Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | fstbases fstbases_ |
#define | hgmain hgmain_ |
#define | hw6202 hw6202_ |
#define | hw6203 hw6203_ |
#define | hw6300 hw6300_ |
#define | hw6500 hw6500_ |
#define | hwbosc hwbosc_ |
#define | hwbrch hwbrch_ |
#define | hwdist hwdist_ |
#define | hwdspn hwdspn_ |
#define | hwgupr hwgupr_ |
#define | hwhard hwhard_ |
#define | hwminb hwminb_ |
#define | hwmsct_dummy hwmsct_dummy_ |
#define | hwprch hwprch_ |
#define | hwprop hwprop_ |
#define | hwrpar hwrpar_ |
#define | hwsusy hwsusy_ |
#define | hwuclu hwuclu_ |
#define | hwusud hwusud_ |
#define | hwuwts hwuwts_ |
#define | jimmin jimmin_ |
#define | jmefin jmefin_ |
#define | jmevnt jmevnt_ |
#define | jminit jminit_ |
#define | jmparm jmparm_ |
#define | llmain llmain_ |
#define | para331 para331_ |
#define | params params_ |
#define | qqmain qqmain_ |
#define | sbmain sbmain_ |
#define | stmain stmain_ |
#define | vbmain vbmain_ |
#define | vhmain vhmain_ |
#define | vvjin vvjin_ |
Functions | |
void | hgmain_ (void) |
double | hwmsct_dummy_ (double *) |
void | jimmin_ (void) |
void | jmefin_ (void) |
void | jminit_ (void) |
void | llmain_ (void) |
void | qqmain_ (void) |
void | sbmain_ (void) |
void | stmain_ (void) |
void | vbmain_ (void) |
void | vhmain_ (void) |
Variables | |
struct { | |
int basesoutput | |
char stfilename [100] | |
} | fstbases_ |
const int | hepevt_size = 4000 |
struct { | |
double DXRCYL | |
double DXRSPH | |
double DXZMAX | |
int FIX4JT | |
int IHIGGS | |
int IMSSM | |
int LRSUSY | |
int PARITY | |
double VIPWID [3] | |
int WZRFR | |
} | hw6202_ |
struct { | |
double ABWGT | |
double ABWSUM | |
double AVABW | |
int NEGWTS | |
int NNEGEV | |
int NNEGWT | |
} | hw6203_ |
struct { | |
double CHNPRB [imaxch] | |
int CHON [imaxch] | |
int IOPSH | |
int IOPSTP | |
double MJJMIN | |
int OPTM | |
} | hw6300_ |
struct { | |
int PRESPL | |
} | hw6500_ |
struct { | |
double ALPFAC | |
double BRHIG [12] | |
double ENHANC [12] | |
double GAMMAX | |
int IOPHIG | |
int MODBOS [modmax] | |
double RHOHEP [hepevt_size][3] | |
} | hwbosc_ |
struct { | |
double ANOMSC [2][2] | |
int BREIT | |
int FROST | |
double HARDST | |
int INHAD | |
int ISLENT | |
int JNHAD | |
int NSPAC [7] | |
double PTINT [2][3] | |
int USECMF | |
double XFACT | |
} | hwbrch_ |
struct { | |
double EXAG | |
double GEV2MM | |
double HBAR | |
int IOPDKL | |
int MAXDKL | |
int MIXING | |
int PIPSMR | |
double PLTCUT | |
double VMIN2 | |
double VTXPIP [5] | |
double XMIX [2] | |
double XMRCT [2] | |
double YMIX [2] | |
double YMRCT [2] | |
} | hwdist_ |
struct { | |
int FOURB | |
int LRDEC | |
int LWDEC | |
int NDECSY | |
int NSEARCH | |
int SYSPIN | |
char TAUDEC [6] | |
int THREEB | |
} | hwdspn_ |
struct { | |
int ITYPLH | |
int LHGLSF | |
int LHIWGT | |
double LHMXSM | |
int LHNEVT | |
int LHSOFT | |
double LHWGT [maxhrp] | |
double LHWGTS [maxhrp] | |
double LHXERR [maxhrp] | |
double LHXMAX [maxhrp] | |
double LHXSCT [maxhrp] | |
} | hwgupr_ |
struct { | |
double ASFIXD | |
int BGSHAT | |
double CLQ [6][7] | |
int COLISR | |
double COSS | |
double COSTH | |
double CTMAX | |
double DISF [2][13] | |
int DURHAM | |
double EMLST | |
double EMMAX | |
double EMMIN | |
double EMPOW | |
double EMSCA | |
double EPOLN [3] | |
int FSTEVT | |
int FSTWGT | |
double GCOEF [7] | |
int GENEV | |
double GPOLN | |
int HVFCEN | |
int IAPHIG | |
int IBRN [2] | |
int IBSH | |
int ICO [10] | |
int IDCMF | |
int IDN [10] | |
int IFLMAX | |
int IFLMIN | |
int IHPRO | |
int IPRO | |
int MAPQ [6] | |
int MAXFL | |
double OMEGA0 | |
double PHOMAS | |
double PPOLN [3] | |
double PTMAX | |
double PTMIN | |
double PTPOW | |
double Q2MAX | |
double Q2MIN | |
double Q2POW | |
double Q2WWMN | |
double Q2WWMX | |
double QLIM | |
double SINS | |
double THMAX | |
double TMNISR | |
int TPOL | |
double TQWT | |
double WHMIN | |
double XLMIN | |
double XX [2] | |
double XXMIN | |
double Y4JT | |
double YBMAX | |
double YBMIN | |
double YJMAX | |
double YJMIN | |
double YWWMAX | |
double YWWMIN | |
double ZJMAX | |
double ZMXISR | |
} | hwhard_ |
struct { | |
double PMBK1 | |
double PMBK2 | |
double PMBM1 | |
double PMBM2 | |
double PMBN1 | |
double PMBN2 | |
double PMBN3 | |
double PMBP1 | |
double PMBP2 | |
double PMBP3 | |
} | hwminb_ |
struct { | |
char AUTPDF [2][20] | |
char BDECAY [4] | |
} | hwprch_ |
struct { | |
int ICHRG [nmxres] | |
int IDPDG [nmxres] | |
int IFLAV [nmxres] | |
int NRES | |
int QBORQQ [nmxres] | |
int QORQQB [nmxres] | |
double RLTIM [nmxres] | |
double RMASS [nmxres] | |
double RSPIN [nmxres] | |
int VTOCDK [nmxres] | |
int VTORDK [nmxres] | |
} | hwprop_ |
struct { | |
int COLUPD | |
int HRDCOL [5][2] | |
double LAMDA1 [3][3][3] | |
double LAMDA2 [3][3][3] | |
double LAMDA3 [3][3][3] | |
int RPARTY | |
} | hwrpar_ |
struct { | |
double ABSS | |
double ALPHAH | |
double ALSS | |
double ATSS | |
double COSA | |
double COSB | |
double COSBMA | |
double COSBPA | |
double COTB | |
double DMSSM | |
double FACTSS | |
double GHDDSS [4] | |
double GHSQSS [2][2][6][4] | |
double GHUUSS [4] | |
double GHWHSS [3] | |
double GHWWSS [3] | |
double GHZZSS [3] | |
double LFCH [16] | |
double LMIXSS [2][2][6] | |
double MUSS | |
double QMIXSS [2][2][6] | |
double RFCH [16] | |
double RMMNSS | |
double SENHNC [24] | |
double SINA | |
double SINB | |
double SINBMA | |
double SINBPA | |
double SLFCH [4][16] | |
double SRFCH [4][16] | |
double SSPARITY | |
int SUSYIN | |
double TANB | |
double THETAB | |
double THETAL | |
double THETAT | |
double WMXUSS [2][2] | |
double WMXVSS [2][2] | |
double WSGNSS [2] | |
double XLMNSS | |
double ZMIXSS [4][4] | |
double ZMXNSS [4][4] | |
double ZSGNSS [4] | |
} | hwsusy_ |
struct { | |
double CLDKWT [nmxcdk] | |
int CLRECO | |
double CTHRPW [12][12] | |
int LOCN [12][12] | |
int NCLDK [nmxcdk] | |
int NRECO | |
double PRECO | |
double RESN [12][12] | |
double RMIN [12][12] | |
} | hwuclu_ |
struct { | |
double ACCUR | |
int INTER | |
int NQEV | |
int NSUD | |
double QEV [6][nmxsud] | |
double SUD [6][nmxsud] | |
int SUDORD | |
} | hwusud_ |
struct { | |
double DECWT | |
double PWT [12] | |
double QWT [3] | |
double REPWT [5][5][4] | |
double SNGWT | |
double SWTEF [nmxres] | |
} | hwuwts_ |
const int | imaxch = 20 |
struct { | |
double JMPROC [NPROC] | |
double JMVETO [13][2] | |
int NSCAT | |
} | jmevnt_ |
struct { | |
int ANAMOFF | |
int FN_TYPE | |
int JCMVAR | |
double JMARRY [NPSIMP+1][6+MAXMS] | |
int JMBUG | |
int JMPTYP [NPROC] | |
double JMRAD [264] | |
double JMU2 | |
int JMUEO | |
double JMV2 | |
double JMZMIN | |
int MAXMSTRY | |
int MSFLAG | |
double NLOST | |
double PHAD | |
double PTJIM | |
double TOTSCAT | |
double YGAMMA | |
} | jmparm_ |
const int | maxhrp = 100 |
const int | MAXMS = 100 |
const int | modmax = 50 |
const int | nmxcdk = 4000 |
const int | nmxres = 500+1 |
const int | nmxsud = 1024 |
const int | NPROC = 117 |
const int | NPSIMP = 16 |
struct { | |
double mmgammay1 | |
double mmgammay2 | |
double mmym1low | |
double mmym1upp | |
double mmym2low | |
double mmym2upp | |
} | para331_ |
struct { | |
int mmaemrun | |
double mmecm | |
double mmgah | |
double mmgammax | |
double mmgav | |
char mmgname [20] | |
int mmibornex | |
int mmidecseed | |
int mmidpdfset | |
int mmifk88seed | |
int mmil1code | |
int mmil2code | |
int mmiproc | |
int mmiseed | |
int mmit1 | |
int mmit2 | |
int mmivcode | |
int mmiwgtnorm | |
int mmmaxevt | |
char mmpart1 [4] | |
char mmpart2 [4] | |
char mmscheme [2] | |
double mmtwidth | |
double mmv1gammax | |
double mmv1massinf | |
double mmv1masssup | |
double mmv2gammax | |
double mmv2massinf | |
double mmv2masssup | |
double mmvcb | |
double mmvcd | |
double mmvcs | |
double mmvtb | |
double mmvtd | |
double mmvts | |
double mmvub | |
double mmvud | |
double mmvus | |
double mmxfh | |
double mmxfhmc | |
double mmxlam | |
double mmxlamherw | |
double mmxm0 | |
double mmxm0v | |
double mmxmass1 | |
double mmxmass2 | |
double mmxmass21 | |
double mmxmass3 | |
double mmxmass4 | |
double mmxmass5 | |
double mmxmh0 | |
double mmxmhl | |
double mmxmhu | |
double mmxmt | |
double mmxren | |
double mmxrenmc | |
double mmxwm | |
double mmxww | |
double mmxzm | |
double mmxzw | |
} | params_ |
const double | SMALL = 0.00000000000000000001 |
struct { | |
char QQIN [50] | |
} | vvjin_ |
#define fstbases fstbases_ |
Definition at line 299 of file herwig.h.
Referenced by edm::MCatNLOSource::createStringFile(), edm::MCatNLOProducer::createStringFile(), edm::MCatNLOProducer::MCatNLOProducer(), and edm::MCatNLOSource::MCatNLOSource().
#define hgmain hgmain_ |
Definition at line 311 of file herwig.h.
Referenced by edm::MCatNLOProducer::processHG(), and edm::MCatNLOSource::processHG().
#define llmain llmain_ |
Definition at line 312 of file herwig.h.
Referenced by edm::MCatNLOProducer::processLL(), and edm::MCatNLOSource::processLL().
#define para331 para331_ |
Definition at line 293 of file herwig.h.
Referenced by edm::MCatNLOSource::give(), and edm::MCatNLOProducer::give().
#define params params_ |
Definition at line 286 of file herwig.h.
Referenced by AlignmentMonitorMuonHIP::afterAlignment(), TKinFitter::applyDeltaA(), TKinFitter::applyDeltaY(), DTGeometryBuilderFromDDD::buildGeometry(), PedeSteerer::buildNoHierarchyCollection(), HIPAlignmentAlgorithm::calcParameters(), PedeReader::checkAliParams(), edm::ServiceRegistry::createServicesFromConfig(), HcalLEDClient::createTests(), HcalDigiClient::createTests(), HcalDataFormatClient::createTests(), CSCMonitorModuleCmn::CSCMonitorModuleCmn(), SiPixelSCurveCalibrationAnalysis::doFits(), QTestConfigure::enableTests(), pftools::Exercises2::Exercises2(), pftools::Exercises3::Exercises3(), SiStripCommissioningSource::fillCablingHistos(), edm::Schedule::fillWorkers(), PedeSteerer::fixParameters(), edm::MCatNLOSource::getVpar(), edm::MCatNLOProducer::getVpar(), edm::MCatNLOSource::give(), edm::MCatNLOProducer::give(), lhef::JetMatchingMadgraph::init(), evf::FUEventProcessor::initEventProcessor(), L1ScalersClient::L1ScalersClient(), HcalPatternSource::loadPatternFile(), edm::MCatNLOProducer::MCatNLOProducer(), edm::MCatNLOSource::MCatNLOSource(), MuonDDDConstants::MuonDDDConstants(), PFProducer::PFProducer(), PFRootEventManager::readOptions(), CocoaAnalyzer::ReadXMLFile(), edm::pset::CompositeNode::resolveUsingNodes(), HIPAlignmentAlgorithm::run(), edm::Schedule::Schedule(), PedeSteerer::selectCoordinateAlis(), PedeReader::setParameter(), and AlignmentParametersIORoot::writeOne().
#define qqmain qqmain_ |
Definition at line 315 of file herwig.h.
Referenced by edm::MCatNLOSource::processQQ(), and edm::MCatNLOProducer::processQQ().
#define sbmain sbmain_ |
Definition at line 316 of file herwig.h.
Referenced by edm::MCatNLOSource::processSB(), and edm::MCatNLOProducer::processSB().
#define stmain stmain_ |
Definition at line 317 of file herwig.h.
Referenced by edm::MCatNLOSource::processST(), and edm::MCatNLOProducer::processST().
#define vbmain vbmain_ |
Definition at line 314 of file herwig.h.
Referenced by edm::MCatNLOSource::processVV(), and edm::MCatNLOProducer::processVV().
#define vhmain vhmain_ |
Definition at line 313 of file herwig.h.
Referenced by edm::MCatNLOProducer::processVH(), and edm::MCatNLOSource::processVH().
#define vvjin vvjin_ |
Definition at line 213 of file herwig.h.
Referenced by edm::MCatNLOSource::createStringFile(), edm::MCatNLOProducer::createStringFile(), edm::MCatNLOSource::hwgive(), edm::MCatNLOProducer::hwgive(), edm::MCatNLOProducer::MCatNLOProducer(), and edm::MCatNLOSource::MCatNLOSource().
double hwmsct_dummy_ | ( | double * | ) |
struct { ... } fstbases_ |
const int hepevt_size = 4000 |
struct { ... } hw6202_ |
struct { ... } hw6203_ |
struct { ... } hw6300_ |
struct { ... } hw6500_ |
struct { ... } hwbosc_ |
struct { ... } hwbrch_ |
struct { ... } hwdist_ |
struct { ... } hwdspn_ |
struct { ... } hwgupr_ |
struct { ... } hwhard_ |
struct { ... } hwminb_ |
struct { ... } hwprch_ |
struct { ... } hwprop_ |
struct { ... } hwrpar_ |
struct { ... } hwsusy_ |
struct { ... } hwuclu_ |
struct { ... } hwusud_ |
struct { ... } hwuwts_ |
struct { ... } jmevnt_ |
struct { ... } jmparm_ |
double mmv1gammax |
double mmv1massinf |
double mmv1masssup |
double mmv2gammax |
double mmv2massinf |
double mmv2masssup |
double mmxlamherw |
struct { ... } para331_ |
struct { ... } params_ |
Referenced by cond::FWIncantation::FWIncantation(), and EcalFenixAmplitudeFilter::setParameters().
double RHOHEP[hepevt_size][3] |
char stfilename[100] |
struct { ... } vvjin_ |