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Functions | |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization xren2mc common scalemcf xren2mc c renormalization factorization scales for hadron and real xmuf2h2 common phosca xmuf2h2 c renormalization factorization scales for hadron | and (MC terms) real *8 xmumcr2 |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization | scale (MC terms) real *8 xf2h1mc |
Variables | |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron | and |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real | bwfmmn |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real | bwfmpl |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c | gah |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization xren2mc common scalemcf xren2mc c renormalization | scale |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real * | xf2h1 |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization xren2mc common scalemcf | xf2h1mc |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real | xf2h2 |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization | xf2h2mc |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c | xlam |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar | xmh02 |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c | xmh2 |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c | xmt2 |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization xren2mc common scalemcf xren2mc c renormalization factorization scales for hadron and real | xmuf2h1 |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization xren2mc common scalemcf xren2mc c renormalization factorization scales for hadron and real xmuf2h2 common phosca xmuf2h2 c renormalization factorization scales for hadron | xmumcf2h1 |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization xren2mc common scalemcf xren2mc c renormalization factorization scales for hadron and real xmuf2h2 common phosca xmuf2h2 c renormalization factorization scales for hadron xmumcf2h2 common phoscamc | xmumcr2 |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization xren2mc common scalemcf xren2mc c renormalization factorization scales for hadron and real * | xmur2 |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c | zg |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization xren2mc common scalemcf xren2mc c renormalization factorization scales for hadron and real xmuf2h2 common phosca xmuf2h2 c renormalization factorization scales for hadron and | ( | MC | terms | ) |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale | ( | MC | terms | ) |
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c computed at the vector boson mass c real *sh common shadr sh real ze2v common fixvar ze2v c xmiupp2 common bwicmm xmiupp2 c xmvupp2 common bwvcmm xmvupp2 c xmhupp2 common bwhcmm xmhupp2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and |
Definition at line 4 of file hgscblks.h.
Referenced by HLTBtagLifetimeAnalyzer::analyze(), HLTInfo::analyze(), HLTBJet::analyze(), HLTAnalyzer::analyze(), HLTBJetDQMSource::analyze(), HLTBJetDQMSource::analyzeLifetime(), MuonTaggerNoIP::discriminator(), MuonTagger::discriminator(), LeptonTaggerByPt::discriminator(), LeptonTaggerByIP::discriminator(), ElectronTagger::discriminator(), edm::InputTagSelector::doMatch(), AutoLibraryLoader::enable(), TrackingMaterialAnalyser::endJob(), HLTBtagLifetimeAnalyzer::endJob(), HLTBJetDQMSource::endJob(), GenericBenchmark::fill(), RequireModule::filter(), HLTHighLevel::filter(), HLTJetTag::filter(), LumiblockFilter::filter(), HLTConfigProvider::init(), MaterialAccountingGroup::BoundingBox::inside(), fwlite::Event::isValid(), HFShower::makeSteps(), HDShower::makeSteps(), MaterialAccountingStep::operator-=(), PFJetBenchmark::process(), SoftLepton::produce(), psetIdForProcess(), SoftLepton::refineJetAxis(), TrackingMaterialAnalyser::split(), TrackingMaterialProducer::update(), and edm::ProvenanceCheckerOutputModule::write().
Definition at line 4 of file hgscblks.h.
Definition at line 4 of file hgscblks.h.
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c computed at the vector boson mass c real *sh common shadr sh real ze2v common fixvar gah |
Definition at line 4 of file hgscblks.h.
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c computed at the vector boson mass c real *sh common shadr sh real ze2v common fixvar ze2v c xmiupp2 common bwicmm xmiupp2 c xmvupp2 common bwvcmm xmvupp2 c xmhupp2 common bwhcmm xmhupp2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization xren2mc common scalemcf xren2mc c renormalization factorization scales for hadron and real xmuf2h2 common phosca xmuf2h2 c renormalization scale |
Definition at line 22 of file hgscblks.h.
Referenced by VisG4VisSceneHandler::addTransform(), TauJetCorrectorExample::analyze(), CorJetsExample::analyze(), TrackerGeomBuilderFromGeometricDet::buildSilicon(), PixelCPEBase::computeLorentzShifts(), GlobalFitCorrector::correction(), ChainedJetCorrector::correction(), GsfElectronAlgo::createElectron(), GlobalGsfElectronAlgo::createElectron(), TrackingMaterialPlotter::draw(), PixelCPEBase::driftDirection(), CPEFromDetPosition::driftDirection(), SiPixelDigitizerAlgorithm::DriftDirection(), CastorQIEShape::expand(), HcalQIEShape::expand(), ThePEGInterface::fillAuxiliary(), EcalBarrelGeometry::getCells(), CombinedJetCorrector::getCorrection(), VisCSCPlotWidget::getScale(), CombinedJetCorrector::getSubCorrections(), Ig2DModel::Ig2DModel(), Ig2DRep::Ig2DRep(), IgSoArrow::IgSoArrow(), IgSoEllipsoid::IgSoEllipsoid(), IgSoG4Box::IgSoG4Box(), Bounds::inside(), MinL3Algorithm::iterate(), GenericMinL3Algorithm::iterate(), MinL3AlgoUniv< IDdet >::iterate(), HouseholderDecomposition::iterate(), main(), VisCSCPlotWidgetAxisY::paintEvent(), VisCSCPlotWidgetAxisX::paintEvent(), EgammaHLTPixelMatchElectronAlgo::process(), GsfTrajectorySmootherESProducer::produce(), GSRecHitMatcher::project(), TrackInfoProducerAlgorithm::project(), SiStripRecHitMatcher::project(), TestSmoothHits::projectHit(), GlobalRecHitsProducer::projectHit(), TestTrackHits::projectHit(), TestHits::projectHit(), GlobalRecHitsAnalyzer::projectHit(), SiStripRecHitsValid::projectHit(), SiStripTrackingRecHitsValid::projectHit(), IgSoArrow::refresh(), IgSoG4Box::refresh(), IgSoEllipsoid::refresh(), Ig2DRep::repositionChildren(), CandCommonVertexFitterBase::set(), CandKinematicVertexFitter::set(), PFCandCommonVertexFitterBase::set(), PFElectronAlgo::SetCandidates(), SISConeAlgorithmWrapper::SISConeAlgorithmWrapper(), LinearFitErrorsIn2Coord::slope(), and PFBlockAlgo::testPS1AndPS2().
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c computed at the vector boson mass c real *sh common shadr sh real ze2v common fixvar ze2v c xmiupp2 common bwicmm xmiupp2 c xmvupp2 common bwvcmm xmvupp2 c xmhupp2 common bwhcmm xmhupp2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xf2h1 |
Definition at line 4 of file hgscblks.h.
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization xren2mc common scalemcf xf2h1mc |
Definition at line 22 of file hgscblks.h.
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c computed at the vector boson mass c real *sh common shadr sh real ze2v common fixvar ze2v c xmiupp2 common bwicmm xmiupp2 c xmvupp2 common bwvcmm xmvupp2 c xmhupp2 common bwhcmm xmhupp2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xf2h2 |
Definition at line 4 of file hgscblks.h.
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c computed at the vector boson mass c real *sh common shadr sh real ze2v common fixvar ze2v c xmiupp2 common bwicmm xmiupp2 c xmvupp2 common bwvcmm xmvupp2 c xmhupp2 common bwhcmm xmhupp2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization xren2mc common scalemcf xf2h2mc |
Definition at line 22 of file hgscblks.h.
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c computed at the vector boson mass c real *sh common shadr sh real ze2v common fixvar xlam |
Definition at line 4 of file hgscblks.h.
Definition at line 4 of file hgscblks.h.
Definition at line 4 of file hgscblks.h.
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c computed at the vector boson mass c real *sh common shadr sh real ze2v common fixvar ze2v c xmiupp2 common bwicmm xmiupp2 c xmvupp2 common bwvcmm xmvupp2 c xmhupp2 common bwhcmm xmhupp2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization xren2mc common scalemcf xren2mc c renormalization factorization scales for hadron and real xmuf2h2 common phosca xmuf2h1 |
Definition at line 22 of file hgscblks.h.
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c computed at the vector boson mass c real *sh common shadr sh real ze2v common fixvar ze2v c xmiupp2 common bwicmm xmiupp2 c xmvupp2 common bwvcmm xmvupp2 c xmhupp2 common bwhcmm xmhupp2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization xren2mc common scalemcf xren2mc c renormalization factorization scales for hadron and real xmuf2h2 common phosca xmuf2h2 c renormalization factorization scales for hadron xmumcf2h2 common phoscamc xmumcf2h1 |
Definition at line 28 of file hgscblks.h.
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c gf common fixvar gf real bwdelf common bwcmm bwdelf c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization xren2mc common scalemcf xren2mc c renormalization factorization scales for hadron and real xmuf2h2 common phosca xmuf2h2 c renormalization factorization scales for hadron xmumcf2h2 common phoscamc xmumcr2 |
Definition at line 28 of file hgscblks.h.
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c computed at the vector boson mass c real *sh common shadr sh real ze2v common fixvar ze2v c xmiupp2 common bwicmm xmiupp2 c xmvupp2 common bwvcmm xmvupp2 c xmhupp2 common bwhcmm xmhupp2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization scale real xren2 common scalef xren2 c factors to rescale the factorization scales for hadron and the c renormalization xren2mc common scalemcf xren2mc c renormalization factorization scales for hadron and real xmuf2h2 common phosca xmur2 |
Definition at line 22 of file hgscblks.h.
c c Common blocks for the fixed variables c c computed at the vector boson mass c real *sh common shadr sh real ze2v common fixvar zg |
Definition at line 4 of file hgscblks.h.