CVS head for this package - Administrative privileges
Persistent classes for Muon Reco data format.
- reco::Muon: reconstructed Muon. Contains references to three fitted tracks: in muon detector standalone, in tracker detector only, and a combined muon detector plus tracker fit.
- reco::MuIsoDeposit: class representing the scatter (in eta, phi) of deposits (et or pt etc.) around a muon. Internally the deposits are stored as multimap<Direction, float> Can be used to calculate sumDeposit (e.g., sumEt) or nDeposits (e.g., nTracks) on the fly
- namespace::Direction: class representation of (eta, phi) point in 2D. Also contains definition of "struct Distance" to represent (dR, angle) displacement vector in (eta, phi) space.
- reco::MuIsoDepositAssociationMap: association map of reco::MuIsoDeposit keyed to TrackCollection
- reco::MuIsoAssociationMap: association map of boolean value keyed to TrackCollection. Used to store "is isolated" status for a muon (reco::Track)
- reco::MuIsoIntAssociationMap: association map of int value keyed to TrackCollection. Used to store nTracks-like output.
- reco::MuIsoFloatAssociationMap: association map of float value keyed to TrackCollection. Used to store sumEt or likelyhood-kind of values.
(all isolation maps are fit to work with both StandAlone and other muons)
To be reviewed.
Last updated: @ Slava Krutelyov
Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:56:13 2009 for CMSSW by