Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 //<<<<<< INCLUDES                                                       >>>>>>
00003 #include "Iguana/Inventor/interface/IgParticleChar.h"
00004 #include <iostream>
00005 #include <string>
00006 #include <algorithm>
00008 //<<<<<< PRIVATE DEFINES                                                >>>>>>
00009 //<<<<<< PRIVATE CONSTANTS                                              >>>>>>
00010 //<<<<<< PRIVATE TYPES                                                  >>>>>>
00011 //<<<<<< PRIVATE VARIABLE DEFINITIONS                                   >>>>>>
00012 //<<<<<< PUBLIC VARIABLE DEFINITIONS                                    >>>>>>
00013 //<<<<<< CLASS STRUCTURE INITIALIZATION                                 >>>>>>
00015 SbBool                                  IgParticleChar::inited = FALSE;
00016 IgParticleChar::CMapToParticleList      *IgParticleChar::particleList = NULL;
00018 //<<<<<< PRIVATE FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                                   >>>>>>
00019 //<<<<<< PUBLIC FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                                    >>>>>>
00020 //<<<<<< MEMBER FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                                    >>>>>>
00022 // FIXME: in the following, a local copy of a field is often used, which
00023 // shadows the field. 
00025 // constructor
00026 IgParticleChar::IgParticleChar (int g, int p, int isa, const char *nm, const char *lbl,
00027                                 float  mas, float q)
00028     : geantCode (g),
00029       pythiaCode (p),
00030       isajetCode (isa),
00031       name (nm),
00032       label (lbl),
00033       mass (mas),
00034       charge (q)
00035 {
00036     std::pair< CMapToParticleList::iterator, bool > test;
00037     test = particleList->insert (CMapToParticleList::value_type (std::string (nm), this));
00038     if (!test.second)
00039     {
00040         std::cout << "IgParticleChar: error creating particle " << name.getString () << std::endl;
00041     }
00042 }
00045 void
00046 IgParticleChar::setMaterial (SoMaterial* m)
00047 {
00048     particleMaterial = m;
00049     m->ref ();
00050 }
00053 void
00054 IgParticleChar::setStyle (SoDrawStyle* s)
00055 {
00056     particleStyle = s;
00057     s->ref ();
00058 }
00061 float
00062 IgParticleChar::getMass () const
00063 { return mass; }
00066 float
00067 IgParticleChar::getCharge () const
00068 { return charge; }           
00071 const char *
00072 IgParticleChar::getName () const
00073 { return name.getString (); }
00075 IgParticleChar::~IgParticleChar ()
00076 {
00077     particleMaterial->unref ();
00078     particleMaterial = NULL;
00079     particleStyle->unref ();
00080     particleStyle = NULL;
00081 }
00084 void
00085 IgParticleChar::initParticles ()
00086 {
00087     if (inited)
00088         return;
00090     inited = TRUE;
00091     particleList = new CMapToParticleList ();
00092     IgParticleChar* unknown     = new IgParticleChar (-1,     0,     0,     "unknown",  "unk-",         1.0F, -1.0F);
00093     IgParticleChar* antiunknown = new IgParticleChar (-1,     0,     0, "antiunknown",  "unk+",         1.0F, +1.0F);
00094     new IgParticleChar (-1,     0,     0, "neutralunknown",  "unk0",    1.0F, +0.0F);
00095     IgParticleChar* electron    = new IgParticleChar (3,    11,    12,     "electron",    "e-", 0.000510999F, -1.0F);
00096     IgParticleChar* positron    = new IgParticleChar (2,   -11,   -12,     "positron",    "e+", 0.000510999F, +1.0F);
00097     IgParticleChar* muon        = new IgParticleChar (6,    13,    14,         "muon",   "mu-",    0.105658F, -1.0F);
00098     IgParticleChar* antimuon    = new IgParticleChar (5,   -13,   -14,     "antimuon",   "mu+",    0.105658F, +1.0F);
00099     IgParticleChar* proton      = new IgParticleChar (14,  2212,  1120,      "proton",     "p",   0.9382723F,  1.0F);
00100     IgParticleChar* antiproton  = new IgParticleChar (15, -2212, -1120,  "antiproton",  "pbar",   0.9382723F, -1.0F);
00101     new IgParticleChar (1,    22,     0,        "gamma", "gamma",  0.0000E+00F,  0.0F);
00102     new IgParticleChar (4,     12,    11,   "eneutrino",  "eneu",          0.F,  0.0F);
00103     new IgParticleChar (4,     14,    13,  "muneutrino", "muneu",          0.F,  0.0F);
00104     new IgParticleChar (4,     16,    15,  "tauneutrino","tauneu",         0.F,  0.0F);
00105     new IgParticleChar (4,   -12,   -11, "antieneutrino","eneubar",       0.F,  0.0F);
00106     new IgParticleChar (4,    -14,    -13, "antimuneutrino","muneubar",    0.F,  0.0F);
00107     new IgParticleChar (4,    -16,    -15, "antitauneutrino","tauneubar",  0.F,  0.0F);
00108     new IgParticleChar (13,  2112,  1220, "neutron",     "n",      0.939566F,  0.0F);
00109     new IgParticleChar (25, -2112, -1220, "antineutron", "nbar",   0.939566F,  0.0F);
00110     IgParticleChar* pion        = new IgParticleChar (9,  -211,  -120, "pion",        "pi-",    0.139567F, -1.0F);
00111     IgParticleChar* antipion    = new IgParticleChar (8,   211,   120, "antipion",    "pi+",    0.139567F, +1.0F);
00112     new IgParticleChar (45,     0,     0, "deuteron",    "d",      1.875613F,  1.0F);
00113     new IgParticleChar (46,     0,     0, "tritium",     "tritium", 2.80925F,  1.0F);
00114     new IgParticleChar (47,     0,     0, "alpha",       "alpha",  3.727417F,  2.0F);
00115     new IgParticleChar (49,     0,     0, "he3",         "he3",     2.80923F,  2.0F);
00116     IgParticleChar* kplus       = new IgParticleChar (11,   321,   130, "kplus",       "k+",     0.493677F, +1.0F);
00117     IgParticleChar* kminus      = new IgParticleChar (12,  -321,  -130, "kminus",      "k-",     0.493677F, -1.0F);
00118     new IgParticleChar (10,   130,   -20, "klong",       "k0l",    0.497672F,   0.F);
00119     new IgParticleChar (16,   310,    20, "kshort",      "k0s",    0.497672F,   0.F);
00120     IgParticleChar* ximinus     = new IgParticleChar (11,  3312,  2330, "ximinus",     "Xi-",    1.32132F,  -1.0F);
00122     SoDrawStyle* curveStyle = new SoDrawStyle ();
00123     curveStyle->lineWidth = 1.0;
00124     curveStyle->pointSize = 4;
00125         SoDrawStyle* dottedCurveStyle = new SoDrawStyle ();
00126     dottedCurveStyle->lineWidth = 1.0;
00127     dottedCurveStyle->pointSize = 4;
00128         dottedCurveStyle->linePattern = 0xff00; // bitmask: solid is 0xffff;
00129     SoMaterial* curveColour = new SoMaterial ();
00130     curveColour->diffuseColor.setValue (0.4F, 0.4F, 0.4F);
00132         CMapToParticleList::const_iterator i = particleList->begin ();
00133         for (i = particleList->begin (); i != particleList->end (); i++)
00134         {
00135                 IgParticleChar* pChar = i->second;
00136                 pChar-> setMaterial (curveColour);
00137                 if  ( pChar->charge == 0 )
00138                 {
00139                         pChar->setStyle (dottedCurveStyle);
00140                 }
00141                 else
00142                 {
00143                         pChar-> setStyle (curveStyle);
00144                 }
00145         }
00147 //      set particle-specific values: colour and line style
00149         curveColour = new SoMaterial ();
00150     curveColour->diffuseColor.setValue (1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
00151     muon->setMaterial (curveColour);
00152     antimuon->setMaterial (curveColour);
00154     curveColour = new SoMaterial ();
00155     curveColour->diffuseColor.setValue (0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
00156     electron->setMaterial (curveColour);
00157     positron->setMaterial (curveColour);
00159     curveColour = new SoMaterial ();
00160     curveColour->diffuseColor.setValue (0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
00161     pion->setMaterial (curveColour);
00162     antipion->setMaterial (curveColour);
00164     curveColour = new SoMaterial ();
00165     curveColour->diffuseColor.setValue (0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
00166     proton->setMaterial (curveColour);
00168     curveColour = new SoMaterial ();
00169     curveColour->diffuseColor.setValue (0.45F, 0.55F, 0.0F);
00170     antiproton->setMaterial (curveColour);
00172     curveColour = new SoMaterial ();
00173     curveColour->diffuseColor.setValue (0.2F, 0.2F, 0.2F);
00174     unknown->setMaterial (curveColour);
00175     antiunknown->setMaterial (curveColour);
00177     curveColour = new SoMaterial ();
00178     curveColour->diffuseColor.setValue (0.0, 0.65F, 0.65F);
00179     kplus->setMaterial (curveColour);
00180     kminus->setMaterial (curveColour);
00181     ximinus->setMaterial (curveColour);
00183 }
00186 void
00187 IgParticleChar::deleteParticles ()
00188 {}
00191 IgParticleChar *
00192 IgParticleChar::getByName (const char *string)
00193 {
00194     CMapToParticleList::iterator it = particleList->find (string);
00195     return it != particleList->end () ? it->second : 0;
00196 }
00199 IgParticleChar *
00200 IgParticleChar::getByGeantID (const int p_code)
00201 {
00202         CMapToParticleList::const_iterator i = particleList->begin ();
00203     for (i = particleList->begin (); i != particleList->end (); i++)
00204     {
00205         IgParticleChar* pChar = i->second;
00206         if (pChar->geantCode == p_code)
00207             return pChar;
00208     }
00209     // nothing found
00210     return getByName ("unknown");
00211 }
00214 IgParticleChar *
00215 IgParticleChar::getByPythiaID (const int p_code)
00216 {
00217     CMapToParticleList::const_iterator i = particleList->begin ();
00218     for (i = particleList->begin (); i != particleList->end (); i++)
00219     {
00220         IgParticleChar* pChar = i->second;
00221         if (pChar->pythiaCode == p_code)
00222             return pChar;
00223     }
00224     // nothing found
00225     return getByName ("unknown");
00226 }
00229 IgParticleChar *
00230 IgParticleChar::getByIsajetID (const int p_code)
00231 {
00232     CMapToParticleList::const_iterator i = particleList->begin ();
00233     for (i = particleList->begin (); i != particleList->end (); i++)
00234     {
00235         IgParticleChar* pChar = i->second;
00236         if (pChar->isajetCode == p_code)
00237             return pChar;
00238     }
00239     // nothing found
00240     return getByName ("unknown");
00241 }
00244 void
00245 IgParticleChar::dumpDB (std::ostream & os)
00246 {
00247     os << "Dumping the ParticleChar Database..." << std::endl;
00248     for (CMapToParticleList::const_iterator it=particleList->begin (); it != particleList->end (); it++)
00249     {
00250         os << it->first << std::endl;
00251         if (it->second)  os << *it->second;
00252     }
00253 } 
00256 void
00257 IgParticleChar::print (std::ostream & os) const
00258 {
00259     os << "Particle: " << name.getString ()
00260        << ", Label: " << label.getString ()
00261        << ", Charge: " << charge
00262        << ", Mass: " << mass << std::endl;
00263 }

Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:38:45 2009 for CMSSW by  doxygen 1.5.4