Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 #include "RecoEcal/EgammaClusterAlgos/interface/EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo.h"
00003 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloSubdetectorGeometry.h"
00004 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloCellGeometry.h"
00006 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/FileInPath.h"
00007 #include <fstream>
00008 #include <iostream>
00010 using namespace std;
00012 EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo(double stripEnergyCut, int nStripCut, const string& path,
00013                                  DebugLevel_pi0 debugLevel = pINFO ) :
00014    preshStripEnergyCut_(stripEnergyCut),  preshSeededNstr_(nStripCut), debugLevel_(debugLevel), pathToFiles_(path)
00015 {   
00017      // Read all Weight files
00018      Nfiles_EB = 5;
00019      Nfiles_EE = 5;
00020      string file_pt[5] = {"20","30","40","50","60"};
00021      string file_barrel_pt[5] = {"20","30","40","50","60"};   
00023      string nn_paterns_file  = "";
00024      for(int j=0;j<Nfiles_EE;j++) {
00025        nn_paterns_file = "endcapPiZeroDiscriminatorWeights_et"+file_pt[j]+".wts";
00026        edm::FileInPath WFile(pathToFiles_+nn_paterns_file);
00027        readWeightFile(WFile.fullPath().c_str()); // read the weights' file
00029        EE_Layers = Layers;
00030        EE_Indim = Indim;
00031        EE_Hidden = Hidden;
00032        EE_Outdim = Outdim;
00034        for(int i=0;i<Indim*Hidden;i++)  I_H_Weight_all.push_back(I_H_Weight[i]);
00035        for(int i=0;i<Hidden;i++)  H_Thresh_all.push_back(H_Thresh[i]);
00036        for(int i=0;i<Outdim*Hidden;i++)  H_O_Weight_all.push_back(H_O_Weight[i]);
00037        for(int i=0;i<Outdim;i++)  O_Thresh_all.push_back(O_Thresh[i]);
00038      }
00040      for(int k=0;k<Nfiles_EB;k++) {
00041        nn_paterns_file = "barrelPiZeroDiscriminatorWeights_et"+file_barrel_pt[k]+".wts";
00042        edm::FileInPath WFile(pathToFiles_+nn_paterns_file);
00043        readWeightFile(WFile.fullPath().c_str()); // read the weights' file
00045        EB_Layers = Layers;
00046        EB_Indim = Indim;
00047        EB_Hidden = Hidden;
00048        EB_Outdim = Outdim;
00050        for(int i=0;i<Indim*Hidden;i++)  I_H_Weight_all.push_back(I_H_Weight[i]);
00051        for(int i=0;i<Hidden;i++)  H_Thresh_all.push_back(H_Thresh[i]);
00052        for(int i=0;i<Outdim*Hidden;i++)  H_O_Weight_all.push_back(H_O_Weight[i]);
00053        for(int i=0;i<Outdim;i++)  O_Thresh_all.push_back(O_Thresh[i]);
00054      }
00055    delete [] I_H_Weight;
00056    delete [] H_Thresh;
00057    delete [] H_O_Weight;
00058    delete [] O_Thresh;
00059 }
00062 vector<float> EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::findPreshVector(ESDetId strip,  RecHitsMap *rechits_map,
00063                                                      CaloSubdetectorTopology *topology_p)
00064 {
00065   vector<float> vout_stripE;
00067   vout_stripE.clear();
00069   vector<ESDetId> road_2d;
00070   road_2d.clear();
00072   int plane = strip.plane();
00074   if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG ) {
00075     cout << "findPreshVectors: Preshower Seeded Algorithm - looking for clusters" << "n"
00076               << "findPreshVectors: Preshower is intersected at strip " << strip.strip() << ", at plane " << plane << endl;
00077   }
00079   if ( strip == ESDetId(0) ) { //works in case of no intersected strip found
00080     for(int i=0;i<11;i++) {
00081        vout_stripE.push_back(-100.);
00082     }
00083   }
00085   // Add to the road the central strip
00086   road_2d.push_back(strip);
00088   //Make a navigator, and set it to the strip cell.
00089   EcalPreshowerNavigator navigator(strip, topology_p);
00090   navigator.setHome(strip);
00091  //search for neighbours in the central road
00092   findPi0Road(strip, navigator, plane, road_2d);
00093   if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG ) cout << "findPreshVectors: Total number of strips in the central road: " << road_2d.size() << endl;
00095   // Find the energy of each strip
00096   RecHitsMap::iterator final_strip =  rechits_map->end();
00097   final_strip--;
00098   ESDetId last_stripID = final_strip->first;
00100   float E = 0;
00101   vector<ESDetId>::iterator itID;
00102   for (itID = road_2d.begin(); itID != road_2d.end(); itID++) {
00103     if ( debugLevel_ == pDEBUG ) cout << " findPreshVectors: ID = " << *itID << endl;
00104     RecHitsMap::iterator strip_it = rechits_map->find(*itID);
00105     if(goodPi0Strip(strip_it,last_stripID)) { // continue if strip not found in rechit_map
00106       E = strip_it->;
00107     } else  E = 0;
00108     vout_stripE.push_back(E);
00109     if ( debugLevel_ == pDEBUG ) cout << " findPreshVectors: E = " << E <<  endl;
00110   }
00112   return vout_stripE;
00114 }
00116 // returns true if the candidate strip fulfills the requirements to be added to the cluster:
00117 bool EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::goodPi0Strip(RecHitsMap::iterator candidate_it, ESDetId lastID)
00118 {
00119   RecHitsMap::iterator candidate_tmp = candidate_it;
00120   candidate_tmp--;
00121   if ( debugLevel_ == pDEBUG ) {
00122     if (candidate_tmp->first == lastID )
00123         cout << " goodPi0Strip No such a strip in rechits_map " << endl;
00124     if (candidate_it-> <= preshStripEnergyCut_)
00125         cout << " goodPi0Strip Strip energy " << candidate_it-> <<" is below threshold " << endl;
00126   }
00127   // crystal should not be included...
00128   if ( (candidate_tmp->first == lastID )                    ||       // ...if it corresponds to a hit
00129        (candidate_it-> <= preshStripEnergyCut_ ) )   // ...if it has a negative or zero energy
00130     {
00131       return false;
00132     }
00134   return true;
00135 }
00137 // find strips in the road of size +/- preshSeededNstr_ from the central strip
00138 void EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::findPi0Road(ESDetId strip, EcalPreshowerNavigator& theESNav,
00139                                                                 int plane, vector<ESDetId>& vout) {
00140   if ( strip == ESDetId(0) ) return;
00141    ESDetId next;
00142    theESNav.setHome(strip);
00144    if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG ) cout << "findPi0Road: starts from strip " << strip << endl;
00145    if (plane == 1) {
00146      // east road
00147      int n_east= 0;
00148      if ( debugLevel_ == pDEBUG ) cout << " findPi0Road: Go to the East " <<  endl;
00149      while ( ((next=theESNav.east()) != ESDetId(0) && next != strip) ) {
00150         if ( debugLevel_ == pDEBUG ) cout << "findPi0Road: East: " << n_east << " current strip is " << next << endl;
00151         vout.push_back(next);
00152         ++n_east;
00153         if (n_east == preshSeededNstr_) break;
00154      }
00155      // west road
00156      int n_west= 0;
00157      if ( debugLevel_ == pDEBUG ) cout << " findPi0Road: Go to the West " <<  endl;
00158      theESNav.home();
00159      while ( ((next=theESNav.west()) != ESDetId(0) && next != strip )) {
00160         if ( debugLevel_ == pDEBUG ) cout << "findPi0Road: West: " << n_west << " current strip is " << next << endl;
00161         vout.push_back(next);
00162         ++n_west;
00163         if (n_west == preshSeededNstr_) break;
00164      }
00165      if ( debugLevel_ == pDEBUG ) cout << "findPi0Road: Total number of strips found in the road at 1-st plane is " << n_east+n_west << endl;
00166   }
00167   else if (plane == 2) {
00168     // north road
00169     int n_north= 0;
00170     if ( debugLevel_ == pDEBUG ) cout << " findPi0Road: Go to the North " <<  endl;
00171     while ( ((next=theESNav.north()) != ESDetId(0) && next != strip) ) {
00172        if ( debugLevel_ == pDEBUG ) cout << "findPi0Road: North: " << n_north << " current strip is " << next << endl;
00173        vout.push_back(next);
00174        ++n_north;
00175        if (n_north == preshSeededNstr_) break;
00176     }
00177     // south road
00178     int n_south= 0;
00179     if ( debugLevel_ == pDEBUG ) cout << " findPi0Road: Go to the South " <<  endl;
00180     theESNav.home();
00181     while ( ((next=theESNav.south()) != ESDetId(0) && next != strip) ) {
00182        if ( debugLevel_ == pDEBUG ) cout << "findPi0Road: South: " << n_south << " current strip is " << next << endl;
00183        vout.push_back(next);
00184        ++n_south;
00185        if (n_south == preshSeededNstr_) break;
00186     }
00187     if ( debugLevel_ == pDEBUG ) cout << "findPi0Road: Total number of strips found in the road at 2-nd plane is " << n_south+n_north << endl;
00188   }
00189   else {
00190     if ( debugLevel_ == pDEBUG ) cout << " findPi0Road: Wrong plane number, null cluster will be returned! " << endl;
00191   } // end of if
00193   theESNav.home();
00194 }
00197 //===================================================================
00198 // EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::readWeightFile(...), a method that reads the weigths of the NN
00199 // INPUT: Weights_file
00200 // OUTPUT: I_H_Weight, H_Thresh, H_O_Weight, O_Thresh arrays
00201 //===================================================================
00202 void EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::readWeightFile(const char *Weights_file){
00203    FILE *weights;
00205    char *line;
00206    line = new char[80];
00208    bool checkinit=false;
00209 // Open the weights file, generated by jetnet, and read
00210 // in the nodes and weights
00211 //*******************************************************
00212   weights = fopen(Weights_file, "r");
00213   if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG ) cout << " I opeded the Weights file  = " << Weights_file << endl;
00215   while( !feof(weights) ){
00216         fscanf(weights, "%s", line);
00217         if (line[0] == 'A') { //Read in ANN nodes: Layers, input , Hidden, Output
00218            fscanf(weights, "%d", &Layers);       // # of NN Layers  used
00219            fscanf(weights, "%d", &Indim);        // # of Inputs actually used
00220            fscanf(weights, "%d", &Hidden);       // # of hidden nodes
00221            fscanf(weights, "%d", &Outdim);   // # of output nodes
00223            inp_var = Indim + 1;
00225            I_H_Weight = new float[Indim*Hidden];
00226            H_Thresh = new float[Hidden];
00227            H_O_Weight = new float[Hidden*Outdim];
00228            O_Thresh = new float[Outdim];
00229            checkinit=true;
00230         }else if (line[0] == 'B') { // read in weights between hidden and intput nodes
00231             assert(checkinit);
00232             for (int i = 0; i<Indim; i++){
00233                 for (int j = 0; j<Hidden; j++){
00234                     fscanf(weights, "%f", &I_H_Weight[i*Hidden+j]);
00235                 }
00236             }
00237         }else if (line[0] == 'C'){       // Read in the thresholds for hidden nodes
00238             assert(checkinit);
00239             for (int i = 0; i<Hidden; i++){
00240                 fscanf(weights, "%f", &H_Thresh[i]);
00241             }
00242         }else if (line[0] == 'D'){ // read in weights between hidden and output nodes
00243             assert(checkinit);
00244             for (int i = 0; i<Hidden*Outdim; i++){
00245                 fscanf(weights, "%f", &H_O_Weight[i]);
00246             }
00247         }else if (line[0] == 'E'){ // read in the threshold for the output nodes
00248             assert(checkinit);
00249             for (int i = 0; i<Outdim; i++){
00250                 fscanf(weights, "%f", &O_Thresh[i]);
00252             }
00253         }
00254           else{cout << "Not a Net file of Corrupted Net file " << endl;
00255         }
00256    }
00257    fclose(weights);
00258 }
00260 //=====================================================================================
00261 // EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::getNNoutput(int sel_wfile), a method that calculated the NN output
00262 // INPUT: sel_wfile -> Weight file selection
00263 // OUTPUT : nnout -> the NN output
00264 //=====================================================================================
00266 float EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::getNNoutput(int sel_wfile)
00267 {
00268  float* I_SUM;
00269  float* OUT;
00270  float nnout=0.0;
00271  int mij;
00273  I_SUM = new float[Hidden];
00274  OUT = new  float[Outdim];
00276  for(int k=0;k<Hidden;k++) I_SUM[k]=0.0;
00277  for(int k1=0;k1<Outdim;k1++) OUT[k1]=0.0;
00279  for (int h = 0; h<Hidden; h++){
00280      mij = h - Hidden;
00281      for (int i = 0; i<Indim; i++){
00282          mij = mij + Hidden;
00283          I_SUM[h] += I_H_Weight_all[mij+sel_wfile*Indim*Hidden + barrelstart*Nfiles_EE*EE_Indim*EE_Hidden] * input_var[i];
00284      }
00285      I_SUM[h] += H_Thresh_all[h+sel_wfile*Hidden + barrelstart*Nfiles_EE*EE_Hidden];
00286      for (int o1 = 0; o1<Outdim; o1++) {
00287         OUT[o1] += H_O_Weight_all[barrelstart*Nfiles_EE*EE_Outdim*EE_Hidden + h*Outdim+o1 + sel_wfile*Outdim*Hidden]*Activation_fun(I_SUM[h]); 
00289      }
00290  }
00291  for (int o2 = 0; o2<Outdim; o2++){      
00292                 OUT[o2] += O_Thresh_all[barrelstart*Nfiles_EE*EE_Outdim + o2 + sel_wfile*Outdim]; 
00293   }
00294   nnout = Activation_fun(OUT[0]);
00296   if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG ) cout << "getNNoutput :: -> NNout = " <<  nnout << endl;
00298   delete I_SUM;
00299   delete OUT;
00300   delete input_var;
00302   return (nnout);
00303 }
00306 float EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::Activation_fun(float SUM){
00307         return( 1.0 / ( 1.0 + exp(-2.0*SUM) ) );
00308 }
00309 //=====================================================================================
00310 // EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::calculateNNInputVariables(...), a method that calculates the 25 input variables
00311 // INPUTS:
00312 // vph1 -> vector of the stip energies in 1st Preshower plane
00313 // vph2 -> vector of the stip energies in 2nd Preshower plane
00314 // pS1_max -> E1
00315 // pS9_max -> E9
00316 // pS25_max -> E25
00317 // OUTPUT: 
00318 // input_var[25] -> the 25 input to the NN variables array
00319 //=====================================================================================
00320 bool EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::calculateNNInputVariables(vector<float>& vph1, vector<float>& vph2, 
00321                                           float pS1_max, float pS9_max, float pS25_max)
00322 {
00323    input_var = new float[EE_Indim];
00325    bool valid_NNinput = true;
00327    if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG ) {
00328      cout << "Energies of the Preshower Strips in X plane = ( "; 
00329      for(int i = 0; i<11;i++) {
00330         cout << " " << vph1[i];
00331      }
00332      cout << ")" << endl;
00333      cout << "Energies of the Preshower Strips in Y plane = ( "; 
00334      for(int i = 0; i<11;i++) {
00335         cout << " " << vph2[i];
00336      }
00337      cout << ")" << endl;
00338    }
00339    // check if all Preshower info is availabla - If NOT use remaning info
00340    for(int k = 0; k<11; k++) {
00341       if(vph1[k] < 0 ) {
00342          if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG ) { 
00343            cout  << "Oops!!! Preshower Info for strip : " << k << " of X plane Do not exists" << endl; 
00344          }  
00345          vph1[k] = 0.0;
00346       }          
00347       if(vph2[k] < 0 ) { 
00348         if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG ) { 
00349           cout  << "Oops!!! Preshower Info for strip : " << k << " of Y plane Do not exists" << endl;
00350         }
00351         vph2[k] = 0.0;
00352       }
00353    }   
00354    if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG ) {
00355      cout << "After: Energies of the Preshower Strips in X plane = ( "; 
00356      for(int i = 0; i<11;i++) {
00357         cout << " " << vph1[i];
00358      }
00359      cout << ")" << endl;
00360      cout << "After: Energies of the Preshower Strips in Y plane = ( "; 
00361      for(int i = 0; i<11;i++) {
00362         cout << " " << vph2[i];
00363      }
00364      cout << ")" << endl;
00365    }
00367 // FIRST : Produce the 22 NN variables related with the Preshower 
00368 // --------------------------------------------------------------
00369 // New normalization of the preshower strip energies Aris 8/11/2004
00370    for(int kk=0;kk<11;kk++){
00371      input_var[kk] = fabs(vph1[kk]/0.01);
00372      input_var[kk + 11] = fabs(vph2[kk]/0.02);       
00373      if(input_var[kk] < 0.0001) input_var[kk] = 0.;
00374      if(input_var[kk + 11] < 0.0001) input_var[kk + 11] = 0.;
00375    }
00376    input_var[0] = fabs(input_var[0]/2.); 
00377    input_var[1] = fabs(input_var[1]/2.); 
00378    input_var[6] = fabs(input_var[6]/2.); 
00379    input_var[11] = fabs(input_var[11]/2.); 
00380    input_var[12] = fabs(input_var[12]/2.); 
00381    input_var[17] = fabs(input_var[17]/2.); 
00383 // SECOND: Take the final NN variable related to the ECAL
00384 // -----------------------------------------------
00385    input_var[22] = pS1_max/500.;
00386    input_var[23] = pS9_max/500.;
00387    input_var[24] = pS25_max/500.;
00389    if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG ) {
00390      cout << "S1/500. = " << input_var[22] << endl;
00391      cout << "S9/500. = " << input_var[23] << endl;
00392      cout << "S25/500. = " << input_var[24] << endl;
00393    }
00394    for(int i=0;i<EE_Indim;i++){
00395      if(input_var[i] > 1.0e+00) {
00396        valid_NNinput = false;
00397        break;
00398      }
00399    }
00400    if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG ) {
00401      cout << " valid_NNinput = " << valid_NNinput << endl; }
00402    return valid_NNinput;
00403 }
00406 //=====================================================================================
00407 // EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::calculateBarrelNNInputVariables(...), a method that calculates
00408 // the 12 barrel NN input
00409 // OUTPUT:
00410 // input_var[12] -> the 12 input to the barrel NN variables array
00411 //=====================================================================================
00413 void EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::calculateBarrelNNInputVariables(float et, double s1, double s9, double s25,
00414                                                                     double m2, double cee, double cep,double cpp,
00415                                                                     double s4, double s6, double ratio,
00416                                                                     double xcog, double ycog)
00417 {
00418   input_var = new float[EB_Indim];
00420   double lam, lam1, lam2;
00421   if(xcog < 0.)  input_var[0] = -xcog/s25;  else  input_var[0] = xcog/s25;
00422   if(ycog < 0.)  input_var[6] = -ycog/s25;  else  input_var[6] = ycog/s25;
00423   input_var[1] = cee/0.0004;
00424   if(cpp<.001)    input_var[2] = cpp/.001;  else    input_var[2] = 0.;
00425   if(s9!=0.) {   input_var[3] = s1/s9; input_var[8] = s6/s9; input_var[10] = (m2+s1)/s9; }
00426      else {    input_var[3] = 0.; input_var[8] = 0.;  input_var[10] = 0.; }
00427   if(s25-s1>0.) input_var[4] = (s9-s1)/(s25-s1);  else input_var[4] = 0.;
00428   if(s25>0.) input_var[5] = s4/s25;  else input_var[5] = 0.;
00429    lam=sqrt((cee -cpp)*(cee -cpp)+4*cep*cep); lam1=(cee + cpp + lam)/2; lam2=(cee + cpp - lam)/2;
00430    if(lam1 == 0) input_var[9] = .0; else input_var[9] = lam2/lam1;
00431   if(s4!=0.) input_var[11] = (m2+s1)/s4; else input_var[11] = 0.;
00432    input_var[7] = ratio;
00433 }
00436 //=====================================================================================
00437 // EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::GetNNOutput(...), a method that calculates the NNoutput
00438 // INPUTS: Super Cluster Energy
00439 // OUTPUTS : NNoutput
00440 //=====================================================================================
00441 float EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::GetNNOutput(float EE_Et)
00442 {
00443     Layers = EE_Layers; Indim = EE_Indim; Hidden = EE_Hidden; Outdim = EE_Outdim;  barrelstart = 0;  
00445     float nnout = -1;
00446 // Print the  NN input variables that are related to the Preshower + ECAL
00447 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
00448      if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG )cout << " EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::GetNNoutput :nn_invar_presh = " ;
00449      for(int k1=0;k1<Indim;k1++) {
00450         if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG )cout << input_var[k1] << " " ;
00451      }
00452      if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG )cout << endl;
00454      // select the appropriate Weigth file
00455      int sel_wfile;
00456      if(EE_Et<25.0)                     {sel_wfile = 0;}
00457      else if(EE_Et>=25.0 && EE_Et<35.0) {sel_wfile = 1;}
00458      else if(EE_Et>=35.0 && EE_Et<45.0) {sel_wfile = 2;}
00459      else if(EE_Et>=45.0 && EE_Et<55.0) {sel_wfile = 3;}
00460      else                               {sel_wfile = 4;} 
00462      if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG ) {
00463          cout << " Et_SC = " << EE_Et << " and I select Weight file Number = " << sel_wfile << endl; 
00464      }
00466      nnout = getNNoutput(sel_wfile); // calculate the nnoutput for the given ECAL object
00467      if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG ) cout << "===================> GetNNOutput : NNout = " << nnout <<  endl;
00468    return nnout;
00469 }
00472 //=====================================================================================
00473 // EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::GetBarrelNNOutput(...), a method that calculates the barrel NNoutput
00474 // INPUTS: Super Cluster Energy
00475 // OUTPUTS : NNoutput
00476 //=====================================================================================
00477 float EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::GetBarrelNNOutput(float EB_Et)
00478 {
00480     Layers = EB_Layers; Indim = EB_Indim; Hidden = EB_Hidden; Outdim = EB_Outdim;  barrelstart = 1;  
00482     float nnout = -1;
00483 // Print the  NN input variables that are related to the ECAL Barrel
00484 // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
00485      if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG )cout << " EndcapPiZeroDiscriminatorAlgo::GetBarrelNNoutput :nn_invar_presh = " ;
00486      for(int k1=0;k1<Indim;k1++) {
00487         if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG )cout << input_var[k1] << " " ;
00488      }
00489      if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG )cout << 1 << endl;
00491      // select the appropriate Weigth file
00492      int sel_wfile;
00493      if(EB_Et<25.0)                     {sel_wfile = 0;}
00494      else if(EB_Et>=25.0 && EB_Et<35.0) {sel_wfile = 1;}
00495      else if(EB_Et>=35.0 && EB_Et<45.0) {sel_wfile = 2;}
00496      else if(EB_Et>=45.0 && EB_Et<55.0) {sel_wfile = 3;}
00497      else                               {sel_wfile = 4;}
00499      if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG ) {
00500          cout << " E_SC = " << EB_Et << " and I select Weight file Number = " << sel_wfile << endl;
00501      }
00503      nnout = getNNoutput(sel_wfile); // calculate the nnoutput for the given ECAL object
00504      if ( debugLevel_ <= pDEBUG ) cout << "===================> GetNNOutput : NNout = " << nnout <<  endl;
00506    return nnout;
00507 }

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