Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

MuonMillepedeAlgorithm Class Reference

#include <MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h>

Inheritance diagram for MuonMillepedeAlgorithm:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void collect ()
void initialize (const edm::EventSetup &setup, AlignableTracker *tracker, AlignableMuon *muon, AlignableExtras *extras, AlignmentParameterStore *store)
 Call at beginning of job.
 MuonMillepedeAlgorithm (const edm::ParameterSet &cfg)
void run (const edm::EventSetup &setup, const EventInfo &eventInfo)
 Run the algorithm.
void terminate (void)
 Call at end of job.
void toTMat (AlgebraicMatrix *, TMatrixD *)
void updateInfo (AlgebraicMatrix, AlgebraicMatrix, AlgebraicMatrix, std::string)
 ~MuonMillepedeAlgorithm ()

Private Member Functions

void printM (AlgebraicMatrix)

Private Attributes

double chi2nCut
std::string collec_f
int collec_number
std::string collec_path
edm::Service< TFileServicefs
std::map< std::string, TH1D * > histoMap
bool isCollectionJob
std::map< std::string,
AlgebraicMatrix * > 
std::map< std::string,
AlgebraicMatrix * > 
std::map< std::string,
AlgebraicMatrix * > 
std::string outputCollName
double ptCut
std::vector< Alignable * > theAlignables
bool verbose

Detailed Description

Definition at line 20 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

MuonMillepedeAlgorithm::MuonMillepedeAlgorithm ( const edm::ParameterSet cfg)


Definition at line 36 of file

References chi2nCut, collec_f, collec_number, collec_path, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), isCollectionJob, outputCollName, ptCut, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

          AlignmentAlgorithmBase( cfg )

          // parse parameters

          edm::LogWarning("Alignment") << "[MuonMillepedeAlgorithm] constructed.";

          collec_f = cfg.getParameter<std::string>( "CollectionFile" );

          isCollectionJob = cfg.getParameter<bool>( "isCollectionJob" );
          collec_path = cfg.getParameter<std::string>( "collectionPath" );
          collec_number = cfg.getParameter<int>( "collectionNumber" );
          outputCollName =  cfg.getParameter<std::string>( "outputCollName" );
          ptCut = cfg.getParameter<double>( "ptCut" );
          chi2nCut = cfg.getParameter<double>( "chi2nCut" );

MuonMillepedeAlgorithm::~MuonMillepedeAlgorithm ( ) [inline]


Definition at line 29 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.


Member Function Documentation

void MuonMillepedeAlgorithm::collect ( )

Definition at line 84 of file

References collec_f, collec_number, collec_path, getHLTprescales::index, Association::map, n, python::Node::node, summarizeEdmComparisonLogfiles::objectName, outputCollName, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by terminate().


          std::map<std::string, TMatrixD *> map;

          for(int c_job = 0; c_job < collec_number; ++c_job)
            char name_f[40];
            snprintf(name_f, sizeof(name_f), "%s_%d/%s", collec_path.c_str(), c_job, collec_f.c_str());
            TFile file_it(name_f);


            TList *m_list = file_it.GetListOfKeys();
            if(m_list == 0) {
            TKey *index = (TKey *)m_list->First();
            if(index == 0) {
            if( index != 0 )

                std::string objectName(index->GetName());
                TMatrixD *mat = (TMatrixD *)index->ReadObj();
                std::map<std::string, TMatrixD *>::iterator node = map.find(objectName);
                if(node == map.end())
                  TMatrixD *n_mat = new TMatrixD(mat->GetNrows(), mat->GetNcols());
                  map.insert(make_pair(objectName, n_mat));
                *(map[objectName]) += *mat;
                index = (TKey*)m_list->After(index);
              } while(index != 0);

          TFile theFile2(outputCollName.c_str(), "recreate");

          std::map<std::string, TMatrixD *>::iterator m_it = map.begin();
          for(; m_it != map.end(); ++m_it)
            if(m_it->first.find("_invCov") != std::string::npos)
               std::string id_s = m_it->first.substr(0, m_it->first.find("_invCov"));
               std::string id_w = id_s + "_weightRes";
               std::string id_n = id_s + "_N";
               std::string cov = id_s + "_cov";
               std::string sol = id_s + "_sol";

               //Covariance calculation 
               TMatrixD invMat( m_it->second->GetNrows(), m_it->second->GetNcols()); 
               invMat = *(m_it->second);
               //weighted residuals
               TMatrixD weightMat( m_it->second->GetNcols(), 1);
               weightMat = *(map[id_w]);
               //Solution of the linear system
               TMatrixD solution( m_it->second->GetNrows(), 1);
               solution = invMat * weightMat;
               //Number of Tracks
               TMatrixD n(1,1);
               n = *(map[id_n]);     
void MuonMillepedeAlgorithm::initialize ( const edm::EventSetup setup,
AlignableTracker tracker,
AlignableMuon muon,
AlignableExtras extras,
AlignmentParameterStore store 
) [virtual]

Call at beginning of job.

Implements AlignmentAlgorithmBase.

Definition at line 65 of file

References AlignmentParameterStore::alignables(), theAlignableDetAccessor, theAlignables, and theAlignmentParameterStore.

          edm::LogWarning("Alignment") << "[MuonMillepedeAlgorithm] Initializing...";

          // accessor Det->AlignableDet
          theAlignableDetAccessor = new AlignableNavigator(tracker, muon);

          // set alignmentParameterStore

          // get alignables
          theAlignables = theAlignmentParameterStore->alignables();

void MuonMillepedeAlgorithm::printM ( AlgebraicMatrix  m) [private]

Definition at line 480 of file

          //for(int i = 0; i < m.num_row(); ++i)
          // {
          //  for(int j = 0; j < m.num_col(); ++j)
          //  {
          //    std::cout << m[i][j] << " ";
          //  }
          //  std::cout << std::endl;
void MuonMillepedeAlgorithm::run ( const edm::EventSetup setup,
const EventInfo eventInfo 
) [virtual]

Run the algorithm.

Implements AlignmentAlgorithmBase.

Definition at line 232 of file

References CompositeAlignmentParameters::alignableFromAlignableDet(), AlignableNavigator::alignableFromGeomDet(), AlignableNavigator::alignablesFromHits(), Alignable::alignmentParameters(), chi2nCut, AlignableNavigator::detAndSubdetInMap(), eta(), reco::TrackBase::eta(), TrajectoryMeasurement::forwardPredictedState(), TrackingRecHit::geographicalId(), GeomDet::geographicalId(), isCollectionJob, TrackingRecHit::isValid(), TrajectoryStateOnSurface::isValid(), Trajectory::measurements(), mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, reco::TrackBase::normalizedChi2(), reco::TrackBase::numberOfValidHits(), phi, reco::TrackBase::phi(), reco::TrackBase::pt(), ptCut, TrajectoryMeasurement::recHit(), AlignmentParameters::selectedDerivatives(), corrVsCorr::selection, AlignmentParameterStore::selectParameters(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, theAlignableDetAccessor, theAlignmentParameterStore, testEve_cfg::tracks, AlignmentAlgorithmBase::EventInfo::trajTrackPairs_, and updateInfo().

          if( isCollectionJob )

          // loop over tracks  
          //int t_counter = 0;
          const ConstTrajTrackPairCollection &tracks = eventInfo.trajTrackPairs_;
          for( ConstTrajTrackPairCollection::const_iterator it=tracks.begin();
               it!=tracks.end();it++) {

            const Trajectory* traj = (*it).first;
            const reco::Track* track = (*it).second;

            float pt    = track->pt();
            float eta   = track->eta();
            float phi   = track->phi();
            float chi2n = track->normalizedChi2();
            //int   ndof = track->ndof();
            int   nhit  = track->numberOfValidHits();

            if (0) edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "New track pt,eta,phi,chi2n,hits: " << pt <<","<< eta <<","<< phi <<","<< chi2n << ","<<nhit;

            //Accept or not accept the track
            if( pt > ptCut && chi2n < chi2nCut ) 

              std::vector<const TransientTrackingRecHit*> hitvec;
              std::vector<TrajectoryStateOnSurface> tsosvec;
              std::vector<TrajectoryMeasurement> measurements = traj->measurements();
              //In this loop the measurements and hits are extracted and put on two vectors 
              for (std::vector<TrajectoryMeasurement>::iterator im=measurements.begin();
                         im!=measurements.end(); im++)
                TrajectoryMeasurement meas = *im;
                const TransientTrackingRecHit* hit = &(*meas.recHit());
                //We are not very strict at this point
                if (hit->isValid()  && theAlignableDetAccessor->detAndSubdetInMap( hit->geographicalId() ))
                  TrajectoryStateOnSurface tsos = meas.forwardPredictedState();
                  if (tsos.isValid())
              // transform RecHit vector to AlignableDet vector
              std::vector <AlignableDetOrUnitPtr> alidetvec = 

              // get concatenated alignment parameters for list of alignables
              CompositeAlignmentParameters aap = 

              std::vector<TrajectoryStateOnSurface>::const_iterator itsos=tsosvec.begin();
              std::vector<const TransientTrackingRecHit*>::const_iterator ihit=hitvec.begin();

              //int ch_counter = 0;

              while (itsos != tsosvec.end()) 
                // get AlignableDet for this hit
                const GeomDet* det=(*ihit)->det();
                AlignableDetOrUnitPtr alidet = 
                // get relevant Alignable
                Alignable* ali=aap.alignableFromAlignableDet(alidet);
                //To be sure that the ali is not null and that it's a DT segment 
                if ( ali!=0 && (*ihit)->geographicalId().subdetId() == 1)
                  DTChamberId m_Chamber(det->geographicalId());
                  //Station 4 does not contain Theta SL 
                  if((*ihit)->dimension() == 4 || ((*ihit)->dimension() == 2 && m_Chamber.station() == 4))
                  //if((*ihit)->dimension() == 4)
                    edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "Entrando";
                    AlignmentParameters* params = ali->alignmentParameters();
                    edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "Entrando";
                    //(dx/dz,dy/dz,x,y) for a 4DSegment
                    AlgebraicVector ihit4D = (*ihit)->parameters();

                    //The innerMostState always contains the Z
                    AlgebraicVector5 alivec = (*itsos).localParameters().mixedFormatVector();
                    //The covariance matrix follows the sequence
                    //(q/pt,dx/dz,dy/dz,x,y) but we reorder to
                    AlgebraicSymMatrix55 rawCovMat = (*itsos).localError().matrix();
                    AlgebraicMatrix CovMat(4,4);
                    int m_index[] = {2,3,0,1};
                    for(int c_ei = 0; c_ei < 4; ++c_ei)
                      for(int c_ej = 0; c_ej < 4; ++c_ej)
                        CovMat[m_index[c_ei]][m_index[c_ej]] = rawCovMat(c_ei+1,c_ej+1);
                    int inv_check;
                    if (inv_check != 0) { 
                      edm::LogError("Alignment") << "Covariance Matrix inversion failed"; 

                    //The order is changed to:
                    // (x,0,dx/dz,0) MB4 Chamber
                    // (x,y,dx/dz,dy/dz) Not MB4 Chamber
                    AlgebraicMatrix residuals(4,1);
                    if(m_Chamber.station() == 4)
                      //Filling Residuals
                      residuals[0][0] = ihit4D[2]-alivec[3];
                      residuals[1][0] = 0.0;
                      residuals[2][0] = ihit4D[0]-alivec[1];
                      residuals[3][0] = 0.0;
                      //The error in the Theta coord is set to infinite
                      CovMat[1][0] = 0.0; CovMat[1][1] = 0.0; CovMat[1][2] = 0.0;
                      CovMat[1][3] = 0.0; CovMat[0][1] = 0.0; CovMat[2][1] = 0.0; 
                      CovMat[3][1] = 0.0; CovMat[3][0] = 0.0; CovMat[3][2] = 0.0;
                      CovMat[3][3] = 0.0; CovMat[0][3] = 0.0; CovMat[2][3] = 0.0; 
                      //Filling Residuals
                      residuals[0][0] = ihit4D[2]-alivec[3];
                      residuals[1][0] = ihit4D[3]-alivec[4];
                      residuals[2][0] = ihit4D[0]-alivec[1];
                      residuals[3][0] = ihit4D[1]-alivec[2];
                    // Derivatives 
                    AlgebraicMatrix derivsAux = params->selectedDerivatives(*itsos,alidet);
                    std::vector<bool> mb4_mask;
                    std::vector<bool> selection;
                    //To be checked 
                    mb4_mask.push_back(true); mb4_mask.push_back(false); mb4_mask.push_back(true); 
                    mb4_mask.push_back(true); mb4_mask.push_back(true); mb4_mask.push_back(false); 
                    selection.push_back(true); selection.push_back(true); selection.push_back(false); 
                    selection.push_back(false); selection.push_back(false); selection.push_back(false); 
                    int nAlignParam = 0;
                    if(m_Chamber.station() == 4)
                      for(int icor = 0; icor < 6; ++icor)
                        if(mb4_mask[icor] && selection[icor]) nAlignParam++;                      
                      nAlignParam = derivsAux.num_row();
                    AlgebraicMatrix derivs(nAlignParam, 4);
                    if(m_Chamber.station() == 4)
                      int der_c = 0;
                      for(int icor = 0; icor < 6; ++icor)
                        if(mb4_mask[icor] && selection[icor])
                           for(int ccor = 0; ccor < 4; ++ccor)
                             derivs[der_c][ccor] = derivsAux[icor][ccor];
                      derivs = derivsAux;

                    //for(int co = 0; co < derivs.num_row(); ++co)
                    //  for(int ci = 0; ci < derivs.num_col(); ++ci)
                    //  {
                    //     edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "Derivatives: " << co << " " << ci << " " << derivs[co][ci] << " ";
                    //  }
                    AlgebraicMatrix derivsT = derivs.T();
                    AlgebraicMatrix invCov = derivs*CovMat*derivsT;
                    AlgebraicMatrix weightRes = derivs*CovMat*residuals;

                    char name[40];
                    snprintf(name, sizeof(name),
                             "Chamber_%d_%d_%d", m_Chamber.wheel(), m_Chamber.station(), m_Chamber.sector());
                    std::string chamId(name);
                    //MB4 need a special treatment
                    /*AlgebraicMatrix invCovMB4(2,2);
                    AlgebraicMatrix weightResMB4(2,1); 
                    if( m_Chamber.station() == 4 )
                      int m_index_2[] = {0,2};
                      for(int c_i = 0; c_i < 2; ++c_i)
                        weightResMB4[c_i][0] = weightRes[m_index_2[c_i]][0];
                        for(int c_j = 0; c_j < 2; ++c_j)
                          invCovMB4[c_i][c_j] = invCov[m_index_2[c_i]][m_index_2[c_j]];
                      this->updateInfo(invCovMB4, weightResMB4, residuals, chamId); 
                      this->updateInfo(invCov, weightRes, residuals, chamId); 
                    this->updateInfo(invCov, weightRes, residuals, chamId); 
          } // end of track loop

void MuonMillepedeAlgorithm::terminate ( void  ) [virtual]

Call at end of job.

Implements AlignmentAlgorithmBase.

Definition at line 166 of file

References Alignable::alignmentParameters(), AlignmentParameterStore::applyParameters(), collec_f, collect(), isCollectionJob, map_invCov, map_N, map_weightRes, AlignmentParameters::setValid(), theAlignables, theAlignmentParameterStore, interactiveExample::theFile, and toTMat().


          if( isCollectionJob )

          edm::LogWarning("Alignment") << "[MuonMillepedeAlgorithm] Terminating";

          // iterate over alignment parameters
            it=theAlignables.begin(); it!=theAlignables.end(); it++) {
            Alignable* ali=(*it);
            // Alignment parameters
            // AlignmentParameters* par = ali->alignmentParameters();
            edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "now apply params";
            // set these parameters 'valid'


          edm::LogWarning("Alignment") << "[MuonMillepedeAlgorithm] Writing aligned parameters to file: " << theAlignables.size();

          TFile *theFile = new TFile(collec_f.c_str(), "recreate");
          std::map<std::string, AlgebraicMatrix *>::iterator invCov_it = map_invCov.begin();
          std::map<std::string, AlgebraicMatrix *>::iterator weightRes_it = map_weightRes.begin();
          std::map<std::string, AlgebraicMatrix *>::iterator n_it = map_N.begin();
          for(; n_it != map_N.end(); ++invCov_it, ++weightRes_it, ++n_it)
            TMatrixD tmat_invcov(0,0);
            this->toTMat(invCov_it->second, &tmat_invcov);
            TMatrixD tmat_weightres(0,0);
            this->toTMat(weightRes_it->second, &tmat_weightres);
            TMatrixD tmat_n(0,0);
            this->toTMat(n_it->second, &tmat_n);


void MuonMillepedeAlgorithm::toTMat ( AlgebraicMatrix am_mat,
TMatrixD *  tmat_mat 

Definition at line 218 of file

Referenced by terminate().

          tmat_mat->ResizeTo(am_mat->num_row(), am_mat->num_col());
          for(int c_i = 0; c_i < am_mat->num_row(); ++c_i) {
            for(int c_j = 0; c_j < am_mat->num_col(); ++c_j) {
              (*tmat_mat)(c_i, c_j) = (*am_mat)[c_i][c_j];
void MuonMillepedeAlgorithm::updateInfo ( AlgebraicMatrix  m_invCov,
AlgebraicMatrix  m_weightRes,
AlgebraicMatrix  m_res,
std::string  id 

Definition at line 492 of file

References fs, timingPdfMaker::histo, histoMap, map_invCov, map_N, map_weightRes, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, python::Node::node, and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by run().



          std::string id_invCov = id + "_invCov";
          std::string id_weightRes = id + "_weightRes";
          std::string id_n = id + "_N";
          edm::LogInfo("Alignment") << "Entrando";

          std::map<std::string, AlgebraicMatrix *>::iterator node = map_invCov.find(id_invCov);
          if(node == map_invCov.end())
            AlgebraicMatrix *f_invCov = new AlgebraicMatrix(m_invCov.num_row(), m_invCov.num_col());
            AlgebraicMatrix *f_weightRes = new AlgebraicMatrix(m_weightRes.num_row(), m_weightRes.num_col());
            AlgebraicMatrix *f_n = new AlgebraicMatrix(1,1);

            map_invCov.insert(make_pair(id_invCov, f_invCov));
            map_weightRes.insert(make_pair(id_weightRes, f_weightRes));
            map_N.insert(make_pair(id_n, f_n));

            for(int iCount = 0; iCount < 4; ++iCount)
              char name[40];
              snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s_var_%d", id.c_str(), iCount);
              std::string idName(name);
              float range = 5.0;
              //if( iCount == 0 || iCount == 1 ) {
              //  range = 0.01;
              TH1D *histo = fs->make<TH1D>(idName.c_str(), idName.c_str(), 200, -range, range );
              histoMap.insert(make_pair(idName, histo));
          *map_invCov[id_invCov] = *map_invCov[id_invCov] + m_invCov;
          *map_weightRes[id_weightRes] = *map_weightRes[id_weightRes] + m_weightRes;

          for(int iCount = 0; iCount < 4; ++iCount)
            char name[40];
            snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s_var_%d", id.c_str(), iCount);
            std::string idName(name); 

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 71 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by MuonMillepedeAlgorithm(), and run().

std::string MuonMillepedeAlgorithm::collec_f [private]

Definition at line 78 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by collect(), MuonMillepedeAlgorithm(), and terminate().

Definition at line 82 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by collect(), and MuonMillepedeAlgorithm().

std::string MuonMillepedeAlgorithm::collec_path [private]

Definition at line 81 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by collect(), and MuonMillepedeAlgorithm().

Definition at line 75 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by updateInfo().

std::map<std::string, TH1D *> MuonMillepedeAlgorithm::histoMap [private]

Definition at line 65 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by updateInfo().

Definition at line 80 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by MuonMillepedeAlgorithm(), run(), and terminate().

std::map<std::string, AlgebraicMatrix *> MuonMillepedeAlgorithm::map_invCov [private]

Definition at line 67 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by terminate(), and updateInfo().

std::map<std::string, AlgebraicMatrix *> MuonMillepedeAlgorithm::map_N [private]

Definition at line 69 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by terminate(), and updateInfo().

std::map<std::string, AlgebraicMatrix *> MuonMillepedeAlgorithm::map_weightRes [private]

Definition at line 68 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by terminate(), and updateInfo().

Definition at line 79 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by collect(), and MuonMillepedeAlgorithm().

Definition at line 71 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by MuonMillepedeAlgorithm(), and run().

Definition at line 59 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and run().

Definition at line 58 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by initialize(), and terminate().

Definition at line 57 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.

Referenced by initialize(), run(), and terminate().

Definition at line 62 of file MuonMillepedeAlgorithm.h.