![]() |
![]() |
#include <Validation/RecoVertex/src/PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.cc>
Classes | |
class | simPrimaryVertex |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | analyze (const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &) |
virtual void | beginJob () |
virtual void | endJob () |
PrimaryVertexAnalyzer (const edm::ParameterSet &) | |
~PrimaryVertexAnalyzer () | |
Private Member Functions | |
std::vector< simPrimaryVertex > | getSimPVs (const edm::Handle< edm::HepMCProduct > evtMC, std::string suffix) |
std::vector< simPrimaryVertex > | getSimPVs (const edm::Handle< edm::HepMCProduct > evt, const edm::Handle< edm::SimVertexContainer > simVtxs, const edm::Handle< edm::SimTrackContainer > simTrks) |
bool | isCharged (const HepMC::GenParticle *p) |
bool | isFinalstateParticle (const HepMC::GenParticle *p) |
bool | isResonance (const HepMC::GenParticle *p) |
bool | matchVertex (const simPrimaryVertex &vsim, const reco::Vertex &vrec) |
void | printRecVtxs (const edm::Handle< reco::VertexCollection > recVtxs) |
void | printSimTrks (const edm::Handle< edm::SimTrackContainer > simVtrks) |
void | printSimVtxs (const edm::Handle< edm::SimVertexContainer > simVtxs) |
Private Attributes | |
std::map< std::string, TH1 * > | h |
std::map< std::string, TDirectory * > | hdir |
std::string | outputFile_ |
edm::ESHandle< ParticleDataTable > | pdt |
std::string | recoTrackProducer_ |
TFile * | rootFile_ |
edm::InputTag | simG4_ |
double | simUnit_ |
std::vector< std::string > | suffixSample_ |
bool | verbose_ |
std::vector< std::string > | vtxSample_ |
Description: simple primary vertex analyzer
Implementation: <Notes on="" implementation>="">
Definition at line 61 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.h.
PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::PrimaryVertexAnalyzer | ( | const edm::ParameterSet & | iConfig | ) | [explicit] |
Definition at line 49 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.cc.
References spr::find(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::getReleaseVersion(), and edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter().
{ //now do what ever initialization is needed simG4_=iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>( "simG4" ); recoTrackProducer_= iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("recoTrackProducer"); // open output file to store histograms} outputFile_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("outputFile"); TString tversion(edm::getReleaseVersion()); tversion = tversion.Remove(0,1); tversion = tversion.Remove(tversion.Length()-1,tversion.Length()); outputFile_ = std::string(tversion)+"_"+outputFile_; vtxSample_ = iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<std::vector< std::string > >("vtxSample"); for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator isample = vtxSample_.begin(); isample!=vtxSample_.end(); ++isample) { if ( *isample == "offlinePrimaryVertices" ) suffixSample_.push_back("AVF"); if ( *isample == "offlinePrimaryVerticesWithBS" ) suffixSample_.push_back("wBS"); } if ( suffixSample_.size() == 0 ) throw cms::Exception("NoVertexSamples") << " no known vertex samples given"; rootFile_ = new TFile(outputFile_.c_str(),"RECREATE"); verbose_= iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("verbose", false); simUnit_= 1.0; // starting with CMSSW_1_2_x ?? if ( (edm::getReleaseVersion()).find("CMSSW_1_1_",0)!=std::string::npos){ simUnit_=0.1; // for use in CMSSW_1_1_1 tutorial } }
PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::~PrimaryVertexAnalyzer | ( | ) |
Definition at line 77 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.cc.
{ // do anything here that needs to be done at desctruction time // (e.g. close files, deallocate resources etc.) delete rootFile_; /*for(std::map<std::string,TH1*>::const_iterator hist=h.begin(); hist!=h.end(); hist++){ delete hist->second; }*/ }
void PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::analyze | ( | const edm::Event & | iEvent, |
const edm::EventSetup & | iSetup | ||
) | [virtual] |
Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 406 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.cc.
References ChiSquaredProbability(), gather_cfg::cout, data, edm::Event::getByLabel(), edm::EventSetup::getData(), h, i, getHLTprescales::index, edm::isnan(), edm::HandleBase::isValid(), j, m, NULL, lumiQTWidget::t, v, w(), and z.
{ Handle<reco::TrackCollection> recTrks; iEvent.getByLabel(recoTrackProducer_, recTrks); Handle<SimVertexContainer> simVtxs; iEvent.getByLabel( simG4_, simVtxs); Handle<SimTrackContainer> simTrks; iEvent.getByLabel( simG4_, simTrks); for (int ivtxSample=0; ivtxSample!= (int)vtxSample_.size(); ++ivtxSample) { std::string isuffix = suffixSample_[ivtxSample]; Handle<reco::VertexCollection> recVtxs; iEvent.getByLabel(vtxSample_[ivtxSample], recVtxs); try{ iSetup.getData(pdt); }catch(const Exception&){ std::cout << "Some problem occurred with the particle data table. This may not work !." <<std::endl; } bool MC=false; Handle<HepMCProduct> evtMC; iEvent.getByLabel("generator",evtMC); if (!evtMC.isValid()) { MC=false; if(verbose_){ std::cout << "no HepMCProduct found"<< std::endl; } } else { if(verbose_){ std::cout << "generator HepMCProduct found"<< std::endl; } MC=true; } if(verbose_){ //evtMC->GetEvent()->print(); printRecVtxs(recVtxs); //printSimVtxs(simVtxs); //printSimTrks(simTrks); } if(MC){ // make a list of primary vertices: std::vector<simPrimaryVertex> simpv; //simpv=getSimPVs(evtMC, simVtxs, simTrks); simpv=getSimPVs(evtMC,isuffix); // vertex matching and efficiency bookkeeping h["nsimvtx"+isuffix]->Fill(simpv.size()); int nsimtrk=0; for(std::vector<simPrimaryVertex>::iterator vsim=simpv.begin(); vsim!=simpv.end(); vsim++){ hdir[isuffix]->cd(); h["nbsimtksinvtx"+isuffix]->Fill(vsim->nGenTrk); h["xsim"+isuffix]->Fill(vsim->x*simUnit_); h["ysim"+isuffix]->Fill(vsim->y*simUnit_); h["zsim"+isuffix]->Fill(vsim->z*simUnit_); nsimtrk+=vsim->nGenTrk; // look for a matching reconstructed vertex vsim->recVtx=NULL; for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator vrec=recVtxs->begin(); vrec!=recVtxs->end(); ++vrec){ if ( matchVertex(*vsim,*vrec) ){ // if the matching critera are fulfilled, accept the rec-vertex that is closest in z if( ((vsim->recVtx) && (fabs(vsim->recVtx->position().z()-vsim->z)>fabs(vrec->z()-vsim->z))) || (!vsim->recVtx) ) { vsim->recVtx=&(*vrec); } } } h["nsimtrk"+isuffix]->Fill(float(nsimtrk)); // histogram properties of matched vertices if (vsim->recVtx){ if(verbose_){std::cout <<"primary matched " << vsim->x << " " << vsim->y << " " << vsim->z << std:: endl;} h["resx"+isuffix]->Fill( vsim->recVtx->x()-vsim->x*simUnit_ ); h["resy"+isuffix]->Fill( vsim->recVtx->y()-vsim->y*simUnit_ ); h["resz"+isuffix]->Fill( vsim->recVtx->z()-vsim->z*simUnit_ ); h["pullx"+isuffix]->Fill( (vsim->recVtx->x()-vsim->x*simUnit_)/vsim->recVtx->xError() ); h["pully"+isuffix]->Fill( (vsim->recVtx->y()-vsim->y*simUnit_)/vsim->recVtx->yError() ); h["pullz"+isuffix]->Fill( (vsim->recVtx->z()-vsim->z*simUnit_)/vsim->recVtx->zError() ); h["eff"+isuffix]->Fill( 1.); if(simpv.size()==1){ if (vsim->recVtx==&(*recVtxs->begin())){ h["efftag"+isuffix]->Fill( 1.); }else{ h["efftag"+isuffix]->Fill( 0.); } } h["effvseta"+isuffix]->Fill(vsim->ptot.pseudoRapidity(),1.); h["effvsptsq"+isuffix]->Fill(vsim->ptsq,1.); h["effvsntrk"+isuffix]->Fill(vsim->nGenTrk,1.); h["effvsnrectrk"+isuffix]->Fill(recTrks->size(),1.); h["effvsz"+isuffix]->Fill(vsim->z*simUnit_,1.); }else{ // no rec vertex found for this simvertex if(verbose_){std::cout <<"primary not found " << vsim->x << " " << vsim->y << " " << vsim->z << " nGenTrk=" << vsim->nGenTrk << std::endl;} h["eff"+isuffix]->Fill( 0.); if(simpv.size()==1){ h["efftag"+isuffix]->Fill( 0.); } h["effvseta"+isuffix]->Fill(vsim->ptot.pseudoRapidity(),0.); h["effvsptsq"+isuffix]->Fill(vsim->ptsq,0.); h["effvsntrk"+isuffix]->Fill(float(vsim->nGenTrk),0.); h["effvsnrectrk"+isuffix]->Fill(recTrks->size(),0.); h["effvsz"+isuffix]->Fill(vsim->z*simUnit_,0.); } // no recvertex for this simvertex }//found MC event // end of sim/rec matching // purity of event vertex tags if (recVtxs->size()>0 && simpv.size()>0){ Double_t dz=(*recVtxs->begin()).z() - (*simpv.begin()).z*simUnit_; h["zdistancetag"+isuffix]->Fill(dz); if( fabs(dz)<0.0500){ h["puritytag"+isuffix]->Fill(1.); }else{ // bad tag: the true primary was more than 500 um away from the tagged primary h["puritytag"+isuffix]->Fill(0.); } } }// MC event // test track links, use reconstructed vertices h["nrecvtx"+isuffix]->Fill(recVtxs->size()); h["nrectrk"+isuffix]->Fill(recTrks->size()); h["nbvtx"+isuffix]->Fill(recVtxs->size()*1.); if((recVtxs->size()==0)||recVtxs->begin()->isFake()) {h["nrectrk0vtx"+isuffix]->Fill(recTrks->size());} for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v=recVtxs->begin(); v!=recVtxs->end(); ++v){ if(v->isFake()) continue; try { for(reco::Vertex::trackRef_iterator t = v->tracks_begin(); t!=v->tracks_end(); t++) { // illegal charge if ( (**t).charge() < -1 || (**t).charge() > 1 ) { h["tklinks"+isuffix]->Fill(0.); } else { h["tklinks"+isuffix]->Fill(1.); } } } catch (...) { // exception thrown when trying to use linked track h["tklinks"+isuffix]->Fill(0.); } h["nbtksinvtx"+isuffix]->Fill(v->tracksSize()); h["vtxchi2"+isuffix]->Fill(v->chi2()); h["vtxndf"+isuffix]->Fill(v->ndof()); h["vtxprob"+isuffix]->Fill(ChiSquaredProbability(v->chi2() ,v->ndof())); h["xrec"+isuffix]->Fill(v->position().x()); h["yrec"+isuffix]->Fill(v->position().y()); h["zrec"+isuffix]->Fill(v->position().z()); if (v==recVtxs->begin()){ h["xrectag"+isuffix]->Fill(v->position().x()); h["yrectag"+isuffix]->Fill(v->position().y()); h["zrectag"+isuffix]->Fill(v->position().z()); } bool problem = false; h["nans"+isuffix]->Fill(1.,isnan(v->position().x())*1.); h["nans"+isuffix]->Fill(2.,isnan(v->position().y())*1.); h["nans"+isuffix]->Fill(3.,isnan(v->position().z())*1.); int index = 3; for (int i = 0; i != 3; i++) { for (int j = i; j != 3; j++) { index++; h["nans"+isuffix]->Fill(index*1., isnan(v->covariance(i, j))*1.); if (isnan(v->covariance(i, j))) problem = true; // in addition, diagonal element must be positive if (j == i && v->covariance(i, j) < 0) { h["nans"+isuffix]->Fill(index*1., 1.); problem = true; } } } if (problem) { // analyze track parameter covariance definiteness double data[25]; try { int itk = 0; for(reco::Vertex::trackRef_iterator t = v->tracks_begin(); t!=v->tracks_end(); t++) { std::cout << "Track " << itk++ << std::endl; int i2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i != 5; i++) { for (int j = 0; j != 5; j++) { data[i2] = (**t).covariance(i, j); std::cout << std:: scientific << data[i2] << " "; i2++; } std::cout << std::endl; } gsl_matrix_view m = gsl_matrix_view_array (data, 5, 5); gsl_vector *eval = gsl_vector_alloc (5); gsl_matrix *evec = gsl_matrix_alloc (5, 5); gsl_eigen_symmv_workspace * w = gsl_eigen_symmv_alloc (5); gsl_eigen_symmv (&m.matrix, eval, evec, w); gsl_eigen_symmv_free (w); gsl_eigen_symmv_sort (eval, evec, GSL_EIGEN_SORT_ABS_ASC); // print sorted eigenvalues { int i; for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { double eval_i = gsl_vector_get (eval, i); //gsl_vector_view evec_i // = gsl_matrix_column (evec, i); printf ("eigenvalue = %g\n", eval_i); // printf ("eigenvector = \n"); // gsl_vector_fprintf (stdout, // &evec_i.vector, "%g"); } } } } catch (...) { // exception thrown when trying to use linked track break; } }// if (problem) } } // for vertex loop }
void PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::beginJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 93 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, and h.
{ std::cout << " PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::beginJob conversion from sim units to rec units is " << simUnit_ << std::endl; rootFile_->cd(); // release validation histograms used in DoCompare.C for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator isuffix= suffixSample_.begin(); isuffix!=suffixSample_.end(); isuffix++) { hdir[*isuffix] = rootFile_->mkdir(TString(*isuffix)); hdir[*isuffix]->cd(); h["nbvtx"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("nbvtx"+ *isuffix),"Reconstructed Vertices in Event",20,-0.5,19.5); h["nbtksinvtx"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("nbtksinvtx"+ *isuffix),"Reconstructed Tracks in Vertex",200,-0.5,199.5); h["resx"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("resx"+ *isuffix),"Residual X",100,-0.04,0.04); h["resy"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("resy"+ *isuffix),"Residual Y",100,-0.04,0.04); h["resz"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("resz"+ *isuffix),"Residual Z",100,-0.1,0.1); h["pullx"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("pullx"+ *isuffix),"Pull X",100,-25.,25.); h["pully"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("pully"+ *isuffix),"Pull Y",100,-25.,25.); h["pullz"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("pullz"+ *isuffix),"Pull Z",100,-25.,25.); h["vtxchi2"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("vtxchi2"+ *isuffix),"#chi^{2}",100,0.,100.); h["vtxndf"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("vtxndf"+ *isuffix),"ndof",100,0.,100.); h["tklinks"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("tklinks"+ *isuffix),"Usable track links",2,-0.5,1.5); h["nans"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("nans"+ *isuffix),"Illegal values for x,y,z,xx,xy,xz,yy,yz,zz",9,0.5,9.5); // more histograms h["vtxprob"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("vtxprob"+ *isuffix),"#chi^{2} probability",100,0.,1.); h["eff"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("eff"+ *isuffix),"efficiency",2, -0.5, 1.5); h["efftag"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("efftag"+ *isuffix),"efficiency tagged vertex",2, -0.5, 1.5); h["effvseta"+ *isuffix] = new TProfile(TString("effvseta"+ *isuffix),"efficiency vs eta",20, -2.5, 2.5, 0, 1.); h["effvsptsq"+ *isuffix] = new TProfile(TString("effvsptsq"+ *isuffix),"efficiency vs ptsq",20, 0., 10000., 0, 1.); h["effvsntrk"+ *isuffix] = new TProfile(TString("effvsntrk"+ *isuffix),"efficiency vs # simtracks",200, 0., 200., 0, 1.); h["effvsnrectrk"+ *isuffix] = new TProfile(TString("effvsnrectrk"+ *isuffix),"efficiency vs # rectracks",200, 0., 200., 0, 1.); h["effvsz"+ *isuffix] = new TProfile(TString("effvsz"+ *isuffix),"efficiency vs z",40, -20., 20., 0, 1.); h["nbsimtksinvtx"+ *isuffix]= new TH1F(TString("nbsimtksinvtx"+ *isuffix),"simulated tracks in vertex",100,-0.5,99.5); h["xrec"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("xrec"+ *isuffix),"reconstructed x",100,-0.1,0.1); h["yrec"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("yrec"+ *isuffix),"reconstructed y",100,-0.1,0.1); h["zrec"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("zrec"+ *isuffix),"reconstructed z",100,-20.,20.); h["xsim"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("xsim"+ *isuffix),"simulated x",100,-0.1,0.1); h["ysim"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("ysim"+ *isuffix),"simulated y",100,-0.1,0.1); h["zsim"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("zsim"+ *isuffix),"simulated z",100,-20.,20.); h["nrecvtx"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("nrecvtx"+ *isuffix),"# of reconstructed vertices", 50, -0.5, 49.5); h["nsimvtx"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("nsimvtx"+ *isuffix),"# of simulated vertices", 50, -0.5, 49.5); h["nrectrk"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("nrectrk"+ *isuffix),"# of reconstructed tracks", 200, -0.5, 199.5); h["nsimtrk"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("nsimtrk"+ *isuffix),"# of simulated tracks", 200, -0.5, 199.5); h["xrectag"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("xrectag"+ *isuffix),"reconstructed x, signal vtx",100,-0.1,0.1); h["yrectag"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("yrectag"+ *isuffix),"reconstructed y, signal vtx",100,-0.1,0.1); h["zrectag"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("zrectag"+ *isuffix),"reconstructed z, signal vtx",100,-20.,20.); h["rapidity"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("rapidity"+ *isuffix),"rapidity ",100,-10., 10.); h["pt"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("pt"+ *isuffix),"pt ",100,0., 20.); h["nrectrk0vtx"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("nrectrk0vtx"+ *isuffix),"# rec tracks no vertex ",200,0., 200.); h["zdistancetag"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("zdistancetag"+ *isuffix),"z-distance between tagged and generated",100, -0.1, 0.1); h["puritytag"+ *isuffix] = new TH1F(TString("puritytag"+ *isuffix),"purity of primary vertex tags",2, -0.5, 1.5); } }
void PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::endJob | ( | void | ) | [virtual] |
Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.
Definition at line 148 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.cc.
References h, and estimatePileup::hist.
{ rootFile_->cd(); // save all histograms created in beginJob() for (std::map<std::string, TDirectory*>::const_iterator idir=hdir.begin(); idir!=hdir.end(); idir++){ idir->second->cd(); for(std::map<std::string,TH1*>::const_iterator hist=h.begin(); hist!=h.end(); hist++){ if (TString(hist->first).Contains(idir->first)) hist->second->Write(); } } }
std::vector< PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::simPrimaryVertex > PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::getSimPVs | ( | const edm::Handle< edm::HepMCProduct > | evtMC, |
std::string | suffix = "" |
) | [private] |
Definition at line 240 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, alignCSCRings::e, spr::find(), h, UserOptions_cff::idx, m, NULL, parents, pos, and createPayload::suffix.
{ std::vector<PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::simPrimaryVertex> simpv; const HepMC::GenEvent* evt=evtMC->GetEvent(); if (evt) { if(verbose_) std::cout << "process id " <<evt->signal_process_id()<<std::endl; if(verbose_) std::cout <<"signal process vertex "<< ( evt->signal_process_vertex() ? evt->signal_process_vertex()->barcode() : 0 ) <<std::endl; if(verbose_) std::cout <<"number of vertices " << evt->vertices_size() << std::endl; int idx=0; for(HepMC::GenEvent::vertex_const_iterator vitr= evt->vertices_begin(); vitr != evt->vertices_end(); ++vitr ) { // loop for vertex ... HepMC::FourVector pos = (*vitr)->position(); //HepLorentzVector pos = (*vitr)->position(); bool hasMotherVertex=false; if(verbose_) std::cout << "mothers of vertex[" << ++idx << "]: " << std::endl; for ( HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator mother = (*vitr)->particles_begin(HepMC::parents); mother != (*vitr)->particles_end(HepMC::parents); ++mother ) { HepMC::GenVertex * mv=(*mother)->production_vertex(); if (mv) { hasMotherVertex=true; if(!verbose_) break; //if verbose_, print all particles of gen vertices } if(verbose_)std::cout << "\t"; if(verbose_)(*mother)->print(); } if(hasMotherVertex) {continue;} // could be a new vertex, check all primaries found so far to avoid multiple entries const double mm=0.1; simPrimaryVertex sv(pos.x()*mm,pos.y()*mm,pos.z()*mm); simPrimaryVertex *vp=NULL; // will become non-NULL if a vertex is found and then point to it for(std::vector<simPrimaryVertex>::iterator v0=simpv.begin(); v0!=simpv.end(); v0++){ if( (fabs(sv.x-v0->x)<1e-5) && (fabs(sv.y-v0->y)<1e-5) && (fabs(sv.z-v0->z)<1e-5)){ vp=&(*v0); break; } } if(!vp){ // this is a new vertex if(verbose_)std::cout << "this is a new vertex " << sv.x << " " << sv.y << " " << sv.z << std::endl; simpv.push_back(sv); vp=&simpv.back(); }else{ if(verbose_)std::cout << "this is not new vertex " << sv.x << " " << sv.y << " " << sv.z << std::endl; } vp->genVertex.push_back((*vitr)->barcode()); // collect final state descendants for ( HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator daughter = (*vitr)->particles_begin(HepMC::descendants); daughter != (*vitr)->particles_end(HepMC::descendants); ++daughter ) { if (isFinalstateParticle(*daughter)){ if ( find(vp->finalstateParticles.begin(), vp->finalstateParticles.end(),(*daughter)->barcode()) == vp->finalstateParticles.end()){ vp->finalstateParticles.push_back((*daughter)->barcode()); HepMC::FourVector m=(*daughter)->momentum(); // the next four lines used to be "vp->ptot+=m;" in the days of CLHEP::HepLorentzVector // but adding FourVectors seems not to be foreseen vp->ptot.setPx(vp->ptot.px()+m.px()); vp->ptot.setPy(vp->ptot.py()+m.py()); vp->ptot.setPz(vp->ptot.pz()+m.pz()); vp->ptot.setE(vp->ptot.e()+m.e()); vp->ptsq+=(m.perp())*(m.perp()); if ( (m.perp()>0.8) && (fabs(m.pseudoRapidity())<2.5) && isCharged( *daughter ) ){ vp->nGenTrk++; } h["rapidity"+suffix]->Fill(m.pseudoRapidity()); h["pt"+suffix]->Fill(m.perp()); } } } } } return simpv; }
std::vector< PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::simPrimaryVertex > PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::getSimPVs | ( | const edm::Handle< edm::HepMCProduct > | evt, |
const edm::Handle< edm::SimVertexContainer > | simVtxs, | ||
const edm::Handle< edm::SimTrackContainer > | simTrks | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 330 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.cc.
References configurableAnalysis::GenParticle, UserOptions_cff::idx, resonance, PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::simPrimaryVertex::simTrackIndex, lumiQTWidget::t, and v.
{ // simvertices don't have enough information to decide, // genVertices don't have the simulated coordinates ( with VtxSmeared they might) // go through simtracks to get the link between simulated and generated vertices std::vector<PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::simPrimaryVertex> simpv; int idx=0; for(SimTrackContainer::const_iterator t=simTrks->begin(); t!=simTrks->end(); ++t){ if ( !(t->noVertex()) && !(t->type()==-99) ){ double ptsq=0; bool primary=false; // something coming directly from the primary vertex bool resonance=false; // resonance bool track=false; // undecayed, charged particle HepMC::GenParticle* gp=evtMC->GetEvent()->barcode_to_particle( (*t).genpartIndex() ); if (gp) { HepMC::GenVertex * gv=gp->production_vertex(); if (gv) { for ( HepMC::GenVertex::particle_iterator daughter = gv->particles_begin(HepMC::descendants); daughter != gv->particles_end(HepMC::descendants); ++daughter ) { if (isFinalstateParticle(*daughter)){ ptsq+=(*daughter)->momentum().perp()*(*daughter)->momentum().perp(); } } primary = ( gv->position().t()==0); //resonance= ( gp->mother() && isResonance(gp->mother())); // in CLHEP/HepMC days // no more mother pointer in the improved HepMC GenParticle resonance= ( isResonance(*(gp->production_vertex()->particles_in_const_begin()))); if (gp->status()==1){ //track=((pdt->particle(gp->pdg_id()))->charge() != 0); track=not isCharged(gp); } } } const HepMC::FourVector & v=(*simVtxs)[t->vertIndex()].position(); //const HepLorentzVector & v=(*simVtxs)[t->vertIndex()].position(); if(primary or resonance){ { // check all primaries found so far to avoid multiple entries bool newVertex=true; for(std::vector<simPrimaryVertex>::iterator v0=simpv.begin(); v0!=simpv.end(); v0++){ if( (fabs(v0->x-v.x())<0.001) && (fabs(v0->y-v.y())<0.001) && (fabs(v0->z-v.z())<0.001) ){ if (track) { v0->simTrackIndex.push_back(idx); if (ptsq>(*v0).ptsq){(*v0).ptsq=ptsq;} } newVertex=false; } } if(newVertex && !resonance){ simPrimaryVertex anotherVertex(v.x(),v.y(),v.z()); if (track) anotherVertex.simTrackIndex.push_back(idx); anotherVertex.ptsq=ptsq; simpv.push_back(anotherVertex); } }// } }// simtrack has vertex and valid type idx++; }//simTrack loop return simpv; }
bool PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::isCharged | ( | const HepMC::GenParticle * | p | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 176 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.cc.
bool PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::isFinalstateParticle | ( | const HepMC::GenParticle * | p | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 172 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.cc.
bool PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::isResonance | ( | const HepMC::GenParticle * | p | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 166 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.cc.
References abs, gather_cfg::cout, and alignCSCRings::e.
bool PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::matchVertex | ( | const simPrimaryVertex & | vsim, |
const reco::Vertex & | vrec | ||
) | [private] |
Definition at line 161 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.cc.
References PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::simPrimaryVertex::z, and reco::Vertex::z().
void PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::printRecVtxs | ( | const edm::Handle< reco::VertexCollection > | recVtxs | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 186 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, and v.
{ int ivtx=0; for(reco::VertexCollection::const_iterator v=recVtxs->begin(); v!=recVtxs->end(); ++v){ std::cout << "Recvtx "<< std::setw(3) << std::setfill(' ')<<ivtx++ << "#trk " << std::setw(3) << v->tracksSize() << " chi2 " << std::setw(4) << v->chi2() << " ndof " << std::setw(3) << v->ndof() << std::endl << " x " << std::setw(8) <<std::fixed << std::setprecision(4) << v->x() << " dx " << std::setw(8) << v->xError()<< std::endl << " y " << std::setw(8) << v->y() << " dy " << std::setw(8) << v->yError()<< std::endl << " z " << std::setw(8) << v->z() << " dz " << std::setw(8) << v->zError() << std::endl; } }
void PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::printSimTrks | ( | const edm::Handle< edm::SimTrackContainer > | simVtrks | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 221 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, i, and lumiQTWidget::t.
{ std::cout << " simTrks type, (momentum), vertIndex, genpartIndex" << std::endl; int i=1; for(SimTrackContainer::const_iterator t=simTrks->begin(); t!=simTrks->end(); ++t){ //HepMC::GenParticle* gp=evtMC->GetEvent()->particle( (*t).genpartIndex() ); std::cout << i++ << ")" << (*t) << " index=" << (*t).genpartIndex(); //if (gp) { // HepMC::GenVertex *gv=gp->production_vertex(); // std::cout << " genvertex =" << (*gv); //} std::cout << std::endl; } }
void PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::printSimVtxs | ( | const edm::Handle< edm::SimVertexContainer > | simVtxs | ) | [private] |
Definition at line 205 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, and i.
{ int i=0; for(SimVertexContainer::const_iterator vsim=simVtxs->begin(); vsim!=simVtxs->end(); ++vsim){ std::cout << i++ << ")" << std::scientific << " evtid=" << vsim->eventId().event() << " sim x=" << vsim->position().x()*simUnit_ << " sim y=" << vsim->position().y()*simUnit_ << " sim z=" << vsim->position().z()*simUnit_ << " sim t=" << vsim->position().t() << " parent=" << vsim->parentIndex() << std::endl; } }
std::map<std::string, TH1*> PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::h [private] |
Definition at line 116 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.h.
std::map<std::string, TDirectory*> PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::hdir [private] |
Definition at line 117 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.h.
std::string PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::outputFile_ [private] |
Definition at line 106 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.h.
edm::ESHandle< ParticleDataTable > PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::pdt [private] |
Definition at line 113 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.h.
std::string PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::recoTrackProducer_ [private] |
Definition at line 105 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.h.
TFile* PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::rootFile_ [private] |
Definition at line 109 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.h.
edm::InputTag PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::simG4_ [private] |
Definition at line 111 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.h.
double PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::simUnit_ [private] |
Definition at line 112 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.h.
std::vector<std::string> PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::suffixSample_ [private] |
Definition at line 108 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.h.
bool PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::verbose_ [private] |
Definition at line 110 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.h.
std::vector<std::string> PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::vtxSample_ [private] |
Definition at line 107 of file PrimaryVertexAnalyzer.h.