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HLTEgamma Class Reference

#include <HLTEgamma.h>


struct  OpenHLTElectron
struct  OpenHLTPhoton

Public Member Functions

void analyze (const edm::Handle< reco::GsfElectronCollection > &electrons, const edm::Handle< reco::PhotonCollection > &photons, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &electronIsoHandle, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &electronNonIsoHandle, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &NonIsoTrackEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &TrackEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &L1IsoPixelSeedsMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoNonIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalNonIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalEleNonIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalNonIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &TrackIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &TrackNonIsolMap, EcalClusterLazyTools &lazyTools, const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &theMagField, reco::BeamSpot::Point &BSPosition, std::vector< edm::Handle< edm::ValueMap< float > > > &eIDValueMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9IsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9NonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9IsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9NonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHNonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9IDIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9IDNonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9IDIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9IDNonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::SuperClusterCollection > &electronHFClusterHandle, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &electronHFElectronHandle, const edm::Handle< reco::HFEMClusterShapeAssociationCollection > &electronHFClusterAssociation, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &activityECAL, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &activityEcalIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &activityHcalIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &activityTrackIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &activityR9Map, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &activityR9IDMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &activityHoverEHMap, TTree *tree)
void clear (void)
 HLTEgamma ()
void setup (const edm::ParameterSet &pSet, TTree *tree)

Private Member Functions

void CalculateDetaDphi (const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &theMagField, reco::BeamSpot::Point &BSPosition, const reco::ElectronRef eleref, float &deltaeta, float &deltaphi, bool useTrackProjectionToEcal)
void MakeL1IsolatedElectrons (std::vector< OpenHLTElectron > &electrons, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &electronIsoHandle, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &L1IsoPixelSeedsMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &TrackEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9IsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9IDIsoMap, EcalClusterLazyTools &lazyTools, const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &theMagField, reco::BeamSpot::Point &BSPosition)
void MakeL1IsolatedPhotons (std::vector< OpenHLTPhoton > &photons, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &TrackIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9IsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9IDIsoMap, EcalClusterLazyTools &lazyTools)
void MakeL1NonIsolatedElectrons (std::vector< OpenHLTElectron > &electrons, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &electronNonIsoHandle, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoNonIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &TrackEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9NonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9IDNonIsoMap, EcalClusterLazyTools &lazyTools, const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &theMagField, reco::BeamSpot::Point &BSPosition)
void MakeL1NonIsolatedPhotons (std::vector< OpenHLTPhoton > &photons, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoNonIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalNonIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalNonIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &TrackNonIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9NonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHNonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9IDNonIsoMap, EcalClusterLazyTools &lazyTools)

Private Attributes

float * eld0corr
float * eldcot
float * eldeltaEtaIn
float * eldeltaPhiIn
float * eldist
float * ele
float * elecaliso
float * elECaloIsoR03
int * eleId
float * elet
float * eleta
float * elFbrem
float * elhcaliso
float * elHCaloIsoR03
float * elhOverE
float * elIP
bool * elIsEcalDriven
int * elmishits
int * elNLostHits
float * elphi
float * elpt
bool * elqGsfCtfScPixConsistent
float * elscEt
float * elsigmaietaieta
float * elTrkChi2NDF
float * eltrkiso
float * elTrkIsoR03
float * hecalactivClusShap
float * hecalactiveiso
float * hecalactivet
float * hecalactiveta
float * hecalactivhiso
float * hecalactivhovereh
int * hecalactivl1iso
float * hecalactivphi
float * hecalactivR9
float * hecalactivR9ID
float * hecalactivtiso
float * heleClusShap
float * heleDeta
float * heleDphi
float * heleE
float * heleeiso
float * heleet
float * heleeta
float * helehiso
float * helehovereh
int * helel1iso
int * heleNewSC
float * helep
float * helephi
int * helePixelSeeds
float * heleR9
float * heleR9ID
float * heletiso
float * helevtxz
float * hhfcluster2Dcut
float * hhfclustere1e9
float * hhfclustere9e25
float * hhfclustereCOREe9
float * hhfclustereSeL
float * hhfclustereta
float * hhfclusterphi
float * hhfeleeta
float * hhfelept
float * hphotClusShap
float * hphoteiso
float * hphotet
float * hphoteta
float * hphothiso
float * hphothovereh
int * hphotl1iso
float * hphotphi
float * hphotR9
float * hphotR9ID
float * hphottiso
int nele
int nhltecalactiv
int nhltele
int nhltgam
int nhlthfeclus
int nhlthfele
int nphoton
float * photonClusShap
float * photone
float * photonecaliso
float * photonet
float * photoneta
float * photonhcaliso
float * photonhovere
float * photonphi
float * photonpt
float * photonr9id
float * photontrkiso

Detailed Description

$Date: November 2006 $Revision:

P. Bargassa - Rice U.

Definition at line 62 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HLTEgamma::HLTEgamma ( )

Definition at line 34 of file

34  {
35 }

Member Function Documentation

void HLTEgamma::analyze ( const edm::Handle< reco::GsfElectronCollection > &  electrons,
const edm::Handle< reco::PhotonCollection > &  photons,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &  electronIsoHandle,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &  electronNonIsoHandle,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &  NonIsoTrackEleIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &  TrackEleIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &  L1IsoPixelSeedsMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &  L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &  recoIsolecalcands,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &  recoNonIsolecalcands,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  EcalIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  EcalNonIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalEleIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalEleNonIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalNonIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  TrackIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  TrackNonIsolMap,
EcalClusterLazyTools lazyTools,
const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &  theMagField,
reco::BeamSpot::Point BSPosition,
std::vector< edm::Handle< edm::ValueMap< float > > > &  eIDValueMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9IsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9NonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9IsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9NonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonHoverEHIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonHoverEHNonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9IDIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9IDNonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9IDIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9IDNonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::SuperClusterCollection > &  electronHFClusterHandle,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &  electronHFElectronHandle,
const edm::Handle< reco::HFEMClusterShapeAssociationCollection > &  electronHFClusterAssociation,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &  activityECAL,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  activityEcalIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  activityHcalIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  activityTrackIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  activityR9Map,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  activityR9IDMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  activityHoverEHMap,
TTree *  tree 

Analyze the Data

Definition at line 319 of file

References clear(), reco::HFEMClusterShape::eCOREe9(), eld0corr, eldcot, eldeltaEtaIn, eldeltaPhiIn, eldist, ele, elecaliso, elECaloIsoR03, elet, eleta, elFbrem, elhcaliso, elHCaloIsoR03, elhOverE, elIP, elIsEcalDriven, elmishits, elNLostHits, reco::HFEMClusterShape::eLong1x1(), reco::HFEMClusterShape::eLong3x3(), reco::HFEMClusterShape::eLong5x5(), elphi, elpt, elqGsfCtfScPixConsistent, elscEt, elsigmaietaieta, elTrkChi2NDF, eltrkiso, elTrkIsoR03, reco::HFEMClusterShape::eSeL(), reco::CaloCluster::eta(), create_public_lumi_plots::exp, hecalactivClusShap, hecalactiveiso, hecalactivet, hecalactiveta, hecalactivhiso, hecalactivhovereh, hecalactivl1iso, hecalactivphi, hecalactivR9, hecalactivR9ID, hecalactivtiso, heleClusShap, heleDeta, heleDphi, heleE, heleeiso, heleet, heleeta, helehiso, helehovereh, helel1iso, heleNewSC, helep, helephi, helePixelSeeds, heleR9, heleR9ID, heletiso, helevtxz, hhfcluster2Dcut, hhfclustere1e9, hhfclustere9e25, hhfclustereCOREe9, hhfclustereSeL, hhfclustereta, hhfclusterphi, hhfeleeta, hhfelept, hphotClusShap, hphoteiso, hphotet, hphoteta, hphothiso, hphothovereh, hphotl1iso, hphotphi, hphotR9, hphotR9ID, hphottiso, i, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), MakeL1IsolatedElectrons(), MakeL1IsolatedPhotons(), MakeL1NonIsolatedElectrons(), MakeL1NonIsolatedPhotons(), nele, nhltecalactiv, nhltele, nhltgam, nhlthfeclus, nhlthfele, nphoton, reco::CaloCluster::phi(), photonClusShap, photone, photonecaliso, photonet, photoneta, photonhcaliso, photonhovere, photonphi, photonpt, photonr9id, photontrkiso, funct::sin(), python.multivaluedict::sort(), and reco::RecoEcalCandidate::superCluster().

Referenced by HLTAnalyzer::analyze().

362 {
363  // reset the tree variables
364  clear();
366  if (electrons.isValid()) {
367  reco::GsfElectronCollection myelectrons( electrons->begin(), electrons->end() );
368  nele = myelectrons.size();
369  std::sort(myelectrons.begin(), myelectrons.end(), EtGreater());
370  int iel = 0;
371  for (reco::GsfElectronCollection::const_iterator i = myelectrons.begin(); i != myelectrons.end(); i++) {
372  elpt[iel] = i->pt();
373  elphi[iel] = i->phi();
374  eleta[iel] = i->eta();
375  elet[iel] = i->et();
376  ele[iel] = i->energy();
378  if(i->gsfTrack().isNonnull()){
379  elNLostHits[iel] = i->gsfTrack()->trackerExpectedHitsInner().numberOfLostHits();
380  elIP[iel] = i->gsfTrack()->dxy(BSPosition);
381  elTrkChi2NDF[iel] = i->gsfTrack()->normalizedChi2();
382  }
383  else {
384  elNLostHits[iel] = -99.;
385  elIP[iel] = -99.;
386  elTrkChi2NDF[iel] = -99.;
387  }
389  elTrkIsoR03[iel] = i->dr03TkSumPt();
390  elECaloIsoR03[iel] = i->dr03EcalRecHitSumEt();
391  elHCaloIsoR03[iel] = i->dr03HcalTowerSumEt();
392  elIsEcalDriven[iel] = i->ecalDrivenSeed();
393  elFbrem[iel] = i->fbrem();
394  elscEt[iel] = i->superCluster()->energy()*sin((2*atan(exp(-i->superCluster()->eta()))));
395  elhOverE[iel] = i->hadronicOverEm();
396  elsigmaietaieta[iel] = i->sigmaIetaIeta();
397  eldeltaPhiIn[iel] = i->deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx();
398  eldeltaEtaIn[iel] = i->deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx();
399  elmishits[iel] = i->gsfTrack()->trackerExpectedHitsInner().numberOfHits();
400  eltrkiso[iel] = i->dr03TkSumPt();
401  elecaliso[iel] = i->dr03EcalRecHitSumEt();
402  elhcaliso[iel] = i->dr03HcalTowerSumEt();
403  eld0corr[iel]= - (i->gsfTrack()->dxy(BSPosition));
404  elqGsfCtfScPixConsistent[iel]=i->isGsfCtfScPixChargeConsistent();;
406  // conversion info will be available after 3_10_X
407  eldist[iel] = 0;// fabs(i->convDist());
408  eldcot[iel] = 0; //fabs(i->convDcot());
410  iel++;
411  }
412  } else {
413  nele = 0;
414  }
416  if (photons.isValid()) {
417  reco::PhotonCollection myphotons(* photons);
418  nphoton = myphotons.size();
419  std::sort(myphotons.begin(), myphotons.end(), EtGreater());
420  int ipho = 0;
421  for (reco::PhotonCollection::const_iterator i = myphotons.begin(); i!= myphotons.end(); i++) {
422  photonpt[ipho] = i->pt();
423  photonphi[ipho] = i->phi();
424  photoneta[ipho] = i->eta();
425  photonet[ipho] = i->et();
426  photone[ipho] = i->energy();
427  photontrkiso[ipho] = i->trkSumPtSolidConeDR04();
428  photonecaliso[ipho] = i->ecalRecHitSumEtConeDR04();
429  photonhcaliso[ipho] = i->hcalTowerSumEtConeDR04();
430  photonhovere[ipho] = i->hadronicOverEm();
431  photonClusShap[ipho] = i->sigmaIetaIeta();
432  photonr9id[ipho] = i->r9();
433  ipho++;
434  }
435  } else {
436  nphoton = 0;
437  }
442  std::vector<OpenHLTPhoton> theHLTPhotons;
444  theHLTPhotons,
445  recoIsolecalcands,
446  EcalIsolMap,
447  HcalIsolMap,
448  TrackIsolMap,
449  photonR9IsoMap,
450  photonHoverEHIsoMap,
451  photonR9IDIsoMap,
452  lazyTools);
454  theHLTPhotons,
455  recoNonIsolecalcands,
456  EcalNonIsolMap,
457  HcalNonIsolMap,
458  TrackNonIsolMap,
459  photonR9NonIsoMap,
460  photonHoverEHNonIsoMap,
461  photonR9IDNonIsoMap,
462  lazyTools);
464  std::sort(theHLTPhotons.begin(), theHLTPhotons.end(), EtGreater());
465  nhltgam = theHLTPhotons.size();
467  for (int u = 0; u < nhltgam; u++) {
468  hphotet[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].Et;
469  hphoteta[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].eta;
470  hphotphi[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].phi;
471  hphoteiso[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].ecalIsol;
472  hphothiso[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].hcalIsol;
473  hphottiso[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].trackIsol;
474  hphotl1iso[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].L1Isolated;
475  hphotClusShap[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].clusterShape;
476  hphothovereh[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].hovereh;
477  hphotR9[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].r9;
478  hphotR9ID[u] = theHLTPhotons[u].r9ID;
479  }
480  // Activity
481  std::vector<OpenHLTPhoton> theHLTActivityPhotons;
483  theHLTActivityPhotons,
484  activityECAL,
485  activityEcalIsoMap,
486  activityHcalIsoMap,
487  activityTrackIsoMap,
488  activityR9Map,
489  activityHoverEHMap,
490  activityR9IDMap,
491  lazyTools);
493  std::sort(theHLTActivityPhotons.begin(), theHLTActivityPhotons.end(), EtGreater());
494  nhltecalactiv = theHLTActivityPhotons.size();
496  for (int u = 0; u < nhltecalactiv; u++) {
497  hecalactivet[u] = theHLTActivityPhotons[u].Et;
498  hecalactiveta[u] = theHLTActivityPhotons[u].eta;
499  hecalactivphi[u] = theHLTActivityPhotons[u].phi;
500  hecalactiveiso[u] = theHLTActivityPhotons[u].ecalIsol;
501  hecalactivhiso[u] = theHLTActivityPhotons[u].hcalIsol;
502  hecalactivtiso[u] = theHLTActivityPhotons[u].trackIsol;
503  hecalactivl1iso[u] = theHLTActivityPhotons[u].L1Isolated;
504  hecalactivClusShap[u] = theHLTActivityPhotons[u].clusterShape;
505  hecalactivhovereh[u] = theHLTActivityPhotons[u].hovereh;
506  hecalactivR9[u] = theHLTActivityPhotons[u].r9;
507  hecalactivR9ID[u] = theHLTActivityPhotons[u].r9ID;
508  }
511  std::vector<OpenHLTElectron> theHLTElectrons;
513  theHLTElectrons,
514  electronIsoHandle,
515  recoIsolecalcands,
516  HcalEleIsolMap,
517  L1IsoPixelSeedsMap,
518  TrackEleIsolMap,
519  electronR9IsoMap,
520  photonHoverEHIsoMap,
521  EcalIsolMap,
522  electronR9IDIsoMap,
523  lazyTools,
524  theMagField,
525  BSPosition);
527  theHLTElectrons,
528  electronNonIsoHandle,
529  recoNonIsolecalcands,
530  HcalEleNonIsolMap,
531  L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap,
532  NonIsoTrackEleIsolMap,
533  electronR9NonIsoMap,
534  photonHoverEHNonIsoMap,
535  EcalNonIsolMap,
536  electronR9IDNonIsoMap,
537  lazyTools,
538  theMagField,
539  BSPosition);
541  std::sort(theHLTElectrons.begin(), theHLTElectrons.end(), EtGreater());
542  nhltele = theHLTElectrons.size();
544  for (int u = 0; u < nhltele; u++) {
545  heleet[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].Et;
546  heleeta[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].eta;
547  helephi[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].phi;
548  helevtxz[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].vtxZ;
549  heleE[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].E;
550  helep[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].p;
551  helehiso[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].hcalIsol;
552  helePixelSeeds[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].pixelSeeds;
553  heletiso[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].trackIsol;
554  heleeiso[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].ecalIsol;
555  helel1iso[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].L1Isolated;
556  heleNewSC[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].newSC;
557  heleClusShap[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].clusterShape;
558  heleDeta[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].Deta;
559  heleDphi[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].Dphi;
560  heleR9[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].r9;
561  helehovereh[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].hovereh;
562  heleR9ID[u] = theHLTElectrons[u].r9ID;
563  }
565  if(electronHFElectrons.isValid()) {
566  for (reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection::const_iterator hfelecand = electronHFElectrons->begin(); hfelecand!=electronHFElectrons->end(); hfelecand++) {
567  hhfelept[nhlthfele] = hfelecand->pt();
568  hhfeleeta[nhlthfele] = hfelecand->eta();
570  nhlthfele++;
572  if(electronHFECALClusters.isValid()) {
574  const reco::RecoEcalCandidate& HFcan = (*hfelecand);
575  reco::SuperClusterRef theClusRef=HFcan.superCluster();
576  const reco::SuperCluster& hfECALSuperCluster=*theClusRef;
577  const reco::HFEMClusterShapeRef clusShapeRef=(*electronHFClusterAssociation).find(theClusRef)->val;
578  const reco::HFEMClusterShape& clusShape=*clusShapeRef;
581  float hfCluster2Dcut =(clusShape.eCOREe9()-(clusShape.eSeL()*1.125));
582  float hfClustere9e25 = clusShape.eLong3x3()/clusShape.eLong5x5();
583  float hfClustere1e9 = clusShape.eLong1x1()/clusShape.eLong3x3();
584  float hfClustereCOREe9 = clusShape.eCOREe9();
585  float hfClustereSeL = clusShape.eSeL();
587  hhfcluster2Dcut[nhlthfeclus] = hfCluster2Dcut;
588  hhfclustere9e25[nhlthfeclus] = hfClustere9e25;
589  hhfclustere1e9[nhlthfeclus] = hfClustere1e9;
590  hhfclustereCOREe9[nhlthfeclus] = hfClustereCOREe9;
591  hhfclustereSeL[nhlthfeclus] = hfClustereSeL;
592  hhfclustereta[nhlthfeclus] = hfECALSuperCluster.eta();
593  hhfclusterphi[nhlthfeclus] = hfECALSuperCluster.phi();
595  } else {
602  hhfclustereta[nhlthfeclus] = 0.0;
603  hhfclusterphi[nhlthfeclus] = 0.0;
605  }
607  nhlthfeclus++;
608  }
609  }
610 }
float * eldcot
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:188
float * elet
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * hphothovereh
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
int i
int * helel1iso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:200
float * hecalactivhovereh
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:192
float * hphotR9
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:199
float * helephi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * photonhovere
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
int nhltele
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * helehovereh
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
int * hecalactivl1iso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:200
float * elTrkIsoR03
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * eltrkiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:183
float * elTrkChi2NDF
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
void MakeL1NonIsolatedElectrons(std::vector< OpenHLTElectron > &electrons, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &electronNonIsoHandle, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoNonIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &TrackEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9NonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9IDNonIsoMap, EcalClusterLazyTools &lazyTools, const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &theMagField, reco::BeamSpot::Point &BSPosition)
double eLong5x5() const
float * elIP
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * heleDeta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:198
double eLong1x1() const
Sin< T >::type sin(const T &t)
Definition: Sin.h:22
int nhltecalactiv
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * photonphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:189
float * hhfclustereCOREe9
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:207
float * eldist
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:188
float * hphottiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
float * elphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * heleClusShap
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:198
virtual reco::SuperClusterRef superCluster() const
reference to a superCluster
float * photonecaliso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
float * heleDphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:198
float * hphotet
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
float * photonr9id
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
std::vector< GsfElectron > GsfElectronCollection
collection of GsfElectron objects
float * hhfclustere1e9
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:207
double eta() const
pseudorapidity of cluster centroid
Definition: CaloCluster.h:160
float * photonet
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:189
float * elhOverE
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:184
float * hhfclusterphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
float * hhfcluster2Dcut
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
float * photonpt
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:189
float * hphoteiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
int * helePixelSeeds
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:200
float * ele
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * photonClusShap
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
float * elECaloIsoR03
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * heleeiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * elpt
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * elscEt
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:185
float * helehiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * photontrkiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
double eLong3x3() const
float * elHCaloIsoR03
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * heleet
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * eld0corr
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:185
float * hhfelept
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
float * heleeta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * hecalactivR9ID
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:199
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:76
int nhlthfeclus
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * hphoteta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
int * elmishits
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:187
int * heleNewSC
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:203
float * eleta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * hhfclustereta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
float * elsigmaietaieta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:184
float * hhfeleeta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
float * heleE
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * photone
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:189
float * eldeltaPhiIn
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:184
float * hecalactivtiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:192
int * hphotl1iso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:200
float * helep
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
void MakeL1IsolatedElectrons(std::vector< OpenHLTElectron > &electrons, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &electronIsoHandle, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &L1IsoPixelSeedsMap, const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &TrackEleIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9IsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &electronR9IDIsoMap, EcalClusterLazyTools &lazyTools, const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &theMagField, reco::BeamSpot::Point &BSPosition)
float * hphotR9ID
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:199
float * hecalactiveta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:192
std::vector< Photon > PhotonCollection
collectin of Photon objects
Definition: PhotonFwd.h:9
float * photonhcaliso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
float * photoneta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:189
int nhltgam
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * hecalactivClusShap
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:198
float * hphothiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
float * hecalactivhiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:192
int * elNLostHits
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:201
bool * elIsEcalDriven
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:202
float * hecalactivphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:192
float * hecalactivR9
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:199
float * elecaliso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:183
int nphoton
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * hphotClusShap
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:198
float * hhfclustere9e25
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
double phi() const
azimuthal angle of cluster centroid
Definition: CaloCluster.h:163
bool * elqGsfCtfScPixConsistent
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:186
int nele
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
void MakeL1NonIsolatedPhotons(std::vector< OpenHLTPhoton > &photons, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoNonIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalNonIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalNonIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &TrackNonIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9NonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHNonIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9IDNonIsoMap, EcalClusterLazyTools &lazyTools)
float * heletiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * hecalactivet
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:192
float * hhfclustereSeL
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:207
void MakeL1IsolatedPhotons(std::vector< OpenHLTPhoton > &photons, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &recoIsolecalcands, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &EcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &HcalIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &TrackIsolMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9IsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonHoverEHIsoMap, const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &photonR9IDIsoMap, EcalClusterLazyTools &lazyTools)
float * hecalactiveiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:192
int nhlthfele
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * hphotphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
float * heleR9
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:199
float * elhcaliso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:183
float * eldeltaEtaIn
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:184
float * elFbrem
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * helevtxz
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
void clear(void)
float * heleR9ID
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:199
void HLTEgamma::CalculateDetaDphi ( const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &  theMagField,
reco::BeamSpot::Point BSPosition,
const reco::ElectronRef  eleref,
float &  deltaeta,
float &  deltaphi,
bool  useTrackProjectionToEcal 

Definition at line 1094 of file

References ECALPositionCalculator::ecalPhi(), and edm::ESHandle< class >::product().

Referenced by MakeL1IsolatedElectrons(), and MakeL1NonIsolatedElectrons().

1099  {
1101  const reco::SuperClusterRef theClus = eleref->superCluster();
1102  math::XYZVector scv(theClus->x(), theClus->y(), theClus->z());
1104  const math::XYZVector trackMom = eleref->track()->momentum();
1106  math::XYZPoint SCcorrPosition(theClus->x()-BSPosition.x(), theClus->y()-BSPosition.y() , theClus->z()-eleref->track()->vz() );
1107  deltaeta = SCcorrPosition.eta()-eleref->track()->eta();
1109  if(useTrackProjectionToEcal){
1110  ECALPositionCalculator posCalc;
1111  const math::XYZPoint vertex(BSPosition.x(),BSPosition.y(),eleref->track()->vz());
1113  float phi1= posCalc.ecalPhi(theMagField.product(),trackMom,vertex,1);
1114  float phi2= posCalc.ecalPhi(theMagField.product(),trackMom,vertex,-1);
1116  float deltaphi1=fabs( phi1 - theClus->position().phi() );
1117  if(deltaphi1>6.283185308) deltaphi1 -= 6.283185308;
1118  if(deltaphi1>3.141592654) deltaphi1 = 6.283185308-deltaphi1;
1120  float deltaphi2=fabs( phi2 - theClus->position().phi() );
1121  if(deltaphi2>6.283185308) deltaphi2 -= 6.283185308;
1122  if(deltaphi2>3.141592654) deltaphi2 = 6.283185308-deltaphi2;
1124  deltaphi = deltaphi1;
1125  if(deltaphi2<deltaphi1){ deltaphi = deltaphi2;}
1126  }
1127  else {
1128  deltaphi=fabs(eleref->track()->outerPosition().phi()-theClus->phi());
1129  if(deltaphi>6.283185308) deltaphi -= 6.283185308;
1130  if(deltaphi>3.141592654) deltaphi = 6.283185308-deltaphi;
1131  }
1133  }
double ecalPhi(const MagneticField *magField, const math::XYZVector &momentum, const math::XYZPoint &vertex, const int charge)
XYZVectorD XYZVector
spatial vector with cartesian internal representation
Definition: Vector3D.h:31
XYZPointD XYZPoint
point in space with cartesian internal representation
Definition: Point3D.h:13
T const * product() const
Definition: ESHandle.h:62
void HLTEgamma::clear ( void  )

Definition at line 244 of file

References ele, elECaloIsoR03, elet, eleta, elFbrem, elHCaloIsoR03, elIP, elIsEcalDriven, elNLostHits, elphi, elpt, elTrkChi2NDF, elTrkIsoR03, heleClusShap, heleDeta, heleDphi, heleE, heleeiso, heleet, heleeta, helehiso, helehovereh, helel1iso, heleNewSC, helep, helephi, helePixelSeeds, heletiso, helevtxz, hhfcluster2Dcut, hhfclustere1e9, hhfclustere9e25, hhfclustereCOREe9, hhfclustereSeL, hhfclustereta, hhfclusterphi, hhfeleeta, hhfelept, hphotClusShap, hphoteiso, hphotet, hphoteta, hphothiso, hphotl1iso, hphotphi, hphottiso, kMaxEl, kMaxhEle, kMaxhPhot, kMaxPhot, nele, nhltele, nhltgam, nhlthfeclus, nhlthfele, nphoton, photonClusShap, photone, photonecaliso, photonet, photoneta, photonhcaliso, photonhovere, photonphi, photonpt, photonr9id, and photontrkiso.

Referenced by analyze().

245 {
246  std::memset(elpt, '\0', kMaxEl * sizeof(float));
247  std::memset(elphi, '\0', kMaxEl * sizeof(float));
248  std::memset(eleta, '\0', kMaxEl * sizeof(float));
249  std::memset(elet, '\0', kMaxEl * sizeof(float));
250  std::memset(ele, '\0', kMaxEl * sizeof(float));
251  std::memset(ele, '\0', kMaxEl * sizeof(int));
252  std::memset(elIP, '\0', kMaxEl * sizeof(float));
253  std::memset(elNLostHits, '\0', kMaxEl * sizeof(int));
254  std::memset(elTrkChi2NDF, '\0', kMaxEl * sizeof(float));
255  std::memset(elTrkIsoR03, '\0', kMaxEl * sizeof(float));
256  std::memset(elECaloIsoR03, '\0', kMaxEl * sizeof(float));
257  std::memset(elHCaloIsoR03, '\0', kMaxEl * sizeof(float));
258  std::memset(elIsEcalDriven, '\0', kMaxEl * sizeof(bool));
259  std::memset(elFbrem, '\0', kMaxEl * sizeof(float));
261  std::memset(photonpt, '\0', kMaxPhot * sizeof(float));
262  std::memset(photonphi, '\0', kMaxPhot * sizeof(float));
263  std::memset(photoneta, '\0', kMaxPhot * sizeof(float));
264  std::memset(photonet, '\0', kMaxPhot * sizeof(float));
265  std::memset(photone, '\0', kMaxPhot * sizeof(float));
266  std::memset(photontrkiso, '\0', kMaxPhot * sizeof(float));
267  std::memset(photonecaliso, '\0', kMaxPhot * sizeof(float));
268  std::memset(photonhcaliso, '\0', kMaxPhot * sizeof(float));
269  std::memset(photonhovere, '\0', kMaxPhot * sizeof(float));
270  std::memset(photonClusShap, '\0', kMaxPhot * sizeof(float));
271  std::memset(photonr9id, '\0', kMaxPhot * sizeof(float));
273  std::memset(hphotet, '\0', kMaxhPhot * sizeof(float));
274  std::memset(hphoteta, '\0', kMaxhPhot * sizeof(float));
275  std::memset(hphotphi, '\0', kMaxhPhot * sizeof(float));
276  std::memset(helevtxz, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
277  std::memset(hphoteiso, '\0', kMaxhPhot * sizeof(float));
278  std::memset(hphothiso, '\0', kMaxhPhot * sizeof(float));
279  std::memset(hphottiso, '\0', kMaxhPhot * sizeof(float));
280  std::memset(hphotl1iso, '\0', kMaxhPhot * sizeof(int));
281  std::memset(hphotClusShap, '\0', kMaxhPhot * sizeof(float));
283  std::memset(heleet, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
284  std::memset(heleeta, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
285  std::memset(helephi, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
286  std::memset(heleE, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
287  std::memset(helep, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
288  std::memset(helehiso, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
289  std::memset(heletiso, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
290  std::memset(heleeiso, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
291  std::memset(helehovereh, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
292  std::memset(helel1iso, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(int));
293  std::memset(helePixelSeeds, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(int));
294  std::memset(heleNewSC, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(int));
295  std::memset(heleClusShap, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
296  std::memset(heleDeta, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
297  std::memset(heleDphi, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
299  std::memset(hhfelept, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
300  std::memset(hhfeleeta, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
302  std::memset(hhfclustere9e25, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
303  std::memset(hhfclustere1e9, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
304  std::memset(hhfclustereCOREe9, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
305  std::memset(hhfclustereSeL, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
306  std::memset(hhfcluster2Dcut, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
307  std::memset(hhfclustereta, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
308  std::memset(hhfclusterphi, '\0', kMaxhEle * sizeof(float));
310  nele = 0;
311  nphoton = 0;
312  nhltgam = 0;
313  nhltele = 0;
314  nhlthfele = 0;
315  nhlthfeclus = 0;
316 }
float * elet
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
int * helel1iso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:200
float * helephi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * photonhovere
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
int nhltele
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * helehovereh
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * elTrkIsoR03
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * elTrkChi2NDF
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * elIP
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * heleDeta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:198
float * photonphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:189
float * hhfclustereCOREe9
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:207
float * hphottiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
float * elphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * heleClusShap
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:198
float * photonecaliso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
float * heleDphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:198
float * hphotet
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
float * photonr9id
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
float * hhfclustere1e9
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:207
float * photonet
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:189
static const size_t kMaxhPhot
float * hhfclusterphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
float * hhfcluster2Dcut
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
float * photonpt
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:189
float * hphoteiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
int * helePixelSeeds
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:200
float * ele
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * photonClusShap
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
float * elECaloIsoR03
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * heleeiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * elpt
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * helehiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * photontrkiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
float * elHCaloIsoR03
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * heleet
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * hhfelept
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
float * heleeta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
int nhlthfeclus
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * hphoteta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
int * heleNewSC
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:203
static const size_t kMaxEl
float * eleta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
static const size_t kMaxhEle
float * hhfclustereta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
float * hhfeleeta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
float * heleE
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * photone
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:189
int * hphotl1iso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:200
float * helep
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * photonhcaliso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
float * photoneta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:189
int nhltgam
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * hphothiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
int * elNLostHits
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:201
bool * elIsEcalDriven
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:202
int nphoton
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * hphotClusShap
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:198
static const size_t kMaxPhot
float * hhfclustere9e25
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
int nele
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * heletiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * hhfclustereSeL
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:207
int nhlthfele
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * hphotphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
float * elFbrem
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * helevtxz
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
void HLTEgamma::MakeL1IsolatedElectrons ( std::vector< OpenHLTElectron > &  electrons,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &  electronIsoHandle,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &  recoIsolecalcands,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalEleIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &  L1IsoPixelSeedsMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &  TrackEleIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9IsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonHoverEHIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  EcalIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9IDIsoMap,
EcalClusterLazyTools lazyTools,
const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &  theMagField,
reco::BeamSpot::Point BSPosition 

Definition at line 776 of file

References CalculateDetaDphi(), edm::RefToBase< T >::castTo(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::clusterShape, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::Deta, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::Dphi, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::E, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::ecalIsol, ele, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::Et, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::eta, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::hcalIsol, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::hovereh, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::L1Isolated, EcalClusterLazyTools::localCovariances(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::newSC, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::p, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::phi, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::pixelSeeds, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::r9, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::r9ID, mathSSE::sqrt(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::trackIsol, edm::helpers::KeyVal< K, V >::val, and HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::vtxZ.

Referenced by analyze().

790  {
791  // if there are electrons, then the isolation maps and the SC should be in the event; if not it is an error
792  if (recoIsolecalcands.isValid()) {
793  for (reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection::const_iterator recoecalcand = recoIsolecalcands->begin();
794  recoecalcand!= recoIsolecalcands->end(); recoecalcand++) {
795  // get the ref to the SC:
796  reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef ref = reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef(recoIsolecalcands, distance(recoIsolecalcands->begin(), recoecalcand));
797  reco::SuperClusterRef recrSC = ref->superCluster();
798  //reco::SuperClusterRef recrSC = recoecalcand->superCluster();
800  OpenHLTElectron ele;
801  ele.hcalIsol = -999;
802  ele.trackIsol = -999;
803  ele.ecalIsol = -999;
804  ele.L1Isolated = true;
805  ele.p = -999;
806  ele.pixelSeeds = -999;
807  ele.newSC = true;
808  ele.clusterShape = -999;
809  ele.Dphi = 700;
810  ele.Deta = 700;
811  ele.hovereh = -999;
812  ele.Et = recoecalcand->et();
813  ele.eta = recoecalcand->eta();
814  ele.phi = recoecalcand->phi();
815  ele.E = recrSC->energy();
816  //Get the cluster shape
817  // std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.covariances( *(recrSC->seed()) );
818  std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.localCovariances( *(recrSC->seed()) );
819  double sigmaee = sqrt(vCov[0]);
820  // float EtaSC = fabs(recoecalcand->eta());
821  // if(EtaSC > 1.479 ) {//Endcap
822  // sigmaee = sigmaee - 0.02*(EtaSC - 2.3);
823  // }
824  ele.clusterShape = sigmaee;
825  ele.r9 = -999.;
826  ele.r9ID = -999.;
828  // fill the ecal Isolation
829  if (EcalIsolMap.isValid()) {
830  reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*EcalIsolMap).find(ref);
831  if (mapi !=(*EcalIsolMap).end()) { ele.ecalIsol = mapi->val;}
832  }
833  // fill the hcal Isolation
834  if (HcalEleIsolMap.isValid()) {
835  //reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*HcalEleIsolMap).find( reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef(recoIsolecalcands, distance(recoIsolecalcands->begin(), recoecalcand)) );
836  reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*HcalEleIsolMap).find( ref );
837  if (mapi !=(*HcalEleIsolMap).end()) { ele.hcalIsol = mapi->val; }
838  }
839  // fill the R9
840  if (electronR9IsoMap.isValid()) {
841  reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*electronR9IsoMap).find( ref );
842  if (mapi !=(*electronR9IsoMap).end()) { ele.r9 = mapi->val; }
843  }
844  // fill the H for H/E
845  if (photonHoverEHIsoMap.isValid()) {
846  reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*photonHoverEHIsoMap).find(ref);
847  if (mapi !=(*photonHoverEHIsoMap).end()) { ele.hovereh = mapi->val;}
848  }
849  // fill the R9ID
850  if (electronR9IDIsoMap.isValid()) {
851  reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*electronR9IDIsoMap).find( ref );
852  if (mapi !=(*electronR9IDIsoMap).end()) { ele.r9ID = mapi->val; }
853  }
855  // look if the SC has associated pixelSeeds
856  int nmatch = 0;
858  if (L1IsoPixelSeedsMap.isValid()) {
859  for (reco::ElectronSeedCollection::const_iterator it = L1IsoPixelSeedsMap->begin();
860  it != L1IsoPixelSeedsMap->end(); it++) {
861  edm::RefToBase<reco::CaloCluster> caloCluster = it->caloCluster() ;
862  reco::SuperClusterRef scRef = caloCluster.castTo<reco::SuperClusterRef>() ;
863  if (&(*recrSC) == &(*scRef)) { nmatch++; }
864  }
865  }
867  ele.pixelSeeds = nmatch;
869  // look if the SC was promoted to an electron:
870  if (electronIsoHandle.isValid()) {
871  bool FirstElectron = true;
872  reco::ElectronRef electronref;
873  for (reco::ElectronCollection::const_iterator iElectron = electronIsoHandle->begin();
874  iElectron != electronIsoHandle->end(); iElectron++) {
875  // 1) find the SC from the electron
876  electronref = reco::ElectronRef(electronIsoHandle, iElectron - electronIsoHandle->begin());
877  const reco::SuperClusterRef theClus = electronref->superCluster(); // SC from the electron;
878  if (&(*recrSC) == &(*theClus)) { // ref is the RecoEcalCandidateRef corresponding to the electron
879  if (FirstElectron) { // the first electron is stored in ele, keeping the ele.newSC = true
880  FirstElectron = false;
881  ele.p = electronref->track()->momentum().R();
882  ele.vtxZ = electronref->track()->vertex().z();
883  float deta=-100, dphi=-100;
884  CalculateDetaDphi(theMagField,BSPosition , electronref , deta, dphi, false);
885  ele.Dphi=dphi; ele.Deta=deta;
886  // fill the track Isolation
887  if (TrackEleIsolMap.isValid()) {
888  reco::ElectronIsolationMap::const_iterator mapTr = (*TrackEleIsolMap).find(electronref);
889  if (mapTr != (*TrackEleIsolMap).end()) { ele.trackIsol = mapTr->val; }
890  }
891  }
892  else {
893  // FirstElectron is false, i.e. the SC of this electron is common to another electron.
894  // A new OpenHLTElectron is inserted in the theHLTElectrons vector setting newSC = false
895  OpenHLTElectron ele2;
896  ele2.hcalIsol = ele.hcalIsol;
897  ele2.trackIsol = -999;
898  ele2.Dphi = 700;
899  ele2.Deta = 700;
900  ele2.Et = ele.Et;
901  ele2.eta = ele.eta;
902  ele2.phi = ele.phi;
903  ele2.vtxZ = electronref->track()->vertex().z();
904  ele2.E = ele.E;
905  ele2.L1Isolated = ele.L1Isolated;
906  ele2.pixelSeeds = ele.pixelSeeds;
907  ele2.clusterShape = ele.clusterShape;
908  ele2.newSC = false;
909  ele2.p = electronref->track()->momentum().R();
910  ele2.r9 = ele.r9;
911  ele2.hovereh = ele.hovereh;
912  ele2.ecalIsol = ele.ecalIsol;
913  ele2.r9ID = ele.r9ID;
914  float deta=-100, dphi=-100;
915  CalculateDetaDphi(theMagField,BSPosition , electronref , deta, dphi, false);
916  ele2.Dphi=dphi; ele2.Deta=deta;
917  // fill the track Isolation
918  if (TrackEleIsolMap.isValid()) {
919  reco::ElectronIsolationMap::const_iterator mapTr = (*TrackEleIsolMap).find( electronref);
920  if (mapTr !=(*TrackEleIsolMap).end()) { ele2.trackIsol = mapTr->val;}
921  }
922  theHLTElectrons.push_back(ele2);
923  }
924  }
925  } // end of loop over electrons
926  } // end of if (electronIsoHandle) {
928  //store the electron into the vector
929  theHLTElectrons.push_back(ele);
930  } // end of loop over ecalCandidates
931  } // end of if (recoIsolecalcands) {
932  }
std::vector< float > localCovariances(const reco::BasicCluster &cluster, float w0=4.7)
edm::Ref< RecoEcalCandidateCollection > RecoEcalCandidateRef
reference to an object in a collection of RecoEcalCandidate objects
edm::Ref< ElectronCollection > ElectronRef
reference to an object in a collection of Electron objects
Definition: ElectronFwd.h:15
void CalculateDetaDphi(const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &theMagField, reco::BeamSpot::Point &BSPosition, const reco::ElectronRef eleref, float &deltaeta, float &deltaphi, bool useTrackProjectionToEcal)
float * ele
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:46
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:76
REF castTo() const
cast to a concrete type
Definition: RefToBase.h:241
void HLTEgamma::MakeL1IsolatedPhotons ( std::vector< OpenHLTPhoton > &  photons,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &  recoIsolecalcands,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  EcalIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  TrackIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9IsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonHoverEHIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9IDIsoMap,
EcalClusterLazyTools lazyTools 

Definition at line 612 of file

References HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::clusterShape, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::ecalIsol, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::Et, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::eta, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::hcalIsol, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::hovereh, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::L1Isolated, EcalClusterLazyTools::localCovariances(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::phi, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::r9, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::r9ID, mathSSE::sqrt(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::trackIsol, and edm::helpers::KeyVal< K, V >::val.

Referenced by analyze().

622  {
623  // Iterator to the isolation-map
626  if (recoIsolecalcands.isValid()) {
627  // loop over SuperCluster and fill the HLTPhotons
630  for (reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection::const_iterator recoecalcand = recoIsolecalcands->begin();
631  recoecalcand!= recoIsolecalcands->end(); recoecalcand++) {
633  OpenHLTPhoton pho;
634  pho.ecalIsol = -999;
635  pho.hcalIsol = -999;
636  pho.trackIsol = -999;
637  pho.clusterShape = -999;
638  pho.L1Isolated = true;
639  pho.Et = recoecalcand->et();
640  pho.eta = recoecalcand->eta();
641  pho.phi = recoecalcand->phi();
642  pho.r9 = -999.;
643  pho.hovereh = -999.;
644  pho.r9ID = -999.;
646  //Get the cluster shape
647  // std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.covariances( *(recoecalcand->superCluster()->seed()) );
648  std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.localCovariances( *(recoecalcand->superCluster()->seed()) );
649  double sigmaee = sqrt(vCov[0]);
650  // float EtaSC = fabs(recoecalcand->eta());
651  // if(EtaSC > 1.479 ) {//Endcap
652  // sigmaee = sigmaee - 0.02*(EtaSC - 2.3);
653  // }
654  pho.clusterShape = sigmaee;
656  // Method to get the reference to the candidate
657  reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef ref = reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef(recoIsolecalcands, distance(recoIsolecalcands->begin(), recoecalcand));
659  // First/Second member of the Map: Ref-to-Candidate(mapi)/Isolation(->val)
660  // fill the ecal Isolation
661  if (EcalIsolMap.isValid()) {
662  mapi = (*EcalIsolMap).find(ref);
663  if (mapi !=(*EcalIsolMap).end()) { pho.ecalIsol = mapi->val;}
664  }
665  // fill the hcal Isolation
666  if (HcalIsolMap.isValid()) {
667  mapi = (*HcalIsolMap).find(ref);
668  if (mapi !=(*HcalIsolMap).end()) { pho.hcalIsol = mapi->val;}
669  }
670  // fill the track Isolation
671  if (TrackIsolMap.isValid()) {
672  mapi = (*TrackIsolMap).find(ref);
673  if (mapi !=(*TrackIsolMap).end()) { pho.trackIsol = mapi->val;}
674  }
675  // fill the R9
676  if (photonR9IsoMap.isValid()) {
677  mapi = (*photonR9IsoMap).find(ref);
678  if (mapi !=(*photonR9IsoMap).end()) { pho.r9 = mapi->val;}
679  }
680  // fill the H for H/E
681  if (photonHoverEHIsoMap.isValid()) {
682  mapi = (*photonHoverEHIsoMap).find(ref);
683  if (mapi !=(*photonHoverEHIsoMap).end()) { pho.hovereh = mapi->val;}
684  }
685  // fill the R9ID
686  if (photonR9IDIsoMap.isValid()) {
687  mapi = (*photonR9IDIsoMap).find(ref);
688  if (mapi !=(*photonR9IDIsoMap).end()) { pho.r9ID = mapi->val;}
689  }
691  // store the photon into the vector
692  theHLTPhotons.push_back(pho);
693  }
694  }
695  }
std::vector< float > localCovariances(const reco::BasicCluster &cluster, float w0=4.7)
edm::Ref< RecoEcalCandidateCollection > RecoEcalCandidateRef
reference to an object in a collection of RecoEcalCandidate objects
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:46
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:76
void HLTEgamma::MakeL1NonIsolatedElectrons ( std::vector< OpenHLTElectron > &  electrons,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronCollection > &  electronNonIsoHandle,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &  recoNonIsolecalcands,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalEleIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronSeedCollection > &  L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::ElectronIsolationMap > &  TrackEleIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9NonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonHoverEHIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  EcalIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  electronR9IDNonIsoMap,
EcalClusterLazyTools lazyTools,
const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &  theMagField,
reco::BeamSpot::Point BSPosition 

Definition at line 935 of file

References CalculateDetaDphi(), edm::RefToBase< T >::castTo(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::clusterShape, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::Deta, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::Dphi, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::E, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::ecalIsol, ele, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::Et, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::eta, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::hcalIsol, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::hovereh, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::L1Isolated, EcalClusterLazyTools::localCovariances(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::newSC, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::p, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::phi, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::pixelSeeds, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::r9, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::r9ID, mathSSE::sqrt(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::trackIsol, edm::helpers::KeyVal< K, V >::val, and HLTEgamma::OpenHLTElectron::vtxZ.

Referenced by analyze().

949  {
950  // if there are electrons, then the isolation maps and the SC should be in the event; if not it is an error
951  if (recoNonIsolecalcands.isValid()) {
952  for (reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection::const_iterator recoecalcand = recoNonIsolecalcands->begin();
953  recoecalcand!= recoNonIsolecalcands->end(); recoecalcand++) {
954  //get the ref to the SC:
955  reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef ref = reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef(recoNonIsolecalcands, distance(recoNonIsolecalcands->begin(), recoecalcand));
956  reco::SuperClusterRef recrSC = ref->superCluster();
957  //reco::SuperClusterRef recrSC = recoecalcand->superCluster();
959  OpenHLTElectron ele;
960  ele.hcalIsol = -999;
961  ele.trackIsol = -999;
962  ele.ecalIsol = -999;
963  ele.L1Isolated = false;
964  ele.p = -999;
965  ele.pixelSeeds = -999;
966  ele.newSC = true;
967  ele.clusterShape = -999;
968  ele.Dphi = 700;
969  ele.Deta = 700;
970  ele.r9 = -999.;
971  ele.r9ID = -999.;
972  ele.hovereh = -999;
973  ele.Et = recoecalcand->et();
974  ele.eta = recoecalcand->eta();
975  ele.phi = recoecalcand->phi();
976  ele.E = recrSC->energy();
977  //Get the cluster shape
978  // std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.covariances( *(recrSC->seed()) );
979  std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.localCovariances( *(recrSC->seed()) );
980  double sigmaee = sqrt(vCov[0]);
981  // float EtaSC = fabs(recoecalcand->eta());
982  // if(EtaSC > 1.479 ) {//Endcap
983  // sigmaee = sigmaee - 0.02*(EtaSC - 2.3);
984  // }
985  ele.clusterShape = sigmaee;
987  // fill the ecal Isolation
988  if (EcalNonIsolMap.isValid()) {
989  reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*EcalNonIsolMap).find(ref);
990  if (mapi !=(*EcalNonIsolMap).end()) { ele.ecalIsol = mapi->val;}
991  }
992  // fill the hcal Isolation
993  if (HcalEleIsolMap.isValid()) {
994  // reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*HcalEleIsolMap).find( reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef(recoNonIsolecalcands, distance(recoNonIsolecalcands->begin(), recoecalcand)) );
995  reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*HcalEleIsolMap).find( ref );
996  if (mapi !=(*HcalEleIsolMap).end()) {ele.hcalIsol = mapi->val;}
997  }
998  // fill the R9
999  if (electronR9NonIsoMap.isValid()) {
1000  reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*electronR9NonIsoMap).find( ref );
1001  if (mapi !=(*electronR9NonIsoMap).end()) { ele.r9 = mapi->val; }
1002  }
1003  // fill the H for H/E
1004  if (photonHoverEHNonIsoMap.isValid()) {
1005  reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*photonHoverEHNonIsoMap).find(ref);
1006  if (mapi !=(*photonHoverEHNonIsoMap).end()) { ele.hovereh = mapi->val;}
1007  }
1008  // fill the R9ID
1009  if (electronR9IDNonIsoMap.isValid()) {
1010  reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap::const_iterator mapi = (*electronR9IDNonIsoMap).find( ref );
1011  if (mapi !=(*electronR9IDNonIsoMap).end()) { ele.r9ID = mapi->val; }
1012  }
1014  // look if the SC has associated pixelSeeds
1015  int nmatch = 0;
1017  if (L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap.isValid()) {
1018  for (reco::ElectronSeedCollection::const_iterator it = L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap->begin();
1019  it != L1NonIsoPixelSeedsMap->end(); it++) {
1020  edm::RefToBase<reco::CaloCluster> caloCluster = it->caloCluster() ;
1021  reco::SuperClusterRef scRef = caloCluster.castTo<reco::SuperClusterRef>() ;
1022  if (&(*recrSC) == &(*scRef)) { nmatch++;}
1023  }
1024  }
1026  ele.pixelSeeds = nmatch;
1028  // look if the SC was promoted to an electron:
1029  if (electronNonIsoHandle.isValid()) {
1030  bool FirstElectron = true;
1031  reco::ElectronRef electronref;
1032  for (reco::ElectronCollection::const_iterator iElectron = electronNonIsoHandle->begin();
1033  iElectron != electronNonIsoHandle->end();iElectron++) {
1034  // 1) find the SC from the electron
1035  electronref = reco::ElectronRef(electronNonIsoHandle, iElectron - electronNonIsoHandle->begin());
1036  const reco::SuperClusterRef theClus = electronref->superCluster(); //SC from the electron;
1037  if (&(*recrSC) == &(*theClus)) { // ref is the RecoEcalCandidateRef corresponding to the electron
1038  if (FirstElectron) { //the first electron is stored in ele, keeping the ele.newSC = true
1039  FirstElectron = false;
1040  ele.p = electronref->track()->momentum().R();
1041  ele.vtxZ = electronref->track()->dz();
1042  float deta=-100, dphi=-100;
1043  CalculateDetaDphi(theMagField,BSPosition , electronref , deta, dphi, false);
1044  ele.Dphi=dphi; ele.Deta=deta;
1046  // fill the track Isolation
1047  if (TrackEleIsolMap.isValid()) {
1048  reco::ElectronIsolationMap::const_iterator mapTr = (*TrackEleIsolMap).find( electronref);
1049  if (mapTr !=(*TrackEleIsolMap).end()) { ele.trackIsol = mapTr->val;}
1050  }
1051  } else {
1052  // FirstElectron is false, i.e. the SC of this electron is common to another electron.
1053  // A new OpenHLTElectron is inserted in the theHLTElectrons vector setting newSC = false
1054  OpenHLTElectron ele2;
1055  ele2.hcalIsol = ele.hcalIsol;
1056  ele2.trackIsol =-999;
1057  ele2.ecalIsol = ele.ecalIsol;
1058  ele2.Dphi = 700;
1059  ele2.Deta = 700;
1060  ele2.Et = ele.Et;
1061  ele2.eta = ele.eta;
1062  ele2.phi = ele.phi;
1063  ele2.vtxZ = electronref->track()->dz();
1064  ele2.E = ele.E;
1065  ele2.L1Isolated = ele.L1Isolated;
1066  ele2.pixelSeeds = ele.pixelSeeds;
1067  ele2.clusterShape = ele.clusterShape;
1068  ele2.newSC = false;
1069  ele2.p = electronref->track()->momentum().R();
1070  ele2.r9 = ele.r9;
1071  ele2.hovereh = ele.hovereh;
1072  ele2.r9ID = ele.r9ID;
1073  float deta=-100, dphi=-100;
1074  CalculateDetaDphi(theMagField,BSPosition , electronref , deta, dphi, false);
1075  ele2.Dphi=dphi; ele2.Deta=deta;
1077  // fill the track Isolation
1078  if (TrackEleIsolMap.isValid()) {
1079  reco::ElectronIsolationMap::const_iterator mapTr = (*TrackEleIsolMap).find( electronref);
1080  if (mapTr !=(*TrackEleIsolMap).end()) { ele2.trackIsol = mapTr->val;}
1081  }
1082  theHLTElectrons.push_back(ele2);
1083  }
1084  }
1085  } // end of loop over electrons
1086  } // end of if (electronNonIsoHandle) {
1088  // store the electron into the vector
1089  theHLTElectrons.push_back(ele);
1090  } // end of loop over ecalCandidates
1091  } // end of if (recoNonIsolecalcands) {
1092  }
std::vector< float > localCovariances(const reco::BasicCluster &cluster, float w0=4.7)
edm::Ref< RecoEcalCandidateCollection > RecoEcalCandidateRef
reference to an object in a collection of RecoEcalCandidate objects
edm::Ref< ElectronCollection > ElectronRef
reference to an object in a collection of Electron objects
Definition: ElectronFwd.h:15
void CalculateDetaDphi(const edm::ESHandle< MagneticField > &theMagField, reco::BeamSpot::Point &BSPosition, const reco::ElectronRef eleref, float &deltaeta, float &deltaphi, bool useTrackProjectionToEcal)
float * ele
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:46
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:76
REF castTo() const
cast to a concrete type
Definition: RefToBase.h:241
void HLTEgamma::MakeL1NonIsolatedPhotons ( std::vector< OpenHLTPhoton > &  photons,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection > &  recoNonIsolecalcands,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  EcalNonIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  HcalNonIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  TrackNonIsolMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9NonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonHoverEHNonIsoMap,
const edm::Handle< reco::RecoEcalCandidateIsolationMap > &  photonR9IDNonIsoMap,
EcalClusterLazyTools lazyTools 

Definition at line 697 of file

References HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::clusterShape, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::ecalIsol, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::Et, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::eta, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::hcalIsol, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::hovereh, edm::HandleBase::isValid(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::L1Isolated, EcalClusterLazyTools::localCovariances(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::phi, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::r9, HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::r9ID, mathSSE::sqrt(), HLTEgamma::OpenHLTPhoton::trackIsol, and edm::helpers::KeyVal< K, V >::val.

Referenced by analyze().

707  {
710  if (recoNonIsolecalcands.isValid()) {
711  for (reco::RecoEcalCandidateCollection::const_iterator recoecalcand = recoNonIsolecalcands->begin();
712  recoecalcand!= recoNonIsolecalcands->end(); recoecalcand++) {
713  // loop over SuperCluster and fill the HLTPhotons
714  OpenHLTPhoton pho;
715  pho.ecalIsol = -999;
716  pho.hcalIsol = -999;
717  pho.trackIsol = -999;
718  pho.clusterShape = -999;
719  pho.L1Isolated = false;
720  pho.Et = recoecalcand->et();
721  pho.eta = recoecalcand->eta();
722  pho.phi = recoecalcand->phi();
723  pho.r9 = -999;
724  pho.hovereh = -999.;
725  pho.r9ID = -999.;
727  //Get the cluster shape
728  // std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.covariances( *(recoecalcand->superCluster()->seed()) );
729  std::vector<float> vCov = lazyTools.localCovariances( *(recoecalcand->superCluster()->seed()) );
730  double sigmaee = sqrt(vCov[0]);
731  // float EtaSC = fabs(recoecalcand->eta());
732  // if(EtaSC > 1.479 ) {//Endcap
733  // sigmaee = sigmaee - 0.02*(EtaSC - 2.3);
734  // }
735  pho.clusterShape = sigmaee;
737  reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef ref = reco::RecoEcalCandidateRef(recoNonIsolecalcands, distance(recoNonIsolecalcands->begin(), recoecalcand));
739  // fill the ecal Isolation
740  if (EcalNonIsolMap.isValid()) {
741  mapi = (*EcalNonIsolMap).find(ref);
742  if (mapi !=(*EcalNonIsolMap).end()) { pho.ecalIsol = mapi->val;}
743  }
744  // fill the hcal Isolation
745  if (HcalNonIsolMap.isValid()) {
746  mapi = (*HcalNonIsolMap).find(ref);
747  if (mapi !=(*HcalNonIsolMap).end()) { pho.hcalIsol = mapi->val;}
748  }
749  // fill the track Isolation
750  if (TrackNonIsolMap.isValid()) {
751  mapi = (*TrackNonIsolMap).find(ref);
752  if (mapi !=(*TrackNonIsolMap).end()) { pho.trackIsol = mapi->val;}
753  }
754  // fill the R9
755  if (photonR9NonIsoMap.isValid()) {
756  mapi = (*photonR9NonIsoMap).find(ref);
757  if (mapi !=(*photonR9NonIsoMap).end()) { pho.r9 = mapi->val;}
758  }
759  // fill the H for H/E
760  if (photonHoverEHNonIsoMap.isValid()) {
761  mapi = (*photonHoverEHNonIsoMap).find(ref);
762  if (mapi !=(*photonHoverEHNonIsoMap).end()) { pho.hovereh = mapi->val;}
763  }
764  // fill the R9ID
765  if (photonR9IDNonIsoMap.isValid()) {
766  mapi = (*photonR9IDNonIsoMap).find(ref);
767  if (mapi !=(*photonR9IDNonIsoMap).end()) { pho.r9ID = mapi->val;}
768  }
770  // store the photon into the vector
771  theHLTPhotons.push_back(pho);
772  }
773  }
774  }
std::vector< float > localCovariances(const reco::BasicCluster &cluster, float w0=4.7)
edm::Ref< RecoEcalCandidateCollection > RecoEcalCandidateRef
reference to an object in a collection of RecoEcalCandidate objects
T sqrt(T t)
Definition: SSEVec.h:46
bool isValid() const
Definition: HandleBase.h:76
void HLTEgamma::setup ( const edm::ParameterSet pSet,
TTree *  tree 

Definition at line 38 of file

References eld0corr, eldcot, eldeltaEtaIn, eldeltaPhiIn, eldist, ele, elecaliso, elECaloIsoR03, eleId, elet, eleta, elFbrem, elhcaliso, elHCaloIsoR03, elhOverE, elIP, elIsEcalDriven, elmishits, elNLostHits, elphi, elpt, elqGsfCtfScPixConsistent, elscEt, elsigmaietaieta, elTrkChi2NDF, eltrkiso, elTrkIsoR03, hecalactivClusShap, hecalactiveiso, hecalactivet, hecalactiveta, hecalactivhiso, hecalactivhovereh, hecalactivl1iso, hecalactivphi, hecalactivR9, hecalactivR9ID, hecalactivtiso, heleClusShap, heleDeta, heleDphi, heleE, heleeiso, heleet, heleeta, helehiso, helehovereh, helel1iso, heleNewSC, helep, helephi, helePixelSeeds, heleR9, heleR9ID, heletiso, helevtxz, hhfcluster2Dcut, hhfclustere1e9, hhfclustere9e25, hhfclustereCOREe9, hhfclustereSeL, hhfclustereta, hhfclusterphi, hhfeleeta, hhfelept, hphotClusShap, hphoteiso, hphotet, hphoteta, hphothiso, hphothovereh, hphotl1iso, hphotphi, hphotR9, hphotR9ID, hphottiso, kMaxEl, kMaxhEle, kMaxhPhot, kMaxPhot, nele, nhltecalactiv, nhltele, nhltgam, nhlthfeclus, nhlthfele, nphoton, photonClusShap, photone, photonecaliso, photonet, photoneta, photonhcaliso, photonhovere, photonphi, photonpt, photonr9id, and photontrkiso.

Referenced by HLTAnalyzer::HLTAnalyzer().

39 {
40  elpt = new float[kMaxEl];
41  elphi = new float[kMaxEl];
42  eleta = new float[kMaxEl];
43  elet = new float[kMaxEl];
44  ele = new float[kMaxEl];
45  eleId = new int[kMaxEl];// RL + 2*RT + 4*L + 4*T
46  elIP = new float[kMaxEl];
47  elNLostHits = new int[kMaxEl];
48  elTrkChi2NDF = new float[kMaxEl];
49  elTrkIsoR03 = new float[kMaxEl];
50  elECaloIsoR03 = new float[kMaxEl];
51  elHCaloIsoR03 = new float[kMaxEl];
52  elIsEcalDriven = new bool[kMaxEl];
53  elFbrem = new float[kMaxEl];
54  elmishits = new int[kMaxEl];
55  eldist = new float[kMaxEl];
56  eldcot = new float[kMaxEl];
57  eltrkiso = new float[kMaxEl];
58  elecaliso = new float[kMaxEl];
59  elhcaliso = new float[kMaxEl];
60  elsigmaietaieta = new float[kMaxEl];
61  eldeltaPhiIn = new float[kMaxEl];
62  eldeltaEtaIn = new float[kMaxEl];
63  elhOverE = new float[kMaxEl];
64  elscEt = new float[kMaxEl];
65  eld0corr = new float[kMaxEl];
66  elqGsfCtfScPixConsistent = new bool[kMaxEl];
68  photonpt = new float[kMaxPhot];
69  photonphi = new float[kMaxPhot];
70  photoneta = new float[kMaxPhot];
71  photonet = new float[kMaxPhot];
72  photone = new float[kMaxPhot];
73  photontrkiso = new float[kMaxPhot];
74  photonecaliso = new float[kMaxPhot];
75  photonhcaliso = new float[kMaxPhot];
76  photonhovere = new float[kMaxPhot];
77  photonClusShap = new float[kMaxPhot];
78  photonr9id = new float[kMaxPhot];
80  hphotet = new float[kMaxhPhot];
81  hphoteta = new float[kMaxhPhot];
82  hphotphi = new float[kMaxhPhot];
83  hphoteiso = new float[kMaxhPhot];
84  hphothiso = new float[kMaxhPhot];
85  hphottiso = new float[kMaxhPhot];
86  hphotl1iso = new int[kMaxhPhot];
87  hphotClusShap = new float[kMaxhPhot];
88  hphotR9 = new float[kMaxhPhot];
89  hphothovereh = new float[kMaxhPhot];
90  hphotR9ID = new float[kMaxhPhot];
92  hecalactivet = new float[kMaxhPhot];
93  hecalactiveta = new float[kMaxhPhot];
94  hecalactivphi = new float[kMaxhPhot];
95  hecalactiveiso = new float[kMaxhPhot];
96  hecalactivhiso = new float[kMaxhPhot];
97  hecalactivtiso = new float[kMaxhPhot];
98  hecalactivl1iso = new int[kMaxhPhot];
99  hecalactivClusShap = new float[kMaxhPhot];
100  hecalactivR9 = new float[kMaxhPhot];
101  hecalactivhovereh = new float[kMaxhPhot];
102  hecalactivR9ID = new float[kMaxhPhot];
104  heleet = new float[kMaxhEle];
105  heleeta = new float[kMaxhEle];
106  helephi = new float[kMaxhEle];
107  helevtxz = new float[kMaxhEle];
108  heleE = new float[kMaxhEle];
109  helep = new float[kMaxhEle];
110  helehiso = new float[kMaxhEle];
111  heleeiso = new float[kMaxhEle];
112  heletiso = new float[kMaxhEle];
113  helel1iso = new int[kMaxhEle];
114  helePixelSeeds = new int[kMaxhEle];
115  heleNewSC = new int[kMaxhEle];
116  heleClusShap = new float[kMaxhEle];
117  heleDeta = new float[kMaxhEle];
118  heleDphi = new float[kMaxhEle];
119  heleR9 = new float[kMaxhEle];
120  helehovereh = new float[kMaxhEle];
121  heleR9ID = new float[kMaxhEle];
123  hhfelept = new float[kMaxhEle];
124  hhfeleeta = new float[kMaxhEle];
125  hhfclustere9e25 = new float[kMaxhEle];
126  hhfclustere1e9 = new float[kMaxhEle];
127  hhfclustereCOREe9 = new float[kMaxhEle];
128  hhfclustereSeL = new float[kMaxhEle];
129  hhfcluster2Dcut = new float[kMaxhEle];
130  hhfclustereta = new float[kMaxhEle];
131  hhfclusterphi = new float[kMaxhEle];
134  nele = 0;
135  nphoton = 0;
136  nhltecalactiv = 0;
137  nhltgam = 0;
138  nhltele = 0;
139  nhlthfele = 0;
140  nhlthfeclus = 0;
142  // Egamma-specific branches of the tree
143  HltTree->Branch("NrecoElec", & nele, "NrecoElec/I");
144  HltTree->Branch("recoElecPt", elpt, "recoElecPt[NrecoElec]/F");
145  HltTree->Branch("recoElecPhi", elphi, "recoElecPhi[NrecoElec]/F");
146  HltTree->Branch("recoElecEta", eleta, "recoElecEta[NrecoElec]/F");
147  HltTree->Branch("recoElecEt", elet, "recoElecEt[NrecoElec]/F");
148  HltTree->Branch("recoElecE", ele, "recoElecE[NrecoElec]/F");
149  HltTree->Branch("recoElecEleID", eleId, "recoElecEleID[NrecoElec]/I");
150  HltTree->Branch("recoElecIP", elIP, "recoElecIP[NrecoElec]/F");
151  HltTree->Branch("recoElecNLostHits", elNLostHits, "recoElecNLostHits[NrecoElec]/I");
152  HltTree->Branch("recoElecChi2NDF", elTrkChi2NDF, "recoElecChi2NDF[NrecoElec]/F");
153  HltTree->Branch("recoElecTrkIsoR03", elTrkIsoR03, "recoElecTrkIsoR03[NrecoElec]/F");
154  HltTree->Branch("recoElecECaloIsoR03", elECaloIsoR03, "recoElecECaloIsoR03[NrecoElec]/F");
155  HltTree->Branch("recoElecHCaloIsoR03", elHCaloIsoR03, "recoElecHCaloIsoR03[NrecoElec]/F");
156  HltTree->Branch("recoElecIsEcalDriven", elIsEcalDriven, "recoElecIsEcalDriven[NrecoElec]/O");
157  HltTree->Branch("recoElecFbrem", elFbrem, "recoElecFbrem[NrecoElec]/F");
158  HltTree->Branch("recoElecmishits", elmishits, "recoElecmishits[NrecoElec]/I");
159  HltTree->Branch("recoElecdist", eldist, "recoElecdist[NrecoElec]/F");
160  HltTree->Branch("recoElecdcot", eldcot, "recoElecdcot[NrecoElec]/F");
161  HltTree->Branch("recoElectrkiso", eltrkiso, "recoElectrkiso[NrecoElec]/F");
162  HltTree->Branch("recoElececaliso", elecaliso, "recoElececaliso[NrecoElec]/F");
163  HltTree->Branch("recoElechcaliso", elhcaliso, "recoElechcaliso[NrecoElec]/F");
164  HltTree->Branch("recoElecsigmaietaieta", elsigmaietaieta, "recoElecsigmaietaieta[NrecoElec]/F");
165  HltTree->Branch("recoElecdeltaPhiIn", eldeltaPhiIn, "recoElecdeltaPhiIn[NrecoElec]/F");
166  HltTree->Branch("recoElecdeltaEtaIn", eldeltaEtaIn, "recoElecdeltaEtaIn[NrecoElec]/F");
167  HltTree->Branch("recoElechOverE", elhOverE, "recoElechOverE[NrecoElec]/F");
168  HltTree->Branch("recoElecscEt", elscEt, "recoElecscEt[NrecoElec]/F");
169  HltTree->Branch("recoElecd0corr", eld0corr, "recoElecd0corr[NrecoElec]/F");
170  HltTree->Branch("recoElecqGsfCtfScPixConsistent", elqGsfCtfScPixConsistent, "recoElecqGsfCtfScPixConsistent[NrecoElec]/O");
172  HltTree->Branch("NrecoPhot", &nphoton, "NrecoPhot/I");
173  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotPt", photonpt, "recoPhotPt[NrecoPhot]/F");
174  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotPhi", photonphi, "recoPhotPhi[NrecoPhot]/F");
175  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotEta", photoneta, "recoPhotEta[NrecoPhot]/F");
176  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotEt", photonet, "recoPhotEt[NrecoPhot]/F");
177  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotE", photone, "recoPhotE[NrecoPhot]/F");
178  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotTiso", photontrkiso, "recoPhotTiso[NrecoPhot]/F");
179  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotEiso", photonecaliso, "recoPhotEiso[NrecoPhot]/F");
180  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotHiso", photonhcaliso, "recoPhotHiso[NrecoPhot]/F");
181  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotHoverE", photonhovere, "recoPhotHoverE[NrecoPhot]/F");
182  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotClusShap", photonClusShap, "recoPhotClusShap[NrecoPhot]/F");
183  HltTree->Branch("recoPhotR9ID", photonr9id, "recoPhotR9ID[NrecoPhot]/F");
185  HltTree->Branch("NohPhot", & nhltgam, "NohPhot/I");
186  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotEt", hphotet, "ohPhotEt[NohPhot]/F");
187  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotEta", hphoteta, "ohPhotEta[NohPhot]/F");
188  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotPhi", hphotphi, "ohPhotPhi[NohPhot]/F");
189  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotEiso", hphoteiso, "ohPhotEiso[NohPhot]/F");
190  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotHiso", hphothiso, "ohPhotHiso[NohPhot]/F");
191  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotTiso", hphottiso, "ohPhotTiso[NohPhot]/F");
192  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotL1iso", hphotl1iso, "ohPhotL1iso[NohPhot]/I");
193  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotClusShap", hphotClusShap, "ohPhotClusShap[NohPhot]/F");
194  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotR9", hphotR9, "ohPhotR9[NohPhot]/F");
195  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotHforHoverE", hphothovereh, "ohPhotHforHoverE[NohPhot]/F");
196  HltTree->Branch("ohPhotR9ID", hphotR9ID, "ohPhotR9ID[NohPhot]/F");
198  HltTree->Branch("NohEcalActiv", & nhltecalactiv, "NohEcalActiv/I");
199  HltTree->Branch("ohEcalActivEt", hecalactivet, "ohEcalActivEt[NohEcalActiv]/F");
200  HltTree->Branch("ohEcalActivEta", hecalactiveta, "ohEcalActivEta[NohEcalActiv]/F");
201  HltTree->Branch("ohEcalActivPhi", hecalactivphi, "ohEcalActivPhi[NohEcalActiv]/F");
202  HltTree->Branch("ohEcalActivEiso", hecalactiveiso, "ohEcalActivEiso[NohEcalActiv]/F");
203  HltTree->Branch("ohEcalActivHiso", hecalactivhiso, "ohEcalActivHiso[NohEcalActiv]/F");
204  HltTree->Branch("ohEcalActivTiso", hecalactivtiso, "ohEcalActivTiso[NohEcalActiv]/F");
205  HltTree->Branch("ohEcalActivL1iso", hecalactivl1iso, "ohEcalActivL1iso[NohEcalActiv]/I");
206  HltTree->Branch("ohEcalActivClusShap", hecalactivClusShap, "ohEcalActivClusShap[NohEcalActiv]/F");
207  HltTree->Branch("ohEcalActivR9", hecalactivR9, "ohEcalActivR9[NohEcalActiv]/F");
208  HltTree->Branch("ohEcalActivHforHoverE", hecalactivhovereh, "ohEcalActivHforHoverE[NohEcalActiv]/F");
209  HltTree->Branch("ohEcalActivR9ID", hecalactivR9ID, "ohEcalActivR9ID[NohEcalActiv]/F");
211  HltTree->Branch("NohEle", & nhltele, "NohEle/I");
212  HltTree->Branch("ohEleEt", heleet, "ohEleEt[NohEle]/F");
213  HltTree->Branch("ohEleEta", heleeta, "ohEleEta[NohEle]/F");
214  HltTree->Branch("ohElePhi", helephi, "ohElePhi[NohEle]/F");
215  HltTree->Branch("ohEleVtxZ", helevtxz, "ohEleVtxZ[NohEle]/F");
216  HltTree->Branch("ohEleE", heleE, "ohEleE[NohEle]/F");
217  HltTree->Branch("ohEleP", helep, "ohEleP[NohEle]/F");
218  HltTree->Branch("ohEleHiso", helehiso, "ohEleHiso[NohEle]/F");
219  HltTree->Branch("ohEleTiso", heletiso, "ohEleTiso[NohEle]/F");
220  HltTree->Branch("ohEleEiso", heleeiso, "ohEleEiso[NohEle]/F");
221  HltTree->Branch("ohEleL1iso", helel1iso, "ohEleLiso[NohEle]/I");
222  HltTree->Branch("ohElePixelSeeds", helePixelSeeds, "ohElePixelSeeds[NohEle]/I");
223  HltTree->Branch("ohEleNewSC", heleNewSC, "ohEleNewSC[NohEle]/I");
224  HltTree->Branch("ohEleClusShap", heleClusShap, "ohEleClusShap[NohEle]/F");
225  HltTree->Branch("ohEleDeta", heleDeta, "ohEleDeta[NohEle]/F");
226  HltTree->Branch("ohEleDphi", heleDphi, "ohEleDphi[NohEle]/F");
227  HltTree->Branch("ohEleR9", heleR9, "ohEleR9[NohEle]/F");
228  HltTree->Branch("ohEleHforHoverE", helehovereh, "ohEleHforHoverE[NohEle]/F");
229  HltTree->Branch("ohEleR9ID", heleR9ID, "ohEleR9ID[NohEle]/F");
230  HltTree->Branch("NohHFEle", &nhlthfele , "NohHFEle/I");
231  HltTree->Branch("ohHFElePt", hhfelept, "ohHFElePt[NohHFEle]/F");
232  HltTree->Branch("ohHFEleEta", hhfeleeta, "ohHFEleEta[NohHFEle]/F");
233  HltTree->Branch("NohHFECALClus", &nhlthfeclus, "NohHFECALClus/I");
235  HltTree->Branch("ohHFEleClustere9e25", hhfclustere9e25, "ohHFEleClustere9e25[NohHFECALClus]/F");
236  HltTree->Branch("ohHFEleClustere1e9", hhfclustere1e9, "ohHFEleClustere1e9[NohHFECALClus]/F");
237  HltTree->Branch("ohHFEleClustereCOREe9", hhfclustereCOREe9, "ohHFEleClustereCOREe9[NohHFECALClus]/F");
238  HltTree->Branch("ohHFEleClustereSeL", hhfclustereSeL, "ohHFEleClustereSeL[NohHFECALClus]/F");
239  HltTree->Branch("ohHFEleCluster2Dcut", hhfcluster2Dcut, "ohHFEleCluster2Dcut[NohHFECALClus]/F");
240  HltTree->Branch("ohHFEleClusterEta", hhfclustereta, "ohHFEleClusterEta[NohHFECALClus]/F");
241  HltTree->Branch("ohHFEleClusterPhi", hhfclusterphi, "ohHFEleClusterPhi[NohHFECALClus]/F");
242 }
float * eldcot
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:188
float * elet
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * hphothovereh
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
int * helel1iso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:200
float * hecalactivhovereh
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:192
float * hphotR9
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:199
float * helephi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * photonhovere
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
int nhltele
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * helehovereh
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
int * hecalactivl1iso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:200
float * elTrkIsoR03
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * eltrkiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:183
float * elTrkChi2NDF
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * elIP
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * heleDeta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:198
int nhltecalactiv
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * photonphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:189
float * hhfclustereCOREe9
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:207
float * eldist
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:188
float * hphottiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
float * elphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * heleClusShap
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:198
float * photonecaliso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
float * heleDphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:198
float * hphotet
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
float * photonr9id
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
float * hhfclustere1e9
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:207
float * photonet
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:189
static const size_t kMaxhPhot
float * elhOverE
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:184
float * hhfclusterphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
float * hhfcluster2Dcut
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
float * photonpt
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:189
float * hphoteiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
int * helePixelSeeds
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:200
float * ele
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * photonClusShap
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
float * elECaloIsoR03
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * heleeiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * elpt
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * elscEt
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:185
float * helehiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * photontrkiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
float * elHCaloIsoR03
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * heleet
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * eld0corr
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:185
float * hhfelept
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
float * heleeta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * hecalactivR9ID
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:199
int nhlthfeclus
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * hphoteta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
int * elmishits
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:187
int * heleNewSC
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:203
static const size_t kMaxEl
float * eleta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
static const size_t kMaxhEle
float * hhfclustereta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
float * elsigmaietaieta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:184
float * hhfeleeta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
float * heleE
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * photone
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:189
float * eldeltaPhiIn
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:184
float * hecalactivtiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:192
int * hphotl1iso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:200
float * helep
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * hphotR9ID
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:199
float * hecalactiveta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:192
float * photonhcaliso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:190
float * photoneta
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:189
int nhltgam
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * hecalactivClusShap
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:198
float * hphothiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
float * hecalactivhiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:192
int * elNLostHits
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:201
bool * elIsEcalDriven
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:202
float * hecalactivphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:192
float * hecalactivR9
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:199
int * eleId
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:201
float * elecaliso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:183
int nphoton
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * hphotClusShap
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:198
static const size_t kMaxPhot
float * hhfclustere9e25
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:206
bool * elqGsfCtfScPixConsistent
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:186
int nele
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * heletiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * hecalactivet
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:192
float * hhfclustereSeL
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:207
float * hecalactiveiso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:192
int nhlthfele
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:204
float * hphotphi
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:193
float * heleR9
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:199
float * elhcaliso
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:183
float * eldeltaEtaIn
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:184
float * elFbrem
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:182
float * helevtxz
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:194
float * heleR9ID
Definition: HLTEgamma.h:199

Member Data Documentation

float * HLTEgamma::eld0corr

Definition at line 185 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::eldcot

Definition at line 188 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::eldeltaEtaIn

Definition at line 184 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::eldeltaPhiIn

Definition at line 184 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::eldist

Definition at line 188 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::ele
float * HLTEgamma::elecaliso

Definition at line 183 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elECaloIsoR03

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int* HLTEgamma::eleId

Definition at line 201 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elet

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::eleta

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elFbrem

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elhcaliso

Definition at line 183 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elHCaloIsoR03

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elhOverE

Definition at line 184 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elIP

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

bool* HLTEgamma::elIsEcalDriven

Definition at line 202 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int* HLTEgamma::elmishits

Definition at line 187 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int * HLTEgamma::elNLostHits

Definition at line 201 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elphi

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::elpt

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

bool* HLTEgamma::elqGsfCtfScPixConsistent

Definition at line 186 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::elscEt

Definition at line 185 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::elsigmaietaieta

Definition at line 184 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elTrkChi2NDF

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::eltrkiso

Definition at line 183 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::elTrkIsoR03

Definition at line 182 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::hecalactivClusShap

Definition at line 198 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hecalactiveiso

Definition at line 192 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::hecalactivet

Definition at line 192 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hecalactiveta

Definition at line 192 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hecalactivhiso

Definition at line 192 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hecalactivhovereh

Definition at line 192 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int* HLTEgamma::hecalactivl1iso

Definition at line 200 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hecalactivphi

Definition at line 192 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::hecalactivR9

Definition at line 199 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hecalactivR9ID

Definition at line 199 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hecalactivtiso

Definition at line 192 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleClusShap

Definition at line 198 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleDeta

Definition at line 198 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleDphi

Definition at line 198 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleE

Definition at line 194 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleeiso

Definition at line 194 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::heleet

Definition at line 194 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleeta

Definition at line 194 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::helehiso

Definition at line 194 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::helehovereh

Definition at line 194 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int * HLTEgamma::helel1iso

Definition at line 200 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int* HLTEgamma::heleNewSC

Definition at line 203 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::helep

Definition at line 194 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::helephi

Definition at line 194 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int * HLTEgamma::helePixelSeeds

Definition at line 200 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleR9

Definition at line 199 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heleR9ID

Definition at line 199 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::heletiso

Definition at line 194 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::helevtxz

Definition at line 194 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hhfcluster2Dcut

Definition at line 206 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::hhfclustere1e9

Definition at line 207 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hhfclustere9e25

Definition at line 206 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hhfclustereCOREe9

Definition at line 207 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hhfclustereSeL

Definition at line 207 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hhfclustereta

Definition at line 206 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hhfclusterphi

Definition at line 206 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hhfeleeta

Definition at line 206 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::hhfelept

Definition at line 206 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphotClusShap

Definition at line 198 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphoteiso

Definition at line 193 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::hphotet

Definition at line 193 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphoteta

Definition at line 193 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphothiso

Definition at line 193 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphothovereh

Definition at line 193 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int * HLTEgamma::hphotl1iso

Definition at line 200 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphotphi

Definition at line 193 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphotR9

Definition at line 199 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphotR9ID

Definition at line 199 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::hphottiso

Definition at line 193 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int HLTEgamma::nele

Definition at line 204 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int HLTEgamma::nhltecalactiv

Definition at line 204 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and setup().

int HLTEgamma::nhltele

Definition at line 204 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int HLTEgamma::nhltgam

Definition at line 204 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int HLTEgamma::nhlthfeclus

Definition at line 204 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int HLTEgamma::nhlthfele

Definition at line 204 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

int HLTEgamma::nphoton

Definition at line 204 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::photonClusShap

Definition at line 190 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::photone

Definition at line 189 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::photonecaliso

Definition at line 190 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::photonet

Definition at line 189 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::photoneta

Definition at line 189 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::photonhcaliso

Definition at line 190 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::photonhovere

Definition at line 190 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::photonphi

Definition at line 189 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::photonpt

Definition at line 189 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float * HLTEgamma::photonr9id

Definition at line 190 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().

float* HLTEgamma::photontrkiso

Definition at line 190 of file HLTEgamma.h.

Referenced by analyze(), clear(), and setup().