00006 #include "SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/HCalSD.h"
00007 #include "SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/HcalTestNumberingScheme.h"
00008 #include "SimG4Core/Notification/interface/TrackInformation.h"
00009 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h"
00010 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDFilter.h"
00011 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDFilteredView.h"
00012 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDLogicalPart.h"
00013 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDMaterial.h"
00014 #include "DetectorDescription/Core/interface/DDValue.h"
00015 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
00017 #include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
00018 #include "CommonTools/UtilAlgos/interface/TFileService.h"
00020 #include "G4LogicalVolumeStore.hh"
00021 #include "G4LogicalVolume.hh"
00022 #include "G4Step.hh"
00023 #include "G4Track.hh"
00024 #include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
00026 #include <iostream>
00027 #include <fstream>
00028 #include <iomanip>
00032 HCalSD::HCalSD(G4String name, const DDCompactView & cpv,
00033 SensitiveDetectorCatalog & clg,
00034 edm::ParameterSet const & p, const SimTrackManager* manager) :
00035 CaloSD(name, cpv, clg, p, manager,
00036 p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("HCalSD").getParameter<int>("TimeSliceUnit"),
00037 p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("HCalSD").getParameter<bool>("IgnoreTrackID")),
00038 numberingFromDDD(0), numberingScheme(0), showerLibrary(0), hfshower(0),
00039 showerParam(0), showerPMT(0), showerBundle(0) {
00047 edm::ParameterSet m_HC = p.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("HCalSD");
00048 useBirk = m_HC.getParameter<bool>("UseBirkLaw");
00049 birk1 = m_HC.getParameter<double>("BirkC1")*(g/(MeV*cm2));
00050 birk2 = m_HC.getParameter<double>("BirkC2");
00051 birk3 = m_HC.getParameter<double>("BirkC3");
00052 useShowerLibrary = m_HC.getParameter<bool>("UseShowerLibrary");
00053 useParam = m_HC.getParameter<bool>("UseParametrize");
00054 bool testNumber = m_HC.getParameter<bool>("TestNumberingScheme");
00055 usePMTHit = m_HC.getParameter<bool>("UsePMTHits");
00056 betaThr = m_HC.getParameter<double>("BetaThreshold");
00057 eminHitHB = m_HC.getParameter<double>("EminHitHB")*MeV;
00058 eminHitHE = m_HC.getParameter<double>("EminHitHE")*MeV;
00059 eminHitHO = m_HC.getParameter<double>("EminHitHO")*MeV;
00060 eminHitHF = m_HC.getParameter<double>("EminHitHF")*MeV;
00061 useFibreBundle = m_HC.getParameter<bool>("UseFibreBundleHits");
00062 useHF = m_HC.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("UseHF",true);
00063 bool forTBH2 = m_HC.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("ForTBH2",false);
00064 useLayerWt = m_HC.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("UseLayerWt",false);
00065 std::string file = m_HC.getUntrackedParameter<std::string>("WtFile","None");
00067 #ifdef DebugLog
00068 LogDebug("HcalSim") << "***************************************************"
00069 << "\n"
00070 << "* *"
00071 << "\n"
00072 << "* Constructing a HCalSD with name " << name << "\n"
00073 << "* *"
00074 << "\n"
00075 << "***************************************************";
00076 #endif
00077 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD:: Use of HF code is set to " << useHF
00078 << "\nUse of shower parametrization set to "
00079 << useParam << "\nUse of shower library is set to "
00080 << useShowerLibrary << "\nUse PMT Hit is set to "
00081 << usePMTHit << " with beta Threshold "<< betaThr
00082 << "\nUSe of FibreBundle Hit set to "<<useFibreBundle
00083 << "\n Use of Birks law is set to "
00084 << useBirk << " with three constants kB = "
00085 << birk1 << ", C1 = " << birk2 << ", C2 = " << birk3;
00086 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD:: Suppression Flag " << suppressHeavy
00087 << " protons below " << kmaxProton << " MeV,"
00088 << " neutrons below " << kmaxNeutron << " MeV and"
00089 << " ions below " << kmaxIon << " MeV\n"
00090 << " Threshold for storing hits in HB: "
00091 << eminHitHB << " HE: " << eminHitHE << " HO: "
00092 << eminHitHO << " HF: " << eminHitHF;
00094 numberingFromDDD = new HcalNumberingFromDDD(name, cpv);
00095 HcalNumberingScheme* scheme;
00096 if (testNumber || forTBH2)
00097 scheme = dynamic_cast<HcalNumberingScheme*>(new HcalTestNumberingScheme(forTBH2));
00098 else
00099 scheme = new HcalNumberingScheme();
00100 setNumberingScheme(scheme);
00102 const G4LogicalVolumeStore * lvs = G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance();
00103 std::vector<G4LogicalVolume *>::const_iterator lvcite;
00104 G4LogicalVolume* lv;
00105 std::string attribute, value;
00106 if (useHF) {
00107 if (useParam) {
00108 showerParam = new HFShowerParam(name, cpv, p);
00109 } else {
00110 if (useShowerLibrary) showerLibrary = new HFShowerLibrary(name, cpv, p);
00111 hfshower = new HFShower(name, cpv, p, 0);
00112 }
00115 attribute = "Volume";
00116 value = "HF";
00117 DDSpecificsFilter filter0;
00118 DDValue ddv0(attribute, value, 0);
00119 filter0.setCriteria(ddv0, DDSpecificsFilter::equals);
00120 DDFilteredView fv0(cpv);
00121 fv0.addFilter(filter0);
00122 hfNames = getNames(fv0);
00123 fv0.firstChild();
00124 DDsvalues_type sv0(fv0.mergedSpecifics());
00125 std::vector<double> temp = getDDDArray("Levels",sv0);
00126 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: Names to be tested for " << attribute
00127 << " = " << value << " has " << hfNames.size() << " elements";
00128 for (unsigned int i=0; i < hfNames.size(); ++i) {
00129 G4String namv = hfNames[i];
00130 lv = 0;
00131 for(lvcite=lvs->begin(); lvcite!=lvs->end(); lvcite++)
00132 if((*lvcite)->GetName()==namv) {
00133 lv = (*lvcite);
00134 break;
00135 }
00136 hfLV.push_back(lv);
00137 int level = static_cast<int>(temp[i]);
00138 hfLevels.push_back(level);
00139 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: HF[" << i << "] = " << hfNames[i]
00140 << " LV " << hfLV[i] << " at level "
00141 << hfLevels[i];
00142 }
00145 value = "HFFibre";
00146 DDSpecificsFilter filter1;
00147 DDValue ddv1(attribute,value,0);
00148 filter1.setCriteria(ddv1, DDSpecificsFilter::equals);
00149 DDFilteredView fv1(cpv);
00150 fv1.addFilter(filter1);
00151 fibreNames = getNames(fv1);
00152 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: Names to be tested for " << attribute
00153 << " = " << value << ":";
00154 for (unsigned int i=0; i<fibreNames.size(); ++i) {
00155 G4String namv = fibreNames[i];
00156 lv = 0;
00157 for (lvcite = lvs->begin(); lvcite != lvs->end(); ++lvcite) {
00158 if ((*lvcite)->GetName() == namv) {
00159 lv = (*lvcite);
00160 break;
00161 }
00162 }
00163 fibreLV.push_back(lv);
00164 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: (" << i << ") " << fibreNames[i]
00165 << " LV " << fibreLV[i];
00166 }
00169 value = "HFPMT";
00170 DDSpecificsFilter filter3;
00171 DDValue ddv3(attribute,value,0);
00172 filter3.setCriteria(ddv3,DDSpecificsFilter::equals);
00173 DDFilteredView fv3(cpv);
00174 fv3.addFilter(filter3);
00175 std::vector<G4String> pmtNames = getNames(fv3);
00176 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: Names to be tested for " << attribute << " = "
00177 << value << " have " << pmtNames.size() << " entries";
00178 for (unsigned int i=0; i<pmtNames.size(); ++i) {
00179 G4String namv = pmtNames[i];
00180 lv = 0;
00181 for (lvcite = lvs->begin(); lvcite != lvs->end(); ++lvcite)
00182 if ((*lvcite)->GetName() == namv) {
00183 lv = (*lvcite);
00184 break;
00185 }
00186 pmtLV.push_back(lv);
00187 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: (" << i << ") " << pmtNames[i]
00188 << " LV " << pmtLV[i];
00189 }
00190 if (pmtNames.size() > 0) showerPMT = new HFShowerPMT (name, cpv, p);
00193 value = "HFFibreBundleStraight";
00194 DDSpecificsFilter filter4;
00195 DDValue ddv4(attribute,value,0);
00196 filter4.setCriteria(ddv4,DDSpecificsFilter::equals);
00197 DDFilteredView fv4(cpv);
00198 fv4.addFilter(filter4);
00199 std::vector<G4String> fibreNames = getNames(fv4);
00200 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: Names to be tested for " << attribute
00201 << " = " << value << " have " << fibreNames.size()
00202 << " entries";
00203 for (unsigned int i=0; i<fibreNames.size(); ++i) {
00204 G4String namv = fibreNames[i];
00205 lv = 0;
00206 for (lvcite = lvs->begin(); lvcite != lvs->end(); lvcite++)
00207 if ((*lvcite)->GetName() == namv) {
00208 lv = (*lvcite);
00209 break;
00210 }
00211 fibre1LV.push_back(lv);
00212 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: (" << i << ") " << fibreNames[i]
00213 << " LV " << fibre1LV[i];
00214 }
00216 value = "HFFibreBundleConical";
00217 DDSpecificsFilter filter5;
00218 DDValue ddv5(attribute,value,0);
00219 filter5.setCriteria(ddv5,DDSpecificsFilter::equals);
00220 DDFilteredView fv5(cpv);
00221 fv5.addFilter(filter5);
00222 fibreNames = getNames(fv5);
00223 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: Names to be tested for " << attribute << " = "
00224 << value << " have " << fibreNames.size() << " entries";
00225 for (unsigned int i=0; i<fibreNames.size(); ++i) {
00226 G4String namv = fibreNames[i];
00227 lv = 0;
00228 for (lvcite = lvs->begin(); lvcite != lvs->end(); ++lvcite)
00229 if ((*lvcite)->GetName() == namv) {
00230 lv = (*lvcite);
00231 break;
00232 }
00233 fibre2LV.push_back(lv);
00234 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: (" << i << ") " << fibreNames[i]
00235 << " LV " << fibre2LV[i];
00236 }
00237 if (fibre1LV.size() > 0 || fibre2LV.size() > 0)
00238 showerBundle = new HFShowerFibreBundle (name, cpv, p);
00239 }
00242 attribute = "ReadOutName";
00243 DDSpecificsFilter filter2;
00244 DDValue ddv2(attribute,name,0);
00245 filter2.setCriteria(ddv2,DDSpecificsFilter::equals);
00246 DDFilteredView fv2(cpv);
00247 fv2.addFilter(filter2);
00248 bool dodet = fv2.firstChild();
00250 DDsvalues_type sv(fv2.mergedSpecifics());
00252 layer0wt = getDDDArray("Layer0Wt",sv);
00253 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: " << layer0wt.size() << " Layer0Wt";
00254 for (unsigned int it=0; it<layer0wt.size(); ++it)
00255 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: [" << it << "] " << layer0wt[it];
00257 const G4MaterialTable * matTab = G4Material::GetMaterialTable();
00258 std::vector<G4Material*>::const_iterator matite;
00259 while (dodet) {
00260 const DDLogicalPart & log = fv2.logicalPart();
00261 G4String namx = log.name().name();
00262 if (!isItHF(namx) && !isItFibre(namx)) {
00263 bool notIn = true;
00264 for (unsigned int i=0; i<matNames.size(); ++i) {
00265 if (!strcmp(matNames[i].c_str(),log.material().name().name().c_str())){
00266 notIn = false;
00267 break;
00268 }
00269 }
00270 if (notIn) {
00271 namx = log.material().name().name();
00272 matNames.push_back(namx);
00273 G4Material* mat;
00274 for (matite = matTab->begin(); matite != matTab->end(); ++matite) {
00275 if ((*matite)->GetName() == namx) {
00276 mat = (*matite);
00277 break;
00278 }
00279 }
00280 materials.push_back(mat);
00281 }
00282 }
00283 dodet = fv2.next();
00284 }
00286 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: Material names for " << attribute
00287 << " = " << name << ":";
00288 for (unsigned int i=0; i<matNames.size(); ++i)
00289 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: (" << i << ") " << matNames[i]
00290 << " pointer " << materials[i];
00292 mumPDG = mupPDG = 0;
00294 if (useLayerWt) readWeightFromFile(file);
00296 for (int i=0; i<9; ++i) hit_[i] = time_[i]= dist_[i] = 0;
00298 #ifdef DebugLog
00299 edm::Service<TFileService> tfile;
00301 if ( tfile.isAvailable() ) {
00302 static std::string labels[9] = {"HB", "HE", "HO", "HF Absorber", "HF PMT",
00303 "HF Absorber Long", "HF Absorber Short",
00304 "HF PMT Long", "HF PMT Short"};
00305 char name[20], title[60];
00306 for (int i=0; i<9; ++i) {
00307 sprintf (title, "Hit energy in %s", labels[i].c_str());
00308 sprintf (name, "HCalSDHit%d", i);
00309 hit_[i] = tfile->make<TH1F>(name, title, 2000, 0., 2000.);
00310 sprintf (title, "Energy (MeV)");
00311 hit_[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(title);
00312 hit_[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Hits");
00313 sprintf (title, "Time of the hit in %s", labels[i].c_str());
00314 sprintf (name, "HCalSDTime%d", i);
00315 time_[i] = tfile->make<TH1F>(name, title, 2000, 0., 2000.);
00316 sprintf (title, "Time (ns)");
00317 time_[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(title);
00318 time_[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Hits");
00319 sprintf (title, "Longitudinal profile in %s", labels[i].c_str());
00320 sprintf (name, "HCalSDDist%d", i);
00321 dist_[i] = tfile->make<TH1F>(name, title, 2000, 0., 2000.);
00322 sprintf (title, "Distance (mm)");
00323 dist_[i]->GetXaxis()->SetTitle(title);
00324 dist_[i]->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Hits");
00325 }
00326 }
00327 #endif
00328 }
00330 HCalSD::~HCalSD() {
00332 if (numberingFromDDD) delete numberingFromDDD;
00333 if (numberingScheme) delete numberingScheme;
00334 if (showerLibrary) delete showerLibrary;
00335 if (hfshower) delete hfshower;
00336 if (showerParam) delete showerParam;
00337 if (showerPMT) delete showerPMT;
00338 if (showerBundle) delete showerBundle;
00339 }
00341 bool HCalSD::ProcessHits(G4Step * aStep, G4TouchableHistory * ) {
00343 NaNTrap( aStep ) ;
00345 if (aStep == NULL) {
00346 return true;
00347 } else {
00348 G4LogicalVolume* lv= aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPhysicalVolume()->GetLogicalVolume();
00349 G4String nameVolume = lv->GetName();
00350 if (isItHF(aStep)) {
00351 G4int parCode =aStep->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
00352 if (useParam) {
00353 #ifdef DebugLog
00354 LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: " << getNumberOfHits()
00355 << " hits from parametrization in " << nameVolume
00356 << " for Track " << aStep->GetTrack()->GetTrackID()
00357 <<" (" << aStep->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
00358 <<")";
00359 #endif
00360 getFromParam(aStep);
00361 #ifdef DebugLog
00362 LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: " << getNumberOfHits()
00363 << " hits afterParamS*";
00364 #endif
00365 } else {
00366 bool notaMuon = true;
00367 if (parCode == mupPDG || parCode == mumPDG ) notaMuon = false;
00368 if (useShowerLibrary && notaMuon) {
00369 #ifdef DebugLog
00370 LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: Starts shower library from "
00371 << nameVolume << " for Track "
00372 << aStep->GetTrack()->GetTrackID() << " ("
00373 <<aStep->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()<<")";
00374 #endif
00375 getFromLibrary(aStep);
00376 } else if (isItFibre(lv)) {
00377 #ifdef DebugLog
00378 LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: Hit at Fibre in " << nameVolume
00379 << " for Track "
00380 << aStep->GetTrack()->GetTrackID() <<" ("
00381 <<aStep->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()<<")";
00382 #endif
00383 hitForFibre(aStep);
00384 }
00385 }
00386 } else if (isItPMT(lv)) {
00387 #ifdef DebugLog
00388 LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: Hit from PMT parametrization from "
00389 << nameVolume << " for Track "
00390 << aStep->GetTrack()->GetTrackID() << " ("
00391 << aStep->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() << ")";
00392 #endif
00393 if (usePMTHit && showerPMT) getHitPMT(aStep);
00394 } else if (isItStraightBundle(lv) || isItConicalBundle(lv)) {
00395 #ifdef DebugLog
00396 LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: Hit from FibreBundle from "
00397 << nameVolume << " for Track "
00398 << aStep->GetTrack()->GetTrackID() << " ("
00399 << aStep->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() << ")";
00400 #endif
00401 if (useFibreBundle && showerBundle) getHitFibreBundle(aStep, isItConicalBundle(lv));
00402 } else {
00403 #ifdef DebugLog
00404 LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: Hit from standard path from "
00405 << nameVolume << " for Track "
00406 << aStep->GetTrack()->GetTrackID() << " ("
00407 << aStep->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName() << ")";
00408 #endif
00409 if (getStepInfo(aStep)) {
00410 #ifdef DebugLog
00411 if (edepositEM+edepositHAD > 0)
00412 plotProfile(aStep, aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition(),
00413 edepositEM+edepositHAD,aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetGlobalTime(),0);
00414 #endif
00415 if (hitExists() == false && edepositEM+edepositHAD>0.) currentHit = createNewHit();
00416 }
00417 }
00418 return true;
00419 }
00420 }
00422 double HCalSD::getEnergyDeposit(G4Step* aStep) {
00423 double destep = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
00424 double weight = 1;
00425 const G4VTouchable* touch = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchable();
00426 int depth = (touch->GetReplicaNumber(0))%10;
00427 int det = ((touch->GetReplicaNumber(1))/1000)-3;
00428 if (depth==0 && (det==0 || det==1)) weight = layer0wt[det];
00429 if (useLayerWt) {
00430 int lay = (touch->GetReplicaNumber(0)/10)%100 + 1;
00431 G4ThreeVector hitPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
00432 weight = layerWeight(det+3, hitPoint, depth, lay);
00433 }
00435 if (suppressHeavy) {
00436 G4Track* theTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
00437 TrackInformation * trkInfo = (TrackInformation *)(theTrack->GetUserInformation());
00438 if (trkInfo) {
00439 int pdg = theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
00440 if (!(trkInfo->isPrimary())) {
00441 double ke = theTrack->GetKineticEnergy()/MeV;
00442 if ( pdg/1000000000 == 1 && (pdg/10000)%100 > 0 &&
00443 (pdg/10)%100 > 0 && ke <kmaxIon ) weight = 0;
00444 if ((pdg == 2212) && (ke < kmaxProton)) weight = 0;
00445 if ((pdg == 2112) && (ke < kmaxNeutron)) weight = 0;
00446 #ifdef DebugLog
00447 if (weight == 0)
00448 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD:Ignore Track "
00449 << theTrack->GetTrackID() << " Type "
00450 << theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
00451 << " Kinetic Energy " << ke << " MeV";
00452 #endif
00453 }
00454 }
00455 }
00456 #ifdef DebugLog
00457 double weight0 = weight;
00458 #endif
00459 if (useBirk) {
00460 G4Material* mat = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMaterial();
00461 if (isItScintillator(mat)) weight *= getAttenuation(aStep, birk1, birk2, birk3);
00462 }
00463 double wt1 = getResponseWt(theTrack);
00464 #ifdef DebugLog
00465 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: Detector " << det+3 << " Depth " << depth
00466 << " weight " << weight0 << " " << weight << " " << wt1;
00467 #endif
00468 return weight*wt1*destep;
00469 }
00471 uint32_t HCalSD::setDetUnitId(G4Step * aStep) {
00473 G4StepPoint* preStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
00474 const G4VTouchable* touch = preStepPoint->GetTouchable();
00475 G4ThreeVector hitPoint = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
00477 int depth = (touch->GetReplicaNumber(0))%10 + 1;
00478 int lay = (touch->GetReplicaNumber(0)/10)%100 + 1;
00479 int det = (touch->GetReplicaNumber(1))/1000;
00481 return setDetUnitId (det, hitPoint, depth, lay);
00482 }
00484 void HCalSD::setNumberingScheme(HcalNumberingScheme * scheme) {
00485 if (scheme != 0) {
00486 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: updates numbering scheme for " << GetName() <<"\n";
00487 if (numberingScheme) delete numberingScheme;
00488 numberingScheme = scheme;
00489 }
00490 }
00492 void HCalSD::initRun() {
00493 G4ParticleTable * theParticleTable = G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable();
00494 G4String particleName;
00495 mumPDG = theParticleTable->FindParticle(particleName="mu-")->GetPDGEncoding();
00496 mupPDG = theParticleTable->FindParticle(particleName="mu+")->GetPDGEncoding();
00497 #ifdef DebugLog
00498 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: Particle code for mu- = " << mumPDG
00499 << " for mu+ = " << mupPDG;
00500 #endif
00501 if (showerLibrary) showerLibrary->initRun(theParticleTable);
00502 if (showerParam) showerParam->initRun(theParticleTable);
00503 if (hfshower) hfshower->initRun(theParticleTable);
00504 }
00506 bool HCalSD::filterHit(CaloG4Hit* aHit, double time) {
00507 double threshold=0;
00508 DetId theId(aHit->getUnitID());
00509 switch (theId.subdetId()) {
00510 case HcalBarrel:
00511 threshold = eminHitHB; break;
00512 case HcalEndcap:
00513 threshold = eminHitHE; break;
00514 case HcalOuter:
00515 threshold = eminHitHO; break;
00516 case HcalForward:
00517 threshold = eminHitHF; break;
00518 default:
00519 break;
00520 }
00521 return ((time <= tmaxHit) && (aHit->getEnergyDeposit() > threshold));
00522 }
00525 uint32_t HCalSD::setDetUnitId (int det, G4ThreeVector pos, int depth, int lay=1) {
00526 uint32_t id = 0;
00527 if (numberingFromDDD) {
00529 HcalNumberingFromDDD::HcalID tmp = numberingFromDDD->unitID(det, pos, depth, lay);
00531 if (numberingScheme) id = numberingScheme->getUnitID(tmp);
00532 }
00533 return id;
00534 }
00536 std::vector<double> HCalSD::getDDDArray(const std::string & str,
00537 const DDsvalues_type & sv) {
00538 #ifdef DebugLog
00539 LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HCalSD:getDDDArray called for " << str;
00540 #endif
00541 DDValue value(str);
00542 if (DDfetch(&sv,value)) {
00543 #ifdef DebugLog
00544 LogDebug("HcalSim") << value;
00545 #endif
00546 const std::vector<double> & fvec = value.doubles();
00547 int nval = fvec.size();
00548 if (nval < 1) {
00549 edm::LogError("HcalSim") << "HCalSD : # of " << str << " bins " << nval
00550 << " < 2 ==> illegal";
00551 throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "HCalSD") << "nval < 2 for array " << str << "\n";
00552 }
00554 return fvec;
00555 } else {
00556 edm::LogError("HcalSim") << "HCalSD : cannot get array " << str;
00557 throw cms::Exception("Unknown", "HCalSD") << "cannot get array " << str << "\n";
00558 }
00559 }
00561 std::vector<G4String> HCalSD::getNames(DDFilteredView& fv) {
00563 std::vector<G4String> tmp;
00564 bool dodet = fv.firstChild();
00565 while (dodet) {
00566 const DDLogicalPart & log = fv.logicalPart();
00567 bool ok = true;
00569 for (unsigned int i=0; i<tmp.size(); ++i) {
00570 if (!strcmp(tmp[i].c_str(), log.name().name().c_str())) {
00571 ok = false;
00572 break;
00573 }
00574 }
00575 if (ok) tmp.push_back(log.name().name());
00576 dodet = fv.next();
00577 }
00578 return tmp;
00579 }
00581 bool HCalSD::isItHF(G4Step * aStep) {
00582 const G4VTouchable* touch = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchable();
00583 int levels = (touch->GetHistoryDepth()) + 1;
00584 for (unsigned int it=0; it < hfNames.size(); ++it) {
00585 if (levels >= hfLevels[it]) {
00586 G4LogicalVolume* lv = touch->GetVolume(levels-hfLevels[it])->GetLogicalVolume();
00587 if (lv == hfLV[it]) return true;
00588 }
00589 }
00590 return false;
00591 }
00593 bool HCalSD::isItHF (G4String name) {
00594 std::vector<G4String>::const_iterator it = hfNames.begin();
00595 for (; it != hfNames.end(); ++it) if (name == *it) return true;
00596 return false;
00597 }
00599 bool HCalSD::isItFibre (G4LogicalVolume* lv) {
00600 std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*>::const_iterator ite = fibreLV.begin();
00601 for (; ite != fibreLV.end(); ++ite) if (lv == *ite) return true;
00602 return false;
00603 }
00605 bool HCalSD::isItFibre (G4String name) {
00606 std::vector<G4String>::const_iterator it = fibreNames.begin();
00607 for (; it != fibreNames.end(); ++it) if (name == *it) return true;
00608 return false;
00609 }
00611 bool HCalSD::isItPMT (G4LogicalVolume* lv) {
00612 std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*>::const_iterator ite = pmtLV.begin();
00613 for (; ite != pmtLV.end(); ++ite) if (lv == *ite) return true;
00614 return false;
00615 }
00617 bool HCalSD::isItStraightBundle (G4LogicalVolume* lv) {
00618 std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*>::const_iterator ite = fibre1LV.begin();
00619 for (; ite != fibre1LV.end(); ++ite) if (lv == *ite) return true;
00620 return false;
00621 }
00623 bool HCalSD::isItConicalBundle (G4LogicalVolume* lv) {
00624 std::vector<G4LogicalVolume*>::const_iterator ite = fibre2LV.begin();
00625 for (; ite != fibre2LV.end(); ++ite) if (lv == *ite) return true;
00626 return false;
00627 }
00629 bool HCalSD::isItScintillator (G4Material* mat) {
00630 std::vector<G4Material*>::const_iterator ite = materials.begin();
00631 for (; ite != materials.end(); ++ite) if (mat == *ite) return true;
00632 return false;
00633 }
00635 void HCalSD::getFromLibrary (G4Step* aStep) {
00636 preStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
00637 theTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
00638 int det = 5;
00639 bool ok;
00641 std::vector<HFShowerLibrary::Hit> hits = showerLibrary->getHits(aStep, ok);
00643 double etrack = preStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy();
00644 int primaryID = setTrackID(aStep);
00656 posGlobal = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
00657 resetForNewPrimary(posGlobal, etrack);
00659 G4int particleCode = theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
00660 if (particleCode==emPDG || particleCode==epPDG || particleCode==gammaPDG) {
00661 edepositEM = 1.*GeV;
00662 edepositHAD = 0.;
00663 } else {
00664 edepositEM = 0.;
00665 edepositHAD = 1.*GeV;
00666 }
00667 #ifdef DebugLog
00668 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD::getFromLibrary " <<hits.size()
00669 << " hits for " << GetName() << " of " << primaryID
00670 << " with " << theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
00671 << " of " << preStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy()/GeV << " GeV";
00672 #endif
00673 for (unsigned int i=0; i<hits.size(); ++i) {
00674 G4ThreeVector hitPoint = hits[i].position;
00675 int depth = hits[i].depth;
00676 double time = hits[i].time;
00677 unsigned int unitID = setDetUnitId(det, hitPoint, depth);
00678 currentID.setID(unitID, time, primaryID, 0);
00679 #ifdef DebugLog
00680 plotProfile(aStep, hitPoint, 1.0*GeV, time, depth);
00681 #endif
00684 if (currentID == previousID) {
00685 updateHit(currentHit);
00686 } else {
00687 if (!checkHit()) currentHit = createNewHit();
00688 }
00689 }
00692 if (ok) {
00693 theTrack->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
00694 G4TrackVector tv = *(aStep->GetSecondary());
00695 for (unsigned int kk=0; kk<tv.size(); ++kk)
00696 if (tv[kk]->GetVolume() == preStepPoint->GetPhysicalVolume())
00697 tv[kk]->SetTrackStatus(fStopAndKill);
00698 }
00699 }
00701 void HCalSD::hitForFibre (G4Step* aStep) {
00703 preStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
00704 theTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
00705 int primaryID = setTrackID(aStep);
00707 int det = 5;
00708 std::vector<HFShower::Hit> hits = hfshower->getHits(aStep);
00710 G4int particleCode = theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
00711 if (particleCode==emPDG || particleCode==epPDG || particleCode==gammaPDG) {
00712 edepositEM = 1.*GeV;
00713 edepositHAD = 0.;
00714 } else {
00715 edepositEM = 0.;
00716 edepositHAD = 1.*GeV;
00717 }
00719 #ifdef DebugLog
00720 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD::hitForFibre " << hits.size()
00721 << " hits for " << GetName() << " of " << primaryID
00722 << " with " << theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
00723 << " of " << preStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy()/GeV
00724 << " GeV in detector type " << det;
00725 #endif
00726 if (hits.size() > 0) {
00727 G4ThreeVector hitPoint = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
00728 for (unsigned int i=0; i<hits.size(); ++i) {
00729 G4ThreeVector hitPoint = hits[i].position;
00730 int depth = hits[i].depth;
00731 double time = hits[i].time;
00732 unsigned int unitID = setDetUnitId(det, hitPoint, depth);
00733 currentID.setID(unitID, time, primaryID, 0);
00734 #ifdef DebugLog
00735 plotProfile(aStep, hitPoint, edepositEM, time, depth);
00736 #endif
00738 if (currentID == previousID) {
00739 updateHit(currentHit);
00740 } else {
00741 posGlobal = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
00742 if (!checkHit()) currentHit = createNewHit();
00743 }
00744 }
00745 }
00746 }
00748 void HCalSD::getFromParam (G4Step* aStep) {
00749 std::vector<HFShowerParam::Hit> hits = showerParam->getHits(aStep);
00750 int nHit = static_cast<int>(hits.size());
00752 if (nHit > 0) {
00753 preStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
00754 int primaryID = setTrackID(aStep);
00756 int det = 5;
00757 #ifdef DebugLog
00758 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD::getFromParam " << nHit << " hits for "
00759 << GetName() << " of " << primaryID << " with "
00760 << aStep->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
00761 << " of " << preStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy()/GeV
00762 << " GeV in detector type " << det;
00763 #endif
00764 for (int i = 0; i<nHit; ++i) {
00765 G4ThreeVector hitPoint = hits[i].position;
00766 int depth = hits[i].depth;
00767 double time = hits[i].time;
00768 unsigned int unitID = setDetUnitId(det, hitPoint, depth);
00769 currentID.setID(unitID, time, primaryID, 0);
00770 edepositEM = hits[i].edep*GeV;
00771 edepositHAD = 0.;
00772 #ifdef DebugLog
00773 plotProfile(aStep, hitPoint, edepositEM, time, depth);
00774 #endif
00777 if (currentID == previousID) {
00778 updateHit(currentHit);
00779 } else {
00780 posGlobal = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
00781 if (!checkHit()) currentHit = createNewHit();
00782 }
00783 }
00784 }
00785 }
00787 void HCalSD::getHitPMT (G4Step * aStep) {
00789 preStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
00790 theTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
00791 double edep = showerPMT->getHits(aStep);
00793 if (edep >= 0) {
00794 double etrack = preStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy();
00795 int primaryID = 0;
00796 if (etrack >= energyCut) {
00797 primaryID = theTrack->GetTrackID();
00798 } else {
00799 primaryID = theTrack->GetParentID();
00800 if (primaryID == 0) primaryID = theTrack->GetTrackID();
00801 }
00803 posGlobal = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
00804 resetForNewPrimary(posGlobal, etrack);
00807 int det = static_cast<int>(HcalForward);
00808 G4ThreeVector hitPoint = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
00809 double rr = (hitPoint.x()*hitPoint.x() + hitPoint.y()*hitPoint.y());
00810 double phi = (rr == 0. ? 0. :atan2(hitPoint.y(),hitPoint.x()));
00811 double etaR = showerPMT->getRadius();
00812 int depth = 1;
00813 if (etaR < 0) {
00814 depth = 2;
00815 etaR =-etaR;
00816 }
00817 if (hitPoint.z() < 0) etaR =-etaR;
00818 #ifdef DebugLog
00819 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD::Hit for Detector " << det << " etaR "
00820 << etaR << " phi " << phi/deg << " depth " <<depth;
00821 #endif
00822 double time = (aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetGlobalTime());
00823 uint32_t unitID = 0;
00824 if (numberingFromDDD) {
00825 HcalNumberingFromDDD::HcalID tmp = numberingFromDDD->unitID(det,etaR,phi,
00826 depth,1);
00827 if (numberingScheme) unitID = numberingScheme->getUnitID(tmp);
00828 }
00829 currentID.setID(unitID, time, primaryID, 1);
00831 edepositHAD = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
00832 edepositEM =-edepositHAD + (edep*GeV);
00833 #ifdef DebugLog
00834 plotProfile(aStep, hitPoint, edep*GeV, time, depth);
00835 double beta = preStepPoint->GetBeta();
00836 LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HCalSD::getHitPMT 1 hit for " << GetName()
00837 << " of " << primaryID << " with "
00838 << theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
00839 << " of " << preStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy()/GeV
00840 << " GeV with velocity " << beta << " UnitID "
00841 << std::hex << unitID << std::dec;
00842 #endif
00844 if (currentID == previousID) {
00845 updateHit(currentHit);
00846 } else {
00847 if (!checkHit()) currentHit = createNewHit();
00848 }
00849 }
00850 }
00852 void HCalSD::getHitFibreBundle (G4Step* aStep, bool type) {
00853 preStepPoint = aStep->GetPreStepPoint();
00854 theTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
00855 double edep = showerBundle->getHits(aStep, type);
00857 if (edep >= 0) {
00858 double etrack = preStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy();
00859 int primaryID = 0;
00860 if (etrack >= energyCut) {
00861 primaryID = theTrack->GetTrackID();
00862 } else {
00863 primaryID = theTrack->GetParentID();
00864 if (primaryID == 0) primaryID = theTrack->GetTrackID();
00865 }
00867 posGlobal = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
00868 resetForNewPrimary(posGlobal, etrack);
00871 int det = static_cast<int>(HcalForward);
00872 G4ThreeVector hitPoint = preStepPoint->GetPosition();
00873 double rr = (hitPoint.x()*hitPoint.x() + hitPoint.y()*hitPoint.y());
00874 double phi = (rr == 0. ? 0. :atan2(hitPoint.y(),hitPoint.x()));
00875 double etaR = showerBundle->getRadius();
00876 int depth = 1;
00877 if (etaR < 0) {
00878 depth = 2;
00879 etaR =-etaR;
00880 }
00881 if (hitPoint.z() < 0) etaR =-etaR;
00882 #ifdef DebugLog
00883 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD::Hit for Detector " << det << " etaR "
00884 << etaR << " phi " << phi/deg << " depth " <<depth;
00885 #endif
00886 double time = (aStep->GetPostStepPoint()->GetGlobalTime());
00887 uint32_t unitID = 0;
00888 if (numberingFromDDD) {
00889 HcalNumberingFromDDD::HcalID tmp = numberingFromDDD->unitID(det,etaR,phi,depth,1);
00890 if (numberingScheme) unitID = numberingScheme->getUnitID(tmp);
00891 }
00892 if (type) currentID.setID(unitID, time, primaryID, 3);
00893 else currentID.setID(unitID, time, primaryID, 2);
00895 edepositHAD = aStep->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
00896 edepositEM =-edepositHAD + (edep*GeV);
00897 #ifdef DebugLog
00898 plotProfile(aStep, hitPoint, edep*GeV, time, depth);
00899 double beta = preStepPoint->GetBeta();
00900 LogDebug("HcalSim") << "HCalSD::getHitFibreBundle 1 hit for " << GetName()
00901 << " of " << primaryID << " with "
00902 << theTrack->GetDefinition()->GetParticleName()
00903 << " of " << preStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy()/GeV
00904 << " GeV with velocity " << beta << " UnitID "
00905 << std::hex << unitID << std::dec;
00906 #endif
00908 if (currentID == previousID) updateHit(currentHit);
00909 else if (!checkHit()) currentHit = createNewHit();
00910 }
00911 }
00913 int HCalSD::setTrackID (G4Step* aStep) {
00914 theTrack = aStep->GetTrack();
00916 double etrack = preStepPoint->GetKineticEnergy();
00917 TrackInformation * trkInfo = (TrackInformation *)(theTrack->GetUserInformation());
00918 int primaryID = trkInfo->getIDonCaloSurface();
00919 if (primaryID == 0) {
00920 #ifdef DebugLog
00921 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD: Problem with primaryID **** set by "
00922 << "force to TkID **** " <<theTrack->GetTrackID();
00923 #endif
00924 primaryID = theTrack->GetTrackID();
00925 }
00927 if (primaryID != previousID.trackID())
00928 resetForNewPrimary(preStepPoint->GetPosition(), etrack);
00930 return primaryID;
00931 }
00933 void HCalSD::readWeightFromFile(std::string fName) {
00935 std::ifstream infile;
00936 int entry=0;
00937 infile.open(fName.c_str(), std::ios::in);
00938 if (infile) {
00939 int det, zside, etaR, phi, lay;
00940 double wt;
00941 while (infile >> det >> zside >> etaR >> phi >> lay >> wt) {
00942 uint32_t id = HcalTestNumbering::packHcalIndex(det,zside,1,etaR,phi,lay);
00943 layerWeights.insert(std::pair<uint32_t,double>(id,wt));
00944 ++entry;
00945 #ifdef DebugLog
00946 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD::readWeightFromFile:Entry " << entry
00947 << " ID " << std::hex << id << std::dec << " ("
00948 << det << "/" << zside << "/1/" << etaR << "/"
00949 << phi << "/" << lay << ") Weight " << wt;
00950 #endif
00951 }
00952 infile.close();
00953 }
00954 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD::readWeightFromFile: reads " << entry
00955 << " weights from " << fName;
00956 if (entry <= 0) useLayerWt = false;
00957 }
00959 double HCalSD::layerWeight(int det, G4ThreeVector pos, int depth, int lay) {
00961 double wt = 1.;
00962 if (numberingFromDDD) {
00964 HcalNumberingFromDDD::HcalID tmp = numberingFromDDD->unitID(det, pos,
00965 depth, lay);
00966 uint32_t id = HcalTestNumbering::packHcalIndex(tmp.subdet, tmp.zside, 1,
00967 tmp.etaR, tmp.phis,tmp.lay);
00968 std::map<uint32_t,double>::const_iterator ite = layerWeights.find(id);
00969 if (ite != layerWeights.end()) wt = ite->second;
00970 #ifdef DebugLog
00971 edm::LogInfo("HcalSim") << "HCalSD::layerWeight: ID " << std::hex << id
00972 << std::dec << " (" << tmp.subdet << "/"
00973 << tmp.zside << "/1/" << tmp.etaR << "/"
00974 << tmp.phis << "/" << tmp.lay << ") Weight " <<wt;
00975 #endif
00976 }
00977 return wt;
00978 }
00980 void HCalSD::plotProfile(G4Step* aStep, G4ThreeVector global, double edep,
00981 double time, int id) {
00983 const G4VTouchable* touch = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchable();
00984 static G4String modName[8] = {"HEModule", "HVQF" , "HBModule", "MBAT",
00985 "MBBT" , "MBBTC", "MBBT_R1P", "MBBT_R1M"};
00986 G4ThreeVector local;
00987 bool found=false;
00988 double depth=-2000;
00989 int idx = 4;
00990 for (int n=0; n<touch->GetHistoryDepth(); ++n) {
00991 G4String name = touch->GetVolume(n)->GetName();
00992 #ifdef DebugLog
00993 LogDebug("HcalSim") << "plotProfile Depth " << n << " Name " << name;
00994 #endif
00995 for (unsigned int ii=0; ii<8; ++ii) {
00996 if (name == modName[ii]) {
00997 found = true;
00998 int dn = touch->GetHistoryDepth() - n;
00999 local = touch->GetHistory()->GetTransform(dn).TransformPoint(global);
01000 if (ii == 0) {depth = local.z() - 4006.5; idx = 1;}
01001 else if (ii == 1) {depth = local.z() + 825.0; idx = 3;}
01002 else if (ii == 2) {depth = local.x() - 1775.; idx = 0;}
01003 else {depth = local.y() + 15.; idx = 2;}
01004 break;
01005 }
01006 }
01007 if (found) break;
01008 }
01009 if (!found) depth = std::abs(global.z()) - 11500;
01010 #ifdef DebugLog
01011 LogDebug("HcalSim") << "plotProfile Found " << found << " Global " << global
01012 << " Local " << local << " depth " << depth << " ID " << id
01013 << " EDEP " << edep << " Time " << time;
01014 #endif
01015 if (hit_[idx] != 0) hit_[idx]->Fill(edep);
01016 if (time_[idx] != 0) time_[idx]->Fill(time,edep);
01017 if (dist_[idx] != 0) dist_[idx]->Fill(depth,edep);
01018 int jd = 2*idx + id - 7;
01019 if (jd >= 0 && jd < 4) {
01020 jd += 5;
01021 if (hit_[jd] != 0) hit_[jd]->Fill(edep);
01022 if (time_[jd] != 0) time_[jd]->Fill(time,edep);
01023 if (dist_[jd] != 0) dist_[jd]->Fill(depth,edep);
01024 }
01025 }