Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

DTSegtoRPC Class Reference

#include <DTSegtoRPC.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 DTSegtoRPC (edm::Handle< DTRecSegment4DCollection > all4DSegments, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup, const edm::Event &iEvent, bool debug, double eyr)
RPCRecHitCollectionthePoints ()
 ~DTSegtoRPC ()

Private Attributes

std::vector< uint32_t > extrapolatedRolls
bool incldt
bool incldtMB4
double MaxD
double MaxDistanceBetweenSegments
double MaxDrb4
double MinCosAng
edm::OwnVector< RPCRecHitRPCPointVector

Detailed Description

Definition at line 10 of file DTSegtoRPC.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DTSegtoRPC::DTSegtoRPC ( edm::Handle< DTRecSegment4DCollection all4DSegments,
const edm::EventSetup iSetup,
const edm::Event iEvent,
bool  debug,
double  eyr 
) [explicit]

Definition at line 70 of file

References _ThePoints, edm::OwnVector< T, P >::begin(), edm::OwnVector< T, P >::clear(), gather_cfg::cout, funct::D, distsector(), distwheel(), edm::OwnVector< T, P >::end(), extrapolatedRolls, spr::find(), edm::EventSetup::get(), ObjectMap::GetInstance(), ObjectMap::GetRolls(), RPCRoll::id(), incldt, incldtMB4, m, mag(), MaxD, MaxDistanceBetweenSegments, MaxDrb4, MinCosAng, RPCGeomServ::name(), RPCRoll::nstrips(), edm::OwnVector< T, P >::push_back(), DetId::rawId(), RPCPointVector, DTChamberId::sector(), edm::OwnVector< T, P >::size(), mathSSE::sqrt(), DTChamberId::station(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string, GeomDet::surface(), Surface::toGlobal(), GloballyPositioned< T >::toLocal(), RPCRoll::topology(), DTChamberId::wheel(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), X, SiStripMonitorClusterAlca_cfi::xmax, SiStripMonitorClusterAlca_cfi::xmin, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), Gflash::Z, and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().


  //By now hard coded parameters
  MaxDistanceBetweenSegments = 150;

  //These should be always true expect for debuggin porpouses

    struct timespec start_time, stop_time;
    time_t fs;
    time_t fn;
    time_t ls;
    time_t ln;
    clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start_time);

  _ThePoints = new RPCRecHitCollection();

    if(debug) std::cout<<"Too many segments in this event we are not doing the extrapolation"<<std::endl;
    edm::ESHandle<RPCGeometry> rpcGeo;
    edm::ESHandle<DTGeometry> dtGeo;

      clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &stop_time);
      std::cout <<" =================|| "<<ls-fs<<" sec "<<ln-fn<<" us"<<std::endl;
      clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start_time);
    std::map<DTChamberId,int> DTSegmentCounter;
    DTRecSegment4DCollection::const_iterator segment;  
    for (segment = all4DSegments->begin();segment!=all4DSegments->end(); ++segment){

      clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &stop_time);
      if(debug) std::cout <<" =================||| "<<ls-fs<<" sec "<<ln-fn<<" us"<<std::endl;
      clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &start_time);

      for (segment = all4DSegments->begin(); segment != all4DSegments->end(); ++segment){
        DTChamberId DTId = segment->chamberId();
        if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t This Segment is in Chamber id: "<<DTId<<std::endl;
        if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t Number of segments in this DT = "<<DTSegmentCounter[DTId]<<std::endl;
        if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t Is the only one in this DT? and is not in the 4th Station?"<<std::endl;
        if(DTSegmentCounter[DTId]!=1 || DTId.station()==4){
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT \t \t More than one segment in this chamber, or we are in Station 4"<<std::endl;
        int dtWheel = DTId.wheel();
        int dtStation = DTId.station();
        int dtSector = DTId.sector();      
        LocalPoint segmentPosition= segment->localPosition();
        LocalVector segmentDirection=segment->localDirection();
        const GeomDet* gdet=dtGeo->idToDet(segment->geographicalId());
        const BoundPlane & DTSurface = gdet->surface();
        //check if the dimension of the segment is 4 
        if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t Is the segment 4D?"<<std::endl;
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t no"<<std::endl;
        if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t yes"<<std::endl;
        if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t DT Segment Dimension "<<segment->dimension()<<std::endl; 
        float Xo=segmentPosition.x();
        float Yo=segmentPosition.y();
        float Zo=segmentPosition.z();
        float dx=segmentDirection.x();
        float dy=segmentDirection.y();
        float dz=segmentDirection.z();
        if(debug)  std::cout<<"Calling to Object Map class"<<std::endl;
        ObjectMap* TheObject = ObjectMap::GetInstance(iSetup);
        if(debug) std::cout<<"Creating the DTIndex"<<std::endl;
        DTStationIndex theindex(0,dtWheel,dtSector,dtStation);
        if(debug) std::cout<<"Getting the Rolls for the given index"<<std::endl;
        std::set<RPCDetId> rollsForThisDT = TheObject->GetInstance(iSetup)->GetRolls(theindex);
        if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t Number of rolls for this DT = "<<rollsForThisDT.size()<<std::endl;
        if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t Loop over all the rolls asociated to this DT"<<std::endl;
        for (std::set<RPCDetId>::iterator iteraRoll = rollsForThisDT.begin();iteraRoll != rollsForThisDT.end(); iteraRoll++){
          const RPCRoll* rollasociated = rpcGeo->roll(*iteraRoll);
          RPCDetId rpcId = rollasociated->id();
          const BoundPlane & RPCSurface = rollasociated->surface(); 
          RPCGeomServ rpcsrv(rpcId);
          std::string nameRoll =;
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t RollName: "<<nameRoll<<std::endl;
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t Doing the extrapolation to this roll"<<std::endl;
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t DT Segment Direction in DTLocal "<<segmentDirection<<std::endl;
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t DT Segment Point in DTLocal "<<segmentPosition<<std::endl;
          GlobalPoint CenterPointRollGlobal = RPCSurface.toGlobal(LocalPoint(0,0,0));
          LocalPoint CenterRollinDTFrame = DTSurface.toLocal(CenterPointRollGlobal);
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t Center (0,0,0) Roll In DTLocal"<<CenterRollinDTFrame<<std::endl;
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t Center (0,0,0) of the Roll in Global"<<CenterPointRollGlobal<<std::endl;
          float D=CenterRollinDTFrame.z();
          float X=Xo+dx*D/dz;
          float Y=Yo+dy*D/dz;
          float Z=D;
          const RectangularStripTopology* top_= dynamic_cast<const RectangularStripTopology*> (&(rollasociated->topology()));
          LocalPoint xmin = top_->localPosition(0.);
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t xmin of this  Roll "<<xmin<<"cm"<<std::endl;
          LocalPoint xmax = top_->localPosition((float)rollasociated->nstrips());
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t xmax of this  Roll "<<xmax<<"cm"<<std::endl;
          float rsize = fabs( xmax.x()-xmin.x() );
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t Roll Size "<<rsize<<"cm"<<std::endl;
          float stripl = top_->stripLength();
          float stripw = top_->pitch();
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t Strip Lenght "<<stripl<<"cm"<<std::endl;
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t Strip Width "<<stripw<<"cm"<<std::endl;
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t X Predicted in DTLocal= "<<X<<"cm"<<std::endl;
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t Y Predicted in DTLocal= "<<Y<<"cm"<<std::endl;
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t Z Predicted in DTLocal= "<<Z<<"cm"<<std::endl;
          float extrapolatedDistance = sqrt((X-Xo)*(X-Xo)+(Y-Yo)*(Y-Yo)+(Z-Zo)*(Z-Zo));
          if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t Is the distance of extrapolation less than MaxD? ="<<extrapolatedDistance<<"cm"<<"MaxD="<<MaxD<<"cm"<<std::endl;
            if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t yes"<<std::endl;   
            GlobalPoint GlobalPointExtrapolated = DTSurface.toGlobal(LocalPoint(X,Y,Z));
            if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t Point ExtraPolated in Global"<<GlobalPointExtrapolated<< std::endl;
            LocalPoint PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame = RPCSurface.toLocal(GlobalPointExtrapolated);
            if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t Point Extrapolated in RPCLocal"<<PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame<< std::endl;
            if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t Corner of the Roll = ("<<rsize*eyr<<","<<stripl*eyr<<")"<<std::endl;
            if(debug) std::cout<<"DT \t \t \t Info About the Point Extrapolated in X Abs ("<<fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.x())<<","
            if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t Does the extrapolation go inside this roll?"<<std::endl;
            if(fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.z()) < 1. && 
               fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.x()) < rsize*eyr && 
               fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.y()) < stripl*eyr){
              if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t \t yes"<<std::endl;    
              if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t \t Creating the RecHit"<<std::endl;    
              RPCRecHit RPCPoint(rpcId,0,PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame);
              if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t \t Clearing the vector"<<std::endl;    
              if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t \t Pushing back"<<std::endl;   
              if(debug) std::cout<<"DT  \t \t \t \t Putting the vector"<<std::endl;     

              if(debug) std::cout<<"DT \t \t \t \t Filling container with "<<nameRoll
                                 <<" Point.x="<<PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.x()<<" Point.y="<<PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.y()<<" size="<<RPCPointVector.size()<<std::endl;
            }else {
              if(debug) std::cout<<"DT \t \t \t \t No the prediction is outside of this roll"<<std::endl;
            }//Condition for the right match
            if(debug) std::cout<<"DT \t \t \t No, Exrtrapolation too long!, canceled"<<std::endl;
          }//D so big
        }//loop over all the rolls asociated
        if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t Loop Over all4DSegments "<<all4DSegments->size()<<std::endl;
        for (segment = all4DSegments->begin(); segment != all4DSegments->end(); ++segment){ 
          DTChamberId DTId = segment->chamberId();
          if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t This Segment is in Chamber id: "<<DTId<<std::endl;
          if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t Number of segments in this DT = "<<DTSegmentCounter[DTId]<<std::endl;
          if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t Is the only one in this DT? and is in the Station 4?"<<std::endl;

          if(DTSegmentCounter[DTId] == 1 && DTId.station()==4){

            if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t yes"<<std::endl;
            int dtWheel = DTId.wheel();
            int dtStation = DTId.station();
            int dtSector = DTId.sector();
            LocalPoint segmentPosition= segment->localPosition();
            LocalVector segmentDirection=segment->localDirection();
            if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t The Segment in MB4 is 2D?"<<std::endl;
              if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t yes"<<std::endl;
              LocalVector segmentDirectionMB4=segmentDirection;
              LocalPoint segmentPositionMB4=segmentPosition;
              const BoundPlane& DTSurface4 = dtGeo->idToDet(DTId)->surface();
              DTRecSegment4DCollection::const_iterator segMB3;  
              if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t Loop on segments in =sector && MB3 && adjacent sectors && y dim=4"<<std::endl;
                DTChamberId dtid3 = segMB3->chamberId();  
                if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4  \t \t \t \t Segment in Chamber ="<<dtid3<<std::endl;

                if(distsector(dtid3.sector(),DTId.sector())<=1 //The DT sector could be 13 or 14 and because is corrected in the calculation of the distance.
                   && distwheel(dtid3.wheel(),DTId.wheel())<=1 //The we could have segments in neighbohr wheels in pp collisions 
                   && dtid3.station()==3
                   && DTSegmentCounter[dtid3] == 1
                   && segMB3->dimension()==4){
                  if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4  \t \t \t \t distsector ="<<distsector(dtid3.sector(),DTId.sector())<<std::endl;
                  if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4  \t \t \t \t distwheel ="<<distwheel(dtid3.wheel(),DTId.wheel())<<std::endl;

                  const GeomDet* gdet3=dtGeo->idToDet(segMB3->geographicalId());
                  const BoundPlane & DTSurface3 = gdet3->surface();

                  LocalVector segmentDirectionMB3 =  segMB3->localDirection();
                  GlobalPoint segmentPositionMB3inGlobal = DTSurface3.toGlobal(segMB3->localPosition());
                  GlobalPoint segmentPositionMB4inGlobal = DTSurface4.toGlobal(segmentPosition);
                  //LocalVector segDirMB4inMB3Frame=DTSurface3.toLocal(DTSurface4.toGlobal(segmentDirectionMB4));
                  LocalVector segDirMB3inMB4Frame=DTSurface4.toLocal(DTSurface3.toGlobal(segmentDirectionMB3));
                  GlobalVector segDirMB4inGlobalFrame=DTSurface4.toGlobal(segmentDirectionMB4);
                  GlobalVector segDirMB3inGlobalFrame=DTSurface3.toGlobal(segmentDirectionMB3);
                  float dx=segDirMB4inGlobalFrame.x();
                  float dy=segDirMB4inGlobalFrame.y();
                  float dx3=segDirMB3inGlobalFrame.x();
                  float dy3=segDirMB3inGlobalFrame.y();
                  double cosAng=fabs(dx*dx3+dy*dy3/sqrt((dx3*dx3+dy3*dy3)*(dx*dx+dy*dy)));

                  if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t cosAng"<<cosAng<<"Beetween "<<dtid3<<" and "<<DTId<<std::endl;
                    std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t dx="<<dx<<" dy="<<dy<<std::endl;
                    std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t dx3="<<dx3<<" dy3="<<dy<<std::endl;
                    std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t cosAng="<<cosAng<<std::endl;

                  float DistanceBetweenSegments = ((segmentPositionMB3inGlobal) - (segmentPositionMB4inGlobal)).mag();
                  if(cosAng>MinCosAng && DistanceBetweenSegments < MaxDistanceBetweenSegments){
                    if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t Distance between segments="<<DistanceBetweenSegments<<std::endl;
                    if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t We found compatible Segments (similar direction and close enough) in "<<dtid3<<" and "<<DTId<<std::endl;

                    if(debug)  std::cout<<"Calling to Object Map class"<<std::endl;
                    ObjectMap* TheObject = ObjectMap::GetInstance(iSetup);
                    if(debug) std::cout<<"Creating the DTIndex"<<std::endl;
                    DTStationIndex theindex(0,dtWheel,dtSector,dtStation);
                    if(debug) std::cout<<"Getting the Rolls for the given index"<<std::endl;

                    std::set<RPCDetId> rollsForThisDT = TheObject->GetInstance(iSetup)->GetRolls(theindex);

                    if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t Number of rolls for this DT = "<<rollsForThisDT.size()<<std::endl;
                    if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4  \t \t Loop over all the rolls asociated to this DT"<<std::endl;
                    for (std::set<RPCDetId>::iterator iteraRoll=rollsForThisDT.begin();iteraRoll != rollsForThisDT.end(); iteraRoll++){
                      const RPCRoll* rollasociated = rpcGeo->roll(*iteraRoll); //roll asociado a MB4
                      RPCDetId rpcId = rollasociated->id();
                      const BoundPlane & RPCSurfaceRB4 = rollasociated->surface(); //surface MB4

                      RPCGeomServ rpcsrv(rpcId);
                      std::string nameRoll =;

                      if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4  \t \t \t RollName: "<<nameRoll<<std::endl;
                      if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4  \t \t \t Doing the extrapolation to this roll"<<std::endl;
                      GlobalPoint CenterPointRollGlobal=RPCSurfaceRB4.toGlobal(LocalPoint(0,0,0));
                      LocalPoint CenterRollinMB4Frame = DTSurface4.toLocal(CenterPointRollGlobal); //In MB4
                      LocalPoint segmentPositionMB3inMB4Frame = DTSurface4.toLocal(segmentPositionMB3inGlobal); //In MB4
                      //LocalPoint segmentPositionMB3inRB4Frame = RPCSurfaceRB4.toLocal(segmentPositionMB3inGlobal); //In MB4
                      LocalVector segmentDirectionMB3inMB4Frame = DTSurface4.toLocal(segDirMB3inGlobalFrame); //In MB4
                      //The exptrapolation is done in MB4 frame. for local x and z is done from MB4,
                      float Dxz=CenterRollinMB4Frame.z();
                      float Xo4=segmentPositionMB4.x();
                      float dxl=segmentDirectionMB4.x(); //dx local for MB4 segment in MB4 Frame
                      float dzl=segmentDirectionMB4.z(); //dx local for MB4 segment in MB4 Frame
                      float X=Xo4+dxl*Dxz/dzl; //In MB4 frame
                      float Z=Dxz;//In MB4 frame
                      //for local y is done from MB3 
                      float Yo34 = segmentPositionMB3inMB4Frame.y();
                      float dy34 = segmentDirectionMB3inMB4Frame.y();
                      float dz34 = segmentDirectionMB3inMB4Frame.z();
                      float Dy=Dxz-(segmentPositionMB3inMB4Frame.z()); //Distance beetween the segment in MB3 and the RB4 surface

                      if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t The distance to extrapolate in Y from MB3 is "<<Dy<<"cm"<<std::endl;
                      float Y=Yo34+dy34*Dy/dz34;//In MB4 Frame
                      const RectangularStripTopology* top_
                        =dynamic_cast<const RectangularStripTopology*>(&(rollasociated->topology())); //Topology roll asociated MB4
                      LocalPoint xmin = top_->localPosition(0.);
                      LocalPoint xmax = top_->localPosition((float)rollasociated->nstrips());
                      float rsize = fabs( xmax.x()-xmin.x() );
                      float stripl = top_->stripLength();
                      float stripw = top_->pitch();

                      if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t Strip Lenght "<<stripl<<"cm"<<std::endl;
                      if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t Strip Width "<<stripw<<"cm"<<std::endl;

                      if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t X Predicted in MB4DTLocal= "<<X<<"cm"<<std::endl;
                      if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t Y Predicted in MB4DTLocal= "<<Y<<"cm"<<std::endl;
                      if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t Z Predicted in MB4DTLocal= "<<Z<<"cm"<<std::endl;

                      float extrapolatedDistance = sqrt((Y-Yo34)*(Y-Yo34)+Dy*Dy);

                      if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t segmentPositionMB3inMB4Frame"<<segmentPositionMB3inMB4Frame<<std::endl;
                      if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t segmentPositionMB4inMB4Frame"<<segmentPosition<<std::endl;

                      if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t segmentDirMB3inMB4Frame"<<segDirMB3inMB4Frame<<std::endl;
                      if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t segmentDirMB4inMB4Frame"<<segmentDirectionMB4<<std::endl;
                      if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t CenterRB4PositioninMB4Frame"<<CenterRollinMB4Frame<<std::endl;
                      if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t Is the extrapolation distance ="<<extrapolatedDistance<<"less than "<<MaxDrb4<<std::endl;

                        if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t yes"<<std::endl;

                        GlobalPoint GlobalPointExtrapolated = DTSurface4.toGlobal(LocalPoint(X,Y,Z));
                        if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t Point ExtraPolated in Global"<<GlobalPointExtrapolated<< std::endl;
                        LocalPoint PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame = RPCSurfaceRB4.toLocal(GlobalPointExtrapolated);

                        if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t Point Extrapolated in RPCLocal"<<PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame<< std::endl;
                        if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t Corner of the Roll = ("<<rsize*eyr<<","<<stripl*eyr<<")"<<std::endl;
                        if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t Info About the Point Extrapolated in X Abs ("<<fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.x())<<","
                        if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t Does the extrapolation go inside this roll?"<<std::endl;
                        if(fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.z()) < 5.  &&
                           fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.x()) < rsize*eyr &&
                           fabs(PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.y()) < stripl*eyr){
                          if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t yes"<<std::endl;
                          if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t Creating the RecHit"<<std::endl;
                          RPCRecHit RPCPointMB4(rpcId,0,PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame);
                          if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t Clearing the RPCPointVector"<<std::endl;
                          if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t Pushing Back"<<std::endl;
                          if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t Putting for "<<rpcId<<std::endl;
                          if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t Filling container with "<<nameRoll
                                             <<" Point.x="<<PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.x()<<" Point.y="<<PointExtrapolatedRPCFrame.y()<<" size="<<RPCPointVector.size()<<std::endl;
                          if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t Number of rolls already extrapolated in RB4 = "<<extrapolatedRolls.size()<<std::endl;
                          if(find (extrapolatedRolls.begin(),extrapolatedRolls.end(),rpcId.rawId()) == extrapolatedRolls.end()){
                            if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t roll already extrapolated "<<rpcId<<std::endl;
                          if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t Extrapolations done after this point = "<<extrapolatedRolls.size()<<std::endl;
                          if(debug) for(uint32_t m=0;m<extrapolatedRolls.size();m++) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t"<<<<std::endl;
                          if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t No the prediction is outside of this roll"<<std::endl;
                      }//Condition for the right match
                        if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t No, Exrtrapolation too long!, canceled"<<std::endl;
                    }//loop over all the rollsasociated
                    if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t I found segments in MB4 and MB3 adjacent wheel and/or sector but not compatibles, Diferent Directions"<<std::endl;
                }else{//if dtid3.station()==3&&dtid3.sector()==DTId.sector()&&dtid3.wheel()==DTId.wheel()&&segMB3->dim()==4
                  if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t No the same station or same wheel or segment dim in mb3 not 4D"<<std::endl;
              }//loop over all the segments looking for one in MB3 
              if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t Is NOT a 2D Segment"<<std::endl;
            if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t \t \t \t There is not just one segment or is not in station 4"<<std::endl;
          }//De aca para abajo esta en dtpart.inl
        if(debug) std::cout<<"MB4 \t This event doesn't have 4D Segment"<<std::endl;

  clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &stop_time);
  std::cout <<" =================|||| "<<ls-fs<<" sec "<<ln-fn<<" us"<<std::endl;
DTSegtoRPC::~DTSegtoRPC ( )

Definition at line 532 of file


Member Function Documentation

RPCRecHitCollection* DTSegtoRPC::thePoints ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 14 of file DTSegtoRPC.h.

References _ThePoints.

Referenced by RPCPointProducer::produce().

{return _ThePoints;}

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 17 of file DTSegtoRPC.h.

Referenced by DTSegtoRPC(), and thePoints().

std::vector<uint32_t> DTSegtoRPC::extrapolatedRolls [private]

Definition at line 25 of file DTSegtoRPC.h.

Referenced by DTSegtoRPC().

bool DTSegtoRPC::incldt [private]

Definition at line 19 of file DTSegtoRPC.h.

Referenced by DTSegtoRPC().

bool DTSegtoRPC::incldtMB4 [private]

Definition at line 20 of file DTSegtoRPC.h.

Referenced by DTSegtoRPC().

double DTSegtoRPC::MaxD [private]

Definition at line 22 of file DTSegtoRPC.h.

Referenced by DTSegtoRPC().

Definition at line 24 of file DTSegtoRPC.h.

Referenced by DTSegtoRPC().

double DTSegtoRPC::MaxDrb4 [private]

Definition at line 23 of file DTSegtoRPC.h.

Referenced by DTSegtoRPC().

double DTSegtoRPC::MinCosAng [private]

Definition at line 21 of file DTSegtoRPC.h.

Referenced by DTSegtoRPC().

Definition at line 18 of file DTSegtoRPC.h.

Referenced by DTSegtoRPC().