1 #ifndef JPTJetAnalyzer_H
2 #define JPTJetAnalyzer_H
33 namespace jptJetAnalysis {
78 HistogramConfig(
const unsigned int theNBins,
const double theMin,
const double theMax);
79 HistogramConfig(
const unsigned int theNBinsX,
const double theMinX,
const double theMaxX,
80 const unsigned int theNBinsY,
const double theMinY,
const double theMaxY);
165 std::auto_ptr<reco::helper::JetIDHelper>
194 if (histogram) histogram->
199 if (histogram) histogram->
MonitorElement * NTracksPerJetHisto_
virtual ~JPTJetAnalyzer()
DQMStore * dqm_
DQMStore. Used to write out to file.
Helper class for grouping histograms belowing to a set of tracks.
MonitorElement * NTracksPerJetVsJetEtHisto_
void fillTrackHistograms(TrackHistograms &allTracksHistos, TrackHistograms &inCaloInVertexHistos, TrackHistograms &inCaloOutVertexHistos, TrackHistograms &outCaloInVertexHistos, const reco::TrackRefVector &inVertexInCalo, const reco::TrackRefVector &outVertexInCalo, const reco::TrackRefVector &inVertexOutCalo, const reco::Jet &rawJet)
Fill all track histograms.
TrackHistograms inCaloInVertexPionHistograms_
std::vector< JPTJet > JPTJetCollection
collection of CaloJet objects
Helper class to hold the configuration for a histogram.
Base class for all types of Jets.
TrackHistograms allElectronHistograms_
void analyze(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &eventSetup, const reco::JPTJet &jptJet, double &pt1, double &pt2, double &pt3, const int numPV)
Do the analysis.
std::auto_ptr< jptJetAnalysis::StripSignalOverNoiseCalculator > sOverNCalculator_
Helper object to calculate strip SoN for tracks.
TrackHistograms inCaloOutVertexMuonHistograms_
const bool verbose_
Create verbose debug messages.
TrackHistograms outCaloInVertexMuonHistograms_
MonitorElement * InVertexTrackImpactPointJetDRHisto_
std::auto_ptr< reco::helper::JetIDHelper > jetID_
Helper object to calculate jet ID parameters.
TrackHistograms inCaloInVertexMuonHistograms_
MonitorElement * JetDeltaPhi_
void fillSiStripHitSoN(const TrackingRecHit &hit)
MonitorElement * InCaloTrackDirectionJetDRHisto_
JPTJetAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet &config)
void bookTrackHistograms(TrackHistograms *histos, const std::string &tag, const std::string &titleTag, MonitorElement *trackDirectionJetDRHisto, MonitorElement *trackImpactPointJetDRHisto, DQMStore *dqm)
Book the histograms for a track.
TrackHistograms inCaloOutVertexElectronHistograms_
static const char * messageLoggerCatregory
String constant for message logger category.
void getConfigForHistogram(const std::string &configName, const edm::ParameterSet &psetContainingConfigPSet, std::ostringstream *pDebugStream=NULL)
Load the config for a hitogram.
MonitorElement * bookProfile(const std::string &name, const std::string &title, const std::string &xAxisTitle, const std::string &yAxisTitle, DQMStore *dqm)
MonitorElement * book2DHistogram(const std::string &name, const std::string &title, const std::string &xAxisTitle, const std::string &yAxisTitle, DQMStore *dqm)
MonitorElement * ptVsEtaHisto
Jets made from CaloJets corrected for ZSP and tracks.
void bookHistograms(DQMStore *dqm)
Book all histograms.
void fillHistogram(MonitorElement *histogram, const double value)
Fill histogram or profile if it has been booked.
std::auto_ptr< jptJetAnalysis::TrackPropagatorToCalo > trackPropagator_
Helper object to propagate tracks to the calo surface.
MonitorElement * OutCaloTrackDirectionJetDRHisto_
How EventSelector::AcceptEvent() decides whether to accept an event for output otherwise it is excluding the probing of A single or multiple positive and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are PASS or EXCEPTION[A criterion thatmatches no triggers at all is detected and causes a throw.] A single negative with an expectation of appropriate bit checking in the decision and the trigger will pass if any such matching triggers are FAIL or EXCEPTION A wildcarded negative criterion that matches more than one trigger in the trigger but the state exists so we define the behavior If all triggers are the negative crieriion will lead to accepting the event(this again matches the behavior of"!*"before the partial wildcard feature was incorporated).The per-event"cost"of each negative criterion with multiple relevant triggers is about the same as!*was in the past
std::map< std::string, HistogramConfig > histogramConfig_
Histogram configuration (nBins etc)
TrackHistograms outCaloInVertexPionHistograms_
MonitorElement * JetPhiVsEta_
TrackHistograms outCaloInVertexElectronHistograms_
virtual void endJob()
Finish up a job.
MonitorElement * trackImpactPointJetDRHisto
TrackHistograms allMuonHistograms_
const double correctedPtMin_
TrackHistograms inCaloInVertexElectronHistograms_
MonitorElement * NTracksPerJetVsJetEtaHisto_
TrackHistograms allPionHistograms_
Particles matched to tracks that are in/in, in/out, out/in at Vertex and CaloFace.
Jet energy correction algorithm using tracks.
TrackHistograms inCaloOutVertexPionHistograms_
void getConfigForTrackHistograms(const std::string &tag, const edm::ParameterSet &psetContainingConfigPSet, std::ostringstream *pDebugStream=NULL)
Load the configs for histograms associated with a set of tracks.
static double findPtFractionInCone(const reco::TrackRefVector &inConeTracks, const reco::TrackRefVector &outOfConeTracks)
Utility function to calculate the fraction of track Pt in cone.
JPT jet analyzer class definition.
MonitorElement * bookHistogram(const std::string &name, const std::string &title, const std::string &xAxisTitle, DQMStore *dqm)
Book histograms and profiles.
void beginJob(DQMStore *dbe)
Inizialize parameters for histo binning.
MonitorElement * JetDeltaEta_
MonitorElement * trackDirectionJetDRHisto
MonitorElement * nTracksHisto
std::string dqmStoreFileName_
DQM store file name.
const std::string histogramPath_
Path of directory used to store histograms in DQMStore.
const int n90HitsMin_
Jet ID cuts.
MonitorElement * OutVertexTrackImpactPointJetDRHisto_
const bool writeDQMStore_
Write DQM store to a file?
MonitorElement * phiHisto
MonitorElement * etaHisto
void fillSiStripSoNForTracks(const reco::TrackRefVector &tracks)
Fill the SoN hisotgram for hits on tracks.