Functions | Variables

estimatePileup Namespace Reference


def fillPileupHistogram


string action = 'store_true'
list beamModeChoices = ["","stable", "quiet", "either"]
dictionary csvDict = {}
tuple dbGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Database Options")
list deadTable = runDTarray[2]
 debug = options.debugLumi,
tuple events = open(options.csvInput, 'r')
tuple f = open(options.inputfile, 'r')
tuple fileparsingResult = csvSelectionParser.csvSelectionParser(options.inputfile)
string help = 'connect string to lumiDB (optional, default to frontier://LumiCalc/CMS_LUMI_PROD)'
tuple hist
tuple histFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(output, 'recreate')
list histList = []
tuple inputfilecontent =
tuple inputGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Input Options")
 inputRange = options.runnumber
 Get input source.
string mode = 'csv'
list output = args[0]
tuple parameters = LumiQueryAPI.ParametersObject()
 ######################## ## ## ################## ## ## ## ## Main Program ## ## ## ## ################## ## ## ######################## ##
tuple parser
tuple pieces = sepRE.split(line.strip())
tuple pileupGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Pileup Options")
tuple pileupHist
 Save what we need in the parameters object.
tuple recordedData = LumiQueryAPI.recordedLumiForRange(session, parameters, inputRange)
dictionary runLumiDict = {}
list runNumber = runDTarray[0]
 pprint (recordedData)
tuple sepRE = re.compile(r'[\s,;:]+')
list xingInstLumiArray

Function Documentation

def estimatePileup::fillPileupHistogram (   deadTable,
  runNumber = 0,
  hist = None,
  debug = False,
  mode = 'deadtable' 
Given a deadtable and run number, will (create if necessary
and) fill histogram with expected pileup distribution.  If a
histogram is created, it is owned by the user and is his/her
responsibility to clean up the memory.

Definition at line 12 of file

00015                                           :
00016     '''Given a deadtable and run number, will (create if necessary
00017     and) fill histogram with expected pileup distribution.  If a
00018     histogram is created, it is owned by the user and is his/her
00019     responsibility to clean up the memory.'''
00020     if hist:
00021         maxBin = hist.GetNbinsX()
00022         upper = int( hist.GetBinLowEdge(maxBin) + \
00023                      hist.GetBinWidth(maxBin) + 0.25 )
00024     else:
00025         histname = '%s_%s' % (parameters.pileupHistName, runNumber)
00026         hist = ROOT.TH1D (histname, histname, parameters.maxPileupBin + 1,
00027                           -0.5, parameters.maxPileupBin + 0.5)
00028         upper  = parameters.maxPileupBin
00029     for lumiSection, deadArray in sorted (deadTable.iteritems()):
00030         if mode == 'csv':
00031             numerator     = float (deadArray[1])
00032             denominator   = float (deadArray[0])
00033             instLumiArray =        deadArray[2]
00034             livetime = 1
00035             if numerator < 0:
00036                 numerator = 0
00037             if denominator:
00038                 livetime = numerator / denominator
00039         else:
00040             # we got everything from lumiDB
00041             if len(deadArray) <= parameters.xingIndex:
00042                 # for some reason the xing instantaneous luminosity
00043                 # information isn't there.  Print a warning and then skip
00044                 # it:
00045                 if parameters.noWarnings:
00046                     continue
00047                 if runNumber:
00048                     print "No Xing Instantaneous luminosity information for run %d, lumi section %d" \
00049                           % (runNumber, lumiSection)
00050                 else:
00051                     print "No Xing Instantaneous luminosity information for lumi section %d" \
00052                           % lumiSection
00053                 continue
00054             numerator   = float (deadArray[0])
00055             denominator = float (deadArray[2] * deadArray[4])
00056             xingInstLumiArray = deadArray[parameters.xingIndex]
00057             # here we only want the instantaneous luminosities and don't
00058             # care which crosings they fall in.  So we only want the odd 
00059             instLumiArray = [(xingInstLumiArray[index], xingInstLumiArray[index + 1]) \
00060                              for index in xrange( 0, len (xingInstLumiArray), 2 ) ]
00061             livetime = 1
00062             if numerator < 0:
00063                 numerator = 0
00064             if denominator:
00065                 livetime = 1 - numerator / denominator
00066         # totalInstLumi = reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, instLumiArray) # not needed
00067         for xing, xingInstLumi in instLumiArray:
00068             xingIntLumi = xingInstLumi * parameters.lumiSectionLen * livetime
00069             mean = xingInstLumi * parameters.minBiasXsec * \
00070                    parameters.rotationTime
00071             if mean > 100:
00072                 if runNumber:
00073                     print "mean number of pileup events > 100 for run %d, lum %d : m %f l %f" % \
00074                           (runNumber, lumiSection, mean, xingInstLumi)
00075                 else:
00076                     print "mean number of pileup events > 100 for lum %d: m %f l %f" % \
00077                           (lumiSection, mean, xingInstLumi)
00079             for obs in range (upper):
00080                 prob = ROOT.TMath.Poisson (obs, mean)
00081                 totalProb += prob
00082                 hist.Fill (obs, prob * xingIntLumi)
00083             if debug:
00084                 print "ls", lumiSection, "xing", xing, "inst", xingInstLumi, \
00085                       "mean", mean, "totalProb", totalProb, 1 - totalProb
00086                 print "  hist mean", hist.GetMean()
00087             if totalProb < 1:
00088                 hist.Fill (obs, (1 - totalProb) * xingIntLumi)
00089     return hist

Variable Documentation

string estimatePileup::action = 'store_true'

Definition at line 140 of file

list estimatePileup::beamModeChoices = ["","stable", "quiet", "either"]

Definition at line 102 of file

dictionary estimatePileup::csvDict = {}

Definition at line 194 of file

tuple estimatePileup::dbGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Database Options")

Definition at line 105 of file

list estimatePileup::deadTable = runDTarray[2]

Definition at line 259 of file

estimatePileup::debug = options.debugLumi,

Definition at line 224 of file

tuple estimatePileup::events = open(options.csvInput, 'r')

Definition at line 193 of file

tuple estimatePileup::f = open(options.inputfile, 'r')

Definition at line 248 of file

Definition at line 246 of file

string estimatePileup::help = 'connect string to lumiDB (optional, default to frontier://LumiCalc/CMS_LUMI_PROD)'

Definition at line 109 of file

Initial value:
00001 fillPileupHistogram(lumiDict, parameters,
00002                                             runNumber = runNumber,
00003                                             debug = options.debugLumi,
00004                                             mode='csv')

Definition at line 215 of file

Referenced by PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::add(), RPCMonitorSync::barrelOffsetHist(), RPCMonitorSync::barrelWidthHist(), PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::beginJob(), ImpactParameterCalibration::beginJob(), CalibAnalyzer< Ref, Rec, Alg >::beginJob(), PhysicalPartsTree::beginRun(), Benchmark::book1D(), Benchmark::book2D(), TouchableToHistory::buildAll(), Comparison< Ref, RefQualifier, Rec, RecQualifier, Alg >::Comparison(), CompHist::draw(), fwlite::Scanner< Collection >::draw(), examples::TrackAnalysisAlgorithm::draw(), fwlite::Scanner< Collection >::draw2D(), CalibClosureTest::drawCorrel(), CalibClosureTest::drawEff(), fwlite::Scanner< Collection >::drawProf(), L1TEMUEventInfoClient::dumpContentMonitorElements(), RPCMonitorSync::endcapOffsetHist(), RPCMonitorSync::endcapWidthHist(), PrimaryVertexAnalyzer::endJob(), EcalPedHists::endJob(), EcalCosmicsHists::endJob(), PrimaryVertexAnalyzer4PU::endJob(), EcalURecHitHists::endJob(), DQMHistNormalizer::endRun(), ExpressionHisto< T >::fill(), edm::Principal::fillPrincipal(), FitHist::fillTargetHistogram(), Rivet::CMS_2011_S8968497::finalize(), CompHist::findMaximum(), FitHist::fitAndDrawEps(), FitHist::fitAndDrawPs(), EgHLTOfflineSummaryClient::getEgHLTSumHist_(), TouchableToHistory::getNavStory(), fwlite::Scanner< Collection >::getSameH1(), fwlite::Scanner< Collection >::getSameH2(), fwlite::Scanner< Collection >::getSameProf(), FWEveViewManager::highlightAdded(), HistoAnalyzer< C >::HistoAnalyzer(), MuonResidualsFitter::histogramChi2GaussianFit(), EcalDisplaysByEvent::init2DEcalHist(), EcalDisplaysByEvent::init3DEcalHist(), ImpactParameterCalibration::initFromFirstES(), EcalURecHitHists::initHists(), EcalCosmicsHists::initHists(), L1TEMUEventInfoClient::initialize(), ExpressionHisto< T >::initialize(), CompHist::loadHistograms(), main(), LA_Filler_Fitter::make_and_fit_symmchi2(), SiStripSpyDisplayModule::MakeDigiHist_(), ValidateGeometry::makeHistogram(), SiStripSpyDisplayModule::MakeProcessedRawDigiHist_(), SiStripSpyDisplayModule::MakeRawDigiHist_(), DDExpandedView::mergedSpecificsV(), DQMGenericClient::normalizeToEntries(), CSCAlignmentCorrections::plot(), MuonResidualsFitter::plotsimple(), MuonResidualsFitter::plotweighted(), EcalPedHists::readEBdigis(), EcalPedHists::readEEdigis(), Book::size(), DDExpandedView::specificsV(), ManipHist::sumHistograms(), FastVerticalInterpHistPdf::syncNominal(), FastVerticalInterpHistPdf2D::syncNominal(), tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector::terminate(), tselname::terminate(), tfwliteselectortest::ThingsTSelector2::terminate(), sistrip::EnsembleCalibrationLA::write_ensembles_plots(), sistrip::MeasureLA::write_report_plots(), sistrip::EnsembleCalibrationLA::write_samples_plots(), FitHist::writeFitOutput(), and CompHist::writeOutput().

tuple estimatePileup::histFile = ROOT.TFile.Open(output, 'recreate')

Definition at line 186 of file

Definition at line 249 of file

tuple estimatePileup::inputGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Input Options")

Definition at line 106 of file

tuple estimatePileup::inputRange = options.runnumber
string estimatePileup::mode = 'csv'

Definition at line 225 of file

list estimatePileup::output = args[0]

Definition at line 157 of file

tuple estimatePileup::parameters = LumiQueryAPI.ParametersObject()

######################## ## ## ################## ## ## ## ## Main Program ## ## ## ## ################## ## ## ######################## ##

Definition at line 101 of file

Initial value:
00001 optparse.OptionParser("Usage: %prog [--options] output.root",
00002                                     description = "Script to estimate pileup distribution using xing instantaneous luminosity information and minimum bias cross section.  Output is TH1D stored in root file")

Definition at line 103 of file

tuple estimatePileup::pieces = sepRE.split(line.strip())

Definition at line 196 of file

tuple estimatePileup::pileupGroup = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Pileup Options")

Definition at line 107 of file

Initial value:
00001 ROOT.TH1D(parameters.pileupHistName, parameters.pileupHistName,
00002                       1001,
00003                       0.0, 25.)

Save what we need in the parameters object.

Let's start the fun

Definition at line 183 of file

tuple estimatePileup::recordedData = LumiQueryAPI.recordedLumiForRange(session, parameters, inputRange)

Definition at line 255 of file

dictionary estimatePileup::runLumiDict = {}

Definition at line 192 of file

list estimatePileup::runNumber = runDTarray[0]

pprint (recordedData)

Definition at line 258 of file

tuple estimatePileup::sepRE = re.compile(r'[\s,;:]+')

Definition at line 191 of file

Initial value:
00001 [( int(orbit), float(lum) ) \
00002                                      for orbit, lum in zip( pieces[9::2],
00003                                                             pieces[10::2] ) ]

Definition at line 205 of file