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SiStripDetVOffBuilder Class Reference

Builds the SiStripDetVOff object for transfer by O2O. More...

#include <SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h>

List of all members.


struct  DetIdListTimeAndStatus
struct  TimesAndValues

Public Member Functions

void BuildDetVOffObj ()
void discardIOVs (std::vector< std::pair< SiStripDetVOff *, cond::Time_t > >::iterator &it, std::vector< std::pair< SiStripDetVOff *, cond::Time_t > >::iterator &initialIt, std::vector< std::pair< SiStripDetVOff *, cond::Time_t > > &resultVec, const bool last, const unsigned int first)
 Removes IOVs as dictated by reduction.
std::vector< std::pair
< SiStripDetVOff
*, cond::Time_t > > 
getModulesVOff (const int deltaTmin=1, const int maxIOVlength=120)
std::vector< std::vector
< uint32_t > > 
getPayloadStats ()
void reduce (std::vector< std::pair< SiStripDetVOff *, cond::Time_t > >::iterator &it, std::vector< std::pair< SiStripDetVOff *, cond::Time_t > >::iterator &initialIt, std::vector< std::pair< SiStripDetVOff *, cond::Time_t > > &resultVec, const bool last=false)
 Operates the reduction of the fast sequences of ramping up and down of the voltages.
void reduction (const uint32_t deltaTmin, const uint32_t maxIOVlength)
void setLastSiStripDetVOff (SiStripDetVOff *lastPayload, cond::Time_t lastTimeStamp)
 SiStripDetVOffBuilder (const edm::ParameterSet &, const edm::ActivityRegistry &)
 ~SiStripDetVOffBuilder ()

Private Types

typedef std::vector< std::pair
< std::vector< uint32_t >
, coral::TimeStamp > > 

Private Member Functions

void buildPSUdetIdMap (TimesAndValues &tStruct, DetIdListTimeAndStatus &dStruct)
std::pair< int, int > extractDetIdVector (const unsigned int i, SiStripDetVOff *modV, DetIdListTimeAndStatus &detIdStruct)
cond::Time_t findMostRecentTimeStamp (std::vector< coral::TimeStamp > coralDate)
int findSetting (uint32_t id, coral::TimeStamp changeDate, std::vector< uint32_t > settingID, std::vector< coral::TimeStamp > settingDate)
int findSetting (std::string dpname, coral::TimeStamp changeDate, std::vector< std::string > settingDpname, std::vector< coral::TimeStamp > settingDate)
cond::Time_t getCondTime (coral::TimeStamp coralTime)
coral::TimeStamp getCoralTime (cond::Time_t iovTime)
void lastValue (TimesAndValues &tStruct)
void lastValueFromFile (TimesAndValues &tStruct)
void printPar (std::stringstream &ss, const std::vector< int > &par)
void readLastValueFromFile (std::vector< uint32_t > &dpIDs, std::vector< float > &vmonValues, std::vector< coral::TimeStamp > &dateChange)
void removeDuplicates (std::vector< uint32_t > &vec)
void setPayloadStats (const uint32_t afterV, const uint32_t numAdded, const uint32_t numRemoved)
void statusChange (cond::Time_t &lastTime, TimesAndValues &tStruct)
std::string timeToStream (const cond::Time_t &condTime, const string &comment="")
std::string timeToStream (const coral::TimeStamp &coralTime, const string &comment="")

Private Attributes

std::string authenticationPath
std::auto_ptr< SiStripCoralIfacecoralInterface
bool debug_
std::string detIdListFile_
std::string excludedDetIdListFile_
bool fromFile
double highVoltageOnThreshold_
std::pair< SiStripDetVOff
*, cond::Time_t
std::string lastValueFileName
std::vector< std::pair
< SiStripDetVOff
*, cond::Time_t > > 
std::string onlineDbConnectionString
std::vector< std::vector
< uint32_t > > 
std::string psuDetIdMapFile_
std::vector< int > tDefault
coral::TimeStamp tmax
std::vector< int > tmax_par
coral::TimeStamp tmin
std::vector< int > tmin_par
std::vector< int > tset_par
coral::TimeStamp tsetmin
bool whichQuery
std::string whichTable

Detailed Description

Builds the SiStripDetVOff object for transfer by O2O.

J.Cole modified by Marco De Mattia

Definition at line 36 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector< std::pair< std::vector<uint32_t>,coral::TimeStamp> > SiStripDetVOffBuilder::DetIdTimeStampVector [private]

Definition at line 72 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SiStripDetVOffBuilder::~SiStripDetVOffBuilder ( )


Definition at line 76 of file

  edm::LogError("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::" << __func__ << "]: destructing ...";
SiStripDetVOffBuilder::SiStripDetVOffBuilder ( const edm::ParameterSet pset,
const edm::ActivityRegistry  

Default constructor.

Definition at line 5 of file

References authenticationPath, fromFile, lastStoredCondObj, lastValueFileName, NULL, onlineDbConnectionString, printPar(), tmax, tmax_par, tmin, tmin_par, tset_par, tsetmin, whichQuery, and whichTable.

  tmax_par(pset.getParameter< std::vector<int> >("Tmax")),
  tmin_par(pset.getParameter< std::vector<int> >("Tmin")),
  tset_par(pset.getParameter< std::vector<int> >("TSetMin")),
  detIdListFile_(pset.getParameter< std::string >("DetIdListFile")),
  excludedDetIdListFile_(pset.getParameter< std::string >("ExcludedDetIdListFile")),
  lastStoredCondObj.first = NULL;
  lastStoredCondObj.second = 0;

  edm::LogError("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::SiStripDetVOffBuilder] constructor" << endl;

  // set up vectors based on pset parameters (tDefault purely for initialization)

  whichQuery=(whichTable == "STATUSCHANGE" || (whichTable == "LASTVALUE" && !fromFile));

  //Define the query interval [Tmin, Tmax]
  //where Tmax comes from the cfg
  //      Tmin comes from the cfg for the first o2o, after that it is extracted from Offline DB 

  tmax = coral::TimeStamp(tmax_par[0],tmax_par[1],tmax_par[2],tmax_par[3],tmax_par[4],tmax_par[5],tmax_par[6]);

  if (whichQuery) {
    // Is there a better way to do this?  TODO - investigate
  if (whichTable == "LASTVALUE") {
    tsetmin = coral::TimeStamp(tset_par[0],tset_par[1],tset_par[2],tset_par[3],tset_par[4],tset_par[5],tset_par[6]);
  if (onlineDbConnectionString == "") {
    edm::LogError("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::SiStripDetVOffBuilder] DB name has not been set properly ... Returning ...";
  if (fromFile && whichTable == "LASTVALUE" && lastValueFileName == "") {
    edm::LogError("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::SiStripDetVOffBuilder] File expected for lastValue table, but filename not specified ... Returning ...";
  // write out the parameters
  std::stringstream ss;
  ss << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::SiStripDetVOffBuilder]\n" 
     << "     Parameters:\n" 
     << "     DB connection string: " << onlineDbConnectionString << "\n"
     << "     Authentication path: "  << authenticationPath       << "\n"
     << "     Table to be queried: "  << whichTable               << "\n";
  if (whichQuery){
    ss << "     Tmin: "; printPar(ss,tmin_par);  ss << std::endl;
  ss << "     Tmax: "  ; printPar(ss,tmax_par);  ss << std::endl;

  if (whichTable == "LASTVALUE"){ 
    ss << "     TSetMin: "; printPar(ss,tset_par);  ss << std::endl;
   edm::LogError("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << ss.str();


Member Function Documentation

void SiStripDetVOffBuilder::BuildDetVOffObj ( )

Build the SiStripDetVOff object for transfer.

Definition at line 86 of file

References authenticationPath, SiStripPsuDetIdMap::BuildMap(), buildPSUdetIdMap(), coralInterface, gather_cfg::cout, debug_, detIdListFile_, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::DetIdListTimeAndStatus::detidV, excludedDetIdListFile_, extractDetIdVector(), first, fromFile, edm::FileInPath::fullPath(), SiStripDetInfoFileReader::getAllData(), getCondTime(), SiStripDetVOff::getDetIds(), i, j, lastStoredCondObj, lastValue(), lastValueFromFile(), SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::latestTime, Association::map, modulesOff, NULL, onlineDbConnectionString, payloadStats, SiStripDetVOff::put(), setPayloadStats(), statusChange(), whichQuery, and whichTable.

  // vectors for storing output from DB or text file
  TimesAndValues timesAndValues;

  // Open the PVSS DB connection
  coralInterface.reset( new SiStripCoralIface(onlineDbConnectionString, authenticationPath, debug_) );
  edm::LogError("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::BuildDetVOff]: Query type is " << whichTable << endl;

  if (whichTable == "LASTVALUE") {edm::LogError("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::BuildDetVOff]: Use file? " << ((fromFile) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE");}

  if (lastStoredCondObj.second > 0) {edm::LogError("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::BuildDetVOff]: retrieved last time stamp from DB: " 
                                                                            << lastStoredCondObj.second  << endl;}
  // access the information!

  if (whichQuery) {
    if( whichTable == "STATUSCHANGE" ) {
      statusChange( lastStoredCondObj.second, timesAndValues );
    if( whichTable == "LASTVALUE" ) {
      if( fromFile ) {
      else {

  DetIdListTimeAndStatus dStruct;

  // build PSU - det ID map
  buildPSUdetIdMap(timesAndValues, dStruct);

  // initialize variables
  cond::Time_t saveIovTime = 0;

  // - If there is already an object stored in the database
  // -- store it in the modulesOff vector
  // -- set the saveIovTime as that
  // -- set the payload stats to empty
  // Successivamente:
  // - loop su tutti gli elementi del detidV, che � stato letto dal pvss (questi elementi sono pair<vettore di detid, time>)
  // -- setta il tempo dell'IOV:
  // --- LASTVALUE -> iovtime settato a latestTime
  // --- altrimenti iovtime = tempo associato al detId vector del loop

  // check if there is already an object stored in the DB
  // This happens only if you are using STATUSCHANGE
  if (lastStoredCondObj.first != NULL && lastStoredCondObj.second > 0) {
    modulesOff.push_back( lastStoredCondObj );
    saveIovTime = lastStoredCondObj.second;
    setPayloadStats(0, 0, 0);

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dStruct.detidV.size(); i++) {

    //     std::vector<uint32_t> detids = dStruct.detidV[i].first;
    //     removeDuplicates(detids);
    std::vector<uint32_t> * detids = &(dStruct.detidV[i].first);

    // set the condition time for the transfer
    cond::Time_t iovtime = 0;

    if (whichTable == "LASTVALUE") {iovtime = timesAndValues.latestTime;}

    else {iovtime = getCondTime((dStruct.detidV[i]).second);}

    // decide how to initialize modV
    SiStripDetVOff *modV = 0;

    // When using STATUSCHANGE they are equal only for the first
    // When using LASTVALUE they are equal only if the tmin was set to tsetmin

    if (iovtime != saveIovTime) { // time is different, so create new object

      // This can be only when using LASTVALUE or with a new tag
      if (modulesOff.empty()) {
        // create completely new object and set the initial state to Tracker all off
        modV = new SiStripDetVOff();

        // Use the file
        edm::FileInPath fp(detIdListFile_);
        SiStripDetInfoFileReader reader(fp.fullPath());
        const std::map<uint32_t, SiStripDetInfoFileReader::DetInfo > detInfos  = reader.getAllData();

        // Careful: if a module is in the exclusion list it must be ignored and the initial status is set to ON.
        // These modules are expected to not be in the PSU-DetId map, so they will never get any status change from the query.
        SiStripPsuDetIdMap map;
        std::vector< std::pair<uint32_t, std::string> > excludedDetIdMap;
        if( excludedDetIdListFile_ != "" ) {
          map.BuildMap(excludedDetIdListFile_, excludedDetIdMap);
        for(std::map<uint32_t, SiStripDetInfoFileReader::DetInfo >::const_iterator it = detInfos.begin(); it != detInfos.end(); ++it) {
          std::vector< std::pair<uint32_t, std::string> >::const_iterator exclIt = excludedDetIdMap.begin();
          bool excluded = false;
          for( ; exclIt != excludedDetIdMap.end(); ++exclIt ) {
            if( it->first == exclIt->first ) {
              excluded = true;
          if( !excluded ) {
            modV->put( it->first, 1, 1 );

      else {modV = new SiStripDetVOff( *(modulesOff.back().first) );} // start from copy of previous object
    else {
      modV = (modulesOff.back()).first; // modify previous object

    // extract the detID vector before modifying for stats calculation
    std::vector<uint32_t> beforeV;

    std::pair<int, int> hvlv = extractDetIdVector(i, modV, dStruct);

    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < detids->size(); j++) {
      if( debug_ ) cout << "at time = " << iovtime << " detid["<<j<<"] = " << (*detids)[j] << " has hv = " << hvlv.first << " and lv = " << hvlv.second << endl;

    // calculate the stats for storage
    unsigned int numAdded = 0, numRemoved = 0;
    if (iovtime == saveIovTime) {
      std::vector<uint32_t> oldStats = payloadStats.back();
      numAdded = oldStats[1];
      numRemoved = oldStats[2];
    std::vector<uint32_t> afterV;
    if ((afterV.size() - beforeV.size()) > 0) {
      numAdded += afterV.size() - beforeV.size();
    } else if ((beforeV.size() - afterV.size()) > 0) {
      numRemoved += beforeV.size() - afterV.size();

    // store the object if it's a new object
    if (iovtime != saveIovTime) {
      SiStripDetVOff * testV = 0;
      if (!modulesOff.empty()) {testV = modulesOff.back().first;}
      if (modulesOff.empty() ||  !(*modV == *testV) ) {
        modulesOff.push_back( std::make_pair(modV,iovtime) );
        // save the time of the object
        saveIovTime = iovtime;
        // save stats
        setPayloadStats(afterV.size(), numAdded, numRemoved);
    } else {
      (payloadStats.back())[0] = afterV.size();
      (payloadStats.back())[1] = numAdded;
      (payloadStats.back())[2] = numRemoved;

  // compare the first element and the last from previous transfer
  if (lastStoredCondObj.first != NULL && lastStoredCondObj.second > 0) {
    if ( lastStoredCondObj.second == modulesOff[0].second &&
         *(lastStoredCondObj.first) == *(modulesOff[0].first) ) {
      std::vector< std::pair<SiStripDetVOff*,cond::Time_t> >::iterator moIt = modulesOff.begin();
      std::vector< std::vector<uint32_t> >::iterator plIt = payloadStats.begin();
  if (debug_) {
    std::cout << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Size of modulesOff = " << modulesOff.size() << std::endl;
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < modulesOff.size(); i++) {
      std::vector<uint32_t> finalids;
      std::cout << "Index = " << i << " Size of DetIds vector = " << finalids.size() << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Time = " << modulesOff[i].second << std::endl;
      for (unsigned int j = 0; j < finalids.size(); j++) {
        std::cout << "detid = " << finalids[j] << " LV off = " << (modulesOff[i].first)->IsModuleLVOff(finalids[j]) << " HV off = " 
                  << (modulesOff[i].first)->IsModuleHVOff(finalids[j]) << std::endl;
void SiStripDetVOffBuilder::buildPSUdetIdMap ( TimesAndValues tStruct,
DetIdListTimeAndStatus dStruct 
) [private]

Definition at line 665 of file

References SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::actualStatus, SiStripPsuDetIdMap::BuildMap(), SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::changeDate, gather_cfg::cout, debug_, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::DetIdListTimeAndStatus::detidV, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::dpname, spr::find(), SiStripPsuDetIdMap::getDetID(), SiStripDetVOffBuilder::DetIdListTimeAndStatus::isHV, LogTrace, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::DetIdListTimeAndStatus::notMatched, SiStripPsuDetIdMap::printMap(), psuDetIdMapFile_, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::DetIdListTimeAndStatus::psuName, removeDuplicates(), SiStripDetVOffBuilder::DetIdListTimeAndStatus::StatusGood, matplotRender::t, and timeToStream().

Referenced by BuildDetVOffObj().

  SiStripPsuDetIdMap map_;
  if( psuDetIdMapFile_ == "" ) {
  else {
  LogTrace("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") <<"[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::BuildDetVOff] DCU-DET ID map built";

  // use map info to build input for list of objects
  // no need to check for duplicates, as put method for SiStripDetVOff checks for you!
  unsigned int ch0bad = 0, ch1bad = 0, ch2bad = 0, ch3bad = 0;
  std::vector<unsigned int> numLvBad, numHvBad;

  for (unsigned int dp = 0; dp < psuStruct.dpname.size(); dp++) {
    if (psuStruct.dpname[dp] != "UNKNOWN") {

      // figure out the channel
      std::string board = psuStruct.dpname[dp];
      std::string::size_type loc = board.size()-10;
      // now store!
      std::vector<uint32_t> ids = map_.getDetID(psuStruct.dpname[dp]);

      if( debug_ ) cout << "dbname["<<dp<<"] = " << psuStruct.dpname[dp] << ", for time = " << timeToStream(psuStruct.changeDate[dp]) << std::endl;

      if (!ids.empty()) {
        // DCU-PSU maps only channel000 and channel000 and channel001 switch on and off together
        // so check only channel000
        //      if (board == "channel000" || board == "channel001") {
        if (board == "channel000") {
          detIdStruct.detidV.push_back( std::make_pair(ids,psuStruct.changeDate[dp]) );
          if (psuStruct.actualStatus[dp] != 1) {
            //      if (board == "channel000") {ch0bad++;}
            //      if (board == "channel001") {ch1bad++;}
          else {
          detIdStruct.psuName.push_back( psuStruct.dpname[dp] );
        else if( board == "channel002" || board == "channel003" ) {
          detIdStruct.detidV.push_back( std::make_pair(ids,psuStruct.changeDate[dp]) );
          if( debug_ ) cout << "actualStatus = " << psuStruct.actualStatus[dp] << " for psu: " << psuStruct.dpname[dp] << endl;
          if (psuStruct.actualStatus[dp] != 1) {
            if (board == "channel002") {ch2bad++;}
            if (board == "channel003") {ch3bad++;}
          else {
          detIdStruct.psuName.push_back( psuStruct.dpname[dp] );
        else {
          if (board != "channel001") {
            LogTrace("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::" << __func__ << "] channel name not recognised! " << board;
    } else {


  // useful debugging stuff!
  if( debug_ ) {
    std::cout << "Bad 000 = " << ch0bad << " Bad 001 = " << ch1bad << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Bad 002 = " << ch0bad << " Bad 003 = " << ch1bad << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Number of bad LV detIDs = " << numLvBad.size() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Number of bad HV detIDs = " << numHvBad.size() << std::endl;

  LogTrace("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::" << __func__ << "]: Number of PSUs retrieved from DB with map information    " << detIdStruct.detidV.size();
  LogTrace("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::" << __func__ << "]: Number of PSUs retrieved from DB with no map information " << detIdStruct.notMatched;
  unsigned int dupCount = 0;
  for (unsigned int t = 0; t < numLvBad.size(); t++) {
    std::vector<unsigned int>::iterator iter = std::find(numHvBad.begin(),numHvBad.end(),numLvBad[t]);
    if (iter != numHvBad.end()) {dupCount++;}
  if( debug_ ) std::cout << "Number of channels with LV & HV bad = " << dupCount << std::endl;
void SiStripDetVOffBuilder::discardIOVs ( std::vector< std::pair< SiStripDetVOff *, cond::Time_t > >::iterator &  it,
std::vector< std::pair< SiStripDetVOff *, cond::Time_t > >::iterator &  initialIt,
std::vector< std::pair< SiStripDetVOff *, cond::Time_t > > &  resultVec,
const bool  last,
const unsigned int  first 

Removes IOVs as dictated by reduction.

Definition at line 489 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, and debug_.

Referenced by reduce().

  if( debug_ ) {
    cout << "first = " << first << endl;
    cout << "initial->first = " << initialIt->first << ", second  = " << initialIt->second << endl;
    cout << "last = " << last << endl;
  if( last == true ) {
    resultVec.erase(initialIt+first, it+1);
    // Minus 2 because it will be incremented at the end of the loop becoming end()-1.
    it = resultVec.end()-2;
  else {
    it = resultVec.erase(initialIt+first, it);
pair< int, int > SiStripDetVOffBuilder::extractDetIdVector ( const unsigned int  i,
SiStripDetVOff modV,
DetIdListTimeAndStatus detIdStruct 
) [private]

Definition at line 772 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, debug_, i, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::DetIdListTimeAndStatus::isHV, j, psuDetIdMapFile_, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::DetIdListTimeAndStatus::psuName, and SiStripDetVOffBuilder::DetIdListTimeAndStatus::StatusGood.

Referenced by BuildDetVOffObj().

  // set the LV and HV off flags ready for storing
  int lv_off = -1, hv_off = -1;
  if (detIdStruct.isHV[i] == 0) {lv_off = !(detIdStruct.StatusGood[i]);}
  if (detIdStruct.isHV[i] == 1) {
    hv_off = !(detIdStruct.StatusGood[i]);

    // -----------------------

    if( psuDetIdMapFile_ == "" ) {
      // temporary fix to handle the fact that we don't know which HV channel the detIDs are associated to
      if (i > 0) {
        std::string iChannel = detIdStruct.psuName[i].substr( (detIdStruct.psuName[i].size()-3) );
        std::string iPsu = detIdStruct.psuName[i].substr(0, (detIdStruct.psuName[i].size()-3) );
        if (iChannel == "002" || iChannel == "003") {
          bool lastStatusOfOtherChannel = true;
          for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
            std::string jPsu = detIdStruct.psuName[j].substr(0, (detIdStruct.psuName[j].size()-3) );
            std::string jChannel = detIdStruct.psuName[j].substr( (detIdStruct.psuName[j].size()-3) );
            if (iPsu == jPsu && iChannel != jChannel && (jChannel == "002" || jChannel == "003")) {
              if( debug_ ) cout << "psu["<<i<<"] = " << detIdStruct.psuName[i] << " with status = " << detIdStruct.StatusGood[i] << " and psu["<<j<<"] = " << detIdStruct.psuName[j] << " with status " << detIdStruct.StatusGood[j] << endl;
              lastStatusOfOtherChannel = detIdStruct.StatusGood[j];
          if (detIdStruct.StatusGood[i] != lastStatusOfOtherChannel) {
            if( debug_ ) cout << "turning off hv" << endl;
            hv_off = 1;

    // -----------------------


  return make_pair(hv_off, lv_off);
cond::Time_t SiStripDetVOffBuilder::findMostRecentTimeStamp ( std::vector< coral::TimeStamp >  coralDate) [private]

Definition at line 437 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, debug_, getCondTime(), and i.

Referenced by lastValue(), and lastValueFromFile().

  cond::Time_t latestDate = getCondTime(coralDate[0]);
  if( debug_ ) {
    std::cout << "latestDate: condTime = " 
              << (latestDate>>32) 
              << " - " 
              << (latestDate&0xFFFFFFFF) 
      //<< " coralTime= " << coralDate[0] 
              << std::endl;

  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < coralDate.size(); i++) {
    cond::Time_t testDate = getCondTime(coralDate[i]);
    if (testDate > latestDate) {
      latestDate = testDate;
  return latestDate;
int SiStripDetVOffBuilder::findSetting ( uint32_t  id,
coral::TimeStamp  changeDate,
std::vector< uint32_t >  settingID,
std::vector< coral::TimeStamp >  settingDate 
) [private]

Returns the PSU channel setting, based on date. Works from DP ID.

Definition at line 281 of file

References i, j, and cond::rpcobgas::time.

Referenced by lastValue(), and lastValueFromFile().

  int setting = -1;
  // find out how many channel entries there are
  std::vector<int> locations;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < settingID.size(); i++) { if (settingID[i] == id) {locations.push_back((int)i);} }

  // simple cases
  if (locations.size() == 0) {setting = -1;}
  else if (locations.size() == 1) {setting = locations[0];}
  // more than one entry for this channel
  // NB.  entries ordered by date!
  else {
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < locations.size(); j++) {
      const boost::posix_time::ptime& testSec = changeDate.time();
      const boost::posix_time::ptime& limitSec = settingDate[(unsigned int)locations[j]].time();
      long testSec = changeDate.time().ns();
      long limitSec = settingDate[(unsigned int)locations[j]].time().ns();
      if (testSec >= limitSec) {setting = locations[j];}
  return setting;
int SiStripDetVOffBuilder::findSetting ( std::string  dpname,
coral::TimeStamp  changeDate,
std::vector< std::string >  settingDpname,
std::vector< coral::TimeStamp >  settingDate 
) [private]

Returns the PSU channel setting, based on date. Works from PSU channel name. Overloaded.

Definition at line 307 of file

References i, j, and cond::rpcobgas::time.

  int setting = -1;
  // find out how many channel entries there are
  std::vector<int> locations;
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < settingDpname.size(); i++) { if (settingDpname[i] == dpname) {locations.push_back((int)i);} }
  // simple cases
  if (locations.size() == 0) {setting = -1;}
  else if (locations.size() == 1) {setting = locations[0];}
  // more than one entry for this channel
  // NB.  entries ordered by date!
  else {
    for (unsigned int j = 0; j < locations.size(); j++) {
      const boost::posix_time::ptime& testSec = changeDate.time();
      const boost::posix_time::ptime& limitSec = settingDate[(unsigned int)locations[j]].time();
      long testSec = changeDate.time().ns();
      long limitSec = settingDate[(unsigned int)locations[j]].time().ns();
      if (testSec >= limitSec) {setting = locations[j];}
  return setting;
cond::Time_t SiStripDetVOffBuilder::getCondTime ( coral::TimeStamp  coralTime) [private]

Utility code to convert a coral timestamp to the correct time format for O2O timestamp.

Definition at line 395 of file

References cond::time::from_boost().

Referenced by BuildDetVOffObj(), findMostRecentTimeStamp(), and getCoralTime().


  // const boost::posix_time::ptime& t = coralTime.time();
  cond::Time_t condTime = cond::time::from_boost(coralTime.time());

  // cout << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::getCondTime] Converting CoralTime into CondTime: "
  //      << " coralTime = (coralTimeInNs) " <<  coralTime.total_nanoseconds() << " condTime " << (condTime>> 32) << " - " << (condTime & 0xFFFFFFFF) << endl;

  return condTime;
coral::TimeStamp SiStripDetVOffBuilder::getCoralTime ( cond::Time_t  iovTime) [private]

Utility code to convert an O2O timestamp into a coral timestamp.

Definition at line 406 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, debug_, getCondTime(), and cond::time::to_boost().

Referenced by statusChange().

  // This method is defined in the TimeConversions header and it does the following:
  // - takes the seconds part of the iovTime (bit-shifting of 32)
  // - adds the nanoseconds part (first 32 bits mask)
  // - adds the time0 that is the time from begin of times (boost::posix_time::from_time_t(0);)
  coral::TimeStamp coralTime(cond::time::to_boost(iovTime));

  if( debug_ ) {
    unsigned long long iovSec = iovTime >> 32;
    uint32_t iovNanoSec = uint32_t(iovTime);
    cond::Time_t testTime=getCondTime(coralTime);
    cout << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::getCoralTime] Converting CondTime into CoralTime: "
         << " condTime = " <<  iovSec << " - " << iovNanoSec 
         << " getCondTime(coralTime) = " << (testTime>>32) << " - " << (testTime&0xFFFFFFFF)  << endl;

  return coralTime;
std::vector< std::pair<SiStripDetVOff*,cond::Time_t> > SiStripDetVOffBuilder::getModulesVOff ( const int  deltaTmin = 1,
const int  maxIOVlength = 120 
) [inline]

Return modules Off vector of objects.

Definition at line 46 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

References modulesOff, and reduction().

    reduction(deltaTmin, maxIOVlength);
    return modulesOff;
std::vector< std::vector<uint32_t> > SiStripDetVOffBuilder::getPayloadStats ( ) [inline]

Return statistics about payloads transferred for storage in logDB.

Definition at line 51 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

References payloadStats.

{return payloadStats;}
void SiStripDetVOffBuilder::lastValue ( TimesAndValues tStruct) [private]

Definition at line 570 of file

References SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::actualStatus, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::actualValue, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::changeDate, coralInterface, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::dpname, findMostRecentTimeStamp(), findSetting(), highVoltageOnThreshold_, j, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::latestTime, LogDebug, combine::missing, tmax, tmin, tsetmin, and whichTable.

Referenced by BuildDetVOffObj().

  coralInterface->doQuery(whichTable, tmin ,tmax, tStruct.changeDate, tStruct.actualValue, tStruct.dpname);
  tStruct.latestTime = findMostRecentTimeStamp( tStruct.changeDate );
  // preset the size of the status vector
  // retrieve the channel settings from the PVSS DB
  std::vector<coral::TimeStamp> settingDate;
  std::vector<float> settingValue;
  std::vector<std::string> settingDpname;
  std::vector<uint32_t> settingDpid;
  LogDebug("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::BuildDetVOff]: Channel settings retrieved";
  LogDebug("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::BuildDetVOff]: Number of PSU channels: " << settingDpname.size();
  unsigned int missing = 0;
  std::stringstream ss;
  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < tStruct.dpname.size(); j++) {
    int setting = findSetting(tStruct.dpname[j],tStruct.changeDate[j],settingDpname,settingDate);
    if (setting >= 0) {
      if (tStruct.actualValue[j] > (highVoltageOnThreshold_*(settingValue[setting]))) {tStruct.actualStatus[j] = 1;}
      else {tStruct.actualStatus[j] = 0;}
    } else {
      tStruct.actualStatus[j] = -1;
      ss << "Channel = " << tStruct.dpname[j] << std::endl;
  LogDebug("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::BuildDetVOff]: Number of channels with no setting information " << missing;
  LogDebug("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::BuildDetVOff]: Number of entries in dpname vector " << tStruct.dpname.size();
void SiStripDetVOffBuilder::lastValueFromFile ( TimesAndValues tStruct) [private]

Definition at line 605 of file

References SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::actualStatus, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::actualValue, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::changeDate, coralInterface, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::dpid, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::dpname, findMostRecentTimeStamp(), findSetting(), highVoltageOnThreshold_, j, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::latestTime, LogDebug, combine::missing, readLastValueFromFile(), tmax, and tsetmin.

Referenced by BuildDetVOffObj().

  tStruct.latestTime = findMostRecentTimeStamp( tStruct.changeDate );
  LogDebug("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::BuildDetVOff]: File access complete \n\t Number of values read from file: " << tStruct.dpid.size();
  // retrieve the channel settings from the PVSS DB
  std::vector<coral::TimeStamp> settingDate;
  std::vector<float> settingValue;
  std::vector<std::string> settingDpname;
  std::vector<uint32_t> settingDpid;
  LogDebug("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::BuildDetVOff]: Channel settings retrieved";
  LogDebug("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::BuildDetVOff]: Number of PSU channels: " << settingDpname.size();
  unsigned int missing = 0;
  std::stringstream ss;
  // need to get the PSU channel names from settings
  tStruct.dpname.resize(tStruct. dpid.size());
  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < tStruct.dpid.size(); j++) {
    int setting = findSetting(tStruct.dpid[j],tStruct.changeDate[j],settingDpid,settingDate);
    if (setting >= 0) {
      if (tStruct.actualValue[j] > (highVoltageOnThreshold_*settingValue[setting])) {tStruct.actualStatus[j] = 1;}
      else {
        tStruct.actualStatus[j] = 0;
      tStruct.dpname[j] = settingDpname[setting];
    } else {
      tStruct.actualStatus[j] = -1;
      tStruct.dpname[j] = "UNKNOWN";
      ss << "DP ID = " << tStruct.dpid[j] << std::endl;
  LogDebug("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "Number of missing psu channels = " << missing << std::endl;
  LogDebug("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "IDs are: = " << ss.str();
void SiStripDetVOffBuilder::printPar ( std::stringstream &  ss,
const std::vector< int > &  par 
) [private]

Definition at line 80 of file

Referenced by SiStripDetVOffBuilder().

  BOOST_FOREACH(int val, par){
    ss << val << " ";
void SiStripDetVOffBuilder::readLastValueFromFile ( std::vector< uint32_t > &  dpIDs,
std::vector< float > &  vmonValues,
std::vector< coral::TimeStamp > &  dateChange 
) [private]

Extract the lastValue values from file rather than from the PVSS cond DB.

Definition at line 333 of file

References BuildWebpage::date, cond::rpcobgas::day, i, builder_last_value_cfg::lastValueFile, lastValueFileName, geometryCSVtoXML::line, and edm::second().

Referenced by lastValueFromFile().

  std::ifstream lastValueFile(lastValueFileName.c_str());
  if (lastValueFile.bad()) {
    edm::LogError("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::" << __func__ << "]: last Value file does not exist!";

  std::vector<std::string> changeDates;

  std::string line;
  // remove the first line as it is the title line
  //  std::getline(lastValueFile,line);
  //  line.clear();
  // now extract data
  while( std::getline(lastValueFile,line) ) {
    std::istringstream ss(line);
    uint32_t dpid;
    float vmon;
    std::string changeDate;
    ss >> std::skipws >> dpid >> vmon >> changeDate;

  // Now convert dates to coral::TimeStamp
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < changeDates.size(); i++) {
    std::string part = changeDates[i].substr(0,4);
    int year = atoi(part.c_str());

    part = changeDates[i].substr(5,2);
    int month = atoi(part.c_str());

    part = changeDates[i].substr(8,2);
    int day = atoi(part.c_str());

    part = changeDates[i].substr(11,2);
    int hour = atoi(part.c_str());

    part = changeDates[i].substr(14,2);
    int minute = atoi(part.c_str());

    part = changeDates[i].substr(17,2);
    int second = atoi(part.c_str());

    coral::TimeStamp date(year,month,day,hour,minute,second,0);

  if (changeDates.size() != dateChange.size()) {edm::LogError("SiStripDetVOffBuilder") << "[SiStripDetVOffBuilder::" << __func__ << "]: date conversion failed!!";}
void SiStripDetVOffBuilder::reduce ( std::vector< std::pair< SiStripDetVOff *, cond::Time_t > >::iterator &  it,
std::vector< std::pair< SiStripDetVOff *, cond::Time_t > >::iterator &  initialIt,
std::vector< std::pair< SiStripDetVOff *, cond::Time_t > > &  resultVec,
const bool  last = false 

Operates the reduction of the fast sequences of ramping up and down of the voltages.

Definition at line 458 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, debug_, discardIOVs(), first, prof2calltree::last, and edm::second().

Referenced by reduction().

  int first = 0;
  // Check if it is the first
  if( distance(resultVec.begin(), initialIt) == 0 ) {
    first = 1;

  if( debug_ && ( it->first->getLVoffCounts() - initialIt->first->getLVoffCounts() == 0 ) && ( it->first->getHVoffCounts() - initialIt->first->getHVoffCounts() == 0 ) ) {
    cout << "Same number of LV and HV at start and end of sequence: LV off = " << it->first->getLVoffCounts() << " HV off = " << it->first->getHVoffCounts() << endl;

  // if it was going off
  if( ( it->first->getLVoffCounts() - initialIt->first->getLVoffCounts() > 0 ) || ( it->first->getHVoffCounts() - initialIt->first->getHVoffCounts() > 0 ) ) {
    // Set the time of the current (last) iov as the time of the initial iov of the sequence
    // replace the first iov with the last one
    (it+last)->second = (initialIt)->second;
    discardIOVs(it, initialIt, resultVec, last, 0);
    if( debug_ ) cout << "going off" << endl;
  // if it was going on
  else if( ( it->first->getLVoffCounts() - initialIt->first->getLVoffCounts() <= 0 ) || ( it->first->getHVoffCounts() - initialIt->first->getHVoffCounts() <= 0 ) ) {
    // replace the last minus one iov with the first one
    discardIOVs(it, initialIt, resultVec, last, first);
    if( debug_ ) cout << "going on" << endl;
void SiStripDetVOffBuilder::reduction ( const uint32_t  deltaTmin,
const uint32_t  maxIOVlength 

Definition at line 509 of file

References prof2calltree::count, modulesOff, reduce(), and edm::second().

Referenced by getModulesVOff().

  int count = 0;
  std::vector< std::pair<SiStripDetVOff*,cond::Time_t> >::iterator initialIt;

  int resultVecSize = modulesOff.size();
  int resultsIndex = 0;

  if( resultVecSize > 1 ) {
  std::vector< std::pair<SiStripDetVOff*,cond::Time_t> >::iterator it = modulesOff.begin();
    for( ; it != modulesOff.end()-1; ++it, ++resultsIndex ) {
      unsigned long long deltaT = ((it+1)->second - it->second) >> 32;
      unsigned long long deltaTsequence = 0;
      if( count > 1 ) {
        deltaTsequence = ((it+1)->second - initialIt->second) >> 32;
      // Save the initial pair
      if( (deltaT < deltaTmin) && ( (count == 0) || ( deltaTsequence < maxIOVlength ) ) ) {
        // If we are not in a the sequence
        if( count == 0 ) {
          initialIt = it;
        // Increase the counter in any case.
      // We do it only if the sequence is bigger than two cases
      else if( count > 1 ) {
        reduce(it, initialIt, modulesOff);
        // reset all
        count = 0;
      else {
        // reset all
        count = 0;
      // Border case
      if( resultsIndex == resultVecSize-2 && count != 0 ) {
        reduce(it, initialIt, modulesOff, true);
void SiStripDetVOffBuilder::removeDuplicates ( std::vector< uint32_t > &  vec) [private]

Utility code to remove all the duplicates from a vector of uint32_t.

Definition at line 426 of file

References python::multivaluedict::sort().

Referenced by buildPSUdetIdMap().

  std::vector<uint32_t>::iterator it = std::unique(vec.begin(),vec.end());
  vec.resize( it - vec.begin() );
void SiStripDetVOffBuilder::setLastSiStripDetVOff ( SiStripDetVOff lastPayload,
cond::Time_t  lastTimeStamp 

Store the last payload transferred to DB as starting point for creation of new object list. ONLY WORKS FOR STATUSCHANGE OPTION.

Definition at line 432 of file

References lastStoredCondObj.

  lastStoredCondObj.first = lastPayload;
  lastStoredCondObj.second = lastTimeStamp;
void SiStripDetVOffBuilder::setPayloadStats ( const uint32_t  afterV,
const uint32_t  numAdded,
const uint32_t  numRemoved 
) [private]

Definition at line 763 of file

References payloadStats.

Referenced by BuildDetVOffObj().

  std::vector<uint32_t> pStats(3,0);
void SiStripDetVOffBuilder::statusChange ( cond::Time_t lastTime,
TimesAndValues tStruct 
) [private]

Definition at line 552 of file

References SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::actualStatus, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::actualValue, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::changeDate, coralInterface, SiStripDetVOffBuilder::TimesAndValues::dpname, getCoralTime(), tmax, tmin, and whichTable.

Referenced by BuildDetVOffObj().

  // Setting tmin to the last value IOV of the database tag
  if( lastTime > 0 ) {
    tmin = getCoralTime(lastTime);
  coralInterface->doQuery(whichTable, tmin ,tmax, tStruct.changeDate, tStruct.actualValue, tStruct.dpname);

  // preset the size of the status vector
  BOOST_FOREACH(float val, tStruct.actualValue) {
string SiStripDetVOffBuilder::timeToStream ( const coral::TimeStamp &  coralTime,
const string &  comment = "" 
) [private]

Definition at line 652 of file

Referenced by buildPSUdetIdMap().

  stringstream ss;
  ss << "Starting from IOV time in the database : year = " << coralTime.year()
     << ", month = " << coralTime.month()
     << ", day = " <<
     << ", hour = " << coralTime.hour()
     << ", minute = " << coralTime.minute()
     << ", second = " << coralTime.second()
     << ", nanosecond = " << coralTime.nanosecond() << std::endl;
  return ss.str();
string SiStripDetVOffBuilder::timeToStream ( const cond::Time_t condTime,
const string &  comment = "" 
) [private]

Definition at line 645 of file

  stringstream ss;
  ss << comment << (condTime>> 32) << " - " << (condTime & 0xFFFFFFFF) << std::endl;
  return ss.str();

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 118 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by BuildDetVOffObj(), and SiStripDetVOffBuilder().

Definition at line 127 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by BuildDetVOffObj().

Definition at line 128 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by BuildDetVOffObj().

Definition at line 121 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by BuildDetVOffObj(), and SiStripDetVOffBuilder().

Definition at line 130 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by lastValue(), and lastValueFromFile().

Definition at line 120 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by readLastValueFromFile(), and SiStripDetVOffBuilder().

std::vector< std::pair<SiStripDetVOff*,cond::Time_t> > SiStripDetVOffBuilder::modulesOff [private]

Definition at line 113 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by BuildDetVOffObj(), getModulesVOff(), and reduction().

Definition at line 117 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by BuildDetVOffObj(), and SiStripDetVOffBuilder().

std::vector< std::vector<uint32_t> > SiStripDetVOffBuilder::payloadStats [private]

Definition at line 112 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by BuildDetVOffObj(), getPayloadStats(), and setPayloadStats().

Definition at line 122 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by buildPSUdetIdMap(), and extractDetIdVector().

std::vector<int> SiStripDetVOffBuilder::tDefault [private]

Definition at line 125 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

coral::TimeStamp SiStripDetVOffBuilder::tmax [private]
std::vector<int> SiStripDetVOffBuilder::tmax_par [private]

Definition at line 125 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by SiStripDetVOffBuilder().

coral::TimeStamp SiStripDetVOffBuilder::tmin [private]

Definition at line 124 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by lastValue(), SiStripDetVOffBuilder(), and statusChange().

std::vector<int> SiStripDetVOffBuilder::tmin_par [private]

Definition at line 125 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by SiStripDetVOffBuilder().

std::vector<int> SiStripDetVOffBuilder::tset_par [private]

Definition at line 125 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by SiStripDetVOffBuilder().

coral::TimeStamp SiStripDetVOffBuilder::tsetmin [private]

Definition at line 124 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by lastValue(), lastValueFromFile(), and SiStripDetVOffBuilder().

Definition at line 75 of file SiStripDetVOffBuilder.h.

Referenced by BuildDetVOffObj(), and SiStripDetVOffBuilder().

std::string SiStripDetVOffBuilder::whichTable [private]