This page lists all packages related to muons within the CMSSW repository. Links point to the package documentation.
Packages listed in italics are not specific to muons, but are listed here for completness.
For additional information on packaging rationale, existing and planned functionality, etc. please visit the Wiki page for Muon software.
- Alignment
This subsystems contains both the software for processing the hw alignment data and the code to apply alignment corrections in reconstruction. Relevant packages for muon reconstruction:
- CalibMuon
Calibration algorithms.
- CondFormats
Channel mapping and calibration tables.
- CSCObjects
- DTObjects
- RPCObjects
- DataFormats
Definition of classes modelling digis, hits, etc. (no algorithms).
Data Quality Monitoring.
- CSCMonitorClient
- CSCMonitorModule
- DTMonitorClient
- DTMonitorModule
- RPCMonitorClient
- RPCMonitorDigi
- RPCMonitorModule
- EventFilter
Raw data unpackers.
- Geometry
This subsystem contains both the xml geometry files and the code to model the geometry of detectors.
- IORawData
Special input sources to read raw data files taken with local DAQ (commissioning, test beams, etc).
- L1Trigger
Packages for L1 trigger emulation/simulation
- RecoLocalMuon
Local reconstruction (RecHits, segments).
- RecoMuon
Muon track reconstruction.
- SimG4CMS
Geant simulation.
- VisReco
- VisMuonCSC
- VisMuonDT
- VisMuonRPC
- Simulation: P. Arce
- Reconstruction: N. Amapane, T. Cox
Last updated: @ N. Amapane
Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:56:13 2009 for CMSSW by