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HLTMuonL2ToL1Map Class Reference

#include <HLTMuonL2ToL1Map.h>

Public Member Functions

std::string getL1Keys (reco::TrackRef &l2muon)
 returns the indices of L1 seeds More...
 HLTMuonL2ToL1Map (edm::InputTag &previousCandTag, edm::InputTag &seedMapTag, edm::Event &iEvent)
 construct with the InputTag of the L1 filter object, the InputTag of the L2 seed map ("hltL2Muons") and the Event More...
bool isTriggeredByL1 (reco::TrackRef &l2muon)
 checks if a L2 muon was seeded by a fired L1 More...
 ~HLTMuonL2ToL1Map ()

Private Attributes

< l1extra::L1MuonParticleRef
 contains the vector of references to fired L1 candidates More...
edm::Handle< SeedMapseedMapHandle_
 containes the map from a L2 seed to its sister seeds the track of which has been cleaned More...

Detailed Description

This is a helper class to check L2 to L1 links

Z. Gecse

Definition at line 24 of file HLTMuonL2ToL1Map.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HLTMuonL2ToL1Map::HLTMuonL2ToL1Map ( edm::InputTag previousCandTag,
edm::InputTag seedMapTag,
edm::Event iEvent 

construct with the InputTag of the L1 filter object, the InputTag of the L2 seed map ("hltL2Muons") and the Event

Definition at line 28 of file HLTMuonL2ToL1Map.h.

References firedL1Muons_, edm::Event::getByLabel(), seedMapHandle_, and trigger::TriggerL1Mu.

28  {
29  // get hold of muons that fired the previous level
31  iEvent.getByLabel(previousCandTag, previousLevelCands);
32  previousLevelCands->getObjects(trigger::TriggerL1Mu, firedL1Muons_);
34  // get hold of the seed map
35  iEvent.getByLabel(seedMapTag, seedMapHandle_);
36  }
enum start value shifted to 81 so as to avoid clashes with PDG codes
edm::Handle< SeedMap > seedMapHandle_
containes the map from a L2 seed to its sister seeds the track of which has been cleaned ...
bool getByLabel(InputTag const &tag, Handle< PROD > &result) const
Definition: Event.h:356
std::vector< l1extra::L1MuonParticleRef > firedL1Muons_
contains the vector of references to fired L1 candidates
HLTMuonL2ToL1Map::~HLTMuonL2ToL1Map ( )

Definition at line 38 of file HLTMuonL2ToL1Map.h.

38  {
39  }

Member Function Documentation

std::string HLTMuonL2ToL1Map::getL1Keys ( reco::TrackRef l2muon)

returns the indices of L1 seeds

Definition at line 55 of file HLTMuonL2ToL1Map.h.

References i, and edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::size().

Referenced by HLTMuonL2PreFilter::hltFilter().

55  {
56  std::ostringstream ss;
57  const edm::RefVector<L2MuonTrajectorySeedCollection>& seeds = (*seedMapHandle_)[l2muon->seedRef().castTo<edm::Ref<L2MuonTrajectorySeedCollection> >()];
58  for(size_t i=0; i<seeds.size(); i++){
59  ss<<seeds[i]->l1Particle().key()<<" ";
60  }
61  return ss.str();
62  }
int i
size_type size() const
Size of the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:89
bool HLTMuonL2ToL1Map::isTriggeredByL1 ( reco::TrackRef l2muon)

checks if a L2 muon was seeded by a fired L1

Definition at line 42 of file HLTMuonL2ToL1Map.h.

References spr::find(), firedL1Muons_, i, and edm::RefVector< C, T, F >::size().

Referenced by HLTMuonDimuonL2Filter::hltFilter(), and HLTMuonL2PreFilter::hltFilter().

42  {
43  bool isTriggered = false;
44  const edm::RefVector<L2MuonTrajectorySeedCollection>& seeds = (*seedMapHandle_)[l2muon->seedRef().castTo<edm::Ref<L2MuonTrajectorySeedCollection> >()];
45  for(size_t i=0; i<seeds.size(); i++){
46  if(find(firedL1Muons_.begin(), firedL1Muons_.end(), seeds[i]->l1Particle()) != firedL1Muons_.end()){
47  isTriggered = true;
48  break;
49  }
50  }
51  return isTriggered;
52  }
int i
void find(edm::Handle< EcalRecHitCollection > &hits, DetId thisDet, std::vector< EcalRecHitCollection::const_iterator > &hit, bool debug=false)
std::vector< l1extra::L1MuonParticleRef > firedL1Muons_
contains the vector of references to fired L1 candidates
size_type size() const
Size of the RefVector.
Definition: RefVector.h:89

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<l1extra::L1MuonParticleRef> HLTMuonL2ToL1Map::firedL1Muons_

contains the vector of references to fired L1 candidates

Definition at line 66 of file HLTMuonL2ToL1Map.h.

Referenced by HLTMuonL2ToL1Map(), and isTriggeredByL1().

edm::Handle<SeedMap> HLTMuonL2ToL1Map::seedMapHandle_

containes the map from a L2 seed to its sister seeds the track of which has been cleaned

Definition at line 69 of file HLTMuonL2ToL1Map.h.

Referenced by HLTMuonL2ToL1Map().