Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes

edm::Lumi3DReWeighting Class Reference

#include <Lumi3DReWeighting.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Lumi3DReWeighting (std::string generatedFile, std::string dataFile, std::string GenHistName, std::string DataHistName)
 Lumi3DReWeighting (std::vector< float > MC_distr, std::vector< float > Lumi_distr)
 Lumi3DReWeighting ()
double weight3D (const edm::EventBase &e)
double weight3D (int, int, int)
void weight3D_init (float Scale)
void weight3D_init (std::string MCFileName, std::string DataFileName)
void weight3D_init (std::string WeightFileName)
void weight3D_set (std::string generatedFile, std::string dataFile, std::string GenHistName, std::string DataHistName)

Protected Attributes

boost::shared_ptr< TH1 > Data_distr_
boost::shared_ptr< TFile > dataFile_
std::string dataFileName_
std::string DataHistName_
boost::shared_ptr< TFile > generatedFile_
std::string generatedFileName_
std::string GenHistName_
boost::shared_ptr< TH1 > MC_distr_
double Weight3D_ [50][50][50]
boost::shared_ptr< TH1 > weights_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 29 of file Lumi3DReWeighting.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Lumi3DReWeighting::Lumi3DReWeighting ( std::string  generatedFile,
std::string  dataFile,
std::string  GenHistName = "pileup",
std::string  DataHistName = "pileup" 

Definition at line 39 of file

References Data_distr_, dataFile_, dataFileName_, DataHistName_, generatedFile_, generatedFileName_, GenHistName_, and MC_distr_.

      generatedFileName_( generatedFile), 
      dataFileName_     ( dataFile ), 
      GenHistName_        ( GenHistName ), 
      DataHistName_        ( DataHistName )
        generatedFile_ = boost::shared_ptr<TFile>( new TFile(generatedFileName_.c_str()) ); //MC distribution
        dataFile_      = boost::shared_ptr<TFile>( new TFile(dataFileName_.c_str()) );      //Data distribution

        boost::shared_ptr<TH1> Data_temp = boost::shared_ptr<TH1>(  (static_cast<TH1*>(dataFile_->Get( DataHistName_.c_str() )->Clone() )) );

        boost::shared_ptr<TH1> MC_temp = boost::shared_ptr<TH1>(  (static_cast<TH1*>(generatedFile_->Get( GenHistName_.c_str() )->Clone() )) );

        MC_distr_ = boost::shared_ptr<TH1>(  (static_cast<TH1*>(generatedFile_->Get( GenHistName_.c_str() )->Clone() )) );
        Data_distr_ = boost::shared_ptr<TH1>(  (static_cast<TH1*>(dataFile_->Get( DataHistName_.c_str() )->Clone() )) );

        // MC * data/MC = data, so the weights are data/MC:

        // normalize both histograms first

        Data_distr_->Scale( 1.0/ Data_distr_->Integral() );
        MC_distr_->Scale( 1.0/ MC_distr_->Integral() );

Lumi3DReWeighting::Lumi3DReWeighting ( std::vector< float >  MC_distr,
std::vector< float >  Lumi_distr 

Definition at line 68 of file

References Data_distr_, and MC_distr_.

  // no histograms for input: use vectors
  // now, make histograms out of them:

  Int_t NMCBins = MC_distr.size();

  MC_distr_ = boost::shared_ptr<TH1> ( new TH1F("MC_distr","MC dist",NMCBins,0., float(NMCBins)) );

  Int_t NDBins = Lumi_distr.size();

  Data_distr_ = boost::shared_ptr<TH1> ( new TH1F("Data_distr","Data dist",NDBins,0., float(NDBins)) );

  for(int ibin = 1; ibin<NMCBins+1; ++ibin ) {

  for(int ibin = 1; ibin<NDBins+1; ++ibin ) {
    Data_distr_->SetBinContent(ibin, Lumi_distr[ibin-1]);

  // check integrals, make sure things are normalized

  float deltaH = Data_distr_->Integral();
  if(fabs(1.0 - deltaH) > 0.001 ) { //*OOPS*...
    Data_distr_->Scale( 1.0/ Data_distr_->Integral() );
  float deltaMC = MC_distr_->Integral();
  if(fabs(1.0 - deltaMC) > 0.001 ) {
    MC_distr_->Scale(1.0/ MC_distr_->Integral());

edm::Lumi3DReWeighting::Lumi3DReWeighting ( ) [inline]

Definition at line 38 of file Lumi3DReWeighting.h.

{ } ;

Member Function Documentation

double Lumi3DReWeighting::weight3D ( const edm::EventBase e)

Definition at line 117 of file

References edm::EventBase::getByLabel(), edm::min(), and Weight3D_.


  using std::min;

  // get pileup summary information

  Handle<std::vector< PileupSummaryInfo > >  PupInfo;
  e.getByLabel(edm::InputTag("addPileupInfo"), PupInfo);

  std::vector<PileupSummaryInfo>::const_iterator PVI;

  int npm1=-1;
  int np0=-1;
  int npp1=-1;
  for(PVI = PupInfo->begin(); PVI != PupInfo->end(); ++PVI) {

    int BX = PVI->getBunchCrossing();

    if(BX == -1) { 
      npm1 = PVI->getPU_NumInteractions();
    if(BX == 0) { 
      np0 = PVI->getPU_NumInteractions();
    if(BX == 1) { 
      npp1 = PVI->getPU_NumInteractions();


  npm1 = min(npm1,49);
  np0 = min(np0,49);
  npp1 = min(npp1,49);

  //  std::cout << " vertices " << npm1 << " " << np0 << " " << npp1 << std::endl; 

  return Weight3D_[npm1][np0][npp1];
double Lumi3DReWeighting::weight3D ( int  pv1,
int  pv2,
int  pv3 

Definition at line 103 of file

References edm::min(), and Weight3D_.


  using std::min;

  int npm1 = min(pv1,49);
  int np0 = min(pv2,49);
  int npp1 = min(pv3,49);

  return Weight3D_[npm1][np0][npp1];

void Lumi3DReWeighting::weight3D_init ( std::string  WeightFileName)

Definition at line 371 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, Exception, i, EdgesToViz::infile, j, gen::k, and Weight3D_.


  TFile *infile = new TFile(WeightFileName.c_str());
  TH1F *WHist = (TH1F*)infile->Get("WHist");

  // Check if the histogram exists           
  if (!WHist) {
    throw cms::Exception("HistogramNotFound") << " Could not find the histogram WHist in the file "
                                              << "in the file " << WeightFileName << "." << std::endl;

  for (int i=0; i<50; i++) {  
    //    if(i<5) std::cout << "i = " << i << std::endl;
    for(int j=0; j<50; j++) {
      for(int k=0; k<50; k++) {
        Weight3D_[i][j][k] = WHist->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,k+1);
        //      if(i<5 && j<5 && k<5) std::cout << Weight3D_[i][j][k] << " ";
      //      if(i<5 && j<5) std::cout << std::endl;


  std::cout << " 3D Weight Matrix initialized! " << std::endl;


void Lumi3DReWeighting::weight3D_init ( float  Scale)

Definition at line 187 of file

References newFWLiteAna::base, gather_cfg::cout, Data_distr_, Exception, funct::exp(), factorial(), i, j, gen::k, MC_distr_, timingPdfMaker::mean, edm::min(), EdgesToViz::outfile, Weight3D_, and x.


  // Scale factor is used to shift target distribution (i.e. luminosity scale)  1. = no shift

  //create histogram to write output weights, save pain of generating them again...

  TH3D* WHist = new TH3D("WHist","3D weights",50,-.5,49.5,50,-.5,49.5,50,-.5,49.5 );
  TH3D* DHist = new TH3D("DHist","3D weights",50,-.5,49.5,50,-.5,49.5,50,-.5,49.5 );
  TH3D* MHist = new TH3D("MHist","3D weights",50,-.5,49.5,50,-.5,49.5,50,-.5,49.5 );

  using std::min;

  if( MC_distr_->GetEntries() == 0 ) {
    std::cout << " MC and Data distributions are not initialized! You must call the Lumi3DReWeighting constructor. " << std::endl;

  // arrays for storing number of interactions

  double MC_ints[50][50][50];
  double Data_ints[50][50][50];

  for (int i=0; i<50; i++) {
    for(int j=0; j<50; j++) {
      for(int k=0; k<50; k++) {
        MC_ints[i][j][k] = 0.;
        Data_ints[i][j][k] = 0.;

  double factorial[50];
  double PowerSer[50];
  double base = 1.;

  factorial[0] = 1.;

  for (int i = 1; i<51; ++i) {
    base = base*float(i);
    factorial[i] = base;

  double x;
  double xweight;
  double probi, probj, probk;
  double Expval, mean;
  int xi;

  // Get entries for Data, MC, fill arrays:

  int NMCbin = MC_distr_->GetNbinsX();

  for (int jbin=1;jbin<NMCbin+1;jbin++) {       
    x =  MC_distr_->GetBinCenter(jbin);
    xweight = MC_distr_->GetBinContent(jbin); //use as weight for matrix

    //for Summer 11, we have this int feature:
    xi = int(x);

    // Generate Poisson distribution for each value of the mean

    mean = double(xi);

    if(mean<0.) {
      throw cms::Exception("BadInputValue") << " Your histogram generates MC luminosity values less than zero!"
                                                << " Please Check.  Terminating." << std::endl;

      Expval = 1.;
    else {
      Expval = exp(-1.*mean);

    base = 1.;

    for (int i = 1; i<50; ++i) {
      base = base*mean;
      PowerSer[i] = base; // PowerSer is mean^i

    // compute poisson probability for each Nvtx in weight matrix

    for (int i=0; i<50; i++) {
      probi = PowerSer[i]/factorial[i]*Expval;
      for(int j=0; j<50; j++) {
        probj = PowerSer[j]/factorial[j]*Expval;
        for(int k=0; k<50; k++) {
          probk = PowerSer[k]/factorial[k]*Expval;
          // joint probability is product of event weights multiplied by weight of input distribution bin
          MC_ints[i][j][k] = MC_ints[i][j][k]+probi*probj*probk*xweight;

  int NDatabin = Data_distr_->GetNbinsX();

  for (int jbin=1;jbin<NDatabin+1;jbin++) {       
    mean =  (Data_distr_->GetBinCenter(jbin))*ScaleFactor;
    xweight = Data_distr_->GetBinContent(jbin);

    // Generate poisson distribution for each value of the mean

    if(mean<0.) {
      throw cms::Exception("BadInputValue") << " Your histogram generates Data luminosity values less than zero!"
                                                << " Please Check.  Terminating." << std::endl;

      Expval = 1.;
    else {
      Expval = exp(-1.*mean);

    base = 1.;

    for (int i = 1; i<50; ++i) {
      base = base*mean;
      PowerSer[i] = base;

    // compute poisson probability for each Nvtx in weight matrix                                                                  

    for (int i=0; i<50; i++) {
      probi = PowerSer[i]/factorial[i]*Expval;
      for(int j=0; j<50; j++) {
        probj = PowerSer[j]/factorial[j]*Expval;
        for(int k=0; k<50; k++) {
          probk = PowerSer[k]/factorial[k]*Expval;
          // joint probability is product of event weights multiplied by weight of input distribution bin
          Data_ints[i][j][k] = Data_ints[i][j][k]+probi*probj*probk*xweight;


  for (int i=0; i<50; i++) {  
    //if(i<5) std::cout << "i = " << i << std::endl;
    for(int j=0; j<50; j++) {
      for(int k=0; k<50; k++) {
        if( (MC_ints[i][j][k])>0.) {
          Weight3D_[i][j][k]  =  Data_ints[i][j][k]/MC_ints[i][j][k];
        else {
          Weight3D_[i][j][k]  = 0.;
        WHist->SetBinContent( i+1,j+1,k+1,Weight3D_[i][j][k] );
        DHist->SetBinContent( i+1,j+1,k+1,Data_ints[i][j][k] );
        MHist->SetBinContent( i+1,j+1,k+1,MC_ints[i][j][k] );
        //      if(i<5 && j<5 && k<5) std::cout << Weight3D_[i][j][k] << " " ;
      //      if(i<5 && j<5) std::cout << std::endl;

  std::cout << " 3D Weight Matrix initialized! " << std::endl;
  std::cout << " Writing weights to file Weight3D.root for re-use...  " << std::endl;

  TFile * outfile = new TFile("Weight3D.root","RECREATE");


void Lumi3DReWeighting::weight3D_init ( std::string  MCFileName,
std::string  DataFileName 

Definition at line 401 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, Exception, i, j, gen::k, and Weight3D_.


  TFile *infileMC = new TFile(MCWeightFileName.c_str());
  TH3D *MHist = (TH3D*)infileMC->Get("MHist");

  // Check if the histogram exists           
  if (!MHist) {
    throw cms::Exception("HistogramNotFound") << " Could not find the histogram MHist in the file "
                                              << "in the file " << MCWeightFileName << "." << std::endl;

  TFile *infileD = new TFile(DataWeightFileName.c_str());
  TH3D *DHist = (TH3D*)infileD->Get("DHist");

  // Check if the histogram exists           
  if (!DHist) {
    throw cms::Exception("HistogramNotFound") << " Could not find the histogram DHist in the file "
                                              << "in the file " << DataWeightFileName << "." << std::endl;

  for (int i=0; i<50; i++) {  
    for(int j=0; j<50; j++) {
      for(int k=0; k<50; k++) {
        Weight3D_[i][j][k] = DHist->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,k+1)/MHist->GetBinContent(i+1,j+1,k+1);

  std::cout << " 3D Weight Matrix initialized! " << std::endl;


void Lumi3DReWeighting::weight3D_set ( std::string  generatedFile,
std::string  dataFile,
std::string  GenHistName,
std::string  DataHistName 

Definition at line 158 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, Data_distr_, dataFile_, dataFileName_, DataHistName_, generatedFile_, generatedFileName_, GenHistName_, and MC_distr_.

  generatedFileName_ = generatedFile;
  dataFileName_ = dataFile ; 
  GenHistName_ = GenHistName ; 
  DataHistName_= DataHistName ;
  std::cout<< " seting values: " << generatedFileName_ << " " << dataFileName_ << " " << GenHistName_ << " " << DataHistName_ << std::endl;

  generatedFile_ = boost::shared_ptr<TFile>( new TFile(generatedFileName_.c_str()) ); //MC distribution
  dataFile_      = boost::shared_ptr<TFile>( new TFile(dataFileName_.c_str()) );      //Data distribution
  boost::shared_ptr<TH1> Data_temp = boost::shared_ptr<TH1>(  (static_cast<TH1*>(dataFile_->Get( DataHistName_.c_str() )->Clone() )) );
  boost::shared_ptr<TH1> MC_temp = boost::shared_ptr<TH1>(  (static_cast<TH1*>(generatedFile_->Get( GenHistName_.c_str() )->Clone() )) );
  MC_distr_ = boost::shared_ptr<TH1>(  (static_cast<TH1*>(generatedFile_->Get( GenHistName_.c_str() )->Clone() )) );
  Data_distr_ = boost::shared_ptr<TH1>(  (static_cast<TH1*>(dataFile_->Get( DataHistName_.c_str() )->Clone() )) );
  // MC * data/MC = data, so the weights are data/MC:
  // normalize both histograms first
  Data_distr_->Scale( 1.0/ Data_distr_->Integral() );
  MC_distr_->Scale( 1.0/ MC_distr_->Integral() );

Member Data Documentation

boost::shared_ptr<TH1> edm::Lumi3DReWeighting::Data_distr_ [protected]

Definition at line 66 of file Lumi3DReWeighting.h.

Referenced by Lumi3DReWeighting(), weight3D_init(), and weight3D_set().

boost::shared_ptr<TFile> edm::Lumi3DReWeighting::dataFile_ [protected]

Definition at line 60 of file Lumi3DReWeighting.h.

Referenced by Lumi3DReWeighting(), and weight3D_set().

std::string edm::Lumi3DReWeighting::dataFileName_ [protected]

Definition at line 56 of file Lumi3DReWeighting.h.

Referenced by Lumi3DReWeighting(), and weight3D_set().

std::string edm::Lumi3DReWeighting::DataHistName_ [protected]

Definition at line 58 of file Lumi3DReWeighting.h.

Referenced by Lumi3DReWeighting(), and weight3D_set().

boost::shared_ptr<TFile> edm::Lumi3DReWeighting::generatedFile_ [protected]

Definition at line 59 of file Lumi3DReWeighting.h.

Referenced by Lumi3DReWeighting(), and weight3D_set().

Definition at line 55 of file Lumi3DReWeighting.h.

Referenced by Lumi3DReWeighting(), and weight3D_set().

std::string edm::Lumi3DReWeighting::GenHistName_ [protected]

Definition at line 57 of file Lumi3DReWeighting.h.

Referenced by Lumi3DReWeighting(), and weight3D_set().

boost::shared_ptr<TH1> edm::Lumi3DReWeighting::MC_distr_ [protected]

Definition at line 65 of file Lumi3DReWeighting.h.

Referenced by Lumi3DReWeighting(), weight3D_init(), and weight3D_set().

double edm::Lumi3DReWeighting::Weight3D_[50][50][50] [protected]

Definition at line 69 of file Lumi3DReWeighting.h.

Referenced by weight3D(), and weight3D_init().

boost::shared_ptr<TH1> edm::Lumi3DReWeighting::weights_ [protected]

Definition at line 61 of file Lumi3DReWeighting.h.