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muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator Class Reference

#include <CaloExtractorByAssociator.h>

Inheritance diagram for muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator:

Public Member Functions

 CaloExtractorByAssociator ()
 constructors More...
 CaloExtractorByAssociator (const edm::ParameterSet &par)
virtual reco::IsoDeposit deposit (const edm::Event &ev, const edm::EventSetup &evSetup, const reco::Track &track) const
 no-op: by design of this extractor the deposits are pulled out all at a time More...
virtual std::vector
< reco::IsoDeposit
deposits (const edm::Event &ev, const edm::EventSetup &evSetup, const reco::Track &track) const
 return deposits for 3 calorimeter subdetectors (ecal, hcal, ho) – in this order More...
virtual void fillVetos (const edm::Event &ev, const edm::EventSetup &evSetup, const reco::TrackCollection &tracks)
 allows to set extra vetoes (in addition to the muon) – no-op at this point More...
virtual ~CaloExtractorByAssociator ()
 destructor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from reco::isodeposit::IsoDepositExtractor
virtual reco::IsoDeposit deposit (const edm::Event &ev, const edm::EventSetup &evSetup, const reco::TrackBaseRef &track) const
 make single IsoDeposit based on trackRef as input More...
virtual reco::IsoDeposit deposit (const edm::Event &ev, const edm::EventSetup &evSetup, const reco::Candidate &track) const
virtual reco::IsoDeposit deposit (const edm::Event &ev, const edm::EventSetup &evSetup, const reco::CandidateBaseRef &track) const
 make single IsoDeposit based on a CandidateBaseRef as input More...
virtual std::vector
< reco::IsoDeposit
deposits (const edm::Event &ev, const edm::EventSetup &evSetup, const reco::TrackBaseRef &track) const
virtual std::vector
< reco::IsoDeposit
deposits (const edm::Event &ev, const edm::EventSetup &evSetup, const reco::Candidate &track) const
virtual std::vector
< reco::IsoDeposit
deposits (const edm::Event &ev, const edm::EventSetup &evSetup, const reco::CandidateBaseRef &track) const
virtual ~IsoDepositExtractor ()
 Destructor. More...

Private Member Functions

double noiseEcal (const CaloTower &tower) const
 Determine noise for HCAL and ECAL (take some defaults for the time being) More...
double noiseHcal (const CaloTower &tower) const
double noiseHOcal (const CaloTower &tower) const
double noiseRecHit (const DetId &detId) const

Private Attributes

 associator, its' parameters and the propagator More...
bool theCenterConeOnCalIntersection
std::vector< std::string > theDepositInstanceLabels
 multiple deposits: labels – expect 3 labels beginning with "e", "h", "ho" More...
std::string theDepositLabel
 Label of deposit – suggest to set to "" (all info is in collection name anyways) More...
double theDR_Max
 max cone size in which towers are considered More...
double theDR_Veto_E
 cone sizes inside which the Et (towers) are not counted More...
double theDR_Veto_H
double theDR_Veto_HO
double theNoise_EB
double theNoise_EE
double theNoise_HB
double theNoise_HE
double theNoise_HO
double theNoiseTow_EB
double theNoiseTow_EE
bool thePrintTimeReport
 flag to turn on/off printing of a time report More...
std::string thePropagatorName
 propagator name to feed into the track associator More...
 the event setup proxy, it takes care the services update More...
double theThreshold_E
double theThreshold_H
double theThreshold_HO
bool theUseRecHitsFlag
 use towers or rec hits More...
std::vector< DetIdtheVetoCollection
 Vector of calo Ids to veto – not used. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 36 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::CaloExtractorByAssociator ( )


Definition at line 41 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

41 {};
CaloExtractorByAssociator::CaloExtractorByAssociator ( const edm::ParameterSet par)

Definition at line 37 of file

References edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), MuonServiceProxy_cff::MuonServiceProxy, theAssociator, theAssociatorParameters, theService, and example_cfg::TrackAssociatorParameters.

37  :
38  theUseRecHitsFlag(par.getParameter<bool>("UseRecHitsFlag")),
39  theDepositLabel(par.getUntrackedParameter<string>("DepositLabel")),
40  theDepositInstanceLabels(par.getParameter<std::vector<std::string> >("DepositInstanceLabels")),
41  thePropagatorName(par.getParameter<std::string>("PropagatorName")),
42  theThreshold_E(par.getParameter<double>("Threshold_E")),
43  theThreshold_H(par.getParameter<double>("Threshold_H")),
44  theThreshold_HO(par.getParameter<double>("Threshold_HO")),
45  theDR_Veto_E(par.getParameter<double>("DR_Veto_E")),
46  theDR_Veto_H(par.getParameter<double>("DR_Veto_H")),
47  theDR_Veto_HO(par.getParameter<double>("DR_Veto_HO")),
48  theCenterConeOnCalIntersection(par.getParameter<bool>("CenterConeOnCalIntersection")),
49  theDR_Max(par.getParameter<double>("DR_Max")),
50  theNoise_EB(par.getParameter<double>("Noise_EB")),
51  theNoise_EE(par.getParameter<double>("Noise_EE")),
52  theNoise_HB(par.getParameter<double>("Noise_HB")),
53  theNoise_HE(par.getParameter<double>("Noise_HE")),
54  theNoise_HO(par.getParameter<double>("Noise_HO")),
55  theNoiseTow_EB(par.getParameter<double>("NoiseTow_EB")),
56  theNoiseTow_EE(par.getParameter<double>("NoiseTow_EE")),
57  theService(0),
58  theAssociator(0),
59  thePrintTimeReport(par.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("PrintTimeReport"))
60 {
61  ParameterSet serviceParameters = par.getParameter<ParameterSet>("ServiceParameters");
62  theService = new MuonServiceProxy(serviceParameters);
66 }
T getParameter(std::string const &) const
T getUntrackedParameter(std::string const &, T const &) const
std::string thePropagatorName
propagator name to feed into the track associator
std::string theDepositLabel
Label of deposit – suggest to set to &quot;&quot; (all info is in collection name anyways)
double theDR_Max
max cone size in which towers are considered
std::vector< std::string > theDepositInstanceLabels
multiple deposits: labels – expect 3 labels beginning with &quot;e&quot;, &quot;h&quot;, &quot;ho&quot;
double theDR_Veto_E
cone sizes inside which the Et (towers) are not counted
TrackAssociatorParameters * theAssociatorParameters
associator, its&#39; parameters and the propagator
tuple TrackAssociatorParameters
MuonServiceProxy * theService
the event setup proxy, it takes care the services update
bool thePrintTimeReport
flag to turn on/off printing of a time report
CaloExtractorByAssociator::~CaloExtractorByAssociator ( )


Definition at line 68 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, TimingReport::current(), TimingReport::dump(), theAssociator, theAssociatorParameters, thePrintTimeReport, and theService.

68  {
71  if (theService) delete theService;
72  if (theAssociator) delete theAssociator;
73 }
TrackAssociatorParameters * theAssociatorParameters
associator, its&#39; parameters and the propagator
static TimingReport * current()
MuonServiceProxy * theService
the event setup proxy, it takes care the services update
tuple cout
bool thePrintTimeReport
flag to turn on/off printing of a time report
void dump(std::ostream &co, bool active=false)

Member Function Documentation

IsoDeposit CaloExtractorByAssociator::deposit ( const edm::Event ev,
const edm::EventSetup evSetup,
const reco::Track track 
) const

no-op: by design of this extractor the deposits are pulled out all at a time

Implements reco::isodeposit::IsoDepositExtractor.

Definition at line 83 of file

References reco::TrackBase::eta(), and reco::TrackBase::phi().

84 {
85  IsoDeposit::Direction muonDir(muon.eta(), muon.phi());
86  IsoDeposit dep(muonDir );
88 // LogWarning("CaloExtractorByAssociator")
89 // <<"single deposit is not an option here\n"
90 // <<"use ::deposits --> extract all and reweight as necessary";
92  return dep;
94 }
std::vector< IsoDeposit > CaloExtractorByAssociator::deposits ( const edm::Event ev,
const edm::EventSetup evSetup,
const reco::Track track 
) const

return deposits for 3 calorimeter subdetectors (ecal, hcal, ho) – in this order

Make separate deposits: for ECAL, HCAL, HO.

check configuration consistency could've been made at construction stage (fix later?)

this should be (eventually) set to the eta-phi of the crossing point of a straight line tangent to a muon at IP and the calorimeter

each deposit type veto is at the point of intersect with that detector

do things based on rec-hits here too much copy-pasting now (refactor later?)

first check if the hit is inside the veto cone by dR-alone

and now pitch those in the crossed list

first check if the hit is inside the veto cone by dR-alone

and now pitch those in the crossed list

first check if the hit is inside the veto cone by dR-alone

and now pitch those in the crossed list

use calo towers

first check if the tower is inside the veto cone by dR-alone

first check if the tower is inside the veto cone by dR-alone

first check if the tower is inside the veto cone by dR-alone

and now pitch those in the crossed list

add the Et of the tower to deposits if it's not a vetoed; put into muonEnergy otherwise

Reimplemented from reco::isodeposit::IsoDepositExtractor.

Definition at line 98 of file

References reco::IsoDeposit::addCandEnergy(), reco::IsoDeposit::addDeposit(), TrackDetectorAssociator::associate(), ecalTB2006H4_GenSimDigiReco_cfg::bField, compare_using_db::compare, TrackDetMatchInfo::crossedEcalIds, TrackDetMatchInfo::crossedHcalIds, TrackDetMatchInfo::crossedHOIds, TrackDetMatchInfo::crossedTowerIds, reco::deltaR(), CaloRecHit::detid(), reco::IsoDeposit::Veto::dR, TrackDetMatchInfo::ecalRecHits, CaloTower::emEnergy(), CaloTower::emEt(), CaloRecHit::energy(), relval_parameters_module::energy, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), reco::TrackBase::eta(), reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), edm::EventSetup::get(), CaloTower::hadEnergy(), CaloTower::hadEt(), TrackDetMatchInfo::hcalRecHits, TrackDetMatchInfo::hoRecHits, CaloTower::id(), reco::TransientTrack::initialFreeState(), LogDebug, noiseEcal(), noiseHcal(), noiseHOcal(), noiseRecHit(), CaloTower::outerEnergy(), CaloTower::outerEt(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), reco::TrackBase::phi(), reco::LeafCandidate::phi(), DetId::rawId(), TrackDetectorAssociator::setPropagator(), reco::IsoDeposit::setVeto(), theAssociator, theAssociatorParameters, theCenterConeOnCalIntersection, theDepositInstanceLabels, theDR_Max, theDR_Veto_E, theDR_Veto_H, theDR_Veto_HO, thePropagatorName, theService, theThreshold_E, theThreshold_H, theThreshold_HO, theUseRecHitsFlag, TrackDetMatchInfo::towers, TrackDetMatchInfo::trkGlobPosAtEcal, TrackDetMatchInfo::trkGlobPosAtHcal, TrackDetMatchInfo::trkGlobPosAtHO, reco::IsoDeposit::veto(), and reco::IsoDeposit::Veto::vetoDir.

99 {
100  theService->update(eventSetup);
105  if (theDepositInstanceLabels.size() != 3){
106  LogError("MuonIsolation")<<"Configuration is inconsistent: Need 3 deposit instance labels";
107  }
108  if (! theDepositInstanceLabels[0].compare(0,1, std::string("e")) == 0
109  || ! theDepositInstanceLabels[1].compare(0,1, std::string("h")) == 0
110  || ! theDepositInstanceLabels[2].compare(0,2, std::string("ho")) == 0){
111  LogWarning("MuonIsolation")<<"Deposit instance labels do not look like (e*, h*, ho*):"
112  <<"proceed at your own risk. The extractor interprets lab0=from ecal; lab1=from hcal; lab2=from ho";
113  }
115  typedef IsoDeposit::Veto Veto;
118  IsoDeposit::Direction muonDir(muon.eta(), muon.phi());
120  IsoDeposit depEcal(muonDir);
121  IsoDeposit depHcal(muonDir);
122  IsoDeposit depHOcal(muonDir);
125  eventSetup.get<IdealMagneticFieldRecord>().get(bField);
128  reco::TransientTrack tMuon(muon, &*bField);
129  FreeTrajectoryState iFTS = tMuon.initialFreeState();
133  depEcal.setVeto(Veto(reco::isodeposit::Direction(mInfo.trkGlobPosAtEcal.eta(), mInfo.trkGlobPosAtEcal.phi()),
134  theDR_Veto_E));
135  depHcal.setVeto(Veto(reco::isodeposit::Direction(mInfo.trkGlobPosAtHcal.eta(), mInfo.trkGlobPosAtHcal.phi()),
136  theDR_Veto_H));
137  depHOcal.setVeto(Veto(reco::isodeposit::Direction(mInfo.trkGlobPosAtHO.eta(), mInfo.trkGlobPosAtHO.phi()),
138  theDR_Veto_HO));
141  reco::isodeposit::Direction dirTmp = depEcal.veto().vetoDir;
142  double dRtmp = depEcal.veto().dR;
143  depEcal = IsoDeposit(dirTmp); depEcal.setVeto(Veto(dirTmp, dRtmp));
145  dirTmp = depHcal.veto().vetoDir;
146  dRtmp = depHcal.veto().dR;
147  depHcal = IsoDeposit(dirTmp); depHcal.setVeto(Veto(dirTmp, dRtmp));
149  dirTmp = depHOcal.veto().vetoDir;
150  dRtmp = depHOcal.veto().dR;
151  depHOcal = IsoDeposit(dirTmp); depHOcal.setVeto(Veto(dirTmp, dRtmp));
152  }
154  if (theUseRecHitsFlag){
158  eventSetup.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().get(caloGeom);
160  //Ecal
161  std::vector<const EcalRecHit*>::const_iterator eHitCI = mInfo.ecalRecHits.begin();
162  for (; eHitCI != mInfo.ecalRecHits.end(); ++eHitCI){
163  const EcalRecHit* eHitCPtr = *eHitCI;
164  GlobalPoint eHitPos = caloGeom->getPosition(eHitCPtr->detid());
165  double deltar0 = reco::deltaR(muon, eHitPos);
166  double cosTheta = 1./cosh(eHitPos.eta());
167  double energy = eHitCPtr->energy();
168  double et = energy*cosTheta;
169  if (deltar0 > theDR_Max
170  || ! (et > theThreshold_E && energy > 3*noiseRecHit(eHitCPtr->detid()))) continue;
172  bool vetoHit = false;
173  double deltar = reco::deltaR(mInfo.trkGlobPosAtEcal, eHitPos);
175  if (deltar < theDR_Veto_E ){
176  LogDebug("RecoMuon|CaloExtractorByAssociator")
177  << " >>> Veto ECAL hit: Calo deltaR= " << deltar;
178  LogDebug("RecoMuon|CaloExtractorByAssociator")
179  << " >>> Calo eta phi ethcal: " << eHitPos.eta() << " " << eHitPos.phi() << " " << et;
180  vetoHit = true;
181  }
183  if (! vetoHit){
184  for (unsigned int iH = 0; iH< mInfo.crossedEcalIds.size() && ! vetoHit; ++iH){
185  if (mInfo.crossedEcalIds[iH].rawId() == eHitCPtr->detid().rawId()) vetoHit = true;
186  }
187  }
189  if (vetoHit ){
190  depEcal.addCandEnergy(et);
191  } else {
192  depEcal.addDeposit(reco::isodeposit::Direction(eHitPos.eta(), eHitPos.phi()), et);
193  }
194  }
196  //Hcal
197  std::vector<const HBHERecHit*>::const_iterator hHitCI = mInfo.hcalRecHits.begin();
198  for (; hHitCI != mInfo.hcalRecHits.end(); ++hHitCI){
199  const HBHERecHit* hHitCPtr = *hHitCI;
200  GlobalPoint hHitPos = caloGeom->getPosition(hHitCPtr->detid());
201  double deltar0 = reco::deltaR(muon, hHitPos);
202  double cosTheta = 1./cosh(hHitPos.eta());
203  double energy = hHitCPtr->energy();
204  double et = energy*cosTheta;
205  if (deltar0 > theDR_Max
206  || ! (et > theThreshold_H && energy > 3*noiseRecHit(hHitCPtr->detid()))) continue;
208  bool vetoHit = false;
209  double deltar = reco::deltaR(mInfo.trkGlobPosAtHcal, hHitPos);
211  if (deltar < theDR_Veto_H ){
212  LogDebug("RecoMuon|CaloExtractorByAssociator")
213  << " >>> Veto HBHE hit: Calo deltaR= " << deltar;
214  LogDebug("RecoMuon|CaloExtractorByAssociator")
215  << " >>> Calo eta phi ethcal: " << hHitPos.eta() << " " << hHitPos.phi() << " " << et;
216  vetoHit = true;
217  }
219  if (! vetoHit){
220  for (unsigned int iH = 0; iH< mInfo.crossedHcalIds.size() && ! vetoHit; ++iH){
221  if (mInfo.crossedHcalIds[iH].rawId() == hHitCPtr->detid().rawId()) vetoHit = true;
222  }
223  }
225  if (vetoHit ){
226  depHcal.addCandEnergy(et);
227  } else {
228  depHcal.addDeposit(reco::isodeposit::Direction(hHitPos.eta(), hHitPos.phi()), et);
229  }
230  }
232  //HOcal
233  std::vector<const HORecHit*>::const_iterator hoHitCI = mInfo.hoRecHits.begin();
234  for (; hoHitCI != mInfo.hoRecHits.end(); ++hoHitCI){
235  const HORecHit* hoHitCPtr = *hoHitCI;
236  GlobalPoint hoHitPos = caloGeom->getPosition(hoHitCPtr->detid());
237  double deltar0 = reco::deltaR(muon, hoHitPos);
238  double cosTheta = 1./cosh(hoHitPos.eta());
239  double energy = hoHitCPtr->energy();
240  double et = energy*cosTheta;
241  if (deltar0 > theDR_Max
242  || ! (et > theThreshold_HO && energy > 3*noiseRecHit(hoHitCPtr->detid()))) continue;
244  bool vetoHit = false;
245  double deltar = reco::deltaR(mInfo.trkGlobPosAtHO, hoHitPos);
247  if (deltar < theDR_Veto_HO ){
248  LogDebug("RecoMuon|CaloExtractorByAssociator")
249  << " >>> Veto HO hit: Calo deltaR= " << deltar;
250  LogDebug("RecoMuon|CaloExtractorByAssociator")
251  << " >>> Calo eta phi ethcal: " << hoHitPos.eta() << " " << hoHitPos.phi() << " " << et;
252  vetoHit = true;
253  }
255  if (! vetoHit){
256  for (unsigned int iH = 0; iH< mInfo.crossedHOIds.size() && ! vetoHit; ++iH){
257  if (mInfo.crossedHOIds[iH].rawId() == hoHitCPtr->detid().rawId()) vetoHit = true;
258  }
259  }
261  if (vetoHit ){
262  depHOcal.addCandEnergy(et);
263  } else {
264  depHOcal.addDeposit(reco::isodeposit::Direction(hoHitPos.eta(), hoHitPos.phi()), et);
265  }
266  }
269  } else {
271  std::vector<const CaloTower*>::const_iterator calCI = mInfo.towers.begin();
272  for (; calCI != mInfo.towers.end(); ++calCI){
273  const CaloTower* calCPtr = *calCI;
274  double deltar0 = reco::deltaR(muon,*calCPtr);
275  if (deltar0>theDR_Max) continue;
277  //even more copy-pasting .. need to refactor
278  double etecal = calCPtr->emEt();
279  double eecal = calCPtr->emEnergy();
280  bool doEcal = etecal>theThreshold_E && eecal>3*noiseEcal(*calCPtr);
281  double ethcal = calCPtr->hadEt();
282  double ehcal = calCPtr->hadEnergy();
283  bool doHcal = ethcal>theThreshold_H && ehcal>3*noiseHcal(*calCPtr);
284  double ethocal = calCPtr->outerEt();
285  double ehocal = calCPtr->outerEnergy();
286  bool doHOcal = ethocal>theThreshold_HO && ehocal>3*noiseHOcal(*calCPtr);
287  if ((!doEcal) && (!doHcal) && (!doHcal)) continue;
289  bool vetoTowerEcal = false;
290  double deltarEcal = reco::deltaR(mInfo.trkGlobPosAtEcal, *calCPtr);
292  if (deltarEcal < theDR_Veto_E ){
293  LogDebug("RecoMuon|CaloExtractorByAssociator")
294  << " >>> Veto ecal tower: Calo deltaR= " << deltarEcal;
295  LogDebug("RecoMuon|CaloExtractorByAssociator")
296  << " >>> Calo eta phi ethcal: " << calCPtr->eta() << " " << calCPtr->phi() << " " << ethcal;
297  vetoTowerEcal = true;
298  }
299  bool vetoTowerHcal = false;
300  double deltarHcal = reco::deltaR(mInfo.trkGlobPosAtHcal, *calCPtr);
302  if (deltarHcal < theDR_Veto_H ){
303  LogDebug("RecoMuon|CaloExtractorByAssociator")
304  << " >>> Veto hcal tower: Calo deltaR= " << deltarHcal;
305  LogDebug("RecoMuon|CaloExtractorByAssociator")
306  << " >>> Calo eta phi ethcal: " << calCPtr->eta() << " " << calCPtr->phi() << " " << ethcal;
307  vetoTowerHcal = true;
308  }
309  bool vetoTowerHOCal = false;
310  double deltarHOcal = reco::deltaR(mInfo.trkGlobPosAtHO, *calCPtr);
312  if (deltarHOcal < theDR_Veto_HO ){
313  LogDebug("RecoMuon|CaloExtractorByAssociator")
314  << " >>> Veto HO tower: Calo deltaR= " << deltarHOcal;
315  LogDebug("RecoMuon|CaloExtractorByAssociator")
316  << " >>> Calo eta phi ethcal: " << calCPtr->eta() << " " << calCPtr->phi() << " " << ethcal;
317  vetoTowerHOCal = true;
318  }
321  if (! (vetoTowerHOCal && vetoTowerHcal && vetoTowerEcal )){
322  for (unsigned int iH = 0; iH< mInfo.crossedTowerIds.size(); ++iH){
323  if (mInfo.crossedTowerIds[iH].rawId() == calCPtr->id().rawId()){
324  vetoTowerEcal = true;
325  vetoTowerHcal = true;
326  vetoTowerHOCal = true;
327  break;
328  }
329  }
330  }
332  reco::isodeposit::Direction towerDir(calCPtr->eta(), calCPtr->phi());
334  if (doEcal){
335  if (vetoTowerEcal) depEcal.addCandEnergy(etecal);
336  else depEcal.addDeposit(towerDir, etecal);
337  }
338  if (doHcal){
339  if (vetoTowerHcal) depHcal.addCandEnergy(ethcal);
340  else depHcal.addDeposit(towerDir, ethcal);
341  }
342  if (doHOcal){
343  if (vetoTowerHOCal) depHOcal.addCandEnergy(ethocal);
344  else depHOcal.addDeposit(towerDir, ethocal);
345  }
346  }
347  }
349  std::vector<IsoDeposit> resultDeps;
350  resultDeps.push_back(depEcal);
351  resultDeps.push_back(depHcal);
352  resultDeps.push_back(depHOcal);
354  return resultDeps;
356 }
#define LogDebug(id)
math::XYZPoint trkGlobPosAtHO
std::vector< const CaloTower * > towers
std::vector< DetId > crossedTowerIds
std::string thePropagatorName
propagator name to feed into the track associator
const DetId & detid() const
Definition: CaloRecHit.h:22
double hadEt() const
Definition: CaloTower.h:85
std::vector< const EcalRecHit * > ecalRecHits
hits in the cone
std::vector< DetId > crossedEcalIds
double theDR_Max
max cone size in which towers are considered
double outerEt() const
Definition: CaloTower.h:86
Geom::Phi< T > phi() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:68
double noiseHOcal(const CaloTower &tower) const
std::vector< std::string > theDepositInstanceLabels
multiple deposits: labels – expect 3 labels beginning with &quot;e&quot;, &quot;h&quot;, &quot;ho&quot;
double noiseHcal(const CaloTower &tower) const
double theDR_Veto_E
cone sizes inside which the Et (towers) are not counted
TrackAssociatorParameters * theAssociatorParameters
associator, its&#39; parameters and the propagator
std::vector< DetId > crossedHcalIds
virtual double eta() const
momentum pseudorapidity
math::XYZPoint trkGlobPosAtHcal
double deltaR(double eta1, double phi1, double eta2, double phi2)
Definition: deltaR.h:19
uint32_t rawId() const
get the raw id
Definition: DetId.h:45
double noiseEcal(const CaloTower &tower) const
Determine noise for HCAL and ECAL (take some defaults for the time being)
double emEnergy() const
Definition: CaloTower.h:79
void setPropagator(const Propagator *)
use a user configured propagator
float energy() const
Definition: CaloRecHit.h:19
std::vector< const HBHERecHit * > hcalRecHits
std::vector< DetId > crossedHOIds
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
double noiseRecHit(const DetId &detId) const
double hadEnergy() const
Definition: CaloTower.h:80
CaloTowerDetId id() const
Definition: CaloTower.h:72
reco::IsoDeposit IsoDeposit
Definition: Isolation.h:7
MuonServiceProxy * theService
the event setup proxy, it takes care the services update
T eta() const
Definition: PV3DBase.h:75
TrackDetMatchInfo associate(const edm::Event &, const edm::EventSetup &, const FreeTrajectoryState &, const AssociatorParameters &)
math::XYZPoint trkGlobPosAtEcal
Track position at different parts of the calorimeter.
std::vector< const HORecHit * > hoRecHits
virtual double phi() const
momentum azimuthal angle
double emEt() const
Definition: CaloTower.h:84
double outerEnergy() const
Definition: CaloTower.h:81
void CaloExtractorByAssociator::fillVetos ( const edm::Event ev,
const edm::EventSetup evSetup,
const reco::TrackCollection tracks 

allows to set extra vetoes (in addition to the muon) – no-op at this point

Implements reco::isodeposit::IsoDepositExtractor.

Definition at line 75 of file

76 {
77 // LogWarning("CaloExtractorByAssociator")
78 // <<"fillVetos does nothing now: IsoDeposit provides enough functionality\n"
79 // <<"to remove a deposit at/around given (eta, phi)";
81 }
double CaloExtractorByAssociator::noiseEcal ( const CaloTower tower) const

Determine noise for HCAL and ECAL (take some defaults for the time being)

Definition at line 358 of file

References reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), eta(), theNoiseTow_EB, and theNoiseTow_EE.

Referenced by deposits().

358  {
359  double noise = theNoiseTow_EB;
360  double eta = tower.eta();
361  if (fabs(eta)>1.479) noise = theNoiseTow_EE;
362  return noise;
363 }
T eta() const
virtual double eta() const
momentum pseudorapidity
double CaloExtractorByAssociator::noiseHcal ( const CaloTower tower) const

Definition at line 365 of file

References reco::LeafCandidate::eta(), theNoise_HB, and theNoise_HE.

Referenced by deposits().

365  {
366  double noise = fabs(tower.eta())> 1.479 ? theNoise_HE : theNoise_HB;
367  return noise;
368 }
virtual double eta() const
momentum pseudorapidity
double CaloExtractorByAssociator::noiseHOcal ( const CaloTower tower) const

Definition at line 370 of file

References theNoise_HO.

Referenced by deposits().

370  {
371  double noise = theNoise_HO;
372  return noise;
373 }
double CaloExtractorByAssociator::noiseRecHit ( const DetId detId) const

Definition at line 376 of file

References DetId::det(), DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, DetId::Hcal, HcalBarrel, HcalEndcap, HcalOuter, DetId::subdetId(), theNoise_EB, theNoise_EE, theNoise_HB, theNoise_HE, and theNoise_HO.

Referenced by deposits().

376  {
377  double noise = 100;
378  DetId::Detector det = detId.det();
379  if (det == DetId::Ecal){
380  EcalSubdetector subDet = (EcalSubdetector)(detId.subdetId());
381  if (subDet == EcalBarrel){
382  noise = theNoise_EB;
383  } else if (subDet == EcalEndcap){
384  noise = theNoise_EE;
385  }
386  } else if (det == DetId::Hcal){
387  HcalSubdetector subDet = (HcalSubdetector)(detId.subdetId());
388  if (subDet == HcalBarrel){
389  noise = theNoise_HB;
390  } else if (subDet == HcalEndcap){
391  noise = theNoise_HE;
392  } else if (subDet == HcalOuter){
393  noise = theNoise_HO;
394  }
395  }
396  return noise;
397 }
Definition: HcalAssistant.h:32
int subdetId() const
get the contents of the subdetector field (not cast into any detector&#39;s numbering enum) ...
Definition: DetId.h:39
Definition: DetId.h:26
Detector det() const
get the detector field from this detid
Definition: DetId.h:37

Member Data Documentation

TrackDetectorAssociator* muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theAssociator
TrackAssociatorParameters* muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theAssociatorParameters

associator, its' parameters and the propagator

Definition at line 104 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by CaloExtractorByAssociator(), deposits(), and ~CaloExtractorByAssociator().

bool muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theCenterConeOnCalIntersection

centers the cone on the veto direction – makes more sense for very displaced tracks like in cosmics

Definition at line 82 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by deposits().

std::vector<std::string> muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theDepositInstanceLabels

multiple deposits: labels – expect 3 labels beginning with "e", "h", "ho"

Definition at line 65 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by deposits().

std::string muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theDepositLabel

Label of deposit – suggest to set to "" (all info is in collection name anyways)

Definition at line 62 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

double muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theDR_Max

max cone size in which towers are considered

Definition at line 84 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by deposits().

double muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theDR_Veto_E

cone sizes inside which the Et (towers) are not counted

Definition at line 77 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by deposits().

double muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theDR_Veto_H

Definition at line 78 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by deposits().

double muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theDR_Veto_HO

Definition at line 79 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by deposits().

double muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theNoise_EB

the noise "sigmas" for a hit or tower to be considered consider if Energy > 3.*sigma

Definition at line 88 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by noiseRecHit().

double muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theNoise_EE

Definition at line 89 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by noiseRecHit().

double muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theNoise_HB

Definition at line 90 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by noiseHcal(), and noiseRecHit().

double muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theNoise_HE

Definition at line 91 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by noiseHcal(), and noiseRecHit().

double muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theNoise_HO

Definition at line 92 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by noiseHOcal(), and noiseRecHit().

double muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theNoiseTow_EB

Definition at line 93 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by noiseEcal().

double muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theNoiseTow_EE

Definition at line 94 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by noiseEcal().

bool muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::thePrintTimeReport

flag to turn on/off printing of a time report

Definition at line 108 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by ~CaloExtractorByAssociator().

std::string muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::thePropagatorName

propagator name to feed into the track associator

Definition at line 68 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by deposits().

MuonServiceProxy* muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theService

the event setup proxy, it takes care the services update

Definition at line 100 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by CaloExtractorByAssociator(), deposits(), and ~CaloExtractorByAssociator().

double muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theThreshold_E

Cone cuts and thresholds min values of Et to be included in deposits

Definition at line 72 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by deposits().

double muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theThreshold_H

Definition at line 73 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by deposits().

double muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theThreshold_HO

Definition at line 74 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by deposits().

bool muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theUseRecHitsFlag

use towers or rec hits

Definition at line 59 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.

Referenced by deposits().

std::vector<DetId> muonisolation::CaloExtractorByAssociator::theVetoCollection

Vector of calo Ids to veto – not used.

Definition at line 97 of file CaloExtractorByAssociator.h.