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TwoBodyDecayEstimator Class Reference

#include <TwoBodyDecayEstimator.h>

List of all members.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

virtual TwoBodyDecayEstimatorclone (void) const
virtual TwoBodyDecay estimate (const std::vector< RefCountedLinearizedTrackState > &linTracks, const TwoBodyDecayParameters &linearizationPoint, const TwoBodyDecayVirtualMeasurement &vm) const
const int ndf (void) const
const AlgebraicVectorpulls (void) const
 TwoBodyDecayEstimator (const edm::ParameterSet &config)
virtual ~TwoBodyDecayEstimator (void)

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool constructMatrices (const std::vector< RefCountedLinearizedTrackState > &linTracks, const TwoBodyDecayParameters &linearizationPoint, const TwoBodyDecayVirtualMeasurement &vm, AlgebraicVector &vecM, AlgebraicSymMatrix &matG, AlgebraicMatrix &matA) const

Private Member Functions

bool checkValues (const AlgebraicVector &vec) const

Private Attributes

int theMaxIterations
double theMaxIterDiff
int theNdf
AlgebraicVector thePulls
double theRobustificationConstant
bool theUseInvariantMass

Detailed Description

Class TwoBodyDecayEstimator estimates the decay parameters and the corresponding error matrix (see TwoBodyDecayParameter) from two linearized tracks, and an hypothesis for the primary particle's mass and width as well as the mass of the secondary particles. It utilizes a robust M-estimator.

/author Edmund Widl

Definition at line 20 of file TwoBodyDecayEstimator.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 25 of file TwoBodyDecayEstimator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

TwoBodyDecayEstimator::TwoBodyDecayEstimator ( const edm::ParameterSet config)

Definition at line 10 of file

References ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::e, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), edm::ParameterSet::getUntrackedParameter(), theMaxIterations, theMaxIterDiff, theRobustificationConstant, theUseInvariantMass, and funct::true.

Referenced by clone().

  const edm::ParameterSet & estimatorConfig = config.getParameter< edm::ParameterSet >( "EstimatorParameters" );

  theRobustificationConstant = estimatorConfig.getUntrackedParameter< double >( "RobustificationConstant", 1.0 );
  theMaxIterDiff = estimatorConfig.getUntrackedParameter< double >( "MaxIterationDifference", 1e-2 );
  theMaxIterations = estimatorConfig.getUntrackedParameter< int >( "MaxIterations", 100 );
  theUseInvariantMass = estimatorConfig.getUntrackedParameter< bool >( "UseInvariantMass", true );
virtual TwoBodyDecayEstimator::~TwoBodyDecayEstimator ( void  ) [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 28 of file TwoBodyDecayEstimator.h.


Member Function Documentation

bool TwoBodyDecayEstimator::checkValues ( const AlgebraicVector vec) const [private]

Definition at line 220 of file

References i, and edm::detail::isnan().

Referenced by constructMatrices().

  bool isNan = false;
  bool isInf = false;

  for ( int i = 0; i < vec.num_col(); ++i )
    isNan = isNan || std::isnan( vec[i] );
    isInf = isInf || std::isinf( vec[i] );

  return ( isNan || isInf );
virtual TwoBodyDecayEstimator* TwoBodyDecayEstimator::clone ( void  ) const [inline, virtual]

Definition at line 37 of file TwoBodyDecayEstimator.h.

References TwoBodyDecayEstimator().

{ return new TwoBodyDecayEstimator( *this ); }
bool TwoBodyDecayEstimator::constructMatrices ( const std::vector< RefCountedLinearizedTrackState > &  linTracks,
const TwoBodyDecayParameters linearizationPoint,
const TwoBodyDecayVirtualMeasurement vm,
AlgebraicVector vecM,
AlgebraicSymMatrix matG,
AlgebraicMatrix matA 
) const [protected, virtual]

Definition at line 103 of file

References asHepMatrix(), asHepVector(), TwoBodyDecayVirtualMeasurement::beamSpot(), TwoBodyDecayVirtualMeasurement::beamSpotError(), TwoBodyDecayModel::cartesianSecondaryMomenta(), checkValues(), PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::constantTerm(), TwoBodyDecayDerivatives::derivatives(), reco::TransientTrack::field(), MagneticField::inInverseGeV(), PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::linearizationPoint(), LogDebug, TwoBodyDecayParameters::mass, PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::momentumJacobian(), TwoBodyDecayParameters::parameters(), PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::positionJacobian(), PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::predictedStateError(), PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::predictedStateMomentumParameters(), PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::predictedStateParameters(), TwoBodyDecayVirtualMeasurement::primaryMass(), TwoBodyDecayVirtualMeasurement::primaryWidth(), TwoBodyDecayParameters::px, TwoBodyDecayVirtualMeasurement::secondaryMass(), TwoBodyDecayParameters::sub(), PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::track(), and z.

Referenced by estimate().


  PerigeeLinearizedTrackState* linTrack1 = dynamic_cast<PerigeeLinearizedTrackState*>( linTracks[0].get() );
  PerigeeLinearizedTrackState* linTrack2 = dynamic_cast<PerigeeLinearizedTrackState*>( linTracks[1].get() );

  AlgebraicVector trackParam1 = asHepVector( linTrack1->predictedStateParameters() );
  AlgebraicVector trackParam2 = asHepVector( linTrack2->predictedStateParameters() );

  if ( checkValues( trackParam1 ) || checkValues( trackParam2 ) || checkValues( linearizationPoint.parameters() ) ) return false;

  AlgebraicVector vecLinParam = linearizationPoint.sub( TwoBodyDecayParameters::px,
                                                        TwoBodyDecayParameters::mass );

  double zMagField = linTrack1->track().field()->inInverseGeV( linTrack1->linearizationPoint() ).z();

  int checkInversion = 0;

  TwoBodyDecayDerivatives tpeDerivatives( linearizationPoint[TwoBodyDecayParameters::mass], vm.secondaryMass() );
  std::pair< AlgebraicMatrix, AlgebraicMatrix > derivatives = tpeDerivatives.derivatives( linearizationPoint );

  TwoBodyDecayModel decayModel( linearizationPoint[TwoBodyDecayParameters::mass], vm.secondaryMass() );
  std::pair< AlgebraicVector, AlgebraicVector > linCartMomenta = decayModel.cartesianSecondaryMomenta( linearizationPoint );

  // first track
  AlgebraicMatrix matA1 = asHepMatrix( linTrack1->positionJacobian() );
  AlgebraicMatrix matB1 = asHepMatrix( linTrack1->momentumJacobian() );
  AlgebraicVector vecC1 = asHepVector( linTrack1->constantTerm() );

  AlgebraicVector curvMomentum1 = asHepVector( linTrack1->predictedStateMomentumParameters() );
  AlgebraicMatrix curv2cart1 = decayModel.curvilinearToCartesianJacobian( curvMomentum1, zMagField );

  AlgebraicVector cartMomentum1 = decayModel.convertCurvilinearToCartesian( curvMomentum1, zMagField );
  vecC1 += matB1*( curvMomentum1 - curv2cart1*cartMomentum1 );
  matB1 = matB1*curv2cart1;

  AlgebraicMatrix matF1 = derivatives.first;
  AlgebraicVector vecD1 = linCartMomenta.first - matF1*vecLinParam;
  AlgebraicVector vecM1 = trackParam1 - vecC1 - matB1*vecD1;
  AlgebraicSymMatrix covM1 = asHepMatrix( linTrack1->predictedStateError() );

  AlgebraicSymMatrix matG1 = covM1.inverse( checkInversion );
  if ( checkInversion != 0 )
    LogDebug( "Alignment" ) << "@SUB=TwoBodyDecayEstimator::constructMatrices"
                            << "Matrix covM1 not invertible.";
    return false;

  // diagonalize for robustification
   AlgebraicMatrix matU1 = diagonalize( &matG1 ).T();

  // second track
  AlgebraicMatrix matA2 = asHepMatrix( linTrack2->positionJacobian() );
  AlgebraicMatrix matB2 = asHepMatrix( linTrack2->momentumJacobian() );
  AlgebraicVector vecC2 = asHepVector( linTrack2->constantTerm() );

  AlgebraicVector curvMomentum2 = asHepVector( linTrack2->predictedStateMomentumParameters() );
  AlgebraicMatrix curv2cart2 = decayModel.curvilinearToCartesianJacobian( curvMomentum2, zMagField );

  AlgebraicVector cartMomentum2 = decayModel.convertCurvilinearToCartesian( curvMomentum2, zMagField );
  vecC2 += matB2*( curvMomentum2 - curv2cart2*cartMomentum2 );
  matB2 = matB2*curv2cart2;

  AlgebraicMatrix matF2 = derivatives.second;
  AlgebraicVector vecD2 = linCartMomenta.second - matF2*vecLinParam;
  AlgebraicVector vecM2 = trackParam2 - vecC2 - matB2*vecD2;
  AlgebraicSymMatrix covM2 = asHepMatrix( linTrack2->predictedStateError() );

  AlgebraicSymMatrix matG2 = covM2.inverse( checkInversion );
  if ( checkInversion != 0 )
    LogDebug( "Alignment" ) << "@SUB=TwoBodyDecayEstimator::constructMatrices"
                            << "Matrix covM2 not invertible.";
    return false;

  // diagonalize for robustification
  AlgebraicMatrix matU2 = diagonalize( &matG2 ).T();

  // combine first and second track
  vecM = AlgebraicVector( 14, 0 );
  vecM.sub( 1, matU1*vecM1 );
  vecM.sub( 6, matU2*vecM2 );
  // virtual measurement of the primary mass
  vecM( 11 ) = vm.primaryMass();
  // virtual measurement of the beam spot
  vecM.sub( 12, vm.beamSpot() );

  // full weight matrix
  matG = AlgebraicSymMatrix( 14, 0 );
  matG.sub( 1, matG1 );
  matG.sub( 6, matG2 );
  // virtual measurement error of the primary mass
  matG[10][10] = 1./( vm.primaryWidth()*vm.primaryWidth() );
  // virtual measurement error of the beam spot
  matG.sub( 12, vm.beamSpotError().inverse( checkInversion ) );

  // full derivative matrix
  matA = AlgebraicMatrix( 14, 9, 0 );
  matA.sub( 1, 1, matU1*matA1 );
  matA.sub( 6, 1, matU2*matA2 );
  matA.sub( 1, 4, matU1*matB1*matF1 );
  matA.sub( 6, 4, matU2*matB2*matF2 );
  matA( 11, 9 ) = 1.;//mass
  matA( 12, 1 ) = 1.;//vx
  matA( 13, 2 ) = 1.;//vy
  matA( 14, 3 ) = 1.;//vz

  return true;
TwoBodyDecay TwoBodyDecayEstimator::estimate ( const std::vector< RefCountedLinearizedTrackState > &  linTracks,
const TwoBodyDecayParameters linearizationPoint,
const TwoBodyDecayVirtualMeasurement vm 
) const [virtual]

Definition at line 21 of file

References CastorDataFrameFilter_impl::check(), ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::chi2, constructMatrices(), dot(), i, LogDebug, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::sigma, mathSSE::sqrt(), theMaxIterations, theMaxIterDiff, theNdf, thePulls, and theRobustificationConstant.

  if ( linTracks.size() != 2 )
    edm::LogInfo( "Alignment" ) << "@SUB=TwoBodyDecayEstimator::estimate"
                                << "Need 2 linearized tracks, got " << linTracks.size() << ".\n";
    return TwoBodyDecay();

  AlgebraicVector vecM;
  AlgebraicSymMatrix matG;
  AlgebraicMatrix matA;

  bool check = constructMatrices( linTracks, linearizationPoint, vm, vecM, matG, matA );
  if ( !check ) return TwoBodyDecay();

  AlgebraicSymMatrix matGPrime;
  AlgebraicSymMatrix invAtGPrimeA;
  AlgebraicVector vecEstimate;
  AlgebraicVector res;

  int nIterations = 0;
  bool stopIteration = false;

  // initialization - values are never used
  int checkInversion = 0;
  double chi2 = 0.;
  double oldChi2 = 0.;
  bool isValid = true;

  while( !stopIteration )
    matGPrime = matG;

    // compute weights
    if ( nIterations > 0 )
      for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
        double sigma = 1./sqrt( matG[i][i] );
        double sigmaTimesR = sigma*theRobustificationConstant;
        double absRes = fabs( res[i] ); 
        if (  absRes > sigmaTimesR ) matGPrime[i][i] *= sigmaTimesR/absRes;

    // make LS-fit
    invAtGPrimeA = ( matGPrime.similarityT(matA) ).inverse( checkInversion );
    if ( checkInversion != 0 )
      LogDebug( "Alignment" ) << "@SUB=TwoBodyDecayEstimator::estimate"
                              << "Matrix At*G'*A not invertible (in iteration " << nIterations
                              << ", ifail = " << checkInversion << ").\n";
      isValid = false;
    vecEstimate = invAtGPrimeA*matA.T()*matGPrime*vecM;
    res = matA*vecEstimate - vecM;
    chi2 = dot( res, matGPrime*res );

    if ( ( nIterations > 0 ) && ( fabs( chi2 - oldChi2 ) < theMaxIterDiff ) ) stopIteration = true;
    if ( nIterations == theMaxIterations ) stopIteration = true;

    oldChi2 = chi2;

  if ( isValid )
    AlgebraicSymMatrix pullsCov = matGPrime.inverse( checkInversion ) - invAtGPrimeA.similarity( matA );
    thePulls = AlgebraicVector( matG.num_col(), 0 );
    for ( int i = 0; i < pullsCov.num_col(); i++ ) thePulls[i] = res[i]/sqrt( pullsCov[i][i] );

  theNdf = matA.num_row() - matA.num_col();

  return TwoBodyDecay( TwoBodyDecayParameters( vecEstimate, invAtGPrimeA ), chi2, isValid );
const int TwoBodyDecayEstimator::ndf ( void  ) const [inline]

Definition at line 34 of file TwoBodyDecayEstimator.h.

References theNdf.

{ return theNdf; }
const AlgebraicVector& TwoBodyDecayEstimator::pulls ( void  ) const [inline]

Definition at line 35 of file TwoBodyDecayEstimator.h.

References thePulls.

{ return thePulls; }

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 52 of file TwoBodyDecayEstimator.h.

Referenced by estimate(), and TwoBodyDecayEstimator().

Definition at line 51 of file TwoBodyDecayEstimator.h.

Referenced by estimate(), and TwoBodyDecayEstimator().

int TwoBodyDecayEstimator::theNdf [mutable, private]

Definition at line 55 of file TwoBodyDecayEstimator.h.

Referenced by estimate(), and ndf().

Definition at line 56 of file TwoBodyDecayEstimator.h.

Referenced by estimate(), and pulls().

Definition at line 50 of file TwoBodyDecayEstimator.h.

Referenced by estimate(), and TwoBodyDecayEstimator().

Definition at line 53 of file TwoBodyDecayEstimator.h.

Referenced by TwoBodyDecayEstimator().