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reco Namespace Reference

fixed size matrix More...




struct  Add
struct  And
struct  And< bool >
class  AnnealingGhostTrackFitter
class  BaseTagInfo
class  BaseTau
class  BaseTauTagInfo
class  BasicCluster
struct  BasicConvTrait
struct  BasicConvTrait< A, A >
struct  BasicConvTrait< double, double >
struct  BasicConvTrait< double, float >
struct  BasicConvTrait< double, int >
struct  BasicConvTrait< float, double >
struct  BasicConvTrait< float, int >
struct  BasicConvTrait< int, double >
struct  BasicConvTrait< int, float >
struct  BasicConvTrait< int, int >
class  BasicGhostTrackState
class  BasicJet
 Jets made from CaloTowers. More...
class  BasicTransientTrack
class  BeamHaloSummary
class  BeamHaloSummaryProducer
class  BeamSpot
class  BinOp
class  CaloCluster
class  CaloID
class  CaloJet
 Jets made from CaloTowers. More...
class  CaloMET
class  CaloMuon
class  CaloRecHitCandidate
class  CaloTau
class  CaloTauDiscriminator
class  CaloTauDiscriminatorAgainstElectron
class  CaloTauDiscriminatorByIsolation
class  CaloTauTagInfo
class  Candidate
class  CandidateWithRef
class  CastorCell
class  CastorCluster
class  CastorEgamma
class  CastorJet
class  CastorJetID
 Castor Jet ID object. More...
class  CastorTower
class  CATopJetProperties
class  CATopJetTagInfo
class  Centrality
class  CentralityProducer
class  ClusterRemovalInfo
class  ClusterShape
struct  CombinedMuonTag
 conbined muon component tag More...
class  CombinedTauTagInfo
class  component
struct  component< CaloTowerRef, componenthelper::SingleComponentTag, DefaultComponentTag >
 get default CaloTower component More...
struct  component< const Track *, componenthelper::SingleComponentTag, DefaultComponentTag >
 get default CaloTower component More...
struct  component< edm::RefToBase< CaloRecHit >, componenthelper::SingleComponentTag, DefaultComponentTag >
 get default Track component More...
struct  component< GsfTrackRef, componenthelper::SingleComponentTag, DefaultComponentTag >
 get default GsfTrack component More...
struct  component< PFCandidate::ParticleType, componenthelper::SingleComponentTag, PFParticleIdTag >
struct  component< RecoCandidate::TrackType, componenthelper::SingleComponentTag, DefaultComponentTag >
 get default CaloTower component More...
struct  component< SuperClusterRef, componenthelper::SingleComponentTag, DefaultComponentTag >
 get default SuperCluster component More...
struct  component< TrackRef, componenthelper::MultipleComponentsTag, DefaultComponentTag >
 get multuple tracks More...
struct  component< TrackRef, componenthelper::SingleComponentTag, CombinedMuonTag >
 get combined muon Track component More...
struct  component< TrackRef, componenthelper::SingleComponentTag, DefaultComponentTag >
 get default Track component More...
struct  component< TrackRef, componenthelper::SingleComponentTag, StandAloneMuonTag >
 get stand-alone muon Track component More...
class  CompositeCandidate
class  CompositePtrCandidate
class  CompositeRefBaseCandidate
class  CompositeRefCandidate
class  CompositeRefCandidateT
class  CompositeRefCandidateT< D >
class  ConvBremSeed
class  Conversion
class  ConversionFinder
class  ConversionTrack
struct  ConvTrait
class  ConvTrait< Expr< A >, Expr< B > >
class  CSCHaloData
class  CSCHaloDataProducer
class  DeDxData
class  DeDxHit
struct  DefaultComponentTag
class  DiscretizedEnergyFlow
struct  Div
class  DummyMatchSelector
class  EcalHaloData
class  EcalHaloDataProducer
class  EcalIsolatedParticleCandidate
class  EgammaTrigger
class  Electron
class  ElectronID
class  ElectronSeed
class  EMIsolatedTauTagInfo
struct  Equal
class  EvtPlane
class  Expr
class  ExprBase
class  ExprIdentity
 hold basic identities More...
class  ExprLiteral
class  ExprUserFun
class  FFTAnyJet
 Implements inheritance relationships for FFTJet jets. More...
class  FFTJet
 Storage class for jets reconstructed by FFTJet package. More...
class  FFTJetPileupSummary
 Summary info for pile-up determined by Gaussian filtering. More...
class  FFTJetProducerSummary
 Data processing summary generated by FFTJetProducer. More...
class  FitQuality
class  FlavorHistory
class  FlavorHistoryEvent
class  FlavorHistorySelectorUtil
class  GenericJet
class  GenJet
 Jets made from MC generator particles. More...
class  GenMET
class  GenParticle
class  GhostTrack
class  GhostTrackFitter
class  GhostTrackPrediction
class  GhostTrackState
class  GhostTrackVertexFinder
class  GlobalHaloData
class  GlobalHaloDataProducer
class  GsfComponent5D
class  GsfElectron
class  GsfElectronCore
class  GsfPFRecTrack
class  GsfTangent
class  GsfTrack
class  GsfTrackExtra
class  GsfTransientTrack
class  HcalHaloData
class  HcalHaloDataProducer
class  HcalNoiseHPD
class  HcalNoiseInfoProducer
class  HcalNoiseRBX
class  HcalNoiseRBXArray
class  HFEMClusterShape
class  HitPattern
class  HLTResult
class  HLTTau
class  InverseCrosstalkMatrix
class  IsoDeposit
class  IsolatedPFCandidate
 Particle reconstructed by the particle flow algorithm. More...
class  IsolatedPixelTrackCandidate
class  IsolatedTauTagInfo
class  Jet
 Base class for all types of Jets. More...
struct  JetCrystalsAssociation
class  JetFlavour
class  JetFlavourInfo
 Class storing the jet flavour information. More...
class  JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection
class  JetFlavourMatchingCollection
class  JetID
 Jet ID object. More...
class  JetMatchedPartonsCollection
class  JetPiZeroAssociation
class  JetSignalVertexCompatibilityAlgo
class  JetTagInfo
class  JetTrackMatch
 Association between Jets from jet collection and tracks from track collection. More...
class  JPTJet
 Jets made from CaloJets corrected for ZSP and tracks. More...
class  JTATagInfo
class  KalmanGhostTrackUpdater
class  L2TauIsolationInfo
class  LeafCandidate
class  LeafRefCandidateT
struct  Less
struct  LessEqual
class  MatchByDEta
class  MatchByDR
class  MatchByDRDPt
class  MatchedPartons
struct  MatchLessByDEta
struct  MatchLessByDPt
class  MCMatchSelector
class  MET
struct  More
struct  MoreEqual
struct  Mul
class  Muon
class  MuonChamberMatch
struct  MuonCosmicCompatibility
struct  MuonEnergy
struct  MuonIsolation
class  MuonMETCorrectionData
struct  MuonPFIsolation
struct  MuonQuality
class  MuonRPCHitMatch
class  MuonSegmentMatch
struct  MuonShower
struct  MuonTime
class  MuonTimeExtra
class  MuonTrackLinks
class  Mustache
class  NamedCompositeCandidate
class  NbSharedTracks
class  NuclearInteraction
struct  operator_trait
class  operator_trait< Expr< A >, Op, Expr< B > >
class  operator_trait< Op, A, Expr< B > >
class  operator_trait< Op, Expr< A >, B >
struct  Or
struct  Or< bool >
class  Particle
class  PattRecoNode
 Tree nodes for storing FFTJet preclusters. More...
class  PattRecoPeak
 Preclusters from FFTJet pattern recognition stage. More...
class  PattRecoTree
 Class for storing FFTJet sparse clustering trees. More...
class  PdfInfo
class  PFBlock
 Block of elements. More...
class  PFBlockElement
 Abstract base class for a PFBlock element (track, cluster...) More...
class  PFBlockElementBrem
 Track Element. More...
class  PFBlockElementCluster
 Cluster Element. More...
class  PFBlockElementGsfTrack
 Track Element. More...
class  PFBlockElementSuperCluster
 Cluster Element. More...
class  PFBlockElementTrack
 Track Element. More...
class  PFBrem
class  PFCandidate
 Particle reconstructed by the particle flow algorithm. More...
class  PFCandidateElectronExtra
class  PFCandidatePhotonExtra
class  PFCluster
 Particle flow cluster, see clustering algorithm in PFClusterAlgo. More...
class  PFClusterJet
 Jets made out of PFClusters. More...
class  PFClusterMET
class  PFCombinedTauTagInfo
class  PFConversion
class  PFDisplacedTrackerVertex
class  PFDisplacedVertex
 Block of elements. More...
class  PFDisplacedVertexCandidate
 A block of tracks linked together. More...
class  PFDisplacedVertexSeed
 Block of elements. More...
class  PFIsolatedTauTagInfo
class  PFJet
 Jets made from PFObjects. More...
class  PFMET
class  PFMultiLinksTC
class  PFNuclearInteraction
struct  PFParticleIdTag
 particle ID component tag More...
class  PFRecHit
 Particle flow rechit (rechit + geometry and topology information). See clustering algorithm in PFClusterAlgo. More...
class  PFRecHitFraction
 Fraction of a PFRecHit (rechits can be shared between several PFCluster's) More...
class  PFRecTrack
 reconstructed track used as an input to particle flow More...
class  PFSimParticle
 true particle for particle flow More...
class  PFTau
class  PFTauDecayMode
class  PFTauDiscriminator
class  PFTauDiscriminatorByIsolation
class  PFTauTagInfo
class  PFTrack
 Base class for particle flow input reconstructed tracks and simulated particles. More...
class  PFTrajectoryPoint
 A PFTrack holds several trajectory points, which basically contain the position and momentum of a track at a given position. More...
class  PFV0
class  PhiWedge
class  Photon
class  PhotonCore
class  PhysObjectMatcher
class  PileUpPFCandidate
 Particle reconstructed by the particle flow algorithm. More...
class  PositiveSideGhostTrackFitter
class  PreId
class  PreshowerCluster
class  PreshowerClusterShape
class  RecoCaloTowerCandidate
class  RecoCandidate
class  RecoChargedCandidate
class  RecoChargedRefCandidate
class  RecoEcalCandidate
class  RecoPFClusterRefCandidate
class  RecoStandAloneMuonCandidate
class  RecoTauPiZero
class  RecoTrackRefSelector
class  RecoTrackSelector
class  RefHBHERecHitEnergyComparison
class  SecondaryVertex
class  SecondaryVertexTagInfo
class  Selector
class  SequentialGhostTrackFitter
class  ShallowCloneCandidate
class  ShallowClonePtrCandidate
class  SiStripElectron
class  SoftLeptonProperties
class  SoftLeptonTagInfo
struct  StandAloneMuonTag
 stand alone muon component tag More...
struct  Sub
class  SuperCluster
struct  TaggingVariableCompare
class  TaggingVariableList
class  TauImpactParameterInfo
struct  TauImpactParameterTrackData
class  TauMassTagInfo
class  TimeMeasurementSequence
struct  ToExprTraits
struct  ToExprTraits< double, ArgType >
struct  ToExprTraits< int, ArgType >
class  Track
class  TrackBase
class  TrackCountingTagInfo
class  TrackExtra
class  TrackExtraBase
class  TrackExtrapolation
class  TrackGhostTrackState
class  TrackInfo
class  TrackInfoEnum
class  TrackingRecHitInfo
class  TrackingStateInfo
struct  TrackIPData
class  TrackIPTagInfo
class  TrackJet
 Jets made out of tracks. More...
class  TrackKinematics
class  TrackProbabilityTagInfo
class  TrackResiduals
class  TrackSelector
class  TrackTransientTrack
class  TransientTrack
class  TransientTrackFromFTS
class  V0Candidate
class  V0Filter
class  Vertex
class  VertexCompositeCandidate
class  VertexFilter
class  VertexGhostTrackState
class  VertexSorting
class  VoronoiBackground
class  VZero
class  VZeroData
class  WMuNuCandidate
class  WMuNuCandidatePtr


typedef std::vector< BaseTagInfoBaseTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::FwdRef
< BaseTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< BaseTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< BaseTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< BaseTagInfoCollection
typedef BaseTauRefVector::iterator basetau_iterator
 iterator over a vector of references to BaseTau objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< BaseTauBaseTauCollection
 collection of BaseTau objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< BaseTauCollection
 presistent reference to a BaseTau More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< BaseTauCollection
 references to BaseTau collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< BaseTauCollection
 vector of references to BaseTau objects all in the same collection More...
 iterator over a vector of references to BaseTauTagInfo objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector
< BaseTauTagInfo
 collection of BaseTauTagInfo objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< BaseTauTagInfoCollection
 presistent reference to a BaseTauTagInfo More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< BaseTauTagInfoCollection
 references to BaseTauTagInfo collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< BaseTauTagInfoCollection
 vector of references to BaseTauTagInfo objects all in the same collection More...
typedef CaloCluster BasicCluster
 iterator over a vector of references to BasicCluster objects More...
typedef std::vector< BasicClusterBasicClusterCollection
 collection of BasicCluster objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< BasicClusterCollection
 persistent reference to BasicCluster objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< BasicClusterCollection
 reference to BasicCluster collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< BasicClusterCollection
 vector of references to BasicCluster objects all in the same collection More...
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToOne
< BasicClusterCollection,
ClusterShapeCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< BasicClusterShapeAssociationCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< BasicClusterShapeAssociationCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< BasicClusterShapeAssociationCollection
typedef std::vector< BasicJetBasicJetCollection
 collection of BasicJet objects More...
typedef edm::FwdPtr< BasicJetBasicJetFwdPtr
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdPtr< BasicJet > > 
typedef edm::FwdRef
< BasicJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdRef
< BasicJetCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< BasicJetCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< BasicJetCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< BasicJetCollection
typedef PFRecHitRefVector::iterator basicRecHit_iterator
 iterator over a vector of references to PFRecHit objects More...
 iterator over a vector of reference to Conversion objects More...
typedef std::vector< CaloClusterCaloClusterCollection
 collection of CaloCluster objects More...
typedef edm::Ptr< CaloClusterCaloClusterPtr
typedef edm::PtrVector
< CaloCluster
typedef edm::View< CaloClusterCaloClusterView
typedef std::vector< CaloJetCaloJetCollection
 collection of CaloJet objects More...
typedef edm::FwdPtr< CaloJetCaloJetFwdPtr
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdPtr< CaloJet > > 
typedef edm::FwdRef
< CaloJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdRef
< CaloJetCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< CaloJetCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< CaloJetCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< CaloJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< reco::CaloMET
 collection of CaloMET objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< CaloMETCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< CaloMETCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< CaloMETCollection
typedef std::vector< CaloMuonCaloMuonCollection
 collection of Muon objects More...
typedef CaloTauRefVector::iterator calotau_iterator
 iterator over a vector of references to CaloTau objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< CaloTauCaloTauCollection
 collection of CaloTau objects More...
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< CaloTauRefProd, std::vector
< int > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< CaloTauDiscriminatorAgainstElectron
typedef edm::RefProd
< CaloTauDiscriminatorAgainstElectron
typedef edm::RefVector
< CaloTauDiscriminatorAgainstElectron
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< CaloTauRefProd, std::vector
< float > > 
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< CaloTauRefProd, std::vector
< int > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< CaloTauDiscriminatorByIsolation
typedef edm::RefProd
< CaloTauDiscriminatorByIsolation
typedef edm::RefVector
< CaloTauDiscriminatorByIsolation
typedef edm::Ref
< CaloTauDiscriminator
typedef edm::RefProd
< CaloTauDiscriminator
typedef edm::RefVector
< CaloTauDiscriminator
typedef edm::Ref
< CaloTauCollection
 presistent reference to a CaloTau More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< CaloTauCollection
 references to CaloTau collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< CaloTauCollection
 vector of references to CaloTau objects all in the same collection More...
 iterator over a vector of references to CaloTauTagInfo objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector
< CaloTauTagInfo
 collection of CaloTauTagInfo objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< CaloTauTagInfoCollection
 presistent reference to a CaloTauTagInfo More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< CaloTauTagInfoCollection
 references to CaloTauTagInfo collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< CaloTauTagInfoCollection
 vector of references to CaloTauTagInfo objects all in the same collection More...
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< CandidateRefProd,
std::vector< double > > 
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< CandidateRefProd,
std::vector< float > > 
typedef edm::RefToBase< CandidateCandidateBaseRef
 persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefToBaseProd
< Candidate
 vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type More...
typedef edm::RefToBaseVector
< Candidate
 vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type More...
typedef edm::OwnVector< CandidateCandidateCollection
 collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::Ptr< CandidateCandidatePtr
 persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::PtrVector< CandidateCandidatePtrVector
 persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< CandidateCollection
 persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< CandidateCollection
 reference to a collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< CandidateCollection
 vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::View< CandidateCandidateView
 view of a collection containing candidates More...
typedef edm::Ref
< reco::CandidateView
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< CandidateRefProd,
std::vector< int > > 
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToOne
< reco::CandidateCollection,
reco::CandidateCollection > > 
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToManyWithQuality
< reco::CandidateCollection,
double > > 
typedef edm::ValueMap
< CandidateBaseRef
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< CandidateRefProd,
std::vector< unsigned int > > 
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToManyWithQualityGeneric
< CandidateView, CandidateView,
bool > > 
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< CandidateBaseRefProd,
std::vector< double > > 
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< CandidateBaseRefProd,
std::vector< float > > 
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< CandidateBaseRefProd,
std::vector< int > > 
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToOneGeneric
< reco::CandidateView,
reco::CandidateView > > 
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< CandidateBaseRefProd,
std::vector< unsigned int > > 
 iterator over a vector of references to CastorCell objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< CastorCellCastorCellCollection
 collection of CastorCell objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< CastorCellCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< CastorCellCollection
 vector of references to CastorCell objects all in the same collection More...
 iterator over a vector of references to CastorCluster objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector
< CastorCluster
 collection of CastorCluster objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< CastorClusterCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< CastorClusterCollection
 vector of references to CastorCluster objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< CastorEgammaCastorEgammaCollection
typedef std::vector< CastorJetCastorJetCollection
typedef edm::ValueMap
< CastorJetID
 iterator over a vector of references to CastorTower objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< CastorTowerCastorTowerCollection
 collection of CastorTower objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< CastorTowerCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< CastorTowerCollection
 vector of references to CastorTower objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector
< CATopJetTagInfo
typedef edm::FwdRef
< CATopJetTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< CATopJetTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< CATopJetTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< CATopJetTagInfoCollection
typedef std::vector
< reco::Centrality
 iterator over a vector of references to ClusterShape objects More...
typedef std::vector< ClusterShapeClusterShapeCollection
 collection of ClusterShape objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< ClusterShapeCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of ClusterShape objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< ClusterShapeCollection
 reference to a collection of ClusterShape objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< ClusterShapeCollection
 vector of references to objects in the same collectin of ClusterShape objects More...
typedef std::vector
< CombinedTauTagInfo
typedef edm::FwdRef
< CombinedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< CombinedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< CombinedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< CombinedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefToBase
< CompositeCandidate
 persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefToBaseProd
< CompositeCandidate
 vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type More...
typedef edm::RefToBaseVector
< CompositeCandidate
 vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type More...
typedef std::vector
< CompositeCandidate
 collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< CompositeCandidateCollection
 persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< CompositeCandidateCollection
 reference to a collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< CompositeCandidateCollection
 vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::View
< CompositeCandidate
 view of a collection containing candidates More...
typedef std::vector< ConvBremSeedConvBremSeedCollection
 collectin of ConvBremSeed objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< ConvBremSeedCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of ConvBremSeed objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< ConvBremSeedCollection
 reference to a collection of ConvBremSeed objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< ConvBremSeedCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of ConvBremSeed objects More...
typedef std::vector< ConversionConversionCollection
 collectin of Conversion objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< ConversionCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of Conversion objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< ConversionCollection
 reference to a collection of Conversion objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< ConversionCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of Conversion objects More...
typedef std::vector
< ConversionTrack
 collection of ConversionTracks More...
typedef ObjectSelector
< CosmicTrackingParticleSelector
typedef std::vector
< reco::DeDxData
typedef edm::ValueMap
< reco::DeDxData
typedef std::vector< DeDxHitDeDxHitCollection
typedef std::vector
< EcalIsolatedParticleCandidate
 collection of EcalIsolatedParticleCandidate objects More...
 iterator over a vector of reference to EcalIsolatedParticleCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< EcalIsolatedParticleCandidateCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of EcalIsolatedParticleCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< EcalIsolatedParticleCandidateCollection
 reference to a collection of EcalIsolatedParticleCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< EcalIsolatedParticleCandidateCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of EcalIsolatedParticleCandidate objects More...
 iterator over a vector of references to EgammaTrigger objects More...
typedef std::vector
< EgammaTrigger
 collection of EgammaTrigger objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< EgammaTriggerCollection
 persistent reference to EgammaTrigger objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< EgammaTriggerCollection
 reference to a EgammaTrigger collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< EgammaTriggerCollection
 vector of references to EgammaTrigger objects in the same collection More...
typedef ElectronRefVector::iterator electron_iterator
 iterator over a vector of reference to Electron objects More...
typedef std::vector< ElectronElectronCollection
 collectin of Electron objects More...
 iterator over a vector of reference to ElectronSeed objects More...
 iterator over a vector of reference to ElectronID objects More...
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToOne
< GsfElectronCollection,
ElectronIDCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< ElectronIDAssociationCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of SeedMap objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< ElectronIDAssociationCollection
 reference to a collection of SeedMap objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< ElectronIDAssociationCollection
 vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SeedMap objects More...
typedef std::vector< ElectronIDElectronIDCollection
 collection of ElectronID objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< ElectronIDCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of ElectronID objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< ElectronIDCollection
 reference to a collection of ElectronID objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< ElectronIDCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of ElectronID objects More...
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToValue< std::vector
< reco::Electron >, float > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< ElectronCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of Electron objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< ElectronCollection
 reference to a collection of Electron objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< ElectronCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of Electron objects More...
typedef std::vector< ElectronSeedElectronSeedCollection
 collection of ElectronSeed objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< ElectronSeedCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of ElectronSeed objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< ElectronSeedCollection
 reference to a collection of ElectronSeed objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< ElectronSeedCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of ElectronSeed objects More...
typedef std::vector
< EMIsolatedTauTagInfo
typedef edm::FwdRef
< EMIsolatedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< EMIsolatedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< EMIsolatedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< EMIsolatedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef std::vector< EvtPlaneEvtPlaneCollection
typedef FFTAnyJet< BasicJetFFTBasicJet
typedef std::vector< FFTBasicJetFFTBasicJetCollection
 collection of FFTBasicJet objects More...
typedef edm::FwdPtr< FFTBasicJetFFTBasicJetFwdPtr
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdPtr< FFTBasicJet > > 
typedef edm::FwdRef
< FFTBasicJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdRef
< FFTBasicJetCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< FFTBasicJetCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< FFTBasicJetCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< FFTBasicJetCollection
typedef FFTAnyJet< CaloJetFFTCaloJet
typedef std::vector< FFTCaloJetFFTCaloJetCollection
 collection of FFTCaloJet objects More...
typedef edm::FwdPtr< FFTCaloJetFFTCaloJetFwdPtr
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdPtr< FFTCaloJet > > 
typedef edm::FwdRef
< FFTCaloJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdRef
< FFTCaloJetCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< FFTCaloJetCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< FFTCaloJetCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< FFTCaloJetCollection
typedef FFTAnyJet< GenJetFFTGenJet
typedef std::vector< FFTGenJetFFTGenJetCollection
 collection of FFTGenJet objects More...
typedef edm::FwdPtr< FFTGenJetFFTGenJetFwdPtr
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdPtr< FFTGenJet > > 
typedef edm::FwdRef
< FFTGenJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdRef
< FFTGenJetCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< FFTGenJetCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< FFTGenJetCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< FFTGenJetCollection
typedef FFTAnyJet< JPTJetFFTJPTJet
typedef std::vector< FFTJPTJetFFTJPTJetCollection
 collection of FFTJPTJet objects More...
typedef edm::FwdPtr< FFTJPTJetFFTJPTJetFwdPtr
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdPtr< FFTJPTJet > > 
typedef edm::FwdRef
< FFTJPTJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdRef
< FFTJPTJetCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< FFTJPTJetCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< FFTJPTJetCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< FFTJPTJetCollection
typedef FFTAnyJet< PFJetFFTPFJet
typedef std::vector< FFTPFJetFFTPFJetCollection
 collection of FFTPFJet objects More...
typedef edm::FwdPtr< FFTPFJetFFTPFJetFwdPtr
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdPtr< FFTPFJet > > 
typedef edm::FwdRef
< FFTPFJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdRef
< FFTPFJetCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< FFTPFJetCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< FFTPFJetCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< FFTPFJetCollection
typedef FFTAnyJet< TrackJetFFTTrackJet
typedef std::vector< FFTTrackJetFFTTrackJetCollection
 collection of FFTTrackJet objects More...
typedef edm::FwdPtr< FFTTrackJetFFTTrackJetFwdPtr
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdPtr< FFTTrackJet > > 
typedef edm::FwdRef
< FFTTrackJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdRef
< FFTTrackJetCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< FFTTrackJetCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< FFTTrackJetCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< FFTTrackJetCollection
typedef edm::ValueMap< FitQualityFitResultCollection
typedef std::vector< GenericJetGenericJetCollection
 collection of GenericJet objects More...
typedef edm::FwdRef
< GenericJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdRef
< GenericJetCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< GenericJetCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< GenericJetCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< GenericJetCollection
typedef std::vector< GenJetGenJetCollection
 collection of GenJet objects More...
typedef edm::FwdPtr< GenJetGenJetFwdPtr
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdPtr< GenJet > > 
typedef edm::FwdRef
< GenJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdRef
< GenJetCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< GenJetCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< GenJetCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< GenJetCollection
typedef std::vector< reco::GenMETGenMETCollection
 collection of GenMET objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< GenMETCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< GenMETCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< GenMETCollection
typedef std::vector< GenParticleGenParticleCollection
 collection of GenParticles More...
typedef edm::Association
< GenParticleCollection
 vector of reference to GenParticle in the same collection More...
typedef edm::Ref
< GenParticleCollection
 persistent reference to a GenParticle More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< GenParticleCollection
 persistent reference to a GenParticle collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< GenParticleCollection
 vector of reference to GenParticle in the same collection More...
 iterator over a vector of reference to GsfElectron objects More...
typedef std::vector< GsfElectronGsfElectronCollection
 collection of GsfElectron objects More...
typedef std::vector
< GsfElectronCore
typedef edm::Ref
< GsfElectronCoreCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< GsfElectronCoreCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< GsfElectronCoreCollection
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< reco::GsfElectronRefProd,
std::vector< double > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< GsfElectronIsoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< GsfElectronIsoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< GsfElectronIsoCollection
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< reco::GsfElectronRefProd,
std::vector< int > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< GsfElectronIsoNumCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< GsfElectronIsoNumCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< GsfElectronIsoNumCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< GsfElectronCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of GsfElectron objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< GsfElectronCollection
 reference to a collection of GsfElectron objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< GsfElectronCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of GsfElectron objects More...
 iterator over a vector of references to GsfPFRecTrack objects More...
typedef std::vector
< GsfPFRecTrack
 collection of GsfPFRecTrack objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< GsfPFRecTrackCollection
 persistent reference to GsfPFRecTrack objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< GsfPFRecTrackCollection
 reference to GsfPFRecTrack collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< GsfPFRecTrackCollection
 vector of references to GsfPFRecTrack objects all in the same collection More...
typedef GsfTrackRefVector::iterator GsfTrack_iterator
 iterator over a vector of reference to GsfTrack in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< GsfTrackGsfTrackCollection
 collection of GsfTracks More...
 iterator over a vector of references to GsfTrackExtra in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector
< GsfTrackExtra
 collection of GsfTrackExtra objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< GsfTrackExtraCollection
 persistent reference to a GsfTrackExtra More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< GsfTrackExtraCollection
 reference to a GsfTrackExtra collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< GsfTrackExtraCollection
 vector of references to GsfTrackExtra in the same collection More...
typedef edm::Ref
< GsfTrackCollection
 persistent reference to a GsfTrack More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< GsfTrackCollection
 persistent reference to a GsfTrack collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< GsfTrackCollection
 vector of reference to GsfTrack in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< HcalNoiseHPDHcalNoiseHPDCollection
typedef std::vector< HcalNoiseRBXHcalNoiseRBXCollection
 iterator over a vector of references to HFEMClusterShape objects More...
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToOne
< SuperClusterCollection,
HFEMClusterShapeCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< HFEMClusterShapeAssociationCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of SeedMap objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< HFEMClusterShapeAssociationCollection
 reference to a collection of SeedMap objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< HFEMClusterShapeAssociationCollection
 vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SeedMap objects More...
typedef std::vector
< HFEMClusterShape
typedef edm::Ref
< HFEMClusterShapeCollection
 persistent reference to HFEMClusterShape objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< HFEMClusterShapeCollection
 reference to HFEMClusterShape collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< HFEMClusterShapeCollection
 vector of references to HFEMClusterShape objects all in the same collection More...
typedef HLTTauRefVector::iterator hlttau_iterator
 iterator over a vector of references to HLTTau objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< HLTTauHLTTauCollection
 collection of HLTTau objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< HLTTauCollection
 presistent reference to a HLTTau More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< HLTTauCollection
 references to HLTTau collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< HLTTauCollection
 vector of references to HLTTau objects all in the same collection More...
typedef edm::ValueMap
< reco::IsoDeposit
 keep it only as a part of ValueMap More...
typedef std::vector
< reco::IsolatedPFCandidate
 collection of IsolatedPFCandidates More...
 iterator More...
 iterator More...
typedef edm::Ptr
< IsolatedPFCandidate
 persistent reference to a IsolatedPFCandidate More...
typedef edm::Ref
< IsolatedPFCandidateCollection
 persistent reference to a IsolatedPFCandidate More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< IsolatedPFCandidateCollection
 persistent reference to a IsolatedPFCandidates collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< IsolatedPFCandidateCollection
 vector of reference to GenParticleCandidate in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector
< IsolatedPixelTrackCandidate
 collectin of IsolatedPixelTrackCandidate objects More...
 iterator over a vector of reference to IsolatedPixelTrackCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< IsolatedPixelTrackCandidateCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of IsolatedPixelTrackCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< IsolatedPixelTrackCandidateCollection
 reference to a collection of IsolatedPixelTrackCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< IsolatedPixelTrackCandidateCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of IsolatedPixelTrackCandidate objects More...
typedef std::vector
< reco::IsolatedPixelTrackCandidateRef
typedef std::vector
< IsolatedTauTagInfo
typedef edm::FwdRef
< IsolatedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< IsolatedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< IsolatedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< IsolatedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefToBase< JetJetBaseRef
typedef std::vector
< JetCrystalsAssociation
typedef edm::FwdRef
< JetCrystalsAssociationCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< JetCrystalsAssociationCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< JetCrystalsAssociationCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< JetCrystalsAssociationCollection
typedef std::vector< std::pair
< edm::RefToBase< Jet >, float > > 
typedef edm::FwdRef
< JetEisolAssociationCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< JetEisolAssociationCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< JetEisolAssociationCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< JetEisolAssociationCollection
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< edm::RefToBaseProd
< reco::Jet >, std::vector
< reco::JetFlavourInfo > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< JetFlavourInfoMatchingCollection
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< edm::RefToBaseProd
< reco::Jet >, std::vector
< reco::JetFlavour > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< JetFlavourMatchingCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< JetFlavourMatchingCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< JetFlavourMatchingCollection
typedef edm::ValueMap< JetIDJetIDValueMap
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< edm::RefToBaseProd
< reco::Jet >, std::vector
< reco::MatchedPartons > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< JetMatchedPartonsCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< JetMatchedPartonsCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< JetMatchedPartonsCollection
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< PFJetRefProd, std::vector
< std::vector< RecoTauPiZero > > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< JetPiZeroAssociation
typedef edm::RefProd
< JetPiZeroAssociation
typedef edm::RefVector
< JetPiZeroAssociation
typedef edm::RefToBaseProd
< reco::Jet
typedef std::vector< JetTagInfoJetTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::FwdRef
< JetTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< JetTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< JetTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< JetTagInfoCollection
 typedefs for backward compatibility More...
typedef JetTracksAssociation::Ref JetTracksAssociationRef
typedef edm::View< JetJetView
 edm references More...
typedef std::vector< JPTJetJPTJetCollection
 collection of CaloJet objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< JPTJetCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< JPTJetCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< JPTJetCollection
typedef std::vector< JTATagInfoJTATagInfoCollection
typedef edm::FwdRef
< JTATagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< JTATagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< JTATagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< JTATagInfoCollection
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToValue
< reco::CaloJetCollection,
reco::L2TauIsolationInfo > > 
typedef std::vector< reco::METMETCollection
 collection of MET objects More...
typedef edm::Ref< METCollectionMETRef
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< METCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< METCollection
typedef MinMETProducerT
< reco::CaloMET
typedef MinMETProducerT
< reco::PFMET
typedef MuonRefVector::iterator muon_iterator
 iterator over a vector of references to Muon objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< MuonMuonCollection
 collection of Muon objects More...
typedef edm::Ref< MuonCollectionMuonRef
 presistent reference to a Muon More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< MuonCollection
 references to Muon collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< MuonCollection
 vector of references to Muon objects all in the same collection More...
typedef edm::ValueMap
< reco::MuonShower
typedef edm::ValueMap
< reco::MuonTimeExtra
 collection of MuonTimeExtra objects More...
typedef edm::ValueMap
< reco::MuonRef
typedef std::vector
< MuonTrackLinks
 collection of MuonTrackLinks More...
typedef edm::RefToBase
< NamedCompositeCandidate
 persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefToBaseProd
< NamedCompositeCandidate
 vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type More...
typedef edm::RefToBaseVector
< NamedCompositeCandidate
 vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type More...
typedef std::vector
< NamedCompositeCandidate
 collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< NamedCompositeCandidateCollection
 persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< NamedCompositeCandidateCollection
 reference to a collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< NamedCompositeCandidateCollection
 vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::View
< NamedCompositeCandidate
 view of a collection containing candidates More...
 iterator over a vector of reference to Track in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector
< NuclearInteraction
 collection of NuclearInteractions More...
typedef edm::Ref
< NuclearInteractionCollection
 persistent reference to a NuclearInteraction More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< NuclearInteractionCollection
 vector of reference to Track in the same collection More...
typedef math::Error< 5 >::type PerigeeCovarianceMatrix
typedef std::vector< PFBlockPFBlockCollection
 collection of PFBlock objects More...
typedef std::vector
< reco::PFBlockElementSuperCluster
typedef edm::Ref
< reco::PFBlockElementSuperClusterCollection
typedef edm::Handle
< PFBlockCollection
 handle to a block collection More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFBlockCollection
 persistent reference to PFCluster objects More...
typedef std::vector
< reco::PFCandidate
 collection of PFCandidates More...
 iterator More...
typedef std::vector
< reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra
 collection of PFCandidateElectronExtras More...
 iterator More...
typedef edm::FwdPtr
< PFCandidateElectronExtra
 persistent FwdPtr to a PFCandidateElectronExtra More...
typedef std::vector
< PFCandidateElectronExtraFwdPtr
 vector of "forward" reference More...
typedef edm::FwdRef
< PFCandidateElectronExtraCollection
 persistent "forward" reference to a PFCandidateElectronExtra More...
typedef std::vector
< PFCandidateElectronExtraFwdRef
 vector of "forward" reference More...
 iterator More...
typedef edm::Ptr
< PFCandidateElectronExtra
 persistent Ptr to a PFCandidateElectronExtra More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFCandidateElectronExtraCollection
 persistent reference to a PFCandidateElectronExtra More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFCandidateElectronExtraCollection
 persistent reference to a PFCandidateElectronExtras collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFCandidateElectronExtraCollection
 vector of reference to GenParticleCandidate in the same collection More...
typedef edm::FwdPtr< PFCandidatePFCandidateFwdPtr
 persistent FwdPtr to a PFCandidate More...
typedef std::vector
< PFCandidateFwdPtr
 vector of "forward" reference More...
typedef edm::FwdRef
< PFCandidateCollection
 persistent "forward" reference to a PFCandidate More...
typedef std::vector
< PFCandidateFwdRef
 vector of "forward" reference More...
 iterator More...
typedef std::vector
< reco::PFCandidatePhotonExtra
 collection of PFCandidatePhotonExtras More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFCandidatePhotonExtraCollection
 persistent reference to a PFCandidatePhotonExtra More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFCandidatePhotonExtraCollection
 persistent reference to a PFCandidatePhotonExtras collection More...
typedef edm::Ptr< PFCandidatePFCandidatePtr
 persistent Ptr to a PFCandidate More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFCandidateCollection
 persistent reference to a PFCandidate More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFCandidateCollection
 persistent reference to a PFCandidates collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFCandidateCollection
 vector of reference to GenParticleCandidate in the same collection More...
 iterator over a vector of references to PFCluster objects More...
typedef std::vector< PFClusterPFClusterCollection
 collection of PFCluster objects More...
typedef std::vector< PFClusterJetPFClusterJetCollection
 collection of PFClusterJet objects More...
typedef edm::FwdPtr< PFClusterJetPFClusterJetFwdPtr
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdPtr< PFClusterJet > > 
typedef edm::FwdRef
< PFClusterJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdRef
< PFClusterJetCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< PFClusterJetCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFClusterJetCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFClusterJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< reco::PFClusterMET
 collection of PFClusterMET objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFClusterMETCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFClusterMETCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFClusterMETCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< PFClusterCollection
 persistent reference to PFCluster objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFClusterCollection
 reference to PFCluster collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFClusterCollection
 vector of references to PFCluster objects all in the same collection More...
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToOne
< PFClusterCollection,
ClusterShapeCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< PFClusterShapeAssociationCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFClusterShapeAssociationCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFClusterShapeAssociationCollection
typedef std::vector
< PFCombinedTauTagInfo
typedef edm::FwdRef
< PFCombinedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< PFCombinedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFCombinedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFCombinedTauTagInfoCollection
 iterator over a vector of references to PFConversion objects More...
typedef std::vector< PFConversionPFConversionCollection
 collection of PFConversion objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFConversionCollection
 persistent reference to PFConversion objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFConversionCollection
 reference to PFConversion collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFConversionCollection
 vector of references to PFConversion objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector
< PFDisplacedTrackerVertex
 collection of DisplacedTrackerVertexs More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFDisplacedTrackerVertexCollection
 persistent reference to a DisplacedTrackerVertex More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFDisplacedTrackerVertexCollection
 vector of reference to Track in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector
< PFDisplacedVertexCandidate
 collection of PFDisplacedVertexCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::Handle
< PFDisplacedVertexCandidateCollection
 handle to a PFDisplacedVertexCandidate collection More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFDisplacedVertexCandidateCollection
 persistent reference to a PFDisplacedVertexCandidate objects More...
typedef std::vector
< PFDisplacedVertex
 collection of PFDisplacedVertex objects More...
typedef edm::Handle
< PFDisplacedVertexCollection
 handle to a PFDisplacedVertex collection More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFDisplacedVertexCollection
 persistent reference to a PFDisplacedVertex objects More...
typedef std::vector
< PFDisplacedVertexSeed
 collection of PFDisplacedVertexSeed objects More...
typedef edm::Handle
< PFDisplacedVertexSeedCollection
 handle to a PFDisplacedVertexSeed collection More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFDisplacedVertexSeedCollection
 persistent reference to a PFDisplacedVertexSeed objects More...
typedef std::vector
< PFIsolatedTauTagInfo
typedef edm::FwdRef
< PFIsolatedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< PFIsolatedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFIsolatedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFIsolatedTauTagInfoCollection
typedef std::vector< PFJetPFJetCollection
 collection of PFJet objects More...
typedef edm::FwdPtr< PFJetPFJetFwdPtr
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdPtr< PFJet > > 
typedef edm::FwdRef
< PFJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdRef< PFJetCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref< PFJetCollectionPFJetRef
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFJetCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFJetCollection
typedef std::vector< reco::PFMETPFMETCollection
 collection of PFMET objects More...
typedef edm::Ref< PFMETCollectionPFMETRef
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFMETCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFMETCollection
typedef std::vector< std::pair
< double, double > > 
 Abstract This class is used by the KDTree Track / Ecal Cluster linker to store all found links. More...
typedef std::vector
< PFNuclearInteraction
 collection of NuclearInteractions More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFNuclearInteractionCollection
 persistent reference to a NuclearInteraction More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFNuclearInteractionCollection
 vector of reference to Track in the same collection More...
 iterator over a vector of references to PFParticle objects More...
typedef std::vector< PFParticle > PFParticleCollection
 collection of PFParticle objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFParticleCollection
 persistent reference to PFParticle objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFParticleCollection
 reference to PFParticle collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFParticleCollection
 vector of references to PFParticle objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< PFRecHitPFRecHitCollection
 collection of PFRecHit objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFRecHitCollection
 persistent reference to PFRecHit objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFRecHitCollection
 reference to PFRecHit collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFRecHitCollection
 vector of references to PFRecHit objects all in the same collection More...
 iterator over a vector of references to PFRecTrack objects More...
typedef std::vector< PFRecTrackPFRecTrackCollection
 collection of PFRecTrack objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFRecTrackCollection
 persistent reference to PFRecTrack objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFRecTrackCollection
 reference to PFRecTrack collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFRecTrackCollection
 vector of references to PFRecTrack objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector
< PFSimParticle
 collection of PFSimParticle objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFSimParticleCollection
 persistent reference to PFSimParticle objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFSimParticleCollection
 reference to PFSimParticle collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFSimParticleCollection
 vector of references to PFSimParticle objects all in the same collection More...
typedef PFTauRefVector::iterator pftau_iterator
 iterator over a vector of references to PFTau objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< PFTauPFTauCollection
 collection of PFTau objects More...
 iterator over a vector of references to PFTauDecayMode objects all in the same collection More...
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< PFTauRefProd,
typedef edm::Ref
< PFTauDecayModeAssociation
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFTauDecayModeAssociation
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFTauDecayModeAssociation
typedef std::vector
< PFTauDecayMode
 collection of PFTauDecayMode objects More...
typedef edm::Association
< reco::PFTauCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< PFTauDecayModeCollection
 presistent reference to a PFTauDecayMode More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFTauDecayModeCollection
 references to PFTauDecayMode collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFTauDecayModeCollection
 vector of references to PFTauDecayMode objects all in the same collection More...
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< PFTauRefProd, std::vector
< float > > 
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< PFTauRefProd, std::vector
< int > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< PFTauDiscriminatorByIsolation
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFTauDiscriminatorByIsolation
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFTauDiscriminatorByIsolation
typedef edm::Ref
< PFTauDiscriminator
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFTauDiscriminator
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFTauDiscriminator
typedef edm::Ref< PFTauCollectionPFTauRef
 presistent reference to a PFTau More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFTauCollection
 references to PFTau collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFTauCollection
 vector of references to PFTau objects all in the same collection More...
 iterator over a vector of references to PFTauTagInfo objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< PFTauTagInfoPFTauTagInfoCollection
 collection of PFTauTagInfo objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFTauTagInfoCollection
 presistent reference to a PFTauTagInfo More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFTauTagInfoCollection
 references to PFTauTagInfo collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFTauTagInfoCollection
 vector of references to PFTauTagInfo objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector
< PFTrajectoryPoint
 collection of PFTrajectoryPoint objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PFTrajectoryPointCollection
 persistent reference to PFTrajectoryPoint objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFTrajectoryPointCollection
 reference to PFTrajectoryPoint collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFTrajectoryPointCollection
 vector of references to PFTrajectoryPoint objects all in the same collection More...
typedef PFV0RefVector::iterator PFV0_iterator
 iterator over a vector of references to PFV0 objects More...
typedef std::vector< PFV0PFV0Collection
 collection of PFV0 objects More...
typedef edm::Ref< PFV0CollectionPFV0Ref
 persistent reference to PFV0 objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PFV0Collection
 reference to PFV0 collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PFV0Collection
 vector of references to PFV0 objects all in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< PhiWedgePhiWedgeCollection
typedef PhotonRefVector::iterator photon_iterator
 iterator over a vector of reference to Photon objects More...
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToOne
< reco::PhotonCollection,
reco::CandidateCollection > > 
typedef std::vector< PhotonPhotonCollection
 collectin of Photon objects More...
 iterator over a vector of reference to PhotonCore objects More...
typedef std::vector< PhotonCorePhotonCoreCollection
 collectin of PhotonCore objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PhotonCoreCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of PhotonCore objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PhotonCoreCollection
 reference to a collection of PhotonCore objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PhotonCoreCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of PhotonCore objects More...
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToValue< std::vector
< reco::Photon >, float > > 
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToValue< std::vector
< reco::Photon >, float > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< PhotonCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of Photon objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PhotonCollection
 reference to a collection of Photon objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PhotonCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of Photon objects More...
typedef std::vector
< reco::PileUpPFCandidate
 collection of PileUpPFCandidates More...
 iterator More...
 iterator More...
typedef edm::Ptr
< PileUpPFCandidate
 persistent reference to a PileUpPFCandidate More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PileUpPFCandidateCollection
 persistent reference to a PileUpPFCandidate More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PileUpPFCandidateCollection
 persistent reference to a PileUpPFCandidates collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PileUpPFCandidateCollection
 vector of reference to GenParticleCandidate in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< reco::PreIdPreIdCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< reco::PreIdCollection
 iterator over a vector of references to PreshowerCluster objects More...
typedef std::vector
< PreshowerCluster
 collection of PreshowerCluster objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PreshowerClusterCollection
 persistent reference to PreshowerCluster objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PreshowerClusterCollection
 reference to PreshowerCluster collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PreshowerClusterCollection
 vector of references to PreshowerCluster objects all in the same collection More...
 iterator over a vector of references to PreshowerClusterShape objects More...
typedef std::vector
< PreshowerClusterShape
 collection of PreshowerClusterShape objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< PreshowerClusterShapeCollection
 persistent reference to PreshowerClusterShape objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< PreshowerClusterShapeCollection
 reference to PreshowerClusterShape collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< PreshowerClusterShapeCollection
 vector of references to PreshowerClusterShape objects all in the same collection More...
 iterator over a vector of reference to RecoChargedCandidate objects More...
typedef std::vector
< RecoChargedCandidate
 collectin of RecoChargedCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< RecoChargedCandidateCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of RecoChargedCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< RecoChargedCandidateCollection
 reference to a collection of RecoChargedCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< RecoChargedCandidateCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of RecoChargedCandidate objects More...
 iterator over a vector of reference to RecoChargedRefCandidate objects More...
typedef LeafRefCandidateT
< TrackRef
typedef std::vector
< RecoChargedRefCandidate
 collectin of LeafRefCandidateT<reco::TrackRef> objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< RecoChargedRefCandidateCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of RecoChargedRefCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< RecoChargedRefCandidateCollection
 reference to a collection of RecoChargedRefCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefToBase
< reco::Candidate
typedef edm::RefVector
< RecoChargedRefCandidateCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of RecoChargedRefCandidate objects More...
 iterator over a vector of reference to RecoEcalCandidate objects More...
typedef std::vector
< RecoEcalCandidate
 collectin of RecoEcalCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToValue< std::vector
< reco::RecoEcalCandidate >
, float > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< RecoEcalCandidateCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of RecoEcalCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< RecoEcalCandidateCollection
 reference to a collection of RecoEcalCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< RecoEcalCandidateCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of RecoEcalCandidate objects More...
 iterator over a vector of reference to RecoPFClusterRefCandidate objects More...
typedef LeafRefCandidateT
< PFClusterRef
typedef std::vector
< RecoPFClusterRefCandidate
 collectin of LeafRefCandidateT<reco::TrackRef> objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< RecoPFClusterRefCandidateCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of RecoPFClusterRefCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< RecoPFClusterRefCandidateCollection
 reference to a collection of RecoPFClusterRefCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefToBase
< reco::Candidate
typedef edm::RefVector
< RecoPFClusterRefCandidateCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of RecoPFClusterRefCandidate objects More...
 iterator over a vector of reference to RecoStandAloneMuonCandidate objects More...
typedef std::vector
< RecoStandAloneMuonCandidate
 collectin of RecoStandAloneMuonCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< RecoStandAloneMuonCandidateCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of RecoStandAloneMuonCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< RecoStandAloneMuonCandidateCollection
 reference to a collection of RecoStandAloneMuonCandidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< RecoStandAloneMuonCandidateCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of RecoStandAloneMuonCandidate objects More...
typedef std::vector
< RecoTauPiZero
 collection of RecoTauPiZero objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< RecoTauPiZeroCollection
 presistent reference to a RecoTauPiZero More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< RecoTauPiZeroCollection
 references to RecoTauPiZero collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< RecoTauPiZeroCollection
 vector of references to RecoTauPiZero objects all in the same collection More...
 iterator over a vector of references to RecoTauPiZero objects all in the same collection More...
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToManyWithQualityGeneric
< edm::View< reco::Track >
, TrackingParticleCollection,
double > > 
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToManyWithQualityGeneric
< edm::View< TrajectorySeed >
, TrackingParticleCollection,
double > > 
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToManyWithQualityGeneric
< TrajectorySeedCollection,
double > > 
typedef ObjectSelector
< RecoTrackRefSelector,
typedef ObjectSelector
< RecoTrackSelector
typedef std::vector
< SecondaryVertexTagInfo
typedef edm::FwdRef
< SecondaryVertexTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< SecondaryVertexTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< SecondaryVertexTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< SecondaryVertexTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToManyWithQualityGeneric
< TrackingParticleCollection,
edm::View< reco::Track >
, double > > 
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToManyWithQualityGeneric
< TrackingParticleCollection,
edm::View< TrajectorySeed >
, double > > 
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToManyWithQualityGeneric
< TrackingParticleCollection,
double > > 
 iterator over a vector of reference to SiStripElectron objects More...
typedef std::vector
< SiStripElectron
 collectin of SiStripElectron objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< SiStripElectronCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of SiStripElectron objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< SiStripElectronCollection
 reference to a collection of SiStripElectron objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< SiStripElectronCollection
 vector of objects in the same collection of SiStripElectron objects More...
typedef std::vector
< SoftLeptonTagInfo
typedef edm::FwdRef
< SoftLeptonTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< SoftLeptonTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< SoftLeptonTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< SoftLeptonTagInfoCollection
 iterator over a vector of reference to SuperClusters More...
typedef std::vector< SuperClusterSuperClusterCollection
 collection of SuperCluser objectr More...
typedef edm::Ref
< SuperClusterCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of SuperCluster objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< SuperClusterCollection
 reference to a collection of SuperCluster objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< SuperClusterCollection
 vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SuperCluster objects More...
typedef float TaggingValue
typedef std::pair
< TaggingVariableName,
typedef std::vector
< TaggingVariableList
typedef edm::FwdRef
< TaggingVariableListCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< TaggingVariableListCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< TaggingVariableListCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< TaggingVariableListCollection
typedef std::vector
< TauImpactParameterInfo
typedef edm::FwdRef
< TauImpactParameterInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< TauImpactParameterInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< TauImpactParameterInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< TauImpactParameterInfoCollection
typedef std::vector
< TauMassTagInfo
typedef edm::FwdRef
< TauMassTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< TauMassTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< TauMassTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< TauMassTagInfoCollection
typedef TrackRefVector::iterator track_iterator
 iterator over a vector of reference to Track in the same collection More...
typedef edm::RefToBase
< reco::Track
 persistent reference to a Track, using views More...
typedef edm::ValueMap
< reco::CaloClusterPtr
typedef edm::ValueMap
< reco::CaloClusterPtrVector
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToOne
< reco::TrackCollection,
reco::CandidateCollection > > 
typedef edm::ValueMap
< reco::CaloClusterPtr
typedef edm::ValueMap
< reco::CaloClusterPtrVector
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToOne
< TrackCandidateCollection,
TrajectorySeedCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< TrackCandidateSeedAssociationCollection
 reference to an object in a collection of SeedMap objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< TrackCandidateSeedAssociationCollection
 reference to a collection of SeedMap objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< TrackCandidateSeedAssociationCollection
 vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SeedMap objects More...
typedef edm::ValueMap
< reco::SuperClusterRef
typedef std::vector< TrackTrackCollection
 collection of Tracks More...
typedef std::vector
< TrackCountingTagInfo
typedef edm::FwdRef
< TrackCountingTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< TrackCountingTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< TrackCountingTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< TrackCountingTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::AssociationVector
< reco::TrackRefProd,
< reco::DeDxHitCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< TrackDeDxHitsCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< TrackDeDxHitsCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< TrackDeDxHitsCollection
 iterator over a vector of references to TrackExtra in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< TrackExtraTrackExtraCollection
 collection of TrackExtra objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< TrackExtraCollection
 persistent reference to a TrackExtra More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< TrackExtraCollection
 reference to a TrackExtra collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< TrackExtraCollection
 vector of references to TrackExtra in the same collection More...
typedef std::vector< TrackInfoTrackInfoCollection
 collection of TrackInfos More...
typedef edm::Ref
< TrackInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< TrackInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< TrackInfoCollection
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToOne
< TrackCollection,
TrackInfoCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< TrackInfoTrackAssociationCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< TrackInfoTrackAssociationCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< TrackInfoTrackAssociationCollection
typedef std::vector
< TrackIPTagInfo
typedef edm::FwdRef
< TrackIPTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< TrackIPTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< TrackIPTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< TrackIPTagInfoCollection
typedef std::vector< TrackJetTrackJetCollection
 collection of TrackJet objects More...
typedef edm::FwdPtr< TrackJetTrackJetFwdPtr
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdPtr< TrackJet > > 
typedef edm::FwdRef
< TrackJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< edm::FwdRef
< TrackJetCollection > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< TrackJetCollection
 edm references More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< TrackJetCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< TrackJetCollection
typedef std::vector
< TrackProbabilityTagInfo
typedef edm::FwdRef
< TrackProbabilityTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref
< TrackProbabilityTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefProd
< TrackProbabilityTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::RefVector
< TrackProbabilityTagInfoCollection
typedef edm::Ref< TrackCollectionTrackRef
 persistent reference to a Track More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< TrackCollection
 persistent reference to a Track collection More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< TrackCollection
 vector of reference to Track in the same collection More...
typedef edm::ValueMap
< reco::SuperClusterRef
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToValue
< reco::TrackCollection,
reco::TauImpactParameterTrackData > > 
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToOne
< reco::TrackCollection,
reco::TrackCollection > > 
 iterator over a vector of references to PFTrajectoryPoint objects More...
typedef VertexRefVector::iterator vertex_iterator
 iterator over a vector of references to Vertex objects in the same collection More...
typedef edm::RefToBase
< reco::Vertex
typedef std::vector< VertexVertexCollection
 collection of Vertex objects More...
typedef edm::RefToBase
< VertexCompositeCandidate
 persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefToBaseProd
< VertexCompositeCandidate
 vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type More...
typedef edm::RefToBaseVector
< VertexCompositeCandidate
 vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type More...
typedef std::vector
< VertexCompositeCandidate
 collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::Ref
< VertexCompositeCandidateCollection
 persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< VertexCompositeCandidateCollection
 reference to a collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< VertexCompositeCandidateCollection
 vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects More...
typedef edm::View
< VertexCompositeCandidate
 view of a collection containing candidates More...
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToManyWithQuality
< edm::View< reco::Vertex >
, TrackingVertexCollection,
double > > 
typedef edm::Ref
< VertexCollection
 persistent reference to a Vertex More...
typedef edm::RefProd
< VertexCollection
 persistent reference to a Vertex More...
typedef edm::RefVector
< VertexCollection
 vector of references to Vertex objects in the same collection More...
typedef edm::AssociationMap
< edm::OneToManyWithQuality
< TrackingVertexCollection,
edm::View< reco::Vertex >
, double > > 
typedef edm::ValueMap
< reco::VoronoiBackground
typedef std::vector< VZeroVZeroCollection
typedef std::vector
< reco::WMuNuCandidate
typedef std::vector
< reco::WMuNuCandidatePtr


enum  RecHitType { Single =0, Matched =1, Projected =2, Null =3 }
enum  StateType { Updated =0, Combined =1, FwPredicted =2, BwPredicted =3 }
enum  TunePType { defaultTuneP, improvedTuneP }


int checkMethod (const ROOT::Reflex::Member &mem, const ROOT::Reflex::Type &type, const std::vector< AnyMethodArgument > &args, std::vector< AnyMethodArgument > &fixuppedArgs)
double deltaEta2 (double eta1, double eta2)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
double deltaEta2 (const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2)
double deltaPhi (double phi1, double phi2)
double deltaPhi (float phi1, double phi2)
double deltaPhi (double phi1, float phi2)
float deltaPhi (float phi1, float phi2)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
double deltaPhi (T1 &t1, T2 &t2)
template<typename T >
T deltaPhi (T phi1, T phi2)
double deltaR (double eta1, double phi1, double eta2, double phi2)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
double deltaR (const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2)
template<class T >
T deltaR (T eta1, T phi1, T eta2, T phi2)
double deltaR2 (double eta1, double phi1, double eta2, double phi2)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
double deltaR2 (const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2)
template<class T >
T deltaR2 (T eta1, T phi1, T eta2, T phi2)
double deltaR2< GlobalVector > (const GlobalVector &v1, const GlobalVector &v2)
double deltaR< GlobalVector > (const GlobalVector &v1, const GlobalVector &v2)
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
double ellipse (const T1 &t1, const T2 &t2, double rPhi, double rEta)
PerigeeCovarianceMatrixfillCovariance (PerigeeCovarianceMatrix &v, const float *data)
Reflex::Member findDataMember (const Reflex::Type &iType, const std::string &iName, int &oError)
std::pair< Reflex::Member, bool > findMethod (const Reflex::Type &type, const std::string &name, const std::vector< reco::parser::AnyMethodArgument > &args, std::vector< reco::parser::AnyMethodArgument > &fixuppedArgs, const char *where, int &oError)
pair< Member, bool > findMethod (const Type &t, const string &name, const std::vector< AnyMethodArgument > &args, std::vector< AnyMethodArgument > &fixuppedArgs, const char *iIterator, int &oError)
int flavour (const Candidate &part)
template<typename T >
T get (const Candidate &c)
template<typename T , typename Tag >
T get (const Candidate &c)
template<typename T >
T get (const Candidate &c, size_t i)
template<typename T , typename Tag >
T get (const Candidate &c, size_t i)
TaggingVariableName getTaggingVariableName (const std::string &name)
HcalSubdetector hcalSubdetector (int iEta)
 converts eta to the corresponding HCAL subdetector. More...
bool isElectron (const Candidate &part)
bool isLepton (const Candidate &part)
bool isMuon (const Candidate &part)
bool isNeutrino (const Candidate &part)
bool isTau (const Candidate &part)
bool makeSpecific (std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &towers, const CaloSubdetectorGeometry &towerGeometry, reco::CaloJet::Specific *caloJetSpecific)
 Make CaloJet specifics. Assumes PseudoJet is made from CaloTowerCandidates. More...
bool makeSpecific (std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &particles, reco::PFJet::Specific *pfJetSpecific)
 Make PFlowJet specifics. Assumes PseudoJet is made from ParticleFlowCandidates. More...
bool makeSpecific (std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &mcparticles, reco::GenJet::Specific *genJetSpecific)
 Make GenJet specifics. Assumes PseudoJet is made from HepMCCandidate. More...
double normalizedPhi (double phi)
template<typename T >
size_t numberOf (const Candidate &c)
template<typename T , typename Tag >
size_t numberOf (const Candidate &c)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >, And,
Expr< B > >::ReturnType 
operator&& (const Expr< A > &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, And, Expr
< B > >::ReturnType 
operator&& (const A &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >, And,
B >::ReturnType 
operator&& (const Expr< A > &A, const B &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >, Mul,
Expr< B > >::ReturnType 
operator* (const Expr< A > &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, Mul, Expr
< B > >::ReturnType 
operator* (const A &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >, Mul,
B >::ReturnType 
operator* (const Expr< A > &A, const B &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >, Add,
Expr< B > >::ReturnType 
operator+ (const TExpr< A > &A, const TExpr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, Add, Expr
< B > >::ReturnType 
operator+ (const A &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >, Add,
B >::ReturnType 
operator+ (const Expr< A > &A, const B &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >, Div,
Expr< B > >::ReturnType 
operator/ (const Expr< A > &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, Div, Expr
< B > >::ReturnType 
operator/ (const A &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >, Div,
B >::ReturnType 
operator/ (const Expr< A > &A, const B &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >
, Less, Expr< B >
operator< (const Expr< A > &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, Less, TExpr
< B > >::ReturnType 
operator< (const A &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >
, Less, B >::ReturnType 
operator< (const Expr< A > &A, const B &B)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const pat::Photon &obj)
 pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Photon with PFTopProjectors) More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const pat::Muon &obj)
 pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Muon with PFTopProjectors) More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const pat::Tau &obj)
 pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Tau with PFTopProjectors) More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const pat::Electron &obj)
 pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Electron with PFTopProjectors) More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const pat::Jet &obj)
 pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Jet with PFTopProjectors) More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const RecoTauPiZero &c)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const CaloID &id)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const reco::PFTrajectoryPoint &trajPoint)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PFCandidateElectronExtra &c)
 print the variables More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, BeamSpot beam)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const reco::PFJet &jet)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PFTau &c)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const PFCandidate &c)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >
, LessEqual, Expr< B >
operator<= (const Expr< A > &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, LessEqual,
Expr< B > >::ReturnType 
operator<= (const A &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >
, LessEqual, B >::ReturnType 
operator<= (const Expr< A > &A, const B &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >
, Equal, Expr< B >
operator== (const Expr< A > &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, Equal, Expr
< B > >::ReturnType 
operator== (const A &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >
, Equal, B >::ReturnType 
operator== (const Expr< A > &A, const B &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >
, More, Expr< B >
operator> (const Expr< A > &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, More, Expr
< B > >::ReturnType 
operator> (const A &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >
, More, B >::ReturnType 
operator> (const Expr< A > &A, const B &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >
, MoreEqual, TExpr< B >
operator>= (const Expr< A > &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, MoreEqual,
TExpr< B > >::ReturnType 
operator>= (const A &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >
, MoreEqual, B >::ReturnType 
operator>= (const Expr< A > &A, const B &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >, Or,
Expr< B > >::ReturnType 
operator|| (const Expr< A > &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, Or, Expr< B >
operator|| (const A &A, const Expr< B > &B)
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr< A >, Or,
B >::ReturnType 
operator|| (const Expr< A > &A, const B &B)
std::string print (const Vertex &, edm::Verbosity=edm::Concise)
 Vertex print utility. More...
std::string print (const Track &, edm::Verbosity=edm::Concise)
 Track print utility. More...
Type returnType (const Member &mem)
Reflex::Type returnType (const Reflex::Member &)
method::TypeCode returnTypeCode (const Reflex::Member &)
TypeCode returnTypeCode (const Member &mem)
< edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller
< CosmicTrackingParticleSelector > > 
s_filler__LINE__ ("CosmicTrackingParticleSelector")
< edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller
< RecoTrackSelector > > 
s_filler__LINE__ ("RecoTrackSelector")
< edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller
< RecoTrackRefSelector > > 
s_filler__LINE__ ("RecoTrackRefSelector")
< edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller
< CentralityProducer > > 
s_filler__LINE__ ("CentralityProducer")
< edm::WorkerMaker
< CosmicTrackingParticleSelector > > 
s_maker__LINE__ ("CosmicTrackingParticleSelector")
< edm::WorkerMaker
< RecoTrackSelector > > 
s_maker__LINE__ ("RecoTrackSelector")
< edm::WorkerMaker
< RecoTrackRefSelector > > 
s_maker__LINE__ ("RecoTrackRefSelector")
< edm::WorkerMaker
< CentralityProducer > > 
s_maker__LINE__ ("CentralityProducer")
void swap (reco::ClusterRemovalInfo &cri1, reco::ClusterRemovalInfo &cri2)
method::TypeCode typeCode (const Reflex::Type &)
TypeCode typeCode (const Type &t)
void writeSpecific (reco::CaloJet &jet, reco::Particle::LorentzVector const &p4, reco::Particle::Point const &point, std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &constituents, edm::EventSetup const &c)
void writeSpecific (reco::PFJet &jet, reco::Particle::LorentzVector const &p4, reco::Particle::Point const &point, std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &constituents, edm::EventSetup const &c)
void writeSpecific (reco::GenJet &jet, reco::Particle::LorentzVector const &p4, reco::Particle::Point const &point, std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &constituents, edm::EventSetup const &c)
void writeSpecific (reco::TrackJet &jet, reco::Particle::LorentzVector const &p4, reco::Particle::Point const &point, std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &constituents, edm::EventSetup const &c)
 Make TrackJet. Assumes constituents point to tracks, through RecoChargedCandidates. More...
void writeSpecific (reco::PFClusterJet &jet, reco::Particle::LorentzVector const &p4, reco::Particle::Point const &point, std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &constituents, edm::EventSetup const &c)
 Make PFClusterJet. Assumes PseudoJet is made from PFCluster. More...
void writeSpecific (reco::BasicJet &jet, reco::Particle::LorentzVector const &p4, reco::Particle::Point const &point, std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &constituents, edm::EventSetup const &c)
 Make BasicJet. Assumes nothing about the jet. More...
std::pair< const Candidate
*, const Candidate * > 
zMCLeptonDaughters (const Candidate &z, int leptonPdgId)


const char * TaggingVariableDescription []
const char * TaggingVariableTokens []

Detailed Description

fixed size matrix

Base class for factories producing reference trajectories, i.e. instances of classes deriving from ReferenceTrajectoryBase, from a TrajTrackPairCollection.

by Edmund Widl, see CMS NOTE-2007/032.

Dummy class for preselection of object matches.

Define match between two objects by deltaEta.

Define match between two objects by deltaR and deltaPt.

Provides the less operator for two pairs of matched objects based on deltaEta.

Provides the less operator for two pairs of matched objects based on deltaPt.

class: package: DataFormats/BeamSpot

A reconstructed beam spot providing position, width, slopes, and errors.

author: Francisco Yumiceva, Fermilab (


Id:,v 1.12 2011/04/06 20:31:35 venturia Exp

Class holding information on the tangent to the electron track on one surface

Extension of reco::Track for GSF. It contains one additional Ref to a GsfTrackExtra object.

Extension of a GSF track providing multi-states at the inner- and outermost measurement


Generic: tracks = InputTag of a collection of tracks to read from minimumHits = Minimum hits that the output TrackCandidate must have to be saved replaceWithInactiveHits = instead of discarding hits, replace them with a invalid "inactive" hits, so multiple scattering is accounted for correctly. stripFrontInvalidHits = strip invalid hits at the beginning of the track stripBackInvalidHits = strip invalid hits at the end of the track stripAllInvalidHits = remove ALL invald hits (might be a problem for multiple scattering, use with care!)

Per structure: commands = list of commands, to be applied in order as they are written commands can be: "keep XYZ" , "drop XYZ" (XYZ = PXB, PXE, TIB, TID, TOB, TEC) "keep XYZ l", "drop XYZ n" (XYZ as above, n = layer, wheel or disk = 1 .. 6 ; positive and negative are the same )

Individual modules: detsToIgnore = individual list of detids on which hits must be discarded

class: PVFitter.h package: RecoVertex/BeamSpotProducer

author: Francisco Yumiceva, Fermilab ( Geng-Yuan Jeng, UC Riverside (


PVFitter.h,v 1.11 2011/02/22 14:16:52 friis Exp

Abstract Base class for reference counted TransientTrack

Concrete implementation of the TransientTrack for a multi-state reco::GsfTrack

Concrete implementation of the TransientTrack for a reco::Track

Definition of Transient Track class to be used for higher-level reconstruction (vertexing, b-tagging...). It allows access to several services that the DataFormat tracks can not access (magnetic field, geometry)

Concrete implementation of the TransientTrack for a multi-state reco::GsfTrack To be built through the factory TransientTrackFromFTSFactory or the TransientTrackBuilder

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::vector< BaseTagInfo > reco::BaseTagInfoCollection

Definition at line 44 of file BaseTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 44 of file BaseTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 44 of file BaseTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 44 of file BaseTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 44 of file BaseTagInfo.h.

iterator over a vector of references to BaseTau objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 19 of file BaseTauFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<BaseTau> reco::BaseTauCollection

collection of BaseTau objects

Definition at line 9 of file BaseTauFwd.h.

presistent reference to a BaseTau

Definition at line 13 of file BaseTauFwd.h.

references to BaseTau collection

Definition at line 15 of file BaseTauFwd.h.

vector of references to BaseTau objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 17 of file BaseTauFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to BaseTauTagInfo objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 19 of file BaseTauTagInfoFwd.h.

collection of BaseTauTagInfo objects

Definition at line 9 of file BaseTauTagInfoFwd.h.

presistent reference to a BaseTauTagInfo

Definition at line 13 of file BaseTauTagInfoFwd.h.

references to BaseTauTagInfo collection

Definition at line 15 of file BaseTauTagInfoFwd.h.

vector of references to BaseTauTagInfo objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 17 of file BaseTauTagInfoFwd.h.

Definition at line 22 of file BasicCluster.h.

iterator over a vector of references to BasicCluster objects

Definition at line 39 of file BasicClusterFwd.h.

collection of BasicCluster objects

Definition at line 27 of file BasicClusterFwd.h.

persistent reference to BasicCluster objects

Definition at line 30 of file BasicClusterFwd.h.

reference to BasicCluster collection

Definition at line 33 of file BasicClusterFwd.h.

vector of references to BasicCluster objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 36 of file BasicClusterFwd.h.

Definition at line 20 of file BasicClusterShapeAssociation.h.

Definition at line 18 of file BasicClusterShapeAssociation.h.

Definition at line 22 of file BasicClusterShapeAssociation.h.

Definition at line 24 of file BasicClusterShapeAssociation.h.

Definition at line 26 of file BasicClusterShapeAssociation.h.

typedef std::vector<BasicJet> reco::BasicJetCollection

collection of BasicJet objects

Definition at line 14 of file BasicJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 18 of file BasicJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 21 of file BasicJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 17 of file BasicJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 20 of file BasicJetCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 16 of file BasicJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 22 of file BasicJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 19 of file BasicJetCollection.h.

iterator over a vector of references to PFRecHit objects

Definition at line 24 of file PFRecHitFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to Conversion objects

Definition at line 24 of file ConversionFwd.h.

Definition at line 21 of file CaloClusterFwd.h.

collection of CaloCluster objects

Definition at line 15 of file CaloClusterFwd.h.

Definition at line 17 of file CaloClusterFwd.h.

Definition at line 18 of file CaloClusterFwd.h.

Definition at line 19 of file CaloClusterFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<CaloJet> reco::CaloJetCollection

collection of CaloJet objects

Definition at line 16 of file CaloJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 20 of file CaloJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 24 of file CaloJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 19 of file CaloJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 23 of file CaloJetCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 18 of file CaloJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 22 of file CaloJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 21 of file CaloJetCollection.h.

typedef std::vector< CaloMET > reco::CaloMETCollection

collection of CaloMET objects

Definition at line 21 of file CaloMETCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 14 of file CaloMETFwd.h.

Definition at line 16 of file CaloMETFwd.h.

Definition at line 15 of file CaloMETFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<CaloMuon> reco::CaloMuonCollection

collection of Muon objects

Definition at line 27 of file MuonFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to CaloTau objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 19 of file CaloTauFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<CaloTau> reco::CaloTauCollection

collection of CaloTau objects

Definition at line 9 of file CaloTauFwd.h.

Definition at line 10 of file CaloTauDiscriminatorAgainstElectron.h.

Definition at line 28 of file CaloTauDiscriminatorAgainstElectron.h.

Definition at line 29 of file CaloTauDiscriminatorAgainstElectron.h.

Definition at line 30 of file CaloTauDiscriminatorAgainstElectron.h.

Definition at line 27 of file CaloTauDiscriminatorAgainstElectron.h.

Definition at line 10 of file CaloTauDiscriminator.h.

Definition at line 10 of file CaloTauDiscriminatorByIsolation.h.

Definition at line 28 of file CaloTauDiscriminatorByIsolation.h.

Definition at line 29 of file CaloTauDiscriminatorByIsolation.h.

Definition at line 30 of file CaloTauDiscriminatorByIsolation.h.

Definition at line 27 of file CaloTauDiscriminatorByIsolation.h.

Definition at line 28 of file CaloTauDiscriminator.h.

Definition at line 29 of file CaloTauDiscriminator.h.

Definition at line 30 of file CaloTauDiscriminator.h.

Definition at line 27 of file CaloTauDiscriminator.h.

presistent reference to a CaloTau

Definition at line 13 of file CaloTauFwd.h.

references to CaloTau collection

Definition at line 15 of file CaloTauFwd.h.

vector of references to CaloTau objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 17 of file CaloTauFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to CaloTauTagInfo objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 19 of file CaloTauTagInfoFwd.h.

collection of CaloTauTagInfo objects

Definition at line 9 of file CaloTauTagInfoFwd.h.

presistent reference to a CaloTauTagInfo

Definition at line 13 of file CaloTauTagInfoFwd.h.

references to CaloTauTagInfo collection

Definition at line 15 of file CaloTauTagInfoFwd.h.

vector of references to CaloTauTagInfo objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 17 of file CaloTauTagInfoFwd.h.

Definition at line 30 of file CandAssociation.h.

Definition at line 29 of file CandAssociation.h.

persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 31 of file CandidateFwd.h.

vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type

Definition at line 39 of file CandidateFwd.h.

vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type

Definition at line 35 of file CandidateFwd.h.

collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 21 of file CandidateFwd.h.

persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 25 of file CandidateFwd.h.

persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 27 of file CandidateFwd.h.

persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 29 of file CandidateFwd.h.

reference to a collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 37 of file CandidateFwd.h.

vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 33 of file CandidateFwd.h.

view of a collection containing candidates

Definition at line 23 of file CandidateFwd.h.

Definition at line 40 of file VoronoiBackground.h.

Definition at line 31 of file CandAssociation.h.

Definition at line 19 of file CandMatchMap.h.

Definition at line 19 of file CandMatchMapMany.h.

Definition at line 37 of file CandAssociation.h.

Definition at line 32 of file CandAssociation.h.

Definition at line 39 of file classes.h.

Definition at line 34 of file CandAssociation.h.

Definition at line 33 of file CandAssociation.h.

Definition at line 35 of file CandAssociation.h.

Definition at line 25 of file CandMatchMap.h.

Definition at line 36 of file CandAssociation.h.

iterator over a vector of references to CastorCell objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 90 of file CastorCell.h.

typedef std::vector<CastorCell> reco::CastorCellCollection

collection of CastorCell objects

Definition at line 81 of file CastorCell.h.

Definition at line 84 of file CastorCell.h.

vector of references to CastorCell objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 87 of file CastorCell.h.

iterator over a vector of references to CastorCluster objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 152 of file CastorCluster.h.

collection of CastorCluster objects

Definition at line 143 of file CastorCluster.h.

Definition at line 146 of file CastorCluster.h.

vector of references to CastorCluster objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 149 of file CastorCluster.h.

Definition at line 100 of file CastorEgamma.h.

typedef std::vector<CastorJet> reco::CastorJetCollection

Definition at line 100 of file CastorJet.h.

Definition at line 42 of file CastorJetID.h.

iterator over a vector of references to CastorTower objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 145 of file CastorTower.h.

collection of CastorTower objects

Definition at line 136 of file CastorTower.h.

Definition at line 139 of file CastorTower.h.

vector of references to CastorTower objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 142 of file CastorTower.h.

Definition at line 61 of file CATopJetTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 61 of file CATopJetTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 61 of file CATopJetTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 61 of file CATopJetTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 61 of file CATopJetTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 79 of file Centrality.h.

iterator over a vector of references to ClusterShape objects

Definition at line 23 of file ClusterShapeFwd.h.

collection of ClusterShape objects

Definition at line 8 of file ClusterShapeFwd.h.

reference to an object in a collection of ClusterShape objects

Definition at line 14 of file ClusterShapeFwd.h.

reference to a collection of ClusterShape objects

Definition at line 17 of file ClusterShapeFwd.h.

vector of references to objects in the same collectin of ClusterShape objects

Definition at line 20 of file ClusterShapeFwd.h.

Definition at line 190 of file CombinedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 190 of file CombinedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 190 of file CombinedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 190 of file CombinedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 190 of file CombinedTauTagInfo.h.

persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 25 of file CompositeCandidateFwd.h.

vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type

Definition at line 33 of file CompositeCandidateFwd.h.

vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type

Definition at line 29 of file CompositeCandidateFwd.h.

collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 19 of file CompositeCandidateFwd.h.

persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 23 of file CompositeCandidateFwd.h.

reference to a collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 31 of file CompositeCandidateFwd.h.

vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 27 of file CompositeCandidateFwd.h.

view of a collection containing candidates

Definition at line 21 of file CompositeCandidateFwd.h.

collectin of ConvBremSeed objects

Definition at line 9 of file ConvBremSeedFwd.h.

reference to an object in a collection of ConvBremSeed objects

Definition at line 13 of file ConvBremSeedFwd.h.

reference to a collection of ConvBremSeed objects

Definition at line 15 of file ConvBremSeedFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of ConvBremSeed objects

Definition at line 17 of file ConvBremSeedFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<Conversion> reco::ConversionCollection

collectin of Conversion objects

Definition at line 9 of file ConversionFwd.h.

reference to an object in a collection of Conversion objects

Definition at line 15 of file ConversionFwd.h.

reference to a collection of Conversion objects

Definition at line 18 of file ConversionFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of Conversion objects

Definition at line 21 of file ConversionFwd.h.

collection of ConversionTracks

Definition at line 6 of file ConversionTrackFwd.h.

Definition at line 16 of file

Definition at line 28 of file DeDxData.h.

Definition at line 29 of file DeDxData.h.

typedef std::vector<DeDxHit> reco::DeDxHitCollection

Definition at line 49 of file DeDxHit.h.

collection of EcalIsolatedParticleCandidate objects

Definition at line 9 of file EcalIsolatedParticleCandidateFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to EcalIsolatedParticleCandidate objects

Definition at line 24 of file EcalIsolatedParticleCandidateFwd.h.

reference to an object in a collection of EcalIsolatedParticleCandidate objects

Definition at line 15 of file EcalIsolatedParticleCandidateFwd.h.

reference to a collection of EcalIsolatedParticleCandidate objects

Definition at line 18 of file EcalIsolatedParticleCandidateFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of EcalIsolatedParticleCandidate objects

Definition at line 21 of file EcalIsolatedParticleCandidateFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to EgammaTrigger objects

Definition at line 25 of file EgammaTriggerFwd.h.

collection of EgammaTrigger objects

Definition at line 10 of file EgammaTriggerFwd.h.

persistent reference to EgammaTrigger objects

Definition at line 16 of file EgammaTriggerFwd.h.

reference to a EgammaTrigger collection

Definition at line 19 of file EgammaTriggerFwd.h.

vector of references to EgammaTrigger objects in the same collection

Definition at line 22 of file EgammaTriggerFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to Electron objects

Definition at line 24 of file ElectronFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<Electron> reco::ElectronCollection

collectin of Electron objects

Definition at line 9 of file ElectronFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to ElectronSeed objects

iterator over a vector of reference to ConvBremSeed objects

Definition at line 20 of file ElectronSeedFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to ElectronID objects

Definition at line 24 of file ElectronIDFwd.h.

Definition at line 17 of file ElectronIDAssociation.h.

Definition at line 15 of file ElectronIDAssociation.h.

reference to an object in a collection of SeedMap objects

Definition at line 20 of file ElectronIDAssociation.h.

reference to a collection of SeedMap objects

Definition at line 23 of file ElectronIDAssociation.h.

vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SeedMap objects

Definition at line 26 of file ElectronIDAssociation.h.

typedef std::vector<ElectronID> reco::ElectronIDCollection

collection of ElectronID objects

Definition at line 9 of file ElectronIDFwd.h.

reference to an object in a collection of ElectronID objects

Definition at line 15 of file ElectronIDFwd.h.

reference to a collection of ElectronID objects

Definition at line 18 of file ElectronIDFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of ElectronID objects

Definition at line 21 of file ElectronIDFwd.h.

Definition at line 14 of file ElectronIsolationAssociation.h.

reference to an object in a collection of Electron objects

Definition at line 15 of file ElectronFwd.h.

reference to a collection of Electron objects

Definition at line 18 of file ElectronFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of Electron objects

Definition at line 21 of file ElectronFwd.h.

collection of ElectronSeed objects

Definition at line 10 of file ElectronSeedFwd.h.

reference to an object in a collection of ElectronSeed objects

Definition at line 14 of file ElectronSeedFwd.h.

reference to a collection of ElectronSeed objects

Definition at line 16 of file ElectronSeedFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of ElectronSeed objects

Definition at line 18 of file ElectronSeedFwd.h.

Definition at line 80 of file EMIsolatedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 80 of file EMIsolatedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 80 of file EMIsolatedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 80 of file EMIsolatedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 80 of file EMIsolatedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 18 of file JetCrystalsAssociation.h.

Definition at line 19 of file JetCrystalsAssociation.h.

Definition at line 20 of file JetCrystalsAssociation.h.

Definition at line 21 of file JetCrystalsAssociation.h.

Definition at line 22 of file JetCrystalsAssociation.h.

typedef std::vector<EvtPlane> reco::EvtPlaneCollection

Definition at line 34 of file EvtPlane.h.

Definition at line 17 of file FFTBasicJetCollection.h.

collection of FFTBasicJet objects

Definition at line 19 of file FFTBasicJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 23 of file FFTBasicJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 26 of file FFTBasicJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 22 of file FFTBasicJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 25 of file FFTBasicJetCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 21 of file FFTBasicJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 27 of file FFTBasicJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 24 of file FFTBasicJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 17 of file FFTCaloJetCollection.h.

typedef std::vector<FFTCaloJet> reco::FFTCaloJetCollection

collection of FFTCaloJet objects

Definition at line 19 of file FFTCaloJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 23 of file FFTCaloJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 27 of file FFTCaloJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 22 of file FFTCaloJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 26 of file FFTCaloJetCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 21 of file FFTCaloJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 25 of file FFTCaloJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 24 of file FFTCaloJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 17 of file FFTGenJetCollection.h.

typedef std::vector<FFTGenJet> reco::FFTGenJetCollection

collection of FFTGenJet objects

Definition at line 19 of file FFTGenJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 23 of file FFTGenJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 27 of file FFTGenJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 22 of file FFTGenJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 26 of file FFTGenJetCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 21 of file FFTGenJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 25 of file FFTGenJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 24 of file FFTGenJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 17 of file FFTJPTJetCollection.h.

typedef std::vector<FFTJPTJet> reco::FFTJPTJetCollection

collection of FFTJPTJet objects

Definition at line 19 of file FFTJPTJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 23 of file FFTJPTJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 27 of file FFTJPTJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 22 of file FFTJPTJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 26 of file FFTJPTJetCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 21 of file FFTJPTJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 25 of file FFTJPTJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 24 of file FFTJPTJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 17 of file FFTPFJetCollection.h.

typedef std::vector<FFTPFJet> reco::FFTPFJetCollection

collection of FFTPFJet objects

Definition at line 19 of file FFTPFJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 23 of file FFTPFJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 27 of file FFTPFJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 22 of file FFTPFJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 26 of file FFTPFJetCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 21 of file FFTPFJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 25 of file FFTPFJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 24 of file FFTPFJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 17 of file FFTTrackJetCollection.h.

collection of FFTTrackJet objects

Definition at line 19 of file FFTTrackJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 23 of file FFTTrackJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 26 of file FFTTrackJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 22 of file FFTTrackJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 25 of file FFTTrackJetCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 21 of file FFTTrackJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 27 of file FFTTrackJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 24 of file FFTTrackJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 9 of file FitResult.h.

typedef std::vector<GenericJet> reco::GenericJetCollection

collection of GenericJet objects

Definition at line 14 of file GenericJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 19 of file GenericJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 21 of file GenericJetCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 18 of file GenericJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 22 of file GenericJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 20 of file GenericJetCollection.h.

typedef std::vector<GenJet> reco::GenJetCollection

collection of GenJet objects

Definition at line 15 of file GenJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 21 of file GenJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 25 of file GenJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 20 of file GenJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 24 of file GenJetCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 19 of file GenJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 23 of file GenJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 22 of file GenJetCollection.h.

typedef std::vector< GenMET > reco::GenMETCollection

collection of GenMET objects

Definition at line 21 of file GenMETCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 14 of file GenMETFwd.h.

Definition at line 16 of file GenMETFwd.h.

Definition at line 15 of file GenMETFwd.h.

collection of GenParticles

Definition at line 10 of file GenParticleFwd.h.

vector of reference to GenParticle in the same collection

Definition at line 20 of file GenParticleFwd.h.

persistent reference to a GenParticle

Definition at line 14 of file GenParticleFwd.h.

persistent reference to a GenParticle collection

Definition at line 16 of file GenParticleFwd.h.

vector of reference to GenParticle in the same collection

Definition at line 18 of file GenParticleFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to GsfElectron objects

Definition at line 33 of file GsfElectronFwd.h.

collection of GsfElectron objects

Definition at line 14 of file GsfElectronFwd.h.

Definition at line 17 of file GsfElectronCoreFwd.h.

Definition at line 12 of file GsfElectronCoreFwd.h.

Definition at line 14 of file GsfElectronCoreFwd.h.

Definition at line 15 of file GsfElectronCoreFwd.h.

Definition at line 16 of file GsfElectronCoreFwd.h.

Definition at line 14 of file GsfElectronIsoCollection.h.

Definition at line 11 of file GsfElectronIsoCollection.h.

Definition at line 15 of file GsfElectronIsoCollection.h.

Definition at line 16 of file GsfElectronIsoCollection.h.

Definition at line 17 of file GsfElectronIsoCollection.h.

Definition at line 14 of file GsfElectronIsoNumCollection.h.

Definition at line 11 of file GsfElectronIsoNumCollection.h.

Definition at line 15 of file GsfElectronIsoNumCollection.h.

Definition at line 16 of file GsfElectronIsoNumCollection.h.

Definition at line 17 of file GsfElectronIsoNumCollection.h.

reference to an object in a collection of GsfElectron objects

Definition at line 21 of file GsfElectronFwd.h.

reference to a collection of GsfElectron objects

Definition at line 25 of file GsfElectronFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of GsfElectron objects

Definition at line 29 of file GsfElectronFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to GsfPFRecTrack objects

Definition at line 24 of file GsfPFRecTrackFwd.h.

collection of GsfPFRecTrack objects

Definition at line 9 of file GsfPFRecTrackFwd.h.

persistent reference to GsfPFRecTrack objects

Definition at line 15 of file GsfPFRecTrackFwd.h.

reference to GsfPFRecTrack collection

Definition at line 18 of file GsfPFRecTrackFwd.h.

vector of references to GsfPFRecTrack objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 21 of file GsfPFRecTrackFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to GsfTrack in the same collection

Definition at line 19 of file GsfTrackFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<GsfTrack> reco::GsfTrackCollection

collection of GsfTracks

Definition at line 9 of file GsfTrackFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to GsfTrackExtra in the same collection

Definition at line 19 of file GsfTrackExtraFwd.h.

collection of GsfTrackExtra objects

Definition at line 9 of file GsfTrackExtraFwd.h.

persistent reference to a GsfTrackExtra

Definition at line 13 of file GsfTrackExtraFwd.h.

reference to a GsfTrackExtra collection

Definition at line 15 of file GsfTrackExtraFwd.h.

vector of references to GsfTrackExtra in the same collection

Definition at line 17 of file GsfTrackExtraFwd.h.

persistent reference to a GsfTrack

Definition at line 13 of file GsfTrackFwd.h.

persistent reference to a GsfTrack collection

Definition at line 15 of file GsfTrackFwd.h.

vector of reference to GsfTrack in the same collection

Definition at line 17 of file GsfTrackFwd.h.

Definition at line 32 of file HcalNoiseHPD.h.

Definition at line 26 of file HcalNoiseRBX.h.

iterator over a vector of references to HFEMClusterShape objects

Definition at line 22 of file HFEMClusterShapeFwd.h.

Definition at line 17 of file HFEMClusterShapeAssociation.h.

Definition at line 15 of file HFEMClusterShapeAssociation.h.

reference to an object in a collection of SeedMap objects

Definition at line 20 of file HFEMClusterShapeAssociation.h.

reference to a collection of SeedMap objects

Definition at line 23 of file HFEMClusterShapeAssociation.h.

vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SeedMap objects

Definition at line 26 of file HFEMClusterShapeAssociation.h.

Definition at line 8 of file HFEMClusterShapeFwd.h.

persistent reference to HFEMClusterShape objects

Definition at line 13 of file HFEMClusterShapeFwd.h.

reference to HFEMClusterShape collection

Definition at line 16 of file HFEMClusterShapeFwd.h.

vector of references to HFEMClusterShape objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 19 of file HFEMClusterShapeFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to HLTTau objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 19 of file HLTTauFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<HLTTau> reco::HLTTauCollection

collection of HLTTau objects

Definition at line 9 of file HLTTauFwd.h.

presistent reference to a HLTTau

Definition at line 13 of file HLTTauFwd.h.

references to HLTTau collection

Definition at line 15 of file HLTTauFwd.h.

vector of references to HLTTau objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 17 of file HLTTauFwd.h.

keep it only as a part of ValueMap

Definition at line 9 of file IsoDepositFwd.h.

collection of IsolatedPFCandidates

Definition at line 10 of file IsolatedPFCandidateFwd.h.

typedef IsolatedPFCandidateCollection::const_iterator reco::IsolatedPFCandidateConstIterator


Definition at line 16 of file IsolatedPFCandidateFwd.h.

typedef IsolatedPFCandidateCollection::iterator reco::IsolatedPFCandidateIterator


Definition at line 19 of file IsolatedPFCandidateFwd.h.

persistent reference to a IsolatedPFCandidate

Definition at line 25 of file IsolatedPFCandidateFwd.h.

persistent reference to a IsolatedPFCandidate

Definition at line 22 of file IsolatedPFCandidateFwd.h.

persistent reference to a IsolatedPFCandidates collection

Definition at line 28 of file IsolatedPFCandidateFwd.h.

vector of reference to GenParticleCandidate in the same collection

Definition at line 31 of file IsolatedPFCandidateFwd.h.

collectin of IsolatedPixelTrackCandidate objects

Definition at line 9 of file IsolatedPixelTrackCandidateFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to IsolatedPixelTrackCandidate objects

Definition at line 24 of file IsolatedPixelTrackCandidateFwd.h.

reference to an object in a collection of IsolatedPixelTrackCandidate objects

Definition at line 15 of file IsolatedPixelTrackCandidateFwd.h.

reference to a collection of IsolatedPixelTrackCandidate objects

Definition at line 18 of file IsolatedPixelTrackCandidateFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of IsolatedPixelTrackCandidate objects

Definition at line 21 of file IsolatedPixelTrackCandidateFwd.h.

Definition at line 26 of file IsolatedPixelTrackCandidateFwd.h.

Definition at line 74 of file IsolatedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 74 of file IsolatedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 74 of file IsolatedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 74 of file IsolatedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 74 of file IsolatedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 13 of file JetCollection.h.

Definition at line 45 of file JetCrystalsAssociation.h.

Definition at line 51 of file JetCrystalsAssociation.h.

Definition at line 48 of file JetCrystalsAssociation.h.

Definition at line 54 of file JetCrystalsAssociation.h.

Definition at line 57 of file JetCrystalsAssociation.h.

typedef JetEisolAssociationCollection::value_type reco::JetEisolAssociation

Definition at line 21 of file JetEisolAssociation.h.

typedef std::vector<std::pair<edm::RefToBase<Jet>, float> > reco::JetEisolAssociationCollection

Definition at line 18 of file JetEisolAssociation.h.

Definition at line 27 of file JetEisolAssociation.h.

Definition at line 24 of file JetEisolAssociation.h.

Definition at line 30 of file JetEisolAssociation.h.

Definition at line 33 of file JetEisolAssociation.h.

Definition at line 29 of file JetFlavourInfoMatching.h.

Definition at line 12 of file JetFlavourInfoMatching.h.

Definition at line 31 of file JetFlavourInfoMatching.h.

Definition at line 33 of file JetFlavourInfoMatching.h.

Definition at line 35 of file JetFlavourInfoMatching.h.

Definition at line 29 of file JetFlavourMatching.h.

Definition at line 12 of file JetFlavourMatching.h.

Definition at line 31 of file JetFlavourMatching.h.

Definition at line 33 of file JetFlavourMatching.h.

Definition at line 35 of file JetFlavourMatching.h.

Definition at line 68 of file JetID.h.

Definition at line 29 of file JetMatchedPartons.h.

Definition at line 12 of file JetMatchedPartons.h.

Definition at line 31 of file JetMatchedPartons.h.

Definition at line 33 of file JetMatchedPartons.h.

Definition at line 35 of file JetMatchedPartons.h.

Definition at line 12 of file JetPiZeroAssociation.h.

Definition at line 29 of file JetPiZeroAssociation.h.

Definition at line 30 of file JetPiZeroAssociation.h.

Definition at line 31 of file JetPiZeroAssociation.h.

Definition at line 32 of file JetPiZeroAssociation.h.

Definition at line 14 of file JetCollection.h.

Definition at line 17 of file JetTag.h.

Definition at line 18 of file JetTag.h.

typedef std::vector< JetTagInfo > reco::JetTagInfoCollection

Definition at line 33 of file JetTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 33 of file JetTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 33 of file JetTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 33 of file JetTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 33 of file JetTagInfo.h.

typedefs for backward compatibility

Definition at line 61 of file JetTracksAssociation.h.

Definition at line 62 of file JetTracksAssociation.h.

Definition at line 63 of file JetTracksAssociation.h.

Definition at line 64 of file JetTracksAssociation.h.

edm references

Definition at line 12 of file JetCollection.h.

typedef std::vector<JPTJet> reco::JPTJetCollection

collection of CaloJet objects

Definition at line 14 of file JPTJetCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 16 of file JPTJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 18 of file JPTJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 17 of file JPTJetCollection.h.

typedef std::vector< JTATagInfo > reco::JTATagInfoCollection

Definition at line 32 of file JTATagInfo.h.

Definition at line 32 of file JTATagInfo.h.

Definition at line 32 of file JTATagInfo.h.

Definition at line 32 of file JTATagInfo.h.

Definition at line 32 of file JTATagInfo.h.

Definition at line 17 of file L2TauInfoAssociation.h.

typedef std::vector< MET > reco::METCollection

collection of MET objects

Definition at line 23 of file METCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 14 of file METFwd.h.

Definition at line 16 of file METFwd.h.

Definition at line 15 of file METFwd.h.

Definition at line 89 of file MinMETProducerT.h.

Definition at line 90 of file MinMETProducerT.h.

iterator over a vector of references to Muon objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 19 of file MuonFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<Muon> reco::MuonCollection

collection of Muon objects

Definition at line 9 of file MuonFwd.h.

presistent reference to a Muon

Definition at line 13 of file MuonFwd.h.

references to Muon collection

Definition at line 15 of file MuonFwd.h.

vector of references to Muon objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 17 of file MuonFwd.h.

Definition at line 44 of file

collection of MuonTimeExtra objects

Definition at line 10 of file MuonTimeExtraFwd.h.

Definition at line 9 of file MuonToMuonMap.h.

collection of MuonTrackLinks

Definition at line 22 of file MuonFwd.h.

persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 25 of file NamedCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type

Definition at line 33 of file NamedCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type

Definition at line 29 of file NamedCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 19 of file NamedCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 23 of file NamedCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

reference to a collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 31 of file NamedCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 27 of file NamedCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

view of a collection containing candidates

Definition at line 21 of file NamedCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to Track in the same collection

Definition at line 16 of file NuclearInteractionFwd.h.

collection of NuclearInteractions

Definition at line 8 of file NuclearInteractionFwd.h.

persistent reference to a NuclearInteraction

Definition at line 12 of file NuclearInteractionFwd.h.

vector of reference to Track in the same collection

Definition at line 14 of file NuclearInteractionFwd.h.

Definition at line 6 of file fillCovariance.h.

typedef std::vector< PFBlock > reco::PFBlockCollection

collection of PFBlock objects

Definition at line 11 of file PFBlockFwd.h.

Definition at line 6 of file PFBlockElementSuperClusterFwd.h.

Definition at line 8 of file PFBlockElementSuperClusterFwd.h.

handle to a block collection

Definition at line 23 of file PFBlockFwd.h.

persistent reference to PFCluster objects

Definition at line 20 of file PFBlockFwd.h.

collection of PFCandidates

Definition at line 12 of file PFCandidateFwd.h.

typedef PFCandidateCollection::const_iterator reco::PFCandidateConstIterator


Definition at line 18 of file PFCandidateFwd.h.

collection of PFCandidateElectronExtras

Definition at line 12 of file PFCandidateElectronExtraFwd.h.

typedef PFCandidateElectronExtraCollection::const_iterator reco::PFCandidateElectronExtraConstIterator


Definition at line 18 of file PFCandidateElectronExtraFwd.h.

persistent FwdPtr to a PFCandidateElectronExtra

Definition at line 39 of file PFCandidateElectronExtraFwd.h.

vector of "forward" reference

Definition at line 45 of file PFCandidateElectronExtraFwd.h.

persistent "forward" reference to a PFCandidateElectronExtra

Definition at line 36 of file PFCandidateElectronExtraFwd.h.

vector of "forward" reference

Definition at line 42 of file PFCandidateElectronExtraFwd.h.

typedef PFCandidateElectronExtraCollection::iterator reco::PFCandidateElectronExtraIterator


Definition at line 21 of file PFCandidateElectronExtraFwd.h.

persistent Ptr to a PFCandidateElectronExtra

Definition at line 27 of file PFCandidateElectronExtraFwd.h.

persistent reference to a PFCandidateElectronExtra

Definition at line 24 of file PFCandidateElectronExtraFwd.h.

persistent reference to a PFCandidateElectronExtras collection

Definition at line 30 of file PFCandidateElectronExtraFwd.h.

vector of reference to GenParticleCandidate in the same collection

Definition at line 33 of file PFCandidateElectronExtraFwd.h.

persistent FwdPtr to a PFCandidate

Definition at line 39 of file PFCandidateFwd.h.

vector of "forward" reference

Definition at line 45 of file PFCandidateFwd.h.

persistent "forward" reference to a PFCandidate

Definition at line 36 of file PFCandidateFwd.h.

vector of "forward" reference

Definition at line 42 of file PFCandidateFwd.h.

typedef PFCandidateCollection::iterator reco::PFCandidateIterator


Definition at line 21 of file PFCandidateFwd.h.

collection of PFCandidatePhotonExtras

Definition at line 12 of file PFCandidatePhotonExtraFwd.h.

persistent reference to a PFCandidatePhotonExtra

Definition at line 18 of file PFCandidatePhotonExtraFwd.h.

persistent reference to a PFCandidatePhotonExtras collection

Definition at line 21 of file PFCandidatePhotonExtraFwd.h.

persistent Ptr to a PFCandidate

Definition at line 27 of file PFCandidateFwd.h.

persistent reference to a PFCandidate

Definition at line 24 of file PFCandidateFwd.h.

persistent reference to a PFCandidates collection

Definition at line 30 of file PFCandidateFwd.h.

vector of reference to GenParticleCandidate in the same collection

Definition at line 33 of file PFCandidateFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to PFCluster objects

Definition at line 24 of file PFClusterFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<PFCluster> reco::PFClusterCollection

collection of PFCluster objects

Definition at line 9 of file PFClusterFwd.h.

collection of PFClusterJet objects

Definition at line 15 of file PFClusterJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 19 of file PFClusterJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 22 of file PFClusterJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 18 of file PFClusterJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 21 of file PFClusterJetCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 17 of file PFClusterJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 23 of file PFClusterJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 20 of file PFClusterJetCollection.h.

collection of PFClusterMET objects

Definition at line 21 of file PFClusterMETCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 16 of file PFClusterMETFwd.h.

Definition at line 18 of file PFClusterMETFwd.h.

Definition at line 17 of file PFClusterMETFwd.h.

persistent reference to PFCluster objects

Definition at line 15 of file PFClusterFwd.h.

reference to PFCluster collection

Definition at line 18 of file PFClusterFwd.h.

vector of references to PFCluster objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 21 of file PFClusterFwd.h.

Definition at line 22 of file PFClusterShapeAssociation.h.

Definition at line 20 of file PFClusterShapeAssociation.h.

Definition at line 24 of file PFClusterShapeAssociation.h.

Definition at line 26 of file PFClusterShapeAssociation.h.

Definition at line 28 of file PFClusterShapeAssociation.h.

Definition at line 188 of file PFCombinedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 188 of file PFCombinedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 188 of file PFCombinedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 188 of file PFCombinedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 188 of file PFCombinedTauTagInfo.h.

iterator over a vector of references to PFConversion objects

Definition at line 24 of file PFConversionFwd.h.

collection of PFConversion objects

Definition at line 9 of file PFConversionFwd.h.

persistent reference to PFConversion objects

Definition at line 15 of file PFConversionFwd.h.

reference to PFConversion collection

Definition at line 18 of file PFConversionFwd.h.

vector of references to PFConversion objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 21 of file PFConversionFwd.h.

collection of DisplacedTrackerVertexs

Definition at line 46 of file PFDisplacedTrackerVertex.h.

persistent reference to a DisplacedTrackerVertex

Definition at line 48 of file PFDisplacedTrackerVertex.h.

vector of reference to Track in the same collection

Definition at line 50 of file PFDisplacedTrackerVertex.h.

collection of PFDisplacedVertexCandidate objects

Definition at line 10 of file PFDisplacedVertexCandidateFwd.h.

handle to a PFDisplacedVertexCandidate collection

Definition at line 19 of file PFDisplacedVertexCandidateFwd.h.

persistent reference to a PFDisplacedVertexCandidate objects

Definition at line 16 of file PFDisplacedVertexCandidateFwd.h.

collection of PFDisplacedVertex objects

Definition at line 11 of file PFDisplacedVertexFwd.h.

handle to a PFDisplacedVertex collection

Definition at line 20 of file PFDisplacedVertexFwd.h.

persistent reference to a PFDisplacedVertex objects

Definition at line 17 of file PFDisplacedVertexFwd.h.

collection of PFDisplacedVertexSeed objects

Definition at line 11 of file PFDisplacedVertexSeedFwd.h.

handle to a PFDisplacedVertexSeed collection

Definition at line 21 of file PFDisplacedVertexSeedFwd.h.

persistent reference to a PFDisplacedVertexSeed objects

Definition at line 18 of file PFDisplacedVertexSeedFwd.h.

Definition at line 143 of file PFIsolatedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 143 of file PFIsolatedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 143 of file PFIsolatedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 143 of file PFIsolatedTauTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 143 of file PFIsolatedTauTagInfo.h.

typedef std::vector<PFJet> reco::PFJetCollection

collection of PFJet objects

Definition at line 15 of file PFJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 21 of file PFJetCollection.h.

typedef std::vector<edm::FwdPtr<PFJet> > reco::PFJetFwdPtrVector

Definition at line 25 of file PFJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 20 of file PFJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 24 of file PFJetCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 19 of file PFJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 23 of file PFJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 22 of file PFJetCollection.h.

typedef std::vector< PFMET > reco::PFMETCollection

collection of PFMET objects

Definition at line 21 of file PFMETCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 16 of file PFMETFwd.h.

Definition at line 18 of file PFMETFwd.h.

Definition at line 17 of file PFMETFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > reco::PFMultilinksType

Abstract This class is used by the KDTree Track / Ecal Cluster linker to store all found links.

Definition at line 13 of file PFMultilinksTC.h.

collection of NuclearInteractions

Definition at line 58 of file PFNuclearInteraction.h.

persistent reference to a NuclearInteraction

Definition at line 60 of file PFNuclearInteraction.h.

vector of reference to Track in the same collection

Definition at line 62 of file PFNuclearInteraction.h.

iterator over a vector of references to PFParticle objects

iterator over a vector of references to PFSimParticle objects

Definition at line 24 of file PFParticleFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<PFParticle> reco::PFParticleCollection

collection of PFParticle objects

Definition at line 9 of file PFParticleFwd.h.

persistent reference to PFParticle objects

Definition at line 15 of file PFParticleFwd.h.

reference to PFParticle collection

Definition at line 18 of file PFParticleFwd.h.

vector of references to PFParticle objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 21 of file PFParticleFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<PFRecHit> reco::PFRecHitCollection

collection of PFRecHit objects

Definition at line 9 of file PFRecHitFwd.h.

persistent reference to PFRecHit objects

Definition at line 15 of file PFRecHitFwd.h.

reference to PFRecHit collection

Definition at line 18 of file PFRecHitFwd.h.

vector of references to PFRecHit objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 21 of file PFRecHitFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to PFRecTrack objects

Definition at line 24 of file PFRecTrackFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<PFRecTrack> reco::PFRecTrackCollection

collection of PFRecTrack objects

Definition at line 9 of file PFRecTrackFwd.h.

persistent reference to PFRecTrack objects

Definition at line 15 of file PFRecTrackFwd.h.

reference to PFRecTrack collection

Definition at line 18 of file PFRecTrackFwd.h.

vector of references to PFRecTrack objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 21 of file PFRecTrackFwd.h.

collection of PFSimParticle objects

Definition at line 9 of file PFSimParticleFwd.h.

persistent reference to PFSimParticle objects

Definition at line 15 of file PFSimParticleFwd.h.

reference to PFSimParticle collection

Definition at line 18 of file PFSimParticleFwd.h.

vector of references to PFSimParticle objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 21 of file PFSimParticleFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to PFTau objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 19 of file PFTauFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<PFTau> reco::PFTauCollection

collection of PFTau objects

Definition at line 9 of file PFTauFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to PFTauDecayMode objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 19 of file PFTauDecayModeFwd.h.

Definition at line 16 of file PFTauDecayModeAssociation.h.

Definition at line 18 of file PFTauDecayModeAssociation.h.

Definition at line 19 of file PFTauDecayModeAssociation.h.

Definition at line 20 of file PFTauDecayModeAssociation.h.

Definition at line 17 of file PFTauDecayModeAssociation.h.

collection of PFTauDecayMode objects

Definition at line 9 of file PFTauDecayModeFwd.h.

Definition at line 13 of file PFTauDecayModeAssociation.h.

presistent reference to a PFTauDecayMode

Definition at line 13 of file PFTauDecayModeFwd.h.

references to PFTauDecayMode collection

Definition at line 15 of file PFTauDecayModeFwd.h.

vector of references to PFTauDecayMode objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 17 of file PFTauDecayModeFwd.h.

Definition at line 10 of file PFTauDiscriminator.h.

Definition at line 10 of file PFTauDiscriminatorByIsolation.h.

Definition at line 28 of file PFTauDiscriminatorByIsolation.h.

Definition at line 29 of file PFTauDiscriminatorByIsolation.h.

Definition at line 30 of file PFTauDiscriminatorByIsolation.h.

Definition at line 27 of file PFTauDiscriminatorByIsolation.h.

Definition at line 28 of file PFTauDiscriminator.h.

Definition at line 29 of file PFTauDiscriminator.h.

Definition at line 30 of file PFTauDiscriminator.h.

Definition at line 27 of file PFTauDiscriminator.h.

presistent reference to a PFTau

Definition at line 13 of file PFTauFwd.h.

references to PFTau collection

Definition at line 15 of file PFTauFwd.h.

vector of references to PFTau objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 17 of file PFTauFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to PFTauTagInfo objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 19 of file PFTauTagInfoFwd.h.

collection of PFTauTagInfo objects

Definition at line 9 of file PFTauTagInfoFwd.h.

presistent reference to a PFTauTagInfo

Definition at line 13 of file PFTauTagInfoFwd.h.

references to PFTauTagInfo collection

Definition at line 15 of file PFTauTagInfoFwd.h.

vector of references to PFTauTagInfo objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 17 of file PFTauTagInfoFwd.h.

collection of PFTrajectoryPoint objects

Definition at line 9 of file PFTrajectoryPointFwd.h.

persistent reference to PFTrajectoryPoint objects

Definition at line 15 of file PFTrajectoryPointFwd.h.

reference to PFTrajectoryPoint collection

Definition at line 18 of file PFTrajectoryPointFwd.h.

vector of references to PFTrajectoryPoint objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 21 of file PFTrajectoryPointFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to PFV0 objects

Definition at line 24 of file PFV0Fwd.h.

typedef std::vector<PFV0> reco::PFV0Collection

collection of PFV0 objects

Definition at line 9 of file PFV0Fwd.h.

persistent reference to PFV0 objects

Definition at line 15 of file PFV0Fwd.h.

reference to PFV0 collection

Definition at line 18 of file PFV0Fwd.h.

vector of references to PFV0 objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 21 of file PFV0Fwd.h.

typedef std::vector<PhiWedge> reco::PhiWedgeCollection

Definition at line 84 of file PhiWedge.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to Photon objects

Definition at line 24 of file PhotonFwd.h.

Definition at line 11 of file PhotonCandidateAssociation.h.

typedef std::vector<Photon> reco::PhotonCollection

collectin of Photon objects

Definition at line 9 of file PhotonFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to PhotonCore objects

Definition at line 24 of file PhotonCoreFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<PhotonCore> reco::PhotonCoreCollection

collectin of PhotonCore objects

Definition at line 9 of file PhotonCoreFwd.h.

reference to an object in a collection of PhotonCore objects

Definition at line 15 of file PhotonCoreFwd.h.

reference to a collection of PhotonCore objects

Definition at line 18 of file PhotonCoreFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of PhotonCore objects

Definition at line 21 of file PhotonCoreFwd.h.

Definition at line 14 of file PhotonIsolationAssociation.h.

Definition at line 15 of file PhotonPi0DiscriminatorAssociation.h.

reference to an object in a collection of Photon objects

Definition at line 15 of file PhotonFwd.h.

reference to a collection of Photon objects

Definition at line 18 of file PhotonFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of Photon objects

Definition at line 21 of file PhotonFwd.h.

collection of PileUpPFCandidates

Definition at line 9 of file PileUpPFCandidateFwd.h.

typedef PileUpPFCandidateCollection::const_iterator reco::PileUpPFCandidateConstIterator


Definition at line 15 of file PileUpPFCandidateFwd.h.

typedef PileUpPFCandidateCollection::iterator reco::PileUpPFCandidateIterator


Definition at line 18 of file PileUpPFCandidateFwd.h.

persistent reference to a PileUpPFCandidate

Definition at line 24 of file PileUpPFCandidateFwd.h.

persistent reference to a PileUpPFCandidate

Definition at line 21 of file PileUpPFCandidateFwd.h.

persistent reference to a PileUpPFCandidates collection

Definition at line 27 of file PileUpPFCandidateFwd.h.

vector of reference to GenParticleCandidate in the same collection

Definition at line 30 of file PileUpPFCandidateFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<reco::PreId> reco::PreIdCollection

Definition at line 6 of file PreIdFwd.h.

Definition at line 8 of file PreIdFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to PreshowerCluster objects

Definition at line 28 of file PreshowerClusterFwd.h.

collection of PreshowerCluster objects

Definition at line 13 of file PreshowerClusterFwd.h.

persistent reference to PreshowerCluster objects

Definition at line 19 of file PreshowerClusterFwd.h.

reference to PreshowerCluster collection

Definition at line 22 of file PreshowerClusterFwd.h.

vector of references to PreshowerCluster objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 25 of file PreshowerClusterFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to PreshowerClusterShape objects

Definition at line 28 of file PreshowerClusterShapeFwd.h.

collection of PreshowerClusterShape objects

Definition at line 13 of file PreshowerClusterShapeFwd.h.

persistent reference to PreshowerClusterShape objects

Definition at line 19 of file PreshowerClusterShapeFwd.h.

reference to PreshowerClusterShape collection

Definition at line 22 of file PreshowerClusterShapeFwd.h.

vector of references to PreshowerClusterShape objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 25 of file PreshowerClusterShapeFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to RecoChargedCandidate objects

Definition at line 24 of file RecoChargedCandidateFwd.h.

collectin of RecoChargedCandidate objects

Definition at line 9 of file RecoChargedCandidateFwd.h.

reference to an object in a collection of RecoChargedCandidate objects

Definition at line 15 of file RecoChargedCandidateFwd.h.

reference to a collection of RecoChargedCandidate objects

Definition at line 18 of file RecoChargedCandidateFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of RecoChargedCandidate objects

Definition at line 21 of file RecoChargedCandidateFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to RecoChargedRefCandidate objects

Definition at line 24 of file RecoChargedRefCandidateFwd.h.

Definition at line 11 of file RecoChargedRefCandidate.h.

collectin of LeafRefCandidateT<reco::TrackRef> objects

Definition at line 12 of file RecoChargedRefCandidateFwd.h.

reference to an object in a collection of RecoChargedRefCandidate objects

Definition at line 15 of file RecoChargedRefCandidateFwd.h.

reference to a collection of RecoChargedRefCandidate objects

Definition at line 18 of file RecoChargedRefCandidateFwd.h.

Definition at line 26 of file RecoChargedRefCandidateFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of RecoChargedRefCandidate objects

Definition at line 21 of file RecoChargedRefCandidateFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to RecoEcalCandidate objects

Definition at line 24 of file RecoEcalCandidateFwd.h.

collectin of RecoEcalCandidate objects

Definition at line 9 of file RecoEcalCandidateFwd.h.

Definition at line 14 of file RecoEcalCandidateIsolation.h.

reference to an object in a collection of RecoEcalCandidate objects

Definition at line 15 of file RecoEcalCandidateFwd.h.

reference to a collection of RecoEcalCandidate objects

Definition at line 18 of file RecoEcalCandidateFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of RecoEcalCandidate objects

Definition at line 21 of file RecoEcalCandidateFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to RecoPFClusterRefCandidate objects

Definition at line 24 of file RecoPFClusterRefCandidateFwd.h.

Definition at line 11 of file RecoPFClusterRefCandidate.h.

collectin of LeafRefCandidateT<reco::TrackRef> objects

Definition at line 12 of file RecoPFClusterRefCandidateFwd.h.

reference to an object in a collection of RecoPFClusterRefCandidate objects

Definition at line 15 of file RecoPFClusterRefCandidateFwd.h.

reference to a collection of RecoPFClusterRefCandidate objects

Definition at line 18 of file RecoPFClusterRefCandidateFwd.h.

Definition at line 26 of file RecoPFClusterRefCandidateFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of RecoPFClusterRefCandidate objects

Definition at line 21 of file RecoPFClusterRefCandidateFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to RecoStandAloneMuonCandidate objects

Definition at line 24 of file RecoStandAloneMuonCandidateFwd.h.

collectin of RecoStandAloneMuonCandidate objects

Definition at line 9 of file RecoStandAloneMuonCandidateFwd.h.

reference to an object in a collection of RecoStandAloneMuonCandidate objects

Definition at line 15 of file RecoStandAloneMuonCandidateFwd.h.

reference to a collection of RecoStandAloneMuonCandidate objects

Definition at line 18 of file RecoStandAloneMuonCandidateFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of RecoStandAloneMuonCandidate objects

Definition at line 21 of file RecoStandAloneMuonCandidateFwd.h.

collection of RecoTauPiZero objects

Definition at line 9 of file RecoTauPiZeroFwd.h.

presistent reference to a RecoTauPiZero

Definition at line 13 of file RecoTauPiZeroFwd.h.

references to RecoTauPiZero collection

Definition at line 15 of file RecoTauPiZeroFwd.h.

vector of references to RecoTauPiZero objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 17 of file RecoTauPiZeroFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to RecoTauPiZero objects all in the same collection

Definition at line 19 of file RecoTauPiZeroFwd.h.

Definition at line 19 of file TrackAssociation.h.

Definition at line 25 of file TrackAssociatorBase.h.

Definition at line 32 of file TrackAssociatorBase.h.

Definition at line 19 of file

Definition at line 16 of file

Definition at line 113 of file SecondaryVertexTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 113 of file SecondaryVertexTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 113 of file SecondaryVertexTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 113 of file SecondaryVertexTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 113 of file SecondaryVertexTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 16 of file TrackAssociation.h.

Definition at line 22 of file TrackAssociatorBase.h.

Definition at line 29 of file TrackAssociatorBase.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to SiStripElectron objects

Definition at line 24 of file SiStripElectronFwd.h.

collectin of SiStripElectron objects

Definition at line 9 of file SiStripElectronFwd.h.

reference to an object in a collection of SiStripElectron objects

Definition at line 15 of file SiStripElectronFwd.h.

reference to a collection of SiStripElectron objects

Definition at line 18 of file SiStripElectronFwd.h.

vector of objects in the same collection of SiStripElectron objects

Definition at line 21 of file SiStripElectronFwd.h.

Definition at line 139 of file SoftLeptonTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 139 of file SoftLeptonTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 139 of file SoftLeptonTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 139 of file SoftLeptonTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 139 of file SoftLeptonTagInfo.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to SuperClusters

Definition at line 24 of file SuperClusterFwd.h.

collection of SuperCluser objectr

Definition at line 9 of file SuperClusterFwd.h.

reference to an object in a collection of SuperCluster objects

Definition at line 15 of file SuperClusterFwd.h.

reference to a collection of SuperCluster objects

Definition at line 18 of file SuperClusterFwd.h.

vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SuperCluster objects

Definition at line 21 of file SuperClusterFwd.h.

typedef float reco::TaggingValue

Definition at line 126 of file TaggingVariable.h.

Definition at line 130 of file TaggingVariable.h.

Definition at line 200 of file TaggingVariable.h.

Definition at line 200 of file TaggingVariable.h.

Definition at line 200 of file TaggingVariable.h.

Definition at line 200 of file TaggingVariable.h.

Definition at line 200 of file TaggingVariable.h.

Definition at line 47 of file TauImpactParameterInfo.h.

Definition at line 47 of file TauImpactParameterInfo.h.

Definition at line 47 of file TauImpactParameterInfo.h.

Definition at line 47 of file TauImpactParameterInfo.h.

Definition at line 47 of file TauImpactParameterInfo.h.

Definition at line 45 of file classes.h.

Definition at line 46 of file classes.h.

Definition at line 55 of file TauMassTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 55 of file TauMassTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 55 of file TauMassTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 55 of file TauMassTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 55 of file TauMassTagInfo.h.

iterator over a vector of reference to Track in the same collection

Definition at line 20 of file TrackFwd.h.

persistent reference to a Track, using views

Definition at line 22 of file TrackFwd.h.

Definition at line 19 of file TrackCaloClusterAssociation.h.

Definition at line 20 of file TrackCaloClusterAssociation.h.

Definition at line 11 of file TrackCandidateAssociation.h.

Definition at line 19 of file TrackCandidateCaloClusterAssociation.h.

Definition at line 20 of file TrackCandidateCaloClusterAssociation.h.

Definition at line 17 of file TrackCandidateSeedAssociation.h.

Definition at line 15 of file TrackCandidateSeedAssociation.h.

reference to an object in a collection of SeedMap objects

Definition at line 20 of file TrackCandidateSeedAssociation.h.

reference to a collection of SeedMap objects

Definition at line 23 of file TrackCandidateSeedAssociation.h.

vector of references to objects in the same colletion of SeedMap objects

Definition at line 26 of file TrackCandidateSeedAssociation.h.

Definition at line 17 of file TrackCandidateSuperClusterAssociation.h.

typedef std::vector<Track> reco::TrackCollection

collection of Tracks

Definition at line 10 of file TrackFwd.h.

Definition at line 90 of file TrackCountingTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 90 of file TrackCountingTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 90 of file TrackCountingTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 90 of file TrackCountingTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 90 of file TrackCountingTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 13 of file TrackDeDxHits.h.

Definition at line 12 of file TrackDeDxHits.h.

Definition at line 14 of file TrackDeDxHits.h.

Definition at line 15 of file TrackDeDxHits.h.

Definition at line 16 of file TrackDeDxHits.h.

iterator over a vector of references to TrackExtra in the same collection

Definition at line 19 of file TrackExtraFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<TrackExtra> reco::TrackExtraCollection

collection of TrackExtra objects

Definition at line 9 of file TrackExtraFwd.h.

persistent reference to a TrackExtra

Definition at line 13 of file TrackExtraFwd.h.

reference to a TrackExtra collection

Definition at line 15 of file TrackExtraFwd.h.

vector of references to TrackExtra in the same collection

Definition at line 17 of file TrackExtraFwd.h.

typedef std::vector<TrackInfo> reco::TrackInfoCollection

collection of TrackInfos

Definition at line 9 of file TrackInfoFwd.h.

Definition at line 13 of file TrackInfoFwd.h.

Definition at line 15 of file TrackInfoFwd.h.

Definition at line 17 of file TrackInfoFwd.h.

Definition at line 18 of file TrackInfoTrackAssociation.h.

Definition at line 16 of file TrackInfoTrackAssociation.h.

Definition at line 21 of file TrackInfoTrackAssociation.h.

Definition at line 24 of file TrackInfoTrackAssociation.h.

Definition at line 27 of file TrackInfoTrackAssociation.h.

Definition at line 111 of file TrackIPTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 111 of file TrackIPTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 111 of file TrackIPTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 111 of file TrackIPTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 111 of file TrackIPTagInfo.h.

typedef std::vector<TrackJet> reco::TrackJetCollection

collection of TrackJet objects

Definition at line 15 of file TrackJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 19 of file TrackJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 22 of file TrackJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 18 of file TrackJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 21 of file TrackJetCollection.h.

edm references

Definition at line 17 of file TrackJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 23 of file TrackJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 20 of file TrackJetCollection.h.

Definition at line 139 of file TrackProbabilityTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 139 of file TrackProbabilityTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 139 of file TrackProbabilityTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 139 of file TrackProbabilityTagInfo.h.

Definition at line 139 of file TrackProbabilityTagInfo.h.

persistent reference to a Track

Definition at line 14 of file TrackFwd.h.

persistent reference to a Track collection

Definition at line 16 of file TrackFwd.h.

vector of reference to Track in the same collection

Definition at line 18 of file TrackFwd.h.

Definition at line 15 of file TrackSuperClusterAssociation.h.

Definition at line 24 of file TauImpactParameterInfo.h.

Definition at line 22 of file TauImpactParameterInfo.h.

Definition at line 43 of file classes.h.

Definition at line 44 of file classes.h.

Definition at line 20 of file TrackToTrackMap.h.

iterator over a vector of references to PFTrajectoryPoint objects

Definition at line 24 of file PFTrajectoryPointFwd.h.

iterator over a vector of references to Vertex objects in the same collection

Definition at line 19 of file VertexFwd.h.

Definition at line 21 of file VertexAssociatorBase.h.

typedef std::vector<Vertex> reco::VertexCollection

collection of Vertex objects

Definition at line 9 of file VertexFwd.h.

persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 25 of file VertexCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type

Definition at line 33 of file VertexCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects via base type

Definition at line 29 of file VertexCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 19 of file VertexCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

persistent reference to an object in a collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 23 of file VertexCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

reference to a collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 31 of file VertexCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

vector of references to objects in the same collection of Candidate objects

Definition at line 27 of file VertexCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

view of a collection containing candidates

Definition at line 21 of file VertexCompositeCandidateFwd.h.

Definition at line 23 of file VertexAssociatorBase.h.

persistent reference to a Vertex

Definition at line 13 of file VertexFwd.h.

persistent reference to a Vertex

Definition at line 15 of file VertexFwd.h.

vector of references to Vertex objects in the same collection

Definition at line 17 of file VertexFwd.h.

Definition at line 22 of file VertexAssociatorBase.h.

Definition at line 39 of file VoronoiBackground.h.

typedef std::vector<VZero> reco::VZeroCollection

Definition at line 7 of file VZeroFwd.h.

Definition at line 52 of file WMuNuCandidate.h.

Definition at line 52 of file WMuNuCandidatePtr.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 17 of file TrackInfoEnum.h.


Definition at line 15 of file TrackInfoEnum.h.


Definition at line 32 of file MuonFwd.h.

Function Documentation

int reco::checkMethod ( const ROOT::Reflex::Member &  mem,
const ROOT::Reflex::Type &  type,
const std::vector< AnyMethodArgument > &  args,
std::vector< AnyMethodArgument > &  fixuppedArgs 

Definition at line 23 of file

References i, reco::parser::kIsConstructor, reco::parser::kIsDestructor, reco::parser::kIsFunctionAddedByROOT, reco::parser::kIsNotConst, reco::parser::kIsNotPublic, reco::parser::kIsStatic, reco::parser::kOverloaded, reco::parser::kWrongArgumentType, reco::parser::kWrongNumberOfArguments, and lumiQTWidget::t.

Referenced by findMethod().

25  {
26  int casts = 0;
27  if (mem.IsConstructor()) return -1*parser::kIsConstructor;
28  if (mem.IsDestructor()) return -1*parser::kIsDestructor;
29  //if (mem.IsOperator()) return -1*parser::kIsOperator; // no, some operators are allowed, e.g. operator[]
30  if (! mem.IsPublic()) return -1*parser::kIsNotPublic;
31  if (mem.IsStatic()) return -1*parser::kIsStatic;
32  if ( ! mem.TypeOf().IsConst() ) return -1*parser::kIsNotConst;
33  if (mem.Name().substr(0, 2) == "__") return -1*parser::kIsFunctionAddedByROOT;
34  if (mem.DeclaringType().Id() != type.Id()) {
35  /*std::cerr << "\nMETHOD OVERLOAD " << mem.Name() <<
36  " by " << type.Name(QUALITIED|SCOPED) <<
37  " from " << mem.DeclaringType().Name(QUALIFIED|SCOPED) << std::endl; */
38  return -1*parser::kOverloaded;
39  }
40  size_t minArgs = mem.FunctionParameterSize(true), maxArgs = mem.FunctionParameterSize(false);
41  if ((args.size() < minArgs) || (args.size() > maxArgs)) return -1*parser::kWrongNumberOfArguments;
42  /*std::cerr << "\nMETHOD " << mem.Name() << " of " << mem.DeclaringType().Name()
43  << ", min #args = " << minArgs << ", max #args = " << maxArgs
44  << ", args = " << args.size() << std::endl;*/
45  if (!args.empty()) {
46  Type t = mem.TypeOf();
47  std::vector<AnyMethodArgument> tmpFixups;
48  for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); ++i) {
49  std::pair<AnyMethodArgument,int> fixup = boost::apply_visitor( reco::parser::AnyMethodArgumentFixup(t.FunctionParameterAt(i)), args[i] );
50  //std::cerr << "\t ARG " << i << " type is " << t.FunctionParameterAt(i).Name() << " conversion = " << fixup.second << std::endl;
51  if (fixup.second >= 0) {
52  tmpFixups.push_back(fixup.first);
53  casts += fixup.second;
54  } else {
56  }
57  }
58  fixuppedArgs.swap(tmpFixups);
59  }
60  /*std::cerr << "\nMETHOD " << mem.Name() << " of " << mem.DeclaringType().Name()
61  << ", min #args = " << minArgs << ", max #args = " << maxArgs
62  << ", args = " << args.size() << " fixupped args = " << fixuppedArgs.size() << "(" << casts << " implicit casts)" << std::endl; */
63  return casts;
64  }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:22
int i
uint16_t mem[nChs][nEvts]
dictionary args
double reco::deltaEta2 ( double  eta1,
double  eta2 

Definition at line 8 of file Ellipse.h.

References HLTFastRecoForTau_cff::deltaEta.

Referenced by deltaEta2(), and ellipse().

8  {
9  double deltaEta = eta1 - eta2;
10  return deltaEta*deltaEta;
11  }
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
double reco::deltaEta2 ( const T1 &  t1,
const T2 &  t2 

Definition at line 14 of file Ellipse.h.

References deltaEta2().

14  {
15  return deltaEta2(t1.eta(), t2.eta());
16  }
double deltaEta2(double eta1, double eta2)
Definition: Ellipse.h:8
double reco::deltaPhi ( double  phi1,
double  phi2 

Definition at line 12 of file deltaPhi.h.

References M_PI, and query::result.

Referenced by TrackDetectorAssociator::addTAMuonSegmentMatch(), CATopJetAlgorithm::adjacentCells(), HLTInclusiveVBFSource::analyze(), TkConvValidator::analyze(), ErsatzMEt::analyze(), TrackAssociatorByChi2::associateRecoToSim(), TrackAssociatorByChi2::associateSimToReco(), SeedForPhotonConversionFromQuadruplets::bubbleReverseSortVsPhi(), SeedForPhotonConversionFromQuadruplets::bubbleSortVsPhi(), ConversionProducer::checkPhi(), EgammaSuperClusters::closestMCParticle(), egammaisolation::EgammaRecHitExtractor::collect(), TrackAssociatorByChi2::compareTracksParam(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationByMVAIsolation::computeIsoRings(), EGEnergyCorrector::CorrectedEnergyWithError(), EGEnergyCorrector::CorrectedEnergyWithErrorV3(), deltaPhi(), deltaR2(), EcalDeadCellDeltaRFilter::dPhiToMETfunc(), ellipse(), ErsatzMEt::ersatzFabrik(), reco::Jet::etaphiMoment(), reco::Jet::etaPhiStatistics(), TopDiLeptonOffline::MonitorEnsemble::fill(), FixedGridEnergyDensity::fixedGridRho(), ConversionProducer::getMatchedBC(), HitPairGeneratorFromLayerPairForPhotonConversion::getPhiRange(), EgammaRecHitIsolation::getSum_(), HitQuadrupletGeneratorFromLayerPairForPhotonConversion::hitPairs(), HLTJetPairDzMatchFilter< T >::hltFilter(), ConversionSeedFilter::isCompatible(), ConversionTools::matchesConversion(), ConversionProducer::matchingSC(), reco::RecoTauPiZero::maxDeltaPhi(), reco::parser::deltaPhi_f::operator()(), reco::tau::RecoTauElectronRejectionPlugin::operator()(), CMSInsideOutAlgorithm::ListIteratorLesserByDeltaR::operator()(), reco::tau::RecoTauPiZeroStripPlugin::operator()(), DeltaPhi< T1, T2 >::operator()(), reco::isodeposit::Direction::operator-(), egHLT::EgJetTagProbeCut< T >::pass(), egHLT::EgJetB2BCut< T >::pass(), reco::Jet::phiphiMoment(), L2TauPixelTrackMatch::produce(), and ConversionSeedFilterCharge::produce().

12  {
13  double result = phi1 - phi2;
14  while (result > M_PI) result -= 2*M_PI;
15  while (result <= -M_PI) result += 2*M_PI;
16  return result;
17  }
tuple result
#define M_PI
double reco::deltaPhi ( float  phi1,
double  phi2 

Definition at line 19 of file deltaPhi.h.

References deltaPhi().

19  {
20  return deltaPhi(static_cast<double>(phi1), phi2);
21  }
double reco::deltaPhi ( double  phi1,
float  phi2 

Definition at line 23 of file deltaPhi.h.

References deltaPhi().

23  {
24  return deltaPhi(phi1, static_cast<double>(phi2));
25  }
float reco::deltaPhi ( float  phi1,
float  phi2 

Definition at line 28 of file deltaPhi.h.

References M_PI, and query::result.

28  {
29  float result = phi1 - phi2;
30  while (result > float(M_PI)) result -= float(2*M_PI);
31  while (result <= -float(M_PI)) result += float(2*M_PI);
32  return result;
33  }
tuple result
#define M_PI
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
double reco::deltaPhi ( T1 &  t1,
T2 &  t2 

Definition at line 43 of file deltaPhi.h.

References deltaPhi().

43  {
44  return deltaPhi(t1.phi(), t2.phi());
45  }
template<typename T >
T reco::deltaPhi ( T  phi1,
T  phi2 

Definition at line 48 of file deltaPhi.h.

References M_PI, and query::result.

48  {
49  T result = phi1 - phi2;
50  while (result > M_PI) result -= 2*M_PI;
51  while (result <= -M_PI) result += 2*M_PI;
52  return result;
53  }
tuple result
#define M_PI
long double T
double reco::deltaR ( double  eta1,
double  phi1,
double  eta2,
double  phi2 

Definition at line 19 of file deltaR.h.

References deltaR2(), and mathSSE::sqrt().

Referenced by HLTMonHcalIsoTrack::analyze(), WenuPlots::analyze(), ZeePlots::analyze(), HLTJetMETDQMSource::analyze(), DQMAnalyzer::analyze(), RPCPhiEff::analyze(), GsfElectronDataAnalyzer::analyze(), GsfElectronFakeAnalyzer::analyze(), GsfElectronMCFakeAnalyzer::analyze(), GsfElectronMCAnalyzer::analyze(), HLTInclusiveVBFSource::analyze(), HLTMonSimpleBTag::analyze(), ErsatzMEt::analyze(), PhotonAnalyzer::analyze(), reco::helper::JetMuonHitsIDHelper::calculate(), PileUpSubtractor::calculateOrphanInput(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationByMVAIsolation::computeIsoRings(), reco::Jet::constituentEtaPhiSpread(), deltaR(), reco::isodeposit::Direction::deltaR(), CaloSubdetectorGeometry::deltaR(), muonisolation::CaloExtractor::deposit(), muonisolation::JetExtractor::deposit(), muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::deposits(), TauDiscriminationAgainstMuon< TauType, TauDiscriminator >::discriminate(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectronDeadECAL::discriminate(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectronMVA2::discriminate(), PFRecoTauDiscriminationAgainstElectronMVA3::discriminate(), electronSelector(), reco::Jet::etInAnnulus(), TopDiLeptonOffline::MonitorEnsemble::fill(), egHLT::trigTools::fillHLTposition(), pat::helper::BasicOverlapTest::fillOverlapsForItem(), muonisolation::CaloExtractor::fillVetos(), PFJetFilter::filter(), ZeeCandidateFilter::filter(), PileUpSubtractor::getCone(), TtDilepEvtSolution::getJetResidual(), TtDilepEvtSolution::getLeptonResidual(), ParticleTowerProducer::getNearestTower(), objMon< T >::hasBPartonInCone(), HLTDoubletDZ< T1, T2 >::hltFilter(), reco::tau::RecoTauIsolationMasking::inCone(), EcalDeadCellDeltaRFilter::isCloseToBadEcalChannel(), reco::tau::disc::JetTauDR(), EcalClusterLocal::localCoordsEB(), ggPFClusters::localCoordsEB(), EcalClusterLocal::localCoordsEE(), ggPFClusters::localCoordsEE(), main(), reco::tau::disc::MainTrackAngle(), reco::modules::HICaloCompatibleTrackSelector::matchByDrAllowReuse(), ConversionTools::matchesConversion(), objMonData< T >::matchL1Offline(), objMonData< T >::matchOnlineL1(), objMonData< T >::matchOnlineOffline(), reco::Jet::maxDistance(), objMon< T >::monitorL1(), objMon< T >::monitorOffline(), objMon< T >::monitorOnline(), reco::tau::disc::OpeningDeltaR(), reco::tau::cone::DeltaRFilter< typename CandType::value_type >::operator()(), reco::parser::deltaR_f::operator()(), WPlusJetsEventSelector::operator()(), reco::tau::RecoTauElectronRejectionPlugin::operator()(), reco::tau::RecoTauEnergyRecoveryPlugin2::operator()(), DeltaR< math::XYZVector, math::XYZPoint >::operator()(), ElectronMatchedCandidateProducer::produce(), L1HLTJetsMatching::produce(), L1HLTTauMatching::produce(), PFJetsMatchedToFilteredCaloJetsProducer::produce(), L2TauJetsProvider::produce(), PFCandidateMixer::produce(), ObjectViewMatcher< T1, T2 >::produce(), ObjectViewCleaner< T >::produce(), ZmumuPFEmbedder::producePFCandColl(), ZmumuPFEmbedder::produceTrackColl(), AcceptJet::ratio(), reco::tau::disc::ScaledOpeningDeltaR(), egHLT::trigTools::setFiltersObjPasses(), and VirtualJetProducer::writeJets().

19  {
20  return std::sqrt(deltaR2 (eta1, phi1, eta2, phi2));
21  }
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:46
double deltaR2(const Vector1 &v1, const Vector2 &v2)
Definition: VectorUtil.h:78
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
double reco::deltaR ( const T1 &  t1,
const T2 &  t2 

Definition at line 29 of file deltaR.h.

References deltaR().

29  {
30  return deltaR(t1.eta(), t1.phi(), t2.eta(), t2.phi());
31  }
double deltaR(double eta1, double eta2, double phi1, double phi2)
template<class T >
T reco::deltaR ( T  eta1,
T  phi1,
T  eta2,
T  phi2 

Definition at line 41 of file deltaR.h.

References deltaR2(), and mathSSE::sqrt().

41  {
42  return std::sqrt (deltaR2 (eta1, phi1, eta2, phi2));
43  }
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:46
double deltaR2(const Vector1 &v1, const Vector2 &v2)
Definition: VectorUtil.h:78
double reco::deltaR2 ( double  eta1,
double  phi1,
double  eta2,
double  phi2 
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
double reco::deltaR2 ( const T1 &  t1,
const T2 &  t2 

Definition at line 24 of file deltaR.h.

References deltaR2().

24  {
25  return deltaR2(t1.eta(), t1.phi(), t2.eta(), t2.phi());
26  }
double deltaR2(const Vector1 &v1, const Vector2 &v2)
Definition: VectorUtil.h:78
template<class T >
T reco::deltaR2 ( T  eta1,
T  phi1,
T  eta2,
T  phi2 

Definition at line 34 of file deltaR.h.

References deltaPhi().

34  {
35  T deta = eta1 - eta2;
36  T dphi = deltaPhi (phi1, phi2);
37  return deta*deta + dphi*dphi;
38  }
long double T
double reco::deltaR2< GlobalVector > ( const GlobalVector v1,
const GlobalVector v2 

Definition at line 26 of file

26  {
27  return deltaR2<float>(v1.eta(),v1.phi(),v2.eta(),v2.phi());
28 }
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:68
T eta() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:75
double reco::deltaR< GlobalVector > ( const GlobalVector v1,
const GlobalVector v2 

Definition at line 22 of file

22  {
23  return deltaR<float>(v1.eta(),v1.phi(),v2.eta(),v2.phi());
24 }
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:68
T eta() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:75
template<typename T1 , typename T2 >
double reco::ellipse ( const T1 &  t1,
const T2 &  t2,
double  rPhi,
double  rEta 

Definition at line 19 of file Ellipse.h.

References deltaEta2(), deltaPhi(), and dPhi().

Referenced by ElementsInEllipse< reco::PFCandidate, reco::PFCandidateCollection >::operator()().

19  {
20  double dEta2 = deltaEta2(t1.eta(), t2.eta());
21  double dPhi = deltaPhi(t1.phi(), t2.phi());
22  double distance = dEta2/(rEta*rEta) + (dPhi*dPhi)/(rPhi*rPhi);
23  return distance;
24  }
double dPhi(double phi1, double phi2)
Definition: JetUtil.h:30
double deltaEta2(double eta1, double eta2)
Definition: Ellipse.h:8
PerigeeCovarianceMatrix & reco::fillCovariance ( PerigeeCovarianceMatrix &  v,
const float *  data 

Definition at line 4 of file

References i, getHLTprescales::index, j, and v.

Referenced by reco::TrackBase::fill(), reco::TrackExtra::fillInner(), reco::TrackExtra::fillOuter(), reco::TrackExtra::innerStateCovariance(), and reco::TrackExtra::outerStateCovariance().

4  {
5  typedef unsigned int index;
6  index idx = 0;
7  for( index i = 0; i < 5; ++ i )
8  for( index j = 0; j <= i; ++ j )
9  v( i, j ) = data[ idx ++ ];
10  return v;
11  }
int i
int j
char data[epos_bytes_allocation]
Definition: EPOS_Wrapper.h:82
mathSSE::Vec4< T > v
Reflex::Member reco::findDataMember ( const Reflex::Type &  iType,
const std::string &  iName,
int &  oError 

Definition at line 26 of file

References b, reco::parser::kIsNotPublic, reco::parser::kNameDoesNotExist, and reco::parser::kNoError.

Referenced by reco::parser::MethodSetter::push().

26  {
27  using namespace Reflex;
28  Member returnValue;
30  Type type = iType;
31  if(type) {
32  if(type.IsPointer()) {
33  type = type.ToType();
34  }
35  returnValue = type.DataMemberByName(iName);
36  if(!returnValue) {
37  //check inheriting classes
38  for(Base_Iterator b = type.Base_Begin(); b != type.Base_End(); ++ b) {
39  returnValue = findDataMember(b->ToType(), iName, oError);
40  //only stop if we found it or some other error happened
41  if(returnValue || parser::kNameDoesNotExist != oError) {
42  break;
43  }
44  }
45  }
46  if(returnValue && !returnValue.IsPublic()) {
47  returnValue = Member();
48  oError = parser::kIsNotPublic;
49  }
50  }
51  if(returnValue) {
52  oError = parser::kNoError;
53  }
54  return returnValue;
55  }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:22
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
Reflex::Member findDataMember(const Reflex::Type &iType, const std::string &iName, int &oError)
std::pair<Reflex::Member, bool> reco::findMethod ( const Reflex::Type &  type,
const std::string &  name,
const std::vector< reco::parser::AnyMethodArgument > &  args,
std::vector< reco::parser::AnyMethodArgument > &  fixuppedArgs,
const char *  where,
int &  oError 
pair<Member, bool> reco::findMethod ( const Type &  t,
const string &  name,
const std::vector< AnyMethodArgument > &  args,
std::vector< AnyMethodArgument > &  fixuppedArgs,
const char *  iIterator,
int &  oError 

Definition at line 66 of file

References harvestRelVal::args, b, checkMethod(), relativeConstraints::empty, error, edm::hlt::Exception, fatalErrorCondition(), first, reco::parser::kNameDoesNotExist, reco::parser::kNoError, m, mem, mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, python.multivaluedict::sort(), and lumiQTWidget::t.

Referenced by reco::parser::MethodSetter::push().

71  {
73  Type type = t;
74  if (! type)
75  throw parser::Exception(iIterator)
76  << "No dictionary for class \"" << type.Name() << "\".";
77  while(type.IsPointer() || type.IsTypedef()) type = type.ToType();
78  type = Type(type,0); // strip const, volatile, c++ ref, ..
80  pair<Member, bool> mem; mem.second = false;
82  // suitable members and number of integer->real casts required to get them
83  vector<pair<int,Member> > oks;
85  // first look in base scope
86  for(Member_Iterator m = type.FunctionMember_Begin(); m != type.FunctionMember_End(); ++m ) {
87  if(m->Name()==name) {
88  int casts = checkMethod(*m, type, args, fixuppedArgs);
89  if (casts > -1) {
90  oks.push_back( make_pair(casts,*m) );
91  } else {
92  oError = -1*casts;
93  //is this a show stopper error?
94  if(fatalErrorCondition(oError)) {
95  return mem;
96  }
97  }
98  }
99  }
100  //std::cout << "At base scope (type " << (type.Name()) << ") found " << oks.size() << " methods." << std::endl;
101  // found at least one method
102  if (!oks.empty()) {
103  if (oks.size() > 1) {
104  // sort by number of conversiosns needed
105  sort(oks.begin(), oks.end());
107  if (oks[0].first == oks[1].first) { // two methods with same ambiguity
108  throw parser::Exception(iIterator)
109  << "Can't resolve method \"" << name << "\" for class \"" << type.Name() << "\", the two candidates "
110  << oks[0].second.Name() << " and " << oks[1].second.Name()
111  << " require the same number of integer->real conversions (" << oks[0].first << ").";
112  }
114  // I should fixup again the args, as both good methods have pushed them on fixuppedArgs
115  fixuppedArgs.clear();
116  checkMethod(oks.front().second, type, args, fixuppedArgs);
117  }
118  mem.first = oks.front().second;
119  }
121  // if nothing was found, look in parent scopes (without checking for cross-scope overloading, as it's not allowed)
122  int baseError=parser::kNameDoesNotExist;
123  if(! mem.first) {
124  for(Base_Iterator b = type.Base_Begin(); b != type.Base_End(); ++ b) {
125  if((mem = findMethod(b->ToType(), name, args, fixuppedArgs,iIterator,baseError)).first) break;
126  if(fatalErrorCondition(baseError)) {
127  oError = baseError;
128  return mem;
129  }
130  }
131  }
133  // otherwise see if this object is just a Ref or Ptr and we should pop it out
134  if(!mem.first) {
135  // check for edm::Ref or edm::RefToBase or edm::Ptr
136  // std::cout << "Mem.first is null, so looking for templates from type " << type.Name() << std::endl;
137  if(type.IsTemplateInstance()) {
138  TypeTemplate templ = type.TemplateFamily();
139  std::string name = templ.Name();
140  if("Ref") == 0 ||
141"RefToBase") == 0 ||
142"Ptr") == 0) {
143  // in this case i think 'get' should be taken with no arguments!
144  std::vector<AnyMethodArgument> empty, empty2;
145  int error;
146  mem = findMethod(type, "get", empty, empty2,iIterator,error);
147  if(!mem.first) {
148  throw parser::Exception(iIterator)
149  << "No member \"get\" in reference of type \"" << type.Name() << "\".";
150  }
151  mem.second = true;
152  }
153  }
154  }
155  /*
156  if(!mem.first) {
157  throw edm::Exception(edm::errors::Configuration)
158  << "member \""" << name << "\"" not found in class \"" << type.Name() << "\"";
159  }
160  */
161  if(mem.first) {
162  oError = parser::kNoError;
163  } else {
164  //use error from base check if we never found function in primary class
165  if(oError == parser::kNameDoesNotExist) {
166  oError = baseError;
167  }
168  }
169  return mem;
170  }
Definition: HCALResponse.h:22
int checkMethod(const ROOT::Reflex::Member &mem, const ROOT::Reflex::Type &type, const std::vector< AnyMethodArgument > &args, std::vector< AnyMethodArgument > &fixuppedArgs)
static bool fatalErrorCondition(int iError)
uint16_t mem[nChs][nEvts]
bool first
pair< Member, bool > findMethod(const Type &t, const string &name, const std::vector< AnyMethodArgument > &args, std::vector< AnyMethodArgument > &fixuppedArgs, const char *iIterator, int &oError)
double b
Definition: hdecay.h:120
dictionary args
int reco::flavour ( const Candidate &  part)
template<typename T >
T reco::get ( const Candidate &  c)

Definition at line 56 of file component.h.

References trackerHits::c.

Referenced by argparse._ActionsContainer::_registry_get(), python.rootplot.argparse._ActionsContainer::_registry_get(), FWItemAccessorFactory::accessorFor(), AlignmentMonitorAsAnalyzer::AlignmentMonitorAsAnalyzer(), AlignmentProducer::AlignmentProducer(), L3MuonCombinedRelativeIsolationProducer::beginJob(), L3MuonIsolationProducer::beginJob(), SeedGeneratorFromRegionHitsEDProducer::beginRun(), TSGFromL1Muon::beginRun(), EgammaHLTRegionalPixelSeedGeneratorProducers::beginRun(), CtfSpecialSeedGenerator::beginRun(), DTLocalTriggerSynchTask::beginRun(), cond::buildTechnologyProxy(), CandIsoDepositProducer::CandIsoDepositProducer(), edm::Schedule::changeModule(), funct::combine(), CombinedSeedComparitor::CombinedSeedComparitor(), CombinedTrajectoryFactory::CombinedTrajectoryFactory(), CompositeLogicalTrajectoryFilter::CompositeLogicalTrajectoryFilter(), CompositeTrajectoryFilter::CompositeTrajectoryFilter(), CompositeTSG::CompositeTSG(), ComputedVariable::ComputedVariable(), CondDBESSource::CondDBESSource(), ConfigurableAnalysis::ConfigurableAnalysis(), AttachSD::create(), cond::CoralServiceFactory::create(), lhef::Hadronisation::create(), lhef::JetMatching::create(), PhysicsTools::ProcessRegistry< Base_t, CalibBase_t, Parent_t >::Factory::create(), edm::serviceregistry::ServicesManager::createServices(), createWatchers(), CSCSegmentBuilder::CSCSegmentBuilder(), edm::DaqSource::DaqSource(), DTDigitizer::DTDigitizer(), DTRecHitBaseAlgo::DTRecHitBaseAlgo(), DTRecHitProducer::DTRecHitProducer(), DTRecSegment2DProducer::DTRecSegment2DProducer(), DTRecSegment4DProducer::DTRecSegment4DProducer(), DTSegmentUpdator::DTSegmentUpdator(), DTTPAnalyzer::DTTPAnalyzer(), DTTTrigCalibration::DTTTrigCalibration(), DTTTrigCorrection::DTTTrigCorrection(), DTVDriftCalibration::DTVDriftCalibration(), DTVDriftWriter::DTVDriftWriter(), EcalRecHitProducer::EcalRecHitProducer(), EcalUncalibRecHitProducer::EcalUncalibRecHitProducer(), EcalUnpackerWorker::EcalUnpackerWorker(), EgammaSCCorrectionMaker::EgammaSCCorrectionMaker(), ESRecHitProducer::ESRecHitProducer(), ESUnpackerWorker::ESUnpackerWorker(), gen::ExternalDecayDriver::ExternalDecayDriver(), edm::serviceregistry::ServicesManager::fillListOfMakers(), Filter::Filter(), FWDetailViewManager::findViewersFor(), FWEveViewManager::FWEveViewManager(), get(), StorageFactory::getMaker(), ShapeTools.ShapeBuilder::getPdf(), trackselectionRefitting::getSequence(), GsfElectronBaseProducer::GsfElectronBaseProducer(), FWItemAccessorFactory::hasAccessor(), HiEgammaSCCorrectionMaker::HiEgammaSCCorrectionMaker(), HLTMuonIsoFilter::HLTMuonIsoFilter(), PixelTrackReconstruction::init(), TSGFromOrderedHits::init(), CombinedHitTripletGenerator::init(), RunManager::initG4(), MillePedeAlignmentAlgorithm::initialize(), KalmanAlignmentAlgorithm::initializeAlignmentSetups(), cond::CoralServiceManager::knownPlugins(), L2MuonIsolationProducer::L2MuonIsolationProducer(), reco::tau::RecoTauMVAHelper::loadDiscriminantPlugins(), edm::makeInput(), edm::InputSourceFactory::makeInputSource(), edm::PresenceFactory::makePresence(), edm::VectorInputSourceFactory::makeVectorInputSource(), edm::Factory::makeWorker(), MuIsoByTrackPt::MuIsoByTrackPt(), MultiTrackValidator::MultiTrackValidator(), MuonIdProducer::MuonIdProducer(), FWEveViewManager::newItem(), NTuplingDevice::NTuplingDevice(), cond::SessionImpl::open(), FWDetailViewManager::openDetailViewFor(), cond::SessionImpl::openReadOnly(), edm::AssociationVector< KeyRefProd, CVal, KeyRef, SizeType, KeyReferenceHelper >::operator[](), parserPerfsuiteMetadata.parserPerfsuiteMetadata::parseAll(), ParticleReplacerClass::ParticleReplacerClass(), PFTauMVAInputDiscriminantTranslator::PFTauMVAInputDiscriminantTranslator(), PhotonEnergyCorrector::PhotonEnergyCorrector(), PixelTracksProducer::PixelTracksProducer(), PixelTripletHLTGenerator::PixelTripletHLTGenerator(), PlottingDevice::PlottingDevice(), funct::PROD_S(), MuIsoDepositProducer::produce(), NavigationSchoolESProducer::produce(), TrajectoryCleanerESProducer::produce(), DetIdAssociatorESProducer::produce(), TrajectoryFilterESProducer::produce(), RecoTauCleanerImpl< Prod >::RecoTauCleanerImpl(), RecoTauPiZeroProducer::RecoTauPiZeroProducer(), RecoTauProducer::RecoTauProducer(), RFIOStorageMaker::RFIOStorageMaker(), RPCDigitizer::RPCDigitizer(), RPCRecHitProducer::RPCRecHitProducer(), SeedFilter::SeedFilter(), TSGFromL2Muon::TSGFromL2Muon(), TSGSmart::TSGSmart(), edm::eventsetup::validateEventSetupParameters(), VariableHelper::VariableHelper(), VirtualJetProducer::VirtualJetProducer(), and l1t::DataWriter::writePayload().

56  {
58  }
T get(const Candidate &c)
Definition: component.h:56
template<typename T , typename Tag >
T reco::get ( const Candidate &  c)

Definition at line 61 of file component.h.

References trackerHits::c, and get().

61  {
63  }
T get(const Candidate &c)
Definition: component.h:56
template<typename T >
T reco::get ( const Candidate &  c,
size_t  i 

Definition at line 66 of file component.h.

References trackerHits::c, get(), and i.

66  {
68  }
int i
T get(const Candidate &c)
Definition: component.h:56
template<typename T , typename Tag >
T reco::get ( const Candidate &  c,
size_t  i 

Definition at line 71 of file component.h.

References trackerHits::c, get(), and i.

71  {
73  }
int i
T get(const Candidate &c)
Definition: component.h:56
btau::TaggingVariableName reco::getTaggingVariableName ( const std::string &  name)
HcalSubdetector JetMaker::hcalSubdetector ( int  iEta)

converts eta to the corresponding HCAL subdetector.

Definition at line 417 of file

References abs, eta(), HcalBarrel, HcalEmpty, HcalEndcap, HcalForward, HcalTopology::lastHBRing(), HcalTopology::lastHERing(), and HcalTopology::lastHFRing().

Referenced by makeSpecific().

418 {
419  static const HcalTopology topology;
420  int eta = std::abs(iEta);
421  if (eta <= topology.lastHBRing()) return HcalBarrel;
422  else if (eta <= topology.lastHERing()) return HcalEndcap;
423  else if (eta <= topology.lastHFRing()) return HcalForward;
424  return HcalEmpty;
425 }
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
int lastHBRing() const
Definition: HcalTopology.h:62
T eta() const
int lastHFRing() const
Definition: HcalTopology.h:66
int lastHERing() const
Definition: HcalTopology.h:64
bool reco::isElectron ( const Candidate &  part)

Definition at line 7 of file pdgIdUtils.h.

References abs, and reco::Candidate::pdgId().

Referenced by TwoVBGenFilter::filter(), and HadronAndPartonSelector::produce().

7  {
8  return abs(part.pdgId())==11;
9  }
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
bool reco::isLepton ( const Candidate &  part)

Definition at line 19 of file pdgIdUtils.h.

References abs, and reco::Candidate::pdgId().

Referenced by TtGenEvent::lepton(), TtGenEvent::leptonBar(), TopGenEvent::numberOfLeptons(), StGenEvent::singleLepton(), and TtGenEvent::singleLepton().

19  {
20  return abs(part.pdgId())==11 ||
21  abs(part.pdgId())==13 ||
22  abs(part.pdgId())==15;
23  }
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
bool reco::isMuon ( const Candidate &  part)
bool reco::isNeutrino ( const Candidate &  part)

Definition at line 25 of file pdgIdUtils.h.

References abs, and reco::Candidate::pdgId().

Referenced by TwoVBGenFilter::filter(), TtGenEvent::neutrino(), TtGenEvent::neutrinoBar(), PFRootEventManager::reconstructGenJets(), StGenEvent::singleNeutrino(), TtGenEvent::singleNeutrino(), and PFRootEventManager::tauBenchmark().

25  {
26  return abs(part.pdgId())==12 ||
27  abs(part.pdgId())==14 ||
28  abs(part.pdgId())==16;
29  }
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
bool reco::isTau ( const Candidate &  part)

Definition at line 15 of file pdgIdUtils.h.

References abs, and reco::Candidate::pdgId().

Referenced by HiggsToZZ4LeptonsSkimEff::analyze(), TwoVBGenFilter::filter(), HadronAndPartonSelector::produce(), and L1DummyProducer::SimpleDigi().

15  {
16  return abs(part.pdgId())==15;
17  }
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
Definition: HCALResponse.h:21
bool reco::makeSpecific ( std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &  towers,
const CaloSubdetectorGeometry towerGeometry,
reco::CaloJet::Specific caloJetSpecific 

Make CaloJet specifics. Assumes PseudoJet is made from CaloTowerCandidates.

Definition at line 132 of file

References dPhi(), CaloTower::emEnergy(), geometry, CaloCellGeometry::getCorners(), CaloSubdetectorGeometry::getGeometry(), CaloTower::hadEnergy(), HcalBarrel, HcalEndcap, HcalForward, hcalSubdetector(), CaloTower::id(), CaloTowerDetId::ieta(), reco::CaloJet::Specific::mEmEnergyInEB, reco::CaloJet::Specific::mEmEnergyInEE, reco::CaloJet::Specific::mEmEnergyInHF, reco::CaloJet::Specific::mEnergyFractionEm, reco::CaloJet::Specific::mEnergyFractionHadronic, reco::CaloJet::Specific::mHadEnergyInHB, reco::CaloJet::Specific::mHadEnergyInHE, reco::CaloJet::Specific::mHadEnergyInHF, reco::CaloJet::Specific::mHadEnergyInHO, reco::CaloJet::Specific::mMaxEInEmTowers, reco::CaloJet::Specific::mMaxEInHadTowers, reco::CaloJet::Specific::mTowersArea, CaloTower::outerEnergy(), and python.multivaluedict::sort().

Referenced by writeSpecific().

135 {
136  if (0==caloJetSpecific) return false;
138  // 1.- Loop over the tower Ids,
139  // 2.- Get the corresponding CaloTower
140  // 3.- Calculate the different CaloJet specific quantities
141  vector<double> eECal_i;
142  vector<double> eHCal_i;
143  double eInHad = 0.;
144  double eInEm = 0.;
145  double eInHO = 0.;
146  double eInHB = 0.;
147  double eInHE = 0.;
148  double eHadInHF = 0.;
149  double eEmInHF = 0.;
150  double eInEB = 0.;
151  double eInEE = 0.;
152  double jetArea = 0.;
154  vector<reco::CandidatePtr>::const_iterator itTower;
155  for (itTower=towers.begin();itTower!=towers.end();++itTower) {
156  if ( itTower->isNull() || !itTower->isAvailable() ) {
157  edm::LogWarning("DataNotFound") << " JetSpecific: Tower is invalid\n";
158  continue;
159  }
160  const CaloTower* tower = dynamic_cast<const CaloTower*>(itTower->get());
161  if (tower) {
162  //Array of energy in EM Towers:
163  eECal_i.push_back(tower->emEnergy());
164  eInEm += tower->emEnergy();
165  //Array of energy in HCAL Towers:
166  eHCal_i.push_back(tower->hadEnergy());
167  eInHad += tower->hadEnergy();
169  // figure out contributions
170  switch (reco::hcalSubdetector(tower->id().ieta())) {
171  case HcalBarrel:
172  eInHB += tower->hadEnergy();
173  eInHO += tower->outerEnergy();
174  eInEB += tower->emEnergy();
175  break;
176  case HcalEndcap:
177  eInHE += tower->hadEnergy();
178  eInEE += tower->emEnergy();
179  break;
180  case HcalForward:
181  eHadInHF += tower->hadEnergy();
182  eEmInHF += tower->emEnergy();
183  break;
184  default:
185  break;
186  }
187  // get area of the tower (++ minus --)
188  const CaloCellGeometry* geometry = towerGeometry.getGeometry(tower->id());
189  if (geometry) {
190  float dEta = fabs(geometry->getCorners()[0].eta()-
191  geometry->getCorners()[2].eta());
192  float dPhi = fabs(geometry->getCorners()[0].phi() -
193  geometry->getCorners()[2].phi());
194  jetArea += dEta * dPhi;
195  }
196  else {
197  edm::LogWarning("DataNotFound") <<"reco::makeCaloJetSpecific: Geometry for cell "
198  <<tower->id()<<" can not be found. Ignoring cell\n";
199  }
200  }
201  else {
202  edm::LogWarning("DataNotFound")<<"reco::makeCaloJetSpecific: Constituent is not of "
203  <<"CaloTower type\n";
204  }
205  }
207  double towerEnergy = eInHad + eInEm;
208  caloJetSpecific->mHadEnergyInHO = eInHO;
209  caloJetSpecific->mHadEnergyInHB = eInHB;
210  caloJetSpecific->mHadEnergyInHE = eInHE;
211  caloJetSpecific->mHadEnergyInHF = eHadInHF;
212  caloJetSpecific->mEmEnergyInHF = eEmInHF;
213  caloJetSpecific->mEmEnergyInEB = eInEB;
214  caloJetSpecific->mEmEnergyInEE = eInEE;
215  if (towerEnergy > 0) {
216  caloJetSpecific->mEnergyFractionHadronic = eInHad / towerEnergy;
217  caloJetSpecific->mEnergyFractionEm = eInEm / towerEnergy;
218  }
219  else { // HO only jet
220  caloJetSpecific->mEnergyFractionHadronic = 1.;
221  caloJetSpecific->mEnergyFractionEm = 0.;
222  }
223  caloJetSpecific->mTowersArea = jetArea;
224  caloJetSpecific->mMaxEInEmTowers = 0;
225  caloJetSpecific->mMaxEInHadTowers = 0;
227  //Sort the arrays
228  sort(eECal_i.begin(), eECal_i.end(), greater<double>());
229  sort(eHCal_i.begin(), eHCal_i.end(), greater<double>());
231  if (!towers.empty()) {
232  //Highest value in the array is the first element of the array
233  caloJetSpecific->mMaxEInEmTowers = eECal_i.front();
234  caloJetSpecific->mMaxEInHadTowers = eHCal_i.front();
235  }
237  return true;
238 }
float mMaxEInEmTowers
Maximum energy in EM towers.
Definition: CaloJet.h:49
float mEmEnergyInHF
Em energy in HF.
Definition: CaloJet.h:65
float mEnergyFractionHadronic
Hadronic energy fraction.
Definition: CaloJet.h:67
float mEmEnergyInEB
Em energy in EB.
Definition: CaloJet.h:61
float mHadEnergyInHB
Hadronic energy in HB.
Definition: CaloJet.h:55
virtual const CaloCellGeometry * getGeometry(const DetId &id) const
Get the cell geometry of a given detector id. Should return false if not found.
double emEnergy() const
Definition: CaloTower.h:79
double dPhi(double phi1, double phi2)
Definition: JetUtil.h:30
float mEnergyFractionEm
Em energy fraction.
Definition: CaloJet.h:69
float mHadEnergyInHF
Hadronic energy in HF.
Definition: CaloJet.h:57
float mMaxEInHadTowers
Maximum energy in HCAL towers.
Definition: CaloJet.h:51
double hadEnergy() const
Definition: CaloTower.h:80
CaloTowerDetId id() const
Definition: CaloTower.h:72
float mHadEnergyInHO
Hadronic nergy fraction in HO.
Definition: CaloJet.h:53
ESHandle< TrackerGeometry > geometry
float mTowersArea
Area of contributing CaloTowers.
Definition: CaloJet.h:71
HcalSubdetector hcalSubdetector(int iEta)
converts eta to the corresponding HCAL subdetector.
int ieta() const
get the tower ieta
float mEmEnergyInEE
Em energy in EE.
Definition: CaloJet.h:63
double outerEnergy() const
Definition: CaloTower.h:81
virtual const CornersVec & getCorners() const =0
Returns the corner points of this cell&#39;s volume.
float mHadEnergyInHE
Hadronic energy in HE.
Definition: CaloJet.h:59
bool reco::makeSpecific ( std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &  particles,
reco::PFJet::Specific pfJetSpecific 

Make PFlowJet specifics. Assumes PseudoJet is made from ParticleFlowCandidates.

Definition at line 242 of file

References reco::btau::chargedHadronMultiplicity, alignCSCRings::e, reco::btau::electronMultiplicity, reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), h, reco::PFJet::Specific::mChargedEmEnergy, reco::PFJet::Specific::mChargedHadronEnergy, reco::PFJet::Specific::mChargedHadronMultiplicity, reco::PFJet::Specific::mChargedMuEnergy, reco::PFJet::Specific::mChargedMultiplicity, reco::PFJet::Specific::mElectronEnergy, reco::PFJet::Specific::mElectronMultiplicity, reco::PFJet::Specific::mHFEMEnergy, reco::PFJet::Specific::mHFEMMultiplicity, reco::PFJet::Specific::mHFHadronEnergy, reco::PFJet::Specific::mHFHadronMultiplicity, reco::PFJet::Specific::mMuonEnergy, reco::PFJet::Specific::mMuonMultiplicity, reco::PFJet::Specific::mNeutralEmEnergy, reco::PFJet::Specific::mNeutralHadronEnergy, reco::PFJet::Specific::mNeutralHadronMultiplicity, reco::PFJet::Specific::mNeutralMultiplicity, reco::PFJet::Specific::mPhotonEnergy, reco::PFJet::Specific::mPhotonMultiplicity, RPCpg::mu, reco::btau::muonMultiplicity, reco::btau::neutralHadronMultiplicity, reco::PFCandidate::particleId(), and reco::btau::photonMultiplicity.

244 {
245  if (0==pfJetSpecific) return false;
247  // 1.- Loop over PFCandidates,
248  // 2.- Get the corresponding PFCandidate
249  // 3.- Calculate the different PFJet specific quantities
251  float chargedHadronEnergy=0.;
252  float neutralHadronEnergy=0.;
253  float photonEnergy=0.;
254  float electronEnergy=0.;
255  float muonEnergy=0.;
256  float HFHadronEnergy=0.;
257  float HFEMEnergy=0.;
260  int photonMultiplicity=0;
261  int electronMultiplicity=0;
262  int muonMultiplicity=0;
263  int HFHadronMultiplicity=0;
264  int HFEMMultiplicity=0;
266  float chargedEmEnergy=0.;
267  float neutralEmEnergy=0.;
268  float chargedMuEnergy=0.;
269  int chargedMultiplicity=0;
270  int neutralMultiplicity=0;
272  vector<reco::CandidatePtr>::const_iterator itParticle;
273  for (itParticle=particles.begin();itParticle!=particles.end();++itParticle){
274  if ( itParticle->isNull() || !itParticle->isAvailable() ) {
275  edm::LogWarning("DataNotFound") << " JetSpecific: PF Particle is invalid\n";
276  continue;
277  }
278  const PFCandidate* pfCand = dynamic_cast<const PFCandidate*> (itParticle->get());
279  if (pfCand) {
280  switch (PFCandidate::ParticleType(pfCand->particleId())) {
281  case PFCandidate::h: // charged hadron
282  chargedHadronEnergy += pfCand->energy();
283  chargedHadronMultiplicity++;
284  chargedMultiplicity++;
285  break;
287  case PFCandidate::h0 : // neutral hadron
288  neutralHadronEnergy += pfCand->energy();
289  neutralHadronMultiplicity++;
290  neutralMultiplicity++;
291  break;
293  case PFCandidate::gamma: // photon
294  photonEnergy += pfCand->energy();
295  photonMultiplicity++;
296  neutralEmEnergy += pfCand->energy();
297  neutralMultiplicity++;
298  break;
300  case PFCandidate::e: // electron
301  electronEnergy += pfCand->energy();
302  electronMultiplicity++;
303  chargedEmEnergy += pfCand->energy();
304  chargedMultiplicity++;
305  break;
307  case PFCandidate::mu: // muon
308  muonEnergy += pfCand->energy();
309  muonMultiplicity++;
310  chargedMuEnergy += pfCand->energy();
311  chargedMultiplicity++;
312  break;
314  case PFCandidate::h_HF : // hadron in HF
315  HFHadronEnergy += pfCand->energy();
316  HFHadronMultiplicity++;
317  neutralMultiplicity++;
318  break;
320  case PFCandidate::egamma_HF : // electromagnetic in HF
321  HFEMEnergy += pfCand->energy();
322  HFEMMultiplicity++;
323  neutralEmEnergy += pfCand->energy();
324  neutralMultiplicity++;
325  break;
328  default:
329  edm::LogWarning("DataNotFound") <<"reco::makePFJetSpecific: Unknown PFCandidate::ParticleType: "
330  <<pfCand->particleId()<<" is ignored\n";
331  break;
332  }
333  }
334  else {
335  edm::LogWarning("DataNotFound") <<"reco::makePFJetSpecific: Referred constituent is not "
336  <<"a PFCandidate\n";
337  }
338  }
340  pfJetSpecific->mChargedHadronEnergy=chargedHadronEnergy;
341  pfJetSpecific->mNeutralHadronEnergy= neutralHadronEnergy;
342  pfJetSpecific->mPhotonEnergy= photonEnergy;
343  pfJetSpecific->mElectronEnergy= electronEnergy;
344  pfJetSpecific->mMuonEnergy= muonEnergy;
345  pfJetSpecific->mHFHadronEnergy= HFHadronEnergy;
346  pfJetSpecific->mHFEMEnergy= HFEMEnergy;
350  pfJetSpecific->mPhotonMultiplicity= photonMultiplicity;
352  pfJetSpecific->mMuonMultiplicity= muonMultiplicity;
353  pfJetSpecific->mHFHadronMultiplicity= HFHadronMultiplicity;
354  pfJetSpecific->mHFEMMultiplicity= HFEMMultiplicity;
356  pfJetSpecific->mChargedEmEnergy=chargedEmEnergy;
357  pfJetSpecific->mChargedMuEnergy=chargedMuEnergy;
358  pfJetSpecific->mNeutralEmEnergy=neutralEmEnergy;
359  pfJetSpecific->mChargedMultiplicity=chargedMultiplicity;
360  pfJetSpecific->mNeutralMultiplicity=neutralMultiplicity;
362  return true;
363 }
int mChargedMultiplicity
Definition: PFJet.h:70
int mPhotonMultiplicity
Definition: PFJet.h:59
float mNeutralHadronEnergy
Definition: PFJet.h:50
float mChargedMuEnergy
Definition: PFJet.h:68
float mChargedHadronEnergy
Definition: PFJet.h:49
float mChargedEmEnergy
Definition: PFJet.h:67
float mElectronEnergy
Definition: PFJet.h:52
int mChargedHadronMultiplicity
Definition: PFJet.h:57
float mPhotonEnergy
Definition: PFJet.h:51
float mNeutralEmEnergy
Definition: PFJet.h:69
const int mu
Definition: Constants.h:23
int mElectronMultiplicity
Definition: PFJet.h:60
int mNeutralHadronMultiplicity
Definition: PFJet.h:58
The Signals That Services Can Subscribe To This is based on ActivityRegistry h
Helper function to determine trigger accepts.
Definition: Activities.doc:4
int mNeutralMultiplicity
Definition: PFJet.h:71
float mHFHadronEnergy
Definition: PFJet.h:54
int mHFHadronMultiplicity
Definition: PFJet.h:62
Definition of particle types.
Definition: ParticleCode.h:18
bool reco::makeSpecific ( std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &  mcparticles,
reco::GenJet::Specific genJetSpecific 

Make GenJet specifics. Assumes PseudoJet is made from HepMCCandidate.

Definition at line 367 of file

References abs, alignCSCRings::e, reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), edm::RefToBase< T >::get(), reco::Candidate::get(), reco::Candidate::hasMasterClone(), reco::GenJet::Specific::m_AuxiliaryEnergy, reco::GenJet::Specific::m_EmEnergy, reco::GenJet::Specific::m_HadEnergy, reco::GenJet::Specific::m_InvisibleEnergy, reco::Candidate::masterClone(), and reco::LeafCandidate::pdgId().

369 {
370  if (0==genJetSpecific) return false;
372  vector<reco::CandidatePtr>::const_iterator itMcParticle=mcparticles.begin();
373  for (;itMcParticle!=mcparticles.end();++itMcParticle) {
374  if ( itMcParticle->isNull() || !itMcParticle->isAvailable() ) {
375  edm::LogWarning("DataNotFound") << " JetSpecific: MC Particle is invalid\n";
376  continue;
377  }
378  const Candidate* candidate = itMcParticle->get();
379  if (candidate->hasMasterClone()) candidate = candidate->masterClone().get();
380  const GenParticle* genParticle = GenJet::genParticle(candidate);
381  if (genParticle) {
382  double e = genParticle->energy();
383  switch (abs (genParticle->pdgId ())) {
384  case 22: // photon
385  case 11: // e
386  genJetSpecific->m_EmEnergy += e;
387  break;
388  case 211: // pi
389  case 321: // K
390  case 130: // KL
391  case 2212: // p
392  case 2112: // n
393  genJetSpecific->m_HadEnergy += e;
394  break;
395  case 13: // muon
396  case 12: // nu_e
397  case 14: // nu_mu
398  case 16: // nu_tau
400  genJetSpecific->m_InvisibleEnergy += e;
401  break;
402  default:
403  genJetSpecific->m_AuxiliaryEnergy += e;
404  }
405  }
406  else {
407  edm::LogWarning("DataNotFound") <<"reco::makeGenJetSpecific: Referred GenParticleCandidate "
408  <<"is not available in the event\n";
409  }
410  }
412  return true;
413 }
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
float m_InvisibleEnergy
Invisible energy (mu, nu, ...)
Definition: GenJet.h:39
float m_AuxiliaryEnergy
Anything else (undecayed Sigmas etc.)
Definition: GenJet.h:41
float m_HadEnergy
Energy of Hadrons.
Definition: GenJet.h:37
float m_EmEnergy
Energy of EM particles.
Definition: GenJet.h:35
double reco::normalizedPhi ( double  phi)

Definition at line 5 of file

5  {
6  static double const TWO_PI = M_PI * 2;
7  while ( phi < -M_PI ) phi += TWO_PI;
8  while ( phi > M_PI ) phi -= TWO_PI;
9  return phi;
10  }
#define M_PI
Definition: DDAxes.h:10
template<typename T >
size_t reco::numberOf ( const Candidate &  c)

Definition at line 76 of file component.h.

Referenced by numberOf().

76  {
78  }
size_t numberOf(const Candidate &c)
Definition: component.h:76
template<typename T , typename Tag >
size_t reco::numberOf ( const Candidate &  c)

Definition at line 81 of file component.h.

References numberOf().

81  {
83  }
size_t numberOf(const Candidate &c)
Definition: component.h:76
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, And, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator&& ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 416 of file Expressions.h.

417 {
418  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, And, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
419  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, And, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
420  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, B) );
421 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, And, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator&& ( const A &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 426 of file Expressions.h.

426  {
427  typedef typename operator_trait< A, And, Expr<B> >::LToExpr LToExpr;
428  typedef typename operator_trait< A, And, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
429  typedef typename operator_trait< A, And, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
430  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(LToExpr(A), B) );
431 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, And, B >::ReturnType reco::operator&& ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const B B 

Definition at line 435 of file Expressions.h.

435  {
436  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, And, B >::RToExpr RToExpr;
437  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, And, B >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
438  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, And, B >::ReturnType ReturnType;
439  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, RToExpr(B)) );
440 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, Mul, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator* ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 360 of file Expressions.h.

360  {
361  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Mul, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
362  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Mul, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
363  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, B) );
364 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, Mul, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator* ( const A &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 368 of file Expressions.h.

368  {
369  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Mul, Expr<B> >::LToExpr LToExpr;
370  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Mul, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
371  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Mul, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
372  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(LToExpr(A), B) );
373 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, Mul, B >::ReturnType reco::operator* ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const B B 

Definition at line 377 of file Expressions.h.

377  {
378  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Mul, B >::RToExpr RToExpr;
379  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Mul, B >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
380  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Mul, B >::ReturnType ReturnType;
381  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, RToExpr(B)) );
382 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, Add, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator+ ( const TExpr< A > &  A,
const TExpr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 332 of file Expressions.h.

332  {
333  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Add, TExpr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
334  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Add, TExpr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
335  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, B) );
336 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, Add , Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator+ ( const A &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 340 of file Expressions.h.

340  {
341  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Add, Expr<B> >::LToExpr LToExpr;
342  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Add, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
343  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Add, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
344  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(LToExpr(A), B) );
345 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, Add, B >::ReturnType reco::operator+ ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const B B 

Definition at line 349 of file Expressions.h.

349  {
350  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Add, B >::RToExpr RToExpr;
351  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Add, B >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
352  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Add, B >::ReturnType ReturnType;
353  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, RToExpr(B)) );
354 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, Div, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator/ ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 388 of file Expressions.h.

388  {
389  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Div, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
390  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Div, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
391  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, B) );
392 }
::boost::mpl::if_< D1, D1, typename::boost::mpl::if_< D2, D2, D0 >::type >::type Div
Definition: Factorize.h:147
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A , Div, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator/ ( const A &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 396 of file Expressions.h.

396  {
397  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Div, Expr<B> >::LToExpr LToExpr;
398  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Div, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
399  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Div, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
400  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(LToExpr(A), B) );
401 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, Div, B >::ReturnType reco::operator/ ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const B B 

Definition at line 405 of file Expressions.h.

405  {
406  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Div, B >::RToExpr RToExpr;
407  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Div, B >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
408  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Div, B >::ReturnType ReturnType;
409  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, RToExpr(B)) );
410 }
::boost::mpl::if_< D1, D1, typename::boost::mpl::if_< D2, D2, D0 >::type >::type Div
Definition: Factorize.h:147
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, Less, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator< ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 474 of file Expressions.h.

References funct::A.

474  {
475  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Less, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
476  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Less, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
477  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, B) );
478 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A , Less, TExpr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator< ( const A &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 482 of file Expressions.h.

References funct::A.

482  {
483  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Less, TExpr<B> >::LToExpr LToExpr;
484  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Less, TExpr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
485  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Less, TExpr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
486  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(LToExpr(A), B) );
487 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, Less, B >::ReturnType reco::operator< ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const B B 

Definition at line 491 of file Expressions.h.

References funct::A.

491  {
492  typedef typename operator_trait< TLt, TExpr<A>, B >::RToExpr RToExpr;
493  typedef typename operator_trait< TLt, TExpr<A>, B >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
494  typedef typename operator_trait< TLt, TExpr<A>, B >::ReturnType ReturnType;
495  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, RToExpr(B)) );
496 }
std::ostream & reco::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const pat::Photon obj 

pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Photon with PFTopProjectors)

Definition at line 44 of file

References reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), dbtoconf::out, reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), and reco::LeafCandidate::pt().

45 {
46  if(!out) return out;
48  out << "\tpat::Photon: ";
49  out << std::setiosflags(std::ios::right);
50  out << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
51  out << std::setprecision(3);
52  out << " E/pT/eta/phi "
53  <<<<"/"
54  <<<<"/"
55  << obj.eta()<<"/"
56  << obj.phi();
57  return out;
58 }
virtual double eta() const
momentum pseudorapidity
virtual double energy() const
tuple out
virtual double pt() const
transverse momentum
virtual double phi() const
momentum azimuthal angle
std::ostream & reco::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const pat::Muon obj 

pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Muon with PFTopProjectors)

Definition at line 129 of file

References reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), dbtoconf::out, reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), and reco::LeafCandidate::pt().

130 {
131  if(!out) return out;
133  out << "\tpat::Muon: ";
134  out << std::setiosflags(std::ios::right);
135  out << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
136  out << std::setprecision(3);
137  out << " E/pT/eta/phi "
138  <<<<"/"
139  <<<<"/"
140  << obj.eta()<<"/"
141  << obj.phi();
142  return out;
143 }
virtual double eta() const
momentum pseudorapidity
virtual double energy() const
tuple out
virtual double pt() const
transverse momentum
virtual double phi() const
momentum azimuthal angle
std::ostream & reco::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const pat::Tau obj 

pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Tau with PFTopProjectors)

Definition at line 149 of file

References reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), dbtoconf::out, reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), and reco::LeafCandidate::pt().

150 {
151  if(!out) return out;
153  out << "\tpat::Tau: ";
154  out << std::setiosflags(std::ios::right);
155  out << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
156  out << std::setprecision(3);
157  out << " E/pT/eta/phi "
158  <<<<"/"
159  <<<<"/"
160  << obj.eta()<<"/"
161  << obj.phi();
162  return out;
163 }
virtual double eta() const
momentum pseudorapidity
virtual double energy() const
tuple out
virtual double pt() const
transverse momentum
virtual double phi() const
momentum azimuthal angle
std::ostream & reco::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const pat::Electron obj 

pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Electron with PFTopProjectors)

Definition at line 104 of file

References reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), dbtoconf::out, reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), and reco::LeafCandidate::pt().

105 {
106  if(!out) return out;
108  out << "\tpat::Electron: ";
109  out << std::setiosflags(std::ios::right);
110  out << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
111  out << std::setprecision(3);
112  out << " E/pT/eta/phi "
113  <<<<"/"
114  <<<<"/"
115  << obj.eta()<<"/"
116  << obj.phi();
117  return out;
118 }
virtual double eta() const
momentum pseudorapidity
virtual double energy() const
tuple out
virtual double pt() const
transverse momentum
virtual double phi() const
momentum azimuthal angle
std::ostream & reco::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const pat::Jet obj 

pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Jet with PFTopProjectors)

Definition at line 60 of file

References reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), dbtoconf::out, reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), and reco::LeafCandidate::pt().

61 {
62  if(!out) return out;
64  out << "\tpat::Jet: ";
65  out << std::setiosflags(std::ios::right);
66  out << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
67  out << std::setprecision(3);
68  out << " E/pT/eta/phi "
69  <<<<"/"
70  <<<<"/"
71  << obj.eta()<<"/"
72  << obj.phi();
73  return out;
74 }
virtual double eta() const
momentum pseudorapidity
virtual double energy() const
tuple out
virtual double pt() const
transverse momentum
virtual double phi() const
momentum azimuthal angle
std::ostream & reco::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const RecoTauPiZero &  c 

Definition at line 86 of file

References dbtoconf::out, and reco::RecoTauPiZero::print().

87 {
88  if(!out) return out;
89  piZero.print(out);
90  return out;
91 }
tuple out
std::ostream & reco::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const CaloID id 

Definition at line 54 of file

References dbtoconf::out.

55  {
56  if(!out) return out;
58  out<<"CaloID: "<<id.detectors();
59  return out;
60 }
tuple out
std::ostream & reco::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const reco::PFTrajectoryPoint trajPoint 

Definition at line 46 of file

References reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::detId(), reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::layer(), reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::momentum(), dbtoconf::out, and reco::PFTrajectoryPoint::position().

47  {
48  if(!out) return out;
50  const math::XYZPoint& posxyz = trajPoint.position();
52  out<<"Traj point id = "<<trajPoint.detId()
53  <<", layer = "<<trajPoint.layer()
54  <<", Eta,Phi = "<<posxyz.Eta()<<","<<posxyz.Phi()
55  <<", X,Y = "<<posxyz.X()<<","<<posxyz.Y()
56  <<", R,Z = "<<posxyz.Rho()<<","<<posxyz.Z()
57  <<", E,Pt = "<<trajPoint.momentum().E()<<","<<trajPoint.momentum().Pt();
59  return out;
60 }
const math::XYZPoint & position() const
cartesian position (x, y, z)
int layer() const
trajectory point layer
tuple out
const math::XYZTLorentzVector & momentum() const
4-momenta quadrivector
XYZPointD XYZPoint
point in space with cartesian internal representation
Definition: Point3D.h:13
int detId() const
measurement detId
std::ostream & reco::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const PFCandidateElectronExtra c 

print the variables

Definition at line 158 of file

References i, reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra::MVA_FIRST, reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra::MVA_LAST, reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra::mvaStatus(), reco::PFCandidateElectronExtra::mvaVariable(), and dbtoconf::out.

159  {
160  if(!out) return out;
162  static std::vector<std::string> listVar;
163  if(listVar.size()==0) {
164  listVar.push_back("LogPt");
165  listVar.push_back("Eta");
166  listVar.push_back("SigmaPtOverPt");
167  listVar.push_back("fbrem");
168  listVar.push_back("Chi2Gsf");
169  listVar.push_back("NhitsKf");
170  listVar.push_back("Chi2Kf");
171  listVar.push_back("EtotOverPin");
172  listVar.push_back("EseedOverPout");
173  listVar.push_back("EbremOverDeltaP");
174  listVar.push_back("DeltaEtaTrackCluster");
175  listVar.push_back("LogSigmaEtaEta");
176  listVar.push_back("H/(H+E)");
177  listVar.push_back("LateBrem");
178  listVar.push_back("FirstBrem");
179  listVar.push_back("MVA");
180  }
181  out << std::setiosflags(std::ios::left)<< std::setw(20) << "Variable index" << std::setw(20) << "Name" << std::setw(10) << "Set(0/1)" << std::setw(8) << "value" << std::endl;
182  for( PFCandidateElectronExtra::MvaVariable i=PFCandidateElectronExtra::MVA_FIRST;
183  i<PFCandidateElectronExtra::MVA_LAST;i=PFCandidateElectronExtra::MvaVariable(i+1)) {
184  out << std::setw(20)<< i << std::setw(20) << listVar[i] << std::setw(10) << extra.mvaStatus(i) << std::setw(8) << extra.mvaVariable(i) << std::endl;
185  }
187  return out;
188 }
int i
tuple out
std::ostream & reco::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
BeamSpot  beam 

Definition at line 72 of file

References reco::BeamSpot::print().

72  {
73  std::stringstream ss;
74  beam.print(ss);
75  os << ss.str();
76  return os;
77  }
std::ostream & reco::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const reco::PFJet jet 

Definition at line 112 of file

References reco::PFJet::chargedHadronEnergyFraction(), reco::PFJet::electronEnergyFraction(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), reco::PFJet::HFEMEnergyFraction(), reco::PFJet::HFHadronEnergyFraction(), reco::PFJet::muonEnergyFraction(), reco::PFJet::neutralHadronEnergyFraction(), dbtoconf::out, reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), reco::PFJet::photonEnergyFraction(), and reco::LeafCandidate::pt().

112  {
114  if(out) {
115  out<<"PFJet "
116  <<"(pt, eta, phi) = "<<<<","<<jet.eta()<<","<<jet.phi()
117  <<" (Rch,Rnh,Rgamma,Re,Rmu,RHFHad,RHFEM) = "
118  <<jet.chargedHadronEnergyFraction()<<","
119  <<jet.neutralHadronEnergyFraction()<<","
120  <<jet.photonEnergyFraction()<<","
121  <<jet.electronEnergyFraction()<<","
122  <<jet.muonEnergyFraction()<<","
123  <<jet.HFHadronEnergyFraction()<<","
124  <<jet.HFEMEnergyFraction();
125  }
126  return out;
127 }
float chargedHadronEnergyFraction() const
Definition: PFJet.h:93
float HFEMEnergyFraction() const
Definition: PFJet.h:117
float photonEnergyFraction() const
Definition: PFJet.h:101
virtual double eta() const
momentum pseudorapidity
float neutralHadronEnergyFraction() const
Definition: PFJet.h:97
tuple out
virtual double pt() const
transverse momentum
float HFHadronEnergyFraction() const
Definition: PFJet.h:113
float electronEnergyFraction() const
Definition: PFJet.h:105
float muonEnergyFraction() const
Definition: PFJet.h:109
virtual double phi() const
momentum azimuthal angle
std::ostream & reco::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const PFTau &  c 

Definition at line 252 of file

References reco::LeafCandidate::charge(), reco::PFTau::decayMode(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), reco::PFTau::isolationPFCands(), reco::PFTau::isolationPFChargedHadrCands(), reco::PFTau::isolationPFGammaCands(), reco::PFTau::isolationPFNeutrHadrCands(), reco::PFTau::isolationPiZeroCandidates(), reco::LeafCandidate::mass(), dbtoconf::out, reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), reco::PFTau::signalPFCands(), reco::PFTau::signalPFChargedHadrCands(), reco::PFTau::signalPFGammaCands(), reco::PFTau::signalPFNeutrHadrCands(), reco::PFTau::signalPiZeroCandidates(), and edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::size().

252  {
254  if(!out) return out;
256  out << std::setprecision(3)
257  <<"PFTau "
258  << " charge: " << tau.charge() << " "
259  << " pt:" <<<<" "
260  << " eta:" <<tau.eta()<<" "
261  << " phi:" <<tau.phi()<<" "
262  << " mass:" << tau.mass() << " "
263  << " dm: " << tau.decayMode() << " "
264  <<tau.signalPFCands().size()<<","
265  <<tau.signalPFChargedHadrCands().size()<<","
266  <<tau.signalPFGammaCands().size()<<","
267  <<tau.signalPiZeroCandidates().size()<<","
268  <<tau.signalPFNeutrHadrCands().size()<<" "
270  <<tau.isolationPFCands().size()<<","
271  <<tau.isolationPFChargedHadrCands().size()<<","
272  <<tau.isolationPFGammaCands().size()<<","
273  <<tau.isolationPiZeroCandidates().size()<<","
274  <<tau.isolationPFNeutrHadrCands().size();
276  return out;
277 }
tuple out
ostream & reco::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const PFCandidate c 

Definition at line 213 of file

References reco::PFCandidate::e, reco::PFCandidate::electronExtraRef(), reco::PFCandidate::elementsInBlocks(), reco::LeafCandidate::energy(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), reco::PFCandidate::flag(), reco::PFCandidate::GAMMA_TO_GAMMACONV, i, edm::Ptr< T >::id(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isAvailable(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), edm::Ptr< T >::key(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::key(), dbtoconf::out, reco::PFCandidate::particleId(), reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), reco::LeafCandidate::pt(), reco::PFCandidate::sourcePtr_, reco::PFCandidate::T_FROM_DISP, reco::PFCandidate::T_FROM_GAMMACONV, and reco::PFCandidate::T_TO_DISP.

214  {
216  if(!out) return out;
218  out<<"\tPFCandidate type: "<<c.particleId();
219  out<<setiosflags(ios::right);
220  out<<setiosflags(ios::fixed);
221  out<<setprecision(3);
222  out<<" E/pT/eta/phi "
223  <<<<"/"
224  <<<<"/"
225  <<c.eta()<<"/"
226  <<c.phi();
227  if( c.flag( PFCandidate::T_FROM_DISP ) ) out<<", T_FROM_DISP" << endl;
228  else if( c.flag( PFCandidate::T_TO_DISP ) ) out<<", T_TO_DISP" << endl;
229  else if( c.flag( PFCandidate::T_FROM_GAMMACONV ) ) out<<", T_FROM_GAMMACONV" << endl;
230  else if( c.flag( PFCandidate::GAMMA_TO_GAMMACONV ) ) out<<", GAMMA_TO_GAMMACONV" << endl;
232  out<<", blocks/iele: ";
235  for(unsigned i=0; i<eleInBlocks.size(); i++) {
236  PFBlockRef blockRef = eleInBlocks[i].first;
237  unsigned indexInBlock = eleInBlocks[i].second;
239  out<<"("<<blockRef.key()<<"|"<<indexInBlock<<"), ";
240  }
242  out<<" source:"<<<<"/"<<c.sourcePtr_.key();
244 // PFBlockRef blockRef = c.block();
245 // int blockid = blockRef.key();
246 // const edm::OwnVector< reco::PFBlockElement >& elements = c.elements();
247 // out<< "\t# of elements " << elements.size()
248 // <<" from block " << blockid << endl;
250 // // print each element in turn
252 // for(unsigned ie=0; ie<elements.size(); ie++) {
253 // out<<"\t"<< elements[ie] <<endl;
254 // }
256  // Improved printout for electrons if PFCandidateElectronExtra is available
258  out << std::endl << *(c.electronExtraRef()) ;
259  }
260  out<<resetiosflags(ios::right|ios::fixed);
261  return out;
262 }
int i
bool isAvailable() const
Definition: Ref.h:276
virtual double eta() const
momentum pseudorapidity
std::vector< ElementInBlock > ElementsInBlocks
Definition: PFCandidate.h:337
const ElementsInBlocks & elementsInBlocks() const
Definition: PFCandidate.h:342
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
Definition: Ref.h:250
virtual double energy() const
ProductID id() const
Accessor for product ID.
Definition: Ptr.h:164
bool flag(Flags theFlag) const
return a given flag
tuple out
key_type key() const
Definition: Ptr.h:169
reco::PFCandidateElectronExtraRef electronExtraRef() const
return a reference to the electron extra
virtual double pt() const
transverse momentum
key_type key() const
Accessor for product key.
Definition: Ref.h:266
PFCandidatePtr sourcePtr_
reference to the source PFCandidate, if any
Definition: PFCandidate.h:394
virtual ParticleType particleId() const
Definition: PFCandidate.h:324
virtual double phi() const
momentum azimuthal angle
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, LessEqual, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator<= ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 502 of file Expressions.h.

References funct::A.

502  {
503  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, LessEqual, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
504  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, LessEqual, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
505  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, B) );
506 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, LessEqual, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator<= ( const A &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 510 of file Expressions.h.

References funct::A.

510  {
512  typedef typename operator_trait< A, LessEqual, Expr<B> >::LToExpr LToExpr;
513  typedef typename operator_trait< A, LessEqual, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
514  typedef typename operator_trait< A, LessEqual,Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
515  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(LToExpr(A), B) );
516 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, LessEqual, B >::ReturnType reco::operator<= ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const B B 

Definition at line 520 of file Expressions.h.

References funct::A.

520  {
521  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, LessEqual, B >::RToExpr RToExpr;
522  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, LessEqual, B >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
523  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, LessEqual, B >::ReturnType ReturnType;
524  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, RToExpr(B)) );
525 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, Equal, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator== ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 588 of file Expressions.h.

588  {
589  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Equal, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
590  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Equal, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
591  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, B) );
592 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A , Equal, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator== ( const A &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 596 of file Expressions.h.

596  {
597  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Equal, Expr<B> >::LToExpr LToExpr;
598  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Equal, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
599  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Equal, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
600  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(LToExpr(A), B) );
601 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, Equal, B >::ReturnType reco::operator== ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const B B 

Definition at line 605 of file Expressions.h.

605  {
606  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Equal, B >::RToExpr RToExpr;
607  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Equal, B >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
608  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Equal, B >::ReturnType ReturnType;
609  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, RToExpr(B)) );
610 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, More, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator> ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 531 of file Expressions.h.

531  {
532  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, More, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
533  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, More, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
534  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, B) );
535 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, More, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator> ( const A &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 539 of file Expressions.h.

539  {
540  typedef typename operator_trait< A, More, Expr<B> >::LToExpr LToExpr;
541  typedef typename operator_trait< A, More, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
542  typedef typename operator_trait< A, More, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
543  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(LToExpr(A), B) );
544 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, More, B >::ReturnType reco::operator> ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const B B 

Definition at line 548 of file Expressions.h.

548  {
549  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, More, B >::RToExpr RToExpr;
550  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, More, B >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
551  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, More, B >::ReturnType ReturnType;
552  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, RToExpr(B)) );
553 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, MoreEqual, TExpr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator>= ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 559 of file Expressions.h.

559  {
560  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, MoreEqual, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
561  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, MoreEqual, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
562  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, B) );
563 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A , MoreEqual, TExpr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator>= ( const A &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 567 of file Expressions.h.

567  {
568  typedef typename operator_trait< A, MoreEqual, Expr<B> >::LToExpr LToExpr;
569  typedef typename operator_trait< A, MoreEqual, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
570  typedef typename operator_trait< A, MoreEqual, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
571  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(LToExpr(A), B) );
572 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, MoreEqual, B >::ReturnType reco::operator>= ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const B B 

Definition at line 576 of file Expressions.h.

576  {
577  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, MoreEqual, B >::RToExpr RToExpr;
578  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, MoreEqual, B >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
579  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, MoreEqual, B >::ReturnType ReturnType;
580  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, RToExpr(B)) );
581 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, Or, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator|| ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 446 of file Expressions.h.

446  {
447  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Or, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
448  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Or, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
449  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, B) );
450 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< A, Or, Expr<B> >::ReturnType reco::operator|| ( const A &  A,
const Expr< B > &  B 

Definition at line 454 of file Expressions.h.

454  {
455  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Or, Expr<B> >::LToExpr LToExpr;
456  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Or, Expr<B> >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
457  typedef typename operator_trait< A, Or, Expr<B> >::ReturnType ReturnType;
458  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(LToExpr(A), B) );
459 }
template<class A , class B >
operator_trait< Expr<A>, Or, B >::ReturnType reco::operator|| ( const Expr< A > &  A,
const B B 

Definition at line 463 of file Expressions.h.

463  {
464  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Or, B >::RToExpr RToExpr;
465  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Or, B >::ReturnBaseType ReturnBaseType;
466  typedef typename operator_trait< Expr<A>, Or, B >::ReturnType ReturnType;
467  return ReturnType( ReturnBaseType(A, RToExpr(B)) );
468 }
string reco::print ( const Vertex &  vtx,
edm::Verbosity  v = edm::Concise 

Vertex print utility.

Definition at line 8 of file

References reco::Vertex::covariance(), i, j, dbtoconf::out, edm::Silent, reco::Vertex::x(), reco::Vertex::y(), and reco::Vertex::z().

8  {
9  ostringstream out;
10  if ( v > edm::Silent ) {
11  out << "vertex position (x, y, z) = ( ";
12  out.precision(6); out.width(13); out<< vtx.x();
13  out.precision(6); out.width(13); out<< vtx.y();
14  out.precision(6); out.width(13); out<< vtx.z();
15  out << " )" << endl;
16  // if ( v >= normal ) {
17  out << "error = " << endl;
18  for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
19  for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
20  out.precision(6); out.width(13); out<<vtx.covariance(i, j);
21  }
22  out << endl;
23  }
24  out << endl;
25  }
26  // if ( v >= edm::Detailed ) {
27  // print track weights
28  // print original and refitted track parameters
29  // }
30  return out.str();
31  }
int i
int j
tuple out
mathSSE::Vec4< T > v
string reco::print ( const Track &  trk,
edm::Verbosity  v = edm::Concise 

Track print utility.

Definition at line 8 of file

References reco::TrackBase::covariance(), edm::Detailed, i, j, reco::TrackBase::momentum(), dbtoconf::out, edm::Silent, and reco::TrackBase::vertex().

Referenced by PixelTrackBuilder::build(), TauDQMHistPlotter::cfgEntryAxisX::cfgEntryAxisX(), TauDQMHistPlotter::cfgEntryAxisY::cfgEntryAxisY(), TauDQMHistPlotter::cfgEntryDrawJob::cfgEntryDrawJob(), TauDQMHistPlotter::cfgEntryDrawOption::cfgEntryDrawOption(), TauDQMHistPlotter::cfgEntryLabel::cfgEntryLabel(), TauDQMHistPlotter::cfgEntryLegend::cfgEntryLegend(), AlCaHLTBitMon_ParallelJobs::defineOptions(), AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::defineOptions(), SRBlockFormatter::DigiToRaw(), TCCBlockFormatter::DigiToRaw(), TowerBlockFormatter::DigiToRaw(), DEcompare< T >::DumpCandidate(), grid1d_t(), python.rootplot.tree2hists::main(), PFCheckHitPattern::print(), RPCUnpackingModule::produce(), EcalTrigPrimProducer::produce(), NuclearInteractionEDProducer::produce(), python.rootplot.core::report_progress(), L1GlobalTriggerGTL::run(), optutl::CommandLineParser::setPrintOptoins(), and FWLiteJetProducer::updateParameter().

8  {
9  ostringstream out;
10  if ( v > edm::Silent ) {
11  out << "track parameters: "
12  << " vtx = " << trk.vertex()
13  << " p = " << trk.momentum()
14  << endl;
15  }
16  if ( v >= edm::Detailed ) {
17  out << "covariance" << endl;
18  for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
19  for ( int j = 0; j < 5; j++ ) {
20  out.precision(6); out.width(13); out << trk.covariance( i, j );
21  }
22  out << endl;
23  }
24  out << endl;
25  }
26  return out.str();
27  }
int i
int j
tuple out
mathSSE::Vec4< T > v
Type reco::returnType ( const Member &  mem)

Definition at line 9 of file

References lumiQTWidget::t.

Referenced by reco::parser::MethodSetter::push(), and returnTypeCode().

9  {
10  Type t = mem.TypeOf().ReturnType();
11  if(t) {
12  while(t.IsTypedef()) t = t.ToType();
13  }
14  return t;
15  }
uint16_t mem[nChs][nEvts]
Reflex::Type reco::returnType ( const Reflex::Member &  )
method::TypeCode reco::returnTypeCode ( const Reflex::Member &  )
TypeCode reco::returnTypeCode ( const Member &  mem)

Definition at line 17 of file

References returnType(), and typeCode().

17  {
18  return typeCode(returnType(mem));
19  }
Type returnType(const Member &mem)
uint16_t mem[nChs][nEvts]
TypeCode typeCode(const Type &t)
static edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker<edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< CosmicTrackingParticleSelector > > reco::s_filler__LINE__ ( "CosmicTrackingParticleSelector"  )
static edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker<edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< RecoTrackSelector > > reco::s_filler__LINE__ ( "RecoTrackSelector"  )
static edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker<edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< RecoTrackRefSelector > > reco::s_filler__LINE__ ( "RecoTrackRefSelector"  )
static edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFillerPluginFactory::PMaker<edm::ParameterSetDescriptionFiller< CentralityProducer > > reco::s_filler__LINE__ ( "CentralityProducer"  )
static edm::MakerPluginFactory ::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< CosmicTrackingParticleSelector > > reco::s_maker__LINE__ ( "CosmicTrackingParticleSelector"  )
static edm::MakerPluginFactory ::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< RecoTrackSelector > > reco::s_maker__LINE__ ( "RecoTrackSelector"  )
static edm::MakerPluginFactory ::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< RecoTrackRefSelector > > reco::s_maker__LINE__ ( "RecoTrackRefSelector"  )
static edm::MakerPluginFactory ::PMaker< edm::WorkerMaker< CentralityProducer > > reco::s_maker__LINE__ ( "CentralityProducer"  )
void reco::swap ( reco::ClusterRemovalInfo cri1,
reco::ClusterRemovalInfo cri2 

Definition at line 12 of file

References reco::ClusterRemovalInfo::swap().

Referenced by FastCandMatcher< C >::operator()(), CandMatcherBase< C1, C2 >::operator()(), and reco::utilsNew::CandMatcher< C >::operator[]().

12  {
13  cri1.swap(cri2);
14  }
void swap(reco::ClusterRemovalInfo &other)
method::TypeCode reco::typeCode ( const Reflex::Type &  )
TypeCode reco::typeCode ( const Type &  t)

Definition at line 21 of file

References reco::method::boolType, reco::method::charType, reco::method::doubleType, reco::method::enumType, f, reco::method::floatType, reco::method::intType, align::invalid, reco::method::longType, reco::method::shortType, reco::method::uCharType, reco::method::uIntType, reco::method::uLongType, and reco::method::uShortType.

Referenced by reco::parser::ExpressionVarSetter::push(), InputTagDistributorService::retrieve(), returnTypeCode(), and reco::parser::SingleInvoker::SingleInvoker().

21  {
22  static map<string, method::TypeCode> retTypeMap;
23  if (retTypeMap.size() == 0) {
24  retTypeMap["double"] = doubleType;
25  retTypeMap["float"] = floatType;
26  retTypeMap["int"] = intType;
27  retTypeMap["unsigned int"] = uIntType;
28  retTypeMap["short"] = shortType;
29  retTypeMap["unsigned short"] = uShortType;
30  retTypeMap["long"] = longType;
31  retTypeMap["unsigned long"] = uLongType;
32  retTypeMap["size_t"] = uLongType;
33  retTypeMap["char"] = charType;
34  retTypeMap["unsigned char"] = uCharType;
35  retTypeMap["bool"] = boolType;
36  }
37  map<string, TypeCode>::const_iterator f = retTypeMap.find(t.Name());
38  if (f == retTypeMap.end()) return (t.IsEnum() ? enumType : invalid);
39  else return f->second;
40  }
double f[11][100]
void reco::writeSpecific ( reco::CaloJet jet,
reco::Particle::LorentzVector const &  p4,
reco::Particle::Point const &  point,
std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &  constituents,
edm::EventSetup const &  c 

Definition at line 41 of file

References DetId::Calo, geometry, edm::EventSetup::get(), makeSpecific(), timingPdfMaker::specific, and CaloTowerDetId::SubdetId.

Referenced by FastjetJetProducer::produceTrackJets(), cms::SubEventGenJetProducer::runAlgorithm(), SubjetFilterJetProducer::writeCompoundJets(), cms::CompoundJetProducer::writeCompoundJets(), VirtualJetProducer::writeCompoundJets(), VirtualJetProducer::writeJets(), and FFTJetProducer::writeJets().

46 {
47  // Get geometry
49  c.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().get(geometry);
50  const CaloSubdetectorGeometry* towerGeometry =
51  geometry->getSubdetectorGeometry(DetId::Calo, CaloTowerDetId::SubdetId);
53  // Make the specific
55  makeSpecific (constituents, *towerGeometry, &specific);
56  // Set the calo jet
57  jet = reco::CaloJet( p4, point, specific, constituents);
58 }
dictionary specific
Jets made from CaloTowers.
Definition: CaloJet.h:30
bool makeSpecific(std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &towers, const CaloSubdetectorGeometry &towerGeometry, reco::CaloJet::Specific *caloJetSpecific)
Make CaloJet specifics. Assumes PseudoJet is made from CaloTowerCandidates.
static const int SubdetId
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
ESHandle< TrackerGeometry > geometry
*vegas h *****************************************************used in the default bin number in original ***version of VEGAS is ***a higher bin number might help to derive a more precise ***grade subtle point
Definition: invegas.h:5
void reco::writeSpecific ( reco::PFJet jet,
reco::Particle::LorentzVector const &  p4,
reco::Particle::Point const &  point,
std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &  constituents,
edm::EventSetup const &  c 

Definition at line 88 of file

References DeDxDiscriminatorTools::charge(), makeSpecific(), reco::LeafCandidate::setCharge(), and timingPdfMaker::specific.

93 {
94  // Make the specific
96  makeSpecific (constituents, &specific);
97  // now make jet charge
98  int charge = 0.;
99  for ( std::vector<reco::CandidatePtr>::const_iterator ic = constituents.begin(),
100  icend = constituents.end();
101  ic != icend; ++ic ) {
102  charge += (*ic)->charge();
103  }
104  jet = reco::PFJet( p4, point, specific, constituents);
105  jet.setCharge( charge );
106 }
dictionary specific
virtual void setCharge(Charge q)
set electric charge
bool makeSpecific(std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &towers, const CaloSubdetectorGeometry &towerGeometry, reco::CaloJet::Specific *caloJetSpecific)
Make CaloJet specifics. Assumes PseudoJet is made from CaloTowerCandidates.
double charge(const std::vector< uint8_t > &Ampls)
Jets made from PFObjects.
Definition: PFJet.h:22
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
*vegas h *****************************************************used in the default bin number in original ***version of VEGAS is ***a higher bin number might help to derive a more precise ***grade subtle point
Definition: invegas.h:5
void reco::writeSpecific ( reco::GenJet jet,
reco::Particle::LorentzVector const &  p4,
reco::Particle::Point const &  point,
std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &  constituents,
edm::EventSetup const &  c 

Definition at line 73 of file

References makeSpecific(), and timingPdfMaker::specific.

78 {
80  // Make the specific
82  makeSpecific (constituents, &specific);
83  // Set to the jet
84  jet = reco::GenJet( p4, point, specific, constituents);
85 }
dictionary specific
bool makeSpecific(std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &towers, const CaloSubdetectorGeometry &towerGeometry, reco::CaloJet::Specific *caloJetSpecific)
Make CaloJet specifics. Assumes PseudoJet is made from CaloTowerCandidates.
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
Jets made from MC generator particles.
Definition: GenJet.h:25
*vegas h *****************************************************used in the default bin number in original ***version of VEGAS is ***a higher bin number might help to derive a more precise ***grade subtle point
Definition: invegas.h:5
void reco::writeSpecific ( reco::TrackJet jet,
reco::Particle::LorentzVector const &  p4,
reco::Particle::Point const &  point,
std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &  constituents,
edm::EventSetup const &  c 

Make TrackJet. Assumes constituents point to tracks, through RecoChargedCandidates.

Definition at line 110 of file

115 {
116  jet = reco::TrackJet(p4, point, constituents);
117 }
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
Jets made out of tracks.
Definition: TrackJet.h:28
*vegas h *****************************************************used in the default bin number in original ***version of VEGAS is ***a higher bin number might help to derive a more precise ***grade subtle point
Definition: invegas.h:5
void reco::writeSpecific ( reco::PFClusterJet jet,
reco::Particle::LorentzVector const &  p4,
reco::Particle::Point const &  point,
std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &  constituents,
edm::EventSetup const &  c 

Make PFClusterJet. Assumes PseudoJet is made from PFCluster.

Definition at line 120 of file

125 {
126  jet = reco::PFClusterJet( p4, point, constituents);
127 }
Jets made out of PFClusters.
Definition: PFClusterJet.h:27
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
*vegas h *****************************************************used in the default bin number in original ***version of VEGAS is ***a higher bin number might help to derive a more precise ***grade subtle point
Definition: invegas.h:5
void reco::writeSpecific ( reco::BasicJet jet,
reco::Particle::LorentzVector const &  p4,
reco::Particle::Point const &  point,
std::vector< reco::CandidatePtr > const &  constituents,
edm::EventSetup const &  c 

Make BasicJet. Assumes nothing about the jet.

Definition at line 63 of file

68 {
69  jet = reco::BasicJet( p4, point, constituents);
70 }
Jets made from CaloTowers.
Definition: BasicJet.h:21
double p4[4]
Definition: TauolaWrapper.h:92
*vegas h *****************************************************used in the default bin number in original ***version of VEGAS is ***a higher bin number might help to derive a more precise ***grade subtle point
Definition: invegas.h:5
std::pair< const Candidate *, const Candidate * > reco::zMCLeptonDaughters ( const Candidate z,
int  leptonPdgId 

Definition at line 8 of file

References abs, reco::Candidate::daughter(), reco::Candidate::numberOfDaughters(), reco::Candidate::pdgId(), and reco::Candidate::status().

8  {
9  if(z.numberOfDaughters()<2)
10  throw cms::Exception("RuntimeError") <<
11  "calling helper function reco::zMCLeptonDaughters passing a Z candidate"
12  "with less than 2 daughters (" << z.numberOfDaughters() << ").\n";
13  const Candidate * dau0 = z.daughter(0);
14  const Candidate * dau1 = z.daughter(1);
15  for(size_t i0 = 0; i0 < dau0->numberOfDaughters(); ++i0) {
16  const Candidate * ddau0 = dau0->daughter(i0);
17  if(abs(ddau0->pdgId())==leptonPdgId && ddau0->status()==1) {
18  dau0 = ddau0; break;
19  }
20  }
21  for(size_t i1 = 0; i1 < dau1->numberOfDaughters(); ++i1) {
22  const Candidate * ddau1 = dau1->daughter(i1);
23  if(abs(ddau1->pdgId())==leptonPdgId && ddau1->status()==1) {
24  dau1 = ddau1; break;
25  }
26  }
27  assert(abs(dau0->pdgId())==leptonPdgId && dau0->status()==1);
28  assert(abs(dau1->pdgId())==leptonPdgId && dau1->status()==1);
29  return make_pair(dau0, dau1);
30 }
virtual const Candidate * daughter(size_type i) const =0
return daughter at a given position, i = 0, ... numberOfDaughters() - 1 (read only mode) ...
virtual int status() const =0
status word
#define abs(x)
Definition: mlp_lapack.h:159
virtual size_type numberOfDaughters() const =0
number of daughters
virtual int pdgId() const =0
PDG identifier.

Variable Documentation

const char * reco::TaggingVariableDescription
const char * reco::TaggingVariableTokens