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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NCondFormats_OptAlignObjectsTemplate std::vector< int >::iterator;
 NedmHLT enums
 NgblNamespace for the general broken lines package
 NJsonJSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
 Nl1tDelete x;
 NpftoolsGeneral option file parser
 NrecoFixed size matrix
 NsistripSistrip classes
 CAcceptanceTableHelperAccess to acceptance tables stored in ROOT file
 CAlgebraicROOTObject============= When we need templated root objects
 CAlignableCSCChamberA muon CSC Chamber( an AlignableDet )
 CAlignableDataIORootConcrete class for ROOT based IO of Alignable positions
 CAlignableDTChamberA muon DT Chamber( an AlignableDet )
 CAlignableDTSuperLayerA muon DT SuperLayer ( an AlignableDet )
 CAlignableMuonConstructor of the full muon geometry
 CAlignableObjectIdAllows conversion between type and name, and vice-versa
 CAlignmentCorrelationsIOAbstract base class for IO of Correlations
 CAlignmentCorrelationsIORootConcrete class for ROOT based IO of Correlations
 CAlignmentIORootBaseBase class for ROOT-based I/O of Alignment parameters etc
 CAlignmentUserVariables(Abstract) Base class for alignment algorithm user variables
 CAnalysisTasksAnalyzerBTagExample class that can be used both within FWLite and within the full framework
 CAnalysisTasksAnalyzerJECExample class that can be used both within FWLite and within the full framework
 CAndSelector< S1, S2, helpers::NullAndOperand, helpers::NullAndOperand, helpers::NullAndOperand >
 CAndSelector< S1, S2, S3, helpers::NullAndOperand, helpers::NullAndOperand >
 CAndSelector< S1, S2, S3, S4, helpers::NullAndOperand >
 CApvFactoryServiceAn interface class to set the parameter in ApvAnalysisFactory
 CApvLatencyAlgorithmAlgorithm for APV latency scan
 CApvLatencyAnalysisAnalysis for APV latency scan
 CApvTimingAlgorithmAnalysis for timing run using APV tick marks
 CApvTimingAnalysisAnalysis for timing run using APV tick marks
 CAssociativeIterator< KeyRefType, AssociativeCollection >
 CbackgroundFunctionType11Exponential binned in eta (Z, Run2012C PromptReco-v1 + PromptReco-v2)
 CbackgroundFunctionType4Exponential with eta dependence
 CbackgroundFunctionType5Linear with eta dependence
 CbackgroundFunctionType6Exponential binned in eta
 CbackgroundFunctionType7Exponential binned in eta, much finer binning then type6
 CBasePartonSelectorBase parton selector from which all other generator-specific parton selectors are derived
 CBasic3DVector< long double >
 CBasicAnalyzerAbstract base class for FWLite and EDM friendly analyzers
 CBasicMuonAnalyzerExample class that can be used both within FWLite and within the full framework
 CBenchmarkAbstract base class
 CBenchmarkAnalyzerAbtract base class for benchmark analyzers
 CBlockSolverSolves at best the matrix invertion for calibration
 CCalculateHelper class for the calculation of a top and a W boson mass estime
 CCalibCoeffIntercalibration coefficient
 CCalibratableTestEDAnalyzer to exercise and demonstrate usage of Calibratable tree
 CCalibrationAlgorithmAlgorithm for calibration runs
 CCalibrationAnalysisAnalysis for calibration runs
 CCaloGeometryLoader< T >
 CCaloHitResponseCreates electronics signals from hits
 CCaloMETMET made from CaloTowers
 CCaloMETCollectionCollection of Calo MET
 CCaloMuonMergerMerges reco::CaloMuons, reco::Muons and optionally reco::Tracks avoiding innerTrack duplications in a single reco::Muon collection
 CCaloSimParametersMain class for Parameters in different subdetectors
 CCaloVNoisifierAdds noise to the given frame
 CCaloVShapeElectronic response of the preamp
 CCandidateBenchmarkTo plot Candidate quantities
 CCartesianLorentzForceDerivative calculation for the 6D cartesian case
 CCastorDbASCIIIOIO for ASCII instances of Castor/HCAL Calibrations
 CCastorElectronicsIdReadout chain identification for Castor Bits for the readout chain : some names need change! [31:26] not used [25] [24:20] [19] [18:14] [13:9] [8:5] [4:2] [1:0]
 CCastorShapeShaper for Castor
 CCategoryCriteriaImplement a selector given a track or vertex collection and track or vertex classifier
 CCDFEventInfoGlobal information about an event such as event number and run number
 CCDFRunInfoPer-run or per-file information
 CCMSStruct holding legacy CMS convention for process types
 CCommissioningAnalysisAbstract base for derived classes that provide analysis of commissioning histograms
 CCommonMETDataStructure containing data common to all types of MET
 CCommonToolsConverts back and forth from FwdPtr to instances
 CComp2RefKolmogorovComparison to reference using the Kolmogorov algorithm
 CCompoundPseudoJetCompoundPseudoJet holds an association of fastjet::PseudoJets that represent a "hard" top jet with subjets
 CCorrelatedNoisifierAdds noise to the given frame
 CCorrMETDataMET correction term
 CCounterCheckerClass for finding the most popular both EC and BC counter, and filling the conversion status 'wrong EC/BC number' for frames with different value
 CCSCALCTHeader2006ALCT Header consists of several modular units that are defined as structs below
 CCSCDCCEventData01/20/05 A.Tumanov
 CCSCDCCFormatStatusDigiCSC Format Status Object
 CCSCMonitorModuleCommon CSC DQM Module that uses CSCDQM Framework
 CCSCMonitorObjectCscdqm::MonitorObject implementation used in CSCMonitorModuleCmn
 CCSCOfflineClientGlobal stuff
 CCTPPSDetIdBase class for CTPPS detector IDs
 CCTPPSDiamondDetIdDetector ID class for CTPPS Timing Diamond detectors. Bits [19:31] : Assigend in CTPPSDetId Calss Bits [17:18] : 2 bits for diamond plane 0,1,2,3 Bits [12:16] : 5 bits for Diamond channel numbers 1,2,3,..16 Bits [0:11] : unspecified yet
 CCTPPSDiamondRecHitReconstructed hit in diamond detectors
 CCTPPSDiamondTrackRecognitionClass performing smart reconstruction for CTPPS Diamond Detectors
 CCTPPSGeometryThe manager class for TOTEM RP geometry
 CCTPPSGeometryESModuleBuilds ideal, real and misaligned geometries
 CCTPPSGeometryInfoClass to print out information on current geometry
 CCTPPSLocalTrackLiteLocal (=single RP) track with essential information only
 CCTPPSLocalTrackLiteProducerDistills the essential track data from all RPs
 CCTPPSPixelAnalysisMaskChannel-mask mapping
 CCTPPSPixelDAQMappingThe mapping between FramePosition and ROCInfo
 CCTPPSPixelDAQMappingESSourceXMLLoads CTPPSPixelDAQMapping and CTPPSPixelAnalysisMask from two XML files
 CCTPPSPixelROCAnalysisMaskContains data on masked channels of a ROC
 CCTPPSPixelROCInfoContains mappind data related to a ROC
 CCTPPSPixelTopologyGeometrical and topological information on RPix silicon detector. Uses coordinate a frame with origin in the center of the wafer
 CDaqScopeModeAlgorithmAlgorithm for scope mode data
 CDaqScopeModeAnalysisAnalysis for scope mode data
 CDDAlgorithmHandlerWrapper around a DDAlgorithm
 CDDBoxInterface to a Box
 CDDCompactViewType of data representation of DDCompactView
 CDDCompareBoolSolNeeds to know because of Rotation Matrix of Boolean Relationship
 CDDCompareDDRotAllows to compare name or not. If not, compares only values of the rotation matrix
 CDDCompareEqualCompares a given geometrical-history whether it corresponds to the given part-selector
 CDDCompareLPLogicalParts have solids which could be BooleanSolids
 CDDCompareSolidNeeds to know about rotmat because of BooleanSolid
 CDDCompOptionsDDComparators need to know if names of DDRotation matter
 CDDConstantNamed constant corresponding to the DDL-XML tag <Constant> and <ConstantsVector>
 CDDDefaultNumberingSchemeDefault numbering scheme
 CDDEnumsEnumaration of a possible categorization of the DDLogicalPart, defaults to unspecified
 CDDExpandedNodeOne node in the DDExpandedView
 CDDExpandedNodeLessFunction object to compare to ExpandedNodes
 CDDExpandedViewProvides an exploded view of the detector (tree-view)
 CDDFilterA Filter accepts or rejects a DDExpandedNode based on a user-coded decision rule
 CDDLAlgorithmDDLAlgorithm processes Algorithm elements
 CDDLBooleanSolidThis class takes care of processing all BooleanSolid type elements
 CDDLBoxDDLBox processes Box elements
 CDDLCompositeMaterialDDLCompositeMaterial processes all CompositeMaterial elements
 CDDLConeDDLCone processes all Cone elements
 CDDLDivisionDDLDivision processes Division elements
 CDDLDocumentProviderDDLDocumentProvider provides a set of URLs and filenames
 CDDLElementaryMaterialDDLElementaryMaterial processes ElementaryMaterial elements
 CDDLElementRegistryThe main class for processing parsed elements
 CDDLEllipsoidDDLEllipsoid processes all Ellipsoid elements
 CDDLEllipticalTubeDDLEllipticalTube processes all EllipticalTube elements
 CDDLLogicalPartDDLLogicalPart processes LogicalPart elements
 CDDLMapDDLMap handles Map container
 CDDLMaterialDDLMaterial processes Box elements
 CDDLMultiUnionSolidThis class takes care of processing all MultiUnionSolid type elements
 CDDLNumericDDLNumeric handles Numeric Elements
 CDDLogicalPartA DDLogicalPart aggregates information concerning material, solid and sensitveness ..
 CDDLOrbDDLOrb processes all Orb elements
 CDDLParallelepipedDDLParallelepiped processes all Parallelepiped elements
 CDDLParserDDLParser is the main class of Detector Description Language Parser
 CDDLPgonGeneratorDDLPgonGenerator processes DDL XML Extruded Polygone elements
 CDDLPolyGeneratorDDLPolyGenerator processes DDL XML Polycone and DDL XML Polyhedra elements
 CDDLPosPartDDLPosPart handles PosPart elements
 CDDLReflectionSolidDDLReflectionSolid processes ReflectionSolid elements
 CDDLRotationAndReflectionDDLRotationAndReflection handles RotationCMSIM and ReflectionRotation elements
 CDDLRotationByAxisDDLRotationByAxis handles RotationByAxis elements
 CDDLRotationSequenceDDLRotationSequence handles a set of Rotations
 CDDLSAX2ConfigHandlerDDLSAX2ConfigHandler is the handler for the configuration file
 CDDLSAX2ExpressionHandlerDDLSAX2ExpressionHandler is the first pass SAX2 Handler for XML files found in the configuration file
 CDDLSAX2FileHandlerDDLSAX2FileHandler is the SAX2 Handler for XML files found in the configuration file
 CDDLSAX2HandlerDDLSAX2Handler inherits from Xerces C++ DefaultHandler
 CDDLShapelessSolidDDLShapelessSolid processes ShapelessSolid elements
 CDDLSolidDDLSolid processes Box elements
 CDDLSpecParDDLSpecPar processes SpecPar elements
 CDDLSphereDDLSphere processes all Sphere elements
 CDDLStringDDLString handles String Elements
 CDDLTubsDDLTubs processes Tubs elements
 CDDLVectorDDLVector handles Rotation and ReflectionRotation elements
 CDDMapNamed constant corresponding to the DDL-XML tag <Constant> and <ConstantsVector>
 CDDMaterialDDMaterial is used to define and access material information
 CDDNameDDName is used to identify DDD entities uniquely
 CDDNameInterfaceDDNameInterface provides a common interface to DDD entities
 CDDNumberingSchemeBase for user specfic numbering schemes
 CDDPassAllFilterA DDFilter that always returns true
 CDDPolySolidAbstract class for DDPolycone and DDPolyhedra. Basically a common member function
 CDDPosDataRelative position of a child-volume inside a parent-volume
 CDDRootDefines the root of the CompactView
 CDDRotationRepresents a uniquely identifyable rotation matrix
 CDDScopeDefines subtrees in the expanded-view
 CDDScopeClassificationClassification of scope describe by A towards B
 CDDShapelessSolidThis is simply a handle on the solid
 CDDSolidA DDSolid represents the shape of a part
 CDDSpecificsInterface to attach user specific data to nodes in the expanded-view
 CDDSpecificsFilterThe DDGenericFilter is a runtime-parametrized Filter looking on DDSpecifcs
 CDDStringNamed constant corresponding to the DDL-XML tag <Constant> and <ConstantsVector>
 CDDStrVectorNamed constant corresponding to the DDL-XML tag <Constant> and <ConstantsStrVector>
 CDDTrapInterface to a Trapezoid
 CDDTruncTubsA truncated tube section
 CDDVectorNamed constant corresponding to the DDL-XML tag <Constant> and <ConstantsVector>
 CDDXMLElementThis is a base class for processing XML elements in the DDD
 Cde_rank— order candidates —
 CDeadChannelTest that histogram contents are above Ymin
 CDetectorElementTypeEnumerates possible DetectorElement objects
 CDetGeomDescGeometrical description of a sensor
 CDetLayerExceptionCommon base class
 CDEtrait< CSCALCTDigiCollection_ >
 CDEtrait< CSCCLCTDigiCollection_ >
 CDEtrait< CSCCorrelatedLCTDigiCollection_ >
 CDEtrait< DecisionWord >
 CDEtrait< EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection >
 CDEtrait< HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1CaloEmCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1CaloRegionCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1CSCSPStatusDigiCollection_ >
 CDEtrait< L1GctEmCandCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1GctEtHadCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1GctEtMissCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1GctEtTotalCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1GctHFBitCountsCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1GctHFRingEtSumsCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1GctHtMissCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1GctJetCandCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1GctJetCountsCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1MuDTChambPhDigiCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1MuDTChambThDigiCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1MuGMTCandCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1MuGMTReadoutRecordCollection >
 CDEtrait< L1MuRegionalCandCollection >
 CDEtrait< LTCDigiCollection >
 CDigiContainerIteratorAdaptorAn iterator adaptor for a map<Index, vector<Digi> > that when dereferenced returns a pair<Index, pair<vector<Digi>::const_iterator, vector<Digi>::const_iterator > > where the two iterators point to begin and and of the vector
 CDiscretizedEnergyFlowA grid filled with discretized energy flow
 Cdo_iterate< TupleType, 0 >
 CDTBufferTreeTrait< std::unique_ptr< T > >
 CDualBzeroTrajectoryFactoryA factory that produces instances of class ReferenceTrajectory from a given TrajTrackPairCollection
 CDualTrajectoryFactoryA factory that produces instances of class ReferenceTrajectory from a given TrajTrackPairCollection
 CECAL2DPositionCalcWithDepthCorrThis is EGM version of the ECAL position + depth correction calculation
 CEcalCalibBlockElement for the single ECAL block intercalibration
 CEcalEleCalibLooperECAL TB 2006 calibration with matrix inversion technique
 CEcalElectronicsIdEcal readout channel identification [32:20] Unused (so far) [19:13] DCC id [12:6] tower [5:3] strip [2:0] xtal Index starts from 1
 CEcalFenixAmplitudeFilterCalculates .... for Fenix strip, barrel input: 18 bits output: 18 bits
 CEcalFenixBypassLinLinearisation for Tcp input: 16 bits output: 12 bits +1 going to fgvb (???)
 CEcalFenixEtTotClass for calculation of Et for Fenix tcp calculates the sum
 CEcalFenixFgvbEBCalculation of Fgvb for Fenix Tcp, format barrel calculates fgvb for the barrel
 CEcalFenixLinearizerLinearisation for Fenix strip input: 16 bits corresponding to input EBDataFrame output: 18 bits
 CEcalFenixPeakFinderCalculates the peak for Fenix strip, barrel input : 18 bits output: boolean
 CEcalFenixStripClass representing the Fenix chip, format strip
 CEcalFenixStripFgvbEECalculation of Fgvb for the endcap in Fenix Strip calculates fgvb for the endcap in Fenix Strip
 CEcalFenixStripFormatFormatting for Fenix Tcp input 10 bits from Ettot 1 bit from fgvb 3 bits TriggerTowerFlag output: 16 bits simple formatting
 CEcalFenixStripFormatEBFormatting for Fenix strip input: 18 bits + 3x 1bit (fgvb, gapflagbit, output from peakfinder) output:16 bits The output corresponds to 1 calodataframe per strip — not really a calodataframe no?
 CEcalFenixStripFormatEEFormatting for Fenix strip input: 18 bits + 3x 1bit (fgvb, gapflagbit, output from peakfinder) output:16 bits The output corresponds to 1 calodataframe per strip — not really a calodataframe no?
 CEcalFenixTcpClass representing the Fenix chip, format strip
 CEcalFenixTcpFgvbEECalculation of Fgvb for Fenix Tcp, format endcap calculates fgvb for the endcap
 CEcalFenixTcpsFgvbEBCalculation of strip Fgvb for Fenix Tcp, format barrel calculates fgvb for the barrel
 CEcalFloatCondObjectContainerHandlerPopcon application to store FloatCondObjectContainer Records using XML tools
 CEcalPedOffsetCalculate the best DAC value to obtain a pedestal = 200
 CEcalSeverityLevelServiceA service to retrieve to provide a hook to EcalSeverityLevelAlgo
 CEcalShapeShaper for Ecal
 CEcalTriggerElectronicsIdEcal trigger electronics identification [32:20] Unused (so far) [19:13] TCC id [12:6] TT id [5:3] pseudo strip (in EB == strip) [2:0] channel in pseudostrip Index starts from 1
 CEDAnalyzerWrapperWrapper class around a class of type BasicAnalyzer to "convert" it into a full EDAnalyzer
 CEDFilterObjectWrapperWrapper class for a class of type BasicFilter to "convert" it into a full EDFilter
 CEDFilterWrapperWrapper class for a class of type BasicFilter to "convert" it into a full EDFilter
 CElectronConversionRejectionVarsStore electron partner track conversion-rejection quantities ("dist" and "dcot") in the TP tree
 CElementsInAnnulus< T, M, N, std::pair< math::XYZPoint, float > >
 CElementsInAnnulusRef< T, M, N, std::pair< math::XYZPoint, float > >
 CElementsInCone< T, M, std::pair< math::XYZPoint, float > >
 CElementsInConeRef< T, M, std::pair< math::XYZPoint, float > >
 CEnergyScaleCorrection_classRead and get energy scale and smearings from .dat files
 CEopVariablesContainer to hold data to be written into TTree
 CES_TTClusterAlgorithm_neighborClass to declare the algorithm to the framework
 CES_TTClusterAlgorithm_officialClass to declare the algorithm to the framework
 CES_TTStubAlgorithm_cbc3Class to declare the algorithm to the framework
 CES_TTStubAlgorithm_officialClass to declare the algorithm to the framework
 CEventSelectorA selector of events
 CEventShapeVariablesClass for the calculation of several event shape variables
 CEVTColContainerContainer with all the objects needed
 CExclusionBandPlotExclusionBandPlot: plot a la tevatron for SM eclusion in function of mass
 CExtVecTraits< double, 2 >
 CExtVecTraits< double, 4 >
 CExtVecTraits< float, 2 >
 CExtVecTraits< float, 4 >
 CExtVecTraits< long double, 2 >
 CExtVecTraits< long double, 4 >
 CEZArrayFL< T >
 CFastFedCablingAlgorithmHistogram-based analysis for connection loop
 CFastFedCablingAnalysisHistogram-based analysis for connection loop
 CFastLineRecognitionClass performing optimized hough transform to recognize lines
 CFedCablingAlgorithmHistogram-based analysis for connection loop
 CFedCablingAnalysisHistogram-based analysis for connection loop
 CFedChannelConnectionClass containning control, module, detector and connection information, at the level of a FED channel
 CFedTimingAlgorithmAlgorithm for timing run using APV tick marks
 CFedTimingAnalysisAnalysis for timing run using APV tick marks
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::BasicJet >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::BasicJetSys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Calo0 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Calo0Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Calo1 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Calo1Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Calo2 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Calo2Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Calo3 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Calo3Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Calo4 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Calo4Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Calo5Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Calo6Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Calo7Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Calo8Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Calo9Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::CaloJet >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::CaloJetSys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::CHS0Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::CHS1Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::CHS2Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::CHS3Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::CHS4Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::CHS5Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::CHS6Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::CHS7Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::CHS8Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::CHS9Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Gen0 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Gen0Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Gen1 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Gen1Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Gen2 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::Gen2Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::GenJet >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::GenJetSys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::JPTJet >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::JPTJetSys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PF0 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PF0Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PF1 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PF1Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PF2 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PF2Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PF3 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PF3Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PF4 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PF4Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PF5Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PF6Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PF7Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PF8Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PF9Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PFCHS0 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PFCHS0Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PFCHS1 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PFCHS1Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PFCHS2 >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PFCHS2Sys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PFJet >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::PFJetSys >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::TrackJet >
 CFFTJetCorrectionsTypemap< fftcorrtypes::TrackJetSys >
 CFFTJetCorrectorSequenceTypemap< reco::FFTAnyJet< reco::BasicJet > >
 CFFTJetCorrectorSequenceTypemap< reco::FFTAnyJet< reco::CaloJet > >
 CFFTJetCorrectorSequenceTypemap< reco::FFTAnyJet< reco::GenJet > >
 CFFTJetCorrectorSequenceTypemap< reco::FFTAnyJet< reco::JPTJet > >
 CFFTJetCorrectorSequenceTypemap< reco::FFTAnyJet< reco::PFJet > >
 CFFTJetCorrectorSequenceTypemap< reco::FFTAnyJet< reco::TrackJet > >
 CFIPConfigurationFIPConfiguration reads in the configuration file for the DDParser
 CFlatTrdA base class to handle the particular shape of HGCal volumes
 CFSimDisplacedVertexA FSimDisplacedVertex extends the FSimVertex with VertexType information
 CFSimVertexTypeA FSimVertexType hold the information on the vertex origine
 CFTLDataFrameTReadout digi for HGC
 CFTLSampleWrapper for a data word
 CFWLiteAnalyzerWrapperWrapper class for classes of type BasicAnalyzer to "convert" them into a full a basic FWLiteAnalyzer
 CFWLiteFilterWrapperImplements a wrapper around an FWLite-friendly selector to "convert" it into a full EDFilter
 CG4toCMSLegacyProcTypeMapClass that maps the native Geant4 process types to the legacy CMS process types
 CGctBlockHeaderSimple class for holding the basic attributes of an 32-bit block header
 CGctFormatTranslateBaseAbstract interface for RawToDigi/DigiToRaw conversions of GCT data
 CGctFormatTranslateMCLegacyUnpacks/packs the MC Legacy data originally produced by the GctBlockPacker class
 CGctFormatTranslateV35Unpacks/packs the V35 raw format
 CGctFormatTranslateV38Unpacks/packs the V38 raw format
 CGctUnpackCollectionsRAII and useful methods for the many dataformat collections required by the GCT unpacker
 CGenericMVAJetTagComputerWrapper< Provider, TI1, btau_dummy::none, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none >
 CGenericMVAJetTagComputerWrapper< Provider, TI1, ti1, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none >
 CGenericMVAJetTagComputerWrapper< Provider, TI1, ti1, TI2, ti2, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none >
 CGenericMVAJetTagComputerWrapper< Provider, TI1, ti1, TI2, ti2, TI3, ti3, btau_dummy::Null, btau_dummy::none >
 CGenericTriggerEventFlagProvides a code based selection for trigger and DCS information in order to have no failing filters in the CMSSW path
 CGenHFHadronMatcherFinds the origin of each heavy flavour hadron and associated jets to it
 CGenMETMET made from Generator level HEPMC particles
 CGenMETCollectionCollection of Gen MET
 CGeometryAlignerClass to update a given geometry with a set of alignments
 CgLogErrorEventFilterUse StandAlone track to define the 4-momentum of a PAT Muon (normally the global one is used)
 CGroup< L1MuGMTParameters >
 CGroupFieldHandler< TOutput, TGlobalTriggerGroup, bool >
 CGroupFieldHandler< TOutput, TGlobalTriggerGroup, int >
 CGroupFieldHandler< TOutput, TGlobalTriggerGroup, TCType >
 CGroupFieldHandler< TOutput, TGlobalTriggerGroup, unsigned int >
 CHadronAndPartonSelectorSelects hadrons and partons from a collection of GenParticles
 CHcalCaloFlagToolProvides interpretation of flag bits with understanding of CMSSW version dependence
 CHCALConfigDBGather config data from online DB
 CHcalDbASCIIIOIO for ASCII instances of Hcal Calibrations
 CHcalDbHardcodeHardcode implementation of some conditions data
 CHcalElectronicsIdReadout chain identification for Hcal
 CHcalLutManagerVarious manipulations with trigger Lookup Tables
 CHcalQIEManagerVarious manipulations with QIE and QIE ADC
 CHcalShapeShaper for Hcal (not for HF)
 CHcalSiPMA general implementation for the response of a SiPM
 CHEff4DHitA set of histograms for efficiency 4D RecHits
 CHerwig6PartonSelectorHerwig6 parton selector derived from the base parton selector
 CHerwigppPartonSelectorHerwig++ parton selector derived from the base parton selector
 CHFShapeShaper for HF
 CHGCDataFrameReadout digi for HGC
 CHGCFEElectronicsModels the behavior of the front-end electronics
 CHGCSampleWrapper for a data word
 CHistoParams< TH2F >
 CHistoParams< TProfile2D >
 CHistoryBaseBase class to all the history types
 CHLTCaloJetIDProducerThis applies CaloJet ID and produces a jet collection with jets that pass the ID
 CHLTCaloTowerHtMhtProducerThis produces a reco::MET object that stores HT and MHT
 CHLTHtMhtFilterThis filters events based on HT and MHT produced by HLTHtMhtProducer2
 CHLTHtMhtProducerThis produces a reco::MET object that stores HT and MHT
 CHLTJetsCleanedFromLeadingLeptonsProduces a collection of jets cleaned against leading leptons
 CHLTMETCleanerUsingJetIDThis creates a MET object from the difference in MET between two input jet collections
 CHLTMhtFilterThis filters events based on HT and MHT produced by HLTHtMhtProducer2
 CHLTMhtProducerThis produces a reco::MET object that stores MHT (or MET)
 CHLTMinDPhiMETFilterThis rejects events using the minimum delta phi between a jet and MET
 CHLTMuonMatchAndPlotContainerContainer Class Definition (this is what is used by the DQM module) ///////
 CHLTPFJetIDProducerThis applies PFJet ID and produces a jet collection with jets that pass the ID
 CHLTTrackMETProducerThis produces a reco::MET object that stores MHT (or MET)
 CHRes1DHitA set of histograms of residuals and pulls for 1D RecHits
 CHResolutionVSPartA set of histograms for resolution
 CHTH1DA wrapper for the TH1D histogram to allow it to be put inside the same map as all the other classes in this file
 CHTH2DA wrapper for the TH2D histogram to allow it to be put inside the same map as all the other classes in this file
 CHTProfileA wrapper for the TProfile histogram to allow it to be put inside the same map as all the other classes in this file
 CInputSourceHelper class to handle FWLite file input sources
 CInvMatrixCommonDefsCommon definitions that have to hold across different programs
 CInvMatrixUtilsVarious utilities
 CInvRingCalibECAL TB 2006 calibration with matrix inversion technique
 CJetEnergyShiftPlugin to shift the jet energy scale and recalculate the MET accordingly
 CJetExtendedAssociationAssociation between jets and extended Jet information
 CJetFlavourClusteringClusters hadrons, partons, and jet contituents to determine the jet flavour
 CJetFloatAssociationAssociation between jets and float value
 CJetIDSelectionFunctorJet selector for pat::Jets and for CaloJets
 CJetPlusTrackCorrectorJet energy correction algorithm using tracks
 CJetTracksAssociationAssociation between jets and float value
 CKinematicResolutionProviderInterface for derived classes to provide object resolutions for PAT
 CL1CaloEmCandLevel-1 Region Calorimeter Trigger EM candidate
 CL1CaloMipQuietRegionMiniumum Ionising Particle (MIP) and Quiet bits for a calorimeter trigger region
 CL1CaloRegionA calorimeter trigger region (sum of 4x4 trigger towers)
 CL1GctCandABC for GCT EM and jet candidates
 CL1GctElectronSorterClass that sorts electron candidates
 CL1GctEmCandLevel-1 Trigger EM candidate at output of GCT
 CL1GctEmLeafCardEmulates a leaf card programmed for electron sorting
 CL1GctEtHadPersistable copy of total Ht measured at Level-1
 CL1GctEtMissPersistable copy of missing Et measured at Level-1
 CL1GctEtTotalPersistable copy of total Et measured at Level-1
 CL1GctFibreWordGlobal Calorimeter Trigger SC -> CC fibre data word
 CL1GctGlobalEnergyAlgosEmulates the GCT global energy algorithms
 CL1GctGlobalHfSumAlgosEmulates the GCT summing and packing of Hf Et sums and tower-over-threshold counts
 CL1GctHardwareJetFinderEmulation of the hardware jet finder
 CL1GctHFBitCountsL1 GCT HF ring Et sums
 CL1GctHfBitCountsLutLUT for compression of HF feature bit counts to output format
 CL1GctHfEtSumsLutLUT for compression of HF Et sum to output format
 CL1GctHFRingEtSumsL1 GCT HF ring Et sums
 CL1GctHtMissPersistable copy of missing Et measured at Level-1
 CL1GctHtMissLutLUT for conversion of Ht components x and y to magnitude and angle
 CL1GctInternEtSumL1 GCT internal energy sum
 CL1GctInternHFDataL1 GCT internal ring sums and/or bit counts
 CL1GctInternHtMissL1 GCT internal Ht Miss component(s) Ht_x and/or Ht_y
 CL1GctInternJetDataL1 GCT internal jet candidate
 CL1GctJetA Level-1 jet candidate, used within GCT emulation
 CL1GctJetCandLevel-1 Trigger jet candidate
 CL1GctJetCountDefinition of unsigned integer types with increment and overflow
 CL1GctJetEtCalibrationLutJet Et calibration LUT
 CL1GctJetFinalStageRepresents the final stage of L1 jet processing
 CL1GctJetFinderBaseBase class to allow implementation of jetFinder algorithms
 CL1GctLutBase class for LookUp Tables
 CL1GctMetStores Level-1 missing Et in (Ex, Ey) form, allowing it to be retrieved as (magnitude, angle)
 CL1GctNullJetFinderNo-op jet finder for test purposes
 CL1GctProcessorABC for a GCT trigger data processing unit
 CL1GctRegionGct version of a calorimeter region, used within GCT emulation
 CL1GctSimpleJetFinderSimple jet finder for test purposes
 CL1GctTdrJetFinder3*3 sliding window algorithm jet finder
 CL1GctTwosComplementDefinition of signed integer types with overflow
 CL1GctUnsignedIntDefinition of unsigned integer types with overflow
 CL1GctWheelEnergyFpgaEmulates the energy summing on a GCT Wheel card
 CL1GctWheelJetFpgaRepresents a GCT Wheel Jet FPGA
 CL1GlobalCaloTriggerBit-level emulation of the Global Calorimeter Trigger
 CL1GtObjectStringToEnumString to enum and enum to string conversions for L1GtObject
 CL1MuGMTRegCDLConfigGMT Register that implements Configuration of Cancel Decisison Logic
 CL1MuGMTRegMMConfigGMT Register that implements enum of merge methods
 CL1MuGMTRegMMConfigChargeGMT Merge Method Config Register Charge
 CL1MuGMTRegMMConfigEtaGMT Merge Method Config Register Eta
 CL1MuGMTRegMMConfigISOGMT Merge Method Config Register ISO
 CL1MuGMTRegMMConfigMIPGMT Merge Method Config Register MIP
 CL1MuGMTRegMMConfigMIPISOGMT Register that implements additional AND/OR flag
 CL1MuGMTRegMMConfigPhiGMT Merge Method Config Register Phi
 CL1MuGMTRegMMConfigPtGMT Merge Method Config Register Pt
 CL1MuGMTRegMMConfigSRKGMT Register that implements additional Halo Overwrites Matched bit
 CL1MuGMTRegSortRankOffsetGMT Register that implements Rank offset for merged cands
 CL1MuonMatcherAlgoMatcher of reconstructed objects to L1 Muons
 CL1TRPCTPGData Format
 CL3CalibBlockInterface to the L3Univ class for testing
 CLEPBandPlotLEPBandPlot: The plot for the CL bands "a la LEP"
 CLinearCalibratorThis class implements the simple "linear" calibration for the "a,b,c" coefficients. It extends Calibrator
 Clocal_phi_dataData Types
 CLRHelpFunctionsHelp functionalities to implement and evaluate LR ratio method
 CLumi3DReWeightingClass to provide lumi weighting for analyzers to weight "flat-to-N" MC samples to data
 CLumiReWeightingClass to provide lumi weighting for analyzers to weight "flat-to-N" MC samples to data
 CMatchCandidateBenchmarkTo plot Candidate quantities
 CmatchesByDescendingPtHelper structure to order MatchStruct
 CmatrixSaverSave (read) CLHEP::HepMatrix to (from) text files
 CMeanWithinExpectedAlgorithm for testing if histogram's mean value is near expected value
 CMeasurementDetExceptionCommon base class
 CMETBenchmarkTo plot MET quantities
 CMETCollectionCollection of MET
 CMisalignmentScenarioBuilderBase class to build a scenario from configuration and apply to either tracker or muon
 CMonitorDiLeptonHelper class to define histograms for monitoring of muon/electron/jet/met quantities
 CMonitorEnsembleHelper class to define histograms for monitoring of muon/electron/jet/met quantities
 CMonitorSingleLeptonHelper class to define histograms for monitoring of muon/electron/jet/met quantities
 CMuIsolatorResultProducerBT == base type
 CMultiGaussianStateMixture of multi-variate gaussian states
 CMuonDigiCollectionA container for a generic type of digis indexed by some index, implemented with a map<IndexType, vector<DigiType> >
 CMuonPSimHitSelectorMuonPSimHitSelector class
 CMuonScenarioBuilderBuilds a scenario from configuration and applies it to the alignable Muon
 CMuonsFromRefitTracksReplaces the kinematic information in the input muons with those of the chosen refit tracks
 CNavSurfaceBuilderHelper: builde a NavSurface for a Surface
 CNearbyCandCountComputerCount candidates near to another candidate, write result in ValueMap
 CNoiseAlgorithmHistogram-based analysis for pedestal run
 CNoiseAnalysisHistogram-based analysis for pedestal run
 CNoisyChannelCheck if any channels are noisy compared to neighboring ones
 CNuclearInteractionFinderClass used to obtain vector of all compatible TMs associated to a trajectory to be used by the NuclearTester
 CNuclearTesterClass used to test if a track has interacted nuclearly
 CNumberOfDevicesSimple container class for counting devices
 CObjectMultiplicityCounterMatcher of number of reconstructed objects in the event to probe
 COpenBoundsUnlimited (trivial) bounds
 COptoScanAnalysisHistogram-based analysis for opto bias/gain scan
 COrSelector< S1, S2, helpers::NullOrOperand, helpers::NullOrOperand, helpers::NullOrOperand >
 COrSelector< S1, S2, S3, helpers::NullOrOperand, helpers::NullOrOperand >
 COrSelector< S1, S2, S3, S4, helpers::NullOrOperand >
 COtherObjectVariableComputerMatcher of number of reconstructed objects in the event to probe
 COutputFilesHelper class to handle FWLite file output names
 CParticleDepositAn object that encapsualtes energy depositions (real, MC or otherwise) made by particle in N DetectorElement objects
 CParticleListDrawerModule to analyze the particle listing as provided by common event generators
 CPatJetAnalyzerModule to analyze pat::Jets in the context of a more complex exercise
 CPatMuonAnalyzerExample class that can be used to analyze pat::Muons both within FWLite and within the full framework
 CPatZToMuMuAnalyzerModule to analyze the performance of muon reconstruction on the example of Z->mumu events
 CPedestalsAlgorithmHistogram-based analysis for pedestal run
 CPedestalsAnalysisHistogram-based analysis for pedestal run
 CPedsFullNoiseAlgorithmHistogram-based analysis for pedestal run
 CPedsFullNoiseAnalysisHistogram-based analysis for pedestal run
 CPedsOnlyAlgorithmHistogram-based analysis for pedestal run
 CPedsOnlyAnalysisHistogram-based analysis for pedestal run
 CPFAlgoTestBenchConversionsParticle Flow Algorithm test bench for the electron team
 CPFAlgoTestBenchElectronsParticle Flow Algorithm test bench for the electron team
 CPFBlockAlgoParticle Flow Algorithm
 CPFBlockLinkLink between 2 elements
 CPFBlockProducerProducer for particle flow blocks
 CPFCandConnectorBased on a class from : V. Roberfroid, February 2008
 CPFCandidateCheckerChecks what a re-reco changes in PFCandidates
 CPFCandidateManagerA benchmark managing several benchmarks
 CPFClusterMETCollectionCollection of PFCluster MET
 CPFDisplacedVertexCandidateProducerProducer for DisplacedVertices
 CPFDisplacedVertexHelperDisplaced Vertex Finder Algorithm
 CPFDisplacedVertexProducerProducer for DisplacedVertices
 CPFECALSuperClusterAlgo\ Algorithm for box particle flow super clustering in the ECAL
 CPFEGammaProducerProducer for particle flow reconstructed particles (PFCandidates)
 CPFGeometryGeneral CMS geometry parameters used during Particle Flow reconstruction or drawing. All methods and members are static
 CPFIsoDepositAlgoComputes the iso deposits for a collection of PFCandidates
 CPFJetIDSelectionFunctorPF Jet selector for pat::Jets
 CPFLayerLayer definition for PFRecHit and PFCluster
 CPFMETComputes the MET from a collection of PFCandidates. HF missing!
 CPFMETAlgoComputes the MET from a collection of PFCandidates
 CPFMETCollectionCollection of PF MET
 CPFMuonUntaggerTake a Muon collection and one or more lists of bad muons to un-PF-tag
 CPFPileUpIdentifies pile-up candidates from a collection of PFCandidates, and produces the corresponding collection of PileUpCandidates
 CPFProducerProducer for particle flow reconstructed particles (PFCandidates)
 CPFResolutionMapResolution Map (resolution as a function of eta and E)
 CPFSimParticleProducerProducer for PFRecTracks and PFSimParticles
 CPhase2ITPixelArrayBufferClass to store ADC counts during clustering
 CPhase2ITPixelClusterPixel cluster – collection of neighboring pixels above threshold
 CPhase2ITPixelClusterProducerEDProducer to cluster PixelDigis into Phase2ITPixelClusters
 CPixelPSimHitSelectorPixelPSimHitSelector class
 CPixelThresholdClusterizerA specific threshold-based pixel clustering algorithm
 CPreciseFloatTypeDefault definition is double
 CPreciseFloatType< long double, long double >
 CPreciseFloatType< long double, T >Long double is more precise by default than other types
 CPreciseFloatType< T, long double >
 CPreciseFloatType< T, T >If the two types are identical that is also the precise type
 CPrescaleWeightProviderThis class takes a vector of HLT paths and returns a weight based on their HLT and L1 prescales. The weight is equal to the lowest combined (L1*HLT) prescale of the selected paths
 CPreshowerStripA base class to handle the shape of preshower strips
 CPrintTotemDAQMappingPrints the DAQ mapping loaded by TotemDAQMappingESSourceXML
 CProbeMulteplicityProducerMatcher of number of reconstructed objects in the event to probe
 CPropagateToMuonPropagate an object (usually a track) to the second muon station. Support for other muon stations will be added on request
 CPropagationExceptionCommon base class
 CProtonTaggerFilterFast simulation of near-beam detector acceptance
 CPSimHitSelectorPSimHitSelector class
 CPythia6PartonSelectorPythia6 parton selector derived from the base parton selector
 CPythia8PartonSelectorPythia8 parton selector derived from the base parton selector
 CQGLikelihoodCategoryCategory structure: ranges associated with QGLikelihood histograms
 CQGLikelihoodObjectQGLikelihoodObject containing valid range and entries with category and histogram (mean is not used anymore, only for backward backward compatibility with older DB constructs)
 CQGLikelihoodParametersParameters structure
 CQGLikelihoodSystematicsObjectQGLikelihoodSystematicsObject containing the parameters for the systematic smearing
 CQuickTrackAssociatorByHitsImplTrackToTrackingParticleAssociator that associates by hits a bit quicker than the normal TrackAssociatorByHitsImpl class
 CRawToDigiConverterCollection of code to convert TOTEM raw data into digi
 CReadMapTypeStd::map<std::string,YourType> that offers a const operator[key]; if key is not stored in the std::map, a cms::Exception is thrown
 CRKCartesianDistanceEstimator of the distance between two state vectors, e.g. for convergence test
 CRKDerivativeBase class for derivative calculation
 CRKSolverABC for Runge-Kutta solvers
 CRKSolverTemplABC for Runge-Kutta solvers
 CRPAlignmentCorrectionDataAlignment correction or result of alignment procedure for a single RP sensor. Within the geometry description, every sensor (more generally every element) is given its translation and rotation. These two quantities shall be understood in local-to-global coordinate transform. That is, if r_l is a point in local coordinate system and x_g in global, then it holds
 CRPAlignmentCorrectionsDataContainer for RP alignment corrections. The corrections are stored on two levels - RP and sensor. For every level, there is a map: symbolic ID –> alignment correction. Sensors inherit the alignment corrections for the corresponding RP, see getFullSensorCorrection method
 CRPAlignmentCorrectionsDataSequenceTime sequence of alignment corrections
 CRPCDcsInfoData Format
 CRPCFakeCalibrationFake source of RPCStripNoises object
 CRPCMonitorDigiData Format
 CRPCPerformanceESSourcePure virtual class for EventSetup sources of RPCStripNoises
 CRPCRecHitProbabilityData Format
 CRPCTriggerImplements RPC trigger emulation
 CRPTopologyGeometrical and topological information on RP silicon detector. Uses coordinate a frame with origin in the center of the wafer
 CSamplingAlgorithmAlgorithm for latency run
 CSamplingAnalysisAnalysis for latency run
 CSelectionStepTemplated helper class to allow a selection on a certain object collection
 CSelectorFunctor that operates on <T>
 CShapeAbstract Class of shape
 CSherpaPartonSelectorSherpa parton selector derived from the base parton selector
 CSigmaPtDiffReturns ( sigmaPt/Pt(data)^2 - sigmaPt/Pt(MC)^2 )
 CSimClusterMonte Carlo truth information used for tracking validation
 CSimpleZSPJPTJetCorrectorClasses declaration
 CSingleTopTChannelLeptonDQMDefine MonitorEnsembple to be used
 CSiPixelArrayBufferClass to store ADC counts during clustering
 CSiPixelClusterPixel cluster – collection of neighboring pixels above threshold
 CSiPixelClusterProducerEDProducer to cluster PixelDigis into SiPixelClusters
 CSiPixelPedestalsEvent Setup object which holds DB information for all pixels
 CSiPixelRawDataErrorPixel error – collection of errors and error information
 CSiPixelRecHitOur base class
 CSiPixelRecHitConverterEDProducer to covert SiPixelClusters into SiPixelRecHits
 CSiStripCommissioningOfflineClientClass which reads a root file containing "commissioning histograms", analyzes the histograms to extract "monitorables", and creates summary histograms
 CSiStripCommissioningOfflineDbClientClass which reads a root file containing "commissioning histograms", analyzes the histograms to extract "monitorables", creates summary histograms, and uploads to DB
 CSiStripConfigDbAn interface class to the DeviceFactory
 CSiStripCoralIfaceAn interface class to the PVSS cond DB
 CSiStripDbParamsContainer class for database connection parameters
 CSiStripDetIdDetector identifier class for the strip tracker
 CSiStripDetKeyUtility class that identifies a position within the strip tracker geometrical structure, down to the level of an APV25 chip
 CSiStripDetVOffBuilderBuilds the SiStripDetVOff object for transfer by O2O
 CSiStripDigiA Digi for the silicon strip detector, containing both strip and adc information, and suitable for storing zero-suppresed hit information
 CSiStripDigitizerAccumulator to perform digitisation on the strip tracker sim hits
 CSiStripFecKeyUtility class that identifies a position within the strip tracker control structure, down to the level of an APV25
 CSiStripFedCablingContains cabling info at the device level, including DetId, APV pair numbers, hardware addresses, DCU id..
 CSiStripFedCablingESProducerAbstract base class for producer of SiStripFedCabling record
 CSiStripFedCablingFakeESSourceBuilds cabling map based on list of DetIds and FedIds read from ascii files
 CSiStripFedKeyA container class for generic run and event-related info, information required by the commissioning analyses (such as hardware parameters), event quality flags, error conditions, etc..
 CSiStripGainESSourcePure virtual class for EventSetup sources of SiStripApvGain
 CSiStripGainsPCLWorkerUser includes
 CSiStripHashedDetIdProvides dense hash map in place of DetId
 CSiStripHashedDetIdESModuleBuilds hashed DetId map based on DetIds read from geometry database
 CSiStripHashedDetIdESProducerAbstract base class for producer of SiStripHashedDetId record
 CSiStripHashedDetIdFakeESSourceBuilds hashed DetId map based on list of DetIds read from ascii file
 CSiStripHistoTitleUtility class that holds histogram title
 CSiStripKeyBase utility class that identifies a position within a logical structure of the strip tracker
 CSiStripModuleDevice and connection information at the level of a front-end module
 CSiStripNoiseESSourcePure virtual class for EventSetup sources of SiStripNoises
 CSiStripNullKeyConcrete implementation of abstract base, signifying null values or an "unknown" position or view
 CSiStripPartitionContainer class for database partition parameters
 CSiStripPedestalsESSourcePure virtual class for EventSetup sources of SiStripPedestals
 CSiStripProcessedRawDigiA signed Digi for the silicon strip detector, containing only adc information, and suitable for storing processed (pedestal, cmn subtracted) hit information. NOTA BENE: these digis use the DetSetVector, but the public inheritence from edm::DoNotSortUponInsertion ensures that the digis are NOT sorted by the DetSetVector::post_insert() method. The strip position is therefore inferred from the position of the digi within its container (the DetSet private vector)
 CSiStripPsuDetIdMapExtension to SiStripConfigDb to map PSU channels to DetIDs using DCU-PSU map and DCU-DetID map
 CSiStripRawDigiA Digi for the silicon strip detector, containing only adc information, and suitable for storing raw hit information. NOTA BENE: these digis use the DetSetVector, but the public inheritence from edm::DoNotSortUponInsertion ensures that the digis are NOT sorted by the DetSetVector::post_insert() method. The strip position is therefore inferred from the position of the digi within its container (the DetSet private vector)
 CSiStripRawToDigiModuleA plug-in module that takes a FEDRawDataCollection as input from the Event and creates EDProducts containing StripDigis
 CSiStripSpyDigiConverterModuleA plug-in module that takes the spy channel scope mode digis as input from the Event and creates EDProducts containing intermediate and VirginRaw like SiStripRawDigis
 CSiStripSpyDisplayModuleEDAnalyzer for the online monitoring of the FED using STT spy channel data
 CSiStripSpyUnpackerModuleA plug-in module that takes a FEDRawDataCollection as input from the Event and creates EDProducts containing StripDigis from spy channel data
 CSiStripTFile: Adds functionality to TFile to ease building and navigation of TFiles containing DQM histograms
 CSiTrackerGaussianSmearingRecHitsEDProducer to create RecHits from PSimHits with Gaussian smearing
 CSortMuonSegmentMatchesFunctor predicate for standard library sort algorithm
 CSpecificPFMETDataMET made from Particle Flow Candidates
 CStatisticalPlotStatisticalPlot: the base class for the statistical plots
 CStGenEventClass derived from the TopGenEvent for single-top events
 CstrbitsetImplements a string-indexed bit_vector
 CStringCutObjectEvtFilterEvent filter based on the StringCutObjectSelector
 CStringResolutionProviderClass to provide resolution factors for PAT candidates
 CSubsystemNeutronWriterDoesn't have to be a producer. Can act as an analyzer, too
 CSummaryGenerator: Fills summary histograms
 CSummaryGeneratorControlViewFills "summary histograms" in FEC or "control" view
 CSummaryGeneratorReadoutViewFills "summary histograms" in FED or "readout" view
 CSummaryHistogramFactory< DaqScopeModeAnalysis >
 CSummaryHistogramFactory< FedTimingAnalysis >
 CSummaryPlotClass holding info that defines a summary plot
 CSummaryPlotFactory< CommissioningAnalysis * >
 CSummaryPlotFactory< FedCablingAnalysis * >
 CSummaryPlotXmlParserParses the "summary plot" xml configuration file
 CSurveyPxbImageClass to hold one picture of the BPix survey
 CSurveyPxbImageLocalFitClass to hold one picture of the BPix survey and the local fit
 CSurveyPxbImageReaderClass to hold one picture of the BPix survey
 CTauGenJetProducerBuilds a GenJet from the visible daughters of each status 2 tau in the event
 CTEPatternsGroupGroup of paterns for "improved"("energetic") algorithm. In current implementation all patterns in given group must have the same code and sign. All patterns must have the same m_QualityTabNumber. Patterns of given code and sign can be devided between a few EPatternsGroups, indexed by m_RefGroup. The group m_Code, m_Sign, m_RefGroup is definded by pattern index 0 in m_PatternsVec
 CtestChannelCalculate the best DAC value to obtain a pedestal = 200
 CTimeValidityIntervalValidity interval in timestamps
 CTkOffTreeVariablesContainer to hold data to be written into TTree
 CTopDecaySubsetModule to produce the subset of generator particles directly contained in top decay chains
 CTopDiLeptonHLTOfflineDQMDefine MonitorDiLepton to be used
 CTopDiLeptonOfflineDQMDefine MonitorEnsembple to be used
 CTopGenEventBase class to hold information for reduced top generator information
 CTopProjectorDeltaROverlapThis checks matching based on delta R
 CTopProjectorFwdPtrOverlapThis checks a slew of possible overlaps for FwdPtr<Candidate> and derivatives
 CTopSingleLeptonDQMDefine MonitorEnsembple to be used
 CTopSingleLeptonHLTOfflineDQMDefine MonitorSingleLepton to be used
 CTotemAnalysisMaskChannel-mask mapping
 CTotemDAQMappingThe mapping between FramePosition and VFATInfo
 CTotemDAQMappingESSourceXMLLoads TotemDAQMapping and TotemAnalysisMask from two XML files
 CTotemFEDInfoOptoRx headers and footers
 CTotemReadoutRcdEventSetup record for TOTEM readout-related information
 CTotemRPClusterCluster of TOTEM RP strip hits
 CTotemRPDetIdDetector ID class for TOTEM Si strip detectors
 CTotemRPLocalTrackA track fit through a single RP
 CTotemRPLocalTrackFitterFits tracks trough a single RP
 CTotemRPLocalTrackFitterAlgorithmAlgorithm for fitting tracks through a single RP
 CTotemRPRecHitReconstructed hit in TOTEM RP
 CTotemRPUVPatternA linear pattern in U or V projection. The intercept b is taken at the middle of a RP: (geometry->GetRPDevice(RPId)->translation().z()) The global coordinate system is used (wrt. the beam). This is the same convention as for the 1-RP track fits
 CTotemRPUVPatternFinderClass to recognize straight line tracks, based on optimized Hough trasform
 CTotemSymbIDSymbolic ID describing an entity of a TOTEM subdetector
 CTotemVFATAnalysisMaskContains data on masked channels of a VFAT
 CTotemVFATInfoContains mappind data related to a VFAT
 CTrackClassifierGet track history and classify it in function of their
 CTrackClassifierByProxyGet track history and classification by proxy
 CTrackerPSimHitSelectorTrackerPSimHitSelector class
 CTrackerScenarioBuilderBuilds a scenario from configuration and applies it to the alignable tracker
 CTrackHistoryThis class traces the simulated and generated history of a given track
 CTrackingParticleMonte Carlo truth information used for tracking validation
 CTrackingTruthAccumulatorReplacement for TrackingTruthProducer in the new pileup mixing setup
 CTrackQualityThis class analyses the reconstruction quality for a given track
 CTrajectoryStateExceptionCommon base class
 CTreeStructStructure to store algorithm results in a TTree
 CTriggerHelperProvides a code based selection for trigger and DCS information in order to have no failing filters in the CMSSW path
 CTruncatedPyramidA base class to handle the particular shape of Ecal Xtals. Taken from ORCA Calorimetry Code
 CTSGForOICreate L3MuonTrajectorySeeds from L2 Muons updated at vertex in an outside in manner
 CTTClusterNOTE: this is needed even if it seems not
 CTTClusterAlgorithmBase class for any algorithm to be used in TTClusterBuilder
 CTTClusterAlgorithm_neighborClass for "neighbor" algorithm to be used in TTClusterBuilder
 CTTClusterAlgorithm_officialClass for "official" algorithm to be used in TTClusterBuilder
 CTTClusterAlgorithmRecordClass to store the TTClusterAlgorithm used in TTClusterBuilder
 CTTClusterAssociationMapNOTE: this is needed even if it seems not
 CTTClusterAssociatorPlugin to create the MC truth for TTClusters
 CTTClusterBuilderPlugin to load the Clustering algorithm and produce the collection of Clusters that goes in the event content
 CTtEventBase class to hold information for ttbar event interpretation
 CTtEventPartonsCommon base class for TtFullLepEvtPartons, TtFullHadEvtPartons and TtSemiLepEvtPartons
 CTtEvtBuilderTemplate class to fill the TtEvent structure
 CTtFullHadEvtPartonsClass to fill partons in a well defined order for fully-hadronic ttbar events
 CTtFullHadronicEventClass derived from the TtEvent for the full hadronic decay channel
 CTtFullLepEvtPartonsClass to fill partons in a well defined order for fully-leptonic ttbar events
 CTtFullLeptonicEventClass derived from the TtEvent for the full leptonic decay channel
 CTtGenEventClass derived from the TopGenEvent for ttbar events
 CTtHadLRJetCombObservablesSteering class for the overall hadronic top likelihood
 CTtHadLRSignalSelCalcClass to calculate the jet combination LR value and purity from a root-file with fit functions
 CTtHadSimpleBestJetCombBased on the Jan Heyninck version:,v 1.2 2007/06/09 01:17:40 lowette Exp
 CTTPatternsGroupGroup of paterns, for which the "baseline"("track") algorithm is performed
 CTtSemiLepEvtPartonsClass to fill partons in a well defined order for semi-leptonic ttbar events
 CTtSemiLepJetCombCommon calculator class to keep multivariate analysis variables for jet combinations in semi-leptonic ttbar decays
 CTtSemiLeptonicEventClass derived from the TtEvent for the semileptonic decay channel
 CTtSemiLRJetCombCalcClass to calculate the jet combination LR value and purity from a root-file with fit functions
 CTtSemiLRJetCombObservablesSteering class for the overall top-lepton likelihood
 CTtSemiLRSignalSelCalcClass to calculate the jet combination LR value and purity from a root-file with fit functions
 CTtSemiSimpleBestJetCombSimple method to get the correct jet combination in semileptonic ttbar events
 CTTStubClass to store the L1 Track Trigger stubs
 CTTStubAlgorithmBase class for any algorithm to be used in TTStubBuilder
 CTTStubAlgorithm_cbc3Class for "cbc3" algorithm to be used in TTStubBuilder
 CTTStubAlgorithm_officialClass for "official" algorithm to be used in TTStubBuilder
 CTTStubAlgorithmRecordClass to store the TTStubAlgorithm used in TTStubBuilder
 CTTStubAssociationMapNOTE: this is needed even if it seems not
 CTTStubAssociatorPlugin to create the MC truth for TTStubs
 CTTStubBuilderPlugin to load the Stub finding algorithm and produce the collection of Stubs that goes in the event content
 CTTTrackClass to store the L1 Track Trigger tracks
 CTTTrackAssociationMapNOTE: this is needed even if it seems not
 CTTTrackAssociatorPlugin to create the MC truth for TTTracks
 CType1PFMETComputes the Type-1 corrections for pfMET. A specific version of the Type1MET class from the JetMETCorrections/Type1MET package
 CUtilsUtility functions
 CVEcalCalibBlockElement for the single ECAL block intercalibration
 CVersionedSelectorCut-flow versioning info in the event provenance
 CVertexClassifierGet track history and classify it in function of their
 CVertexClassifierByProxyGet track history and classification by proxy
 CVertexExceptionCommon base class
 CVertexHistoryThis class traces the simulated and generated history of a given track
 CVeryForwardMisalignedGeometryRecordEvent setup record containing the misaligned geometry information. It is used for alignment studies only
 CVeryForwardRealGeometryRecordEvent setup record containing the real (actual) geometry information
 CVpspScanAlgorithmHistogram-based analysis for VPSP scan
 CVpspScanAnalysisHistogram-based analysis for VPSP scan
 CWriteCTPPSPixelAnalysisMaskPrints the Analysis Mask loaded by TotemDAQMappingESSourceXML
 CWriteCTPPSPixelDAQMappingPrints the DAQ mapping loaded by TotemDAQMappingESSourceXML
 CWSelectorExample class of an EventSelector to apply a simple W Boson selection
 CxdaqSourcePositionDataFormatStructure for Source Position Data
 CZdcLutGeneration of ZDC Lookup tables and associate helper methods
 CZDCShapeShaper for ZDC