Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #include "RKCartesianDistance.h"
4 #include "RKLocalFieldProvider.h"
7 #include "RKAdaptiveSolver.h"
8 #include "RKOne4OrderStep.h"
9 #include "RKOneCashKarpStep.h"
10 #include "PathToPlane2Order.h"
11 #include "CartesianStateAdaptor.h"
16 #include "FrameChanger.h"
25 std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double> RKPropagatorInS::propagateWithPath(const FreeTrajectoryState& fts,
26  const Plane& plane) const {
28  if
29  UNLIKELY(!gp) return TsosWP(TrajectoryStateOnSurface(), 0.);
35  return analyticalErrorPropagation(fts, plane, side, gp.parameters(), gp.s());
36 }
38 std::pair<TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double> RKPropagatorInS::propagateWithPath(const FreeTrajectoryState& fts,
39  const Cylinder& cyl) const {
41  if
42  UNLIKELY(!gp) return TsosWP(TrajectoryStateOnSurface(), 0.);
48  return analyticalErrorPropagation(fts, cyl, side, gp.parameters(), gp.s());
49 }
52  const Plane& plane) const {
53  GlobalPoint gpos(ts.position());
54  GlobalVector gmom(ts.momentum());
55  double startZ = plane.localZ(gpos);
56  // (transverse) curvature
57  double rho = ts.transverseCurvature();
58  //
59  // Straight line approximation? |rho|<1.e-10 equivalent to ~ 1um
60  // difference in transversal position at 10m.
61  //
62  if
63  UNLIKELY(fabs(rho) < 1.e-10) {
64  //
65  // Instantiate auxiliary object for finding intersection.
66  // Frame-independant point and vector are created explicitely to
67  // avoid confusing gcc (refuses to compile with temporary objects
68  // in the constructor).
69  //
70  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << " startZ = " << startZ;
72  if
73  UNLIKELY(fabs(startZ) < 1e-5) {
74  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "Propagation is not performed: state is already on final surface.";
76  return GlobalParametersWithPath(res, 0.0);
77  }
81  StraightLinePlaneCrossing planeCrossing(pos, dir, propagationDirection());
82  //
83  // get solution
84  //
85  std::pair<bool, double> propResult = planeCrossing.pathLength(plane);
86  if
87  LIKELY(propResult.first && theVolume != nullptr) {
88  double s = propResult.second;
89  // point (reconverted to GlobalPoint)
90  GlobalPoint x(planeCrossing.position(s));
92  return GlobalParametersWithPath(res, s);
93  }
94  //do someting
95  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "Straight line propgation to plane failed !!";
96  return GlobalParametersWithPath();
97  }
99 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
100  if (theVolume != 0) {
101  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "RKPropagatorInS: starting prop to plane in volume with pos "
102  << theVolume->position() << " Z axis " << theVolume->toGlobal(LocalVector(0, 0, 1));
104  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "The starting position is " << ts.position() << " (global) "
105  << theVolume->toLocal(ts.position()) << " (local) ";
107  FrameChanger changer;
108  auto localPlane = changer.transformPlane(plane, *theVolume);
109  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "The plane position is " << plane.position() << " (global) " << localPlane.position()
110  << " (local) ";
112  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "The initial distance to plane is " << plane.localZ(ts.position());
115  std::pair<bool, double> res3 = cross.pathLength(plane);
116  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "straight line distance " << res3.first << " " << res3.second;
117  }
118 #endif
121  typedef Solver::Vector RKVector;
124  PathToPlane2Order pathLength(field, &field.frame());
125  CartesianLorentzForce deriv(field, ts.charge());
127  RKCartesianDistance dist;
128  double eps = theTolerance;
129  Solver solver;
130  double stot = 0;
131  PropagationDirection currentDirection = propagationDirection();
133  // in magVolume frame
135  int safeGuard = 0;
136  while (safeGuard++ < 100) {
137  CartesianStateAdaptor startState(start);
139  std::pair<bool, double> path =
140  pathLength(plane, startState.position(), startState.momentum(), (double)ts.charge(), currentDirection);
141  if
142  UNLIKELY(!path.first) {
143  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "RKPropagatorInS: Path length calculation to plane failed!"
144  << "...distance to plane " << plane.localZ(globalPosition(startState.position()))
145  << "...Local starting position in volume " << startState.position()
146  << "...Magnetic field " << field.inTesla(startState.position());
148  return GlobalParametersWithPath();
149  }
151  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "RKPropagatorInS: Path lenght to plane is " << path.second;
153  double sstep = path.second;
154  if
155  UNLIKELY(std::abs(sstep) < eps) {
156  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "On-surface accuracy not reached, but pathLength calculation says we are there! "
157  << "path " << path.second << " distance to plane is " << startZ;
159  return GlobalParametersWithPath(res, stot);
160  }
162  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "RKPropagatorInS: Solving for " << sstep << " current distance to plane is "
163  << startZ;
165  RKVector rkresult = solver(0, start, sstep, deriv, dist, eps);
166  stot += sstep;
167  CartesianStateAdaptor cur(rkresult);
168  double remainingZ = plane.localZ(globalPosition(cur.position()));
170  if (fabs(remainingZ) < eps) {
171  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "On-surface accuracy reached! " << remainingZ;
173  return GlobalParametersWithPath(res, stot);
174  }
176  start = rkresult;
178  if (remainingZ * startZ > 0) {
179  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "Accuracy not reached yet, trying in same direction again " << remainingZ;
180  } else {
181  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "Accuracy not reached yet, trying in opposite direction " << remainingZ;
182  currentDirection = invertDirection(currentDirection);
183  }
184  startZ = remainingZ;
185  }
187  edm::LogError("FailedPropagation") << " too many iterations trying to reach plane ";
188  return GlobalParametersWithPath();
189 }
192  const Cylinder& cyl) const {
194  typedef Solver::Vector RKVector;
196  const GlobalPoint& sp = cyl.position();
197  if
198  UNLIKELY(sp.x() != 0. || sp.y() != 0.) { throw PropagationException("Cannot propagate to an arbitrary cylinder"); }
200  GlobalPoint gpos(ts.position());
201  GlobalVector gmom(ts.momentum());
202  LocalPoint pos(cyl.toLocal(gpos));
203  LocalVector mom(cyl.toLocal(gmom));
204  double startR = cyl.radius() - pos.perp();
206  // LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "RKPropagatorInS: starting from FTS " << ts ;
208  // (transverse) curvature
209  double rho = ts.transverseCurvature();
210  //
211  // Straight line approximation? |rho|<1.e-10 equivalent to ~ 1um
212  // difference in transversal position at 10m.
213  //
214  if
215  UNLIKELY(fabs(rho) < 1.e-10) {
216  //
217  // Instantiate auxiliary object for finding intersection.
218  // Frame-independant point and vector are created explicitely to
219  // avoid confusing gcc (refuses to compile with temporary objects
220  // in the constructor).
221  //
223  StraightLineBarrelCylinderCrossing cylCrossing(gpos, gmom, propagationDirection());
225  //
226  // get solution
227  //
228  std::pair<bool, double> propResult = cylCrossing.pathLength(cyl);
229  if
230  LIKELY(propResult.first && theVolume != nullptr) {
231  double s = propResult.second;
232  // point (reconverted to GlobalPoint)
233  GlobalPoint x(cylCrossing.position(s));
235  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "Straight line propagation to cylinder succeeded !!";
236  return GlobalParametersWithPath(res, s);
237  }
239  //do someting
240  edm::LogError("RKPropagatorInS") << "Straight line propagation to cylinder failed !!";
241  return GlobalParametersWithPath();
242  }
245  // StraightLineCylinderCrossing pathLength( pos, mom, propagationDirection());
246  CartesianLorentzForce deriv(field, ts.charge());
248  RKCartesianDistance dist;
249  double eps = theTolerance;
250  Solver solver;
251  double stot = 0;
252  PropagationDirection currentDirection = propagationDirection();
254  RKVector start(CartesianStateAdaptor::rkstate(pos.basicVector(), mom.basicVector()));
255  int safeGuard = 0;
256  while (safeGuard++ < 100) {
257  CartesianStateAdaptor startState(start);
258  StraightLineCylinderCrossing pathLength(
259  LocalPoint(startState.position()), LocalVector(startState.momentum()), currentDirection, eps);
261  std::pair<bool, double> path = pathLength.pathLength(cyl);
262  if
263  UNLIKELY(!path.first) {
264  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "RKPropagatorInS: Path length calculation to cylinder failed!"
265  << "Radius " << cyl.radius() << " pos.perp() "
266  << LocalPoint(startState.position()).perp();
267  return GlobalParametersWithPath();
268  }
270  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "RKPropagatorInS: Path lenght to cylinder is " << path.second << " from point (R,z) "
271  << startState.position().perp() << ", " << startState.position().z() << " to R "
272  << cyl.radius();
274  double sstep = path.second;
275  if
276  UNLIKELY(std::abs(sstep) < eps) {
277  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "accuracy not reached, but pathLength calculation says we are there! "
278  << path.second;
280  GlobalTrajectoryParameters res(gtpFromLocal(startState.position(), startState.momentum(), ts.charge(), cyl));
281  return GlobalParametersWithPath(res, stot);
282  }
284  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "RKPropagatorInS: Solving for " << sstep << " current distance to cylinder is "
285  << startR;
287  RKVector rkresult = solver(0, start, sstep, deriv, dist, eps);
288  stot += sstep;
289  CartesianStateAdaptor cur(rkresult);
290  double remainingR = cyl.radius() - cur.position().perp();
292  if (fabs(remainingR) < eps) {
293  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "Accuracy reached! " << remainingR;
295  return GlobalParametersWithPath(res, stot);
296  }
298  start = rkresult;
299  if (remainingR * startR > 0) {
300  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "Accuracy not reached yet, trying in same direction again " << remainingR;
301  } else {
302  LogDebug("RKPropagatorInS") << "Accuracy not reached yet, trying in opposite direction " << remainingR;
303  currentDirection = invertDirection(currentDirection);
304  }
305  startR = remainingR;
306  }
308  edm::LogError("FailedPropagation") << " too many iterations trying to reach cylinder ";
309  return GlobalParametersWithPath();
310 }
312 Propagator* RKPropagatorInS::clone() const { return new RKPropagatorInS(*this); }
315  const Basic3DVector<float>& lmom,
316  TrackCharge ch,
317  const Surface& surf) const {
318  return GlobalTrajectoryParameters(surf.toGlobal(LocalPoint(lpos)), surf.toGlobal(LocalVector(lmom)), ch, theVolume);
319 }
324  return RKLocalFieldProvider(*theVolume, cyl);
325 }
328  if (dir == anyDirection)
329  return dir;
330  return (dir == alongMomentum ? oppositeToMomentum : alongMomentum);
331 }
334  if (theVolume != nullptr)
335  return theVolume->toLocal(pos).basicVector();
336  else
337  return pos.basicVector();
338 }
341  if (theVolume != nullptr)
342  return theVolume->toLocal(mom).basicVector();
343  else
344  return mom.basicVector();
345 }
348  if (theVolume != nullptr)
349  return theVolume->toGlobal(LocalPoint(pos));
350  else
351  return GlobalPoint(pos);
352 }
356 {
357  if (theVolume != nullptr)
358  return theVolume->toGlobal(LocalVector(mom));
359  else
360  return GlobalVector(mom);
361 }
364  TrackCharge charge) const {
366  globalPosition(state.position()), globalMomentum(state.momentum()), charge, theVolume);
367 }
#define LogDebug(id)
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const Point2DBase< Scalar, LocalTag > lp) const
Definition: Surface.h:81
std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double > propagateWithPath(const FreeTrajectoryState &, const Plane &) const override
Local3DVector LocalVector
Definition: LocalVector.h:12
Point3DBase< Scalar, LocalTag > LocalPoint
Definition: Definitions.h:30
GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtpFromVolumeLocal(const CartesianStateAdaptor &state, TrackCharge charge) const
ROOT::Math::Plane3D::Vector Vector
GlobalParametersWithPath propagateParametersOnCylinder(const FreeTrajectoryState &ts, const Cylinder &cyl) const
RKLocalFieldProvider fieldProvider() const
std::pair< bool, double > pathLength(const Cylinder &cyl) const
Global3DPoint GlobalPoint
Definition: GlobalPoint.h:10
GlobalPoint globalPosition(const Basic3DVector< float > &pos) const
T y() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:60
float localZ(const GlobalPoint &gp) const
Definition: Plane.h:45
#define LIKELY(x)
Definition: Likely.h:20
const GlobalTrajectoryParameters & parameters() const
TrackCharge charge() const
Definition: Plane.h:16
Definition: Electron.h:6
int TrackCharge
Definition: TrackCharge.h:4
Basic3DVector< double > rkMomentum(const GlobalVector &mom) const
virtual PropagationDirection propagationDirection() const final
Definition: Propagator.h:139
Estimator of the distance between two state vectors, e.g. for convergence test.
Scalar radius() const
Radius of the cylinder.
Definition: Cylinder.h:64
T z() const
Cartesian z coordinate.
PropagationDirection invertDirection(PropagationDirection dir) const
LocalPoint toLocal(const GlobalPoint &gp) const
GlobalTrajectoryParameters gtpFromLocal(const Basic3DVector< float > &lpos, const Basic3DVector< float > &lmom, TrackCharge ch, const Surface &surf) const
Derivative calculation for the 6D cartesian case.
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
const Vector3D & momentum() const
PositionType position(float s) const
const MagVolume * theVolume
std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double > analyticalErrorPropagation(const FreeTrajectoryState &startingState, const Surface &surface, SurfaceSideDefinition::SurfaceSide side, const GlobalTrajectoryParameters &destParameters, const double &s)
T perp() const
Magnitude of transverse component.
Common base class.
GlobalVector momentum() const
std::pair< bool, double > pathLength(const Plane &plane) const
GlobalVector globalMomentum(const Basic3DVector< float > &mom) const
GlobalPoint toGlobal(const LocalPoint &lp) const
GlobalPoint position() const
const Frame & frame() const
The reference frame in which the field is defined.
static Plane transformPlane(const Plane &plane, const GloballyPositioned< T > &frame)
Definition: FrameChanger.h:14
double transverseCurvature() const
std::pair< TrajectoryStateOnSurface, double > TsosWP
T perp() const
Magnitude of transverse component.
GlobalParametersWithPath propagateParametersOnPlane(const FreeTrajectoryState &ts, const Plane &plane) const
RKPropagatorInS(const MagVolume &vol, PropagationDirection dir=alongMomentum, double tolerance=5.e-5)
#define UNLIKELY(x)
Definition: Likely.h:21
static RKSmallVector< double, 6 > rkstate(const Vector3D &pos, const Vector3D &mom)
const Vector3D & position() const
std::pair< bool, double > pathLength(const Cylinder &cyl) const
T x() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:59
const BasicVectorType & basicVector() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:53
const PositionType & position() const
Basic3DVector< double > rkPosition(const GlobalPoint &pos) const
Propagator * clone() const override
Global3DVector GlobalVector
Definition: GlobalVector.h:10
Vector inTesla(const LocalPoint &lp) const
the argument lp is in the local frame specified in the constructor
Basic3DVector cross(const Basic3DVector &v) const
Vector product, or "cross" product, with a vector of same type.