Source code (CVS tag: @) - Administrative privileges
Base classes modelling tracking detectors and the entry point to the geometry.
Detector model:
Geometry of GeomDet and GeomDetUnit:
- TrackingGeometry is the base class for all tracking geometries (TrackerGeometry, DTGeometry, CSCGeometry, RPCGeometry).
- GlobalTrackingGeometry is a is a single entry point to the geometries of the tracker and muon detectors. Its main purpose is to allow to get an element of the geometry given its DetId, regardless of wich subdetector it belongs. A typical application is to transform to global coordinates the position of a list of simhits or rechits that belong to several different tracking detectors.
Helper classes:
The GlobalTrackingGeometry can be created in two ways:
- testDetSort.cpp : example and test for DetSorting helper classes.
A test and example application for GlobalTrackingGeometry can be found in package Package Geometry/GlobalTrackingGeometryBuilder .
Last updated: @ Author: Nicola Amapane
Generated on Tue Jun 9 17:56:14 2009 for CMSSW by