles globalAngles(3);
00347     globalAngles[0] = meanPars[RbPars::dalpha];
00348     globalAngles[1] = meanPars[RbPars::dbeta];
00349     globalAngles[2] = meanPars[RbPars::dgamma];
00350     theCoordMaster->move(-globalShift); // sign to revert
00351     theCoordMaster->rotateInGlobalFrame(align::toMatrix(-globalAngles)); // sign to revert
00352   }
00354 }

std::ofstream * PedeSteerer::createSteerFile ( const std::string &  name,
bool  addToList 
) [private]

create and open file with name, if (addToList) append to mySteeringFiles

Definition at line 553 of file

References Exception, myNoSteerFiles, mySteeringFiles, out, and HLT_VtxMuL3::result.

Referenced by buildMasterSteer(), defineCoordinates(), fixParameter(), hierarchyConstraints(), and presigmasFile().

00554 {
00555   const std::string realName(myNoSteerFiles ? "/dev/null" : name.c_str());
00557   std::ofstream *result = new std::ofstream(realName.c_str(), std::ios::out);
00558   if (!result || !result->is_open()) {
00559     delete result; // needed before exception in case just open failed
00560     throw cms::Exception("FileOpenProblem") << "[PedeSteerer::createSteerFile]" 
00561                                             << "Could not open " << realName 
00562                                             << " as output file.";
00563   } else if (addToList) {
00564     mySteeringFiles.push_back(realName); // keep track
00565   }
00567   return result;
00568 }

void PedeSteerer::defineCoordinates ( const std::vector< Alignable * > &  alis,
Alignable aliMaster,
const std::string &  fileName 
) [private]

Create steering file with constraints defining coordinate system via hierarchy constraints between 'aliMaster' and 'alis'; 'aliMaster' must not have parameters: would not make sense!

Definition at line 291 of file

References Alignable::alignmentParameters(), createSteerFile(), Exception, hierarchyConstraint(), and Alignable::setAlignmentParameters().

Referenced by buildSubSteer().

00293 {
00294   std::ofstream *filePtr = this->createSteerFile(fileName, true);
00295   (*filePtr) << "* Constraints to define coordinate system:\n";
00296   if (!aliMaster || aliMaster->alignmentParameters()) {
00297     throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
00298       << "[PedeSteerer::defineCoordinates] " << "No master alignable or it has parameters!";
00299   }
00300   AlignmentParameters *par = new RigidBodyAlignmentParameters(aliMaster, false);
00301   aliMaster->setAlignmentParameters(par); // hierarchyConstraint needs parameters
00302   this->hierarchyConstraint(aliMaster, alis, *filePtr);
00303   aliMaster->setAlignmentParameters(0); // erase dummy parameters
00305   delete filePtr; // automatically flushes, no problem if NULL ptr.   
00306 }

const std::string& PedeSteerer::directory (  )  const [inline]

directory from constructor input, '/' is attached if needed

Definition at line 61 of file PedeSteerer.h.

References myDirectory.

Referenced by PedeReader::PedeReader().

00061 { return myDirectory;}

std::string PedeSteerer::fileName ( const std::string &  addendum  )  const [private]

full name with directory and 'idenitfier'

Definition at line 572 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), myConfig, myDirectory, and name.

00573 {
00575   std::string name(myDirectory);
00576   name += myConfig.getParameter<std::string>("steerFile");
00577   name += addendum;
00578   name += ".txt";
00580   return name;
00581 }

int PedeSteerer::fixParameter ( Alignable ali,
unsigned int  iParam,
char  selector,
std::ofstream *&  filePtr,
const std::string &  fileName 
) [private]

If 'selector' means fixing, create corresponding steering file line in file pointed to by 'filePtr'.

If 'filePtr == 0' create file with name 'fileName' (and return pointer via reference).

Definition at line 214 of file

References PedeLabeler::alignableLabel(), cmsToPedeFactor(), createSteerFile(), file, Alignable::globalPosition(), myLabels, PedeLabeler::parameterLabel(), parameterSign(), and HLT_VtxMuL3::result.

Referenced by fixParameters().

00216 {
00217   int result = 0;
00218   float fixAt = 0.;
00219   if (selector == 'c' || selector == 'C') {
00220     fixAt = -this->parameterSign() * RigidBodyAlignmentParameters(ali, true).parameters()[iParam];
00221     result = -1;
00222   } else if (selector == 'f' || selector == 'F') {
00223     result = 1;
00224   }
00226   if (result) {
00227     if (!filePtr) {
00228       filePtr = this->createSteerFile(fileName, true);
00229       (*filePtr) << "Parameter\n";
00230     }
00231     std::ofstream &file = *filePtr;
00233     const unsigned int aliLabel = myLabels->alignableLabel(ali);
00234     file << myLabels->parameterLabel(aliLabel, iParam) << "  " 
00235          << fixAt * this->cmsToPedeFactor(iParam) << " -1.0";
00236     if (0) { // debug
00237       const GlobalPoint position(ali->globalPosition());
00238       file << "* eta " << position.eta() << ", z " << position.z()
00239            << ", r " << position.perp() << ", phi " << position.phi();
00240     }
00241     file << "\n";
00242   }
00244   return result;
00245 }

std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > PedeSteerer::fixParameters ( const std::vector< Alignable * > &  alignables,
const std::string &  file 
) [private]

Checks whether 'alignables' have SelectionUserVariables attached to their AlignmentParameters (these must exist) that indicate fixation of a parameter, a steering 'file' is created accordingly.

Returns number of parameters fixed at 0 and at 'nominal truth'.

Definition at line 185 of file

References fixParameter(), SelectionUserVariables::fullSelection(), params, AlignmentParameters::size(), and AlignmentParameters::userVariables().

00186 {
00187   // return number of parameters fixed at 0. and fixed at original position 
00188   std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> numFixNumFixCor(0, 0);
00190   std::ofstream *filePtr = 0;
00192   for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator iAli = alis.begin() ; iAli != alis.end(); ++iAli) {
00193     AlignmentParameters *params = (*iAli)->alignmentParameters();
00194     SelectionUserVariables *selVar = dynamic_cast<SelectionUserVariables*>(params->userVariables());
00195     if (!selVar) continue;
00197     for (unsigned int iParam = 0; static_cast<int>(iParam) < params->size(); ++iParam) {
00198       int whichFix = this->fixParameter(*iAli, iParam, selVar->fullSelection()[iParam], filePtr,
00199                                         fileName);
00200       if (whichFix == 1) {
00201         ++(numFixNumFixCor.first);
00202       } else if (whichFix == -1) {
00203         ++(numFixNumFixCor.second);
00204       }
00205     }
00206   }
00208   delete filePtr; // automatically flushes, no problem if NULL ptr.   
00210   return numFixNumFixCor;
00211 }

void PedeSteerer::hierarchyConstraint ( const Alignable ali,
const std::vector< Alignable * > &  components,
std::ofstream &  file 
) const [private]

Definition at line 395 of file

References PedeLabeler::alignableLabel(), Alignable::alignableObjectId(), first, Alignable::globalPosition(), AlignmentParameterStore::hierarchyConstraints(), Alignable::id(), myLabels, myParameterStore, PedeLabeler::parameterLabel(), edm::second(), TrackerAlignableId::typeAndLayerFromDetId(), and AlignableObjectId::typeToName().

Referenced by defineCoordinates(), and hierarchyConstraints().

00398 {
00399   static AlignableObjectId objId; // static since costly constructor FIXME?
00401   typedef AlignmentParameterStore::ParameterId ParameterId;
00402   typedef std::vector<Alignable*>::size_type IndexType;
00404   std::vector<std::vector<ParameterId> > paramIdsVec;
00405   std::vector<std::vector<float> > factorsVec;
00406   const bool allConstr = false; // true; // make configurable?
00407   static bool first = true;
00408   if (allConstr && first) {
00409     edm::LogWarning("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::hierarchyConstraint"
00410                                  << "changed to use all 6 constraints";
00411     first = false;
00412   }
00413   if (!myParameterStore->hierarchyConstraints(ali, components, paramIdsVec, factorsVec, allConstr)){
00414     edm::LogWarning("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::hierarchyConstraint"
00415                                  << "Problems from store.";
00416   }
00418   for (unsigned int iConstr = 0; iConstr < paramIdsVec.size(); ++iConstr) {
00419     std::ostringstream aConstr;
00421     const std::vector<ParameterId> &parIds = paramIdsVec[iConstr];
00422     const std::vector<float> &factors = factorsVec[iConstr];
00423     // parIds.size() == factors.size() granted by myParameterStore->hierarchyConstraints
00424     for (unsigned int iParam = 0; iParam < parIds.size(); ++iParam) {
00425       Alignable *aliSubComp = parIds[iParam].first;
00426       const unsigned int compParNum = parIds[iParam].second;
00427       if (this->isNoHiera(aliSubComp)) {
00428         if (0) aConstr << "* Taken out of hierarchy: "; // conflict with !aConstr.str().empty()
00429         else continue;
00430       }
00431       const unsigned int aliLabel = myLabels->alignableLabel(aliSubComp);
00432       const unsigned int paramLabel = myLabels->parameterLabel(aliLabel, compParNum);
00433       // FIXME: multiply by cmsToPedeFactor(subcomponent)/cmsToPedeFactor(mother) (or vice a versa?)
00434       aConstr << paramLabel << "    " << factors[iParam];
00435       if (true) { // debug
00436         const TrackerAlignableId aliId;
00438         aConstr << "   ! for param " << compParNum << " of a " 
00439 //              << aliId.alignableTypeName(aliSubComp) 
00440                 << objId.typeToName(aliSubComp->alignableObjectId())
00441                 << " (label " << aliLabel << ")";
00442       }
00443       aConstr << "\n";
00444     } // end loop on params
00446     if (!aConstr.str().empty()) {
00447       if (true) { //debug
00448         const TrackerAlignableId aliId;
00449         file << "\n* Nr. " << iConstr << " of a '"
00450              << objId.typeToName(ali->alignableObjectId()) << "' (label "
00451              << myLabels->alignableLabel(const_cast<Alignable*>(ali)) // ugly cast: FIXME!
00452              << "), layer " << aliId.typeAndLayerFromDetId(ali->id()).second
00453              << ", position " << ali->globalPosition()
00454              << ", r = " << ali->globalPosition().perp();
00455       }
00456       file << "\nConstraint   0.\n" << aConstr.str(); // in future 'Wconstraint'?
00457     }
00458   } // end loop on constraints
00459 }

unsigned int PedeSteerer::hierarchyConstraints ( const std::vector< Alignable * > &  alis,
const std::string &  file 
) [private]

Definition at line 357 of file

References createSteerFile(), and hierarchyConstraint().

Referenced by buildSubSteer().

00359 {
00360   std::ofstream *filePtr = 0;
00362   unsigned int nConstraints = 0;
00363   std::vector<Alignable*> aliDaughts;
00364   for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator iA = alis.begin(), iEnd = alis.end();
00365        iA != iEnd; ++iA) {
00366     aliDaughts.clear();
00367     if (!(*iA)->firstCompsWithParams(aliDaughts)) {
00368       static AlignableObjectId objId; // static since costly constructor FIXME?
00369       edm::LogWarning("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::hierarchyConstraints"
00370                                    << "Some but not all daughters of "
00371                                    << objId. typeToName((*iA)->alignableObjectId())
00372                                    << " with params!";
00373     }
00374 //     edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::hierarchyConstraints"
00375 //                            << aliDaughts.size() << " ali param components";
00376     if (aliDaughts.empty()) continue;
00377 //     edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::hierarchyConstraints"
00378 //                            << aliDaughts.size() << " alignable components ("
00379 //                            << (*iA)->size() << " in total) for " 
00380 //                            << aliId.alignableTypeName(*iA) 
00381 //                            << ", layer " << aliId.typeAndLayerFromAlignable(*iA).second
00382 //                            << ", position " << (*iA)->globalPosition()
00383 //                            << ", r = " << (*iA)->globalPosition().perp();
00384     if (!filePtr) filePtr = this->createSteerFile(fileName, true);
00385     ++nConstraints;
00386     this->hierarchyConstraint(*iA, aliDaughts, *filePtr);
00387   }
00389   delete filePtr; // automatically flushes, no problem if NULL ptr.   
00391   return nConstraints;
00392 }

bool PedeSteerer::isNoHiera ( const Alignable ali  )  const

True if 'ali' was deselected from hierarchy and any ancestor (e.g. mother) has parameters.

Definition at line 90 of file

References myNoHieraCollection.

Referenced by MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm::globalDerivativesHierarchy().

00091 {
00092   return (myNoHieraCollection.find(ali) != myNoHieraCollection.end());
00093 }

int PedeSteerer::parameterSign (  )  const [inline]

results from pede (and start values for pede) might need a sign flip

Definition at line 59 of file PedeSteerer.h.

References myParameterSign.

Referenced by fixParameter(), and PedeReader::setParameter().

00059 { return myParameterSign; }

unsigned int PedeSteerer::presigmas ( const std::vector< edm::ParameterSet > &  cffPresi,
const std::string &  fileName,
const std::vector< Alignable * > &  alis,
AlignableTracker aliTracker,
AlignableMuon aliMuon 
) [private]

interprete content of presigma VPSet 'cffPresi' and call presigmasFile

Definition at line 462 of file

References AlignmentParameterSelector::addSelections(), AlignmentParameterSelector::clear(), Exception, presigmasFile(), AlignmentParameterSelector::selectedAlignables(), and AlignmentParameterSelector::selectedParameters().

Referenced by buildSubSteer(), and presigmasFile().

00466 {
00467   // We loop on given PSet's, each containing a parameter selection and the presigma value
00468   // The resulting presigmas are stored in a map with Alignable* as key.
00469   // This map, 'fileName' and 'alis' are passed further to create the steering file.
00471   AlignmentParameterSelector selector(aliTracker, aliMuon);  
00472   AlignablePresigmasMap aliPresiMap; // map to store alis with presigmas of their parameters 
00473   for (std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>::const_iterator iSet = cffPresi.begin(), iE = cffPresi.end();
00474        iSet != iE; ++iSet) { // loop on individual PSets defining ali-params with their presigma
00475     selector.clear();
00476     selector.addSelections((*iSet).getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("Selector"));
00477     const std::vector<Alignable*> &alis = selector.selectedAlignables();
00478     const std::vector<std::vector<char> > &sels =  selector.selectedParameters();
00479     const float presigma = (*iSet).getParameter<double>("presigma");
00480     if (presigma <= 0.) { // given presigma > 0., 0. later used if not (yet) chosen for parameter
00481       throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
00482         << "[PedeSteerer::presigmas]: Pre-sigma must be > 0., but is " << presigma << ".";
00483     }
00484     // now loop on alis of present selection
00485     for (unsigned int iAli = 0; iAli < alis.size(); ++iAli) {
00486       std::vector<float> &presigmas = aliPresiMap[alis[iAli]]; // existing or empty, so ensure length:
00487       if (presigmas.size() < sels[iAli].size()) presigmas.resize(sels[iAli].size(), 0.);
00488       for (unsigned int iParam = 0; iParam < sels[iAli].size(); ++iParam) { // loop on parameters
00489         if (sels[iAli][iParam] != '0') { // all but '0' means to apply the chosen presigma
00490           if (presigmas[iParam] != 0.) { // reset forbidden (would make it order dependent!)
00491             throw cms::Exception("BadConfig")
00492               << "[PedeSteerer::presigmas]: Try to set pre-sigma " << presigma << ", but already "
00493               << "set " << presigmas[iParam] << " (for a " 
00494               << AlignableObjectId().typeToName(alis[iAli]->alignableObjectId()) << ").";
00495           }
00496           presigmas[iParam] = presigma;
00497         } // end if selected for presigma
00498       } // end loop on params
00499     } // end loop on alignables for given selection and presigma
00500   } // end loop on PSets 
00502   if (aliPresiMap.empty()) return 0;
00503   else return this->presigmasFile(fileName, alis, aliPresiMap);
00504 }

unsigned int PedeSteerer::presigmasFile ( const std::string &  fileName,
const std::vector< Alignable * > &  alis,
const AlignablePresigmasMap aliPresisMap 
) [private]

look for active 'alis' in map of presigma values and create steering file

Definition at line 507 of file

References PedeLabeler::alignableLabel(), createSteerFile(), SelectionUserVariables::fullSelection(), myLabels, PedeLabeler::parameterLabel(), presigmas(), and AlignableObjectId::typeToName().

Referenced by presigmas().

00510 {
00511   // Check if 'alis' are in aliPresiMap, 
00512   // if yes apply presigma - but NOT if parameter is fixed!
00513   std::ofstream *filePtr = 0;
00514   const AlignableObjectId aliObjId;
00516   unsigned int nPresiParam = 0;
00517   for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator iAli = alis.begin(), iAliE = alis.end();
00518        iAli != iAliE; ++iAli) {
00519     // Any presigma chosen for alignable?
00520     AlignablePresigmasMap::const_iterator presigmasIt = aliPresiMap.find(*iAli);
00521     if (presigmasIt == aliPresiMap.end()) continue; // no presigma chosen for alignable
00523     // Why does the following not work? It does with CMSSW_1_3_X on SLC3...
00524     // const AlignablePresigmasMap::data_type &presigmas = presigmasIt->second;
00525     const std::vector<float> &presigmas = presigmasIt->second; // I want to hide float or double...
00526     for (unsigned int iParam = 0; iParam < presigmas.size(); ++iParam) {
00527       // Now check whether a presigma value > 0. chosen: 
00528       if (presigmas[iParam] <= 0.) continue; // must be positive, '<' checked above
00529       // Do not apply presigma to inactive or fixed values.
00530       if (!(*iAli)->alignmentParameters()->selector()[iParam]) continue;
00531       SelectionUserVariables *selVar 
00532         = dynamic_cast<SelectionUserVariables*>((*iAli)->alignmentParameters()->userVariables());
00533       const char selChar = (selVar ? selVar->fullSelection()[iParam] : '1');
00534       if (selChar == 'f' || selChar == 'F' || selChar == 'c' || selChar == 'C') continue;
00535       // Finally create and write steering file:
00536       if (!filePtr) {
00537         filePtr = this->createSteerFile(fileName, true);
00538         (*filePtr) << "* Presigma values for active parameters: \nParameter\n";
00539       }
00540       const unsigned int aliLabel = myLabels->alignableLabel(*iAli);
00541       (*filePtr) << myLabels->parameterLabel(aliLabel, iParam) << "   0.   " 
00542                  << presigmas[iParam] * fabs(this->cmsToPedeFactor(iParam)) 
00543                  << "  ! for a " << aliObjId.typeToName((*iAli)->alignableObjectId()) << '\n';
00544       ++nPresiParam;
00545     } // end loop on parameters for alignables with chosen presigmas
00546   } // end loop on alignables
00548   delete filePtr; // close properly file
00549   return nPresiParam;
00550 }

bool PedeSteerer::runPede ( const std::string &  masterSteer  )  const

run pede, masterSteer should be as returned from buildMasterSteer(...)

Definition at line 666 of file

References dbtoconf::command, dump(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), myConfig, and myDirectory.

Referenced by MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm::terminate().

00667 {
00668   if (masterSteer.empty()) {
00669     edm::LogError("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::runPede" << "Empty master steer file, stop";
00670     return false;
00671   }
00673   std::string command(myConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("pedeCommand"));
00674   (command += " ") += masterSteer;
00675   const std::string dump(myConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("pedeDump"));
00676   if (!dump.empty()) {
00677     command += " > ";
00678     (command += myDirectory) += dump;
00679   }
00681   edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::runPede" << "Start running " << command;
00682   // FIXME: Recommended interface to system commands?
00683   int shellReturn = gSystem->Exec(command.c_str());
00684   if (shellReturn) {
00685     edm::LogError("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::runPede" << "Command returns " << shellReturn;
00686   } else {
00687     edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "@SUB=PedeSteerer::runPede" << "Command returns " << shellReturn;
00688   }
00690   return !shellReturn;
00691 }

std::vector< Alignable * > PedeSteerer::selectCoordinateAlis ( const std::vector< Alignable * > &  alignables  )  const [private]

Return 'alignables' that have SelectionUserVariables attached to their AlignmentParameters (these must exist) that indicate a definition of a coordinate system.

Throws if ill defined reference objects.

Definition at line 248 of file

References Alignable::alignmentParameters(), Exception, SelectionUserVariables::fullSelection(), Alignable::mother(), params, AlignmentParameters::size(), and AlignmentParameters::userVariables().

Referenced by PedeSteerer().

00249 {
00250   std::vector<Alignable*> coordAlis;
00252   for (std::vector<Alignable*>::const_iterator iAli = alis.begin() ; iAli != alis.end(); ++iAli) {
00253     AlignmentParameters *params = (*iAli)->alignmentParameters();
00254     SelectionUserVariables *selVar = dynamic_cast<SelectionUserVariables*>(params->userVariables());
00255     if (!selVar) continue;
00256     unsigned int refParam = 0;
00257     unsigned int nonRefParam = 0;
00258     for (unsigned int iParam = 0; static_cast<int>(iParam) < params->size(); ++iParam) {
00259       const char selector = selVar->fullSelection()[iParam];
00260       if (selector == 'r') {
00261         ++refParam;
00262       } else if (selector != '0' && selector != 'f') { // allow also 'c'?
00263         ++nonRefParam;
00264       }
00265     }
00266     // Check whether some 'r' selection string. If yes and selection makes sense, add to result:
00267     if (refParam) {
00268       if (nonRefParam) {
00269         throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") 
00270           << "[PedeSteerer::selectCoordinateAlis] All active parameters of alignables defining "
00271           << "the coordinate system must be marked with 'r' (or fixed, 'f')!";
00272       } else {
00273         Alignable *mother = *iAli;
00274         while ((mother = mother->mother())) {
00275           if (mother->alignmentParameters()) {
00276             throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "[PedeSteerer::selectCoordinateAlis] "
00277                                               << "Alignables defining the coordinate system must "
00278                                               << "be highest level!";
00279           }
00280         }
00281         coordAlis.push_back(*iAli);
00282       }
00283     }
00284   } // end loop on alignables
00286   return coordAlis;
00287 }

Member Data Documentation

edm::ParameterSet PedeSteerer::myConfig [private]

pointer to labeler (not the owner)

Definition at line 112 of file PedeSteerer.h.

Referenced by buildMasterSteer(), buildSubSteer(), fileName(), and runPede().

std::string PedeSteerer::myDirectory [private]

Definition at line 113 of file PedeSteerer.h.

Referenced by directory(), fileName(), PedeSteerer(), and runPede().

const PedeLabeler* PedeSteerer::myLabels [private]

not the owner!

Definition at line 110 of file PedeSteerer.h.

Referenced by fixParameter(), hierarchyConstraint(), and presigmasFile().

std::set<const Alignable*> PedeSteerer::myNoHieraCollection [private]

keeps track of created 'secondary' steering files

Definition at line 119 of file PedeSteerer.h.

Referenced by buildNoHierarchyCollection(), buildSubSteer(), and isNoHiera().

bool PedeSteerer::myNoSteerFiles [private]

directory of all files

Definition at line 114 of file PedeSteerer.h.

Referenced by createSteerFile().

int PedeSteerer::myParameterSign [private]

flag to write steering files to /dev/null

Definition at line 115 of file PedeSteerer.h.

Referenced by parameterSign(), and PedeSteerer().

const AlignmentParameterStore* PedeSteerer::myParameterStore [private]

Definition at line 109 of file PedeSteerer.h.

Referenced by buildSubSteer(), hierarchyConstraint(), and PedeSteerer().

std::vector<std::string> PedeSteerer::mySteeringFiles [private]

old pede versions (before May '07) need a sign flip...

Definition at line 117 of file PedeSteerer.h.

Referenced by buildMasterSteer(), and createSteerFile().

std::vector<Alignable*> PedeSteerer::theCoordDefiners [private]

master coordinates, must (?) be global frame

Definition at line 121 of file PedeSteerer.h.

Referenced by buildSubSteer(), correctToReferenceSystem(), and PedeSteerer().

Alignable* PedeSteerer::theCoordMaster [private]

Alignables deselected for hierarchy constr.

Definition at line 120 of file PedeSteerer.h.

Referenced by buildSubSteer(), correctToReferenceSystem(), and PedeSteerer().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:29:33 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4