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#include <FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h>
Description: Provide event data access in FWLite
Usage: This class is meant to allow one to loop over all events in a TFile and then read the data in an Event in a manner analogous to how data is read in the full framework. A typical use would be
TFile f("foo.root"); fwlite::Event ev(&f); for(ev.toBeing(); ! ev.atEnd(); ++ev) { fwlite::Handle<std::vector<Foo> > foos; foos.getByLabel(ev, "myFoos"); }
The above example will work for both CINT and compiled code. However, it is possible to exactly match the full framework if you only intend to compile your code. In that case the access would look like
TFile f("foo.root"); fwlite::Event ev(&f); edm::InputTag fooTag("myFoos"); for(ev.toBeing(); ! ev.atEnd(); ++ev) { edm::Handle<std::vector<Foo> > foos; ev.getByLabel(fooTag, foos); }
Description: This is the primary interface for accessing EDProducts from a single collision and inserting new derived products.
For its usage, see "FWCore/Framework/interface/PrincipalGetAdapter.h"