Stores graphics primitive objects and applies a single coordinate
transformation to them. To compose coordinate systems, nest Fig
Fig(obj, obj, obj..., trans=function)
obj optional list a list of drawing primatives
trans default=None a coordinate transformation function
>>> fig = Fig(Line(0,0,1,1), Rect(0.2,0.2,0.8,0.8), trans="2*x, 2*y")
>>> print fig.SVG().xml()
<path d='M0 0L2 2' />
<path d='M0.4 0.4L1.6 0.4ZL1.6 1.6ZL0.4 1.6ZL0.4 0.4ZZ' />
>>> print Fig(fig, trans="x/2., y/2.").SVG().xml()
<path d='M0 0L1 1' />
<path d='M0.2 0.2L0.8 0.2ZL0.8 0.8ZL0.2 0.8ZL0.2 0.2ZZ' />
Definition at line 710 of file