Source code (CVS tag: @) - Administrative privileges
Provide algorithms used for muon isolation in HLT and Offline.
"Isolation" process can procede in two stages:
- extraction of IsoDeposit(s) from event data (tracks, calo towers/hits, jets, etc.): abstracted by MuIsoExtractor with concrete implmentation provided via IsoDepositExtractorFactory
- using IsoDeposit calculate an "isolation value" (weightedSumPt in a cone, isolation flag, isolation likelihood etc.): abstracted by MuIsoBaseIsolator. The above two steps can be combined in a concrete implementation of MuIsoBaseAlgorithm.
- MuIsoExtractor: abstract base class for methods that extract IsoDeposit(s) from an event record given a muon (reco::Track).
- IsoDepositExtractorFactory: extractor factory to be used as a source of concrete extractors.
- CutsConeSizeFunction: given track eta derives coneSize based on input set of "Cuts"
- Cuts: class used for configuration of et (pt) thresholds and cone size in a given eta range
- MuIsoBaseIsolator: abstract base class for isolators; uses IsoDeposit(s) on input and gives float "result" on output.
- IsolatorByDeposit: the "result" is the sumDeposits in a given cone (can use CutsConeSizeFunction).
- IsolatorByNominalEfficiency: the "result" is the likelihood-like value (apply val < eff0 to get cut efficiency of not less than eff0) using a lookup (text) table.
- Range: helper class implementation of (min, max) range for ordered types.
- ExtractorFromDeposits: finds IsoDeposit of the input track in the event record.
- TrackExtractor: make IsoDeposit using "other" tracks within "DR_Veto" to "DR_Max", with |dZ|< "Diff_z" and |dr_xy| < "Diff_r" from the muon track.
- CaloExtractorByAssociator: with CaloTowers or recHits on input would provide MuIsoDeposits for ecal, hcal and ho separately (3 cts) using TrackDetectorAssociator. The deposit values are hit/tower et; each hit/tower with energy>3*sigmaNoise and et> threshold, being within "DR_Max" and excluding "DR_Veto" gets an entry.
- CaloExtractor: with CaloTowers on input provide a weighted sum of "Weight_E"*ecalEt+"Weight_H"*hcalEt using simple (analytical form) propagator. Each tower with energy>3*sigmaNoise and et> threshold, being within "DR_Max" and excluding "DR_Veto" gets an entry. CaloExtractor is slightly less precise in picking up the point where muon hits the calorimeter (compared to CaloExtractorByAssociator), but is considerably faster.
- JetExtractor awaits implementation.
- CombinedTrackCalIsolator awaits implementation.
- CaloExtractor(ByAssociator) use muon (eta, phi) at vertex as the cone axis (center): should be "position at calorimeter" of a neutral particle tangential to the muon at vertex ("neutral" muon)
Last updated: @ Author: computer-generated.
Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:56:14 2009 for CMSSW by