Public Member Functions | Private Attributes

JacobianCartesianToCurvilinear Class Reference

#include <JacobianCartesianToCurvilinear.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

const AlgebraicMatrix56jacobian () const
const AlgebraicMatrix jacobian_old () const
 JacobianCartesianToCurvilinear (const GlobalTrajectoryParameters &globalParameters)

Private Attributes

AlgebraicMatrix56 theJacobian

Detailed Description

Class which calculates the Jacobian matrix of the transformation from the Cartesian to the curvilinear frame. The Jacobian is calculated during construction and thereafter cached, enabling reuse of the same Jacobian without calculating it again.

Definition at line 14 of file JacobianCartesianToCurvilinear.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

JacobianCartesianToCurvilinear::JacobianCartesianToCurvilinear ( const GlobalTrajectoryParameters globalParameters)

Constructor from global trajectory parameters. NB!! No default constructor exists!

Definition at line 5 of file

References GlobalTrajectoryParameters::charge(), Vector3DBase< T, FrameTag >::cross(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::mag(), GlobalTrajectoryParameters::momentum(), L1TEmulatorMonitor_cff::p, p2, p3, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::perp(), ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::pt, lumiQueryAPI::q, dttmaxenums::R, theJacobian, Vector3DBase< T, FrameTag >::unit(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::x(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::y(), and PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::z().

                                                                                   : theJacobian() {
  GlobalVector xt = globalParameters.momentum();
  //GlobalVector yt(xt.y(), -xt.x(), 0.); \\wrong direction of the axis
  //GlobalVector zt(xt.x()*xt.z(), xt.y()*xt.z(), -xt.perp2()); \\and then also on this one
  GlobalVector yt(-xt.y(), xt.x(), 0.);
  GlobalVector zt = xt.cross(yt);
  GlobalVector pvec = globalParameters.momentum();
  double pt = pvec.perp(), p = pvec.mag();
  double px = pvec.x(), py = pvec.y(), pz = pvec.z();
  double pt2 = pt*pt, p2 = p*p, p3 = p*p*p;
  TrackCharge q = globalParameters.charge();
  // for neutrals: qbp is 1/p instead of q/p - 
  //   equivalent to charge 1
  if ( q==0 )  q = 1;
  xt = xt.unit(); 
  if(fabs(pt) > 0){
    yt = yt.unit(); 
    zt = zt.unit();
  AlgebraicMatrix66 R;
  R(0,0) = xt.x(); R(0,1) = xt.y(); R(0,2) = xt.z();
  R(1,0) = yt.x(); R(1,1) = yt.y(); R(1,2) = yt.z();
  R(2,0) = zt.x(); R(2,1) = zt.y(); R(2,2) = zt.z();
  R(3,3) = 1.;
  R(4,4) = 1.;
  R(5,5) = 1.;

  theJacobian(0,3) = -q*px/p3;        theJacobian(0,4) = -q*py/p3;        theJacobian(0,5) = -q*pz/p3;
  if(fabs(pt) > 0){
    //theJacobian(1,3) = (px*pz)/(pt*p2); theJacobian(1,4) = (py*pz)/(pt*p2); theJacobian(1,5) = -pt/p2; //wrong sign
    theJacobian(1,3) = -(px*pz)/(pt*p2); theJacobian(1,4) = -(py*pz)/(pt*p2); theJacobian(1,5) = pt/p2;
    theJacobian(2,3) = -py/pt2;         theJacobian(2,4) = px/pt2;          theJacobian(2,5) = 0.;
  theJacobian(3,1) = 1.;
  theJacobian(4,2) = 1.;
  theJacobian = theJacobian * R;
  //dbg::dbg_trace(1,"Ca2Cu", globalParameters.vector(),theJacobian);

Member Function Documentation

const AlgebraicMatrix56 & JacobianCartesianToCurvilinear::jacobian ( ) const
const AlgebraicMatrix JacobianCartesianToCurvilinear::jacobian_old ( ) const

Definition at line 45 of file

References asHepMatrix(), and theJacobian.

  return asHepMatrix(theJacobian);

Member Data Documentation