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PFPhotonClusters Class Reference

#include <PFPhotonClusters.h>

Public Member Functions

double E5x5Element (int i, int j)
int EtaCrack ()
double EtaPhiWidth ()
double EtaWidth ()
void FillClusterShape ()
void FillClusterWidth ()
std::pair< double, double > GetCrysCoor ()
std::pair< double, double > GetCrysIndex ()
void PFCrystalCoor ()
 PFPhotonClusters (PFClusterRef PFClusterRef)
double PhiWidth ()
void SetSeed ()

Private Attributes

float CrysEta_
int CrysIEta_
int CrysIEtaCrack_
int CrysIPhi_
int CrysIX_
int CrysIY_
float CrysPhi_
float CrysX_
float CrysY_
double e5x5_ [5][5]
DetId idseed_
bool isEB_
PFClusterRef PFClusterRef_
math::XYZVector seedAxis_
math::XYZVector seedPosition_
double sigetaeta_
double sigetaphi_
double sigphiphi_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 13 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PFPhotonClusters::PFPhotonClusters ( PFClusterRef  PFClusterRef)

Definition at line 11 of file

References e5x5_, PFLayer::ECAL_BARREL, FillClusterShape(), FillClusterWidth(), i, isEB_, j, PFClusterRef_, PFCrystalCoor(), and SetSeed().

11  :
12  PFClusterRef_(PFClusterRef)
13 {
14  if(PFClusterRef_->layer()==PFLayer:: ECAL_BARREL )isEB_=true;
15  else isEB_=false;
16  SetSeed();
17  PFCrystalCoor();
18  for(int i=0; i<5; ++i)
19  for(int j=0; j<5; ++j)e5x5_[i][j]=0;
22 }
int i
int j
double e5x5_[5][5]
PFClusterRef PFClusterRef_

Member Function Documentation

double PFPhotonClusters::E5x5Element ( int  i,
int  j 

Definition at line 46 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

References abs.

Referenced by PFPhotonAlgo::EvaluateLCorrMVA().

46  {
47  //std::cout<<"i, j "<<i<<" , "<<j<<std::endl;
48  double E=0;
49  if(abs(i)>2 ||abs(j)>2)return E;
50  int ind1=i+2;
51  int ind2=j+2;
52  E=e5x5_[ind1][ind2];
53  //std::cout<<"E "<<E<<std::endl;
54  return E;
55  }
int i
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
int j
double e5x5_[5][5]
int PFPhotonClusters::EtaCrack ( )

Definition at line 45 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by PFPhotonAlgo::EvaluateLCorrMVA().

45 {return CrysIEtaCrack_;}
double PFPhotonClusters::EtaPhiWidth ( )

Definition at line 58 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

58 {return sigetaphi_;}
double PFPhotonClusters::EtaWidth ( )

Definition at line 57 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

57 {return sigetaeta_;}
void PFPhotonClusters::FillClusterShape ( )

Definition at line 129 of file

References abs, EBDetId::distanceEta(), EBDetId::distancePhi(), EEDetId::distanceX(), EEDetId::distanceY(), e5x5_, cropTnPTrees::frac, idseed_, EBDetId::ieta(), EBDetId::iphi(), isEB_, EEDetId::ix(), EEDetId::iy(), PFClusterRef_, and DetId::rawId().

Referenced by PFPhotonClusters().

129  {
130  const std::vector< reco::PFRecHitFraction >& PFRecHits=PFClusterRef_->recHitFractions();
131  for(std::vector< reco::PFRecHitFraction >::const_iterator it = PFRecHits.begin(); it != PFRecHits.end(); ++it){
132  const PFRecHitRef& RefPFRecHit = it->recHitRef();
133  DetId id=RefPFRecHit->detId();
134  double frac=it->fraction();
135  float E=RefPFRecHit->energy()*frac;
136  if(isEB_){
137  int deta=EBDetId::distanceEta(id,idseed_);
138  int dphi=EBDetId::distancePhi(id,idseed_);
139  if(abs(deta)>2 ||abs(dphi)>2)continue;
140  //f(abs(dphi)<=2 && abs(deta)<=2){
141  EBDetId EBidSeed=EBDetId(idseed_.rawId());
142  EBDetId EBid=EBDetId(id.rawId());
143  int ind1=EBidSeed.ieta()-EBid.ieta();
144  int ind2=EBid.iphi()-EBidSeed.iphi();
145  if(EBidSeed.ieta() * EBid.ieta() > 0){
146  ind1=EBid.ieta()-EBidSeed.ieta();
147  }
148  else{ //near EB+ EB-
149  ind1=(1-(EBidSeed.ieta()-EBid.ieta()));
150  }
151  int iEta=ind1+2;
152  int iPhi=ind2+2;
153  //std::cout<<"IEta, IPhi "<<iEta<<", "<<iPhi<<std::endl;
154  if (iEta*5 + iPhi > 24 || iEta*5 + iPhi < 0){ //really check just writing outside the array
155  edm::LogInfo("OutOfBounds")<<"iEta = "<<iEta<<" iPhi = "<<iPhi;
156  } else {
157  e5x5_[iEta][iPhi]=E;
158  }
159  }
160  else{
161  int dx=EEDetId::distanceX(id,idseed_);
162  int dy=EEDetId::distanceY(id,idseed_);
163  if(abs(dx)>2 ||abs(dy>2))continue;
164  EEDetId EEidSeed=EEDetId(idseed_.rawId());
165  EEDetId EEid=EEDetId(id.rawId());
166  int ind1=EEid.ix()-EEidSeed.ix();
167  int ind2=EEid.iy()-EEidSeed.iy();
168  int ix=ind1+2;
169  int iy=ind2+2;
170  //std::cout<<"IX, IY "<<ix<<", "<<iy<<std::endl;
171  if (ix*5 + iy > 24 || ix*5 + iy < 0 ){ //no indication there was a problem here, just sanity-protection as above
172  edm::LogInfo("OutOfBounds")<<"ix = "<<ix<<" iy = "<<iy;
173  } else {
174  e5x5_[ix][iy]=E;
175  }
176  }
177  }
178 }
int ix() const
Definition: EEDetId.h:71
static int distanceX(const EEDetId &a, const EEDetId &b)
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
int iphi() const
get the crystal iphi
Definition: EBDetId.h:46
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:45
static int distanceEta(const EBDetId &a, const EBDetId &b)
static int distancePhi(const EBDetId &a, const EBDetId &b)
int iy() const
Definition: EEDetId.h:77
int ieta() const
get the crystal ieta
Definition: EBDetId.h:44
static int distanceY(const EEDetId &a, const EEDetId &b)
Definition: DetId.h:20
double e5x5_[5][5]
PFClusterRef PFClusterRef_
void PFPhotonClusters::FillClusterWidth ( )

Definition at line 180 of file

References RecoTauValidation_cfi::denominator, dPhi(), PFClusterRef_, Pi, sigetaeta_, sigetaphi_, sigphiphi_, mathSSE::sqrt(), and TwoPi.

Referenced by PFPhotonClusters().

180  {
181  double numeratorEtaWidth = 0.;
182  double numeratorPhiWidth = 0.;
183  double numeratorEtaPhiWidth = 0.;
184  double ClustEta=PFClusterRef_->eta();
185  double ClustPhi=PFClusterRef_->phi();
186  const std::vector< reco::PFRecHitFraction >& PFRecHits=PFClusterRef_->recHitFractions();
187  for(std::vector< reco::PFRecHitFraction >::const_iterator it = PFRecHits.begin(); it != PFRecHits.end(); ++it){
188  const PFRecHitRef& RefPFRecHit = it->recHitRef();
189  float E=RefPFRecHit->energy() * it->fraction();
190  double dEta = RefPFRecHit->position().eta() - ClustEta;
191  double dPhi = RefPFRecHit->position().phi() - ClustPhi;
192  if (dPhi > + TMath::Pi()) { dPhi = TMath::TwoPi() - dPhi; }
193  if (dPhi < - TMath::Pi()) { dPhi = TMath::TwoPi() + dPhi; }
194  numeratorEtaWidth += E * dEta * dEta;
195  numeratorPhiWidth += E * dPhi * dPhi;
196  numeratorEtaPhiWidth += E * fabs(dPhi) * fabs(dEta);
197  }
198  double denominator=PFClusterRef_->energy();
199  sigetaeta_ = sqrt(numeratorEtaWidth / denominator);
200  sigphiphi_ = sqrt(numeratorPhiWidth / denominator);
201  sigetaphi_ = sqrt(numeratorEtaPhiWidth / denominator);
202 }
const double TwoPi
const double Pi
double dPhi(double phi1, double phi2)
Definition: JetUtil.h:30
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:46
PFClusterRef PFClusterRef_
std::pair<double, double> PFPhotonClusters::GetCrysCoor ( )

Definition at line 21 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by PFPhotonAlgo::EvaluateLCorrMVA().

21  {
22  std::pair<double, double> crys;
23  if(isEB_){
24  crys.first=CrysEta_;
25  crys.second=CrysPhi_;
26  }
27  else{
28  crys.first=CrysX_;
29  crys.second=CrysY_;
30  }
31  return crys;
32  }
std::pair<double, double> PFPhotonClusters::GetCrysIndex ( )

Definition at line 33 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by PFPhotonAlgo::EvaluateLCorrMVA().

33  {
34  std::pair<int, int> crysI;
35  if(isEB_){
36  crysI.first=CrysIEta_;
37  crysI.second=CrysIPhi_;
38  }
39  else{
40  crysI.first=CrysIX_;
41  crysI.second=CrysIY_;
42  }
43  return crysI;
44  }
void PFPhotonClusters::PFCrystalCoor ( )

Definition at line 49 of file

References abs, funct::cos(), CrysEta_, CrysIEta_, CrysIEtaCrack_, CrysIPhi_, CrysIX_, CrysIY_, CrysPhi_, CrysX_, CrysY_, PFLayer::ECAL_BARREL, idseed_, EBDetId::ieta(), EBDetId::iphi(), isEB_, EEDetId::ix(), EEDetId::iy(), create_public_lumi_plots::log, PFClusterRef_, Phi_mpi_pi(), PhiWidth(), Pi, DetId::rawId(), seedAxis_, seedPosition_, and X0.

Referenced by PFPhotonClusters().

49  {
50  if(PFClusterRef_->layer()==PFLayer:: ECAL_BARREL ){//is Barrel
51  isEB_=true;
52  EBDetId EBidSeed=EBDetId(idseed_.rawId());
53  CrysIEta_=EBidSeed.ieta();
54  CrysIPhi_=EBidSeed.iphi();
55  double depth = PFClusterRef_->getDepthCorrection(PFClusterRef_->energy(), false, false);
56  math::XYZVector center_pos = seedPosition_+depth*seedAxis_;
57  //Crystal Coordinates:
58  double Pi=TMath::Pi();
59  float Phi=PFClusterRef_->position().phi();
60  double Theta = -(PFClusterRef_->position().theta())+0.5* Pi;
61  double PhiCentr = TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(center_pos.phi());
62  double PhiWidth = (Pi/180.);
63  double PhiCry = (TVector2::Phi_mpi_pi(Phi-PhiCentr))/PhiWidth;
64  double ThetaCentr = -center_pos.theta()+0.5*Pi;
65  double ThetaWidth = (Pi/180.)*cos(ThetaCentr);
67  double EtaCry = (Theta-ThetaCentr)/ThetaWidth;
68  CrysEta_=EtaCry;
69  CrysPhi_=PhiCry;
71  if(abs(CrysIEta_)==1 || abs(CrysIEta_)==2 )
72  CrysIEtaCrack_=abs(CrysIEta_);
73  if(abs(CrysIEta_)>2 && abs(CrysIEta_)<24)
75  if(abs(CrysIEta_)==24)
77  if(abs(CrysIEta_)==25)
79  if(abs(CrysIEta_)==26)
81  if(abs(CrysIEta_)==27)
83  if(abs(CrysIEta_)>27 && abs(CrysIEta_)<44)
85  if(abs(CrysIEta_)==44)
87  if(abs(CrysIEta_)==45)
88  CrysIEtaCrack_=10;
89  if(abs(CrysIEta_)==46)
90  CrysIEtaCrack_=11;
91  if(abs(CrysIEta_)==47)
92  CrysIEtaCrack_=12;
93  if(abs(CrysIEta_)>47 && abs(CrysIEta_)<64)
94  CrysIEtaCrack_=13;
95  if(abs(CrysIEta_)==64)
96  CrysIEtaCrack_=14;
97  if(abs(CrysIEta_)==65)
98  CrysIEtaCrack_=15;
99  if(abs(CrysIEta_)==66)
100  CrysIEtaCrack_=16;
101  if(abs(CrysIEta_)==67)
102  CrysIEtaCrack_=17;
103  if(abs(CrysIEta_)>67 && abs(CrysIEta_)<84)
104  CrysIEtaCrack_=18;
105  if(abs(CrysIEta_)==84)
106  CrysIEtaCrack_=19;
107  if(abs(CrysIEta_)==85)
108  CrysIEtaCrack_=20;
109  }
110  else{
111  isEB_=false;
112  EEDetId EEidSeed=EEDetId(idseed_.rawId());
113  CrysIX_=EEidSeed.ix();
114  CrysIY_=EEidSeed.iy();
115  float X0 = 0.89; float T0 = 1.2;
116  if(fabs(PFClusterRef_->eta())>1.653)T0=3.1;
117  double depth = X0 * (T0 + log(PFClusterRef_->energy()));
118  math::XYZVector center_pos=(seedPosition_)+depth*seedAxis_;
119  double XCentr = center_pos.x();
120  double YCentr = center_pos.y();
121  double XWidth = 2.59;
122  double YWidth = 2.59;
124  CrysX_=(PFClusterRef_->x()-XCentr)/XWidth;
125  CrysY_=(PFClusterRef_->y()-YCentr)/YWidth;
126  }
127 }
const double Pi
int ix() const
Definition: EEDetId.h:71
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
double Phi_mpi_pi(double x)
Definition: JetUtil.h:24
int iphi() const
get the crystal iphi
Definition: EBDetId.h:46
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:45
math::XYZVector seedAxis_
Cos< T >::type cos(const T &t)
Definition: Cos.h:22
int iy() const
Definition: EEDetId.h:77
int ieta() const
get the crystal ieta
Definition: EBDetId.h:44
XYZVectorD XYZVector
spatial vector with cartesian internal representation
Definition: Vector3D.h:31
static const double X0
PFClusterRef PFClusterRef_
math::XYZVector seedPosition_
double PFPhotonClusters::PhiWidth ( )

Definition at line 56 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by PFCrystalCoor().

56 {return sigphiphi_;}
void PFPhotonClusters::SetSeed ( )

Definition at line 24 of file

References cropTnPTrees::frac, idseed_, PFClusterRef_, position, seedAxis_, and seedPosition_.

Referenced by PFPhotonClusters().

24  {
25  double PFSeedE=0;
26  math::XYZVector axis;
28  DetId idseed;
29  const std::vector< reco::PFRecHitFraction >& PFRecHits=
30  PFClusterRef_->recHitFractions();
32  for(std::vector< reco::PFRecHitFraction >::const_iterator it = PFRecHits.begin();
33  it != PFRecHits.end(); ++it){
34  const PFRecHitRef& RefPFRecHit = it->recHitRef();
35  double frac=it->fraction();
36  float E= RefPFRecHit->energy()* frac;
37  if(E>PFSeedE){
38  PFSeedE=E;
39  axis=RefPFRecHit->getAxisXYZ();
40  position=RefPFRecHit->position();
41  idseed = RefPFRecHit->detId();
42  }
43  }
44  idseed_=idseed;
46  seedAxis_=axis;
47 }
math::XYZVector seedAxis_
Definition: DetId.h:20
XYZVectorD XYZVector
spatial vector with cartesian internal representation
Definition: Vector3D.h:31
static int position[264][3]
PFClusterRef PFClusterRef_
math::XYZVector seedPosition_

Member Data Documentation

float PFPhotonClusters::CrysEta_

Definition at line 66 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by PFCrystalCoor().

int PFPhotonClusters::CrysIEta_

Definition at line 67 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by PFCrystalCoor().

int PFPhotonClusters::CrysIEtaCrack_

Definition at line 67 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by PFCrystalCoor().

int PFPhotonClusters::CrysIPhi_

Definition at line 67 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by PFCrystalCoor().

int PFPhotonClusters::CrysIX_

Definition at line 67 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by PFCrystalCoor().

int PFPhotonClusters::CrysIY_

Definition at line 67 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by PFCrystalCoor().

float PFPhotonClusters::CrysPhi_

Definition at line 66 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by PFCrystalCoor().

float PFPhotonClusters::CrysX_

Definition at line 66 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by PFCrystalCoor().

float PFPhotonClusters::CrysY_

Definition at line 66 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by PFCrystalCoor().

double PFPhotonClusters::e5x5_[5][5]

Definition at line 69 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by FillClusterShape(), and PFPhotonClusters().

DetId PFPhotonClusters::idseed_

Definition at line 62 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by FillClusterShape(), PFCrystalCoor(), and SetSeed().

bool PFPhotonClusters::isEB_

Definition at line 64 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by FillClusterShape(), PFCrystalCoor(), and PFPhotonClusters().

PFClusterRef PFPhotonClusters::PFClusterRef_
math::XYZVector PFPhotonClusters::seedAxis_

Definition at line 63 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by PFCrystalCoor(), and SetSeed().

math::XYZVector PFPhotonClusters::seedPosition_

Definition at line 63 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by PFCrystalCoor(), and SetSeed().

double PFPhotonClusters::sigetaeta_

Definition at line 70 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by FillClusterWidth().

double PFPhotonClusters::sigetaphi_

Definition at line 70 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by FillClusterWidth().

double PFPhotonClusters::sigphiphi_

Definition at line 70 of file PFPhotonClusters.h.

Referenced by FillClusterWidth().