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PFCandConnector Class Reference

Based on a class from : V. Roberfroid, February 2008. More...

#include <PFCandConnector.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

< reco::PFCandidateCollection
connect (std::auto_ptr< reco::PFCandidateCollection > &pfCand)
 PFCandConnector ()
void setDebug (bool debug)
void setParameters (bool bCorrect, bool bCalibPrimary, double dptRel_PrimaryTrack, double dptRel_MergedTrack, double ptErrorSecondary, std::vector< double > nuclCalibFactors)
void setParameters (const edm::ParameterSet &iCfgCandConnector)

Private Member Functions

void analyseNuclearWPrim (std::auto_ptr< reco::PFCandidateCollection > &, unsigned int)
 Analyse nuclear interactions where a primary or merged track is present.
void analyseNuclearWSec (std::auto_ptr< reco::PFCandidateCollection > &, unsigned int)
 Analyse nuclear interactions where a secondary track is present.
bool isPrimaryNucl (const reco::PFCandidate &pf) const
bool isSecondaryNucl (const reco::PFCandidate &pf) const
double rescaleFactor (const double pt, const double cFrac) const
 Return a calibration factor for a reconstructed nuclear interaction.

Private Attributes

bool bCalibPrimary_
 Calibration parameters for the reconstructed nuclear interactions.
bool bCorrect_
std::vector< bool > bMask_
 A mask to define the candidates which shall not be transmitted.
bool debug_
double dptRel_MergedTrack_
double dptRel_PrimaryTrack_
std::vector< double > fConst_
std::vector< double > fExp_
std::vector< double > fNorm_
< reco::PFCandidateCollection
 Collection of primary PFCandidates to be transmitted to the Event.
double ptErrorSecondary_

Static Private Attributes

static const
static const
fT_TO_DISP_ = PFCandidate::T_TO_DISP
static const double pion_mass2 = 0.0194
 Useful constants.

Detailed Description

Based on a class from : V. Roberfroid, February 2008.

Definition at line 16 of file PFCandConnector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

PFCandConnector::PFCandConnector ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 20 of file PFCandConnector.h.

References bCalibPrimary_, bCorrect_, debug_, dptRel_MergedTrack_, dptRel_PrimaryTrack_, fConst_, fExp_, fNorm_, pfC_, and ptErrorSecondary_.

         pfC_ = std::auto_ptr<reco::PFCandidateCollection>(new reco::PFCandidateCollection); 
         debug_ = false;
         bCorrect_ = false;
         bCalibPrimary_ =  false;

         fConst_.push_back(1), fConst_.push_back(0);
         fNorm_.push_back(0), fNorm_.push_back(0);

         dptRel_PrimaryTrack_ = 0.;
         dptRel_MergedTrack_ = 0.;
         ptErrorSecondary_ = 0.;

Member Function Documentation

void PFCandConnector::analyseNuclearWPrim ( std::auto_ptr< reco::PFCandidateCollection > &  ,
unsigned  int 
) [private]

Analyse nuclear interactions where a primary or merged track is present.

Definition at line 157 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, reco::PFCandidate::displacedVertexRef(), alignCSCRings::e, reco::PFCandidate::ecalEnergy(), first, reco::PFCandidate::hcalEnergy(), edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull(), reco::LeafCandidate::p4(), p4, edm::second(), and mathSSE::sqrt().


  PFDisplacedVertexRef ref1, ref2, ref1_bis;  

  PFCandidate primaryCand = pfCand->at(ce1);

  // ------- look for the little friends -------- //

  math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentumPrim = primaryCand.p4();

  math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentumSec;

  momentumSec = momentumPrim/momentumPrim.E()*(primaryCand.ecalEnergy() + primaryCand.hcalEnergy());

  map<double, math::XYZTLorentzVectorD> candidatesWithTrackExcess;
  map<double, math::XYZTLorentzVectorD> candidatesWithoutCalo;
  ref1 = primaryCand.displacedVertexRef(fT_TO_DISP_);
  for( unsigned int ce2=0; ce2 < pfCand->size(); ++ce2) {
    if (ce2 != ce1 && isSecondaryNucl(pfCand->at(ce2))){
      ref2 = (pfCand->at(ce2)).displacedVertexRef(fT_FROM_DISP_);
      if (ref1 == ref2) {
        if (debug_) cout << "\t here is a Secondary Candidate " << ce2  
                         << " " << pfCand->at(ce2) << endl
                         << "\t based on the Track " << pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef().key()
                         << " w p = " << pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef()->p()
                         << " w pT = " << pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef()->pt()
                         << " #pm " << pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef()->ptError() << " %"
                         << " ECAL = " << pfCand->at(ce2).ecalEnergy() 
                         << " HCAL = " << pfCand->at(ce2).hcalEnergy() 
                         << " dE(Trk-CALO) = " << pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef()->p()-pfCand->at(ce2).ecalEnergy()-pfCand->at(ce2).hcalEnergy() 
                         << " Nmissing hits = " << pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef()->trackerExpectedHitsOuter().numberOfHits() << endl;

          if (debug_) cout << "\t\t but it is also a Primary Candidate " << ce2 << endl;
          ref1_bis = (pfCand->at(ce2)).displacedVertexRef(fT_TO_DISP_);
          if(ref1_bis.isNonnull()) analyseNuclearWPrim(pfCand, ce2);  

        // Take now the parameters of the secondary track that are relevant and use them to construct the NI candidate

        PFCandidate::ElementsInBlocks elementsInBlocks = pfCand->at(ce2).elementsInBlocks();
        PFCandidate::ElementsInBlocks elementsAlreadyInBlocks = pfCand->at(ce1).elementsInBlocks();
        for (unsigned blockElem = 0; blockElem < elementsInBlocks.size(); blockElem++){
          bool isAlreadyHere = false;
          for (unsigned alreadyBlock = 0; alreadyBlock < elementsAlreadyInBlocks.size(); alreadyBlock++){
            if (elementsAlreadyInBlocks[alreadyBlock].second == elementsInBlocks[blockElem].second) isAlreadyHere = true;
          if (!isAlreadyHere) pfCand->at(ce1).addElementInBlock( elementsInBlocks[blockElem].first,  elementsInBlocks[blockElem].second);

        double caloEn = pfCand->at(ce2).ecalEnergy() + pfCand->at(ce2).hcalEnergy();
        double deltaEn =  pfCand->at(ce2).p4().E() - caloEn;
        int nMissOuterHits = pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef()->trackerExpectedHitsOuter().numberOfHits();

        // Check if the difference Track Calo is not too large and if we can trust the track, ie it doesn't miss too much hits.
        if (deltaEn > 1  && nMissOuterHits > 1) {
          math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentumToAdd = pfCand->at(ce2).p4()*caloEn/pfCand->at(ce2).p4().E();
          momentumSec += momentumToAdd;
          if (debug_) cout << "The difference track-calo s really large and the track miss at least 2 hits. A secondary NI may have happened. Let's trust the calo energy" << endl << "add " << momentumToAdd << endl;
        } else {
          // Check if the difference Track Calo is not too large and if we can trust the track, ie it doesn't miss too much hits.
          if (caloEn > 0.01 && deltaEn > 1  && nMissOuterHits > 0) {
            math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentumExcess = pfCand->at(ce2).p4()*deltaEn/pfCand->at(ce2).p4().E();
            candidatesWithTrackExcess[pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef()->pt()/pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef()->ptError()] =  momentumExcess;
          else if(caloEn < 0.01) candidatesWithoutCalo[pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef()->pt()/pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef()->ptError()] = pfCand->at(ce2).p4();
          momentumSec += (pfCand->at(ce2)).p4();

        bMask_[ce2] = true;

  // We have more primary energy than secondary: reject all secondary tracks which have no calo energy attached.
  if (momentumPrim.E() < momentumSec.E()){
    if(debug_) cout << "Size of 0 calo Energy secondary candidates" << candidatesWithoutCalo.size() << endl;
    for( map<double, math::XYZTLorentzVectorD>::iterator iter = candidatesWithoutCalo.begin(); iter != candidatesWithoutCalo.end() && momentumPrim.E() < momentumSec.E(); iter++)
      if (momentumSec.E() > iter->second.E()+0.1) {
        momentumSec -= iter->second;   
        if(debug_) cout << "\t Remove a SecondaryCandidate with 0 calo energy " << iter->second << endl;
        if(debug_) cout << "momentumPrim.E() = " << momentumPrim.E() << " and momentumSec.E() = " <<  momentumSec.E() << endl; 


  if (momentumPrim.E() < momentumSec.E()){
    if(debug_) cout << "0 Calo Energy rejected but still not sufficient. Size of not enough calo Energy secondary candidates" << candidatesWithTrackExcess.size() << endl;
     for( map<double, math::XYZTLorentzVectorD>::iterator iter = candidatesWithTrackExcess.begin(); iter != candidatesWithTrackExcess.end() && momentumPrim.E() < momentumSec.E(); iter++)
      if (momentumSec.E() > iter->second.E()+0.1) momentumSec -= iter->second;   


  double dpt = pfCand->at(ce1).trackRef()->ptError()/pfCand->at(ce1).trackRef()->pt()*100; 

  if (momentumSec.E() < 0.1) {
    bMask_[ce1] = true;
  // Rescale the secondary candidates to account for the loss of energy, but only if we can trust the primary track:
  // if it has more energy than secondaries and is precise enough and secondary exist and was not eaten or rejected during the PFAlgo step.
  if( ( (ref1->isTherePrimaryTracks() && dpt<dptRel_PrimaryTrack_)  || (ref1->isThereMergedTracks() && dpt<dptRel_MergedTrack_) ) && momentumPrim.E() > momentumSec.E() && momentumSec.E() > 0.1) {
    if (bCalibPrimary_){
      double factor = rescaleFactor( momentumPrim.Pt(), momentumSec.E()/momentumPrim.E()); 
      if (debug_) cout << "factor = " << factor << endl;
      if (factor*momentumPrim.Pt() < momentumSec.Pt()) momentumSec = momentumPrim;
      else momentumSec += (1-factor)*momentumPrim;
    double px = momentumPrim.Px()*momentumSec.P()/momentumPrim.P();
    double py = momentumPrim.Py()*momentumSec.P()/momentumPrim.P();
    double pz = momentumPrim.Pz()*momentumSec.P()/momentumPrim.P();
    double E  = sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz + pion_mass2);
    math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentum(px, py, pz, E);
  } else {

    math::XYZVector primDir =  ref1->primaryDirection();

    if (primDir.Mag2() < 0.1){
      // It might be 0 but this situation should never happend. Throw a warning if it happens.
      edm::LogWarning("PFCandConnector") << "A Nuclear Interaction do not have primary direction" << std::endl;
    } else {
      // rescale the primary direction to the optimal momentum. But take care of the factthat it shall not be completly 0 to avoid a warning if Jet Area. 
      double momentumS = momentumSec.P();
      if (momentumS < 1e-4) momentumS = 1e-4;
      double px = momentumS*primDir.x();
      double py = momentumS*primDir.y();
      double pz = momentumS*primDir.z();
      double E  = sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz + pion_mass2);
      math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentum(px, py, pz, E);

void PFCandConnector::analyseNuclearWSec ( std::auto_ptr< reco::PFCandidateCollection > &  ,
unsigned  int 
) [private]

Analyse nuclear interactions where a secondary track is present.

Definition at line 335 of file

References asciidump::at, gather_cfg::cout, reco::PFCandidate::e, alignCSCRings::e, first, RPCpg::mu, reco::LeafCandidate::p4(), p4, edm::second(), and mathSSE::sqrt().


  PFDisplacedVertexRef ref1, ref2;  

  // Check if the track excess was not too large and track may miss some outer hits. This may point to a secondary NI.

  double caloEn = pfCand->at(ce1).ecalEnergy() + pfCand->at(ce1).hcalEnergy();
  double deltaEn =  pfCand->at(ce1).p4().E() - caloEn;
  int nMissOuterHits = pfCand->at(ce1).trackRef()->trackerExpectedHitsOuter().numberOfHits();  

  ref1 = pfCand->at(ce1).displacedVertexRef(fT_FROM_DISP_);

  // ------- check if an electron or a muon vas spotted as incoming track -------- //
  // ------- this mean probably that the NI was fake thus we do not correct it -------- /

  if (ref1->isTherePrimaryTracks() || ref1->isThereMergedTracks()){
    std::vector<reco::Track> refittedTracks = ref1->refittedTracks();
    for(unsigned it = 0; it < refittedTracks.size(); it++){
      reco::TrackBaseRef primaryBaseRef = ref1->originalTrack(refittedTracks[it]);  
      if (ref1->isIncomingTrack(primaryBaseRef))
        if (debug_) cout << "There is a Primary track ref with pt = " << primaryBaseRef->pt()<< endl;

      for( unsigned int ce=0; ce < pfCand->size(); ++ce){
        //        cout << "PFCand Id = " << (pfCand->at(ce)).particleId() << endl;
        if ((pfCand->at(ce)).particleId() == reco::PFCandidate::e || (pfCand->at(ce)).particleId() == reco::PFCandidate::mu) {

          if (debug_) cout << " It is an electron and it has a ref to a track " << (pfCand->at(ce)).trackRef().isNonnull() << endl;

          if ( (pfCand->at(ce)).trackRef().isNonnull() ){
            reco::TrackRef tRef = (pfCand->at(ce)).trackRef();
            reco::TrackBaseRef bRef(tRef);
            if (debug_) cout << "With Track Ref pt = " << (pfCand->at(ce)).trackRef()->pt() << endl;

            if (bRef == primaryBaseRef) {
              if (debug_ && (pfCand->at(ce)).particleId() == reco::PFCandidate::e) cout << "It is a NI from electron. NI Discarded. Just release the candidate." << endl; 
              if (debug_ && (pfCand->at(ce)).particleId() == reco::PFCandidate::mu) cout << "It is a NI from muon. NI Discarded. Just release the candidate" << endl; 
              // release the track but take care of not overcounting bad tracks. In fact those tracks was protected against destruction in 
              // PFAlgo. Now we treat them as if they was treated in PFAlgo

              if (caloEn < 0.1 && pfCand->at(ce1).trackRef()->ptError() > ptErrorSecondary_) { 
                cout << "discarded track since no calo energy and ill measured" << endl; 
                bMask_[ce1] = true;
              if (caloEn > 0.1 && deltaEn >ptErrorSecondary_  && pfCand->at(ce1).trackRef()->ptError() > ptErrorSecondary_) { 
                cout << "rescaled momentum of the track since no calo energy and ill measured" << endl;
                double factor = caloEn/pfCand->at(ce1).p4().E();


  PFCandidate secondaryCand = pfCand->at(ce1);

  math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentumSec = secondaryCand.p4();

  if (deltaEn > ptErrorSecondary_  && nMissOuterHits > 1) {
    math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentumToAdd = pfCand->at(ce1).p4()*caloEn/pfCand->at(ce1).p4().E();
    momentumSec = momentumToAdd;
    if (debug_) cout << "The difference track-calo s really large and the track miss at least 2 hits. A secondary NI may have happened. Let's trust the calo energy" << endl << "add " << momentumToAdd << endl;  

  // ------- look for the little friends -------- //
  for( unsigned int ce2=ce1+1; ce2 < pfCand->size(); ++ce2) {
    if (isSecondaryNucl(pfCand->at(ce2))){
      ref2 = (pfCand->at(ce2)).displacedVertexRef(fT_FROM_DISP_);

      if (ref1 == ref2) {
        if (debug_) cout << "\t here is a Secondary Candidate " << ce2  
                         << " " << pfCand->at(ce2) << endl
                         << "\t based on the Track " << pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef().key()
                         << " w pT = " << pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef()->pt()
                         << " #pm " << pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef()->ptError() << " %" 
                         << " ECAL = " << pfCand->at(ce2).ecalEnergy() 
                         << " HCAL = " << pfCand->at(ce2).hcalEnergy() 
                         << " dE(Trk-CALO) = " << pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef()->p()-pfCand->at(ce2).ecalEnergy()-pfCand->at(ce2).hcalEnergy() 
                         << " Nmissing hits = " << pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef()->trackerExpectedHitsOuter().numberOfHits() << endl;

        // Take now the parameters of the secondary track that are relevant and use them to construct the NI candidate
        PFCandidate::ElementsInBlocks elementsInBlocks = pfCand->at(ce2).elementsInBlocks();
        PFCandidate::ElementsInBlocks elementsAlreadyInBlocks = pfCand->at(ce1).elementsInBlocks();
        for (unsigned blockElem = 0; blockElem < elementsInBlocks.size(); blockElem++){
          bool isAlreadyHere = false;
          for (unsigned alreadyBlock = 0; alreadyBlock < elementsAlreadyInBlocks.size(); alreadyBlock++){
            if (elementsAlreadyInBlocks[alreadyBlock].second == elementsInBlocks[blockElem].second) isAlreadyHere = true;
          if (!isAlreadyHere) pfCand->at(ce1).addElementInBlock( elementsInBlocks[blockElem].first,  elementsInBlocks[blockElem].second);

        double caloEn = pfCand->at(ce2).ecalEnergy() + pfCand->at(ce2).hcalEnergy();
        double deltaEn =  pfCand->at(ce2).p4().E() - caloEn;
        int nMissOuterHits = pfCand->at(ce2).trackRef()->trackerExpectedHitsOuter().numberOfHits();  
        if (deltaEn > ptErrorSecondary_ && nMissOuterHits > 1) {
          math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentumToAdd = pfCand->at(ce2).p4()*caloEn/pfCand->at(ce2).p4().E();
          momentumSec += momentumToAdd;
          if (debug_) cout << "The difference track-calo s really large and the track miss at least 2 hits. A secondary NI may have happened. Let's trust the calo energy" << endl << "add " << momentumToAdd << endl;  
        } else {
          momentumSec += (pfCand->at(ce2)).p4();        

        bMask_[ce2] = true;

  math::XYZVector primDir =  ref1->primaryDirection();

  if (primDir.Mag2() < 0.1){
    // It might be 0 but this situation should never happend. Throw a warning if it happens.
    edm::LogWarning("PFCandConnector") << "A Nuclear Interaction do not have primary direction" << std::endl;
  } else {
    // rescale the primary direction to the optimal momentum. But take care of the factthat it shall not be completly 0 to avoid a warning if Jet Area.
    double momentumS = momentumSec.P();
    if (momentumS < 1e-4) momentumS = 1e-4;
    double px = momentumS*primDir.x();
    double py = momentumS*primDir.y();
    double pz = momentumS*primDir.z();
    double E  = sqrt(px*px + py*py + pz*pz + pion_mass2);
    math::XYZTLorentzVectorD momentum(px, py, pz, E);

std::auto_ptr<reco::PFCandidateCollection> PFCandConnector::connect ( std::auto_ptr< reco::PFCandidateCollection > &  pfCand)
bool PFCandConnector::isPrimaryNucl ( const reco::PFCandidate pf) const [private]

Definition at line 498 of file

References reco::PFCandidate::displacedVertexRef(), reco::PFCandidate::flag(), and edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull().


  PFDisplacedVertexRef ref1;
  // nuclear
  if( pf.flag( fT_TO_DISP_ ) ) {
    ref1 = pf.displacedVertexRef(fT_TO_DISP_);

    if (!ref1.isNonnull()) return false;
    else if (ref1->isNucl()|| ref1->isNucl_Loose() || ref1->isNucl_Kink())
    return true;
  return false;
bool PFCandConnector::isSecondaryNucl ( const reco::PFCandidate pf) const [private]

Definition at line 482 of file

References reco::PFCandidate::displacedVertexRef(), reco::PFCandidate::flag(), and edm::Ref< C, T, F >::isNonnull().

  PFDisplacedVertexRef ref1;
  // nuclear
  if( pf.flag( fT_FROM_DISP_ ) ) {
    ref1 = pf.displacedVertexRef(fT_FROM_DISP_);
    //    ref1->Dump();
    if (!ref1.isNonnull()) return false;
    else if (ref1->isNucl() || ref1->isNucl_Loose() || ref1->isNucl_Kink())
    return true;
  return false;
double PFCandConnector::rescaleFactor ( const double  pt,
const double  cFrac 
) const [private]

Return a calibration factor for a reconstructed nuclear interaction.

Definition at line 517 of file

References create_public_lumi_plots::exp.


 FCN=35.8181 FROM MIGRAD    STATUS=CONVERGED     257 CALLS         258 TOTAL
  EXT PARAMETER                                   STEP         FIRST
  NO.   NAME      VALUE            ERROR          SIZE      DERIVATIVE
   1  p0           7.99434e-01   2.77264e-02   6.59108e-06   9.80247e-03
   2  p1           1.51303e-01   2.89981e-02   1.16775e-05   6.99035e-03
   3  p2          -5.03829e-01   2.87929e-02   1.90070e-05   1.37015e-03
   4  p3           4.54043e-01   5.00908e-02   3.17625e-05   3.86622e-03
   5  p4          -4.61736e-02   8.07940e-03   3.25775e-06  -1.37247e-02

    FCN=34.4051 FROM MIGRAD    STATUS=CONVERGED     221 CALLS         222 TOTAL
    EDM=1.02201e-09    STRATEGY= 1  ERROR MATRIX UNCERTAINTY   2.3 per cent

   1  p0           7.99518e-01   2.23519e-02   1.41523e-06   4.05975e-04
   2  p1           1.44619e-01   2.39398e-02  -7.68117e-07  -2.55775e-03

   3  p2          -5.16571e-01   3.12362e-02   5.74932e-07   3.42292e-03
   4  p3           4.69055e-01   5.09665e-02   1.94353e-07   1.69031e-03

   5  p4          -5.18044e-02   8.13458e-03   4.29815e-07  -1.07624e-02

  double fConst, fNorm, fExp;

  fConst = fConst_[0] + fConst_[1]*cFrac;
  fNorm = fNorm_[0] - fNorm_[1]*cFrac;
  fExp = fExp_[0];  

  double factor = fConst - fNorm*exp( -fExp*pt );

  return factor;

void PFCandConnector::setDebug ( bool  debug) [inline]

Definition at line 64 of file PFCandConnector.h.

References debug, and debug_.

Referenced by PFAlgo::setDebug().

void PFCandConnector::setParameters ( const edm::ParameterSet iCfgCandConnector) [inline]

Flag to apply the correction procedure for nuclear interactions

Flag to calibrate the reconstructed nuclear interactions with primary or merged tracks

Definition at line 35 of file PFCandConnector.h.

References edm::ParameterSet::exists(), and edm::ParameterSet::getParameter().

Referenced by PFAlgo::setCandConnectorParameters().

         bool bCorrect, bCalibPrimary;
         double dptRel_PrimaryTrack, dptRel_MergedTrack, ptErrorSecondary;
         std::vector<double> nuclCalibFactors;

         bCorrect = iCfgCandConnector.getParameter<bool>("bCorrect");
         bCalibPrimary =  iCfgCandConnector.getParameter<bool>("bCalibPrimary");

         if(iCfgCandConnector.exists("dptRel_PrimaryTrack")) dptRel_PrimaryTrack = iCfgCandConnector.getParameter<double>("dptRel_PrimaryTrack");
         else { edm::LogWarning("PFCandConnector")  << "dptRel_PrimaryTrack doesn't exist. Setting a default safe value 0" << std::endl; dptRel_PrimaryTrack = 0;}

         if(iCfgCandConnector.exists("dptRel_MergedTrack"))  dptRel_MergedTrack = iCfgCandConnector.getParameter<double>("dptRel_MergedTrack");
         else { edm::LogWarning("PFCandConnector") << "dptRel_MergedTrack doesn't exist. Setting a default safe value 0" << std::endl; dptRel_MergedTrack = 0;}

         if(iCfgCandConnector.exists("ptErrorSecondary"))    ptErrorSecondary = iCfgCandConnector.getParameter<double>("ptErrorSecondary");
         else { edm::LogWarning("PFCandConnector")  << "ptErrorSecondary doesn't exist. Setting a default safe value 0" << std::endl; ptErrorSecondary = 0;}

         if(iCfgCandConnector.exists("nuclCalibFactors"))    nuclCalibFactors = iCfgCandConnector.getParameter<std::vector<double> >("nuclCalibFactors");  
         else { edm::LogWarning("PFCandConnector")  << "nuclear calib factors doesn't exist the factor would not be applyed" << std::endl; }

         setParameters(bCorrect, bCalibPrimary, dptRel_PrimaryTrack, dptRel_MergedTrack, ptErrorSecondary, nuclCalibFactors);

void PFCandConnector::setParameters ( bool  bCorrect,
bool  bCalibPrimary,
double  dptRel_PrimaryTrack,
double  dptRel_MergedTrack,
double  ptErrorSecondary,
std::vector< double >  nuclCalibFactors 

Definition at line 16 of file


         bCorrect_ = bCorrect;
         bCalibPrimary_ =  bCalibPrimary;
         dptRel_PrimaryTrack_ = dptRel_PrimaryTrack;
         dptRel_MergedTrack_ =  dptRel_MergedTrack;
         ptErrorSecondary_ = ptErrorSecondary;

         if (nuclCalibFactors.size() == 5) {
           fConst_[0] =  nuclCalibFactors[0]; 
           fConst_[1] =  nuclCalibFactors[1]; 
           fNorm_[0] = nuclCalibFactors[2]; 
           fNorm_[1] = nuclCalibFactors[3]; 
           fExp_[0] = nuclCalibFactors[4];
         } else {
           edm::LogWarning("PFCandConnector") << "Wrong calibration factors for nuclear interactions. The calibration procedure would not be applyed." << std::endl;
           bCalibPrimary_ =  false;

         std::string sCorrect = bCorrect_ ? "On" : "Off";
         edm::LogInfo("PFCandConnector")  << " ====================== The PFCandConnector is switched " << sCorrect.c_str() << " ==================== " << std::endl;
         std::string sCalibPrimary = bCalibPrimary_ ? "used for calibration" : "not used for calibration";
         if (bCorrect_) edm::LogInfo("PFCandConnector")  << "Primary Tracks are " << sCalibPrimary.c_str() << std::endl;
         if (bCorrect_ && bCalibPrimary_) edm::LogInfo("PFCandConnector") << "Under the condition that the precision on the Primary track is better than " << dptRel_PrimaryTrack_ << " % "<< std::endl;
         if (bCorrect_ && bCalibPrimary_) edm::LogInfo("PFCandConnector") << "      and on merged tracks better than " <<  dptRel_MergedTrack_ << " % "<< std::endl;
         if (bCorrect_ && bCalibPrimary_) edm::LogInfo("PFCandConnector") << "      and secondary tracks in some cases more precise than " << ptErrorSecondary_ << " GeV"<< std::endl;
         if (bCorrect_ && bCalibPrimary_) edm::LogInfo("PFCandConnector") << "factor = (" << fConst_[0] << " + " << fConst_[1] << "*cFrac) - (" 
                                       << fNorm_[0] << " - " << fNorm_[1] << "cFrac)*exp( "
                                       << -1*fExp_[0] << "*pT )"<< std::endl;
         edm::LogInfo("PFCandConnector") << " =========================================================== " << std::endl;        


Member Data Documentation

Calibration parameters for the reconstructed nuclear interactions.

Definition at line 97 of file PFCandConnector.h.

Referenced by PFCandConnector().

Definition at line 94 of file PFCandConnector.h.

Referenced by PFCandConnector().

std::vector<bool> PFCandConnector::bMask_ [private]

A mask to define the candidates which shall not be transmitted.

Definition at line 90 of file PFCandConnector.h.

bool PFCandConnector::debug_ [private]


Definition at line 93 of file PFCandConnector.h.

Referenced by PFCandConnector(), and setDebug().

Definition at line 104 of file PFCandConnector.h.

Referenced by PFCandConnector().

Definition at line 103 of file PFCandConnector.h.

Referenced by PFCandConnector().

std::vector< double > PFCandConnector::fConst_ [private]

Definition at line 98 of file PFCandConnector.h.

Referenced by PFCandConnector().

std::vector< double > PFCandConnector::fExp_ [private]

Definition at line 100 of file PFCandConnector.h.

Referenced by PFCandConnector().

std::vector< double > PFCandConnector::fNorm_ [private]

Definition at line 99 of file PFCandConnector.h.

Referenced by PFCandConnector().

const reco::PFCandidate::Flags PFCandConnector::fT_FROM_DISP_ = PFCandidate::T_FROM_DISP [static, private]

Definition at line 110 of file PFCandConnector.h.

const reco::PFCandidate::Flags PFCandConnector::fT_TO_DISP_ = PFCandidate::T_TO_DISP [static, private]

Definition at line 109 of file PFCandConnector.h.

Collection of primary PFCandidates to be transmitted to the Event.

Definition at line 88 of file PFCandConnector.h.

Referenced by PFCandConnector().

const double PFCandConnector::pion_mass2 = 0.0194 [static, private]

Useful constants.

Definition at line 108 of file PFCandConnector.h.

Definition at line 105 of file PFCandConnector.h.

Referenced by PFCandConnector().