Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables

cond Namespace Reference


namespace  ecalcond
namespace  ecalped
namespace  idCategories
namespace  impl
namespace  rpcobgas
namespace  rpcobimon
namespace  rpcobtemp
namespace  rpcobvmon
namespace  service
namespace  time
namespace  XMLAuthenticationService


class  BaseKeyed
class  BasePayloadProxy
class  BaseValueExtractor
class  BlobStreamingService
struct  ClassID
class  ClassIDRegistry
class  ClassInfo
class  CondDB
class  CondGetter
class  CoralServiceFactory
class  CoralServiceManager
class  DataProxyWrapperBase
class  DbConnection
class  DbConnectionConfiguration
class  DbScopedTransaction
class  DbSession
class  DbTransaction
class  DecodingKey
class  EmptyIOVSource
class  Exception
struct  ExtractWhat
struct  ExtractWhat< ecalcond::Container >
struct  ExtractWhat< EcalDAQTowerStatus >
struct  ExtractWhat< EcalDCSTowerStatus >
struct  ExtractWhat< EcalPedestals >
struct  ExtractWhat< Pedestals >
struct  ExtractWhat< RPCObGas >
struct  ExtractWhat< RPCObImon >
struct  ExtractWhat< RPCObTemp >
struct  ExtractWhat< RPCObVmon >
struct  ExtractWhat< SiStripSummary >
class  FileReader
class  FipProtocolParser
class  FrontierProxy
class  FWIncantation
class  GenericSummary
struct  Guid
class  IOV
class  IOVDescription
class  IOVEditor
class  IOVElement
class  IOVElementProxy
class  IOVKeysDescription
class  IOVNames
class  IOVProvenance
class  IOVProxy
class  IOVSchemaUtility
class  IOVSequence
class  IOVService
class  IOVUserMetaData
class  KeyedElement
class  KeyList
struct  LessFrame
class  LogDBEntry
class  LogDBNames
class  Logger
class  MetaData
class  MetaDataEntry
class  MetaDataNames
class  MetaDataSchemaUtility
class  noDataForRequiredTimeException
class  nonExistentGlobalTagException
class  nonExistentGlobalTagInventoryException
class  NullUserLogInfo
class  OracleProxy
class  PayLoadInspector
class  PayloadProxy
class  PayloadProxy< cond::KeyList >
class  PayloadRef
class  PfnEditor
class  PoolTransactionSentry
class  RDBMS
struct  RealTimeType
struct  RealTimeType< hash >
struct  RealTimeType< lumiid >
struct  RealTimeType< runnumber >
struct  RealTimeType< timestamp >
struct  RealTimeType< userid >
class  RefException
class  SequenceManager
class  SequenceState
class  SessionImpl
struct  SessionMonitor
 The session related book-keeping of monitored events. More...
struct  SharedLibraryName
class  SmallWORMDict
class  SQLiteProxy
class  SQLMonitoringService
class  SQLReport
class  Summary
class  TagCollectionRetriever
class  TagInfo
class  TagMetadata
class  TBufferBlobStreamingService
class  TBufferBlobTypeInfo
class  TechnologyProxy
struct  TimeTypeSpecs
struct  TimeTypeTraits
class  TransactionException
class  UnregisteredRecordException
class  UpdateStamp
class  UserLogInfo
class  Utilities
class  UtilitiesError
class  ValueExtractor
class  ValueExtractor< AlCaRecoTriggerBits >
class  ValueExtractor< DTCCBConfig >
class  ValueExtractor< DTDeadFlag >
class  ValueExtractor< DTHVStatus >
class  ValueExtractor< DTLVStatus >
class  ValueExtractor< DTMtime >
class  ValueExtractor< DTPerformance >
class  ValueExtractor< DTRangeT0 >
class  ValueExtractor< DTReadOutMapping >
class  ValueExtractor< DTStatusFlag >
class  ValueExtractor< DTT0 >
class  ValueExtractor< DTTPGParameters >
class  ValueExtractor< DTTtrig >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalADCToGeVConstant >
class  ValueExtractor< ecalcond::Container >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalDAQTowerStatus >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalDCSTowerStatus >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalGainRatios >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalLaserAPDPNRatios >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalMappingElectronics >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalPedestals >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalTBWeights >
class  ValueExtractor< EcalWeightXtalGroups >
class  ValueExtractor< L1TriggerScaler >
class  ValueExtractor< Pedestals >
class  ValueExtractor< RPCObGas >
class  ValueExtractor< RPCObImon >
class  ValueExtractor< RPCObPVSSmap >
class  ValueExtractor< RPCObTemp >
class  ValueExtractor< RPCObVmon >
class  ValueExtractor< RunInfo >
class  ValueExtractor< RunNumber >
class  ValueExtractor< RunSummary >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripApvGain >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripBadStrip >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripConfObject >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripDetVOff >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripFedCabling >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripLorentzAngle >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripNoises >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripPedestals >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripRunSummary >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripSummary >
class  ValueExtractor< SiStripThreshold >


< ora::IBlobStreamingService *() > 
< ClassInfo *() > 
< coral::Service *(const
std::string &) > 
typedef std::vector
< coral::monitor::Event::Record > 
 The raw stream of recorder monitoring events.
typedef std::set
< cond::TagMetadata
typedef IOVSequence IOV
< cond::DataProxyWrapperBase *() > 
typedef std::map< std::string,
< cond::TechnologyProxy *() > 
typedef unsigned long long Time_t
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t
typedef std::pair< unsigned
int, unsigned int > 
typedef std::pair< Time_t, Time_tValidityInterval


enum  DbConfigurationDefaults {
  CoralDefaults, CmsDefaults, ProdDefaults, ToolDefaults,
enum  TimeType {
  runnumber = 0, timestamp, lumiid, hash,


IOVbackportIOV (IOVSequence const &sequence)
< cond::TechnologyProxy
buildTechnologyProxy (const std::string &userconnect, const DbConnection &connection)
char const * className (const std::type_info &t)
std::string classNameForTypeId (const std::type_info &typeInfo)
const TimeTypeSpecsfindSpecs (std::string const &name)
cond::Time_t fromIOVSyncValue (edm::IOVSyncValue const &time, cond::TimeType timetype)
void genMD5 (const string &s, void *code)
void genMD5 (const std::string &s, void *code)
void * genMD5 (void *buffer, unsigned long len, void *code)
unsigned long long hash64 (unsigned char *k, unsigned long long length, unsigned long long level)
const Time_t invalidTime (0)
const std::string invalidToken (" ")
edm::IOVSyncValue limitedIOVSyncValue (cond::Time_t time, cond::TimeType timetype)
edm::IOVSyncValue limitedIOVSyncValue (edm::IOVSyncValue const &time, cond::TimeType timetype)
Double_t linearF (Double_t *x, Double_t *par)
IOVSequencemigrateIOV (IOV const &iov)
std::pair< std::string, int > parseToken (const std::string &objectId)
const char * pluginCategory ()
const std::string tagInventoryTable ("TAGINVENTORY_TABLE")
const std::string tagTreeTablePrefix ("TAGTREE_TABLE")
void throwException (std::string const &message, std::string const &methodName)
const Time_t TIMELIMIT (std::numeric_limits< Time_t >::max())
std::string const & timeTypeNames (int)
template<class T >
std::string to_string (const T &t)
edm::IOVSyncValue toIOVSyncValue (cond::Time_t time, cond::TimeType timetype, bool startOrStop)
static void topinit ()
unsigned long long toUNIX (int date, int time)
std::string userInfo ()
std::string writeToken (const std::string &containerName, int oid0, int oid1, const std::string &className)
std::string writeTokenContainerFragment (const std::string &containerName, const std::string &className)


static const char * fmt_Guid = "%08lX-%04hX-%04hX-%02hhX%02hhX-%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX"
static const char * fmt_oid = "[OID=%08X-%08X]"
static const char * fmt_tech = "[TECH=%08X]"
static const char * guid_null = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
const std::string tagInventoryTable
const std::string tagTreeTablePrefix
const unsigned int TIMETYPE_LIST_MAX = 5
const cond::TimeType timeTypeList [TIMETYPE_LIST_MAX]
const TimeTypeSpecs timeTypeSpecs []
const cond::TimeType timeTypeValues []

Typedef Documentation

typedef edmplugin::PluginFactory< ora::IBlobStreamingService*() > cond::BlobStreamerPluginFactory

Definition at line 8 of file BlobStreamerPluginFactory.h.

typedef edmplugin::PluginFactory<ClassInfo*() > cond::ClassInfoFactory

Definition at line 69 of file ClassID.h.

typedef edmplugin::PluginFactory< coral::Service*(const std::string&) > cond::CoralServicePluginFactory

Definition at line 24 of file CoralServiceFactory.h.

typedef std::vector<coral::monitor::Event::Record> cond::EventStream

The raw stream of recorder monitoring events.

Definition at line 24 of file SQLMonitoringService.h.

Definition at line 20 of file CondPyInterface.h.

Definition at line 16 of file IOVProxy.h.

typedef edmplugin::PluginFactory< cond::DataProxyWrapperBase* () > cond::ProxyFactory

Definition at line 25 of file ProxyFactory.h.

typedef std::map< std::string, SessionMonitor > cond::Repository

The repository of monitored events for all sessions where event streams are identified by session key

Definition at line 38 of file SQLMonitoringService.h.

typedef edmplugin::PluginFactory< cond::TechnologyProxy*() > cond::TechnologyProxyFactory

Definition at line 10 of file TechnologyProxyFactory.h.

typedef unsigned long long cond::Time_t

Definition at line 16 of file Time.h.

typedef unsigned long long cond::uint64_t

Definition at line 15 of file Time.h.

typedef std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> cond::UnpackedTime

Definition at line 17 of file Time.h.

typedef std::pair<Time_t, Time_t> cond::ValidityInterval

Definition at line 19 of file Time.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 28 of file DbConnectionConfiguration.h.


Definition at line 21 of file Time.h.

Function Documentation

IOV * cond::backportIOV ( IOVSequence const &  sequence)

Definition at line 23 of file

References cond::IOVSequence::add(), and L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p.

      cond::Time_t  till = (*(p+1)).sinceTime()-1;
      (*result).add(till, (*p).wrapperToken());
    return result;

std::auto_ptr<cond::TechnologyProxy> cond::buildTechnologyProxy ( const std::string &  userconnect,
const DbConnection connection 
) [inline]

Definition at line 16 of file

References SurfaceDeformationFactory::create(), Exception, reco::get(), L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p, and pos.

Referenced by cond::DbSession::importMapping(), and cond::SessionImpl::open().

    std::string protocol;
    std::size_t pos=userconnect.find_first_of(':');
    if( pos!=std::string::npos ){
      std::size_t p=protocol.find_first_of('_');
      throw cond::Exception(userconnect +":connection string format error");
    //std::cout<<"userconnect "<<userconnect<<std::endl;
    //std::cout<<"protocol "<<protocol<<std::endl;  
    std::auto_ptr<cond::TechnologyProxy> ptr(cond::TechnologyProxyFactory::get()->create(protocol));
    return ptr;
char const * cond::className ( const std::type_info &  t)

Definition at line 8 of file

References ntuplemaker::status.

Referenced by cond::service::GetTokenFromPointer< T >::operator()().

    int status=0;
    return __cxxabiv1::__cxa_demangle(, 0, 0, &status); 
std::string cond::classNameForTypeId ( const std::type_info &  typeInfo) [inline]

Definition at line 39 of file PoolDBOutputService.h.

Referenced by cond::service::GetTokenFromPointer< T >::classNameForPointer(), l1t::WriterProxyT< Record, Type >::save(), and l1t::DataWriter::writeKeyList().

    Reflex::Type reflexType = Reflex::Type::ByTypeInfo( typeInfo );
    //FIXME: should become Reflex::SCOPED?
    return reflexType.Name();
const TimeTypeSpecs & cond::findSpecs ( std::string const &  name)

Definition at line 33 of file

References Exception, i, TIMETYPE_LIST_MAX, and timeTypeSpecs.

Referenced by cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::fillRecord(), and cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::PoolDBOutputService().

    size_t i=0;
    for (; i<TIMETYPE_LIST_MAX; i++)
      if (name==timeTypeSpecs[i].name) return timeTypeSpecs[i];
    throw cms::Exception("invalid timetype: "+name);
    return timeTypeSpecs[0]; // compiler happy
cond::Time_t cond::fromIOVSyncValue ( edm::IOVSyncValue const &  time,
cond::TimeType  timetype 

Definition at line 29 of file

References edm::IOVSyncValue::eventID(), lumiid, edm::IOVSyncValue::luminosityBlockNumber(), runnumber, edm::IOVSyncValue::time(), timestamp, and edm::LuminosityBlockID::value().

Referenced by CondDBESSource::setIntervalFor().

    switch (timetype) {
    case cond::runnumber :
      return time.eventID().run();
    case cond::lumiid : 
        edm::LuminosityBlockID lum(time.eventID().run(), time.luminosityBlockNumber());
        return lum.value();
    case cond::timestamp :
      return time.time().value();
      return 0;
void cond::genMD5 ( const string &  s,
void *  code 

Definition at line 363 of file

    MD5 checkSum((unsigned char*)s.c_str(), s.length());
    checkSum.raw_digest((unsigned char*)code);
void cond::genMD5 ( const std::string &  s,
void *  code 
void * cond::genMD5 ( void *  buffer,
unsigned long  len,
void *  code 

Definition at line 358 of file

Referenced by writeTokenContainerFragment().

    MD5 checkSum((unsigned char*)buffer, len);
    checkSum.raw_digest((unsigned char*)code);
    return code;
ub8 cond::hash64 ( unsigned char *  k,
unsigned long long  length,
unsigned long long  level 

Definition at line 45 of file

References a, b, trackerHits::c, testEve_cfg::level, and mix64.

Referenced by cond::KeyedElement::convert().

    register ub8 a,b,c,len;
    /* Set up the internal state */
    len = length;
    a = b = level;                         /* the previous hash value */
    c = 0x9e3779b97f4a7c13LL; /* the golden ratio; an arbitrary value */
    /*---------------------------------------- handle most of the key */
    if (((unsigned long)k)&7)
        while (len >= 24)
            a += (k[0]        +((ub8)k[ 1]<< 8)+((ub8)k[ 2]<<16)+((ub8)k[ 3]<<24)
                  +((ub8)k[4 ]<<32)+((ub8)k[ 5]<<40)+((ub8)k[ 6]<<48)+((ub8)k[ 7]<<56));
            b += (k[8]        +((ub8)k[ 9]<< 8)+((ub8)k[10]<<16)+((ub8)k[11]<<24)
            c += (k[16]       +((ub8)k[17]<< 8)+((ub8)k[18]<<16)+((ub8)k[19]<<24)
            k += 24; len -= 24;
        while (len >= 24)    /* aligned */
            a += *(ub8 *)(k+0);
            b += *(ub8 *)(k+8);
            c += *(ub8 *)(k+16);
            k += 24; len -= 24;
    /*------------------------------------- handle the last 23 bytes */
    c += length;
    switch(len)              /* all the case statements fall through */
      case 23: c+=((ub8)k[22]<<56);
      case 22: c+=((ub8)k[21]<<48);
      case 21: c+=((ub8)k[20]<<40);
      case 20: c+=((ub8)k[19]<<32);
      case 19: c+=((ub8)k[18]<<24);
      case 18: c+=((ub8)k[17]<<16);
      case 17: c+=((ub8)k[16]<<8);
        /* the first byte of c is reserved for the length */
      case 16: b+=((ub8)k[15]<<56);
      case 15: b+=((ub8)k[14]<<48);
      case 14: b+=((ub8)k[13]<<40);
      case 13: b+=((ub8)k[12]<<32);
      case 12: b+=((ub8)k[11]<<24);
      case 11: b+=((ub8)k[10]<<16);
      case 10: b+=((ub8)k[ 9]<<8);
      case  9: b+=((ub8)k[ 8]);
      case  8: a+=((ub8)k[ 7]<<56);
      case  7: a+=((ub8)k[ 6]<<48);
      case  6: a+=((ub8)k[ 5]<<40);
      case  5: a+=((ub8)k[ 4]<<32);
      case  4: a+=((ub8)k[ 3]<<24);
      case  3: a+=((ub8)k[ 2]<<16);
      case  2: a+=((ub8)k[ 1]<<8);
      case  1: a+=((ub8)k[ 0]);
        /* case 0: nothing left to add */
    /*-------------------------------------------- report the result */
    return c;
const Time_t cond::invalidTime ( )
const std::string cond::invalidToken ( " "  )
edm::IOVSyncValue cond::limitedIOVSyncValue ( cond::Time_t  time,
cond::TimeType  timetype 
edm::IOVSyncValue cond::limitedIOVSyncValue ( edm::IOVSyncValue const &  time,
cond::TimeType  timetype 

Definition at line 71 of file

References edm::IOVSyncValue::eventID(), edm::IOVSyncValue::invalidIOVSyncValue(), lumiid, edm::IOVSyncValue::luminosityBlockNumber(), edm::EventID::maxEventNumber(), runnumber, and timestamp.

    switch (timetype) {
    case cond::runnumber :
      // last event of this run
      return edm::IOVSyncValue(edm::EventID(time.eventID().run(),
    case cond::lumiid :
      // the same lumiblock
      return edm::IOVSyncValue(edm::EventID(time.eventID().run(), 
    case cond::timestamp :
      // same lumiblock
      return edm::IOVSyncValue(edm::EventID(time.eventID().run(), 
      return  edm::IOVSyncValue::invalidIOVSyncValue();
Double_t cond::linearF ( Double_t *  x,
Double_t *  par 

Definition at line 260 of file

References ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::y.

Referenced by cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::plot().

    Double_t y=0.;
    return y;
data refman pasoursint CMSSW_4_1_8_patch12 src CondCore IOVService src migrateIOV cc IOVSequence * cond::migrateIOV ( IOV const &  iov)

Definition at line 11 of file

References cond::IOVSequence::add().

      (*result).add(since, (*p).second);
      since = (*p).first+1;
    return result;
std::pair< std::string, int > cond::parseToken ( const std::string &  objectId)

Definition at line 16 of file

References fmt_oid, p1, p2, p3, LaserTracksInput_cfi::source, ora::throwException(), and tmp.

Referenced by cond::MetaData::addMapping(), cond::DbSession::deleteObject(), cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::dump(), cond::DbSession::getObject(), ora::CondMetadataTable::getObjectByName(), cond::DbSession::getTypedObject(), cond::DbSession::importObject(), cond::Logger::insertLogRecord(), cond::IOVService::payloadContainerName(), cond::IOVProxy::payloadContainerName(), and cond::DbSession::updateObject().

    if( source.empty() ) ora::throwException("Provided token is empty.","PoolToken::parseToken");
    std::string tmp = source;
    std::pair<std::string,int> oid;
    oid.first = "";
    oid.second = -1;
    for(char* p1 = (char*)tmp.c_str(); p1; p1 = ::strchr(++p1,'[')) {
      char* p2 = ::strchr(p1, '=');
      char* p3 = ::strchr(p1, ']');
      if ( p2 && p3 )   {
        char* val = p2+1;
        if ( ::strncmp("[DB=", p1, 4) == 0 )  {
          *p3 = 0;
        } else if ( ::strncmp("[CNT=", p1, 5) == 0 )  {
          *p3 = 0;
          oid.first = val;
        } else if ( ::strncmp(fmt_oid, p1, 5) == 0 )  {
          int nn;
          ::sscanf(p1, fmt_oid, &nn, &oid.second);
        } else    {
          *p3 = *p2 = 0;
        *p3 = ']';
        *p2 = '=';
    return oid;
const char * cond::pluginCategory ( )

Definition at line 33 of file

    return  "CondProxyFactory";
const std::string cond::tagInventoryTable ( "TAGINVENTORY_TABLE"  )
const std::string cond::tagTreeTablePrefix ( "TAGTREE_TABLE"  )
void cond::throwException ( std::string const &  message,
std::string const &  methodName 

Definition at line 17 of file

References Exception.

Referenced by L1CondDBPayloadWriter::analyze(), and L1CondDBIOVWriter::analyze().

    throw Exception( methodName + ": " + message );
const Time_t cond::TIMELIMIT ( std::numeric_limits< Time_t >::  max())
std::string const & cond::timeTypeNames ( int  i)

Definition at line 15 of file

References i.

Referenced by cond::TimeTypeTraits< type >::specs().

    static const std::string local[]=
    return local[i];
template<class T >
std::string cond::to_string ( const T &  t)
edm::IOVSyncValue cond::toIOVSyncValue ( cond::Time_t  time,
cond::TimeType  timetype,
bool  startOrStop 
static void cond::topinit ( ) [static]
unsigned long long cond::toUNIX ( int  date,
int  time 

Definition at line 240 of file

References cond::rpcobgas::day, min, and LaserDQM_cfi::mon.

Referenced by cond::PayLoadInspector< DataT >::plot().

    int yea_ = (int)date/100; 
    int yea = 2000 + (date - yea_*100);
    int mon_ = (int)yea_/100;
    int mon = yea_ - mon_*100;
    int day = (int)yea_/100;
    int sec_ = (int)time/100;
    int sec = time - sec_*100;
    int min_ = (int)sec_/100;
    int min = sec_ - min_*100;
    int hou = (int)sec_/100;
    int nan = 0;
    coral::TimeStamp TS;  
    TS = coral::TimeStamp(yea, mon, day, hou, min, sec, nan);
    long long UT = (TS.year()-1970)*31536000+static_cast<int>(trunc((TS.year()-1972)/4))*86400+
    if (TS.month() == 3) UT = UT - 3*86400;
    if (TS.month() == 4) UT = UT - 3*86400;
    if (TS.month() == 5) UT = UT - 4*86400;
    if (TS.month() == 6) UT = UT - 4*86400;
    if (TS.month() == 7) UT = UT - 5*86400;
    if (TS.month() == 8) UT = UT - 5*86400;
    if (TS.month() == 9) UT = UT - 5*86400;
    if (TS.month() == 10) UT = UT - 6*86400;
    if (TS.month() == 11) UT = UT - 6*86400;
    if (TS.month() == 12) UT = UT - 7*86400;
    return UT;
std::string cond::userInfo ( )

Definition at line 9 of file

References createBeamHaloJobs::pwd, and hcal_dqm_sourceclient-file_cfg::user.

Referenced by cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::appendIOV(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::closeIOV(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::createNewIOV(), cond::IOVService::exportIOVRangeWithPayload(), and popcon::PopCon::write().

    // this are really static stuff
    std::ostringstream user_info;
    char * user= ::getenv("USER");
    std::vector<char> hname(1024,'\0');
    char * hostname = &hname.front();
    ::gethostname(hostname, 1024);
    char * pwd = ::getenv("PWD");
    if (user) { user_info<< "USER=" << user <<";" ;} else { user_info<< "USER="<< "??;";}
    if (hostname[0] != '\0') {user_info<< "HOSTNAME=" << hostname <<";";} 
    else { user_info<< "HOSTNAME="<< "??;";}
    if (pwd) {user_info<< "PWD=" << pwd <<";";} else  {user_info<< "PWD="<< "??;";}
    return user_info.str();
std::string cond::writeToken ( const std::string &  containerName,
int  oid0,
int  oid1,
const std::string &  className 

Definition at line 45 of file

References fmt_oid, runonSM::text, and writeTokenContainerFragment().

Referenced by ora::CondMetadataTable::getNamesForObject(), cond::MetaData::getToken(), ora::CondMetadataTable::setObjectName(), and cond::DbSession::storeObject().

    std::string str = writeTokenContainerFragment( containerName, className );
    char text[128];
    ::sprintf(text, fmt_oid, oid0, oid1);
    str += text;
    return str;
std::string cond::writeTokenContainerFragment ( const std::string &  containerName,
const std::string &  className 

Definition at line 56 of file

References fmt_tech, genMD5(), guid_null, runonSM::text, and cond::Guid::toString().

Referenced by ora::CondMetadataTable::getNamesForContainer(), and writeToken().

    char buff[20];
    std::string clguid("");
    //  first lookup the class guid in the dictionary
    Reflex::Type containerType = Reflex::Type::ByName( className );
    if( containerType ){
      Reflex::PropertyList props = containerType.Properties();
      if( props.HasProperty("ClassID")){
        clguid = props.PropertyAsString("ClassID");
    // if not found, generate one...
    if( clguid.empty() ){
      Guid* gd = reinterpret_cast<Guid*>(buff);
      clguid = gd->toString();
    int tech = 0xB01;
    char text[128];
    std::string str = "[DB="+std::string(guid_null)+"][CNT=" + containerName + "][CLID="+clguid+"]";
    ::sprintf(text, fmt_tech, tech);
    str += text;
    return str;

Variable Documentation

const char* cond::fmt_Guid = "%08lX-%04hX-%04hX-%02hhX%02hhX-%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX%02hhX" [static]

Definition at line 9 of file Guid.h.

Referenced by cond::Guid::toString().

const char* cond::fmt_oid = "[OID=%08X-%08X]" [static]

Definition at line 13 of file

Referenced by parseToken(), and writeToken().

const char* cond::fmt_tech = "[TECH=%08X]" [static]

Definition at line 12 of file

Referenced by writeTokenContainerFragment().

const char* cond::guid_null = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" [static]

Definition at line 14 of file

Referenced by writeTokenContainerFragment().

const std::string cond::tagInventoryTable
const std::string cond::tagTreeTablePrefix
const unsigned int cond::TIMETYPE_LIST_MAX = 5

Definition at line 22 of file Time.h.

Referenced by findSpecs().

Initial value:

Definition at line 9 of file

Initial value:

Definition at line 22 of file

Referenced by cond::IOVEditor::append(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::beginOfTime(), cond::IOVEditor::debugInfo(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::endOfTime(), findSpecs(), cond::IOVEditor::freeInsert(), cond::IOVSequence::timeType(), cond::IOV::timeType(), cond::service::PoolDBOutputService::Record::timetypestr(), and cond::IOVEditor::validTime().

Initial value:

Definition at line 12 of file