Draw a pair of intersecting x-y axes.
Axes(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, atx, aty, xticks, xminiticks, xlabels, xlogbase,
yticks, yminiticks, ylabels, ylogbase, arrows, text_attr, attribute=value)
xmin, xmax required the x range
ymin, ymax required the y range
atx, aty default=0, 0 point where the axes try to cross;
if outside the range, the axes will
cross at the closest corner
xticks default=-10 request ticks according to the standard
tick specification (see help(Ticks))
xminiticks default=True request miniticks according to the
standard minitick specification
xlabels True request tick labels according to the
standard tick label specification
xlogbase default=None if a number, the x axis is logarithmic
with ticks at the given base (usually 10)
yticks default=-10 request ticks according to the standard
tick specification
yminiticks default=True request miniticks according to the
standard minitick specification
ylabels True request tick labels according to the
standard tick label specification
ylogbase default=None if a number, the y axis is logarithmic
with ticks at the given base (usually 10)
arrows default=None if a new string identifier, draw arrows
referenced by that identifier
text_attr default={} SVG attributes for the text labels
attribute=value pairs keyword list SVG attributes for all lines
Definition at line 3042 of file svgfig.py.