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eostools Namespace Reference


def _xrdcpSingleFile
def cat
def chmod
def cmsStage
def createEOSDir
def datasetNotEmpty
def eosDirSize
def eosToLFN
def fileExists
def isDirectory
def isEOS
def isEOSDir
def isEOSFile
def isFile
def isLFN
def lfnToEOS
def lfnToPFN
def listFiles
def ls
def ls_EOS
def matchingFiles
def mkdir
def move
def remove
def rm
def runEOSCommand
def runXRDCommand
def setCAFPath
def which
def xrdcp


 castorToLFN = eosToLFN
 createCastorDir = createEOSDir
string eos_select = '/afs/'
 isCastorDir = isEOSDir
 isCastorFile = isEOSFile
 lfnToCastor = lfnToEOS

Function Documentation

def eostools._xrdcpSingleFile (   pfn_src,
Copies a single file using xrd.

Definition at line 494 of file

def (   path)
def eostools.chmod (   path,
Does chmod on a file or directory

Definition at line 293 of file

def eostools.cmsStage (   absDestDir,
Runs cmsStage with LFNs if possible

Definition at line 537 of file

def eostools.createEOSDir (   path)
Makes a directory in EOS

???Will, I'm quite worried by the fact that if this path already exists, and is
a file, everything will 'work'. But then we have a file, and not a directory,
while we expect a dir...

Definition at line 229 of file

def eostools.datasetNotEmpty (   path,

Definition at line 528 of file

def eostools.eosDirSize (   path)
Returns the size of a directory on EOS in GB.

Definition at line 215 of file

def eostools.eosToLFN (   path)
Converts a EOS PFN to an LFN.

Just strip out /eos/cms from path.
If this string is not found, return path.
??? Shouldn't we raise an exception instead?

Definition at line 65 of file

def eostools.fileExists (   path)
Returns true if path is a file or directory stored locally, or on EOS.

This function checks for the file or directory existence.

Definition at line 197 of file

def eostools.isDirectory (   path)
Returns True if path is a directory on EOS.

Tests for file existence. 
This function returns False for EOS files, and crashes with local paths

???Will, this function also seems to work for paths like:
??? I think that it should work also for local files, see isFile.

Definition at line 260 of file

def eostools.isEOS (   path)
Tests whether this path is a CMS EOS (name starts with /eos...)

Definition at line 61 of file

def eostools.isEOSDir (   path)
Returns True if path is either:

Otherwise, returns False.

WARNING!! This function does not check for path existence,
and returns true also for plain files.
!!! Will, is my summary correct? 

Definition at line 121 of file

def eostools.isEOSFile (   path,
  tfcProt = 'rfio' 
Returns True if path is a file or directory stored on EOS (checks for path existence)
??? This function does not behave well if passed a non EOS path...
returns lots of error messages like:
>>> eostools.isEOSFile('/store/asdfasfd')
Command (['ls', '/', 's', 't', 'o', 'r', 'e', '/', 'a', 's', 'd', 'f', 'a', 's', 'f', 'd', '/store']) failed with return code: 2
ls: s: No such file or directory
ls: t: No such file or directory
ls: o: No such file or directory
ls: r: No such file or directory
ls: e: No such file or directory
ls: a: No such file or directory
ls: s: No such file or directory
ls: d: No such file or directory
ls: f: No such file or directory
ls: a: No such file or directory
ls: s: No such file or directory
ls: f: No such file or directory
ls: d: No such file or directory
ls: /store: No such file or directory

ls: s: No such file or directory
ls: t: No such file or directory
ls: o: No such file or directory
ls: r: No such file or directory
ls: e: No such file or directory
ls: a: No such file or directory
ls: s: No such file or directory
ls: d: No such file or directory
ls: f: No such file or directory
ls: a: No such file or directory
ls: s: No such file or directory
ls: f: No such file or directory
ls: d: No such file or directory
ls: /store: No such file or directory


Definition at line 152 of file

def eostools.isFile (   path)
Returns True if a path is a file.

Tests for file existence.
Returns False for directories.
Works on EOS and local paths.

???This function works with local files, so not the same as isDirectory...
isFile and isDirectory should behave the same.

Definition at line 273 of file

def eostools.isLFN (   path)
Tests whether this path is a CMS LFN (name starts with /store...)

Definition at line 56 of file

def eostools.lfnToEOS (   path)
Converts LFN to EOS.

If path is not an LFN in the first place, return path.
??? shouldn't we raise an exception?

Definition at line 107 of file

def eostools.lfnToPFN (   path,
  tfcProt = 'rfio' 
Converts an LFN to a PFN. For example:

This function only checks path, and does not access the storage system.
If the path is in /store/cmst3, it assumes that the CMST3 svcClass is to be used.
Otherwise, is uses the default one. 

??? what is tfcprot? 

Definition at line 76 of file

def eostools.listFiles (   path,
  rec = False,
  full_info = False 
Provides a list of the specified directory

Definition at line 299 of file

def (   path,
  rec = False 
def eostools.ls_EOS (   path,
  rec = False 
Provides a simple list of the specified directory, works on EOS only, but is faster than the xrd version

Definition at line 352 of file

def eostools.matchingFiles (   path,
Return a list of files matching a regexp

Definition at line 518 of file

def eostools.mkdir (   path)
Create a directory, either on EOS or locally

Definition at line 250 of file

Referenced by L1GtVhdlWriter.analyze().

def eostools.move (   src,
Move filename1 to filename2 locally to the same server

Definition at line 510 of file

Referenced by CompatibleDetToGroupAdder.add(), tracking::TempMeasurements.add(), clangcms::FiniteMathChecker.checkPreStmt(), edm::LuminosityBlock.commit_(), edm::Run.commit_(), edm.convert_handle(), edm::SharedResourcesRegistry.createAcquirer(), edm::SharedResourcesRegistry.createAcquirerForSourceDelayedReader(), edm::impl.createCommunicatorIfNeeded(), edm::OutputModuleCommunicatorT< T >.createIfNeeded(), edm::maker::ModuleHolderT< T >.createOutputModuleCommunicator(), MillePedeFileConverter.endLuminosityBlockProduce(), MeasurementDet.fastMeasurements(), HPDNoiseGenerator.fillNoiseSignals(), BadGlobalMuonTagger.filter(), L1GTPrescaler.filter(), LocalMaximumSeedFinder.findSeeds(), edm::EventBase.get(), edm.getAnyPtr(), PileUpEventPrincipal.getByLabel(), edm::Event.getByLabel(), edm::EventBase.getByLabel(), edm::RunBase.getByLabel(), edm::LuminosityBlockBase.getByLabel(), edm.getWrapperBasePtr(), TBLayer.groupedCompatibleDetsV(), PFHBHERecHitCreator.importRecHits(), PFHcalRecHitCreator< Digi, Geometry, Layer, Detector >.importRecHits(), PFEcalRecHitCreator< Geometry, Layer, Detector >.importRecHits(), PFPSRecHitCreator.importRecHits(), HitTripletGeneratorFromPairAndLayers.init(), MultiHitGeneratorFromPairAndLayers.init(), TransientInitialStateEstimator.innerState(), edm::ParentageRegistry.insertMapped(), GeomDetCompatibilityChecker.isCompatible(), L1MuBMTFSetup.L1MuBMTFSetup(), L1MuDTTFSetup.L1MuDTTFSetup(), edm.makeESHandleExceptionFactory(), edm.makeHandleExceptionFactory(), TrajectoryFitter.makeVect(), TkPixelMeasurementDet.measurements(), DetGroupMerger.mergeTwoLevels(),,,,,, CaloTDigitizerDefaultRun< Traits >.operator()(), extstd::clone_ptr< Bounds >.operator=(), DetGroupElement.operator=(), ProxyBase11< T >.operator=(), reco::TransientTrack.operator=(), edm::RefVectorBase< key_type >.operator=(), DetGroupMerger.orderAndMergeTwoLevels(), ShallowEventDataProducer.produce(), TrackingParticleConversionSelector.produce(), edm::EventAuxiliaryHistoryProducer.produce(), SeedCombiner.produce(), TrackingParticleNumberOfLayersProducer.produce(), JetCollectionReducerT< T >.produce(), GeneratorSmearedProducer.produce(), PFMatchedCandidateRefExtractor.produce(), EmptySimHits.produce(), evf::EvFFEDSelector.produce(), VertexAssociatorByPositionAndTracksProducer.produce(), VertexAssociatorByTracksProducer.produce(), PFMuonUntagger.produce(), MuIsoDepositCopyProducer.produce(), pat::PackedPFCandidateRefMixer.produce(), FastTrackerRecHitCombiner.produce(), PFCandidateMuonUntagger.produce(), JetTracksAssociationToTrackRefs.produce(), FastTrackerRecHitMaskProducer.produce(), BaseEvtVtxGenerator.produce(), CTPPSDiamondLocalTrackFitter.produce(), GsfElectronCoreGSCrysFixer.produce(), CombinedRecHitCollectionProducer.produce(), CTPPSDiamondRecHitProducer.produce(), CorrMETDataExtractor.produce(), MixEvtVtxGenerator.produce(), edm::LogErrorHarvester.produce(), JetCorrectorProducer< T >.produce(), edm::TriggerResultInserter.produce(), TrackMVAClassifierBase.produce(), TrackMCQuality.produce(), TrackAssociatorByPositionProducer.produce(), HLTScoutingMuonProducer.produce(), EGGainSwitchFlagProducer< C >.produce(), ExtraFromSeeds.produce(), DeepNNTagInfoProducer.produce(), TrackAssociatorByChi2Producer.produce(), GenHIEventProducer.produce(), CorrectedECALPFClusterProducer.produce(), ChainedJetCorrectorProducer.produce(), edm::ProductProvenance.ProductProvenance(), edm::RunPrincipal.put(), edm::LuminosityBlockPrincipal.put(), edm::ESProxyFactoryProducer.registerFactoryWithKey(), VertexFitterManager.registerFitter(),, reco::formula::BinaryOperatorEvaluatorBase.setLeftEvaluator(), reco::formula::BinaryOperatorEvaluatorBase.setRightEvaluator(), edm::ProductData.setWrapper(), DDValue::StringHolder.StringHolder(), TempTrajectory.TempTrajectory(), DTSegtoRPC.thePoints(), CSCSegtoRPC.thePoints(), TracktoRPC.thePoints(), TrajectorySmoother.trajectories(), TrajectoryBuilder.trajectories(), edm::ProductData.unsafe_setWrapper(), PFMuonUntagger.writeAssociation(), PFCandidateMuonUntagger.writeValueMap(), PFMuonUntagger.writeValueMap(), l1t::stage2::GMTCollections.~GMTCollections(), and TrackCollectionCloner::Producer.~Producer().

def eostools.remove (   files,
  rec = False 
Remove a list of files and directories, possibly recursively

Colin: Is that obsolete? why not use rm?

Definition at line 381 of file

def eostools.rm (   path,
  rec = False 
rm, works on EOS and locally.

Colin: should implement a -f mode and a confirmation when deleting dirs recursively.

Definition at line 362 of file

def eostools.runEOSCommand (   path,
Run an eos command.

!!! Will, when the EOS command fails, it passes silently...
I think we should really try and raise an exception in case of problems.
should be possible as the return code is provided in the tuple returned by runner.

Definition at line 38 of file

def eostools.runXRDCommand (   path,
Run an xrd command.

!!! Will, what is happening in case of problem?
??? At some point, should return a list of lines instead of a string.

Definition at line 22 of file

def eostools.setCAFPath ( )
Hack to get the CAF scripts on the PYTHONPATH

Definition at line 13 of file

def eostools.which (   cmd)
def eostools.xrdcp (   src,
Does a copy of files using xrd.

Colin: implement a generic cp interface as done for rm, ls, etc?

Definition at line 429 of file

Variable Documentation

eostools.castorToLFN = eosToLFN

Definition at line 74 of file

eostools.createCastorDir = createEOSDir

Definition at line 248 of file

string eostools.eos_select = '/afs/'

Definition at line 11 of file

eostools.isCastorDir = isEOSDir

Definition at line 149 of file

eostools.isCastorFile = isEOSFile

Definition at line 194 of file

eostools.lfnToCastor = lfnToEOS

Definition at line 119 of file