Acts like Fig, but draws a coordinate frame around the data. You also need to supply plot ranges.
Frame(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, obj, obj, obj..., keyword options...)
xmin, xmax required minimum and maximum x values (in the objs' coordinates)
ymin, ymax required minimum and maximum y values (in the objs' coordinates)
obj optional list drawing primatives
keyword options keyword list options defined below
The following are keyword options, with their default values:
x, y 20, 5 upper-left corner of the Frame in SVG coordinates
width, height 75, 80 width and height of the Frame in SVG coordinates
flipx, flipy False, True flip the sign of the coordinate axis
minusInfinity -1000 if an axis is logarithmic and an object is plotted at 0 or
a negative value, -1000 will be used as a stand-in for NaN
xtitle None if a string, label the x axis
xticks -10 request ticks according to the standard tick specification
(see help(Ticks))
xminiticks True request miniticks according to the standard minitick
xlabels True request tick labels according to the standard tick label
xlogbase None if a number, the axis and transformation are logarithmic
with ticks at the given base (10 being the most common)
(same for y)
text_attr {} a dictionary of attributes for label text
axis_attr {} a dictionary of attributes for the axis lines
Definition at line 886 of file