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svgfig Namespace Reference


class  Axes
class  Curve
class  CurveAxis
class  Dots
class  Ellipse
class  Fig
class  Frame
class  Grid
class  HGrid
class  HLine
class  Line
class  LineAxis
class  LineGlobal
class  Path
class  Plot
class  Poly
class  Rect
class  SVG
class  Text
class  TextGlobal
class  Ticks
class  VGrid
class  VLine
class  XAxis
class  XErrorBars
class  YAxis
class  YErrorBars


def attr_preprocess
def canvas
def canvas_outline
def funcRtoC
def funcRtoR
def funcRtoR2
def load
def load_stream
def make_marker
def make_symbol
def pathtoPath
def rgb
def rotate
def template
def totrans
def unumber
def window


dictionary _canvas_defaults
tuple _circular_dot = make_symbol("circular_dot")
tuple _default_directory
string _default_fileName = "tmp.svg"
int _epsilon = 1
dictionary _hacks = {}
dictionary _marker_templates
dictionary _symbol_templates

Function Documentation

def svgfig.attr_preprocess (   attr)

Definition at line 46 of file

def svgfig.canvas (   sub,
Creates a top-level SVG object, allowing the user to control the
image size and aspect ratio.

canvas(sub, sub, sub..., attribute=value)

sub                     optional list       nested SVG elements or text/Unicode
attribute=value pairs   optional keywords   SVG attributes

Default attribute values:

width           "400px"
height          "400px"
viewBox         "0 0 100 100"
xmlns           ""
xmlns:xlink     ""
version         "1.1"
style           "stroke:black; fill:none; stroke-width:0.5pt; stroke-linejoin:round; text-anchor:middle"
font-family     "Helvetica,Arial,FreeSans?,Sans,sans,sans-serif"

Definition at line 481 of file

Referenced by main(), tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector.terminate(), tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector2.terminate(), examples::TrackAnalysisAlgorithm.terminate(), __class__< T >.terminate(), and TestResolution.~TestResolution().

def svgfig.canvas_outline (   sub,
Same as canvas(), but draws an outline around the drawable area,
so that you know how close your image is to the edges.

Definition at line 509 of file

def svgfig.funcRtoC (   expr,
  var = "t",
  globals = None,
  locals = None 
Converts a complex "z(t)" string to a function acceptable for Curve.

expr    required        string in the form "z(t)"
var     default="t"   name of the independent variable
globals default=None    dict of global variables used in the expression;
                        you may want to use Python's builtin globals()
locals  default=None    dict of local variables

Definition at line 1451 of file

def svgfig.funcRtoR (   expr,
  var = "x",
  globals = None,
  locals = None 
Converts a "f(x)" string to a function acceptable for Curve.

expr    required        string in the form "f(x)"
var     default="x"   name of the independent variable
globals default=None    dict of global variables used in the expression;
                        you may want to use Python's builtin globals()
locals  default=None    dict of local variables

Definition at line 1483 of file

def svgfig.funcRtoR2 (   expr,
  var = "t",
  globals = None,
  locals = None 
Converts a "f(t), g(t)" string to a function acceptable for Curve.

expr    required        string in the form "f(t), g(t)"
var     default="t"   name of the independent variable
globals default=None    dict of global variables used in the expression;
                        you may want to use Python's builtin globals()
locals  default=None    dict of local variables

Definition at line 1468 of file

def svgfig.load (   fileName)
def svgfig.load_stream (   stream)
Loads an SVG image from a stream (can be a string or a file object).

Definition at line 550 of file

def svgfig.make_marker (   id,
Creates a new instance of an SVG marker to avoid cross-linking objects.

id                     required         a new identifier (string/Unicode)
shape                  required         the shape name from _marker_templates
attribute=value list   keyword list     modify the SVG attributes of the new marker

Definition at line 1964 of file

def svgfig.make_symbol (   id,
  shape = "dot",
Creates a new instance of an SVG symbol to avoid cross-linking objects.

id                    required         a new identifier (string/Unicode)
shape                 default="dot"  the shape name from _symbol_templates
attribute=value list  keyword list     modify the SVG attributes of the new symbol

Definition at line 1893 of file

def svgfig.pathtoPath (   svg)
Converts SVG("path", d="...") into Path(d=[...]).

Definition at line 1006 of file

def svgfig.rgb (   r,
  maximum = 1. 
Create an SVG color string "#xxyyzz" from r, g, and b.

r,g,b = 0 is black and r,g,b = maximum is white.

Definition at line 39 of file

def svgfig.rotate (   angle,
  cx = 0,
  cy = 0 
Creates and returns a coordinate transformation which rotates
around (cx,cy) by "angle" degrees.

Definition at line 704 of file

Referenced by MagGeoBuilderFromDDD::bLayer.bLayer(), CmsTrackerPhase1DiskBuilder.PhiPosNegSplit_innerOuter(), and DetPositioner.rotateGeomDet().

def svgfig.template (   fileName,
  replaceme = "REPLACEME" 
Loads an SVG image from a file, replacing instances of
<REPLACEME /> with a given svg object.

fileName         required                name of the template SVG
svg              required                SVG object for replacement
replaceme        default="REPLACEME"   fake SVG element to be replaced by the given object

>>> print load("template.svg")
None                 <svg (2 sub) style=u'stroke:black; fill:none; stroke-width:0.5pt; stroke-linejoi
[0]                      <rect height=u'100' width=u'100' stroke=u'none' y=u'0' x=u'0' fill=u'yellow'
[1]                      <REPLACEME />
>>> print template("template.svg", SVG("circle", cx=50, cy=50, r=30))
None                 <svg (2 sub) style=u'stroke:black; fill:none; stroke-width:0.5pt; stroke-linejoi
[0]                      <rect height=u'100' width=u'100' stroke=u'none' y=u'0' x=u'0' fill=u'yellow'
[1]                      <circle cy=50 cx=50 r=30 />

Definition at line 520 of file

Referenced by dd_error_scan(), GenericMVAComputer.eval(), findNameSpaces(), edm::refitem::GetRefPtrImpl< C, T, F, KEY >.getRefPtr_(), edm::refitem::GetRefPtrImpl< C, T, F, unsigned int >.getRefPtr_(), edm::WorkerMaker< T >.makeModule(), and TrackerStablePhiSort().

def svgfig.totrans (   expr,
  vars = ("x", "y",
  globals = None,
  locals = None 
Converts to a coordinate transformation (a function that accepts
two arguments and returns two values).

expr       required                  a string expression or a function
                                     of two real or one complex value
vars       default=("x", "y")    independent variable names;
                                     a singleton ("z",) is interpreted
                                     as complex
globals    default=None              dict of global variables
locals     default=None              dict of local variables

Definition at line 597 of file

def svgfig.unumber (   x)
Converts numbers to a Unicode string, taking advantage of special
Unicode characters to make nice minus signs and scientific notation.

Definition at line 2283 of file

def svgfig.window (   xmin,
  x = 0,
  y = 0,
  width = 100,
  height = 100,
  xlogbase = None,
  ylogbase = None,
  minusInfinity = -1000,
  flipx = False,
  flipy = True 
Creates and returns a coordinate transformation (a function that
accepts two arguments and returns two values) that transforms from
    (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax)
    (x, y), (x + width, y + height).

xlogbase, ylogbase    default=None, None     if a number, transform
                                             logarithmically with given base
minusInfinity         default=-1000          what to return if
                                             log(0 or negative) is attempted
flipx                 default=False          if true, reverse the direction of x
flipy                 default=True           if true, reverse the direction of y

(When composing windows, be sure to set flipy=False.)

Definition at line 642 of file

Referenced by LocalCacheFile.cache(), TBLayer.groupedCompatibleDetsV(), l1t::EndCapParamsHelper.SetSt1PhiMatchWindow(), l1t::EndCapParamsHelper.SetSt2PhiMatchWindow(), l1t::EndCapParamsHelper.SetSt3PhiMatchWindow(), and l1t::EndCapParamsHelper.SetSt4PhiMatchWindow().

Variable Documentation

dictionary svgfig._canvas_defaults
Initial value:
1 = {"width": "400px", "height": "400px", "viewBox": "0 0 100 100", \
2  "xmlns": "", "xmlns:xlink": "", "version":"1.1", \
3  "style": {"stroke":"black", "fill":"none", "stroke-width":"0.5pt", "stroke-linejoin":"round", "text-anchor":"middle"}, \
4  "font-family": ["Helvetica", "Arial", "FreeSans", "Sans", "sans", "sans-serif"], \
5  }

Definition at line 475 of file

tuple svgfig._circular_dot = make_symbol("circular_dot")

Definition at line 1905 of file

tuple svgfig._default_directory
Initial value:
1 = _winreg.QueryValueEx(_winreg.OpenKey(_winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, \
2  r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\Shell Folders"), "Desktop")

Definition at line 26 of file

string svgfig._default_fileName = "tmp.svg"

Definition at line 34 of file

int svgfig._epsilon = 1

Definition at line 20 of file

dictionary svgfig._hacks = {}

Definition at line 36 of file

dictionary svgfig._marker_templates
Initial value:
1 = {"arrow_start": SVG("marker", SVG("path", d="M 9 3.6 L 10.5 0 L 0 3.6 L 10.5 7.2 L 9 3.6 Z"), viewBox="0 0 10.5 7.2", refX="9", refY="3.6", markerWidth="10.5", markerHeight="7.2", markerUnits="strokeWidth", orient="auto", stroke="none", fill="black"), \
2  "arrow_end": SVG("marker", SVG("path", d="M 1.5 3.6 L 0 0 L 10.5 3.6 L 0 7.2 L 1.5 3.6 Z"), viewBox="0 0 10.5 7.2", refX="1.5", refY="3.6", markerWidth="10.5", markerHeight="7.2", markerUnits="strokeWidth", orient="auto", stroke="none", fill="black"), \
3  }

Definition at line 1960 of file

dictionary svgfig._symbol_templates
Initial value:
1 = {"dot": SVG("symbol", SVG("circle", cx=0, cy=0, r=1, stroke="none", fill="black"), viewBox="0 0 1 1", overflow="visible"), \
2  "box": SVG("symbol", SVG("rect", x1=-1, y1=-1, x2=1, y2=1, stroke="none", fill="black"), viewBox="0 0 1 1", overflow="visible"), \
3  "uptri": SVG("symbol", SVG("path", d="M -1 0.866 L 1 0.866 L 0 -0.866 Z", stroke="none", fill="black"), viewBox="0 0 1 1", overflow="visible"), \
4  "downtri": SVG("symbol", SVG("path", d="M -1 -0.866 L 1 -0.866 L 0 0.866 Z", stroke="none", fill="black"), viewBox="0 0 1 1", overflow="visible"), \
5  }

Definition at line 1887 of file


Definition at line 560 of file


Definition at line 559 of file


Definition at line 558 of file