
Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #include "CalibTracker/SiStripDCS/interface/SiStripPsuDetIdMap.h"
00002 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
00003 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
00004 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetfwd.h"
00005 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
00006 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
00008 #include "OnlineDB/SiStripConfigDb/interface/SiStripConfigDb.h"
00009 #include "DataFormats/SiStripCommon/interface/SiStripConstants.h"
00010 #include "DataFormats/SiStripCommon/interface/SiStripEnumsAndStrings.h"
00011 #include <cstdlib>
00012 #include <iostream>
00013 #include <iomanip>
00014 #include <sstream>
00015 #include <string>
00017 using namespace sistrip;
00019 // only one constructor
00020 SiStripPsuDetIdMap::SiStripPsuDetIdMap() { LogTrace("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "] Constructing ..."; }
00021 // destructor
00022 SiStripPsuDetIdMap::~SiStripPsuDetIdMap() {LogTrace("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "] Destructing ..."; }
00024 // Build PSU-DETID map
00025 void SiStripPsuDetIdMap::BuildMap()
00026 {
00027   // initialize the map vector
00028   pgMap.clear();
00029   detectorLocations.clear();
00030   dcuIds.clear();
00031   cgDcuIds.clear();
00032   ccuDcuIds.clear();
00034   // first = DCU ID, second = pointer to TkDcuInfo object
00035   SiStripConfigDb::DcuDetIdsV dcu_detid_vector;
00036   dcu_device_addr_vector.clear();
00037   // pointer to TkDcuPsuMap objects
00038   DcuPsuVector powerGroup, controlGroup;
00040   // check that the db connection is ready
00041   if ( db_ ) {
00042     // retrieve both maps, if available
00043     SiStripDbParams dbParams_ = db_->dbParams();
00044     SiStripDbParams::SiStripPartitions::const_iterator iter;
00045     for (iter = dbParams_.partitions().begin(); iter != dbParams_.partitions().end(); ++iter) {
00046       if (iter->second.psuVersion().first > 0) {
00047         DcuPsusRange PGrange, CGrange;
00048         getDcuPsuMap(PGrange,CGrange,iter->second.partitionName());
00049         if (!PGrange.empty()) {
00050           DcuPsuVector nextVec( PGrange.begin(), PGrange.end() );
00051           powerGroup.insert( powerGroup.end(), nextVec.begin(), nextVec.end() );
00052         }
00053         if (!CGrange.empty()) {
00054           DcuPsuVector nextVec( CGrange.begin(), CGrange.end() );
00055           controlGroup.insert( controlGroup.end(), nextVec.begin(), nextVec.end() );
00056         }
00057       }
00059       if (iter->second.dcuVersion().first > 0 && iter->second.fecVersion().first > 0) {
00060         SiStripConfigDb::DcuDetIdsRange range = db_->getDcuDetIds(iter->second.partitionName());
00061         if (!range.empty()) {
00062           SiStripConfigDb::DcuDetIdsV nextVec( range.begin(), range.end() );
00063           dcu_detid_vector.insert( dcu_detid_vector.end(), nextVec.begin(), nextVec.end() );
00064         }
00065         //      std::vector< std::pair<uint32_t, SiStripConfigDb::DeviceAddress> > nextControlVector = retrieveDcuDeviceAddresses(iter->second.partitionName());
00066         std::vector< std::pair< std::vector<uint16_t> , std::vector<uint32_t> > > nextControlVector = retrieveDcuDeviceAddresses(iter->second.partitionName());
00067         dcu_device_addr_vector.insert( dcu_device_addr_vector.end(), nextControlVector.begin(), nextControlVector.end() );
00068       }
00069     }
00070   } else {
00071     edm::LogWarning("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "] NULL pointer to SiStripConfigDb service returned!  Cannot build PSU <-> DETID map"; 
00072     return;
00073   }
00074   LogTrace("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "] All information retrieved!";
00076   if (!powerGroup.empty()) {
00077     if (!dcu_detid_vector.empty()) {
00078       // Retrieve the collated information for all partitions
00079       // Now build the map, starting from the PSUs for power groups
00080       for (unsigned int psu = 0; psu < powerGroup.size(); psu++) {
00081         SiStripConfigDb::DcuDetIdsV::iterator iter = SiStripConfigDb::findDcuDetId( dcu_detid_vector.begin(), dcu_detid_vector.end(), powerGroup[psu]->getDcuHardId() );
00082         if (iter != dcu_detid_vector.end()) {
00083           // check for duplicates
00084           bool presentInMap = false, multiEntry = false;
00085           unsigned int locInMap = 0;
00086           for (unsigned int ch = 0; ch < pgMap.size(); ch++) {
00087             if (pgMap[ch].first == iter->second->getDetId() && pgMap[ch].second == powerGroup[psu]->getDatapointName()) {presentInMap = true;}
00088             if (pgMap[ch].first == iter->second->getDetId() && pgMap[ch].second != powerGroup[psu]->getDatapointName()) {
00089               multiEntry = true;
00090               locInMap = ch;
00091             }
00092           }
00093           // if no duplicates, store it!
00094           if (!presentInMap && !multiEntry) {
00095             pgMap.push_back( std::make_pair( iter->second->getDetId(), powerGroup[psu]->getDatapointName() ) );
00096             detectorLocations.push_back( powerGroup[psu]->getPVSSName() );
00097             dcuIds.push_back( powerGroup[psu]->getDcuHardId() );
00098           }
00099           if (multiEntry) {
00100             pgMap[locInMap].first = iter->second->getDetId();
00101             pgMap[locInMap].second = powerGroup[psu]->getDatapointName();
00102             detectorLocations[locInMap] = powerGroup[psu]->getPVSSName();
00103             dcuIds[locInMap] = powerGroup[psu]->getDcuHardId();
00104           }
00105         }
00106       }
00107     } else {
00108       edm::LogWarning("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "] DCU <-> DETID mapping missing!  Cannot build PSU <-> DETID map";
00109     }
00110   } else {
00111     edm::LogWarning("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "] DCU <-> PSU mapping missing!  Cannot build PSU <-> DETID map";
00112   }
00114   if (!controlGroup.empty() && !dcu_detid_vector.empty()) {
00115     for (unsigned int cg = 0; cg < controlGroup.size(); cg++) {
00116       std::vector<uint32_t> dcuids = findDcuIdFromDeviceAddress(controlGroup[cg]->getDcuHardId());
00118       for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dcuids.size(); d++) {
00119         SiStripConfigDb::DcuDetIdsV::iterator iter = SiStripConfigDb::findDcuDetId( dcu_detid_vector.begin(), dcu_detid_vector.end(), dcuids[d] );
00120         if (iter != dcu_detid_vector.end()) {
00121           bool presentInMap = false, multiEntry = false;
00122           unsigned int locInMap = 0, locOfCopy = 0;
00123           for (unsigned int ch = 0; ch < cgMap.size(); ch++) {
00124             if (cgMap[ch].first == iter->second->getDetId() && cgMap[ch].second == controlGroup[cg]->getDatapointName()) {
00125               presentInMap = true;
00126               locOfCopy = ch;
00127             }
00128             if (cgMap[ch].first == iter->second->getDetId() && cgMap[ch].second != controlGroup[cg]->getDatapointName()) {
00129               multiEntry = true;
00130               locInMap = ch;
00131             }
00132           }
00134           if (!presentInMap && !multiEntry) {
00135             cgMap.push_back( std::make_pair(iter->second->getDetId(), controlGroup[cg]->getDatapointName()) );
00136             controlLocations.push_back( controlGroup[cg]->getPVSSName() );
00137             cgDcuIds.push_back( dcuids[d] );
00138             ccuDcuIds.push_back( controlGroup[cg]->getDcuHardId() );
00139           }
00140           if (multiEntry) {
00141             cgMap[locInMap].first = iter->second->getDetId();
00142             cgMap[locInMap].second = controlGroup[cg]->getDatapointName();
00143             controlLocations[locInMap] = controlGroup[cg]->getPVSSName();
00144             cgDcuIds[locInMap] = dcuids[d];
00145             ccuDcuIds[locInMap] = controlGroup[cg]->getDcuHardId();
00146           }
00147         }
00148       }
00149     }
00150   }  
00151   LogTrace("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "]: Size of power group PSU-DetID map is: " << pgMap.size();
00152   LogTrace("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "]: Size of control group PSU-DetID map is: " << cgMap.size();
00153 }
00155 // Extract DCU-PSU map from DB
00156 void SiStripPsuDetIdMap::getDcuPsuMap(DcuPsusRange &pRange, DcuPsusRange &cRange, std::string partition)
00157 {
00158   // initialize the DCU-PSU range
00159   pRange = DcuPsuMapPG_.emptyRange();
00160   cRange = DcuPsuMapCG_.emptyRange();
00161   // check that the db connection is ready
00162   SiStripDbParams dbParams_ = db_->dbParams();
00163   // devicefactory needed for DCU-PSU information
00164   if ( db_->deviceFactory() ) {
00165     // loop over all specified partitions
00166     SiStripDbParams::SiStripPartitions::const_iterator iter;
00167     for (iter = dbParams_.partitions().begin(); iter != dbParams_.partitions().end(); ++iter) {
00168       if ( partition == "" || partition == iter->second.partitionName() ) {
00169         if ( iter->second.partitionName() == SiStripPartition::defaultPartitionName_ ) { continue; }
00170         // Stolen from RB code - modify to store DCU PSU map instead
00171         // Do things the way RB does to make life easier
00172         DcuPsusRange rangePG = DcuPsuMapPG_.find(iter->second.partitionName());
00174         if (rangePG == DcuPsuMapPG_.emptyRange()) {
00175           try {
00176             db_->deviceFactory()->getDcuPsuMapPartition(iter->second.partitionName(),iter->second.psuVersion().first,iter->second.psuVersion().second);
00177           } catch (... ) { db_->handleException( __func__ ); }
00179           // now store it locally for power groups
00180           DcuPsuVector pGroup   = db_->deviceFactory()->getPowerGroupDcuPsuMaps();
00181           DcuPsuVector cGroup   = db_->deviceFactory()->getControlGroupDcuPsuMaps();
00182           DcuPsuVector dstPG, dstCG;
00183           clone(pGroup, dstPG);
00184           clone(cGroup, dstCG);
00185           DcuPsuMapPG_.loadNext(iter->second.partitionName(), dstPG);
00186           DcuPsuMapCG_.loadNext(iter->second.partitionName(), dstCG);
00187         }
00188       } // if partition is blank or equal to the partitionName specified
00189     } // for loop
00190   } // device factory check
00192   // Create range object
00193   uint16_t npPG = 0, ncPG = 0;
00194   DcuPsusRange PGrange;
00195   if ( partition != "" ) { 
00196     PGrange = DcuPsuMapPG_.find(partition);
00197     npPG = 1;
00198     ncPG = PGrange.size();
00199   } else { 
00200     if (!DcuPsuMapPG_.empty()) {
00201       PGrange = DcuPsusRange( DcuPsuMapPG_.find( dbParams_.partitions().begin()->second.partitionName() ).begin(),
00202                               DcuPsuMapPG_.find( (--(dbParams_.partitions().end()))->second.partitionName() ).end() );
00203     } else {
00204       PGrange = DcuPsuMapPG_.emptyRange();
00205     }
00206     npPG = DcuPsuMapPG_.size();
00207     ncPG = PGrange.size();
00208   }
00210   stringstream ss; 
00211   ss << "Found " << ncPG << " entries for power groups in DCU-PSU map";
00212   if (DcuPsuMapPG_.empty()) {edm::LogWarning("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "] " << ss.str();}
00213   else {LogTrace("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "] " << ss.str();}
00215   uint16_t npCG = 0, ncCG = 0;
00216   DcuPsusRange CGrange;
00217   if ( partition != "" ) { 
00218     CGrange = DcuPsuMapCG_.find(partition);
00219     npCG = 1;
00220     ncCG = CGrange.size();
00221   } else { 
00222     if (!DcuPsuMapCG_.empty()) {
00223       CGrange = DcuPsusRange( DcuPsuMapCG_.find( dbParams_.partitions().begin()->second.partitionName() ).begin(),
00224                               DcuPsuMapCG_.find( (--(dbParams_.partitions().end()))->second.partitionName() ).end() );
00225     } else {
00226       CGrange = DcuPsuMapCG_.emptyRange();
00227     }
00228     npCG = DcuPsuMapCG_.size();
00229     ncCG = CGrange.size();
00230   }
00232   std::stringstream ss1;
00233   ss1 << "Found " << ncCG << " entries for control groups in DCU-PSU map";
00234   if (DcuPsuMapCG_.empty()) {edm::LogWarning("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "] " << ss1.str();}
00235   else {LogTrace("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "] " << ss1.str();}
00237   cRange = CGrange;
00238   pRange = PGrange;
00239 }
00241 void SiStripPsuDetIdMap::BuildMap( const std::string & mapFile )
00242 {
00243   BuildMap(mapFile, pgMap);
00244 }
00246 void SiStripPsuDetIdMap::BuildMap( const std::string & mapFile, PsuDetIdMap & map )
00247 {
00248   edm::FileInPath file(mapFile.c_str());
00249   ifstream ifs( file.fullPath().c_str() );
00250   string line;
00251   while( getline( ifs, line ) ) {
00252     if( line != "" ) {
00253       // split the line and insert in the map
00254       stringstream ss(line);
00255       string dpName;
00256       uint32_t detId;
00257       ss >> detId;
00258       ss >> dpName;
00259       map.push_back( std::make_pair(detId, dpName) );
00260     }
00261   }
00262 }
00264 std::vector<uint32_t> SiStripPsuDetIdMap::getLvDetID(std::string pvss) {
00265   std::vector<uint32_t> detids;
00267   for (PsuDetIdMap::iterator iter = pgMap.begin(); iter != pgMap.end(); iter++) {
00268     if (iter->first && iter->second == pvss) {
00269       detids.push_back(iter->first);
00270     }
00271   }
00273   // remove duplicates
00274   std::sort(detids.begin(),detids.end());
00275   std::vector<uint32_t>::iterator it = std::unique(detids.begin(),detids.end());
00276   detids.resize( it - detids.begin() );
00278   return detids;
00279 }
00281 std::vector<uint32_t> SiStripPsuDetIdMap::getHvDetID(std::string pvss) {
00282   std::vector<uint32_t> detids;
00283   std::string inputBoard = pvss;
00284   std::string::size_type loc = inputBoard.size()-3;
00285   inputBoard.erase(loc,3);
00287   for (PsuDetIdMap::iterator iter = pgMap.begin(); iter != pgMap.end(); iter++) {
00288     std::string board = iter->second;
00289     std::string::size_type loca = board.size()-3;
00290     board.erase(loca,3);
00291     if (iter->first && inputBoard == board) {
00292       detids.push_back(iter->first);
00293     }
00294   }
00296   // remove duplicates
00297   std::sort(detids.begin(),detids.end());
00298   std::vector<uint32_t>::iterator it = std::unique(detids.begin(),detids.end());
00299   detids.resize( it - detids.begin() );
00301   return detids;
00302 }
00304 // This method needs to be updated once HV channel mapping is known
00305 // Currently, channel number is ignored for mapping purposes
00306 // check both PG and CG as the channels should be unique
00307 std::vector<uint32_t> SiStripPsuDetIdMap::getDetID(std::string pvss) {
00308   std::vector<uint32_t> detids;
00310   std::string inputBoard = pvss;
00311   std::string::size_type loc = inputBoard.size()-3;
00312   inputBoard.erase(loc,3);
00314   for (PsuDetIdMap::iterator iter = pgMap.begin(); iter != pgMap.end(); iter++) {
00315     std::string board = iter->second;
00316     std::string::size_type loca = board.size()-3;
00317     board.erase(loca,3);
00318     if (inputBoard == board) {
00319       detids.push_back(iter->first);
00320     }
00321   }
00322   // 12/6/09 (JEC)  Remove control groups because O2O is power groups ONLY
00323   /*
00324     if (detids.empty()) {
00325     LogTrace("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "] PSU channel not found in PGs ... Searching CGs!";
00326     for (PsuDetIdMap::iterator iter = cgMap.begin(); iter != cgMap.end(); iter++) {
00327     std::string board = iter->second;
00328     // control groups are ONLY LV
00329     std::string::size_type loca = board.size()-3;
00330     board.erase(loca,3);
00331     if (iter->first && inputBoard == board) {detids.push_back(iter->first);}
00332     }
00333     }
00334   */
00336   // remove duplicates
00337   std::sort(detids.begin(),detids.end());
00338   std::vector<uint32_t>::iterator it = std::unique(detids.begin(),detids.end());
00339   detids.resize( it - detids.begin() );
00341   return detids;
00342 }
00344 // returns PSU channel name for a given DETID
00345 std::string SiStripPsuDetIdMap::getPSUName(uint32_t detid) {
00346   PsuDetIdMap::iterator iter;
00347   for (iter = pgMap.begin(); iter != pgMap.end(); iter++) {
00348     if (iter->first && iter->first == detid) {return iter->second;}
00349   }
00350   // if we reach here, then we didn't find the detid in the map
00351   return "UNKNOWN";
00352 }
00354 std::string SiStripPsuDetIdMap::getPSUName(uint32_t detid, std::string group) {
00355   PsuDetIdMap::iterator iter;
00356   if (group == "PG") {
00357     for (iter = pgMap.begin(); iter != pgMap.end(); iter++) {
00358       if (iter->first && iter->first == detid) {return iter->second;}
00359     }
00360   }
00361   if (group == "CG") {
00362     for (iter = cgMap.begin(); iter != cgMap.end(); iter++) {
00363       if (iter->first && iter->first == detid) {return iter->second;}
00364     }
00365   }
00366   // if we reach here, then we didn't find the detid in the map
00367   return "UNKNOWN";
00368 }
00370 // returns the PVSS name for a given DETID
00371 std::string SiStripPsuDetIdMap::getDetectorLocation(uint32_t detid) {
00372   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pgMap.size(); i++) {
00373     if (pgMap[i].first == detid) {return detectorLocations[i];}
00374   }
00375   return "UNKNOWN";
00376 }
00378 // returns the PVSS name for a given DETID, depending on specified map
00379 std::string SiStripPsuDetIdMap::getDetectorLocation(uint32_t detid, std::string group) {
00380   if (group == "PG") {
00381     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pgMap.size(); i++) {
00382       if (pgMap[i].first == detid) {return detectorLocations[i];}
00383     }
00384   }
00385   if (group == "CG") {
00386     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cgMap.size(); i++) {
00387       if (cgMap[i].first == detid) {return controlLocations[i];}
00388     }
00389   }
00390   return "UNKNOWN";
00391 }
00393 // returns the PVSS name for a given PSU channel
00394 std::string SiStripPsuDetIdMap::getDetectorLocation(std::string pvss) {
00395   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pgMap.size(); i++) {
00396     if (pgMap[i].second == pvss) {return detectorLocations[i];}
00397   }
00398   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cgMap.size(); i++) {
00399     if (cgMap[i].second == pvss) {return controlLocations[i];}
00400   }
00401   return "UNKNOWN";
00402 }
00404 // returns the DCU ID for a given PSU channel
00405 uint32_t SiStripPsuDetIdMap::getDcuId(std::string pvss) {
00406   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pgMap.size(); i++) {
00407     if (pgMap[i].second == pvss) {return dcuIds[i];}
00408   }
00409   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cgMap.size(); i++) {
00410     if (cgMap[i].second == pvss) {return cgDcuIds[i];}
00411   }
00412   return 0;
00413 }
00415 uint32_t SiStripPsuDetIdMap::getDcuId(uint32_t detid) {
00416   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < pgMap.size(); i++) {
00417     if (pgMap[i].first == detid) {return dcuIds[i];}
00418   }
00419   return 0;
00420 }
00422 // determine if a given PSU channel is HV or not
00423 int SiStripPsuDetIdMap::IsHVChannel(std::string pvss) {
00424   // isHV = 0 means LV, = 1 means HV, = -1 means error
00425   int isHV = 0;
00426   std::string::size_type loc = pvss.find( "channel", 0 );
00427   if (loc != std::string::npos) {
00428     std::string chNumber = pvss.substr(loc+7,3);
00429     if (chNumber == "002" || chNumber == "003") {
00430       isHV = 1;
00431     } else if (chNumber == "000" || chNumber == "001") {
00432       isHV = 0;
00433     } else {
00434       edm::LogWarning("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "] channel number of expected format, setting error flag!";
00435       isHV = -1;
00436     }
00437   } else {
00438     edm::LogWarning("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "] channel number not located in PVSS name, setting error flag!";
00439     isHV = -1;
00440   }
00441   return isHV;
00442 }
00444 void SiStripPsuDetIdMap::clone(DcuPsuVector &input, DcuPsuVector &output) {
00445   output.clear();
00446   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) {
00447     output.push_back(new TkDcuPsuMap(*(input[i])));
00448   }
00449 }
00451 void SiStripPsuDetIdMap::printMap() {
00452   stringstream pg;
00453   pg << "Map of power supplies to DET IDs: " << std::endl
00454      << "-- PSU name --          -- Det Id --" << std::endl;
00455   for (unsigned int p = 0; p < pgMap.size(); p++) {
00456     pg << pgMap[p].first << "         " << pgMap[p].second << std::endl;
00457   }
00458   edm::LogInfo("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "] " << pg.str();
00459 }
00461 void SiStripPsuDetIdMap::printControlMap() {
00462   stringstream cg;
00463   cg << "Map of control power supplies to DET IDs: " << std::endl
00464      << "-- PSU name --                -- Det Id --" << std::endl;
00465   for (unsigned int p = 0; p < cgMap.size(); p++) {
00466     cg << cgMap[p].first << "         " << cgMap[p].second << std::endl;
00467   }
00468   edm::LogInfo("SiStripPsuDetIdMap") << "[SiStripPsuDetIdMap::" << __func__ << "] " << cg.str();
00469 }
00471 std::vector< std::pair<uint32_t, std::string> > SiStripPsuDetIdMap::getDcuPsuMap() {
00472   if (pgMap.size() != 0) { return pgMap; }
00473   std::vector< std::pair<uint32_t, std::string> > emptyVec;
00474   return emptyVec;
00475 }
00477 void SiStripPsuDetIdMap::checkMapInputValues(SiStripConfigDb::DcuDetIdsV dcuDetIds_, DcuPsuVector dcuPsus_) {
00478   std::cout << "Number of entries in DCU-PSU map:    " << dcuPsus_.size() << std::endl;
00479   std::cout << "Number of entries in DCU-DETID map:  " << dcuDetIds_.size() << std::endl;
00480   std::cout << std::endl;
00482   std::vector<bool> ddUsed(dcuDetIds_.size(),false);
00483   std::vector<bool> dpUsed(dcuPsus_.size(),false);
00485   for (unsigned int dp = 0; dp < dcuPsus_.size(); dp++) {
00486     for (unsigned int dd = 0; dd < dcuDetIds_.size(); dd++) {
00487       if (dcuPsus_[dp]->getDcuHardId() == dcuDetIds_[dd].second->getDcuHardId()) {
00488         dpUsed[dp] = true;
00489         ddUsed[dd] = true;
00490       }
00491     }
00492   }
00493   unsigned int numDpUsed = 0, numDpNotUsed = 0;
00494   for (unsigned int dp = 0; dp < dpUsed.size(); dp++) {
00495     if (dpUsed[dp]) { numDpUsed++; }
00496     else { numDpNotUsed++; }
00497   }
00499   std::cout << "Number of used DCU-PSU entries:   " << numDpUsed << std::endl;
00500   std::cout << "Number of unused DCU-PSU entries: " << numDpNotUsed << std::endl;
00502   unsigned int numDdUsed = 0, numDdNotUsed = 0;
00503   for (unsigned int dd = 0; dd < ddUsed.size(); dd++) {
00504     if (ddUsed[dd]) { numDdUsed++; }
00505     else { numDdNotUsed++; }
00506   }
00508   std::cout << "Number of used DCU-DETID entries:   " << numDdUsed << std::endl;
00509   std::cout << "Number of unused DCU-DETID entries: " << numDdNotUsed << std::endl;
00510   std::cout << std::endl;
00511   std::cout << "Size of PSU-DETID map:              " << pgMap.size() << std::endl;
00512   std::cout << "Size of detectorLocations:          " << detectorLocations.size() << std::endl;
00513 }
00515 //std::vector< std::pair<uint32_t, SiStripConfigDb::DeviceAddress> > SiStripPsuDetIdMap::retrieveDcuDeviceAddresses(std::string partition) {
00516 std::vector< std::pair< std::vector<uint16_t> , std::vector<uint32_t> > > SiStripPsuDetIdMap::retrieveDcuDeviceAddresses(std::string partition) {
00517   // get the DB parameters
00518   SiStripDbParams dbParams_ = db_->dbParams();
00519   SiStripDbParams::SiStripPartitions::const_iterator iter;
00521   std::vector< std::pair<uint32_t, SiStripConfigDb::DeviceAddress> > resultVec;
00523   SiStripConfigDb::DeviceDescriptionsV dcuDevices_;
00524   SiStripConfigDb::DeviceType device_ = DCU;
00526   for (iter = dbParams_.partitions().begin(); iter != dbParams_.partitions().end(); ++iter) {
00527     if ( partition == "" || partition == iter->second.partitionName() ) {
00528       if ( iter->second.partitionName() == SiStripPartition::defaultPartitionName_ ) { continue; }
00529       if (iter->second.dcuVersion().first > 0 && iter->second.fecVersion().first > 0) {
00530         SiStripConfigDb::DeviceDescriptionsRange range = db_->getDeviceDescriptions(device_,iter->second.partitionName());
00531         if (!range.empty()) {
00532           SiStripConfigDb::DeviceDescriptionsV nextVec( range.begin(), range.end() );
00533           for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nextVec.size(); i++) {
00534             dcuDescription * desc = dynamic_cast<dcuDescription *>(nextVec[i]);
00535             resultVec.push_back( std::make_pair( desc->getDcuHardId(), db_->deviceAddress(*(nextVec[i])) ) );
00536           }
00537         }
00538       }
00539     }
00540   }
00542   std::vector< std::pair< std::vector<uint16_t> , std::vector<uint32_t> > > testVec;
00543   std::vector< std::pair<uint32_t, SiStripConfigDb::DeviceAddress> >::iterator reorg_iter = resultVec.begin();
00545   for ( ; reorg_iter != resultVec.end(); reorg_iter++) {
00546     std::vector<uint16_t> fecInfo(4,0);
00547     fecInfo[0] = reorg_iter->second.fecCrate_;
00548     fecInfo[1] = reorg_iter->second.fecSlot_;
00549     fecInfo[2] = reorg_iter->second.fecRing_;
00550     fecInfo[3] = reorg_iter->second.ccuAddr_;
00551     std::vector<uint32_t> dcuids;
00552     std::vector< std::pair<uint32_t, SiStripConfigDb::DeviceAddress> >::iterator jter = reorg_iter;
00553     for ( ; jter != resultVec.end(); jter++) {
00554       if (reorg_iter->second.fecCrate_ == jter->second.fecCrate_ &&
00555           reorg_iter->second.fecSlot_ == jter->second.fecSlot_ &&
00556           reorg_iter->second.fecRing_ == jter->second.fecRing_ &&
00557           reorg_iter->second.ccuAddr_ == jter->second.ccuAddr_) {
00558         dcuids.push_back(jter->first);
00559       }
00560     }
00561     // handle duplicates
00562     bool isDup = false;
00563     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < testVec.size(); i++) {
00564       if (fecInfo == testVec[i].first) {
00565         isDup = true;
00566         dcuids.insert(dcuids.end(), (testVec[i].second).begin(), (testVec[i].second).end() );
00567         std::sort(dcuids.begin(),dcuids.end());
00568         std::vector<uint32_t>::iterator it = std::unique(dcuids.begin(),dcuids.end());
00569         dcuids.resize( it - dcuids.begin() );
00570         testVec[i].second = dcuids;
00571       }
00572     }
00573     if (!isDup) {
00574       std::sort(dcuids.begin(),dcuids.end());
00575       std::vector<uint32_t>::iterator it = std::unique(dcuids.begin(),dcuids.end());
00576       dcuids.resize( it - dcuids.begin() );
00577       testVec.push_back(std::make_pair(fecInfo,dcuids));
00578     }
00579   }
00580   //  return resultVec;
00581   return testVec;
00582 }
00584 std::vector<uint32_t> SiStripPsuDetIdMap::findDcuIdFromDeviceAddress(uint32_t dcuid_) {
00585   std::vector< std::pair< std::vector<uint16_t> , std::vector<uint32_t> > >::iterator iter = dcu_device_addr_vector.begin();
00586   std::vector< std::pair< std::vector<uint16_t> , std::vector<uint32_t> > >::iterator res_iter = dcu_device_addr_vector.end();
00587   std::vector<uint32_t> pgDcu;
00589   for ( ; iter != dcu_device_addr_vector.end(); iter++) {
00590     std::vector<uint32_t> dcuids = iter->second;
00591     std::vector<uint32_t>::iterator dcu_iter = std::find(dcuids.begin(),dcuids.end(),dcuid_);
00592     bool alreadyFound = false;
00593     if (res_iter != dcu_device_addr_vector.end()) {alreadyFound = true;}
00594     if (dcu_iter != dcuids.end()) {
00595       res_iter = iter;
00596       if (!alreadyFound) {
00597         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dcuids.size(); i++) {
00598           if (dcuids[i] != dcuid_) {pgDcu.push_back(dcuids[i]);}
00599         }
00600       } else {
00601         std::cout << "Oh oh ... we have a duplicate :-(" << std::endl;
00602       }
00603     }
00604   }
00605   return pgDcu;
00606 }