L1MuScale Class Reference

define the abstract interface to all scales More...

#include <CondFormats/L1TObjects/interface/L1MuScale.h>

Inheritance diagram for L1MuScale:

L1MuBinnedScale L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual float getCenter (unsigned packed) const =0
 get the center of bin represented by packed
virtual float getHighEdge (unsigned packed) const =0
 get the upper edge of bin represented by packed
virtual float getLowEdge (unsigned packed) const =0
 get the low edge of bin represented by packed
virtual unsigned getPacked (float value) const =0
 pack a value
virtual float getScaleMax () const =0
 get the upper edge of the last bin
virtual float getScaleMin () const =0
 get the lower edge of the first bin
 L1MuScale ()
virtual std::string print () const =0
virtual ~L1MuScale ()

Detailed Description

define the abstract interface to all scales

Definition at line 36 of file L1MuScale.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

L1MuScale::L1MuScale (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 38 of file L1MuScale.h.

00038 {}

virtual L1MuScale::~L1MuScale (  )  [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 40 of file L1MuScale.h.

00040 {}

Member Function Documentation

virtual float L1MuScale::getCenter ( unsigned  packed  )  const [pure virtual]

get the center of bin represented by packed

Implemented in L1MuBinnedScale, and L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale.

Referenced by L1MuGMTMerger::merge(), L1MuGMTLFPhiProEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFMergeRankEtaQLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFDeltaEtaLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFSortRankEtaQLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTMIAUEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFOvlEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFMatchQualLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFCOUDeltaEtaLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTMIAUEtaProLUT::TheLookupFunction(), and L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi::unpackGMT().

virtual float L1MuScale::getHighEdge ( unsigned  packed  )  const [pure virtual]

get the upper edge of bin represented by packed

Implemented in L1MuBinnedScale, and L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale.

Referenced by L1GtEtaPhiConversions::convert().

virtual float L1MuScale::getLowEdge ( unsigned  packed  )  const [pure virtual]

get the low edge of bin represented by packed

Implemented in L1MuBinnedScale, and L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale.

Referenced by L1TGMT::beginJob(), CSCTFPtLUT::calcPt(), L1GtEtaPhiConversions::convert(), FastL1MuonProducer::loadL1Muons(), L1MuGMTMerger::merge(), FastL1MuonProducer::produce(), CSCTFPtMethods::Pt2Stn(), CSCTFPtMethods::Pt3Stn(), L1MuGMTPSB::receiveData(), L1MuGMTLFPhiProLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTMIAUEtaProLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTMIAUPhiPro1LUT::TheLookupFunction(), and L1GlobalTriggerRawToDigi::unpackGMT().

virtual unsigned L1MuScale::getPacked ( float  value  )  const [pure virtual]

pack a value

Implemented in L1MuBinnedScale, and L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale.

Referenced by CSCTFPtLUT::calcPt(), FastL1MuonProducer::loadL1Muons(), FastL1MuonProducer::produce(), L1MuGMTLFPhiProEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFDeltaEtaLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTMIAUEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFOvlEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), and L1MuGMTLFCOUDeltaEtaLUT::TheLookupFunction().

virtual float L1MuScale::getScaleMax (  )  const [pure virtual]

get the upper edge of the last bin

Implemented in L1MuBinnedScale, and L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale.

Referenced by L1TGMT::beginJob(), L1MuGMTLFPhiProEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFDeltaEtaLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTMIAUEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTLFOvlEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), and L1MuGMTLFCOUDeltaEtaLUT::TheLookupFunction().

virtual float L1MuScale::getScaleMin (  )  const [pure virtual]

get the lower edge of the first bin

Implemented in L1MuBinnedScale, and L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale.

Referenced by L1MuGMTLFPhiProEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTMIAUEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction(), and L1MuGMTLFOvlEtaConvLUT::TheLookupFunction().

virtual std::string L1MuScale::print (  )  const [pure virtual]

Implemented in L1MuBinnedScale, and L1MuSymmetricBinnedScale.

Referenced by L1GtEtaPhiConversions::convert(), and L1MuScalesTester::printScale().

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