Public Types | Public Member Functions | Private Types | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

AlCaHOCalibProducer Class Reference

#include <Calibration/AlCaHOCalibProducer/src/>

Inheritance diagram for AlCaHOCalibProducer:
edm::EDProducer edm::ProducerBase edm::EDConsumerBase edm::ProductRegistryHelper

List of all members.

Public Types

typedef Basic3DVector< float > DirectionType
typedef Basic3DVector< float > PositionType
typedef Basic3DVector< float > RotationType

Public Member Functions

 AlCaHOCalibProducer (const edm::ParameterSet &)
 ~AlCaHOCalibProducer ()

Private Types

typedef math::Error< 5 >::type CovarianceMatrix

Private Member Functions

virtual void beginJob ()
virtual void endJob ()
void findHOEtaPhi (int iphsect, int &ietaho, int &iphiho)
FreeTrajectoryState getFreeTrajectoryState (const reco::Track &tk, const MagneticField *field, int itag, bool dir)
virtual void produce (edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &)

Private Attributes

TH1F * allhb1
TH1F * allhb2
TH1F * allhb3
TH1F * allhotime
HcalCalibrations calibped
HcalCalibrationWidths calibwidth
edm::ESHandle< HcalDbServiceconditions_
bool debug
std::string digiLabel
std::map< std::string, bool > fired
TProfile * hb1pedpr
TH1F * hb1pedrms
edm::InputTag hbheLabel_
edm::InputTag hltLabel_
TH1F * ho_occupency [5]
edm::InputTag hoLabel_
TProfile * hopeak [ntrgp_gm+1]
TProfile * hopedpr
TH1F * hopedrms
TH1F * hopedtime
TProfile * horatio
TH1F * hotime [ntrgp_gm+1]
TH1F * hst_hb1pedrms
TH1F * hst_hopedrms
int iring
int irunold
edm::InputTag l1Label_
TH1F * libhoped
TH1F * libhoped1
float localxhor0
float localxhor1
float localyhor0
float localyhor1
const HcalQIECoderm_coder
bool m_digiInput
int m_endTS
bool m_hbinfo
bool m_hotime
double m_magscale
const HcalQIEShapem_shape
double m_sigma
int m_startTS
edm::InputTag muonTags_
TH1F * Nallhb1
TH1F * Nallhb2
TH1F * Nallhb3
TH1F * Nallhotime
TH1F * Nhopedtime
TH1F * Nhotime [ntrgp_gm+1]
int Noccu
int nRuns
unsigned int Ntp
float pedestal [netamx][nphimx][ncidmx]
std::string theRootFileName
edm::InputTag towerLabel_
float xhor0
float xhor1
float yhor0
float yhor1

Detailed Description

change magnetic field inside ../data/HOCosmicCalib_RecoLocalMuon.cff ../data/HOCosmicCalib_RecoLocalTracker.cff

Description: <one line="" class="" summary>="">

Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>=""> Missing towers : eta=5, phi=18-19 : eta = -5, phi =11-14

HO tile sizes Ring +-2 : width Tray 6:404.6, 5&4:347.6, 3:352.6, 2:364.6, 1:315.6 (phi ordering is opposite) lenght Tile 1:420.1, 2:545.1, 3:583.3, 4:626.0, 5:335.5

(five tiles, 1 is close to Ring 1 and 5 is towardslc endcap) Ring +-1 : width Tray 6:404.6, 5&4:347.6, 3:352.6, 2:364.6, 1:315.6 (same as Ring+-2) lenght Tile 1:391.5, 2:394.2, 3:411.0, 4:430.9, 5:454.0, 6:426.0 (1: near R0 and 6 near R2)

Ring 0 L1 : Width Tray (6:290.6, 5&4:345.6, 3:350.6, 2:362.6, 1:298.6 lenght 1:351.2, 2:353.8, 3:359.2, 4:189.1 (4 is towards Ring1)

Ring 0 L0 : Width Tray 6:266.6, 5&4:325.6, 3:330.6, 2:341.6, 1:272.6 length 1:331.5, 2:334.0, 3:339.0, 4:248.8 (4 is towards Ring1)

Definition at line 173 of file

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 260 of file

Definition at line 179 of file

Definition at line 178 of file

Definition at line 180 of file

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AlCaHOCalibProducer::AlCaHOCalibProducer ( const edm::ParameterSet iConfig) [explicit]

Definition at line 295 of file

References allhb1, allhb2, allhb3, allhotime, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), hb1pedpr, hb1pedrms, hbheLabel_, hltLabel_, ho_occupency, hoLabel_, hopeak, hopedpr, hopedrms, hopedtime, horatio, hotime, hst_hb1pedrms, hst_hopedrms, i, l1Label_, libhoped, libhoped1, m_digiInput, m_endTS, m_hbinfo, m_hotime, m_magscale, m_sigma, m_startTS, Nallhb1, Nallhb2, Nallhb3, Nallhotime, nchnmx, ncidmx, netahb3mx, netahbmx, netamx, Nhopedtime, Nhotime, nphimx, ntrgp_gm, theRootFileName, indexGen::title, and towerLabel_.

  :  muonTags_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<edm::InputTag>("muons"))

   //register your products

  theRootFileName = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<string>("RootFileName","tmp.root");
  m_digiInput = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("digiInput", true);
  m_hbinfo = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("hbinfo", false);
  m_startTS = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int>("firstTS", 4);

  m_hotime = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("hotime", false);

  if(m_startTS<0) m_startTS=0;
  m_endTS = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<int>("lastTS", 7);
  if (m_endTS < m_startTS) m_endTS = m_startTS + 3;
  if (m_endTS >9) m_endTS=9;
  m_magscale = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("m_scale", 4.0);
  m_sigma = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<double>("sigma", 1.0);
  hoLabel_ = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("hoInput");
  hbheLabel_ = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("hbheInput");
  hltLabel_ = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("hltInput");
  l1Label_ = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("l1Input");
  towerLabel_ = iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("towerInput");  
  if (m_hotime) {
    edm::Service<TFileService> fs;
    char title[200];
    if ( m_digiInput) {
      libhoped = fs->make<TH1F>("libhoped", "libhoped", ncidmx*netamx*nphimx, -0.5, ncidmx*netamx*nphimx-0.5);
      libhoped1 = fs->make<TH1F>("libhoped1", "libhoped1", nchnmx*netamx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netamx*nphimx-0.5);
      allhotime = fs->make<TH1F>("allhotime", "allhotime", nchnmx*netamx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netamx*nphimx-0.5);
      for (int ij=0; ij<=ntrgp_gm; ij++) {
        sprintf(title, "hotime_trgp_%i", ij+1);
        hotime[ij] = fs->make<TH1F>(title, title, nchnmx*netamx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netamx*nphimx-0.5);
        sprintf(title, "hopeak_trgp_%i", ij+1);
        hopeak[ij] = fs->make<TProfile>(title, title,netamx*nphimx, -0.5, netamx*nphimx-0.5);    
      horatio = fs->make<TProfile>("horatio", "horatio",netamx*nphimx, -0.5, netamx*nphimx-0.5);    
      hopedtime = fs->make<TH1F>("hopedtime", "hopedtime", nchnmx*netamx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netamx*nphimx-0.5);
      Nallhotime = fs->make<TH1F>("Nallhotime", "Nallhotime", nchnmx*netamx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netamx*nphimx-0.5);
      hopedpr = fs->make<TProfile>("hopedpr", "hopedpr", nchnmx*netamx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netamx*nphimx-0.5);
      hopedrms = fs->make<TH1F>("hopedrms", "hopedrms", nchnmx*netamx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netamx*nphimx-0.5);
      hst_hopedrms = fs->make<TH1F>("hst_hopedrms", "hst_hopedrms", 100, 0.0, 0.1);
      for (int ij=0; ij<=ntrgp_gm; ij++) {
        sprintf(title, "Nhotime_trgp_%i", ij+1);
        Nhotime[ij] = fs->make<TH1F>(title, title, nchnmx*netamx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netamx*nphimx-0.5);
      Nhopedtime = fs->make<TH1F>("Nhopedtime", "Nhopedtime", nchnmx*netamx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netamx*nphimx-0.5);
      allhb1 = fs->make<TH1F>("allhb1", "allhb1", nchnmx*netahbmx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netahbmx*nphimx-0.5);
      allhb2 = fs->make<TH1F>("allhb2", "allhb2", nchnmx*netahb3mx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netahb3mx*nphimx-0.5); 
      allhb3 = fs->make<TH1F>("allhb3", "allhb3", nchnmx*netahb3mx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netahb3mx*nphimx-0.5); 
      Nallhb1 = fs->make<TH1F>("Nallhb1", "Nallhb1", nchnmx*netahbmx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netahbmx*nphimx-0.5);
      Nallhb2 = fs->make<TH1F>("Nallhb2", "Nallhb2", nchnmx*netahb3mx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netahb3mx*nphimx-0.5);
      Nallhb3 = fs->make<TH1F>("Nallhb3", "Nallhb3", nchnmx*netahb3mx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netahb3mx*nphimx-0.5);  
      hb1pedpr = fs->make<TProfile>("hb1pedpr", "hb1pedpr", nchnmx*netahbmx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netahbmx*nphimx-0.5);
      hb1pedrms = fs->make<TH1F>("hb1pedrms", "hb1pedrms", nchnmx*netahbmx*nphimx, -0.5, nchnmx*netahbmx*nphimx-0.5);
      hst_hb1pedrms = fs->make<TH1F>("hst_hb1pedrms", "hst_hb1pedrms", 100, 0., 0.1);
    for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
      sprintf(title, "ho_occupency (>%i #sigma)", i+2); 
      ho_occupency[i] = fs->make<TH1F>(title, title, netamx*nphimx, -0.5, netamx*nphimx-0.5); 

AlCaHOCalibProducer::~AlCaHOCalibProducer ( )

Definition at line 370 of file

References allhb1, allhb2, allhb3, allhotime, hb1pedpr, hb1pedrms, ho_occupency, hopedpr, hopedrms, hopedtime, hotime, hst_hb1pedrms, hst_hopedrms, i, libhoped, libhoped1, m_digiInput, m_hotime, max(), Nallhb1, Nallhb2, Nallhb3, Nallhotime, nchnmx, netahbmx, netamx, Nhopedtime, Nhotime, Noccu, nphimx, nRuns, and ntrgp_gm.

  // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time
  // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.)

  if (m_hotime) {
    //  Write the histos to file
    if ( m_digiInput) {
      for (int ij=0; ij<=ntrgp_gm; ij++) {
      for (int i=0; i<nchnmx*netamx*nphimx; i++) {
        float xx = hopedpr->GetBinError(i+1);
        if (hopedpr->GetBinEntries(i+1) >0) {
          hopedrms->Fill(i, xx);
      for (int i=0; i<nchnmx*netahbmx*nphimx; i++) {
        float xx = hb1pedpr->GetBinError(i+1);
        if (hb1pedpr->GetBinEntries(i+1) >0) {
          hb1pedrms->Fill(i, xx);
    for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {


Member Function Documentation

void AlCaHOCalibProducer::beginJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 1264 of file

References i, irunold, j, gen::k, ncidmx, netamx, nphimx, nRuns, and pedestal.

  //GMA  Nevents = 0;
  //GMA  Npass = 0;
  //GMA  Noccu = 0;

  irunold = -1;
  nRuns = 0;
  //  edm::ESHandle<MagneticField> bField;
  //  iSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(bField);
  //  stepProp  = new SteppingHelixPropagator(&*bField,anyDirection);
  //  stepProp->setMaterialMode(false);
  //  stepProp->applyRadX0Correction(true);
  for (int i=0; i<netamx; i++) {
    for (int j=0; j<nphimx; j++) {
      for (int k=0; k<ncidmx; k++) {

void AlCaHOCalibProducer::endJob ( void  ) [private, virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 1291 of file


void AlCaHOCalibProducer::findHOEtaPhi ( int  iphsect,
int &  ietaho,
int &  iphiho 
) [private]

Definition at line 1296 of file

References abs, i, iring, localxhor0, localxhor1, localyhor0, localyhor1, netabin, nphimx, xhor0, xhor1, yhor0, and yhor1.

Referenced by produce().

  //18/12/06 : use only position, not angle phi

double etalow[netabin]={   0.025,  35.195,  70.625, 106.595, 141.565, 180.765, 220.235, 261.385, 304.525, 349.975, 410.025, 452.085, 506.645, 565.025, 627.725, 660.25};
double etahgh[netabin]={  35.145,  70.575, 106.545, 125.505, 180.715, 220.185, 261.335, 304.475, 349.925, 392.575, 452.035, 506.595, 564.975, 627.675, 661.075, 700.25};

  double philow[6]={-76.27, -35.11, 0.35, 35.81, 71.77, 108.93};  //Ring+/-1 & 2
  double phihgh[6]={-35.81, -0.35, 35.11, 71.07, 108.23, 140.49};

  double philow00[6]={-60.27, -32.91, 0.35, 33.61, 67.37, 102.23}; //Ring0 L0
  double phihgh00[6]={-33.61, -0.35, 32.91, 66.67, 101.53, 129.49};

  double philow01[6]={-64.67, -34.91, 0.35, 35.61, 71.37, 108.33}; //Ring0 L1
  double phihgh01[6]={-35.61, -0.35, 34.91, 70.67, 107.63, 138.19};

  iring = -10;

  double tmpdy =  std::abs(yhor1);
  for (int i=0; i<netabin; i++) {
    if (tmpdy >etalow[i] && tmpdy <etahgh[i]) {
      ietaho = i+1; 
      float tmp1 = fabs(tmpdy-etalow[i]);
      float tmp2 = fabs(tmpdy-etahgh[i]);
      localyhor1 = (tmp1 < tmp2) ? -tmp1 : tmp2;

      if (i<4) iring =0;
      if (i>=4 && i<10) iring=1;
      if (i>=10 && i<netabin) iring=2;

  int tmpphi = 0;
  int tmpphi0 = 0;

  if (ietaho >4) { //Ring 1 and 2
    for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
      if (xhor1 >philow[i] && xhor1 <phihgh[i]) { 
        float tmp1 = fabs(xhor1-philow[i]);
        float tmp2 = fabs(xhor1-phihgh[i]);
        localxhor1 = (tmp1 < tmp2) ? -tmp1 : tmp2;
  } else {  //Ring 0
    for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
      if (xhor1 >philow01[i] && xhor1 <phihgh01[i]) { 
        float tmp1 = fabs(xhor1-philow01[i]);
        float tmp2 = fabs(xhor1-phihgh01[i]);
        localxhor1 = (tmp1 < tmp2) ? -tmp1 : tmp2;

    for (int i=0; i<6; i++) {
      if (xhor0 >philow00[i] && xhor0 <phihgh00[i]) { 
        float tmp1 = fabs(xhor0-philow00[i]);
        float tmp2 = fabs(xhor0-phihgh00[i]);
        localxhor0 = (tmp1 < tmp2) ? -tmp1 : tmp2;
        if (tmpphi !=tmpphi0) localxhor0 +=10000.;

    double tmpdy =  std::abs(yhor0);
    for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
      if (tmpdy >etalow[i] && tmpdy <etahgh[i]) {
        float tmp1 = fabs(tmpdy-etalow[i]);
        float tmp2 = fabs(tmpdy-etahgh[i]);
        localyhor0 = (tmp1 < tmp2) ? -tmp1 : tmp2;
        if (i+1 != ietaho)  localyhor0 +=10000.;

  if (tmpphi!=0) { 
    iphiho = 6*iphisect -2 + tmpphi;
    if (iphiho <=0) iphiho +=nphimx;
    if (iphiho >nphimx) iphiho -=nphimx;

  //  isect2 = 15*iring+iphisect+1;

  if (yhor1 <0) { 
    if (std::abs(ietaho) >netabin) { //Initialised with 50
      ietaho +=1; 
    } else {
      ietaho *=-1; 
    //    isect2 *=-1; 
    iring *=-1;
FreeTrajectoryState AlCaHOCalibProducer::getFreeTrajectoryState ( const reco::Track tk,
const MagneticField field,
int  itag,
bool  dir 
) [private]

Definition at line 1397 of file

References reco::TrackBase::charge(), reco::Track::extra(), reco::Track::innerMomentum(), reco::Track::innerPosition(), reco::Track::outerPx(), reco::Track::outerPy(), reco::Track::outerPz(), reco::Track::outerX(), reco::Track::outerY(), and reco::Track::outerZ().

Referenced by produce().


  if (iiner ==0) {
    GlobalPoint gpos( tk.outerX(), tk.outerY(), tk.outerZ());
    GlobalVector gmom( tk.outerPx(), tk.outerPy(), tk.outerPz());
    if (dir) gmom *=-1.;
    GlobalTrajectoryParameters par( gpos, gmom, tk.charge(), field);
    CurvilinearTrajectoryError err( tk.extra()->outerStateCovariance());
    return FreeTrajectoryState( par, err);
  } else {
    GlobalPoint gpos( tk.innerPosition().X(), tk.innerPosition().Y(), tk.innerPosition().Z());
    GlobalVector gmom( tk.innerMomentum().X(), tk.innerMomentum().Y(), tk.innerMomentum().Z());
    if (dir) gmom *=-1.;
    GlobalTrajectoryParameters par( gpos, -gmom, tk.charge(), field);
    CurvilinearTrajectoryError err( tk.extra()->innerStateCovariance());
    return FreeTrajectoryState( par, err);

void AlCaHOCalibProducer::produce ( edm::Event iEvent,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup 
) [private, virtual]

Implements edm::EDProducer.

Definition at line 418 of file

References abs, allhb1, allhb2, allhb3, allhotime, angle(), anyDirection, calibped, HOCalibVariables::caloen, HcalQIECoder::charge(), DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), HOCalibVariables::chisq, conditions_, funct::cos(), Vector3DBase< T, FrameTag >::cross(), dot(), alignCSCRings::e, CaloRecHit::energy(), findHOEtaPhi(), edm::EventSetup::get(), edm::Event::getByLabel(), getFreeTrajectoryState(), hb1pedpr, hbheLabel_, HOCalibVariables::hbhesig, HcalOuter, ho_occupency, HOCalibVariables::hoang, HOCalibVariables::hocorsig, HOCalibVariables::hocro, HOCalibVariables::hodx, HOCalibVariables::hody, hoLabel_, hopeak, hopedpr, hopedtime, horatio, HOCalibVariables::hosig, hotime, HOCalibVariables::htime, i, edm::EventBase::id(), HORecHit::id(), HcalDetId::ieta(), HcalDetId::iphi(), iring, irunold, HOCalibVariables::isect, SteppingHelixStateInfo::isValid(), j, gen::k, edm::InputTag::label(), libhoped, libhoped1, localxhor0, localxhor1, localyhor0, localyhor1, m_coder, m_digiInput, m_endTS, m_hbinfo, m_hotime, m_shape, m_sigma, m_startTS, max(), min, SteppingHelixStateInfo::momentum(), muonTags_, Nallhb1, Nallhb2, Nallhb3, Nallhotime, nchnmx, ncidmx, HOCalibVariables::ndof, netabin, netamx, Nhopedtime, Nhotime, HOCalibVariables::nmuon, Noccu, nphimx, nRuns, nsigpk, nstrbn, ntrgp_gm, HcalCalibrations::pedestal(), pedestal, HOCalibVariables::pherr, Basic3DVector< T >::phi(), PlaneBuilder::plane(), pos, SteppingHelixStateInfo::position(), edm::Event::put(), makeMuonMisalignmentScenario::rot, edm::EventID::run(), funct::sin(), mathSSE::sqrt(), HOCalibVariables::therr, Basic3DVector< T >::theta(), towerLabel_, HOCalibVariables::trig1, HOCalibVariables::trig2, HOCalibVariables::trkdr, HOCalibVariables::trkdz, HOCalibVariables::trkmm, HOCalibVariables::trkph, HOCalibVariables::trkth, HOCalibVariables::trkvx, HOCalibVariables::trkvy, HOCalibVariables::trkvz, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), xhor0, xhor1, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), yhor0, yhor1, and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().


  using namespace edm;
  int irun =;
  if (m_digiInput) {
    if (irunold !=irun)  { 

      for (int i=0; i<netamx; i++) {
        for (int j=0; j<nphimx; j++) {
          for (int k=0; k<ncidmx; k++) {

  //  if (m_hotime && m_digiInput) {
  if (m_digiInput) {
    if (irunold !=irun) {
      for (int i =-netabin+1; i<=netabin-1; i++) {
        if (i==0) continue;
        int tmpeta1 =  (i>0) ? i -1 : -i +14; 
        if (tmpeta1 <0 || tmpeta1 >netamx) continue;
        for (int j=0; j<nphimx; j++) {
          HcalDetId id(HcalOuter, i, j+1, 4);
          calibped = conditions_->getHcalCalibrations(id);
          for (int k =0; k<ncidmx-1; k++) {
            pedestal[tmpeta1][j][k] = calibped.pedestal(k); // pedm->getValue(k);
            pedestal[tmpeta1][j][ncidmx-1] += (1./(ncidmx-1))*pedestal[tmpeta1][j][k];
          if (m_hotime) {
            for (int k =0; k<ncidmx; k++) {
              libhoped->Fill(nphimx*ncidmx*tmpeta1 + ncidmx*j + k, pedestal[tmpeta1][j][k]);
            for (int k =0; k<nchnmx; k++) {
              libhoped1->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*j + k, pedestal[tmpeta1][j][min(k,ncidmx-1)]);


  //  Nevents++;
  irunold = irun;

  //GMA  if (Nevents%500==1) 
  //GMA  cout <<"AlCaHOCalibProducer Processing event # "<<Nevents<<" "<<Npass<<" "<<Noccu<<" "<<irun<<" "<<<<endl;

  std::auto_ptr<HOCalibVariableCollection> hostore (new HOCalibVariableCollection);

  edm::Handle<HODigiCollection> ho;   
  edm::Handle<HBHEDigiCollection> hbhe; 

  if (m_digiInput) {
  if (m_hotime && m_digiInput) {
    if ((*ho).size()>0) {
      for (HODigiCollection::const_iterator j=(*ho).begin(); j!=(*ho).end(); j++){
        HcalDetId id =(*j).id();
        m_coder = (*conditions_).getHcalCoder(id);
        m_shape = (*conditions_).getHcalShape(m_coder);
        int tmpeta= id.ieta();
        int tmpphi= id.iphi();
        float tmpdata[nchnmx];
        int tmpeta1 = (tmpeta>0) ? tmpeta -1 : -tmpeta +14; 
        for (int i=0; i<(*j).size() && i<nchnmx; i++) {
          tmpdata[i] = m_coder->charge(*m_shape,(*j).sample(i).adc(),(*j).sample(i).capid());
          allhotime->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + i, tmpdata[i]);
          Nallhotime->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + i, 1.);
    if ((*hbhe).size()>0) {
      for (HBHEDigiCollection::const_iterator j=(*hbhe).begin(); j!=(*hbhe).end(); j++){
        HcalDetId id =(*j).id();
        m_coder = (*conditions_).getHcalCoder(id);
        m_shape = (*conditions_).getHcalShape(m_coder);
        int tmpeta= id.ieta();
        int tmpphi= id.iphi();
        int tmpdepth =id.depth();
        int tmpeta1 =  (tmpeta>0) ? tmpeta -15 : -tmpeta + 1; 
        if (tmpdepth==1) tmpeta1 =  (tmpeta>0) ? tmpeta -1 : -tmpeta +29;  
        for (int i=0; i<(*j).size() && i<nchnmx; i++) {
          float signal = m_coder->charge(*m_shape,(*j).sample(i).adc(),(*j).sample(i).capid());
          if (tmpdepth==1) { 
            allhb1->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + i, signal);
            Nallhb1->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + i, 1);
            hb1pedpr->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + i, signal);}
          if (tmpdepth==2) { 
            allhb2->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + i, signal);
            Nallhb2->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + i, 1);}
          if (tmpdepth==3) { 
            allhb3->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + i, signal);
            Nallhb3->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + i, 1);}

  double pival = acos(-1.);
  Handle<reco::TrackCollection> cosmicmuon;
  iEvent.getByLabel(muonTags_, cosmicmuon);
  if (cosmicmuon->size()>0) { 
    int l1trg = 0;
    int hlttr = 0;
    int ntrgpas_gm[ntrgp_gm]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    //L1 trigger
    Handle<L1GlobalTriggerReadoutRecord> L1GTRR;
    iEvent.getByLabel(l1Label_,L1GTRR);  //gtDigis
    if ( L1GTRR.isValid()) {
      const unsigned int n(L1GTRR->decisionWord().size());
      const bool accept(L1GTRR->decision());
      if (accept) {
        for (unsigned int i=0; i!=n && i<32; ++i) {
          //    for (unsigned int i=0; i!=n ; ++i) {
          int il1trg = (L1GTRR->decisionWord()[i]) ? 1 : 0;
          if (il1trg>0 && i<32) l1trg +=int(std::pow(2., double(i%32))*il1trg);
    }// else { return;}

    Handle<edm::TriggerResults> trigRes;    
    iEvent.getByLabel(hltLabel_, trigRes);

    unsigned int size = trigRes->size();
    edm::TriggerNames triggerNames(*trigRes);
    // loop over all paths, get trigger decision
    for(unsigned i = 0; i != size && i<32; ++i) {
      std::string name = triggerNames.triggerName(i);
      fired[name] = trigRes->accept(i);
      int ihlt =  trigRes->accept(i);
      if (m_hotime){ 
        if (ihlt >0 && i < (int)ntrgp_gm) { ntrgpas_gm[i] = 1;}
      if (i<32 && ihlt>0) hlttr += int(std::pow(2., double(i%32))*ihlt);


    int Noccu_old = Noccu;
    for(reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator ncosm = cosmicmuon->begin();
        ncosm != cosmicmuon->end();  ++ncosm) {
      if ((*ncosm).ndof() < 15) continue;
      if ((*ncosm).normalizedChi2() >30.0) continue;

      HOCalibVariables tmpHOCalib;
      tmpHOCalib.trig1 = l1trg;
      tmpHOCalib.trig2 = hlttr;    
      int charge = ncosm->charge();  
      double innerr = (*ncosm).innerPosition().Perp2();
      double outerr = (*ncosm).outerPosition().Perp2();
      int iiner = (innerr <outerr) ? 1 : 0;
      //             in_to_out  Dir         in_to_out  Dir
      //   StandAlone ^         ^     Cosmic    ^    |
      //              |         |               |    v
      //   StandAlone |         |     Cosmic    ^    |
      //              v         v               |    v
      double posx, posy, posz;
      double momx, momy, momz;
      if (iiner==1) {
        posx = (*ncosm).innerPosition().X();
        posy = (*ncosm).innerPosition().Y();
        posz = (*ncosm).innerPosition().Z();
        momx = (*ncosm).innerMomentum().X();
        momy = (*ncosm).innerMomentum().Y();
        momz = (*ncosm).innerMomentum().Z();
      } else {
        posx = (*ncosm).outerPosition().X();
        posy = (*ncosm).outerPosition().Y();
        posz = (*ncosm).outerPosition().Z();
        momx = (*ncosm).outerMomentum().X();
        momy = (*ncosm).outerMomentum().Y();
        momz = (*ncosm).outerMomentum().Z();
      PositionType trkpos(posx, posy, posz);
      CLHEP::Hep3Vector tmpmuon3v(posx, posy, posz);
      CLHEP::Hep3Vector tmpmuondir(momx, momy, momz);
      bool samedir = ( >0) ? true : false;
      for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {tmpHOCalib.caloen[i] = 0.0;}
      int inearbymuon = 0;
      for(reco::TrackCollection::const_iterator ncosmcor = cosmicmuon->begin();
          ncosmcor != cosmicmuon->end();  ++ncosmcor) {
        if (ncosmcor==ncosm) continue;
        CLHEP::Hep3Vector tmpmuon3vcor;
        CLHEP::Hep3Vector tmpmom3v;
        if (iiner==1) {
          tmpmuon3vcor = CLHEP::Hep3Vector((*ncosmcor).innerPosition().X(),(*ncosmcor).innerPosition().Y(),(*ncosmcor).innerPosition().Z());
          tmpmom3v = CLHEP::Hep3Vector((*ncosmcor).innerMomentum().X(),(*ncosmcor).innerMomentum().Y(),(*ncosmcor).innerMomentum().Z());
        } else {
          tmpmuon3vcor = CLHEP::Hep3Vector((*ncosmcor).outerPosition().X(),(*ncosmcor).outerPosition().Y(),(*ncosmcor).outerPosition().Z());
          tmpmom3v = CLHEP::Hep3Vector((*ncosmcor).outerMomentum().X(),(*ncosmcor).outerMomentum().Y(),(*ncosmcor).outerMomentum().Z());        
        if (tmpmom3v.mag()<0.2 || (*ncosmcor).ndof()<5) continue;
        double angle = tmpmuon3v.angle(tmpmuon3vcor);
        if (angle < 7.5*pival/180.) {inearbymuon=1;} //  break;}

        if (muonTags_.label() =="cosmicMuons") {
          if (angle <7.5*pival/180.) { tmpHOCalib.caloen[0] +=1.;}
          if (angle <15.0*pival/180.) { tmpHOCalib.caloen[1] +=1.;}
          if (angle <35.0*pival/180.) { tmpHOCalib.caloen[2] +=1.;}
      localxhor0 = localyhor0 = 20000;  //GM for 22OCT07 data
      if (muonTags_.label() =="standAloneMuons") {
        Handle<CaloTowerCollection> calotower;
        iEvent.getByLabel(towerLabel_, calotower);

        for (CaloTowerCollection::const_iterator calt = calotower->begin();
             calt !=calotower->end(); calt++) {
          //CMSSW_2_1_x const math::XYZVector towermom = (*calt).momentum();
          double ith = (*calt).momentum().theta();
          double iph = (*calt).momentum().phi();
          CLHEP::Hep3Vector calo3v(sin(ith)*cos(iph), sin(ith)*sin(iph), cos(ith));
          double angle = tmpmuon3v.angle(calo3v);
          if (angle < 7.5*pival/180.) {tmpHOCalib.caloen[0] += calt->emEnergy()+calt->hadEnergy();}
          if (angle < 15*pival/180.) {tmpHOCalib.caloen[1] += calt->emEnergy()+calt->hadEnergy();}
          if (angle < 35*pival/180.) {tmpHOCalib.caloen[2] += calt->emEnergy()+calt->hadEnergy();}
      if (tmpHOCalib.caloen[0] >10.0) continue;
      GlobalPoint glbpt(posx, posy, posz);
      double mom = sqrt(momx*momx + momy*momy +momz*momz);
      momx /= mom;
      momy /= mom;
      momz /= mom;
      DirectionType trkdir(momx, momy, momz);
      tmpHOCalib.trkdr = (*ncosm).d0();
      tmpHOCalib.trkdz = (*ncosm).dz();
      tmpHOCalib.nmuon = cosmicmuon->size();
      tmpHOCalib.trkvx = glbpt.x();
      tmpHOCalib.trkvy = glbpt.y();
      tmpHOCalib.trkvz = glbpt.z();
      tmpHOCalib.trkmm = mom*charge;
      tmpHOCalib.trkth = trkdir.theta();
      tmpHOCalib.trkph = trkdir.phi();
      tmpHOCalib.ndof  = (inearbymuon ==0) ? (int)(*ncosm).ndof() : -(int)(*ncosm).ndof();
      tmpHOCalib.chisq = (*ncosm).normalizedChi2(); // max(1.,tmpHOCalib.ndof);
      tmpHOCalib.therr = 0.;
      tmpHOCalib.pherr = 0.;
      if (iiner==1) {
        reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix innercov = (*ncosm).innerStateCovariance();
        tmpHOCalib.therr = innercov(1,1); //thetaError();
        tmpHOCalib.pherr = innercov(2,2); //phi0Error();
      } else {
        reco::TrackBase::CovarianceMatrix outercov = (*ncosm).outerStateCovariance();
        tmpHOCalib.therr = outercov(1,1); //thetaError();
        tmpHOCalib.pherr = outercov(2,2); //phi0Error();
      ESHandle<MagneticField> theMagField;
      iSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(theMagField );     

      SteppingHelixPropagator myHelix(&*theMagField,anyDirection);

      double phiho = trkpos.phi();
      if (phiho<0) phiho +=2*pival;
      int iphisect_dt=int(6*(phiho+pival/18.)/pival); //for u 18/12/06
      if (iphisect_dt>=12) iphisect_dt=0;

      int iphisect = -1;

      bool ipath = false;
      for (int kl = 0; kl<=2; kl++) {

        int iphisecttmp = (kl<2) ? iphisect_dt + kl : iphisect_dt - 1;
        if (iphisecttmp <0) iphisecttmp = 11;
        if (iphisecttmp >=12) iphisecttmp = 0;
        double phipos = iphisecttmp*pival/6.;
        double phirot = phipos;
        GlobalVector xLocal(-sin(phirot), cos(phirot), 0.);
        GlobalVector yLocal(0., 0., 1.);
        GlobalVector zLocal = xLocal.cross(yLocal).unit();
        //    GlobalVector zLocal(cos(phirot), sin(phirot), 0.0); 

        FreeTrajectoryState freetrajectorystate_ = getFreeTrajectoryState(*ncosm,&(*theMagField), iiner, samedir);
        Surface::RotationType rot(xLocal, yLocal, zLocal);
        for (int ik=1; ik>=0; ik--) { //propagate track in two HO layers
          double radial = 407.0;
          if (ik==0) radial = 382.0;

          Surface::PositionType pos(radial*cos(phipos), radial*sin(phipos), 0.);
          PlaneBuilder::ReturnType aPlane = PlaneBuilder().plane(pos,rot);

          auto aPlane2 = new Plane(pos,rot);

          SteppingHelixStateInfo steppingHelixstateinfo_ = myHelix.propagate(SteppingHelixStateInfo(freetrajectorystate_), (*aPlane2));

          if (steppingHelixstateinfo_.isValid()) {

            GlobalVector hotrkpos2(steppingHelixstateinfo_.position().x(), steppingHelixstateinfo_.position().y(), steppingHelixstateinfo_.position().z());
            CLHEP::Hep3Vector hotrkdir2(steppingHelixstateinfo_.momentum().x(), steppingHelixstateinfo_.momentum().y(),steppingHelixstateinfo_.momentum().z());
            LocalVector lclvt0 = (*aPlane).toLocal(hotrkpos2);
            double xx = lclvt0.x();
            double yy = lclvt0.y();
            if (ik ==1) {
              if ((std::abs(yy) < 130 && xx >-64.7 && xx <138.2)
                  ||(std::abs(yy) > 130 && std::abs(yy) <700 && xx >-76.3 && xx <140.5)) {
                ipath = true;  //Only look for tracks which as hits in layer 1
                iphisect = iphisecttmp;
            if (iphisect != iphisecttmp) continue; //Look for ring-0 only when ring1 is accepted for that sector
            switch (ik) 
              case 0 : 
                xhor0 = xx; //lclvt0.x();
                yhor0 = yy; //lclvt0.y();
              case 1 :
                xhor1 = xx; //lclvt0.x();
                yhor1 = yy; //lclvt0.y();
                tmpHOCalib.hoang = CLHEP::Hep3Vector(zLocal.x(),zLocal.y(),zLocal.z()).dot(hotrkdir2.unit());
              default : break;
          } else {
        if (ipath) break;
      if (ipath) { //If muon crossed HO laeyrs
        int ietaho = 50;
        int iphiho = -1;
        for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {tmpHOCalib.hosig[i]=-100.0;}
        for (int i=0; i<18; i++) {tmpHOCalib.hocorsig[i]=-100.0;}
        for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {tmpHOCalib.hbhesig[i]=-100.0;}
        tmpHOCalib.hocro = -100;
        tmpHOCalib.htime = -1000;
        int isect = 0;

        findHOEtaPhi(iphisect, ietaho, iphiho);
        if (ietaho !=0 && iphiho !=0 && std::abs(iring)<=2) { //Muon passed through a tower
          isect = 100*std::abs(ietaho+30)+std::abs(iphiho);
          if (std::abs(ietaho) >=netabin || iphiho<0) isect *=-1; //Not extrapolated to any tower
          if (std::abs(ietaho) >=netabin) isect -=1000000;  //not matched with eta
          if (iphiho<0)        isect -=2000000; //not matched with phi
          tmpHOCalib.isect = isect;
          tmpHOCalib.hodx = localxhor1;
          tmpHOCalib.hody = localyhor1;      
          if (iring==0) {
            tmpHOCalib.hocorsig[8] = localxhor0;
            tmpHOCalib.hocorsig[9] = localyhor0;
          int etamn=-4;
          int etamx=4;
          if (iring==1) {etamn=5; etamx = 10;}
          if (iring==2) {etamn=11; etamx = 16;}
          if (iring==-1){etamn=-10; etamx = -5;}
          if (iring==-2){etamn=-16; etamx = -11;}
          int phimn = 1;
          int phimx = 2;
          if (iring ==0) {
            phimx =2*int((iphiho+1)/2.);
            phimn = phimx - 1;
          } else {
            phimn = 3*int((iphiho+1)/3.) - 1; 
            phimx = phimn + 2;
          if (phimn <1) phimn += nphimx;
          if (phimx >72) phimx -= nphimx;
          int sigstr = m_startTS; // 5;
          int sigend = m_endTS; // 8;
          //      if (iphiho <=nphimx/2) { //GMA310508
          //        sigstr -=1; //GMA300608
          //        sigend -=1;
          //      }
          if (m_hbinfo) {
            for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {tmpHOCalib.hbhesig[i]=-100.0;}
            if (m_digiInput) {
              if ((*hbhe).size() >0) {
                for (HBHEDigiCollection::const_iterator j=(*hbhe).begin(); j!=(*hbhe).end(); j++){
                  //              const HBHEDataFrame digi = (const HBHEDataFrame)(*j);
                  //              HcalDetId id;
                  HcalDetId id =(*j).id();
                  m_coder = (*conditions_).getHcalCoder(id);
                  m_shape = (*conditions_).getHcalShape(m_coder);
                  int tmpeta= id.ieta();
                  int tmpphi= id.iphi();
                  calibped = conditions_->getHcalCalibrations(id);
                  int deta = tmpeta-ietaho;
                  if (tmpeta==-1 && ietaho== 1) deta = -1;
                  if (tmpeta== 1 && ietaho==-1) deta =  1;
                  int dphi = tmpphi-iphiho;
                  if (phimn >phimx) {
                    if (dphi==71) dphi=-1;
                    if (dphi==-71) dphi=1;
                  int ipass2 = (std::abs(deta) <=1 && std::abs(dphi)<=1) ? 1 : 0; //NEED correction in full CMS detector
                  if (ipass2 ==0 ) continue;
                  float tmpdata[nchnmx];
                  for (int i=0; i<(*j).size() && i<nchnmx; i++) {
                    tmpdata[i] = m_coder->charge(*m_shape,(*j).sample(i).adc(),(*j).sample(i).capid());
                  float signal = 0;
                  for (int i=1; i<(*j).size() && i<=8; i++) {
                    signal += tmpdata[i] - calibped.pedestal((*j).sample(i).capid());; 
                  if (ipass2 == 1) {
                    if (3*(deta+1)+dphi+1<9)  tmpHOCalib.hbhesig[3*(deta+1)+dphi+1] = signal;
            } else {
              edm::Handle<HBHERecHitCollection> hbheht;// iEvent.getByType(hbheht);

              if ((*hbheht).size()>0) {
                if(!(*hbheht).size()) throw (int)(*hbheht).size();
                for (HBHERecHitCollection::const_iterator j=(*hbheht).begin(); j!=(*hbheht).end(); j++){
                  //              const HBHERecHit hbhehtrec = (const HBHERecHit)(*j);
                  //              HcalDetId id;
                  HcalDetId id =(*j).id();
                  int tmpeta= id.ieta();
                  int tmpphi= id.iphi();
                  int deta = tmpeta-ietaho;
                  if (tmpeta==-1 && ietaho== 1) deta = -1;
                  if (tmpeta== 1 && ietaho==-1) deta =  1;
                  int dphi = tmpphi-iphiho;
                  if (phimn >phimx) {
                    if (dphi==71) dphi=-1;
                    if (dphi==-71) dphi=1;
                  int ipass2 = (std::abs(deta) <=1 && std::abs(dphi)<=1) ? 1 : 0; //NEED correction in full CMS detector
                  if ( ipass2 ==0 ) continue;
                  float signal = (*j).energy();
                  if (3*(deta+1)+dphi+1<9)  tmpHOCalib.hbhesig[3*(deta+1)+dphi+1] = signal;
            } //else m_digilevel
          } //m_hbinfo #endif
          if (m_digiInput) {
            if ((*ho).size()>0) {
              int isFilled[netamx*nphimx]; 
              for (int j=0; j<netamx*nphimx; j++) {isFilled[j]=0;}
              double sumEt = 0;
              double sumE  = 0;
              for (HODigiCollection::const_iterator j=(*ho).begin(); j!=(*ho).end(); j++){
                //              const HODataFrame digi = (const HODataFrame)(*j);
                //              HcalDetId id;

                HcalDetId id =(*j).id();                
                m_coder = (*conditions_).getHcalCoder(id);
                m_shape = (*conditions_).getHcalShape(m_coder);
                int tmpeta= id.ieta();
                int tmpphi= id.iphi();
                int ipass1 =0;
                if (tmpeta >=etamn && tmpeta <=etamx) {
                  if (phimn < phimx) {
                    ipass1 = (tmpphi >=phimn && tmpphi <=phimx ) ? 1 : 0;
                  } else {
                    ipass1 = (tmpphi==71 || tmpphi ==72 || tmpphi==1) ? 1 : 0;
                int deta = tmpeta-ietaho;
                if (tmpeta==-1 && ietaho== 1) deta = -1;
                if (tmpeta== 1 && ietaho==-1) deta =  1;
                int dphi = tmpphi -iphiho;
                if (phimn>phimx) {
                  if (dphi==71) dphi=-1;
                  if (dphi==-71) dphi=1;
                int ipass2 = (std::abs(deta) <=1 && std::abs(dphi)<=1) ? 1 : 0;
                int tmpeta1 = (tmpeta>0) ? tmpeta -1 : -tmpeta +14; 
                float tmpdata[nchnmx]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
                float sigvall[nsigpk]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
                for (int i=0; i<(*j).size() && i<nchnmx; i++) {
                  tmpdata[i] = m_coder->charge(*m_shape,(*j).sample(i).adc(),(*j).sample(i).capid());
                  if (deta==0 && dphi==0) { 
                    double tmpE = tmpdata[i] - pedestal[tmpeta1][tmpphi-1][(*j).sample(i).capid()];
                    if (tmpE >0) {
                      sumEt += i*tmpE;
                      sumE  += tmpE;
                    if (m_hotime) {
                      //calculate signals in 4 time slices, 0-3,.. 6-9
                      if (i>=7-nsigpk) {
                        for (int ncap=0; ncap<nsigpk; ncap++) {
                          if (i-ncap >= nstrbn && i-ncap <= nstrbn+3) { 
                            sigvall[ncap] +=tmpdata[i];
                      if (i==(*j).size()-1) {
                        float mxled=-1;
                        int imxled = 0;
                        for (int ij=0; ij<nsigpk; ij++) {
                          if (sigvall[ij] > mxled) {mxled = sigvall[ij]; imxled=ij;}
                        double pedx = 0.0;
                        for (int ij=0; ij<4; ij++) {
                          pedx +=pedestal[tmpeta1][tmpphi-1][ij];
                        if (mxled-pedx >2 && mxled-pedx <20 ) {
                          hopeak[ntrgp_gm]->Fill(nphimx*tmpeta1 + tmpphi-1, imxled+nstrbn);
                          for (int jk=0; jk<ntrgp_gm; jk++) {
                            if (ntrgpas_gm[jk]>0) {
                              hopeak[jk]->Fill(nphimx*tmpeta1 + tmpphi-1, imxled+nstrbn);
                          if (tmpdata[5]+tmpdata[6] >1) {
                            horatio->Fill(nphimx*tmpeta1 + tmpphi-1, (tmpdata[5]-tmpdata[6])/(tmpdata[5]+tmpdata[6]));
                          for (int ij=0; ij<(*j).size() && ij<nchnmx; ij++) {
                            hotime[ntrgp_gm]->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + ij, tmpdata[ij]);
                            Nhotime[ntrgp_gm]->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + ij, 1.);
                            for (int jk=0; jk<ntrgp_gm; jk++) {
                              if (ntrgpas_gm[jk]>0) {
                                hotime[jk]->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + ij, tmpdata[ij]);
                                Nhotime[jk]->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + ij, 1.);

                if (std::abs(tmpeta) <=15 && deta==0 && dphi ==0) { 
                  float signal = 0;
                  size_t icnt = 0;
                  for (int i =0; i<nchnmx && i< (*j).size(); i++) {
                    if (i >=sigstr && i<=sigend) continue;
                    signal += tmpdata[i] - pedestal[tmpeta1][tmpphi-1][(*j).sample(i).capid()];
                    if (++icnt >=4) break;
                  tmpHOCalib.hocro = signal;
                if (m_hotime) { 
                  if (ipass1 ==0 && ipass2 ==0 && cosmicmuon->size()<=2) {
                    if (std::abs(ietaho) <=netabin && iphiho >0) {
                      if ((iphiho >=1 && iphiho<=nphimx/2 && tmpphi >=1 && tmpphi <=nphimx/2) ||
                          (iphiho >nphimx/2 && iphiho<=nphimx && tmpphi >nphimx/2 && tmpphi <=nphimx)) {
                        if (isFilled[nphimx*tmpeta1+tmpphi-1]==0) {
                          for (int i=0; i<(*j).size() && i<nchnmx; i++) {
                            hopedtime->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + i, tmpdata[i]);
                            Nhopedtime->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + i, 1.); 
                            hopedpr->Fill(nphimx*nchnmx*tmpeta1 + nchnmx*(tmpphi-1) + i, tmpdata[i]);
                        } //isFilled
                if (ipass1 ==0 && ipass2 ==0 ) continue;
                float signal = 0;
                for (int i=sigstr; i<(*j).size() && i<=sigend; i++) {
                  signal += tmpdata[i] - pedestal[tmpeta1][tmpphi-1][(*j).sample(i).capid()];
                if (signal <-100 || signal >100000) signal = -100;
                if (m_hotime) {
                  if (signal >-100 && Noccu == Noccu_old) {
                    for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
                      if (signal >(i+2)*m_sigma) {

                if (ipass1 ==0 && ipass2 ==0 ) continue;
                if (ipass1 ==1) {
                  int tmpdph = tmpphi-phimn;
                  if (tmpdph<0) tmpdph = 2;  //only case of iphi==1, where phimn=71
                  int ilog = 2*(tmpeta-etamn)+tmpdph;
                  if (iring !=0) { 
                    if (iring >0) {
                      ilog = 3*(tmpeta-etamn)+tmpdph; //Again CMS correction
                    } else {
                      ilog = 3*(etamx-tmpeta)+tmpdph; //Again CMS correction
                  if (ilog>-1 && ilog<18) { 
                    tmpHOCalib.hocorsig[ilog] = signal;
                if (ipass2 ==1) {
                  if (3*(deta+1)+dphi+1<9) tmpHOCalib.hosig[3*(deta+1)+dphi+1] = signal; //Again CMS azimuthal near phi 1&72
                // Possibility to store pedestal by shifting phi tower by 6
                // But, due to missing tower at +-5, we do not have always proper
                // statistics and also in pedestal subtracted data, we do not have
                // signal in that tower
                if (deta==0 && dphi ==0) {
                  int crphi = tmpphi + 6;
                  if (crphi >72) crphi -=72;
                  for (HODigiCollection::const_iterator jcr=(*ho).begin(); jcr!=(*ho).end(); jcr++){
                  //                const HODataFrame (*jcr) = (const HODataFrame)(*jcr);
                  //                HcalDetId idcr =(*jcr).id();
                  HcalDetId id =(*jcr).id();
                  m_coder = (*conditions_).getHcalCoder(idcr);
                  m_shape = (*conditions_).getHcalShape(m_coder);
                    int etacr= idcr.ieta();
                    int phicr= idcr.iphi();
                    if (tmpeta==etacr && crphi ==phicr) {
                      float tmpdatacr[nchnmx];
                      for (int i=0; i<(*jcr).size() && i<nchnmx; i++) {
                        tmpdatacr[i] = m_coder->charge(*m_shape,(*jcr).sample(i).adc(),(*jcr).sample(i).capid());
            tmpHOCalib.htime = sumEt/max(sumE,1.e-6);
        } else {
          edm::Handle<HORecHitCollection> hoht;
          if ((*hoht).size()>0) {
            for (HORecHitCollection::const_iterator j=(*hoht).begin(); j!=(*hoht).end(); j++){
              //                const HORecHit hohtrec = (const HORecHit)(*j);
              //                HcalDetId id;
              HcalDetId id =(*j).id();
              int tmpeta= id.ieta();
              int tmpphi= id.iphi();

              int ipass1 =0;
              if (tmpeta >=etamn && tmpeta <=etamx) {
                if (phimn < phimx) {
                  ipass1 = (tmpphi >=phimn && tmpphi <=phimx ) ? 1 : 0;
                } else {
                  ipass1 = (tmpphi==71 || tmpphi ==72 || tmpphi==1) ? 1 : 0;
              int deta = tmpeta-ietaho;
              if (tmpeta==-1 && ietaho== 1) deta = -1;
              if (tmpeta== 1 && ietaho==-1) deta =  1;
              int dphi = tmpphi -iphiho;
              if (phimn>phimx) {
                if (dphi==71) dphi=-1;
                if (dphi==-71) dphi=1;
              float signal = (*j).energy();
              if (m_hotime) {
                int tmpeta1 = (tmpeta>0) ? tmpeta -1 : -tmpeta +14; 
                if (signal >-100 && Noccu == Noccu_old) {
                  for (int i=0; i<5; i++) {
                    if (signal >(i+2)*m_sigma) {
              int ipass2 = (std::abs(deta) <=1 && std::abs(dphi)<=1) ? 1 : 0;
              if (ipass1 ==0 && ipass2 ==0 ) continue;
              if (ipass1 ==1) {
                int tmpdph = tmpphi-phimn;
                if (tmpdph<0) tmpdph = 2;  //only case of iphi==1, where phimn=71
                int ilog = 2*(tmpeta-etamn)+tmpdph;
                if (iring !=0) { 
                  if (iring >0) {
                    ilog = 3*(tmpeta-etamn)+tmpdph; //Again CMS correction
                  } else {
                    ilog = 3*(etamx-tmpeta)+tmpdph; //Again CMS correction
                if (ilog>-1 && ilog<18) {
                  tmpHOCalib.hocorsig[ilog] = signal;
              if (ipass2 ==1) {
                if (3*(deta+1)+dphi+1<9) {
                  tmpHOCalib.hosig[3*(deta+1)+dphi+1] = signal; //Again CMS azimuthal near phi 1&72
              if (deta==0 && dphi ==0) {
                tmpHOCalib.htime = (*j).time();
                int crphi = tmpphi + 6;
                if (crphi >72) crphi -=72;
                for (HORecHitCollection::const_iterator jcr=(*hoht).begin(); jcr!=(*hoht).end(); jcr++){
                  const HORecHit reccr = (const HORecHit)(*jcr);
                  HcalDetId idcr;
                  int etacr= idcr.ieta();
                  int phicr= idcr.iphi();
                  if (tmpeta==etacr && crphi ==phicr) {
                    tmpHOCalib.hocro =;
        //GMA     Npass++;
        if (Noccu == Noccu_old) Noccu++;

  iEvent.put(hostore, "HOCalibVariableCollection");

Member Data Documentation

TH1F* AlCaHOCalibProducer::allhb1 [private]

Definition at line 229 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

TH1F* AlCaHOCalibProducer::allhb2 [private]

Definition at line 230 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

TH1F* AlCaHOCalibProducer::allhb3 [private]

Definition at line 231 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 214 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 276 of file

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 277 of file

Definition at line 272 of file

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 206 of file

std::string AlCaHOCalibProducer::digiLabel [private]

Definition at line 204 of file

std::map<std::string, bool> AlCaHOCalibProducer::fired [private]

Definition at line 280 of file

TProfile* AlCaHOCalibProducer::hb1pedpr [private]

Definition at line 237 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 238 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 247 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 249 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 241 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 248 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), and produce().

TProfile* AlCaHOCalibProducer::hopeak[ntrgp_gm+1] [private]

Definition at line 222 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), and produce().

TProfile* AlCaHOCalibProducer::hopedpr [private]

Definition at line 218 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 219 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 216 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

TProfile* AlCaHOCalibProducer::horatio [private]

Definition at line 223 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 215 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 239 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 220 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 195 of file

Referenced by findHOEtaPhi(), and produce().

Definition at line 268 of file

Referenced by beginJob(), and produce().

Definition at line 250 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 211 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 212 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 197 of file

Referenced by findHOEtaPhi(), and produce().

Definition at line 199 of file

Referenced by findHOEtaPhi(), and produce().

Definition at line 198 of file

Referenced by findHOEtaPhi(), and produce().

Definition at line 200 of file

Referenced by findHOEtaPhi(), and produce().

Definition at line 274 of file

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 253 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 256 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 254 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 243 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 257 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 273 of file

Referenced by produce().

double AlCaHOCalibProducer::m_sigma [private]

Definition at line 258 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 255 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), and produce().

Definition at line 246 of file

Referenced by produce().

Definition at line 233 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 234 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 235 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 225 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 227 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 226 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 263 of file

Referenced by produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 265 of file

Referenced by beginJob(), produce(), and ~AlCaHOCalibProducer().

unsigned int AlCaHOCalibProducer::Ntp [private]

Definition at line 279 of file

Definition at line 202 of file

Referenced by beginJob(), and produce().

std::string AlCaHOCalibProducer::theRootFileName [private]

Definition at line 207 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer().

Definition at line 251 of file

Referenced by AlCaHOCalibProducer(), and produce().

float AlCaHOCalibProducer::xhor0 [private]

Definition at line 191 of file

Referenced by findHOEtaPhi(), and produce().

float AlCaHOCalibProducer::xhor1 [private]

Definition at line 193 of file

Referenced by findHOEtaPhi(), and produce().

float AlCaHOCalibProducer::yhor0 [private]

Definition at line 192 of file

Referenced by findHOEtaPhi(), and produce().

float AlCaHOCalibProducer::yhor1 [private]

Definition at line 194 of file

Referenced by findHOEtaPhi(), and produce().