Go to the documentation of this file.
00009 #include "Alignment/CommonAlignmentAlgorithm/interface/AlignmentParameterSelector.h"
00010 #include "Alignment/TrackerAlignment/interface/AlignableTracker.h"
00011 #include "Alignment/MuonAlignment/interface/AlignableMuon.h"
00012 #include "Alignment/TrackerAlignment/interface/TrackerAlignableId.h"
00014 #include "DataFormats/SiStripDetId/interface/SiStripDetId.h"  // for enums TID/TIB/etc.
00016 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00017 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00019 //________________________________________________________________________________
00020 AlignmentParameterSelector::AlignmentParameterSelector(AlignableTracker *aliTracker, AlignableMuon* aliMuon) :
00021   theTracker(aliTracker), theMuon(aliMuon), theSelectedAlignables(), 
00022   theRangesEta(), theRangesPhi(), theRangesR(), theRangesX(), theRangesY(), theRangesZ()
00023 {
00024   this->setSpecials(""); // init theOnlyDS, theOnlySS, theSelLayers, theMinLayer, theMaxLayer, theRphiOrStereoDetUnit
00025 }
00027 //________________________________________________________________________________
00028 void AlignmentParameterSelector::clear()
00029 {
00030   theSelectedAlignables.clear();
00031   theSelectedParameters.clear();
00032   this->clearGeometryCuts();
00033 }
00035 //________________________________________________________________________________
00036 void AlignmentParameterSelector::clearGeometryCuts()
00037 {
00038   theRangesEta.clear();
00039   theRangesPhi.clear();
00040   theRangesR.clear();
00041   theRangesX.clear();
00042   theRangesY.clear();
00043   theRangesZ.clear();
00044 }
00046 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
00047 unsigned int AlignmentParameterSelector::addSelections(const edm::ParameterSet &pSet)
00048 {
00050   const std::vector<std::string> selections
00051     = pSet.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("alignParams");
00053   unsigned int addedSets = 0;
00055   for (unsigned int iSel = 0; iSel < selections.size(); ++iSel) {
00057     std::vector<std::string> decompSel(this->decompose(selections[iSel], ','));
00058     if (decompSel.empty()) continue; // edm::LogError or even cms::Exception??
00060     if (decompSel.size() < 2) {
00061       throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "@SUB=AlignmentParameterSelector::addSelections"
00062                                         << selections[iSel]<<" from alignableParamSelector: "
00063                                         << " should have at least 2 ','-separated parts";
00064     } else if (decompSel.size() > 2) {
00065       const edm::ParameterSet geoSel(pSet.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>(decompSel[2].c_str()));
00066       this->addSelection(decompSel[0], this->convertParamSel(decompSel[1]), geoSel);
00067     } else {
00068       this->clearGeometryCuts();
00069       this->addSelection(decompSel[0], this->convertParamSel(decompSel[1]));
00070     }
00072     ++addedSets;
00073   }
00075   return addedSets;
00076 }
00078 //________________________________________________________________________________
00079 void AlignmentParameterSelector::setGeometryCuts(const edm::ParameterSet &pSet)
00080 {
00082   theRangesEta = pSet.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("etaRanges");
00083   theRangesPhi = pSet.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("phiRanges");
00084   theRangesR   = pSet.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("rRanges"  );
00085   theRangesX   = pSet.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("xRanges"  );
00086   theRangesY   = pSet.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("yRanges"  );
00087   theRangesZ   = pSet.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("zRanges"  );
00088 }
00090 //________________________________________________________________________________
00091 unsigned int AlignmentParameterSelector::addSelection(const std::string &name,
00092                                                       const std::vector<char> &paramSel,
00093                                                       const edm::ParameterSet &pSet)
00094 {
00095   this->setGeometryCuts(pSet);
00096   return this->addSelection(name, paramSel);
00097 }
00099 //________________________________________________________________________________
00100 unsigned int AlignmentParameterSelector::addSelection(const std::string &nameInput, 
00101                                                       const std::vector<char> &paramSel)
00102 {
00103   const std::string name(this->setSpecials(nameInput)); // possibly changing name
00105   unsigned int numAli = 0;
00108   // Generic Tracker Section
00110   if (name.find("Tracker") == 0) { // string starts with "Tracker"
00111     if (!theTracker) {
00112       throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "[TrackerAlignmentSelector::addSelection] "
00113                                         << "Configuration requires access to AlignableTracker"
00114                                         << " (for " << name << ") that is not initialized";
00115     }
00116     const std::string substructName(name, 7); // erase "Tracker" at the beginning
00117     numAli += this->add(theTracker->subStructures(substructName), paramSel);
00118   }
00120   // Old hardcoded (i.e. deprecated) tracker section (NOTE: no check on theTracker != 0)
00122   else if (name == "AllDets")       numAli += this->addAllDets(paramSel);
00123   else if (name == "AllRods")       numAli += this->addAllRods(paramSel);
00124   else if (name == "AllLayers")     numAli += this->addAllLayers(paramSel);
00125   else if (name == "AllComponents") numAli += this->add(theTracker->components(), paramSel);
00126   else if (name == "AllAlignables") numAli += this->addAllAlignables(paramSel);
00127   //
00128   // TIB+TOB
00129   //
00130   else if (name == "BarrelRods")   numAli += this->add(theTracker->barrelRods(), paramSel);
00131   else if (name == "BarrelDets")   numAli += this->add(theTracker->barrelGeomDets(), paramSel);
00132   else if (name == "BarrelLayers") numAli += this->add(theTracker->barrelLayers(), paramSel);
00133   else if (name == "TOBDets")      numAli += this->add(theTracker->outerBarrelGeomDets(), paramSel);
00134   else if (name == "TOBRods")      numAli += this->add(theTracker->outerBarrelRods(), paramSel);
00135   else if (name == "TOBLayers")    numAli += this->add(theTracker->outerBarrelLayers(), paramSel);
00136   else if (name == "TOBHalfBarrels") numAli += this->add(theTracker->outerHalfBarrels(), paramSel);
00137   else if (name == "TIBDets")      numAli += this->add(theTracker->innerBarrelGeomDets(), paramSel);
00138   else if (name == "TIBRods")      numAli += this->add(theTracker->innerBarrelRods(), paramSel);
00139   else if (name == "TIBLayers")    numAli += this->add(theTracker->innerBarrelLayers(), paramSel);
00140   else if (name == "TIBHalfBarrels") numAli += this->add(theTracker->innerHalfBarrels(), paramSel);
00141   //
00142   // PXBarrel
00143   //
00144   else if (name == "PixelHalfBarrelDets") {
00145     numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelHalfBarrelGeomDets(), paramSel);
00146   } else if (name == "PixelHalfBarrelLadders") {
00147     numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelHalfBarrelLadders(), paramSel);
00148   } else if (name == "PixelHalfBarrelLayers") {
00149     numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelHalfBarrelLayers(), paramSel);
00150   } else if (name == "PixelHalfBarrels") {
00151     numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelHalfBarrels(), paramSel);
00152   }
00153   //
00154   // PXEndcap
00155   //
00156   else if (name == "PXECDets") numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelEndcapGeomDets(), paramSel);
00157   else if (name == "PXECPetals") numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelEndcapPetals(), paramSel);
00158   else if (name == "PXECLayers") numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelEndcapLayers(), paramSel);
00159   else if (name == "PXEndCaps") numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelEndCaps(), paramSel);
00160   //
00161   // Pixel Barrel+endcap
00162   //
00163   else if (name == "PixelDets") {
00164     numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelHalfBarrelGeomDets(), paramSel);
00165     numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelEndcapGeomDets(), paramSel);
00166   } else if (name == "PixelRods") {
00167     numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelHalfBarrelLadders(), paramSel);
00168     numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelEndcapPetals(), paramSel);
00169   } else if (name == "PixelLayers") {
00170     numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelHalfBarrelLayers(), paramSel);
00171     numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelEndcapLayers(), paramSel);
00172   }
00173   //
00174   // TID
00175   //
00176   else if (name == "TIDs")          numAli += this->add(theTracker->TIDs(), paramSel);
00177   else if (name == "TIDLayers")     numAli += this->add(theTracker->TIDLayers(), paramSel);
00178   else if (name == "TIDRings")      numAli += this->add(theTracker->TIDRings(), paramSel);
00179   else if (name == "TIDDets")       numAli += this->add(theTracker->TIDGeomDets(), paramSel);
00180   //
00181   // TEC
00182   //
00183   else if (name == "TECDets")       numAli += this->add(theTracker->endcapGeomDets(), paramSel);
00184   else if (name == "TECPetals")     numAli += this->add(theTracker->endcapPetals(), paramSel);
00185   else if (name == "TECLayers")     numAli += this->add(theTracker->endcapLayers(), paramSel);
00186   else if (name == "TECs")          numAli += this->add(theTracker->endCaps(), paramSel);
00187   //
00188   // StripEndcap (TID+TEC)
00189   //
00190   else if (name == "EndcapDets") {
00191     numAli += this->add(theTracker->TIDGeomDets(), paramSel);
00192     numAli += this->add(theTracker->endcapGeomDets(), paramSel); 
00193   } else if (name == "EndcapPetals") {
00194     numAli += this->add(theTracker->TIDRings(), paramSel);
00195     numAli += this->add(theTracker->endcapPetals(), paramSel);
00196   } else if (name == "EndcapLayers") {
00197     numAli += this->add(theTracker->TIDLayers(), paramSel);
00198     numAli += this->add(theTracker->endcapLayers(), paramSel);
00199   }
00200   //
00201   // Strip Barrel+endcap
00202   //
00203   else if (name == "StripDets") {
00204     numAli += this->add(theTracker->barrelGeomDets(), paramSel);
00205     numAli += this->add(theTracker->TIDGeomDets(), paramSel);
00206     numAli += this->add(theTracker->endcapGeomDets(), paramSel); 
00207   } else if (name == "StripRods") {
00208     numAli += this->add(theTracker->barrelRods(), paramSel);
00209     numAli += this->add(theTracker->TIDRings(), paramSel);
00210     numAli += this->add(theTracker->endcapPetals(), paramSel);
00211   } else if (name == "StripLayers") {
00212     numAli += this->add(theTracker->barrelLayers(), paramSel);
00213     numAli += this->add(theTracker->TIDLayers(), paramSel);
00214     numAli += this->add(theTracker->endcapLayers(), paramSel);
00215   }
00217   // Muon selection
00219   // Check if name contains muon and react if alignable muon not initialized
00220   else if (name.find("Muon") != std::string::npos) {
00221     if  (!theMuon) {
00222       throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "[TrackerAlignmentSelector::addSelection] "
00223                                         << "Configuration requires access to AlignableMuon"
00224                                         << " which is not initialized";
00225     }
00226     else if (name == "MuonDTLayers")             add(theMuon->DTLayers(), paramSel);
00227     else if (name == "MuonDTSuperLayers")        add(theMuon->DTSuperLayers(), paramSel);
00228     else if (name == "MuonDTChambers")           add(theMuon->DTChambers(), paramSel);
00229     else if (name == "MuonDTStations")           add(theMuon->DTStations(), paramSel);
00230     else if (name == "MuonDTWheels")             add(theMuon->DTWheels(), paramSel);
00231     else if (name == "MuonBarrel")               add(theMuon->DTBarrel(), paramSel);
00232     else if (name == "MuonCSCLayers")            add(theMuon->CSCLayers(), paramSel);
00233     else if (name == "MuonCSCRings")             add(theMuon->CSCRings(), paramSel);
00234     else if (name == "MuonCSCChambers")          add(theMuon->CSCChambers(), paramSel);
00235     else if (name == "MuonCSCStations")          add(theMuon->CSCStations(), paramSel);
00236     else if (name == "MuonEndcaps")              add(theMuon->CSCEndcaps(), paramSel);
00239     // not found, but Muon
00241     else {
00242       throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") <<"[AlignmentParameterSelector::addSelection]"
00243                                         << ": Selection '" << name << "' invalid!";
00244     }
00245   } // end of "name.find("Muon") != std::string::npos"
00246   else {
00247     throw cms::Exception("BadConfig") <<"[AlignmentParameterSelector::addSelection]"
00248                                       << ": Selection '" << name << "' invalid!";
00249   }
00251   this->setSpecials(""); // reset
00253   return numAli;
00254 }
00256 //________________________________________________________________________________
00257 unsigned int AlignmentParameterSelector::add(const align::Alignables &alignables,
00258                                              const std::vector<char> &paramSel)
00259 {
00260   unsigned int numAli = 0;
00262   // loop on Alignable objects
00263   for (align::Alignables::const_iterator iAli = alignables.begin();
00264        iAli != alignables.end(); ++iAli) {
00266     if (!this->layerDeselected(*iAli)      // check layers
00267         && !this->detUnitDeselected(*iAli) // check detunit selection
00268         && !this->outsideRanges(*iAli)) {  // check ranges
00269       // all fine, so add to output arrays
00270       theSelectedAlignables.push_back(*iAli);
00271       theSelectedParameters.push_back(paramSel);
00272       ++numAli;
00273     }
00274   }
00276   return numAli;
00277 }
00279 //_________________________________________________________________________
00280 bool AlignmentParameterSelector::layerDeselected(const Alignable *ali) const
00281 {
00282   if (theOnlySS || theOnlyDS || theSelLayers) {
00283     TrackerAlignableId idProvider;
00284     std::pair<int,int> typeLayer = idProvider.typeAndLayerFromDetId(ali->id());
00285     int type  = typeLayer.first;
00286     int layer = typeLayer.second;
00288     // select on single/double sided barrel layers in TIB/TOB
00289     if (theOnlySS // only single sided
00290         && (std::abs(type) == SiStripDetId::TIB || std::abs(type) == SiStripDetId::TOB)
00291         && layer <= 2) {
00292       return true;
00293     }
00294     if (theOnlyDS // only double sided
00295         && (std::abs(type) == SiStripDetId::TIB || std::abs(type) == SiStripDetId::TOB)
00296         && layer > 2) {
00297       return true;
00298     }
00300     // reject layers
00301     if (theSelLayers && (layer < theMinLayer || layer > theMaxLayer)) {
00302       return true;
00303     }
00304   }
00306   return false; // do not deselect...
00307 }
00309 //_________________________________________________________________________
00310 bool AlignmentParameterSelector::detUnitDeselected(const Alignable *ali) const
00311 {
00313   if (theRphiOrStereoDetUnit != Both && ali->alignableObjectId() == align::AlignableDetUnit) {
00314     const SiStripDetId detId(ali->geomDetId()); // do not know yet whether right type...
00315     if (detId.det() == DetId::Tracker 
00316         && (detId.subdetId() == SiStripDetId::TIB || detId.subdetId() == SiStripDetId::TID ||
00317             detId.subdetId() == SiStripDetId::TOB || detId.subdetId() == SiStripDetId::TEC)) {
00318       // We have a DetUnit in strip, so check for a selection of stereo/rphi (DetUnits in 1D layers are rphi):
00319       if ((theRphiOrStereoDetUnit == Stereo && !detId.stereo())
00320           || (theRphiOrStereoDetUnit == Rphi   &&  detId.stereo())) {
00321         return true;
00322       }
00323     }
00324   }
00326   return false; // do not deselect...
00327 }
00329 //_________________________________________________________________________
00330 bool AlignmentParameterSelector::outsideRanges(const Alignable *alignable) const
00331 {
00333   const align::PositionType& position(alignable->globalPosition());
00335   if (!theRangesEta.empty() && !this->insideRanges((position.eta()), theRangesEta)) return true;
00336   if (!theRangesPhi.empty() && !this->insideRanges((position.phi()), theRangesPhi,true))return true;
00337   if (!theRangesR.empty()   && !this->insideRanges((position.perp()),theRangesR)) return true;
00338   if (!theRangesX.empty()   && !this->insideRanges((position.x()),   theRangesX)) return true;
00339   if (!theRangesY.empty()   && !this->insideRanges((position.y()),   theRangesY)) return true;
00340   if (!theRangesZ.empty()   && !this->insideRanges((position.z()),   theRangesZ)) return true;
00342   return false;
00343 }
00345 //_________________________________________________________________________
00346 bool AlignmentParameterSelector::insideRanges(double value, const std::vector<double> &ranges,
00347                                             bool isPhi) const
00348 {
00349   // might become templated on <double> ?
00351   if (ranges.size()%2 != 0) {
00352     cms::Exception("BadConfig") << "@SUB=AlignmentParameterSelector::insideRanges" 
00353                                 << " need even number of entries in ranges instead of "
00354                                 << ranges.size();
00355     return false;
00356   }
00358   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ranges.size(); i += 2) {
00359     if (isPhi) { // mapping into (-pi,+pi] and checking for range including sign flip area
00360       Geom::Phi<double> rangePhi1(ranges[i]);
00361       Geom::Phi<double> rangePhi2(ranges[i+1]);
00362       Geom::Phi<double> valuePhi(value);
00363       if (rangePhi1 <= valuePhi && valuePhi < rangePhi2) { // 'normal'
00364         return true;
00365       }
00366       if (rangePhi2  < rangePhi1 && (rangePhi1 <= valuePhi || valuePhi < rangePhi2)) {// 'sign flip'
00367         return true;
00368       }
00369     } else if (ranges[i] <= value && value < ranges[i+1]) {
00370       return true;
00371     }
00372   }
00374   return false;
00375 }
00377 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
00378 std::vector<std::string> 
00379 AlignmentParameterSelector::decompose(const std::string &s, std::string::value_type delimiter) const
00380 {
00382   std::vector<std::string> result;
00384   std::string::size_type previousPos = 0;
00385   while (true) {
00386     const std::string::size_type delimiterPos = s.find(delimiter, previousPos);
00387     if (delimiterPos == std::string::npos) {
00388       result.push_back(s.substr(previousPos)); // until end
00389       break;
00390     }
00391     result.push_back(s.substr(previousPos, delimiterPos - previousPos));
00392     previousPos = delimiterPos + 1; // +1: skip delimiter
00393   }
00395   return result;
00396 }
00398 //__________________________________________________________________________________________________
00399 std::vector<char> AlignmentParameterSelector::convertParamSel(const std::string &selString) const
00400 {
00402   // Convert selString into vector<char> of same length.
00403   // Note: Old implementation in AlignmentParameterBuilder was rigid in length,
00404   // expecting RigidBodyAlignmentParameters::N_PARAM.
00405   // But I prefer to be more general and allow other Alignables. It will throw anyway if
00406   // RigidBodyAlignmentParameters are build with wrong selection length.
00407   std::vector<char> result(selString.size());
00409   for (std::string::size_type pos = 0; pos < selString.size(); ++pos) {
00410     result[pos] = selString[pos];
00411   }
00413   return result;
00414 }
00417 //________________________________________________________________________________
00418 std::string AlignmentParameterSelector::setSpecials(const std::string &name)
00419 {
00420   // Use new string only, although direct erasing of found indicator causes problems for 'DSS',
00421   // but 'DSS' makes absolutely no sense!
00422   std::string newName(name); 
00424   const std::string::size_type ss = newName.rfind("SS");
00425   if (ss != std::string::npos) {
00426     newName.erase(ss, 2); // 2: length of 'SS'
00427     theOnlySS = true;
00428   } else {
00429     theOnlySS = false;
00430   }
00432   const std::string::size_type ds = newName.rfind("DS");
00433   if (ds != std::string::npos) {
00434     newName.erase(ds, 2); // 2: length of 'DS'
00435     theOnlyDS = true;
00436   } else {
00437     theOnlyDS = false;
00438   }
00440   const std::string::size_type size = newName.size();
00441   const std::string::size_type layers = newName.rfind("Layers");
00442   if (layers != std::string::npos && size - layers - 2 == 6 // 2 digits, 6: length of 'Layers'
00443       && isdigit(newName[size-1]) && isdigit(newName[size-2])) {
00444     theSelLayers = true;
00445     theMinLayer = newName[size-2] - '0';
00446     theMaxLayer = newName[size-1] - '0';
00447     newName.erase(layers);
00448   } else {
00449     theSelLayers = false;
00450     theMinLayer = -1;
00451     theMaxLayer = 99999;
00452   }
00454   theRphiOrStereoDetUnit = Both;
00455   if (newName.rfind("Unit") != std::string::npos) {
00456     const std::string::size_type uRph = newName.rfind("UnitRphi");
00457     if (uRph != std::string::npos) {
00458       newName.erase(uRph + 4, 4); // keep 'Unit' (4) and erase 'Rphi' (4)
00459       theRphiOrStereoDetUnit = Rphi;
00460     }
00461     const std::string::size_type uSte = newName.rfind("UnitStereo");
00462     if (uSte != std::string::npos) {
00463       newName.erase(uSte + 4, 6); // keep 'Unit' (4) and erase 'Stereo' (6)
00464       theRphiOrStereoDetUnit = Stereo;
00465     }
00466   }
00468   if (newName != name) {
00469     LogDebug("Alignment") << "@SUB=AlignmentParameterSelector::setSpecials"
00470                           << name << " becomes " << newName << ", makes theOnlySS " << theOnlySS
00471                           << ", theOnlyDS " << theOnlyDS << ", theSelLayers " << theSelLayers
00472                           << ", theMinLayer " << theMinLayer << ", theMaxLayer " << theMaxLayer
00473                           << ", theRphiOrStereoDetUnit " << theRphiOrStereoDetUnit;
00474   }
00476   return newName;
00477 }
00479 //________________________________________________________________________________
00480 unsigned int AlignmentParameterSelector::addAllDets(const std::vector<char> &paramSel)
00481 {
00482   unsigned int numAli = 0;
00484   numAli += this->add(theTracker->barrelGeomDets(), paramSel);          // TIB+TOB
00485   numAli += this->add(theTracker->endcapGeomDets(), paramSel);          // TEC
00486   numAli += this->add(theTracker->TIDGeomDets(), paramSel);             // TID
00487   numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelHalfBarrelGeomDets(), paramSel); // PixelBarrel
00488   numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelEndcapGeomDets(), paramSel);     // PixelEndcap
00490   return numAli;
00491 }
00493 //________________________________________________________________________________
00494 unsigned int AlignmentParameterSelector::addAllRods(const std::vector<char> &paramSel)
00495 {
00496   unsigned int numAli = 0;
00498   numAli += this->add(theTracker->barrelRods(), paramSel);             // TIB+TOB    
00499   numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelHalfBarrelLadders(), paramSel); // PixelBarrel
00500   numAli += this->add(theTracker->endcapPetals(), paramSel);           // TEC        
00501   numAli += this->add(theTracker->TIDRings(), paramSel);               // TID        
00502   numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelEndcapPetals(), paramSel);      // PixelEndcap
00504   return numAli;
00505 }
00507 //________________________________________________________________________________
00508 unsigned int AlignmentParameterSelector::addAllLayers(const std::vector<char> &paramSel)
00509 {
00510   unsigned int numAli = 0;
00512   numAli += this->add(theTracker->barrelLayers(), paramSel);          // TIB+TOB    
00513   numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelHalfBarrelLayers(), paramSel); // PixelBarrel
00514   numAli += this->add(theTracker->endcapLayers(), paramSel);          // TEC
00515   numAli += this->add(theTracker->TIDLayers(), paramSel);             // TID
00516   numAli += this->add(theTracker->pixelEndcapLayers(), paramSel);     // PixelEndcap
00518   return numAli;
00519 }
00521 //________________________________________________________________________________
00522 unsigned int AlignmentParameterSelector::addAllAlignables(const std::vector<char> &paramSel)
00523 {
00524   unsigned int numAli = 0;
00526   numAli += this->addAllDets(paramSel);
00527   numAli += this->addAllRods(paramSel);
00528   numAli += this->addAllLayers(paramSel);
00529   numAli += this->add(theTracker->components(), paramSel);
00531   return numAli;
00532 }

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:23:47 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4