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HFShowerParam Class Reference

#include <HFShowerParam.h>

List of all members.


struct  Hit

Public Member Functions

std::vector< HitgetHits (G4Step *aStep)
 HFShowerParam (std::string &name, const DDCompactView &cpv, edm::ParameterSet const &p)
void initRun (G4ParticleTable *)
virtual ~HFShowerParam ()

Private Member Functions

std::vector< double > getDDDArray (const std::string &, const DDsvalues_type &)

Private Attributes

bool applyFidCut
double attLMeanInv
double edMin
TH2F * em_2d_1
TH2F * em_2d_2
TH1F * em_lateral_1
TH1F * em_lateral_2
TH1F * em_long_1
TH1F * em_long_1_tuned
TH1F * em_long_2
TH1F * em_long_gflash
TH1F * em_long_sl
G4int emPDG
G4int epPDG
bool fillHisto
G4int gammaPDG
std::vector< double > gpar
TH1F * hzv
bool onlyLong
bool parametrizeLast
double pePerGeV
double ref_index
bool trackEM

Detailed Description

Definition at line 26 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HFShowerParam::HFShowerParam ( std::string &  name,
const DDCompactView cpv,
edm::ParameterSet const &  p 

Definition at line 28 of file

References DDFilteredView::addFilter(), applyFidCut, HFFibre::attLength(), attLMeanInv, edMin, em_2d_1, em_2d_2, em_lateral_1, em_lateral_2, em_long_1, em_long_1_tuned, em_long_2, em_long_gflash, em_long_sl, DDSpecificsFilter::equals, Exception, fibre, fillHisto, alcazmumu_cfi::filter, DDFilteredView::firstChild(), getDDDArray(), edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), gflash, gpar, hzv, edm::Service< T >::isAvailable(), LogDebug, TFileDirectory::make(), DDFilteredView::mergedSpecifics(), mergeVDriftHistosByStation::name, onlyLong, parametrizeLast, pePerGeV, ref_index, DDSpecificsFilter::setCriteria(), showerLibrary, trackEM, and relativeConstraints::value.

                                                        : showerLibrary(0), 
                                                            fibre(0), gflash(0),
                                                            fillHisto(false) { 
  edm::ParameterSet m_HF  = p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("HFShower");
  pePerGeV                = m_HF.getParameter<double>("PEPerGeV");
  trackEM                 = m_HF.getParameter<bool>("TrackEM");
  bool useShowerLibrary   = m_HF.getParameter<bool>("UseShowerLibrary");
  bool useGflash          = m_HF.getParameter<bool>("UseHFGflash");
  edMin                   = m_HF.getParameter<double>("EminLibrary");
  onlyLong                = m_HF.getParameter<bool>("OnlyLong");
  ref_index               = m_HF.getParameter<double>("RefIndex");
  double lambdaMean       = m_HF.getParameter<double>("LambdaMean");
  applyFidCut             = m_HF.getParameter<bool>("ApplyFiducialCut");
  parametrizeLast         = m_HF.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("ParametrizeLast",false);
  edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam::Use of shower library is set to "
                           << useShowerLibrary << " Use of Gflash is set to "
                           << useGflash << " P.E. per GeV " << pePerGeV
                           << ", ref. index of fibre " << ref_index 
                           << ", Track EM Flag " << trackEM << ", edMin "
                           << edMin << " GeV, use of Short fibre info in"
                           << " shower library set to " << !(onlyLong)
                           << ", use of parametrization for last part set to "
                           << parametrizeLast << ", Mean lambda " << lambdaMean
                           << ", Application of Fiducial Cut " << applyFidCut;

#ifdef DebugLog
  edm::Service<TFileService> tfile;
  if (tfile.isAvailable()) {
    fillHisto = true;
    LogDebug("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam::Save histos in directory "
                         << "ProfileFromParam";
    TFileDirectory showerDir = tfile->mkdir("ProfileFromParam");
    hzv             = showerDir.make<TH1F>("hzv","Longitudinal Profile;Radiation Length;Number of Spots",330,0.0,1650.0);
    em_2d_1         = showerDir.make<TH2F>("em_2d_1","Lateral Profile vs. Shower Depth;cm;Events",800,800.0,1600.0,100,50.0,150.0);
    em_long_1       = showerDir.make<TH1F>("em_long_1","Longitudinal Profile;Radiation Length;Number of Spots",800,800.0,1600.0);
    em_long_1_tuned = showerDir.make<TH1F>("em_long_1_tuned","Longitudinal Profile;Radiation Length;Number of Spots",800,800.0,1600.0);
    em_lateral_1    = showerDir.make<TH1F>("em_lateral_1","Lateral Profile;cm;Events",100,50.0,150.0);
    em_2d_2         = showerDir.make<TH2F>("em_2d_2","Lateral Profile vs. Shower Depth;cm;Events",800,800.0,1600.0,100,50.0,150.0);
    em_long_2       = showerDir.make<TH1F>("em_long_2","Longitudinal Profile;Radiation Length;Number of Spots",800,800.0,1600.0);
    em_lateral_2    = showerDir.make<TH1F>("em_lateral_2","Lateral Profile;cm;Events",100,50.0,150.0);
    em_long_gflash  = showerDir.make<TH1F>("em_long_gflash","Longitudinal Profile From GFlash;cm;Number of Spots",800,800.0,1600.0);
    em_long_sl      = showerDir.make<TH1F>("em_long_sl","Longitudinal Profile From Shower Library;cm;Number of Spots",800,800.0,1600.0);
  } else {
    fillHisto = false;
    LogDebug("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam::No file is available for "
                         << "saving histos so the flag is set to false";
  G4String attribute = "ReadOutName";
  G4String value     = name;
  DDSpecificsFilter filter;
  DDValue           ddv(attribute,value,0);
  DDFilteredView fv(cpv);
  bool dodet = fv.firstChild();
  if (dodet) {
    DDsvalues_type sv(fv.mergedSpecifics());
    //Special Geometry parameters
    gpar      = getDDDArray("gparHF",sv);
    edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam: " <<gpar.size() <<" gpar (cm)";
    for (unsigned int ig=0; ig<gpar.size(); ig++)
      edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam: gpar[" << ig << "] = "
                               << gpar[ig]/cm << " cm";
  } else {
    edm::LogError("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam: cannot get filtered "
                              << " view for " << attribute << " matching " << name;
    throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "HFShowerParam") << "cannot match " << attribute
                                                     << " to " << name <<"\n";
  if (useShowerLibrary) showerLibrary = new HFShowerLibrary(name, cpv, p);
  if (useGflash)        gflash        = new HFGflash(p);
  fibre = new HFFibre(name, cpv, p);
  attLMeanInv = fibre->attLength(lambdaMean);
  edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "att. length used for (lambda=" << lambdaMean
                           << ") = " << 1/(attLMeanInv*cm) << " cm";
HFShowerParam::~HFShowerParam ( ) [virtual]

Definition at line 109 of file

References fibre, gflash, and showerLibrary.

  if (fibre)         delete fibre;
  if (gflash)        delete gflash;
  if (showerLibrary) delete showerLibrary;

Member Function Documentation

std::vector< double > HFShowerParam::getDDDArray ( const std::string &  str,
const DDsvalues_type sv 
) [private]

Definition at line 368 of file

References DDfetch(), DDValue::doubles(), Exception, LogDebug, and relativeConstraints::value.

Referenced by HFShowerParam().

#ifdef DebugLog
  LogDebug("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam:getDDDArray called for " << str;
  DDValue value(str);
  if (DDfetch(&sv,value))
#ifdef DebugLog
    LogDebug("HFShower") << value;
    const std::vector<double> & fvec = value.doubles();
    int nval = fvec.size();
    if (nval < 2) {
      edm::LogError("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam : # of " << str 
                                << " bins " << nval << " < 2 ==> illegal";
      throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "HFShowerParam") << "nval < 2 for array "
                                                       << str << "\n";
    return fvec;
  } else {
    edm::LogError("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam : cannot get array " << str;
    throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "HFShowerParam")  << "cannot get array "
                                                      << str << "\n";
std::vector< HFShowerParam::Hit > HFShowerParam::getHits ( G4Step *  aStep)

Definition at line 126 of file

References abs, applyFidCut, attLMeanInv, gather_cfg::cout, HFShowerParam::Hit::depth, HFShowerParam::Hit::edep, edMin, em_2d_1, em_2d_2, em_lateral_1, em_lateral_2, em_long_1, em_long_2, em_long_gflash, em_long_sl, emPDG, epPDG, create_public_lumi_plots::exp, fibre, fillHisto, gammaPDG, HFShowerLibrary::getHits(), GetVolume(), gflash, HFGflash::gfParameterization(), gpar, hzv, i, convertSQLiteXML::ok, onlyLong, parametrizeLast, scaleCards::path, pePerGeV, HFFibreFiducial::PMTNumber(), HFShowerParam::Hit::position, position, funct::pow(), diffTwoXMLs::r1, ref_index, alignCSCRings::s, showerLibrary, mathSSE::sqrt(), HFShowerParam::Hit::time, cond::rpcobgas::time, trackEM, HFFibre::tShift(), and HFFibre::zShift().

Referenced by HCalSD::getFromParam().

  G4StepPoint * preStepPoint  = aStep->GetPreStepPoint(); 
  G4Track *     track    = aStep->GetTrack();   
  G4ThreeVector hitPoint = preStepPoint->GetPosition();   
  G4int         particleCode = track->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
  double        zv = std::abs(hitPoint.z()) - gpar[4] - 0.5*gpar[1];
  G4ThreeVector localPoint = G4ThreeVector(hitPoint.x(),hitPoint.y(),zv);

  double pin    = (preStepPoint->GetTotalEnergy())/GeV;
  double zint   = hitPoint.z(); 
  double zz     = std::abs(zint) - gpar[4];

#ifdef DebugLog
  edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam: getHits " 
                           << track->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
                           << " of energy " << pin << " GeV" 
                           << " Pos x,y,z = " << hitPoint.x() << "," 
                           << hitPoint.y() << "," << zint << " (" << zz << ","
                           << localPoint.z() << ", " 
                           << (localPoint.z()+0.5*gpar[1]) << ") Local " 
                           << localPoint;
  std::vector<HFShowerParam::Hit> hits;
  HFShowerParam::Hit hit;
  hit.position = hitPoint;

  // look for other charged particles
  bool   other = false;
  double pBeta = track->GetDynamicParticle()->GetTotalMomentum() / track->GetDynamicParticle()->GetTotalEnergy();
  if (particleCode != emPDG && particleCode != epPDG && particleCode != gammaPDG ) {
    if (track->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge() != 0 && pBeta > (1/ref_index) &&
        aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() > 0) other = true;

  // take only e+-/gamma/or special particles
  if (particleCode == emPDG || particleCode == epPDG ||
      particleCode == gammaPDG || other) {
    // Leave out the last part
    double edep = 0.;
    bool   kill = false;
    if ((!trackEM) && ((zz<(gpar[1]-gpar[2])) || parametrizeLast) && (!other)){
      edep = pin;
      kill = true;
    } else if (track->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge() != 0 && 
               pBeta > (1/ref_index)) {
      edep = (aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit())/GeV;
    std::string path = "ShowerLibrary";
#ifdef DebugLog
    edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam: getHits edep = " << edep
                             << ", Kill = " << kill << ", pin = " << pin 
                             << ", edMin = " << edMin << " Other " << other;
    if (edep > 0) {
      if ((showerLibrary || gflash) && kill && pin > edMin && (!other)) {
        if (showerLibrary) {
          std::vector<HFShowerLibrary::Hit> hitSL = showerLibrary->getHits(aStep,kill,onlyLong);
          for (unsigned int i=0; i<hitSL.size(); i++) {
            bool ok = true;
#ifdef DebugLog
            edm::LogInfo("HFShower")<<"HFShowerParam: getHits applyFidCut = "<<applyFidCut;
            if (applyFidCut) { // @@ For showerlibrary no z-cut for Short (no z)
              int npmt = HFFibreFiducial:: PMTNumber(hitSL[i].position);
              if (npmt <= 0) ok = false;
            if (ok) {
              hit.position = hitSL[i].position;
              hit.depth    = hitSL[i].depth;
              hit.time     = hitSL[i].time;
              hit.edep     = 1;
#ifdef DebugLog
              if (fillHisto) {
                double sq = sqrt(pow(hit.position.x()/cm,2)+pow(hit.position.y()/cm,2));
                double zp = hit.position.z()/cm;
                if (hit.depth == 1) {
                  em_2d_1->Fill(zp, sq);  
                } else if (hit.depth == 2) {
                  em_2d_2->Fill(zp, sq);
              edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam: Hit at depth " 
                                       << hit.depth << " with edep " << hit.edep
                                       << " Time " << hit.time;
        } else { // GFlash clusters with known z
          std::vector<HFGflash::Hit>hitSL=gflash->gfParameterization(aStep,kill, onlyLong);
          for (unsigned int i=0; i<hitSL.size(); ++i) {
            bool ok = true;
            G4ThreeVector pe_effect(hitSL[i].position.x(), hitSL[i].position.y(),
            double zv  = std::abs(pe_effect.z()) - gpar[4];
            int depth    = 1;
            int npmt     = 0;
            if (zv < 0. || zv > gpar[1]) {
#ifdef mkdebug
              ok = false;
            if (ok && applyFidCut) {
              npmt = HFFibreFiducial:: PMTNumber(pe_effect);
#ifdef DebugLog
              edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam::getHits:#PMT= "
                                       << npmt << ",z = " << zv;
              if (npmt <= 0) {
#ifdef DebugLog
                edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "-#PMT=0 cut-HFShowerParam::"
                                         << "getHits: npmt = " << npmt;
                ok = false;
              } else if (npmt > 24) { // a short fibre
                if    (zv > gpar[0]) {
                  depth = 2; 
                } else {
#ifdef DebugLog
                  edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "-SHORT cut-HFShowerParam::"
                                           << "getHits:zMin=" << gpar[0];
                  ok = false;
#ifdef DebugLog
              edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam: npmt " << npmt 
                                       << " zv " << std::abs(pe_effect.z()) 
                                       << ":" << gpar[4] << ":" << zv << ":" 
                                       << gpar[0] << " ok " << ok << " depth "
                                       << depth;
            } else {
              if (G4UniformRand() > 0.5) depth = 2;
              if (depth == 2 && zv < gpar[0]) ok = false;
            double dist = fibre->zShift(localPoint,depth,0); // distance to PMT
            double r1   = G4UniformRand();
#ifdef DebugLog
            edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam:Distance to PMT (" <<npmt
                                     << ") " << dist << ", exclusion flag " 
                                     << (r1 > exp(-attLMeanInv*zv));
            if (r1 > exp(-attLMeanInv*dist)) ok = false;
            if (ok) {
              double time = fibre->tShift(localPoint,depth,0); //remaining part

              hit.position = hitSL[i].position;
              hit.depth    = depth;
              hit.time     = time + hitSL[i].time;
              hit.edep     = 1;
#ifdef DebugLog
              if (fillHisto) {
                em_long_gflash->Fill(pe_effect.z()/cm, hitSL[i].edep);
                double sq = sqrt(pow(hit.position.x()/cm,2)+pow(hit.position.y()/cm,2));
                double zp = hit.position.z()/cm;
                if (hit.depth == 1) {
                  em_2d_1->Fill(zp, sq);
                } else if (hit.depth == 2) {
                  em_2d_2->Fill(zp, sq);
              edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam: Hit at depth " 
                                       << hit.depth << " with edep " 
                                       << hit.edep << " Time "  << hit.time;
      } else {
        path          = "Rest";
        edep         *= pePerGeV;
        double tSlice = (aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetGlobalTime());
        double time   = fibre->tShift(localPoint,1,0); // remaining part
        hit.depth     = 1;
        hit.time      = tSlice+time;
        hit.edep      = edep;
#ifdef DebugLog
        edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam: Hit at depth 1 with edep " 
                                 << edep << " Time " << tSlice << ":" << time
                                 << ":" << hit.time;
        if (zz >= gpar[0]) {
          time      = fibre->tShift(localPoint,2,0);
          hit.depth = 2;
          hit.time  = tSlice+time;
#ifdef DebugLog
          edm::LogInfo("HFShower") <<"HFShowerParam: Hit at depth 2 with edep "
                                   << edep << " Time " << tSlice << ":" << time
                                   << hit.time;
#ifdef DebugLog
      for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<hits.size(); ++ii) {
        double zv = std::abs(hits[ii].position.z());
        if (zv > 12790) edm::LogInfo("HFShower")<< "HFShowerParam: Abnormal hit along " 
                                                << path << " in " 
                                                << preStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume()->GetName()
                                                << " at " << hits[ii].position << " zz " 
                                                << zv << " Edep " << edep << " due to " 
                                                << " time " << hit.time;
      if (kill) {
        G4TrackVector tv = *(aStep->GetSecondary());
        for (unsigned int kk=0; kk<tv.size(); ++kk) {
          if (tv[kk]->GetVolume() == preStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume())
#ifdef DebugLog
      edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam: getHits kill (" << kill
                               << ") track " << track->GetTrackID() 
                               << " at " << hitPoint
                               << " and deposit " << edep << " " << hits.size()
                               << " times" << " ZZ " << zz << " " << gpar[0];
  return hits;
void HFShowerParam::initRun ( G4ParticleTable *  theParticleTable)

Definition at line 115 of file

References emPDG, epPDG, gammaPDG, HFShowerLibrary::initRun(), and showerLibrary.

Referenced by HCalSD::initRun().

  emPDG = theParticleTable->FindParticle("e-")->GetPDGEncoding();
  epPDG = theParticleTable->FindParticle("e+")->GetPDGEncoding();
  gammaPDG = theParticleTable->FindParticle("gamma")->GetPDGEncoding();
#ifdef DebugLog
  edm::LogInfo("HFShower") << "HFShowerParam: Particle code for e- = " << emPDG
                           << " for e+ = " << epPDG << " for gamma = " << gammaPDG;
  if (showerLibrary) showerLibrary->initRun(theParticleTable);

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 55 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

double HFShowerParam::attLMeanInv [private]

Definition at line 54 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

double HFShowerParam::edMin [private]

Definition at line 54 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

TH2F* HFShowerParam::em_2d_1 [private]

Definition at line 61 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

TH2F * HFShowerParam::em_2d_2 [private]

Definition at line 61 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

TH1F * HFShowerParam::em_lateral_1 [private]

Definition at line 59 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

TH1F * HFShowerParam::em_lateral_2 [private]

Definition at line 59 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

TH1F* HFShowerParam::em_long_1 [private]

Definition at line 59 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

Definition at line 60 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by HFShowerParam().

TH1F * HFShowerParam::em_long_2 [private]

Definition at line 59 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

Definition at line 60 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

TH1F * HFShowerParam::em_long_sl [private]

Definition at line 60 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

G4int HFShowerParam::emPDG [private]

Definition at line 56 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and initRun().

G4int HFShowerParam::epPDG [private]

Definition at line 56 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and initRun().

Definition at line 52 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), HFShowerParam(), and ~HFShowerParam().

bool HFShowerParam::fillHisto [private]

Definition at line 58 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

G4int HFShowerParam::gammaPDG [private]

Definition at line 56 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and initRun().

Definition at line 53 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), HFShowerParam(), and ~HFShowerParam().

std::vector<double> HFShowerParam::gpar [private]

Definition at line 57 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

TH1F* HFShowerParam::hzv [private]

Definition at line 60 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

bool HFShowerParam::onlyLong [private]

Definition at line 55 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

Definition at line 55 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

double HFShowerParam::pePerGeV [private]

Definition at line 54 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

double HFShowerParam::ref_index [private]

Definition at line 54 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().

Definition at line 51 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), HFShowerParam(), initRun(), and ~HFShowerParam().

bool HFShowerParam::trackEM [private]

Definition at line 55 of file HFShowerParam.h.

Referenced by getHits(), and HFShowerParam().