PixelCPEBase Class Reference

#include <RecoLocalTracker/SiPixelRecHits/interface/PixelCPEBase.h>

Inheritance diagram for PixelCPEBase:

ClusterParameterEstimator< SiPixelCluster > PixelCPEGeneric PixelCPEInitial PixelCPEParmError PixelCPETemplateReco

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

float cotAlphaFromCluster () const
float cotBetaFromCluster () const
virtual LocalError localError (const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det) const =0
LocalValues localParameters (const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det, float alpha, float beta) const
LocalValues localParameters (const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det, const LocalTrajectoryParameters &ltp) const
LocalValues localParameters (const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det) const
virtual LocalPoint localPosition (const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det) const
 PixelCPEBase (edm::ParameterSet const &conf, const MagneticField *mag=0, const SiPixelLorentzAngle *lorentzAngle=0)
float probabilityX () const
float probabilityY () const
float qBin () const
void setDBAccess (const SiPixelCPEParmErrors *parmErrors) const
void setMagField (const MagneticField *mag) const

Protected Types

typedef GloballyPositioned
< double > 

Protected Member Functions

void computeAnglesFromDetPosition (const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det) const
void computeAnglesFromTrajectory (const SiPixelCluster &cl, const GeomDetUnit &det, const LocalTrajectoryParameters &ltp) const
void computeLorentzShifts () const
LocalVector driftDirection (GlobalVector bfield) const
LocalVector driftDirectionCorrect (GlobalVector bfield) const
bool isFlipped () const
virtual float lorentzShiftX () const
virtual float lorentzShiftY () const
MeasurementError measurementError (const SiPixelCluster &, const GeomDetUnit &det) const
MeasurementPoint measurementPosition (const SiPixelCluster &, const GeomDetUnit &det) const
void setTheDet (const GeomDetUnit &det) const
void xCharge (const std::vector< SiPixelCluster::Pixel > &, const int &, const int &, float &q1, float &q2) const
virtual float xpos (const SiPixelCluster &) const =0
void yCharge (const std::vector< SiPixelCluster::Pixel > &, const int &, const int &, float &q1, float &q2) const
virtual float ypos (const SiPixelCluster &) const =0

Protected Attributes

bool alpha2Order
float alpha_
float beta_
float cotalpha_
float cotAlphaFromCluster_
float cotbeta_
float cotBetaFromCluster_
LocalVector driftDirection_
const SiPixelLorentzAnglelorentzAngle_
double lorentzShiftInCmX_
double lorentzShiftInCmY_
double lorentzShiftX_
double lorentzShiftY_
const MagneticFieldmagfield_
int nRecHitsTotal_
int nRecHitsUsedEdge_
const SiPixelCPEParmErrorsparmErrors_
float probabilityX_
float probabilityY_
float qBin_
const PixelGeomDetUnittheDet
float theDetR
float theDetZ
EtaCorrection theEtaFunc
float theLShiftX
float theLShiftY
float theNumOfCol
float theNumOfRow
float theOffsetX
float theOffsetY
GeomDetType::SubDetector thePart
float thePitchX
float thePitchY
float theSign
float theThickness
const RectangularPixelTopologytheTopol
int theVerboseLevel
float trk_lp_x
float trk_lp_y

Private Types

typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map
< unsigned int, Param

Private Attributes

Params m_Params


struct  Param

Detailed Description

Definition at line 43 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef GloballyPositioned<double> PixelCPEBase::Frame [protected]

Definition at line 122 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

typedef __gnu_cxx::hash_map< unsigned int, Param> PixelCPEBase::Params [private]

Definition at line 279 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PixelCPEBase::PixelCPEBase ( edm::ParameterSet const &  conf,
const MagneticField mag = 0,
const SiPixelLorentzAngle lorentzAngle = 0 

Definition at line 42 of file

References alpha2Order, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), lorentzAngle_, magfield_, and theVerboseLevel.

00043   : theDet(0), nRecHitsTotal_(0), nRecHitsUsedEdge_(0),
00044     cotAlphaFromCluster_(-99999.0), cotBetaFromCluster_(-99999.0),
00045     probabilityX_(-99999.0), probabilityY_(-99999.0), qBin_(-99999.0)
00046 {
00047   //--- Lorentz angle tangent per Tesla
00048 //   theTanLorentzAnglePerTesla =
00049 //     conf.getParameter<double>("TanLorentzAnglePerTesla");
00050         lorentzAngle_ = lorentzAngle;
00051         /*      if(!lorentzAngle_)
00052                 theTanLorentzAnglePerTesla =
00053      conf.getParameter<double>("TanLorentzAnglePerTesla");
00054         */
00056   //--- Algorithm's verbosity
00057   theVerboseLevel = 
00058     conf.getUntrackedParameter<int>("VerboseLevel",0);
00060   //-- Magnetic Field
00061   magfield_ = mag;
00063   //-- Switch on/off E.B 
00064   alpha2Order = conf.getParameter<bool>("Alpha2Order");
00065 }

Member Function Documentation

void PixelCPEBase::computeAnglesFromDetPosition ( const SiPixelCluster cl,
const GeomDetUnit det 
) const [protected]

Definition at line 168 of file

References alpha_, beta_, cotalpha_, cotbeta_, lat::endl(), Exception, RectangularPixelTopology::localPosition(), lp, funct::sqrt(), GeomDet::surface(), theDet, theTopol, Surface::toGlobal(), SiPixelCluster::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), SiPixelCluster::y(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by localParameters().

00170 {
00171   //--- This is a new det unit, so cache it
00172   theDet = dynamic_cast<const PixelGeomDetUnit*>( &det );
00173   if ( ! theDet ) 
00174     {
00175       throw cms::Exception("PixelCPEBase::computeAngleFromDetPosition")
00176         << " Wrong pointer to pixel detector !!!" << endl;
00178     }
00180   // get cluster center of gravity (of charge)
00181   float xcenter = cl.x();
00182   float ycenter = cl.y();
00184   // get the cluster position in local coordinates (cm) 
00185   LocalPoint lp = theTopol->localPosition( MeasurementPoint(xcenter, ycenter) );
00186   //float lp_mod = sqrt( lp.x()*lp.x() + lp.y()*lp.y() + lp.z()*lp.z() );
00188   // get the cluster position in global coordinates (cm)
00189   GlobalPoint gp = theDet->surface().toGlobal( lp );
00190   float gp_mod = sqrt( gp.x()*gp.x() + gp.y()*gp.y() + gp.z()*gp.z() );
00192   // normalize
00193   float gpx = gp.x()/gp_mod;
00194   float gpy = gp.y()/gp_mod;
00195   float gpz = gp.z()/gp_mod;
00197   // make a global vector out of the global point; this vector will point from the 
00198   // origin of the detector to the cluster
00199   GlobalVector gv(gpx, gpy, gpz);
00201   // make local unit vector along local X axis
00202   const Local3DVector lvx(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
00204   // get the unit X vector in global coordinates/
00205   GlobalVector gvx = theDet->surface().toGlobal( lvx );
00207   // make local unit vector along local Y axis
00208   const Local3DVector lvy(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
00210   // get the unit Y vector in global coordinates
00211   GlobalVector gvy = theDet->surface().toGlobal( lvy );
00213   // make local unit vector along local Z axis
00214   const Local3DVector lvz(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
00216   // get the unit Z vector in global coordinates
00217   GlobalVector gvz = theDet->surface().toGlobal( lvz );
00219   // calculate the components of gv (the unit vector pointing to the cluster) 
00220   // in the local coordinate system given by the basis {gvx, gvy, gvz}
00221   // note that both gv and the basis {gvx, gvy, gvz} are given in global coordinates
00222   float gv_dot_gvx = gv.x()*gvx.x() + gv.y()*gvx.y() + gv.z()*gvx.z();
00223   float gv_dot_gvy = gv.x()*gvy.x() + gv.y()*gvy.y() + gv.z()*gvy.z();
00224   float gv_dot_gvz = gv.x()*gvz.x() + gv.y()*gvz.y() + gv.z()*gvz.z();
00226   // calculate angles
00227   alpha_ = atan2( gv_dot_gvz, gv_dot_gvx );
00228   beta_  = atan2( gv_dot_gvz, gv_dot_gvy );
00230   // calculate cotalpha and cotbeta
00231   //   cotalpha_ = 1.0/tan(alpha_);
00232   //   cotbeta_  = 1.0/tan(beta_ );
00233   // or like this
00234   cotalpha_ = gv_dot_gvx / gv_dot_gvz;
00235   cotbeta_  = gv_dot_gvy / gv_dot_gvz;
00237 }

void PixelCPEBase::computeAnglesFromTrajectory ( const SiPixelCluster cl,
const GeomDetUnit det,
const LocalTrajectoryParameters ltp 
) const [protected]

Definition at line 244 of file

References alpha_, beta_, cotalpha_, cotbeta_, isFlipped(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), LocalTrajectoryParameters::momentum(), PI, LocalTrajectoryParameters::position(), funct::sqrt(), trk_lp_x, trk_lp_y, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by localParameters().

00247 {
00248   LocalVector localDir = ltp.momentum()/ltp.momentum().mag();
00250   // &&& Or, maybe we need to move to the local frame ???
00251   //  LocalVector localDir( theDet->toLocal(theState.globalDirection()));
00252   //thePart = theDet->type().part();
00254   float locx = localDir.x();
00255   float locy = localDir.y();
00256   float locz = localDir.z();
00258   //cout << "locx = " << locx << endl;
00259   //cout << "locy = " << locy << endl;
00260   //cout << "locz = " << locz << endl;
00262   alpha_ = acos(locx/sqrt(locx*locx+locz*locz));
00263   if ( isFlipped() )                    // &&& check for FPIX !!!
00264     alpha_ = PI - alpha_ ;
00266   beta_ = acos(locy/sqrt(locy*locy+locz*locz));
00268   // &&& In the above, why not use atan2() ?
00270   cotalpha_ = localDir.x()/localDir.z();
00271   cotbeta_  = localDir.y()/localDir.z();
00273   LocalPoint trk_lp = ltp.position();
00274   trk_lp_x = trk_lp.x();
00275   trk_lp_y = trk_lp.y();
00277 }

void PixelCPEBase::computeLorentzShifts (  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 523 of file

References alpha2Order, driftDirection_, Exception, PixelGeomDetUnit::geographicalId(), SiPixelLorentzAngle::getLorentzAngle(), MagneticField::inTesla(), LogDebug, lorentzAngle_, lorentzShiftInCmX_, lorentzShiftInCmY_, lorentzShiftX_, lorentzShiftY_, magfield_, GloballyPositioned< T >::position(), DetId::rawId(), GloballyPositioned< T >::rotation(), scale, GeomDet::surface(), theDet, thePitchX, thePitchY, theThickness, theVerboseLevel, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition().

00524 {
00525   Frame detFrame(theDet->surface().position(), theDet->surface().rotation());
00526   GlobalVector global_Bfield = magfield_->inTesla( theDet->surface().position() );
00527   LocalVector  Bfield        = detFrame.toLocal(global_Bfield);
00528   if(lorentzAngle_ == 0){
00529         throw cms::Exception("invalidPointer") << "[PixelCPEBase::computeLorentzShifts] zero pointer to lorentz angle record ";
00530         }
00531   double langle = lorentzAngle_->getLorentzAngle(theDet->geographicalId().rawId());
00532   double alpha2;
00533   if ( alpha2Order) {
00534     alpha2 = langle * langle;
00535   }
00536   else  {
00537     alpha2 = 0.0;
00538   }
00540   // **********************************************************************
00541   // Our convention is the following:
00542   // +x is defined by the direction of the Lorentz drift!
00543   // +z is defined by the direction of E field (so electrons always go into -z!)
00544   // +y is defined by +x and +z, and it turns out to be always opposite to the +B field.
00545   // **********************************************************************
00547   // Note correct signs for dir_x and dir_y!
00548   double dir_x = -( langle * Bfield.y() + alpha2* Bfield.z()* Bfield.x() );
00549   double dir_y =  ( langle * Bfield.x() - alpha2* Bfield.z()* Bfield.y() );
00550   double dir_z = -( 1                                       + alpha2* Bfield.z()* Bfield.z() );
00552   // &&& Why do we need to scale???
00553   //double scale = (1 + alpha2* Bfield.z()*Bfield.z() );
00554   double scale = fabs( dir_z );  // same as 1 + alpha2*Bfield.z()*Bfield.z()
00555   driftDirection_ = LocalVector(dir_x/scale, dir_y/scale, dir_z/scale );  // last is -1 !
00557   // Max shift (at the other side of the sensor) in cm 
00558   lorentzShiftInCmX_ = driftDirection_.x()/driftDirection_.z() * theThickness;  // &&& redundant
00559   // Express the shift in units of pitch, 
00560   lorentzShiftX_ = lorentzShiftInCmX_ / thePitchX ; 
00562   // Max shift (at the other side of the sensor) in cm 
00563   lorentzShiftInCmY_ = driftDirection_.y()/driftDirection_.z() * theThickness;  // &&& redundant
00564   // Express the shift in units of pitch, 
00565   lorentzShiftY_ = lorentzShiftInCmY_ / thePitchY;
00568   if ( theVerboseLevel > 9 ) {
00569     LogDebug("PixelCPEBase") << " The drift direction in local coordinate is " 
00570                              << driftDirection_    ;
00572 //     cout << "Lorentz Drift (in cm) along X = " << lorentzShiftInCmX_ << endl;
00573 //     cout << "Lorentz Drift (in cm) along Y = " << lorentzShiftInCmY_ << endl;
00574   }
00575 }

float PixelCPEBase::cotAlphaFromCluster (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 112 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

References cotAlphaFromCluster_.

Referenced by cms::SiPixelRecHitConverter::run().

00112 { return cotAlphaFromCluster_; }

float PixelCPEBase::cotBetaFromCluster (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 113 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

References cotBetaFromCluster_.

Referenced by cms::SiPixelRecHitConverter::run().

00113 { return cotBetaFromCluster_; }

LocalVector PixelCPEBase::driftDirection ( GlobalVector  bfield  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 492 of file

References alpha2Order, Exception, PixelGeomDetUnit::geographicalId(), SiPixelLorentzAngle::getLorentzAngle(), LogDebug, lorentzAngle_, GloballyPositioned< T >::position(), DetId::rawId(), GloballyPositioned< T >::rotation(), scale, GeomDet::surface(), theDet, and theVerboseLevel.

Referenced by lorentzShiftX(), and lorentzShiftY().

00492                                                         {
00494         Frame detFrame(theDet->surface().position(), theDet->surface().rotation());
00495         LocalVector Bfield = detFrame.toLocal(bfield);
00496         if(lorentzAngle_ == 0){
00497         throw cms::Exception("invalidPointer") << "[PixelCPEBase::driftDirection] zero pointer to lorentz angle record ";
00498         }
00499         double langle = lorentzAngle_->getLorentzAngle(theDet->geographicalId().rawId());
00500         float alpha2;
00501         if (alpha2Order) {
00502                 alpha2 = langle*langle;
00503         } else {
00504                 alpha2 = 0.0;
00505         }
00506         // &&& dir_x should have a "-" and dir_y a "+"
00507         float dir_x =  ( langle * Bfield.y() + alpha2* Bfield.z()* Bfield.x() );
00508         float dir_y = -( langle * Bfield.x() - alpha2* Bfield.z()* Bfield.y() );
00509         float dir_z = -( 1 + alpha2* Bfield.z()*Bfield.z() );
00510         float scale = (1 + alpha2* Bfield.z()*Bfield.z() );
00511         LocalVector theDriftDirection = LocalVector(dir_x/scale, dir_y/scale, dir_z/scale );
00512         if ( theVerboseLevel > 9 ) 
00513                 LogDebug("PixelCPEBase") << " The drift direction in local coordinate is " 
00514                                         << theDriftDirection    ;
00516         return theDriftDirection;
00517 }

LocalVector PixelCPEBase::driftDirectionCorrect ( GlobalVector  bfield  )  const [protected]

bool PixelCPEBase::isFlipped (  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 343 of file

References PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), GeomDet::surface(), theDet, tmp1, tmp2, and Surface::toGlobal().

Referenced by computeAnglesFromTrajectory(), and setTheDet().

00344 {
00345   // Check the relative position of the local +/- z in global coordinates.
00346   float tmp1 = theDet->surface().toGlobal(Local3DPoint(0.,0.,0.)).perp();
00347   float tmp2 = theDet->surface().toGlobal(Local3DPoint(0.,0.,1.)).perp();
00348   //cout << " 1: " << tmp1 << " 2: " << tmp2 << endl;
00349   if ( tmp2<tmp1 ) return true;
00350   else return false;    
00351 }

virtual LocalError PixelCPEBase::localError ( const SiPixelCluster cl,
const GeomDetUnit det 
) const [pure virtual]

Implemented in PixelCPEGeneric, PixelCPEInitial, PixelCPEParmError, and PixelCPETemplateReco.

Referenced by localParameters(), and measurementError().

LocalValues PixelCPEBase::localParameters ( const SiPixelCluster cl,
const GeomDetUnit det,
float  alpha,
float  beta 
) const [inline]

Definition at line 77 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

References alpha_, beta_, cotalpha_, cotbeta_, localError(), localPosition(), nRecHitsTotal_, Pi, setTheDet(), and funct::tan().

00080   {
00081                 nRecHitsTotal_++ ;
00082                 alpha_ = alpha;
00083                 beta_  = beta;
00084                 double HalfPi = 0.5*TMath::Pi();
00085                 cotalpha_ = tan(HalfPi - alpha_);
00086     cotbeta_  = tan(HalfPi - beta_ );
00087                 setTheDet( det );
00088                 return std::make_pair( localPosition(cl,det), localError(cl,det) );
00089   }

LocalValues PixelCPEBase::localParameters ( const SiPixelCluster cl,
const GeomDetUnit det,
const LocalTrajectoryParameters ltp 
) const [inline, virtual]

Reimplemented from ClusterParameterEstimator< SiPixelCluster >.

Definition at line 64 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

References computeAnglesFromTrajectory(), localError(), localPosition(), nRecHitsTotal_, and setTheDet().

00067   {
00068     nRecHitsTotal_++ ;
00069     setTheDet( det );
00070     computeAnglesFromTrajectory(cl, det, ltp);
00071     return std::make_pair( localPosition(cl,det), localError(cl,det) );
00072   } 

LocalValues PixelCPEBase::localParameters ( const SiPixelCluster cl,
const GeomDetUnit det 
) const [inline, virtual]

Implements ClusterParameterEstimator< SiPixelCluster >.

Definition at line 52 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

References computeAnglesFromDetPosition(), localError(), localPosition(), nRecHitsTotal_, and setTheDet().

00054   {
00055     nRecHitsTotal_++ ;
00056     setTheDet( det );
00057     computeAnglesFromDetPosition(cl, det);
00058     return std::make_pair( localPosition(cl,det), localError(cl,det) );
00059   }

LocalPoint PixelCPEBase::localPosition ( const SiPixelCluster cl,
const GeomDetUnit det 
) const [virtual]

Reimplemented in PixelCPEGeneric, and PixelCPETemplateReco.

Definition at line 295 of file

References setTheDet(), theLShiftX, theLShiftY, thePitchX, thePitchY, xpos(), and ypos().

Referenced by localParameters(), measurementError(), and measurementPosition().

00296                                                             {
00297   setTheDet( det );
00299   float lpx = xpos(cluster);
00300   float lpy = ypos(cluster);
00301   float lxshift = theLShiftX * thePitchX;  // shift in cm
00302   float lyshift = theLShiftY * thePitchY;
00303   LocalPoint cdfsfs(lpx-lxshift, lpy-lyshift);
00304   return cdfsfs;
00305 }

float PixelCPEBase::lorentzShiftX (  )  const [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 358 of file

References dir, PixelCPEBase::Param::drift, driftDirection(), PixelGeomDetUnit::geographicalId(), MagneticField::inTesla(), m_Params, magfield_, p, GloballyPositioned< T >::position(), DetId::rawId(), PixelGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), GeomDet::surface(), theDet, thePitchX, theThickness, PixelCPEBase::Param::topology, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by setTheDet().

00359 {
00360   LocalVector dir;
00361   Param & p = const_cast<PixelCPEBase*>(this)->m_Params[ theDet->geographicalId().rawId() ];
00362   if ( p.topology ) 
00363     {
00364       //cout << "--------------- old ----------------------" << endl;
00365       //cout << "p.topology = " << p.topology << endl;
00366       dir = p.drift;
00367       //cout << "same direction: dir = " << dir << endl;
00368     }
00369   else 
00370     {
00371       //cout << "--------------- new ----------------------" << endl;
00372       //cout << "p.topology = " << p.topology << endl;
00373       p.topology = (RectangularPixelTopology*)( & ( theDet->specificTopology() ) );    
00374       p.drift = driftDirection(magfield_->inTesla(theDet->surface().position()) );
00375       dir = p.drift;
00376       //cout << "p.topology = " << p.topology << endl;
00377       //cout << "new direction: dir = " << dir << endl;
00379     }
00380   //LocalVector dir = driftDirection(magfield_->inTesla(theDet->surface().position()) );
00382   // max shift in cm 
00383   float xdrift = dir.x()/dir.z() * theThickness;  
00384   // express the shift in units of pitch, 
00385   // divide by 2 to get the average correction
00386   float lshift = xdrift / thePitchX / 2.; 
00388   //cout << "Lorentz Drift = " << lshift << endl;
00389   //cout << "X Drift = " << dir.x() << endl;
00390   //cout << "Z Drift = " << dir.z() << endl;
00392   return lshift;  
00395 }

float PixelCPEBase::lorentzShiftY (  )  const [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 397 of file

References dir, PixelCPEBase::Param::drift, driftDirection(), PixelGeomDetUnit::geographicalId(), MagneticField::inTesla(), m_Params, magfield_, p, GloballyPositioned< T >::position(), DetId::rawId(), PixelGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), GeomDet::surface(), theDet, thePitchY, theThickness, PixelCPEBase::Param::topology, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

Referenced by setTheDet().

00398 {
00400   LocalVector dir;
00402   Param & p = const_cast<PixelCPEBase*>(this)->m_Params[ theDet->geographicalId().rawId() ];
00403   if ( p.topology ) 
00404     {
00405       //cout << "--------------- old y ----------------------" << endl;
00406       //cout << "p.topology y = " << p.topology << endl;
00407       dir = p.drift;
00408       //cout << "same direction y: dir = " << dir << endl;
00409     }
00410   else 
00411     {
00412       //cout << "--------------- new y ----------------------" << endl;
00413       //cout << "p.topology y = " << p.topology << endl;
00414       p.topology = (RectangularPixelTopology*)( & ( theDet->specificTopology() ) );    
00415       p.drift = driftDirection(magfield_->inTesla(theDet->surface().position()) );
00416       dir = p.drift;
00417       //cout << "p.topology y = " << p.topology << endl;
00418       //cout << "new direction y: dir = " << dir << endl;
00420     }
00422   //LocalVector dir = driftDirection(magfield_->inTesla(theDet->surface().position()) );
00424   float ydrift = dir.y()/dir.z() * theThickness;
00425   float lshift = ydrift / thePitchY / 2.;
00426   return lshift; 
00429 }

MeasurementError PixelCPEBase::measurementError ( const SiPixelCluster cluster,
const GeomDetUnit det 
) const [protected]

Definition at line 324 of file

References asciidump::le, localError(), localPosition(), lp, RectangularPixelTopology::measurementError(), and theTopol.

00325 {
00326   LocalPoint lp( localPosition(cluster, det) );
00327   LocalError le( localError(   cluster, det) );
00328   return theTopol->measurementError( lp, le );
00329 }

MeasurementPoint PixelCPEBase::measurementPosition ( const SiPixelCluster cluster,
const GeomDetUnit det 
) const [protected]

Reimplemented in PixelCPEGeneric, and PixelCPETemplateReco.

Definition at line 311 of file

References localPosition(), lp, RectangularPixelTopology::measurementPosition(), and theTopol.

00312                                                                   {
00314   LocalPoint lp = localPosition(cluster,det);
00315   return theTopol->measurementPosition(lp);
00316 }

float PixelCPEBase::probabilityX (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 114 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

References probabilityX_.

Referenced by cms::SiPixelRecHitConverter::run().

00114 { return probabilityX_; }

float PixelCPEBase::probabilityY (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 115 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

References probabilityY_.

Referenced by cms::SiPixelRecHitConverter::run().

00115 { return probabilityY_; }

float PixelCPEBase::qBin (  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 116 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

References qBin_.

Referenced by cms::SiPixelRecHitConverter::run().

00116 { return qBin_ ; }

void PixelCPEBase::setDBAccess ( const SiPixelCPEParmErrors parmErrors  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 100 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

References parmErrors_.

00100 { parmErrors_ = parmErrors; }

void PixelCPEBase::setMagField ( const MagneticField mag  )  const [inline]

Definition at line 95 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

References magfield_.

00095 { magfield_ = mag; }

void PixelCPEBase::setTheDet ( const GeomDetUnit det  )  const [protected]

Definition at line 71 of file

References BoundSurface::bounds(), Exception, isFlipped(), LogDebug, lorentzShiftX(), lorentzShiftY(), RectangularPixelTopology::measurementPosition(), RectangularPixelTopology::ncolumns(), RectangularPixelTopology::nrows(), offset, RectangularPixelTopology::pitch(), GeomDetEnumerators::PixelBarrel, GeomDetEnumerators::PixelEndcap, GloballyPositioned< T >::position(), PixelGeomDetUnit::specificTopology(), GeomDetType::subDetector(), GeomDet::surface(), theDet, theDetR, theDetZ, theLShiftX, theLShiftY, theNumOfCol, theNumOfRow, theOffsetX, theOffsetY, thePart, thePitchX, thePitchY, theSign, theThickness, theTopol, theVerboseLevel, Bounds::thickness(), PixelGeomDetUnit::type(), PV2DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), and PV2DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y().

Referenced by PixelCPEParmError::localError(), PixelCPEGeneric::localError(), PixelCPEInitial::localError(), PixelCPETemplateReco::localError(), localParameters(), localPosition(), PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition(), and PixelCPETemplateReco::localPosition().

00072 {
00073   if ( theDet == &det )
00074     return;       // we have already seen this det unit
00076   //--- This is a new det unit, so cache it
00077   theDet = dynamic_cast<const PixelGeomDetUnit*>( &det );
00079   if ( !theDet ) 
00080     {
00081       // &&& Fatal error!  TO DO: throw an exception!
00083       throw cms::Exception(" PixelCPEBase::setTheDet : ")
00084             << " Wrong pointer to PixelGeomDetUnit object !!!";
00085     }
00087   //--- theDet->type() returns a GeomDetType, which implements subDetector()
00088   thePart = theDet->type().subDetector();
00089   switch ( thePart ) 
00090     {
00091     case GeomDetEnumerators::PixelBarrel:
00092       // A barrel!  A barrel!
00093       break;
00094     case GeomDetEnumerators::PixelEndcap:
00095       // A forward!  A forward!
00096       break;
00097     default:
00098       throw cms::Exception("PixelCPEBase::setTheDet :")
00099         << "PixelCPEBase: A non-pixel detector type in here?" ;
00100     }
00102   //--- The location in of this DetUnit in a cyllindrical coord system (R,Z)
00103   //--- The call goes via BoundSurface, returned by theDet->surface(), but
00104   //--- position() is implemented in GloballyPositioned<> template
00105   //--- ( BoundSurface : Surface : GloballyPositioned<float> )
00106   theDetR = theDet->surface().position().perp();
00107   theDetZ = theDet->surface().position().z();
00108   //--- Define parameters for chargewidth calculation
00110   //--- bounds() is implemented in BoundSurface itself.
00111   theThickness = theDet->surface().bounds().thickness();
00113   //--- Cache the topology.
00114   theTopol
00115     = dynamic_cast<const RectangularPixelTopology*>( & (theDet->specificTopology()) );
00117   //---- The geometrical description of one module/plaquette
00118   theNumOfRow = theTopol->nrows();      // rows in x
00119   theNumOfCol = theTopol->ncolumns();   // cols in y
00120   std::pair<float,float> pitchxy = theTopol->pitch();
00121   thePitchX = pitchxy.first;            // pitch along x
00122   thePitchY = pitchxy.second;           // pitch along y
00124   //--- Find the offset
00125   MeasurementPoint  offset = 
00126     theTopol->measurementPosition( LocalPoint(0., 0.) );  
00127   theOffsetX = offset.x();
00128   theOffsetY = offset.y();
00130   //--- Find if the E field is flipped: i.e. whether it points
00131   //--- from the beam, or towards the beam.  (The voltages are
00132   //--- applied backwards on every other module in barrel and
00133   //--- blade in forward.)
00134   theSign = isFlipped() ? -1 : 1;
00136   //--- The Lorentz shift.
00137   theLShiftX = lorentzShiftX();
00139   theLShiftY = lorentzShiftY();
00141   // testing 
00142   if(thePart == GeomDetEnumerators::PixelBarrel) {
00143     //cout<<" lorentz shift "<<theLShiftX<<" "<<theLShiftY<<endl;
00144     theLShiftY=0.;
00145   }
00147   if (theVerboseLevel > 1) 
00148     {
00149       LogDebug("PixelCPEBase") << "***** PIXEL LAYOUT *****" 
00150                                << " thePart = " << thePart
00151                                << " theThickness = " << theThickness
00152                                << " thePitchX  = " << thePitchX 
00153                                << " thePitchY  = " << thePitchY 
00154                                << " theOffsetX = " << theOffsetX 
00155                                << " theOffsetY = " << theOffsetY 
00156                                << " theLShiftX  = " << theLShiftX;
00157     }
00159 }

void PixelCPEBase::xCharge ( const std::vector< SiPixelCluster::Pixel > &  ,
const int ,
const int ,
float &  q1,
float &  q2 
) const [protected]

Referenced by PixelCPEInitial::xpos(), and PixelCPEParmError::xpos().

virtual float PixelCPEBase::xpos ( const SiPixelCluster  )  const [protected, pure virtual]

Implemented in PixelCPEGeneric, PixelCPEInitial, PixelCPEParmError, and PixelCPETemplateReco.

Referenced by localPosition().

void PixelCPEBase::yCharge ( const std::vector< SiPixelCluster::Pixel > &  ,
const int ,
const int ,
float &  q1,
float &  q2 
) const [protected]

Referenced by PixelCPEParmError::ypos(), and PixelCPEInitial::ypos().

virtual float PixelCPEBase::ypos ( const SiPixelCluster  )  const [protected, pure virtual]

Implemented in PixelCPEGeneric, PixelCPEInitial, PixelCPEParmError, and PixelCPETemplateReco.

Referenced by localPosition().

Member Data Documentation

bool PixelCPEBase::alpha2Order [protected]

Definition at line 201 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEInitial::chargeWidthY(), computeLorentzShifts(), driftDirection(), and PixelCPEBase().

float PixelCPEBase::alpha_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 146 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEParmError::chargeWidthX(), computeAnglesFromDetPosition(), computeAnglesFromTrajectory(), PixelCPEParmError::localError(), and localParameters().

float PixelCPEBase::beta_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 147 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEParmError::chargeWidthY(), computeAnglesFromDetPosition(), computeAnglesFromTrajectory(), PixelCPEParmError::localError(), and localParameters().

float PixelCPEBase::cotalpha_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 150 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by computeAnglesFromDetPosition(), computeAnglesFromTrajectory(), localParameters(), PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition(), and PixelCPETemplateReco::localPosition().

float PixelCPEBase::cotAlphaFromCluster_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 166 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by cotAlphaFromCluster(), and PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition().

float PixelCPEBase::cotbeta_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 151 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by computeAnglesFromDetPosition(), computeAnglesFromTrajectory(), localParameters(), PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition(), and PixelCPETemplateReco::localPosition().

float PixelCPEBase::cotBetaFromCluster_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 167 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by cotBetaFromCluster(), and PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition().

LocalVector PixelCPEBase::driftDirection_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 180 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by computeLorentzShifts().

const SiPixelLorentzAngle* PixelCPEBase::lorentzAngle_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 199 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by computeLorentzShifts(), driftDirection(), and PixelCPEBase().

double PixelCPEBase::lorentzShiftInCmX_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 183 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by computeLorentzShifts(), and PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition().

double PixelCPEBase::lorentzShiftInCmY_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 184 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by computeLorentzShifts(), and PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition().

double PixelCPEBase::lorentzShiftX_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 181 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by computeLorentzShifts().

double PixelCPEBase::lorentzShiftY_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 182 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by computeLorentzShifts().

Params PixelCPEBase::m_Params [private]

Definition at line 281 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by lorentzShiftX(), and lorentzShiftY().

const MagneticField* PixelCPEBase::magfield_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 195 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by computeLorentzShifts(), lorentzShiftX(), lorentzShiftY(), PixelCPEBase(), PixelCPETemplateReco::PixelCPETemplateReco(), and setMagField().

int PixelCPEBase::nRecHitsTotal_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 187 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEGeneric::generic_position_formula(), and localParameters().

int PixelCPEBase::nRecHitsUsedEdge_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 188 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEGeneric::generic_position_formula().

const SiPixelCPEParmErrors* PixelCPEBase::parmErrors_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 197 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by setDBAccess().

float PixelCPEBase::probabilityX_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 170 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPETemplateReco::localPosition(), and probabilityX().

float PixelCPEBase::probabilityY_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 171 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPETemplateReco::localPosition(), and probabilityY().

float PixelCPEBase::qBin_ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 172 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPETemplateReco::localPosition(), and qBin().

const PixelGeomDetUnit* PixelCPEBase::theDet [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 128 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by computeAnglesFromDetPosition(), computeLorentzShifts(), driftDirection(), isFlipped(), lorentzShiftX(), lorentzShiftY(), and setTheDet().

float PixelCPEBase::theDetR [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 140 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEInitial::chargeWidthX(), PixelCPEInitial::chargeWidthY(), PixelCPEInitial::geomCorrectionX(), PixelCPEInitial::geomCorrectionY(), and setTheDet().

float PixelCPEBase::theDetZ [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 139 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEInitial::chargeWidthX(), PixelCPEInitial::chargeWidthY(), PixelCPEInitial::geomCorrectionY(), and setTheDet().

EtaCorrection PixelCPEBase::theEtaFunc [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 131 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

float PixelCPEBase::theLShiftX [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 141 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEInitial::chargeWidthX(), PixelCPEParmError::chargeWidthX(), localPosition(), and setTheDet().

float PixelCPEBase::theLShiftY [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 142 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEInitial::chargeWidthY(), localPosition(), and setTheDet().

float PixelCPEBase::theNumOfCol [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 138 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by setTheDet().

float PixelCPEBase::theNumOfRow [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 137 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by setTheDet().

float PixelCPEBase::theOffsetX [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 135 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEInitial::geomCorrectionX(), and setTheDet().

float PixelCPEBase::theOffsetY [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 136 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEInitial::geomCorrectionY(), and setTheDet().

GeomDetType::SubDetector PixelCPEBase::thePart [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 130 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEInitial::chargeWidthX(), PixelCPEParmError::chargeWidthX(), PixelCPEInitial::chargeWidthY(), PixelCPEParmError::chargeWidthY(), PixelCPEGeneric::err2X(), PixelCPEInitial::err2X(), PixelCPEGeneric::err2Y(), PixelCPEInitial::err2Y(), PixelCPEGeneric::generic_position_formula(), PixelCPEInitial::geomCorrectionX(), PixelCPEInitial::geomCorrectionY(), PixelCPEParmError::localError(), PixelCPETemplateReco::localError(), PixelCPETemplateReco::localPosition(), and setTheDet().

float PixelCPEBase::thePitchX [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 133 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEInitial::chargeWidthX(), PixelCPEParmError::chargeWidthX(), computeLorentzShifts(), PixelCPEGeneric::err2X(), PixelCPEInitial::err2X(), PixelCPEParmError::localError(), PixelCPETemplateReco::localError(), localPosition(), PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition(), lorentzShiftX(), setTheDet(), PixelCPEInitial::xpos(), and PixelCPEParmError::xpos().

float PixelCPEBase::thePitchY [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 134 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEInitial::chargeWidthY(), PixelCPEParmError::chargeWidthY(), computeLorentzShifts(), PixelCPEGeneric::err2Y(), PixelCPEInitial::err2Y(), PixelCPEParmError::localError(), PixelCPETemplateReco::localError(), localPosition(), PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition(), lorentzShiftY(), setTheDet(), PixelCPEParmError::ypos(), and PixelCPEInitial::ypos().

float PixelCPEBase::theSign [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 143 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEInitial::geomCorrectionX(), and setTheDet().

float PixelCPEBase::theThickness [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 132 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by PixelCPEInitial::chargeWidthX(), PixelCPEParmError::chargeWidthX(), PixelCPEInitial::chargeWidthY(), PixelCPEParmError::chargeWidthY(), computeLorentzShifts(), PixelCPEGeneric::generic_position_formula(), PixelCPEInitial::geomCorrectionX(), PixelCPEInitial::geomCorrectionY(), lorentzShiftX(), lorentzShiftY(), and setTheDet().

const RectangularPixelTopology* PixelCPEBase::theTopol [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 129 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by computeAnglesFromDetPosition(), PixelCPEParmError::localError(), PixelCPEGeneric::localError(), PixelCPEInitial::localError(), PixelCPETemplateReco::localError(), PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition(), PixelCPETemplateReco::localPosition(), measurementError(), PixelCPEGeneric::measurementPosition(), PixelCPETemplateReco::measurementPosition(), measurementPosition(), setTheDet(), PixelCPEInitial::xpos(), PixelCPEParmError::xpos(), PixelCPEParmError::ypos(), and PixelCPEInitial::ypos().

int PixelCPEBase::theVerboseLevel [protected]

Definition at line 193 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by computeLorentzShifts(), driftDirection(), PixelCPEGeneric::generic_position_formula(), PixelCPEParmError::localError(), PixelCPEGeneric::localError(), PixelCPEInitial::localError(), PixelCPETemplateReco::localError(), PixelCPEGeneric::localPosition(), PixelCPEBase(), PixelCPEGeneric::PixelCPEGeneric(), and setTheDet().

float PixelCPEBase::trk_lp_x [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 154 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by computeAnglesFromTrajectory(), and PixelCPETemplateReco::localPosition().

float PixelCPEBase::trk_lp_y [mutable, protected]

Definition at line 155 of file PixelCPEBase.h.

Referenced by computeAnglesFromTrajectory(), and PixelCPETemplateReco::localPosition().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Tue Jun 9 18:30:00 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4