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readTestVector.cc File Reference
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/EGamma.h"
#include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/Muon.h"
#include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/Tau.h"
#include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/Jet.h"
#include "DataFormats/L1Trigger/interface/EtSum.h"
#include "L1Trigger/L1TGlobal/src/L1TMenuEditor/L1TriggerMenu.hxx"
#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/typedefs.h"
#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
#include "TH1.h"
#include "TFile.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define M_PI   3.14159265358979323846


double convertEtaFromHW (int hwEta, double max, double step, int hwMax)
double convertPhiFromHW (int hwPhi, double step)
double convertPtFromHW (int hwPt, double max, double step)
int main (int argc, char **argv)
void parseAlgo (std::string algo)
void parseEGs (std::vector< std::string > egs, bool verbose)
void parseEtSums (std::vector< std::string > etsums, bool verbose)
void parseJets (std::vector< std::string > jets, bool verbose)
void parseMuons (std::vector< std::string > muons, bool verbose)
void parseTaus (std::vector< std::string > taus, bool verbose)
l1t::EGamma unpackEGs (std::string ieg)
l1t::EtSum unpackEtSums (std::string ietsum, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType type)
l1t::Jet unpackJets (std::string ijet)
l1t::Muon unpackMuons (std::string imu)
l1t::Tau unpackTaus (std::string itau)


double EtaStepCalo_ = 230
double EtaStepMuon_ = 450
TH1D * h_l1eg_eta_
TH1D * h_l1eg_isolation_
TH1D * h_l1eg_num_
TH1D * h_l1eg_phi_
TH1D * h_l1eg_pt_
TH1D * h_l1et_
TH1D * h_l1etm_et_
TH1D * h_l1etm_phi_
TH1D * h_l1ht_
TH1D * h_l1htm_et_
TH1D * h_l1htm_phi_
TH1D * h_l1jet_eta_
TH1D * h_l1jet_num_
TH1D * h_l1jet_phi_
TH1D * h_l1jet_pt_
TH1D * h_l1mu_charge_
TH1D * h_l1mu_eta_
TH1D * h_l1mu_isolation_
TH1D * h_l1mu_num_
TH1D * h_l1mu_phi_
TH1D * h_l1mu_pt_
TH1D * h_l1mu_quality_
TH1D * h_l1tau_eta_
TH1D * h_l1tau_isolation_
TH1D * h_l1tau_num_
TH1D * h_l1tau_phi_
TH1D * h_l1tau_pt_
std::vector< int > l1taccepts
std::vector< int > l1taccepts_evt
std::vector< std::string > l1tnames
const int MAX_ALGO_BITS = 512
double MaxCaloEta_ = 5.0
double MaxEt_ = 2047
double MaxJetPt_ = 1023
double MaxLepPt_ = 255
double MaxMuonEta_ = 2.45
double PhiStepCalo_ = 144
double PhiStepMuon_ = 576
double PtStep_ = 0.5
std::string zeroes128 = std::string(128,'0')
std::string zeroes16 = std::string(16,'0')
std::string zeroes8 = std::string(8,'0')

Macro Definition Documentation

#define M_PI   3.14159265358979323846

Definition at line 25 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by GflashTrajectory::_refreshCache(), reco::WMuNuCandidate::acop(), reco::WMuNuCandidatePtr::acop(), gen::Pythia6Gun::addAntiParticle(), fireworks::addCircle(), fireworks::addDashedLine(), fireworks::addDoubleLines(), ALIUtils::addPii(), OpticalObject::addPii(), PixelUnpackingRegions::addRegionLocal(), MuonCSCChamberResidual::addResidual(), TrackDetectorAssociator::addTAMuonSegmentMatch(), heppy::FSRWeightAlgo::alphaRatio(), FSRWeightProducer::alphaRatio(), QcdHighPtDQM::analyze(), EwkMuDQM::analyze(), EwkMuLumiMonitorDQM::analyze(), L1GctValidation::analyze(), CheckHitPattern::analyze(), TrackParameterAnalyzer::analyze(), DTTrigTest::analyze(), MuonGeometrySVGTemplate::analyze(), EcalSimHitsValidation::analyze(), EcalRecHitsValidation::analyze(), MuonDTDigis::analyze(), TestOutliers::analyze(), EcalDigisValidation::analyze(), FFTJetPileupAnalyzer::analyze(), L1TCSCTF::analyze(), MuonTrackValidator::analyze(), B2GDQM::analyzeAllHad(), B2GDQM::analyzeSemiE(), B2GDQM::analyzeSemiMu(), CSCSegAlgoSK::areHitsCloseInGlobalPhi(), CSCSegAlgoTC::areHitsCloseInGlobalPhi(), FWCaloDataHistProxyBuilder::assertCaloDataSlice(), myFastSimVal::beginJob(), JetPlotsExample< Jet >::beginJob(), JetValidation::beginJob(), JetAnaPythia< Jet >::beginJob(), PFTester::beginJob(), DijetMass< Jet >::beginJob(), PatTrackAnalyzer::beginJob(), WMuNuSelector::beginJob(), L1GctValidation::beginJob(), myJetAna::beginJob(), TrackParameterAnalyzer::beginJob(), MuonCSCSeedFromRecHits::bestEndcapHit(), AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::book(), AlignmentMonitorGeneric::book(), QcdHighPtDQM::bookHistograms(), EwkMuDQM::bookHistograms(), L1TCSCTF::bookHistograms(), METAnalyzer::bookMonitorElement(), HiEvtPlaneFlatten::bounds(), HiEvtPlaneFlatten::bounds2(), BremsstrahlungSimulator::brem(), MuonBremsstrahlungSimulator::brem(), FWTauProxyBuilderBase::buildBaseTau(), FWECALDetailViewBuilder::buildCaloData(), FFTJetEFlowSmoother::buildKernelConvolver(), FFTJetPileupProcessor::buildKernelConvolver(), FFTJetPatRecoProducer::buildKernelConvolver(), KDTreeLinkerTrackEcal::buildTree(), KDTreeLinkerTrackHcal::buildTree(), FWMETProxyBuilder::buildViewType(), FWJetProxyBuilder::buildViewType(), l1t::GeometryTranslator::calcDTSpecificPoint(), CSCSectorReceiverLUT::calcGlobalPhiME(), GsfVertexWeightCalculator::calculate(), TwoTrackMinimumDistanceHelixLine::calculate(), pat::CaloIsolationEnergy::calculate(), ClusterShapeAlgo::Calculate_EnergyDepTopology(), ALIUtils::CalculateAngleDimensionFactorFromString(), DTTracoChip::calculateAngles(), JetPlusTrackProducerAA::calculateBGtracksJet(), TBPositionCalc::CalculateCMSPos(), CSCPairResidualsConstraint::calculatePhi(), CSCEfficiency::chamberCandidates(), AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::checkAcoplanarity(), HLTEgammaL1MatchFilterPairs::CheckL1Matching(), AlignmentTwoBodyDecayTrackSelector::checkMETAcoplanarity(), ParticleKinematicLinearizedTrackState::checkParameters(), PerigeeMultiLTS::checkParameters(), PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::checkParameters(), PixelTripletLargeTipGenerator::checkPhiInRange(), MultiHitGeneratorFromChi2::checkPhiInRange(), PairProductionSimulator::compute(), HFShower::compute(), HDShower::compute(), EMShower::compute(), ParticleKinematicLinearizedTrackState::computeChargedJacobians(), PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::computeChargedJacobians(), GaussianSumUtilities1D::computeMode(), HFCherenkov::computeNbOfPhotons(), HFCherenkov::computeNPE(), HFCherenkov::computeNPEinPMT(), HFCherenkov::computeNPhTrapped(), DTDigitizer::computeTime(), EcalHitMaker::configureGeometry(), LaserAlignment::ConvertAngle(), convertPhiFromHW(), CordicXilinx::CordicXilinx(), JetPlusTrackCorrector::correctAA(), CaloDetIdAssociator::crossedElement(), CSCOverlapsAlignmentAlgorithm::CSCOverlapsAlignmentAlgorithm(), MuonShowerInformationFiller::cscPositionToDets(), AntiElectronIDMVA5::dCrackPhi(), AntiElectronIDMVA6::dCrackPhi(), PhiScaleHelper::deg2rad(), degrees(), delPhi(), TtDilepLRSignalSelObservables::delta(), CachedTrajectory::delta(), reco::deltaPhi(), PFBenchmarkAlgo::deltaPhi(), HLTHemiDPhiFilter::deltaPhi(), CaloSubdetectorGeometry::deltaPhi(), L1MuonPixelTrackFitter::deltaPhi(), JetVertexMain::DeltaR(), PythiaFilterEMJetHeep::deltaR(), CalibratableTest::deltaR(), reco::deltaR2(), JetAnalyzer_HeavyIons_matching::deltaRR(), FFTJetProducer::determinePileup(), OpticalObject::diff2pi(), pat::helper::ParametrizationHelper::diffToParameters(), reco::isodeposit::Direction::Direction(), MuonSeedOrcaPatternRecognition::discriminator(), L1MuGMTPhiLUT::dphi(), IsoTrig::dPhi(), CSCPairResidualsConstraint::dphidzFromTrack(), TrackerMap::drawModule(), MuonShowerInformationFiller::dtPositionToDets(), ALIUtils::dumpDimensions(), EcalTrapezoidParameters::EcalTrapezoidParameters(), L1CaloGeometry::emJetPhiIndex(), CordicXilinx::encodeAngle(), OpticalObject::eq2ang(), LandauFluctuationGenerator::ersatzt(), L1CaloGeometry::etSumPhiIndex(), AlignmentMonitorTracksFromTrajectories::event(), KinematicPerigeeConversions::extendedPerigeeFromKinematicParameters(), HcalDDDGeometryLoader::fill(), MTVHistoProducerAlgoForTracker::fill_ResoAndPull_recoTrack_histos(), FWECALDetailViewBuilder::fillData(), MaterialBudgetEcalHistos::fillEndTrack(), HCALRecHitAnalyzer::FillGeometry(), ECALRecHitAnalyzer::FillGeometry(), ApeEstimator::fillHistsForAnalyzerMode(), ApeEstimator::fillHitHistsXForAnalyzerMode(), ApeEstimator::fillHitHistsYForAnalyzerMode(), cms::PileupJPTJetIdAlgo::fillJPTBlock(), ColinearityKinematicConstraintT< Dim >::fillValue(), PFMETFilter::filter(), PFFilter::filter(), WMuNuValidator::filter(), ThirdHitPrediction::findArcIntersection(), EgammaHLTTrackIsolation::findIsoTracks(), EgammaHLTTrackIsolation::findIsoTracksWithoutEle(), L1GctMet::floatingPointAlgo(), PerigeeConversions::ftsToPerigeeParameters(), FWLegoEvePFCandidate::FWLegoEvePFCandidate(), PairProductionSimulator::gbteth(), BremsstrahlungSimulator::gbteth(), MuonBremsstrahlungSimulator::gbteth(), gen::Pythia6JetGun::generateEvent(), gen::Pythia6PtYDistGun::generateEvent(), gen::Py8JetGun::generatePartonsAndHadronize(), LaserBeamsTEC1::GeneratePrimaries(), LaserBeamsTEC2::GeneratePrimaries(), LaserBeamsBarrel::GeneratePrimaries(), HcalGeometry::getCells(), EcalEndcapGeometry::getCells(), CaloSubdetectorGeometry::getCells(), EcalBarrelGeometry::getCells(), TrackFitter::getCharge(), HcalDDDGeometry::getClosestCell(), EcalBarrelGeometry::getClosestCell(), HGCalGeometry::getClosestCellIndex(), RPCSeedrecHitFinder::getdeltaPhifromrecHits(), DetIdAssociator::getDetIdsCloseToAPoint(), DetIdAssociator::getDetIdsInACone(), FittedEntriesManager::GetDifferentBetweenLasers(), ALIUtils::getDimensionValue(), IsoTrig::getDistInCM(), CastorSD::getEnergyDeposit(), EcalClusterToolsT< noZS >::getEnergyDepTopology(), HcalDDDRecConstants::getEtaPhi(), IsolatedPixelTrackCandidateProducer::GetEtaPhiAtEcal(), IsoTrig::GetEtaPhiAtEcal(), NtupleManager::GetGlobalAngles(), CSCSectorReceiverLUT::getGlobalPhiValue(), GflashTrajectory::getL2DAtR(), CocoaDBMgr::GetOptAlignInfoFromOptO(), fireworks::getPhiRange(), getPhysicalPhi(), ThirdHitPrediction::getRanges(), CachedTrajectory::getWideTrajectory(), HcalFlexiHardcodeGeometryLoader::HcalFlexiHardcodeGeometryLoader(), HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader::HcalHardcodeGeometryLoader(), HcalTopology::HcalTopology(), HDRShower::HDRShower(), helicityAngle(), HerwigMaxPtPartonFilter::HerwigMaxPtPartonFilter(), MultiHitGeneratorFromChi2::hitSets(), PixelTripletNoTipGenerator::hitTriplets(), HLTPhi2METFilter::hltFilter(), HLTEgammaDoubleEtDeltaPhiFilter::hltFilter(), HLTMuonDimuonL3Filter::hltFilter(), HLTMuonDimuonL2Filter::hltFilter(), HLTMuonTrimuonL3Filter::hltFilter(), HLTExclDiJetFilter< T >::hltFilter(), HLTEgammaDoubleEtPhiFilter::hltFilter(), HLTAcoFilter::hltFilter(), HLTDoublet< T1, T2 >::hltFilter(), L1CaloGeometry::htSumPhiIndex(), WMuNuValidator::init_histograms(), GflashTrajectory::initializeTrajectory(), int2dphi(), int2phi(), reco::helper::VirtualJetProducerHelper::intersection(), DetIdAssociator::iPhi(), MuonMesh::isClusteredWith(), l1t::GeometryTranslator::isCSCCounterClockwise(), MuonMesh::isDuplicateOf(), CSCSegAlgoShowering::isHitNearSegment(), CSCSegAlgoSK::isHitNearSegment(), CSCSegAlgoTC::isHitNearSegment(), CSCSegAlgoDF::isHitNearSegment(), pat::helper::ParametrizationHelper::isPhysical(), PerigeeConversions::jacobianCurvilinear2Perigee(), jacobianCurvilinearToCartesian(), PerigeeConversions::jacobianPerigee2Curvilinear(), GlobalTrackQualityProducer::kink(), L1CaloGeometry::L1CaloGeometry(), reco::GsfTrack::lambdaMode(), VoronoiAlgorithm::lp_populate(), main(), CaloTowerHardcodeGeometryLoader::makeCell(), CastorHardcodeGeometryLoader::makeCell(), HFClusterAlgo::makeCluster(), HcalFlexiHardcodeGeometryLoader::makeHECells(), Multi5x5BremRecoveryClusterAlgo::makeIslandSuperClusters(), fireworks::makeRhoPhiSuperCluster(), TrackParameterAnalyzer::match(), ThirdHitPredictionFromCircle::HelixRZ::maxCurvature(), OuterDetCompatibility::maximalLocalDisplacement(), PixelTripletLargeTipGenerator::mergePhiRanges(), MultiHitGeneratorFromChi2::mergePhiRanges(), MuonDT13ChamberResidual::MuonDT13ChamberResidual(), MuonResidualsFitter_compute_log_convolution(), MuonResidualsFitter_logGaussPowerTails(), MuonResidualsFitter_logPowerLawTails(), MuonResidualsFitter_logPureGaussian(), MuonResidualsFitter_logPureGaussian2D(), MuonTrackDT13ChamberResidual::MuonTrackDT13ChamberResidual(), AntiElectronIDMVA6::MVAValue(), AntiElectronIDMVA5::MVAValue(), SiPixelFedCablingMapBuilder::myprint(), DetIdAssociator::nearElement(), BeamProfileVtxGenerator::newVertex(), normalizedPhi(), SiStripElectronSeedGenerator::normalPhi(), HcalTopology::nPhiBins(), fftjetcms::JetToPeakDistance::operator()(), fftjetcms::JetConvergenceDistance::operator()(), TtDilepLRSignalSelObservables::operator()(), ThirdHitPredictionFromCircle::operator()(), OuterHitPhiPrediction::operator()(), operator<<(), ThirdHitPredictionFromCircle::phi(), phi2int(), phi2short(), Phi_0_2pi(), JetUtil::Phi_0_2pi(), Phi_mpi_pi(), JetUtil::Phi_mpi_pi(), reco::helper::CastorJetIDHelper::phiangle(), CastorClusterProducer::phiangle(), pat::PackedCandidate::phiAtVtx(), CSCSegAlgoSK::phiAtZ(), CSCSegAlgoTC::phiAtZ(), HcalTopology::phiBin(), SiStripElectronSeedGenerator::phiDiff(), hitfit::phidiff(), InnerDeltaPhi::phiRange(), TrackerMap::phival(), L1MuDTTrackSegPhi::phiValue(), SiStripRegionCabling::position(), SiStripRegionCabling::positionIndex(), hcalCalib::Process(), l1t::Stage2Layer2JetSumAlgorithmFirmwareImp1::processEvent(), l1t::Stage2Layer2EtSumAlgorithmFirmwareImp1::processEvent(), AlignmentMonitorMuonSystemMap1D::processMuonResidualsFromTrack(), CastorFastTowerProducer::produce(), DuplicateTrackMerger::produce(), FFTJetEFlowSmoother::produce(), JetPlusTrackProducerAA::produce(), JetCrystalsAssociator::produce(), SelectedElectronFEDListProducer< TEle, TCand >::produce(), BaseParticlePropagator::propagate(), spr::propagateCalo(), FastPixelHitMatcher::propagateToLayer(), cms::MuonTCMETValueMapProducer::propagateTrack(), spr::propagateTrackerEnd(), TCMETAlgo::propagateTrackToCalorimeterFace(), PhiScaleHelper::rad2deg(), radiants(), radius(), JetUtil::radius(), CSCChamberFitter::radiusCorrection(), ThirdHitPredictionFromCircle::HelixRZ::rAtZ(), SimG4HcalHitJetFinder::rDist(), CSCEfficiency::recHitSegment_Efficiencies(), SoftLepton::refineJetAxis(), ParticleKinematicLinearizedTrackState::refittedParamFromEquation(), PerigeeMultiLTS::refittedParamFromEquation(), PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::refittedParamFromEquation(), SiStripRegionCabling::regionDimensions(), CastorSD::rotateUnitID(), RecoTracktoTP::s_lambda(), TPtoRecoTrack::s_lambda(), KDTreeLinkerTrackHcal::searchLinks(), KDTreeLinkerTrackEcal::searchLinks(), MuonIdProducer::sectorPhi(), SeedMultiplicityAnalyzer::SeedMultiplicityAnalyzer(), CastorShowerLibrary::select(), PFElectronAlgo::SetCandidates(), HDRShower::setHit(), PFElectronAlgo::SetIDOutputs(), PFElectronAlgo::SetLinks(), SimpleL1MuGMTCand::setPhi(), HFClusterAlgo::setup(), GenericBenchmark::setup(), short2phi(), WeakEffectsWeightProducer::sigma0_qqbarll(), HelixExtrapolatorToLine2Order::solve3rdOrder(), spin(), ThirdHitPrediction::spinCloser(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHI::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHI(), l1t::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHW::Stage1Layer2EtSumAlgorithmImpHW(), VoronoiAlgorithm::subtract_momentum(), LinkByRecHit::testTrackAndClusterByRecHit(), L1MuGMTLFPhiProLUT::TheLookupFunction(), L1MuGMTMIAUPhiPro1LUT::TheLookupFunction(), reco::IsolatedPixelTrackCandidate::towerIndex(), l1t::CaloTools::towerPhiSize(), TrackCount::TrackCount(), TrackerStablePhiSort(), TtFullHadSignalSel::TtFullHadSignalSel(), HcalDDDSimConstants::unitPhi(), SiStripElectronAnalyzer::unwrapPhi(), SiStripElectronSeedGenerator::unwrapPhi(), SiStripElectronAlgo::unwrapPhi(), LaserSteppingAction::UserSteppingAction(), ColinearityKinematicConstraint::value(), L1GctHtMissLut::value(), PuppiContainer::var_within_R(), reco::isodeposit::NumCrystalEtaPhiVeto::veto(), reco::isodeposit::RectangularEtaPhiVeto::veto(), VoronoiAlgorithm::voronoi_area_incident(), and VirtualJetProducer::writeJets().

Function Documentation

double convertEtaFromHW ( int  hwEta,
double  max,
double  step,
int  hwMax 

Definition at line 592 of file readTestVector.cc.

References eta, and relval_parameters_module::step.

Referenced by parseEGs(), parseJets(), parseMuons(), and parseTaus().

592  {
593  hwMax++;
594  double binWidth = 2*max/step;
595  double eta = ( hwEta<int(hwMax/2+1.001) ) ? double(hwEta)*binWidth+0.5*binWidth : -(double(hwMax-hwEta)*binWidth -0.5*binWidth);
596  return eta;
597 }
double convertPhiFromHW ( int  hwPhi,
double  step 

Definition at line 598 of file readTestVector.cc.

References M_PI, and phi().

Referenced by parseEGs(), parseEtSums(), parseJets(), parseMuons(), and parseTaus().

598  {
599  double phi = double(hwPhi)/step * 2 * M_PI;
600  return phi;
601 }
#define M_PI
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
double convertPtFromHW ( int  hwPt,
double  max,
double  step 

Definition at line 586 of file readTestVector.cc.

References bookConverter::max, EnergyCorrector::pt, and relval_parameters_module::step.

Referenced by parseEGs(), parseEtSums(), parseJets(), parseMuons(), and parseTaus().

586  {
587  double pt = double(hwPt) * step;
588  if( pt>max ) pt = max;
589  return pt;
590 }
int main ( int  argc,
char **  argv 

Setup histograms

Definition at line 105 of file readTestVector.cc.

References HLT_25ns14e33_v1_cff::algorithm, gather_cfg::cout, EtaStepCalo_, EtaStepMuon_, cppFunctionSkipper::exception, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::file, groupFilesInBlocks::fin, h_l1eg_eta_, h_l1eg_isolation_, h_l1eg_num_, h_l1eg_phi_, h_l1eg_pt_, h_l1et_, h_l1etm_et_, h_l1etm_phi_, h_l1ht_, h_l1htm_et_, h_l1htm_phi_, h_l1jet_eta_, h_l1jet_num_, h_l1jet_phi_, h_l1jet_pt_, h_l1mu_charge_, h_l1mu_eta_, h_l1mu_isolation_, h_l1mu_num_, h_l1mu_phi_, h_l1mu_pt_, h_l1mu_quality_, h_l1tau_eta_, h_l1tau_isolation_, h_l1tau_num_, h_l1tau_phi_, h_l1tau_pt_, jetmet_cfg::histofile, i, cmsHarvester::index, metsig::jet, l1taccepts, l1taccepts_evt, l1tnames, geometryCSVtoXML::line, M_PI, MAX_ALGO_BITS, MaxCaloEta_, MaxEt_, Data_TkAlMuonIsolated_Run2015B_PromptReco_v1_cff::maxEvents, MaxJetPt_, MaxLepPt_, MaxMuonEta_, RPCpg::mu, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, NULL, AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::options, convertSQLitetoXML_cfg::output, parseAlgo(), parseEGs(), parseEtSums(), parseJets(), parseMuons(), parseTaus(), PhiStepCalo_, PhiStepMuon_, PtStep_, insertMaterial::readXML(), DTTTrigCorrFirst::run, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and metsig::tau.

105  {
106  using namespace boost;
107  namespace po = boost::program_options;
109  std::string vector_file;
110  std::string xml_file;
111  std::string histo_file;
112  bool dumpEvents;
113  int maxEvents;
115  po::options_description desc("Main options");
116  desc.add_options()
117  ("vector_file,i", po::value<std::string>(&vector_file)->default_value(""), "Input file")
118  ("menu_file,m", po::value<std::string>(&xml_file)->default_value(""), "Menu file")
119  ("hist_file,o", po::value<std::string>(&histo_file)->default_value(""), "Output histogram file")
120  ("dumpEvents,d", po::value<bool>(&dumpEvents)->default_value(false), "Dump event-by-event information")
121  ("maxEvents,n", po::value<int>(&maxEvents)->default_value(-1), "Number of events (default is all)")
122  ("help,h", "Produce help message")
123  ;
125  po::variables_map vm, vm0;
127  // parse the first time, using only common options and allow unregistered options
128  try{
129  po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).allow_unregistered().run(), vm0);
130  po::notify(vm0);
131  } catch(std::exception &ex) {
132  std::cout << "Invalid options: " << ex.what() << std::endl;
133  std::cout << "Use readTestVector --help to get a list of all the allowed options" << std::endl;
134  return 999;
135  } catch(...) {
136  std::cout << "Unidentified error parsing options." << std::endl;
137  return 1000;
138  }
140  // if help, print help
141  if(vm0.count("help")) {
142  std::cout << "Usage: readTestVector [options]\n";
143  std::cout << desc;
144  return 0;
145  }
147  if( vector_file=="" ){
148  std::cout << "No input file specified" << std::endl;
149  return 99;
150  }
152  bool readXML = true;
153  if( xml_file=="" ){
154  readXML = false;
155  std::cout << "No menu file specified" << std::endl;
156  }
158  bool output = true;
159  if( histo_file=="" ){
160  output = false;
161  }
163  TFile* histofile = NULL;
164  if( output ){
165  histofile = new TFile(histo_file.c_str(),"RECREATE");
166  histofile->cd();
167  }
169  l1taccepts.resize(MAX_ALGO_BITS);
171  for( unsigned int i=0; i<l1taccepts.size(); i++ ) l1taccepts[i] = 0;
173  if( readXML ){
174  // Load XML.
175  std::auto_ptr<l1t::L1TriggerMenu> tm(l1t::l1TriggerMenu(xml_file));
177  l1tnames.resize(MAX_ALGO_BITS);
178  l1t::AlgorithmList algorithms = tm->algorithms();
179  for( l1t::AlgorithmList::algorithm_const_iterator i = algorithms.algorithm().begin();
180  i != algorithms.algorithm().end(); ++i ){
182  l1t::Algorithm algorithm = (*i);
184  int index = algorithm.index();
185  std::string name = algorithm.name();
187  l1tnames[index] = name;
188  }
189  }
192  h_l1mu_pt_ = new TH1D("h_l1mu_pt", ";L1 #mu p_{T}", int((MaxLepPt_+PtStep_)/(PtStep_) + 1.001), 0, MaxLepPt_+PtStep_ );
193  h_l1mu_eta_ = new TH1D("h_l1mu_eta",";L1 #mu #eta", int(EtaStepMuon_/2+0.0001), -MaxMuonEta_, MaxMuonEta_ );
194  h_l1mu_phi_ = new TH1D("h_l1mu_phi",";L1 #mu #phi", PhiStepMuon_+1, 0, 2*M_PI );
195  h_l1mu_charge_ = new TH1D("h_l1mu_charge_",";L1 #mu charge", 2, 0, 2 );
196  h_l1mu_quality_ = new TH1D("h_l1mu_quality_",";L1 #mu quality", 16, 0, 16 );
197  h_l1mu_isolation_ = new TH1D("h_l1mu_isolation_",";L1 #mu isolation", 4, 0, 4 );
198  h_l1mu_num_ = new TH1D("h_l1mu_num",";L1 Number of #mu", 10, 0, 10 );
200  h_l1jet_pt_ = new TH1D("h_l1jet_pt", ";L1 jet p_{T}", int((MaxJetPt_+PtStep_)/(4*PtStep_) + 1.001), 0, MaxJetPt_+PtStep_ );
201  h_l1jet_eta_ = new TH1D("h_l1jet_eta",";L1 jet #eta", int(EtaStepCalo_/2+0.0001), -MaxCaloEta_, MaxCaloEta_ );
202  h_l1jet_phi_ = new TH1D("h_l1jet_phi",";L1 jet #phi", PhiStepCalo_+1, 0, 2*M_PI );
203  h_l1jet_num_ = new TH1D("h_l1jet_num",";L1 Number of jets", 13, 0, 13 );
205  h_l1eg_pt_ = new TH1D("h_l1eg_pt", ";L1 EG p_{T}", int((MaxLepPt_+PtStep_)/(PtStep_) + 1.001), 0, MaxLepPt_+PtStep_ );
206  h_l1eg_eta_ = new TH1D("h_l1eg_eta",";L1 EG #eta", int(EtaStepCalo_/2+0.0001), -MaxCaloEta_, MaxCaloEta_ );
207  h_l1eg_phi_ = new TH1D("h_l1eg_phi",";L1 EG #phi", PhiStepCalo_+1, 0, 2*M_PI );
208  h_l1eg_isolation_ = new TH1D("h_l1eg_isolation_",";L1 EG isolation", 4, 0, 4 );
209  h_l1eg_num_ = new TH1D("h_l1eg_num",";L1 Number of EGs", 13, 0, 13 );
211  h_l1tau_pt_ = new TH1D("h_l1tau_pt", ";L1 #tau p_{T}", int((MaxLepPt_+PtStep_)/(PtStep_) + 1.001), 0, MaxLepPt_+PtStep_ );
212  h_l1tau_eta_ = new TH1D("h_l1tau_eta",";L1 #tau #eta", int(EtaStepCalo_/2+0.0001), -MaxCaloEta_, MaxCaloEta_ );
213  h_l1tau_phi_ = new TH1D("h_l1tau_phi",";L1 #tau #phi", PhiStepCalo_+1, 0, 2*M_PI );
214  h_l1tau_isolation_ = new TH1D("h_l1tau_isolation_",";L1 #tau isolation", 4, 0, 4 );
215  h_l1tau_num_ = new TH1D("h_l1tau_num",";L1 Number of #tau", 13, 0, 13 );
217  h_l1ht_ = new TH1D("h_l1ht_", ";L1 #SigmaH_{T}", int((MaxEt_+PtStep_)/(16*PtStep_) + 1.001), 0, MaxEt_+PtStep_ );
218  h_l1et_ = new TH1D("h_l1et_", ";L1 #SigmaE_{T}", int((MaxEt_+PtStep_)/(16*PtStep_) + 1.001), 0, MaxEt_+PtStep_ );
219  h_l1htm_et_ = new TH1D("h_l1htm_et_", ";L1 Missing H_{T}", int((MaxEt_+PtStep_)/(16*PtStep_) + 1.001), 0, MaxEt_+PtStep_ );
220  h_l1etm_et_ = new TH1D("h_l1etm_et_", ";L1 Missing E_{T}", int((MaxEt_+PtStep_)/(16*PtStep_) + 1.001), 0, MaxEt_+PtStep_ );
221  h_l1htm_phi_ = new TH1D("h_l1htm_phi_", ";L1 Missing H_{T} #phi", PhiStepCalo_+1, 0, 2*M_PI );
222  h_l1etm_phi_ = new TH1D("h_l1etm_phi_", ";L1 Missing E_{T} #phi", PhiStepCalo_+1, 0, 2*M_PI );
225  std::ifstream file(vector_file);
228  std::vector<std::string> mu;
229  std::vector<std::string> eg;
230  std::vector<std::string> tau;
231  std::vector<std::string> jet;
232  std::vector<std::string> etsum;
233  mu.resize(8);
234  eg.resize(12);
235  tau.resize(8);
236  jet.resize(12);
237  etsum.resize(4);
239  std::string bx, ex, alg, fin;
241  int evt=0;
242  int l1a=0;
244  if( dumpEvents ) printf(" ==== Objects ===\n");
246  while(std::getline(file, line)){
247  evt++;
248  std::stringstream linestream(line);
249  linestream >> bx
250  >> mu[0] >> mu[1] >> mu[2] >> mu[3] >> mu[4] >> mu[5] >> mu[6] >> mu[7]
251  >> eg[0] >> eg[1] >> eg[2] >> eg[3] >> eg[4] >> eg[5] >> eg[6] >> eg[7] >> eg[8] >> eg[9] >> eg[10] >> eg[11]
252  >> tau[0] >> tau[1] >> tau[2] >> tau[3] >> tau[4] >> tau[5] >> tau[6] >> tau[7]
253  >> jet[0] >> jet[1] >> jet[2] >> jet[3] >> jet[4] >> jet[5] >> jet[6] >> jet[7] >> jet[8] >> jet[9] >> jet[10] >> jet[11]
254  >> etsum[0] >> etsum[1] >> etsum[2] >> etsum[3]
255  >> ex >> alg >> fin;
257  if( dumpEvents ) printf(" <==== BX = %s ====>\n",bx.c_str());
258  parseMuons(mu, dumpEvents);
259  parseEGs(eg, dumpEvents);
260  parseTaus(tau, dumpEvents);
261  parseJets(jet, dumpEvents);
262  parseEtSums(etsum, dumpEvents);
264  parseAlgo(alg);
266  int finOR = atoi( fin.c_str() );
267  l1a += finOR;
269  if( dumpEvents ){
270  printf(" == Algos ==\n");
271  if( finOR ){
272  printf(" Triggers with non-zero accepts\n");
273  if( readXML && l1tnames.size()>0 ) printf("\t bit\t L1A\t Name\n");
274  else printf("\t bit\t L1A\n");
276  for( int i=0; i<MAX_ALGO_BITS; i++ ){
277  if( l1taccepts_evt[i]>0 ){
278  if( readXML && l1tnames.size()>0 ) printf("\t %d \t %d \t %s\n", i, l1taccepts_evt[i], l1tnames[i].c_str());
279  else printf("\t %d \t %d\n", i, l1taccepts_evt[i] );
280  }
281  }
282  }
283  else{
284  printf("\n No triggers passed\n");
285  }
286  // extra spacing between bx
287  printf("\n\n");
288  }
290  if( evt==maxEvents ) break;
291  }
293  printf(" =========== Summary of results ==========\n");
294  printf(" There were %d L1A out of %d events (%.1f%%)\n", l1a, evt, float(l1a)/float(evt)*100);
295  printf("\n Triggers with non-zero accepts\n");
296  if( readXML && l1tnames.size()>0 ) printf("\t bit\t L1A\t Name\n");
297  else printf("\t bit\t L1A\n");
299  for( int i=0; i<MAX_ALGO_BITS; i++ ){
300  if( l1taccepts[i]>0 ){
301  if( readXML && l1tnames.size()>0 ) printf("\t %d \t %d \t %s\n", i, l1taccepts[i], l1tnames[i].c_str());
302  else printf("\t %d \t %d\n", i, l1taccepts[i] );
303  }
304  }
307  if( output ){
308  histofile->Write();
309  histofile->Close();
310  }
313  return 0;
314 }
double MaxEt_
TH1D * h_l1mu_quality_
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
TH1D * h_l1et_
void parseEGs(std::vector< std::string > egs, bool verbose)
TH1D * h_l1eg_eta_
void parseEtSums(std::vector< std::string > etsums, bool verbose)
TH1D * h_l1mu_num_
TH1D * h_l1mu_charge_
void parseMuons(std::vector< std::string > muons, bool verbose)
#define NULL
Definition: scimark2.h:8
std::vector< int > l1taccepts
TH1D * h_l1eg_num_
TH1D * h_l1etm_et_
void parseTaus(std::vector< std::string > taus, bool verbose)
double MaxMuonEta_
TH1D * h_l1mu_pt_
TH1D * h_l1tau_num_
TH1D * h_l1eg_pt_
double MaxJetPt_
double PhiStepCalo_
double EtaStepMuon_
TH1D * h_l1etm_phi_
string histofile
Definition: jetmet_cfg.py:4
TH1D * h_l1ht_
TH1D * h_l1jet_phi_
void parseJets(std::vector< std::string > jets, bool verbose)
TH1D * h_l1mu_isolation_
void parseAlgo(std::string algo)
double PtStep_
double MaxCaloEta_
double PhiStepMuon_
const int mu
Definition: Constants.h:22
TH1D * h_l1tau_eta_
#define M_PI
const int MAX_ALGO_BITS
TH1D * h_l1eg_phi_
TH1D * h_l1jet_pt_
std::vector< int > l1taccepts_evt
TH1D * h_l1tau_pt_
double MaxLepPt_
TH1D * h_l1htm_phi_
tuple argc
Definition: dir2webdir.py:38
TH1D * h_l1jet_eta_
TH1D * h_l1eg_isolation_
tuple cout
Definition: gather_cfg.py:121
TH1D * h_l1tau_phi_
TH1D * h_l1mu_eta_
TH1D * h_l1jet_num_
TH1D * h_l1htm_et_
TH1D * h_l1mu_phi_
std::vector< std::string > l1tnames
TH1D * h_l1tau_isolation_
double EtaStepCalo_
void parseAlgo ( std::string  algo)

Definition at line 471 of file readTestVector.cc.

References accept(), i, recoMuon::in, l1taccepts, l1taccepts_evt, MAX_ALGO_BITS, alignCSCRings::s, contentValuesCheck::ss, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, and zeroes128.

Referenced by main().

471  {
473  // clear the algo per event
474  l1taccepts_evt.clear();
477  // Return if no triggers fired
478  if( algo==zeroes128 ) return;
480  std::stringstream ss;
481  std::string s;
482  int pos, algRes, accept;
484  for( int i=0; i<MAX_ALGO_BITS; i++ ){
485  pos = 127 - int( i/4 );
486  std::string in(1,algo[pos]);
487  char* endPtr = (char*) in.c_str();
488  algRes = strtol( in.c_str(), &endPtr, 16 );
489  accept = ( algRes >> (i%4) ) & 1;
490  l1taccepts_evt[i] += accept;
491  l1taccepts[i] += accept;
492  }
494  return;
496 }
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
std::string zeroes128
std::vector< int > l1taccepts
bool accept(const edm::Event &event, const edm::TriggerResults &triggerTable, const std::string &triggerPath)
Definition: TopDQMHelpers.h:24
const int MAX_ALGO_BITS
std::vector< int > l1taccepts_evt
void parseEGs ( std::vector< std::string >  egs,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 351 of file readTestVector.cc.

References convertEtaFromHW(), convertPhiFromHW(), convertPtFromHW(), eta, EtaStepCalo_, h_l1eg_eta_, h_l1eg_isolation_, h_l1eg_num_, h_l1eg_phi_, h_l1eg_pt_, l1t::L1Candidate::hwEta(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwIso(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwPhi(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwPt(), i, MaxCaloEta_, MaxLepPt_, phi(), PhiStepCalo_, EnergyCorrector::pt, PtStep_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, unpackEGs(), and zeroes8.

Referenced by main().

351  {
353  if( verbose) printf(" == EGammas ==\n");
354  int neg=0;
355  for( unsigned int i=0; i<egs.size(); i++ ){
356  std::string ieg = egs[i];
357  if( ieg==zeroes8 ) continue;
358  neg++;
359  l1t::EGamma eg = unpackEGs( ieg );
361  double pt = convertPtFromHW( eg.hwPt(), MaxLepPt_, PtStep_ );
362  double eta = convertEtaFromHW( eg.hwEta(), MaxCaloEta_, EtaStepCalo_, 0xff );
363  double phi = convertPhiFromHW( eg.hwPhi(), PhiStepCalo_ );
365  h_l1eg_pt_->Fill( pt );
366  h_l1eg_eta_->Fill( eta );
367  h_l1eg_phi_->Fill( phi );
368  h_l1eg_isolation_->Fill( eg.hwIso() );
370  if( verbose) printf(" l1t::EGamma %d:\t pt = %d (%.1f),\t eta = %d (%+.2f),\t phi = %d (%.2f),\t iso = %d\n", i, eg.hwPt(), pt, eg.hwEta(), eta, eg.hwPhi(), phi, eg.hwIso());
371  }
372  h_l1eg_num_->Fill(neg);
374  return;
375 }
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
TH1D * h_l1eg_eta_
int hwPhi() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:79
TH1D * h_l1eg_num_
int hwIso() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:84
TH1D * h_l1eg_pt_
double PhiStepCalo_
double convertPhiFromHW(int hwPhi, double step)
double convertPtFromHW(int hwPt, double max, double step)
double PtStep_
double MaxCaloEta_
int hwEta() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:74
TH1D * h_l1eg_phi_
double MaxLepPt_
int hwPt() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:69
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
double convertEtaFromHW(int hwEta, double max, double step, int hwMax)
TH1D * h_l1eg_isolation_
std::string zeroes8
l1t::EGamma unpackEGs(std::string ieg)
double EtaStepCalo_
void parseEtSums ( std::vector< std::string >  etsums,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 425 of file readTestVector.cc.

References convertPhiFromHW(), convertPtFromHW(), h_l1et_, h_l1etm_et_, h_l1etm_phi_, h_l1ht_, h_l1htm_et_, h_l1htm_phi_, l1t::L1Candidate::hwPhi(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwPt(), MaxEt_, phi(), PhiStepCalo_, EnergyCorrector::pt, PtStep_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, unpackEtSums(), and zeroes8.

Referenced by main().

425  {
427  if( verbose) printf(" == EtSums ==\n");
429  //et sum
430  std::string iet = etsum[0];
431  if( iet!=zeroes8 ){
432  l1t::EtSum et = unpackEtSums( iet, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kTotalEt );
433  double pt = convertPtFromHW( et.hwPt(), MaxEt_, PtStep_ );
434  h_l1et_->Fill( pt );
435  if( verbose) printf(" l1t::EtSum TotalEt:\t Et = %d\n", et.hwPt());
436  }
437  //ht sum
438  std::string iht = etsum[1];
439  if( iht!=zeroes8 ){
440  l1t::EtSum ht = unpackEtSums( iht, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kTotalHt );
441  double pt = convertPtFromHW( ht.hwPt(), MaxEt_, PtStep_ );
442  h_l1ht_->Fill( pt );
443  if( verbose) printf(" l1t::EtSum TotalHt:\t Ht = %d\n", ht.hwPt());
444  }
445  //etm
446  std::string ietm = etsum[2];
447  if( ietm!=zeroes8 ){
448  l1t::EtSum etm = unpackEtSums( ietm, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kMissingEt );
449  double pt = convertPtFromHW( etm.hwPt(), MaxEt_, PtStep_ );
450  double phi = convertPhiFromHW( etm.hwPhi(), PhiStepCalo_ );
451  h_l1etm_et_->Fill( pt );
452  h_l1etm_phi_->Fill( phi );
453  if( verbose) printf(" l1t::EtSum MissingEt:\t Et = %d,\t phi = %d\n", etm.hwPt(), etm.hwPhi());
454  }
455  //htm
456  std::string ihtm = etsum[3];
457  if( ihtm!=zeroes8 ){
458  l1t::EtSum htm = unpackEtSums( ihtm, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kMissingHt );
459  double pt = convertPtFromHW( htm.hwPt(), MaxEt_, PtStep_ );
460  double phi = convertPhiFromHW( htm.hwPhi(), PhiStepCalo_ );
461  h_l1htm_et_->Fill( pt );
462  h_l1htm_phi_->Fill( phi );
463  if( verbose) printf(" l1t::EtSum MissingHt:\t Et = %d,\t phi = %d\n", htm.hwPt(), htm.hwPhi());
464  }
466  return;
467 }
double MaxEt_
TH1D * h_l1et_
int hwPhi() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:79
TH1D * h_l1etm_et_
double PhiStepCalo_
TH1D * h_l1etm_phi_
l1t::EtSum unpackEtSums(std::string ietsum, l1t::EtSum::EtSumType type)
TH1D * h_l1ht_
double convertPhiFromHW(int hwPhi, double step)
double convertPtFromHW(int hwPt, double max, double step)
double PtStep_
int hwPt() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:69
TH1D * h_l1htm_phi_
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
std::string zeroes8
TH1D * h_l1htm_et_
void parseJets ( std::vector< std::string >  jets,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 401 of file readTestVector.cc.

References convertEtaFromHW(), convertPhiFromHW(), convertPtFromHW(), eta, EtaStepCalo_, h_l1jet_eta_, h_l1jet_num_, h_l1jet_phi_, h_l1jet_pt_, l1t::L1Candidate::hwEta(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwPhi(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwPt(), i, metsig::jet, MaxCaloEta_, MaxJetPt_, njet, phi(), PhiStepCalo_, EnergyCorrector::pt, PtStep_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, unpackJets(), and zeroes8.

Referenced by main().

401  {
403  if( verbose) printf(" == Jets ==\n");
404  int njet=0;
405  for( unsigned int i=0; i<jets.size(); i++ ){
406  std::string ijet = jets[i];
407  if( ijet==zeroes8 ) continue;
408  njet++;
409  l1t::Jet jet = unpackJets( ijet );
411  double pt = convertPtFromHW( jet.hwPt(), MaxJetPt_, PtStep_ );
412  double eta = convertEtaFromHW( jet.hwEta(), MaxCaloEta_, EtaStepCalo_, 0xff );
413  double phi = convertPhiFromHW( jet.hwPhi(), PhiStepCalo_ );
415  h_l1jet_pt_->Fill( pt );
416  h_l1jet_eta_->Fill( eta );
417  h_l1jet_phi_->Fill( phi );
419  if( verbose) printf(" l1t::Jet %d:\t pt = %d (%.1f),\t eta = %d (%+.2f),\t phi = %d (%.2f)\n", i, jet.hwPt(), pt, jet.hwEta(), eta, jet.hwPhi(), phi);
420  }
421  h_l1jet_num_->Fill(njet);
423  return;
424 }
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
int hwPhi() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:79
int njet
Definition: HydjetWrapper.h:95
Definition: Jet.h:13
double MaxJetPt_
double PhiStepCalo_
TH1D * h_l1jet_phi_
vector< PseudoJet > jets
double convertPhiFromHW(int hwPhi, double step)
double convertPtFromHW(int hwPt, double max, double step)
double PtStep_
double MaxCaloEta_
int hwEta() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:74
TH1D * h_l1jet_pt_
int hwPt() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:69
TH1D * h_l1jet_eta_
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
double convertEtaFromHW(int hwEta, double max, double step, int hwMax)
std::string zeroes8
l1t::Jet unpackJets(std::string ijet)
TH1D * h_l1jet_num_
double EtaStepCalo_
void parseMuons ( std::vector< std::string >  muons,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 318 of file readTestVector.cc.

References RecoTauCleanerPlugins::charge, convertEtaFromHW(), convertPhiFromHW(), convertPtFromHW(), eta, EtaStepMuon_, h_l1mu_charge_, h_l1mu_eta_, h_l1mu_isolation_, h_l1mu_num_, h_l1mu_phi_, h_l1mu_pt_, h_l1mu_quality_, l1t::Muon::hwCharge(), l1t::Muon::hwChargeValid(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwEta(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwIso(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwPhi(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwPt(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwQual(), i, MaxLepPt_, MaxMuonEta_, RPCpg::mu, phi(), PhiStepMuon_, EnergyCorrector::pt, PtStep_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, unpackMuons(), and zeroes16.

Referenced by main().

318  {
320  if( verbose) printf(" == Muons ==\n");
321  int nmu=0;
322  for( unsigned int i=0; i<muons.size(); i++ ){
323  std::string imu = muons[i];
324  if( imu==zeroes16 ) continue;
325  nmu++;
326  l1t::Muon mu = unpackMuons( imu );
328  double pt = convertPtFromHW( mu.hwPt(), MaxLepPt_, PtStep_ );
329  double eta = convertEtaFromHW( mu.hwEta(), MaxMuonEta_, EtaStepMuon_, 0x1ff );
330  double phi = convertPhiFromHW( mu.hwPhi(), PhiStepMuon_ );
332  int iso = mu.hwIso();
333  int qual = mu.hwQual();
334  int charge = mu.hwCharge();
335  int chargeValid = mu.hwChargeValid();
337  h_l1mu_pt_->Fill( pt );
338  h_l1mu_eta_->Fill( eta );
339  h_l1mu_phi_->Fill( phi );
340  h_l1mu_charge_->Fill( charge );
342  h_l1mu_quality_->Fill( qual );
343  h_l1mu_isolation_->Fill( iso );
345  if( verbose) printf(" l1t::Muon %d:\t pt = %d (%.1f),\t eta = %d (%+.2f),\t phi = %d (%.2f),\t iso = %d,\t qual = %d,\t charge = %d,\t chargeValid = %d\n", i, mu.hwPt(), pt, mu.hwEta(), eta, mu.hwPhi(), phi, iso, qual, charge, chargeValid);
346  }
347  h_l1mu_num_->Fill(nmu);
349  return;
350 }
TH1D * h_l1mu_quality_
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
TH1D * h_l1mu_num_
TH1D * h_l1mu_charge_
int hwPhi() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:79
double MaxMuonEta_
TH1D * h_l1mu_pt_
int hwIso() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:84
l1t::Muon unpackMuons(std::string imu)
double EtaStepMuon_
std::string zeroes16
double convertPhiFromHW(int hwPhi, double step)
double convertPtFromHW(int hwPt, double max, double step)
TH1D * h_l1mu_isolation_
double PtStep_
double PhiStepMuon_
const int mu
Definition: Constants.h:22
int hwEta() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:74
int hwQual() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:89
Definition: Muon.h:12
double MaxLepPt_
int hwPt() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:69
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
tuple muons
Definition: patZpeak.py:38
double convertEtaFromHW(int hwEta, double max, double step, int hwMax)
TH1D * h_l1mu_eta_
int hwChargeValid() const
Definition: Muon.cc:112
TH1D * h_l1mu_phi_
int hwCharge() const
Definition: Muon.cc:106
void parseTaus ( std::vector< std::string >  taus,
bool  verbose 

Definition at line 376 of file readTestVector.cc.

References convertEtaFromHW(), convertPhiFromHW(), convertPtFromHW(), eta, EtaStepCalo_, h_l1tau_eta_, h_l1tau_isolation_, h_l1tau_num_, h_l1tau_phi_, h_l1tau_pt_, l1t::L1Candidate::hwEta(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwIso(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwPhi(), l1t::L1Candidate::hwPt(), i, MaxCaloEta_, MaxLepPt_, phi(), PhiStepCalo_, EnergyCorrector::pt, PtStep_, AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, metsig::tau, unpackTaus(), and zeroes8.

Referenced by main().

376  {
378  if( verbose) printf(" == Taus ==\n");
379  int ntau=0;
380  for( unsigned int i=0; i<taus.size(); i++ ){
381  std::string itau = taus[i];
382  if( itau==zeroes8 ) continue;
383  ntau++;
384  l1t::Tau tau = unpackTaus( itau );
386  double pt = convertPtFromHW( tau.hwPt(), MaxLepPt_, PtStep_ );
387  double eta = convertEtaFromHW( tau.hwEta(), MaxCaloEta_, EtaStepCalo_, 0xff );
388  double phi = convertPhiFromHW( tau.hwPhi(), PhiStepCalo_ );
390  h_l1tau_pt_->Fill( pt );
391  h_l1tau_eta_->Fill( eta );
392  h_l1tau_phi_->Fill( phi );
393  h_l1tau_isolation_->Fill( tau.hwIso() );
395  if( verbose) printf(" l1t::Tau %d:\t pt = %d (%.1f),\t eta = %d (%+.2f),\t phi = %d (%.2f),\t iso = %d\n", i, tau.hwPt(), pt, tau.hwEta(), eta, tau.hwPhi(), phi, tau.hwIso());
396  }
397  h_l1tau_num_->Fill(ntau);
399  return;
400 }
int i
Definition: DBlmapReader.cc:9
Definition: Tau.h:13
int hwPhi() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:79
TH1D * h_l1tau_num_
int hwIso() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:84
double PhiStepCalo_
double convertPhiFromHW(int hwPhi, double step)
double convertPtFromHW(int hwPt, double max, double step)
double PtStep_
double MaxCaloEta_
int hwEta() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:74
TH1D * h_l1tau_eta_
TH1D * h_l1tau_pt_
double MaxLepPt_
int hwPt() const
Definition: L1Candidate.cc:69
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
double convertEtaFromHW(int hwEta, double max, double step, int hwMax)
std::string zeroes8
TH1D * h_l1tau_phi_
l1t::Tau unpackTaus(std::string itau)
TH1D * h_l1tau_isolation_
double EtaStepCalo_
l1t::EGamma unpackEGs ( std::string  ieg)

Definition at line 520 of file readTestVector.cc.

References eta, p4, phi(), and EnergyCorrector::pt.

Referenced by parseEGs().

520  {
522  char* endPtr = (char*) ieg.c_str();
523  unsigned int packedVal = strtol( ieg.c_str(), &endPtr, 16 );
525  int pt = (packedVal>>0) & 0x1ff;
526  int eta = (packedVal>>9) & 0xff;
527  int phi = (packedVal>>17) & 0xff;
528  int iso = (packedVal>>25) & 0x3;
529  int qual= (packedVal>>27) & 0x31;
531  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > *p4 = new ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> >();
532  l1t::EGamma eg(*p4, pt, eta, phi, qual, iso);
534  return eg;
535 }
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
l1t::EtSum unpackEtSums ( std::string  ietsum,
l1t::EtSum::EtSumType  type 

Definition at line 569 of file readTestVector.cc.

References p4, phi(), and EnergyCorrector::pt.

Referenced by parseEtSums().

569  {
571  char* endPtr = (char*) ietsum.c_str();
572  unsigned int packedVal = strtol( ietsum.c_str(), &endPtr, 16 );
574  int pt = (packedVal>>0) & 0xfff;
575  int phi = 0;
576  if( type==l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kMissingEt ||
577  type==l1t::EtSum::EtSumType::kMissingHt ) phi = (packedVal>>12) & 0xff;
579  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > *p4 = new ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> >();
580  l1t::EtSum sum(*p4, type, pt, 0,phi, 0);
582  return sum;
583 }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
l1t::Jet unpackJets ( std::string  ijet)

Definition at line 553 of file readTestVector.cc.

References eta, metsig::jet, p4, phi(), and EnergyCorrector::pt.

Referenced by parseJets().

553  {
555  char* endPtr = (char*) ijet.c_str();
556  unsigned int packedVal = strtol( ijet.c_str(), &endPtr, 16 );
558  int pt = (packedVal>>0) & 0x7ff;
559  int eta = (packedVal>>11) & 0xff;
560  int phi = (packedVal>>19) & 0xff;
561  int qual= (packedVal>>27) & 0x1;
563  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > *p4 = new ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> >();
564  l1t::Jet jet(*p4, pt, eta, phi, qual);
566  return jet;
567 }
Definition: Jet.h:13
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
l1t::Muon unpackMuons ( std::string  imu)

Definition at line 499 of file readTestVector.cc.

References RecoTauCleanerPlugins::charge, eta, RPCpg::mu, p4, phi(), EnergyCorrector::pt, and GlobalPosition_Frontier_DevDB_cff::tag.

Referenced by parseMuons().

499  {
501  char* endPtr = (char*) imu.c_str();
502  cms_uint64_t packedVal = strtoull( imu.c_str(), &endPtr, 16 );
504  int pt = (packedVal>>10) & 0x1ff;
505  int eta = (packedVal>>23) & 0x1ff;
506  int phi = (packedVal>>0) & 0x3ff;
507  int iso = (packedVal>>32) & 0x3;
508  int qual= (packedVal>>19) & 0xf;
509  int charge = (packedVal>>34) & 0x1;
510  int chargeValid = (packedVal>>35) & 0x1;
511  int mip = 1;
512  int tag = 1;
514  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > *p4 = new ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> >();
515  l1t::Muon mu(*p4, pt, eta, phi, qual, charge, chargeValid, iso, mip, tag);
517  return mu;
519 }
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
const int mu
Definition: Constants.h:22
Definition: Muon.h:12
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
unsigned long long cms_uint64_t
Definition: typedefs.h:17
l1t::Tau unpackTaus ( std::string  itau)

Definition at line 536 of file readTestVector.cc.

References eta, p4, phi(), EnergyCorrector::pt, and metsig::tau.

Referenced by parseTaus().

536  {
538  char* endPtr = (char*) itau.c_str();
539  unsigned int packedVal = strtol( itau.c_str(), &endPtr, 16 );
541  int pt = (packedVal>>0) & 0x1ff;
542  int eta = (packedVal>>9) & 0xff;
543  int phi = (packedVal>>17) & 0xff;
544  int iso = (packedVal>>25) & 0x3;
545  int qual= (packedVal>>27) & 0x31;
547  ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> > *p4 = new ROOT::Math::LorentzVector<ROOT::Math::PxPyPzE4D<double> >();
548  l1t::Tau tau(*p4, pt, eta, phi, qual, iso);
550  return tau;
551 }
Definition: Tau.h:13
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const

Variable Documentation

double EtaStepCalo_ = 230
double EtaStepMuon_ = 450

Definition at line 99 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), parseMuons(), and l1t::GenToInputProducer::produce().

TH1D* h_l1eg_eta_

Definition at line 69 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseEGs().

TH1D* h_l1eg_isolation_

Definition at line 71 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseEGs().

TH1D* h_l1eg_num_

Definition at line 72 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseEGs().

TH1D* h_l1eg_phi_

Definition at line 70 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseEGs().

TH1D* h_l1eg_pt_

Definition at line 68 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseEGs().

TH1D* h_l1et_

Definition at line 81 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseEtSums().

TH1D* h_l1etm_et_

Definition at line 83 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseEtSums().

TH1D* h_l1etm_phi_

Definition at line 85 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseEtSums().

TH1D* h_l1ht_

Definition at line 80 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseEtSums().

TH1D* h_l1htm_et_

Definition at line 82 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseEtSums().

TH1D* h_l1htm_phi_

Definition at line 84 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseEtSums().

TH1D* h_l1jet_eta_

Definition at line 64 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseJets().

TH1D* h_l1jet_num_

Definition at line 66 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseJets().

TH1D* h_l1jet_phi_

Definition at line 65 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseJets().

TH1D* h_l1jet_pt_

Definition at line 63 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseJets().

TH1D* h_l1mu_charge_

Definition at line 58 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseMuons().

TH1D* h_l1mu_eta_

Definition at line 56 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseMuons().

TH1D* h_l1mu_isolation_

Definition at line 60 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseMuons().

TH1D* h_l1mu_num_

Definition at line 61 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseMuons().

TH1D* h_l1mu_phi_

Definition at line 57 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseMuons().

TH1D* h_l1mu_pt_

Definition at line 55 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseMuons().

TH1D* h_l1mu_quality_

Definition at line 59 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseMuons().

TH1D* h_l1tau_eta_

Definition at line 75 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseTaus().

TH1D* h_l1tau_isolation_

Definition at line 77 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseTaus().

TH1D* h_l1tau_num_

Definition at line 78 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseTaus().

TH1D* h_l1tau_phi_

Definition at line 76 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseTaus().

TH1D* h_l1tau_pt_

Definition at line 74 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseTaus().

std::vector<int> l1taccepts

Definition at line 32 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseAlgo().

std::vector<int> l1taccepts_evt

Definition at line 34 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseAlgo().

std::vector<std::string> l1tnames

Definition at line 33 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main().

const int MAX_ALGO_BITS = 512

Definition at line 22 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), and parseAlgo().

double MaxCaloEta_ = 5.0
double MaxEt_ = 2047

Definition at line 90 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), parseEtSums(), and l1t::GenToInputProducer::produce().

double MaxJetPt_ = 1023

Definition at line 89 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), parseJets(), and l1t::GenToInputProducer::produce().

double MaxLepPt_ = 255
double MaxMuonEta_ = 2.45

Definition at line 93 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), parseMuons(), and l1t::GenToInputProducer::produce().

double PhiStepCalo_ = 144
double PhiStepMuon_ = 576

Definition at line 96 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by main(), parseMuons(), and l1t::GenToInputProducer::produce().

double PtStep_ = 0.5
std::string zeroes128 = std::string(128,'0')

Definition at line 28 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by parseAlgo().

std::string zeroes16 = std::string(16,'0')

Definition at line 29 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by parseMuons().

std::string zeroes8 = std::string(8,'0')

Definition at line 30 of file readTestVector.cc.

Referenced by parseEGs(), parseEtSums(), parseJets(), and parseTaus().