Public Member Functions | Private Member Functions | Private Attributes

EcalTPGParamBuilder Class Reference

#include <EcalTPGParamBuilder.h>

Inheritance diagram for EcalTPGParamBuilder:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual void analyze (const edm::Event &evt, const edm::EventSetup &evtSetup)
virtual void beginJob ()
bool checkIfOK (EcalPedestals::Item item)
 EcalTPGParamBuilder (edm::ParameterSet const &pSet)
 ~EcalTPGParamBuilder ()

Private Member Functions

void computeFineGrainEBParameters (unsigned int &lowRatio, unsigned int &highRatio, unsigned int &lowThreshold, unsigned int &highThreshold, unsigned int &lut)
void computeFineGrainEEParameters (unsigned int &threshold, unsigned int &lut_strip, unsigned int &lut_tower)
bool computeLinearizerParam (double theta, double gainRatio, double calibCoeff, std::string subdet, int &mult, int &shift)
void computeLUT (int *lut, std::string det="EB")
std::vector< unsigned int > computeWeights (EcalShapeBase &shape, TH1F *histo)
void create_header ()
void getCoeff (coeffStruc &coeff, const EcalGainRatioMap &gainMap, unsigned int rawId)
void getCoeff (coeffStruc &coeff, const EcalPedestalsMap &pedMap, unsigned int rawId)
void getCoeff (coeffStruc &coeff, const std::map< EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsDat > &pedMap, const EcalLogicID &logicId)
void getCoeff (coeffStruc &coeff, const EcalIntercalibConstantMap &calibMap, unsigned int rawId)
std::pair< std::string, int > getCrate (int tcc)
std::string getDet (int tcc)
int getEtaSlice (int tccId, int towerInTCC)
int getGCTRegionEta (int tteta)
int getGCTRegionPhi (int ttphi)
bool realignBaseline (linStruc &lin, float forceBase12)
double uncodeWeight (int iweight, int complement2=7)
int uncodeWeight (double weight, int complement2=7)

Private Attributes

int btt_conf_id_
int bxt_conf_id_
unsigned int complement2_
bool DBEE_
unsigned int DBrunNb_
double Et_sat_EB_
double Et_sat_EE_
< EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap
double FG_highRatio_EB_
double FG_highThreshold_EB_
double FG_lowRatio_EB_
double FG_lowThreshold_EB_
unsigned int FG_lut_EB_
unsigned int FG_lut_strip_EE_
unsigned int FG_lut_tower_EE_
double FG_Threshold_EE_
int fgr_conf_id_
int forcedPedestalValue_
bool forceEtaSlice_
std::ofstream * geomFile_
int lin_conf_id_
int lut_conf_id_
double LUT_constant_EB_
double LUT_constant_EE_
double LUT_noise_EB_
double LUT_noise_EE_
std::string LUT_option_
double LUT_stochastic_EB_
double LUT_stochastic_EE_
double LUT_threshold_EB_
double LUT_threshold_EE_
int m_write_btt
int m_write_bxt
int m_write_fgr
int m_write_lin
int m_write_lut
int m_write_ped
int m_write_sli
int m_write_wei
unsigned int nSample_
Char_t ntupleCrate_ [10]
Char_t ntupleDet_ [10]
Float_t * ntupleFloats_
std::ofstream * out_file_
int ped_conf_id_
unsigned int pedestal_offset_
unsigned int sampleMax_
unsigned int SFGVB_lut_
unsigned int SFGVB_Threshold_
int sli_conf_id_
unsigned int sliding_
std::string tag_
const CaloSubdetectorGeometrytheBarrelGeometry_
const CaloSubdetectorGeometrytheEndcapGeometry_
const EcalElectronicsMappingtheMapping_
double TTF_highThreshold_EB_
double TTF_highThreshold_EE_
double TTF_lowThreshold_EB_
double TTF_lowThreshold_EE_
bool useInterCalibration_
bool useTransverseEnergy_
int version_
int wei_conf_id_
double weight_timeShift_
bool weight_unbias_recovery_
bool writeToDB_
bool writeToFiles_
double xtal_LSB_EB_
double xtal_LSB_EE_

Detailed Description

Definition at line 64 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

EcalTPGParamBuilder::EcalTPGParamBuilder ( edm::ParameterSet const &  pSet) [explicit]

Definition at line 52 of file

References btt_conf_id_, bxt_conf_id_, gather_cfg::cout, db_, DBEE_, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::e, Et_sat_EB_, Et_sat_EE_, exception, FG_highRatio_EB_, FG_highThreshold_EB_, FG_lowRatio_EB_, FG_lowThreshold_EB_, FG_lut_EB_, FG_lut_strip_EE_, FG_lut_tower_EE_, FG_Threshold_EE_, fgr_conf_id_, forcedPedestalValue_, forceEtaSlice_, geomFile_, edm::ParameterSet::getParameter(), lin_conf_id_, lut_conf_id_, LUT_constant_EB_, LUT_constant_EE_, LUT_noise_EB_, LUT_noise_EE_, LUT_option_, LUT_stochastic_EB_, LUT_stochastic_EE_, LUT_threshold_EB_, LUT_threshold_EE_, m_write_btt, m_write_bxt, m_write_fgr, m_write_lin, m_write_lut, m_write_ped, m_write_sli, m_write_wei, dbtoconf::out, out_file_, cmsMakeMELists::outFile, ped_conf_id_, pedestal_offset_, sampleMax_, SFGVB_lut_, SFGVB_Threshold_, sli_conf_id_, sliding_, tag_, TTF_highThreshold_EB_, TTF_highThreshold_EE_, TTF_lowThreshold_EB_, TTF_lowThreshold_EE_, useInterCalibration_, useTransverseEnergy_, version_, wei_conf_id_, weight_timeShift_, weight_unbias_recovery_, writeToDB_, and writeToFiles_.

  : xtal_LSB_EB_(0), xtal_LSB_EE_(0), nSample_(5), complement2_(7)


  writeToDB_  = pSet.getParameter<bool>("writeToDB") ;
  DBEE_ = pSet.getParameter<bool>("allowDBEE") ;
  std::string DBsid    = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("DBsid") ;
  std::string DBuser   = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("DBuser") ;
  std::string DBpass   = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("DBpass") ;
  //unsigned int32_t DBport = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("DBport") ;
  tag_   = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("TPGtag") ;
  version_ = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("TPGversion") ;

  m_write_ped = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("TPGWritePed") ;
  m_write_lin = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("TPGWriteLin") ;
  m_write_lut = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("TPGWriteLut") ;
  m_write_wei = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("TPGWriteWei") ;
  m_write_fgr = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("TPGWriteFgr") ;
  m_write_sli = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("TPGWriteSli") ;
  m_write_bxt = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("TPGWriteBxt") ;
  m_write_btt = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("TPGWriteBtt") ;

  if (writeToDB_) {
    try {
      std::cout << "data will be saved with tag and version="<< tag_<< ".version"<<version_<< std::endl;
      db_ = new EcalTPGDBApp(DBsid, DBuser, DBpass) ;
    } catch (std::exception &e) {
      std::cout << "ERROR:  " << e.what() << std::endl;
    } catch (...) {
      std::cout << "Unknown error caught" << std::endl;

  writeToFiles_ =  pSet.getParameter<bool>("writeToFiles") ;
  if (writeToFiles_) {
    std::string outFile = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("outFile") ;
    out_file_ = new std::ofstream(outFile.c_str(), std::ios::out) ;  
  geomFile_   = new std::ofstream("geomFile.txt", std::ios::out) ;  

  useTransverseEnergy_ = pSet.getParameter<bool>("useTransverseEnergy") ;
  Et_sat_EB_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("Et_sat_EB") ;
  Et_sat_EE_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("Et_sat_EE") ;
  sliding_ = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("sliding") ;
  weight_timeShift_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("weight_timeShift") ;
  sampleMax_ = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("weight_sampleMax") ;
  weight_unbias_recovery_ = pSet.getParameter<bool>("weight_unbias_recovery") ;

  forcedPedestalValue_ = pSet.getParameter<int>("forcedPedestalValue") ;
  forceEtaSlice_ = pSet.getParameter<bool>("forceEtaSlice") ;
  LUT_option_ = pSet.getParameter<std::string>("LUT_option") ;
  LUT_threshold_EB_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("LUT_threshold_EB") ;
  LUT_threshold_EE_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("LUT_threshold_EE") ;
  LUT_stochastic_EB_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("LUT_stochastic_EB") ;
  LUT_noise_EB_ =pSet.getParameter<double>("LUT_noise_EB") ;
  LUT_constant_EB_ =pSet.getParameter<double>("LUT_constant_EB") ;
  LUT_stochastic_EE_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("LUT_stochastic_EE") ;
  LUT_noise_EE_ =pSet.getParameter<double>("LUT_noise_EE") ;
  LUT_constant_EE_ =pSet.getParameter<double>("LUT_constant_EE") ;

  TTF_lowThreshold_EB_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("TTF_lowThreshold_EB") ;
  TTF_highThreshold_EB_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("TTF_highThreshold_EB") ;
  TTF_lowThreshold_EE_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("TTF_lowThreshold_EE") ;
  TTF_highThreshold_EE_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("TTF_highThreshold_EE") ;

  FG_lowThreshold_EB_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("FG_lowThreshold_EB") ;
  FG_highThreshold_EB_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("FG_highThreshold_EB") ;
  FG_lowRatio_EB_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("FG_lowRatio_EB") ;
  FG_highRatio_EB_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("FG_highRatio_EB") ;
  FG_lut_EB_ = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("FG_lut_EB") ;
  FG_Threshold_EE_ = pSet.getParameter<double>("FG_Threshold_EE") ;
  FG_lut_strip_EE_ = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("FG_lut_strip_EE") ;
  FG_lut_tower_EE_ = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("FG_lut_tower_EE") ;
  SFGVB_Threshold_ = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("SFGVB_Threshold") ;
  SFGVB_lut_ = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("SFGVB_lut") ;
  pedestal_offset_ = pSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("pedestal_offset") ;

  useInterCalibration_  = pSet.getParameter<bool>("useInterCalibration") ;
EcalTPGParamBuilder::~EcalTPGParamBuilder ( )

Definition at line 158 of file

References out_file_, and writeToFiles_.

  if (writeToFiles_) {
    (*out_file_ )<<"EOF"<<std::endl ;
    out_file_->close() ;
    delete out_file_ ;

Member Function Documentation

void EcalTPGParamBuilder::analyze ( const edm::Event evt,
const edm::EventSetup evtSetup 
) [virtual]

Implements edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 195 of file

References abs, Reference_intrackfit_cff::barrel, btt_conf_id_, bxt_conf_id_, coeffStruc::calibCoeff_, EcalTriggerElectronicsId::channelId(), computeFineGrainEBParameters(), computeFineGrainEEParameters(), computeLinearizerParam(), computeLUT(), computeWeights(), gather_cfg::cout, AlCaRecoCosmics_cfg::dataset, db_, DBEE_, EcalElectronicsId::dccId(), EcalElectronicsMapping::DCCid(), ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::e, DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, Et_sat_EB_, Et_sat_EE_, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::eta(), eTTmap_, exception, FG_highRatio_EB_, FG_highThreshold_EB_, FG_lowRatio_EB_, FG_lowThreshold_EB_, FG_Threshold_EE_, fgr_conf_id_, first, forcedPedestalValue_, forceEtaSlice_, g, EcalMGPAGainRatio::gain12Over6(), EcalMGPAGainRatio::gain6Over1(), coeffStruc::gainRatio_, edm::EventSetup::get(), FEConfigMainInfo::getBttId(), FEConfigMainInfo::getBxtId(), getCoeff(), getCrate(), getDet(), EcalCondDBInterface::getEcalLogicID(), EcalCondDBInterface::getEcalLogicIDSetOrdered(), EcalElectronicsMapping::getElectronicsId(), FEConfigMainInfo::getFgrId(), getGCTRegionEta(), getGCTRegionPhi(), CaloSubdetectorGeometry::getGeometry(), EcalLogicID::getID1(), EcalLogicID::getID3(), FEConfigMainInfo::getLinId(), FEConfigMainInfo::getLUTId(), EcalCondObjectContainer< T >::getMap(), FEConfigMainInfo::getPedId(), CaloCellGeometry::getPosition(), FEConfigMainInfo::getSliId(), EcalElectronicsMapping::getTriggerElectronicsId(), CaloSubdetectorGeometry::getValidDetIds(), FEConfigMainInfo::getWeiId(), ecalpyutils::hashedIndex(), i, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::id, EcalTrigTowerDetId::ieta(), EcalTrigTowerDetId::ietaAbs(), EcalTrigTowerDetId::iphi(), EcalElectronicsMapping::iTT(), j, gen::k, lin_conf_id_, lut_conf_id_, LUT_option_, m_write_fgr, m_write_lin, m_write_lut, m_write_ped, m_write_sli, m_write_wei, VarParsing::mult, linStruc::mult_, ntupleCrate_, ntupleDet_, ntupleFloats_, EcalLogicID::NULLID, convertSQLiteXML::ok, dbtoconf::out, out_file_, ped_conf_id_, linStruc::pedestal_, pedestal_offset_, coeffStruc::pedestals_, PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::phi(), funct::pow(), EcalTriggerElectronicsId::pseudoStripId(), EcalTriggerElectronicsId::rawId(), DetId::rawId(), realignBaseline(), edm::second(), IODConfig::setConfigTag(), FEConfigLUTParamDat::setETSat(), FEConfigLinParamDat::setETSat(), FEConfigFgrParamDat::setFGhighratio(), FEConfigFgrParamDat::setFGhighthresh(), FEConfigFgrParamDat::setFGlowratio(), FEConfigFgrParamDat::setFGlowthresh(), FEConfigFgrGroupDat::setFgrGroupId(), FEConfigFgrDat::setFgrGroupId(), FEConfigFgrEEStripDat::setLutFgr(), FEConfigLUTDat::setLUTGroupId(), FEConfigLUTGroupDat::setLUTGroupId(), FEConfigLUTGroupDat::setLUTValue(), FEConfigFgrGroupDat::setLUTValue(), FEConfigFgrEETowerDat::setLutValue(), FEConfigLinDat::setMultX1(), FEConfigLinDat::setMultX12(), FEConfigLinDat::setMultX6(), FEConfigPedDat::setPedMeanG1(), FEConfigPedDat::setPedMeanG12(), FEConfigPedDat::setPedMeanG6(), FEConfigFgrGroupDat::setRatioHigh(), FEConfigFgrGroupDat::setRatioLow(), FEConfigLinDat::setShift1(), FEConfigLinDat::setShift12(), FEConfigLinDat::setShift6(), FEConfigSlidingDat::setSliding(), FEConfigFgrGroupDat::setThreshHigh(), FEConfigFgrGroupDat::setThreshLow(), FEConfigFgrEEStripDat::setThreshold(), FEConfigLUTParamDat::setTTThreshhigh(), FEConfigLUTParamDat::setTTThreshlow(), FEConfigWeightGroupDat::setWeight0(), FEConfigWeightGroupDat::setWeight1(), FEConfigWeightGroupDat::setWeight2(), FEConfigWeightGroupDat::setWeight3(), FEConfigWeightGroupDat::setWeight4(), FEConfigWeightDat::setWeightGroupId(), FEConfigWeightGroupDat::setWeightGroupId(), SFGVB_lut_, SFGVB_Threshold_, edm::shift, linStruc::shift_, funct::sin(), findQualityFiles::size, sli_conf_id_, sliding_, EcalElectronicsId::stripId(), EcalTrigTowerDetId::subDet(), tag_, EcalElectronicsMapping::TCCid(), theBarrelGeometry_, theEndcapGeometry_, theMapping_, theta(), PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::theta(), crabWrap::threshold, EcalElectronicsId::towerId(), funct::true, TTF_highThreshold_EB_, TTF_highThreshold_EE_, TTF_lowThreshold_EB_, TTF_lowThreshold_EE_, useTransverseEnergy_, version_, wei_conf_id_, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::weights, EcalTPGDBApp::writeToConfDB_TPGFgr(), EcalTPGDBApp::writeToConfDB_TPGLinearCoef(), EcalTPGDBApp::writeToConfDB_TPGLUT(), EcalTPGDBApp::writeToConfDB_TPGMain(), EcalTPGDBApp::writeToConfDB_TPGPedestals(), EcalTPGDBApp::writeToConfDB_TPGSliding(), EcalTPGDBApp::writeToConfDB_TPGWeight(), writeToDB_, writeToFiles_, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::x, xtal_LSB_EB_, xtal_LSB_EE_, EcalElectronicsId::xtalId(), ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::y, z, and EcalTrigTowerDetId::zside().

  using namespace edm;
  using namespace std;

  // geometry
  ESHandle<CaloGeometry> theGeometry;
  ESHandle<CaloSubdetectorGeometry> theEndcapGeometry_handle, theBarrelGeometry_handle;
  evtSetup.get<CaloGeometryRecord>().get( theGeometry );
  theEndcapGeometry_ = &(*theEndcapGeometry_handle);
  theBarrelGeometry_ = &(*theBarrelGeometry_handle);

  // electronics mapping
  ESHandle< EcalElectronicsMapping > ecalmapping;
  evtSetup.get< EcalMappingRcd >().get(ecalmapping);
  theMapping_ = ecalmapping.product();

  // histo
  TFile saving ("EcalTPGParam.root","recreate") ; () ;
  TH2F * ICEB = new TH2F("ICEB", "IC: Barrel", 360, 1, 361, 172, -86, 86) ;
  ICEB->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ;
  ICEB->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ;  
  TH2F * tpgFactorEB = new TH2F("tpgFactorEB", "tpgFactor: Barrel", 360, 1, 361, 172, -86, 86) ;
  tpgFactorEB->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta index") ;
  tpgFactorEB->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi index") ;  

  TH2F * ICEEPlus = new TH2F("ICEEPlus", "IC: Plus Endcap", 120, -9, 111, 120, -9, 111) ;
  ICEEPlus->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y index") ;
  ICEEPlus->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x index") ;
  TH2F * tpgFactorEEPlus = new TH2F("tpgFactorEEPlus", "tpgFactor: Plus Endcap", 120, -9, 111, 120, -9, 111) ;
  tpgFactorEEPlus->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y index") ;
  tpgFactorEEPlus->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x index") ;
  TH2F * ICEEMinus = new TH2F("ICEEMinus", "IC: Minus Endcap", 120, -9, 111, 120, -9, 111) ;
  ICEEMinus->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y index") ;
  ICEEMinus->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x index") ;
  TH2F * tpgFactorEEMinus = new TH2F("tpgFactorEEMinus", "tpgFactor: Minus Endcap", 120, -9, 111, 120, -9, 111) ;
  tpgFactorEEMinus->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("y index") ;
  tpgFactorEEMinus->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("x index") ;

  TH2F * IC = new TH2F("IC", "IC", 720, -acos(-1.), acos(-1.), 600, -3., 3.) ;
  IC->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta") ;
  IC->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi") ;  
  TH2F * tpgFactor = new TH2F("tpgFactor", "tpgFactor", 720, -acos(-1.), acos(-1.), 600, -3., 3.) ;
  tpgFactor->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("eta") ;
  tpgFactor->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("phi") ;  

  TH1F * hshapeEB = new TH1F("shapeEB", "shapeEB", 250, 0., 10.) ;
  TH1F * hshapeEE = new TH1F("shapeEE", "shapeEE", 250, 0., 10.) ;

  TTree * ntuple = new TTree("tpgmap","TPG geometry map") ;
  const char * branchFloat[24] = {"fed","tcc","tower","stripInTower","xtalInStrip",
                            "TCCch","TCCslot","SLBch","SLBslot","ietaGCT","iphiGCT"} ;
  ntupleFloats_ = new Float_t[24] ;
  for (int i=0 ; i<24 ; i++) ntuple->Branch(branchFloat[i],&ntupleFloats_[i],branchFloat[i]) ;
  ntuple->Branch("det",ntupleDet_,"det/C") ;
  ntuple->Branch("crate",ntupleCrate_,"crate/C") ;

  TNtuple *ntupleSpike = new TNtuple("spikeParam","Spike parameters","gainId:theta:G:g:ped:pedLin") ;

  // Initialization section //
  list<uint32_t> towerListEB ;
  list<uint32_t> stripListEB ;
  list<uint32_t> towerListEE ;
  list<uint32_t> stripListEE ;
  list<uint32_t>::iterator itList ;
  std::map<int, uint32_t> stripMapEB ; // <EcalLogicId.hashed, strip elec id>
  std::map<uint32_t, uint32_t> stripMapEBsintheta ; // <strip elec id, sintheta>

  // Pedestals
  std::cout <<"Getting the pedestals from offline DB..."<<std::endl;
  ESHandle<EcalPedestals> pedHandle;
  evtSetup.get<EcalPedestalsRcd>().get( pedHandle );
  const EcalPedestalsMap & pedMap = pedHandle.product()->getMap() ;
  EcalPedestalsMapIterator pedIter ; 
  int nPed = 0 ;
  for (pedIter = pedMap.begin() ; pedIter != pedMap.end() && nPed<10 ; ++pedIter, nPed++) {
    EcalPedestals::Item aped = (*pedIter);
    std::cout<<aped.mean_x12<<", "<<aped.mean_x6<<", "<<aped.mean_x1<<std::endl ;
  std::cout<<"...\n"<<std::endl ; 

  // Intercalib constants
  std::cout <<"Getting intercalib from offline DB..."<<std::endl;
  ESHandle<EcalIntercalibConstants> pIntercalib ;
  evtSetup.get<EcalIntercalibConstantsRcd>().get(pIntercalib) ;
  const EcalIntercalibConstants * intercalib = pIntercalib.product() ;
  const EcalIntercalibConstantMap & calibMap = intercalib->getMap() ;
  EcalIntercalibConstantMap::const_iterator calIter ;
  int nCal = 0 ;
  for (calIter = calibMap.begin() ; calIter != calibMap.end() && nCal<10 ; ++calIter, nCal++) {
    std::cout<<(*calIter)<<std::endl ;
  std::cout<<"...\n"<<std::endl ;

  // Gain Ratios
  std::cout <<"Getting the gain ratios from offline DB..."<<std::endl;
  ESHandle<EcalGainRatios> pRatio;
  const EcalGainRatioMap & gainMap = pRatio.product()->getMap();
  EcalGainRatioMap::const_iterator gainIter ;
  int nGain = 0 ;
  for (gainIter = gainMap.begin() ; gainIter != gainMap.end() && nGain<10 ; ++gainIter, nGain++) {
    const EcalMGPAGainRatio & aGain = (*gainIter) ;
    std::cout<<aGain.gain12Over6()<<", "<<aGain.gain6Over1() * aGain.gain12Over6()<<std::endl ;
  std::cout<<"...\n"<<std::endl ;    

  // ADCtoGeV
  std::cout <<"Getting the ADC to GEV from offline DB..."<<std::endl;
  ESHandle<EcalADCToGeVConstant> pADCToGeV ;
  evtSetup.get<EcalADCToGeVConstantRcd>().get(pADCToGeV) ;
  const EcalADCToGeVConstant * ADCToGeV = pADCToGeV.product() ;
  xtal_LSB_EB_ = ADCToGeV->getEBValue() ;
  xtal_LSB_EE_ = ADCToGeV->getEEValue() ;
  std::cout<<"xtal_LSB_EB_ = "<<xtal_LSB_EB_<<std::endl ;
  std::cout<<"xtal_LSB_EE_ = "<<xtal_LSB_EE_<<std::endl ;
  std::cout<<std::endl ;  

  std::vector<EcalLogicID> my_EcalLogicId;
  std::vector<EcalLogicID> my_TTEcalLogicId;
  std::vector<EcalLogicID> my_StripEcalLogicId;
  EcalLogicID my_EcalLogicId_EB;
    // Endcap identifiers
  EcalLogicID my_EcalLogicId_EE;
  std::vector<EcalLogicID> my_TTEcalLogicId_EE;
  std::vector<EcalLogicID> my_RTEcalLogicId_EE;
  std::vector<EcalLogicID> my_StripEcalLogicId1_EE;
  std::vector<EcalLogicID> my_StripEcalLogicId2_EE;
  std::vector<EcalLogicID> my_CrystalEcalLogicId_EE;

  if (writeToDB_){
    std::cout<<"going to get the ecal logic id set"<< std::endl;

    my_EcalLogicId_EB = db_->getEcalLogicID( "EB",EcalLogicID::NULLID,EcalLogicID::NULLID,EcalLogicID::NULLID,"EB");
    my_EcalLogicId_EE = db_->getEcalLogicID( "EE",EcalLogicID::NULLID,EcalLogicID::NULLID,EcalLogicID::NULLID,"EE");

    my_EcalLogicId = db_->getEcalLogicIDSetOrdered( "EB_crystal_number",
                                                    1, 36,
                                                    1, 1700,
                                                    "EB_crystal_number",12 );
    my_TTEcalLogicId = db_->getEcalLogicIDSetOrdered( "EB_trigger_tower",
                                                    1, 36,
                                                    1, 68,
                                                    "EB_trigger_tower",12 );
    my_StripEcalLogicId = db_->getEcalLogicIDSetOrdered( "EB_VFE",   1, 36,   1, 68,   1,5 ,  "EB_VFE",123 ); //last digi means ordered 1st by SM,then TT, then strip 
    std::cout<<"got the 3 ecal barrel logic id set"<< std::endl;

    // EE crystals identifiers
    // EE crystals identifiers
    my_CrystalEcalLogicId_EE = db_->getEcalLogicIDSetOrdered("EE_crystal_number",
                                                    -1, 1,
                                                    0, 200,
                                                    0, 200,
                                                    "EE_crystal_number",123 );

    // EE Strip identifiers
    // DCC=601-609 TT = ~40 EEstrip = 5
    my_StripEcalLogicId1_EE = db_->getEcalLogicIDSetOrdered( "ECAL_readout_strip",   
                                                        601, 609,   
                                                        1, 100,   
                                                        0,5 ,  
                                                        "ECAL_readout_strip",123 );
    // EE Strip identifiers
    // DCC=646-654 TT = ~40 EEstrip = 5
    my_StripEcalLogicId2_EE = db_->getEcalLogicIDSetOrdered( "ECAL_readout_strip",   
                                                        646, 654,   
                                                        1, 100,   
                                                        0,5 ,  
                                                        "ECAL_readout_strip",123 );
    // TTC=72 TT = 1440
    my_TTEcalLogicId_EE = db_->getEcalLogicIDSetOrdered( "EE_trigger_tower",
                                                    1, 108,
                                                    1, 40,
                                                    "EE_trigger_tower",12 );

    // TTC=72 TT = 1440
    my_RTEcalLogicId_EE = db_->getEcalLogicIDSetOrdered( "EE_readout_tower",
                                                    1, 1000,
                                                    1, 100,
                                                    "EE_readout_tower",12 );

    std::cout<<"got the end cap logic id set"<< std::endl;
    std::cout<<"now just get the latest ids for this tag (latest version) "<< std::endl;

    FEConfigMainInfo fe_main_info;
    try {
      std::cout << "trying to read previous tag if it exists tag="<< tag_<< ".version"<<version_<< std::endl;

      db_-> fetchConfigSet(&fe_main_info);
      if(fe_main_info.getBxtId()>0) bxt_conf_id_=fe_main_info.getBxtId();
      if(fe_main_info.getBttId()>0 && btt_conf_id_==0 ) btt_conf_id_=fe_main_info.getBttId();
      // those that are not written specifically in this program are propagated
      // from the previous record with the same tag and the highest version

      std::cout<<"got it "<< std::endl;

    } catch (exception &e) {
      std::cout << " tag did not exist a new tag will be created " << std::endl;
    } catch (...) {
      std::cout << "Unknown error caught" << std::endl;


  // Compute linearization coeff section //

  std::map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigPedDat> pedset ;
  std::map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigLinDat> linset ;
  std::map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigLinParamDat> linparamset ;
  std::map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigLUTParamDat> lutparamset ;
  std::map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigFgrParamDat> fgrparamset ;

  std::map<int, linStruc> linEtaSlice ;
  std::map <std::vector<int>, linStruc > linMap ;

  // count number of strip per tower
  int NbOfStripPerTCC[108][68] ; 
  for (int i=0 ; i<108 ; i++)
    for (int j=0 ; j<68 ; j++) 
      NbOfStripPerTCC[i][j] = 0 ;
  const std::vector<DetId> & ebCells = theBarrelGeometry_->getValidDetIds(DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel);
  const std::vector<DetId> & eeCells = theEndcapGeometry_->getValidDetIds(DetId::Ecal, EcalEndcap);
  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator it = ebCells.begin(); it != ebCells.end(); ++it) {
    EBDetId id(*it) ;
    const EcalTrigTowerDetId towid= id.tower();
    const EcalTriggerElectronicsId elId = theMapping_->getTriggerElectronicsId(id) ;
    int tccNb = theMapping_->TCCid(towid) ;
    int towerInTCC = theMapping_->iTT(towid) ;
    int stripInTower = elId.pseudoStripId() ;  
    if (stripInTower>NbOfStripPerTCC[tccNb-1][towerInTCC-1]) NbOfStripPerTCC[tccNb-1][towerInTCC-1] = stripInTower ;
  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator it = eeCells.begin(); it != eeCells.end(); ++it) {
    EEDetId id(*it) ;
    const EcalTrigTowerDetId towid= (*eTTmap_).towerOf(id) ;
    const EcalTriggerElectronicsId elId = theMapping_->getTriggerElectronicsId(id) ;
    int tccNb = theMapping_->TCCid(towid) ;
    int towerInTCC = theMapping_->iTT(towid) ; 
    int stripInTower = elId.pseudoStripId() ;
    if (stripInTower>NbOfStripPerTCC[tccNb-1][towerInTCC-1]) NbOfStripPerTCC[tccNb-1][towerInTCC-1] = stripInTower ;

  // loop on EB xtals
  if (writeToFiles_) (*out_file_)<<"COMMENT ====== barrel crystals ====== "<<std::endl ;

  // special case of eta slices
  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator it = ebCells.begin(); it != ebCells.end(); ++it) {
    EBDetId id(*it) ;
    double theta = theBarrelGeometry_->getGeometry(id)->getPosition().theta() ;
    if (!useTransverseEnergy_) theta = acos(0.) ;
    const EcalTrigTowerDetId towid= id.tower();
    const EcalTriggerElectronicsId elId = theMapping_->getTriggerElectronicsId(id) ;
    int dccNb = theMapping_->DCCid(towid) ;
    int tccNb = theMapping_->TCCid(towid) ;
    int towerInTCC = theMapping_->iTT(towid) ; // from 1 to 68 (EB)
    int stripInTower = elId.pseudoStripId() ;  // from 1 to 5
    int xtalInStrip = elId.channelId() ;       // from 1 to 5
    const EcalElectronicsId Id = theMapping_->getElectronicsId(id) ;
    int CCUid = Id.towerId() ;
    int VFEid = Id.stripId() ;
    int xtalInVFE = Id.xtalId() ;
    int xtalWithinCCUid = 5*(VFEid-1) + xtalInVFE -1 ; // Evgueni expects [0,24]
    (*geomFile_)<<"dccNb = "<<dccNb<<" tccNb = "<<tccNb<<" towerInTCC = "<<towerInTCC
                <<" stripInTower = "<<stripInTower<<" xtalInStrip = "<<xtalInStrip
                <<" CCUid = "<<CCUid<<" VFEid = "<<VFEid<<" xtalInVFE = "<<xtalInVFE
                <<" xtalWithinCCUid = "<<xtalWithinCCUid<<" ieta = "<<id.ieta()<<" iphi = "<<id.iphi()
                <<" xtalhashedId = "<<id.hashedIndex()<<" xtalNb = "<<id.ic()
                <<" ietaTT = "<<towid.ieta()<<" iphiTT = "<<towid.iphi()<<std::endl ;

    int TCCch = towerInTCC ;
    int SLBslot = int((towerInTCC-1)/8.) + 1 ;
    int SLBch = (towerInTCC-1)%8 + 1 ;
    float val[] = {float(dccNb+600),float(tccNb),float(towerInTCC),float(stripInTower),
                   float(TCCch), float(getCrate(tccNb).second), 
                   float(SLBch), float(SLBslot), 
                   float(getGCTRegionEta(towid.ieta())),float(getGCTRegionPhi(towid.iphi()))} ;
    for (int i=0 ; i<24 ; i++) ntupleFloats_[i] = val[i] ;
    sprintf(ntupleDet_,getDet(tccNb).c_str()) ;
    sprintf(ntupleCrate_,getCrate(tccNb).first.c_str()) ;
    ntuple->Fill() ;
    if (tccNb == 37 && stripInTower == 3 && xtalInStrip == 3 && (towerInTCC-1)%4==0) {
      int etaSlice = towid.ietaAbs() ;
      coeffStruc coeff ;
      getCoeff(coeff, calibMap, id.rawId()) ;
      getCoeff(coeff, gainMap, id.rawId()) ;
      getCoeff(coeff, pedMap, id.rawId()) ;
      linStruc lin ;
      for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
        int mult, shift ;
        bool ok = computeLinearizerParam(theta, coeff.gainRatio_[i], coeff.calibCoeff_, "EB", mult , shift) ;
        if (!ok) std::cout << "unable to compute the parameters for SM="<< id.ism()<<" xt="<< id.ic()<<" " <<dec<<id.rawId()<<std::endl ;  
        else {
          lin.pedestal_[i] = coeff.pedestals_[i] ;
          lin.mult_[i] = mult ;
          lin.shift_[i] = shift ;

      bool ok(true) ;
      if (forcedPedestalValue_ == -2) ok = realignBaseline(lin, 0) ;
      if (!ok) std::cout<<"SM="<< id.ism()<<" xt="<< id.ic()<<" " <<dec<<id.rawId()<<std::endl ; 
      linEtaSlice[etaSlice] = lin ;     

  // general case
  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator it = ebCells.begin(); it != ebCells.end(); ++it) {
    EBDetId id(*it) ;
    double theta = theBarrelGeometry_->getGeometry(id)->getPosition().theta() ;
    if (!useTransverseEnergy_) theta = acos(0.) ;
    const EcalTrigTowerDetId towid= id.tower();
    towerListEB.push_back(towid.rawId()) ;
    const EcalTriggerElectronicsId elId = theMapping_->getTriggerElectronicsId(id) ;
    stripListEB.push_back(elId.rawId() & 0xfffffff8) ;
    int dccNb = theMapping_->DCCid(towid) ;
    //int tccNb = theMapping_->TCCid(towid) ;
    int towerInTCC = theMapping_->iTT(towid) ; // from 1 to 68 (EB)
    //int stripInTower = elId.pseudoStripId() ;  // from 1 to 5
    //int xtalInStrip = elId.channelId() ;       // from 1 to 5
    const EcalElectronicsId Id = theMapping_->getElectronicsId(id) ;
    int CCUid = Id.towerId() ;
    int VFEid = Id.stripId() ;
    int xtalInVFE = Id.xtalId() ;
    int xtalWithinCCUid = 5*(VFEid-1) + xtalInVFE -1 ; // Evgueni expects [0,24]
    int etaSlice = towid.ietaAbs() ;

    // hashed index of strip EcalLogicID:
    int hashedStripLogicID = 68*5*(id.ism()-1) + 5*(towerInTCC-1) +  (VFEid-1) ;
    stripMapEB[hashedStripLogicID] = elId.rawId() & 0xfffffff8 ;
    stripMapEBsintheta[elId.rawId() & 0xfffffff8] = SFGVB_Threshold_ + abs(int(sin(theta)*pedestal_offset_)) ;

    FEConfigPedDat pedDB ;
    FEConfigLinDat linDB ;
    if (writeToFiles_) (*out_file_)<<"CRYSTAL "<<dec<<id.rawId()<<std::endl ;
    //  if (writeToDB_) logicId = db_->getEcalLogicID ("EB_crystal_number", id.ism(), id.ic()) ;

    coeffStruc coeff ;
    getCoeff(coeff, calibMap, id.rawId()) ;
    getCoeff(coeff, gainMap, id.rawId()) ;
    getCoeff(coeff, pedMap, id.rawId()) ;
    ICEB->Fill(id.iphi(), id.ieta(), coeff.calibCoeff_) ;  
    IC->Fill(theBarrelGeometry_->getGeometry(id)->getPosition().phi(), theBarrelGeometry_->getGeometry(id)->getPosition().eta(), coeff.calibCoeff_) ;  

    std::vector<int> xtalCCU ;
    xtalCCU.push_back(dccNb+600) ; 
    xtalCCU.push_back(CCUid) ; 
    xtalCCU.push_back(xtalWithinCCUid) ;
    xtalCCU.push_back(id.rawId()) ;
    // compute and fill linearization parameters
    // case of eta slice
    if (forceEtaSlice_) {
      std::map<int, linStruc>::const_iterator itLin = linEtaSlice.find(etaSlice);
      if (itLin != linEtaSlice.end()) {
        linMap[xtalCCU] = itLin->second ;
        if (writeToFiles_) {
          for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) 
            (*out_file_) << hex <<" 0x"<<itLin->second.pedestal_[i]<<" 0x"<<itLin->second.mult_[i]<<" 0x"<<itLin->second.shift_[i]<<std::endl;
        if (writeToDB_) {
          for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
            if (i==0)  {pedDB.setPedMeanG12(itLin->second.pedestal_[i]) ; linDB.setMultX12(itLin->second.mult_[i]) ; linDB.setShift12(itLin->second.shift_[i]) ; } 
            if (i==1)  {pedDB.setPedMeanG6(itLin->second.pedestal_[i]) ; linDB.setMultX6(itLin->second.mult_[i]) ; linDB.setShift6(itLin->second.shift_[i]) ; } 
            if (i==2)  {pedDB.setPedMeanG1(itLin->second.pedestal_[i]) ; linDB.setMultX1(itLin->second.mult_[i]) ; linDB.setShift1(itLin->second.shift_[i]) ; } 
        float factor = float(itLin->second.mult_[0])*pow(2.,-itLin->second.shift_[0])/xtal_LSB_EB_ ;
        tpgFactorEB->Fill(id.iphi(), id.ieta(), factor) ;
                        theBarrelGeometry_->getGeometry(id)->getPosition().eta(), factor) ;
      else std::cout<<"current EtaSlice = "<<etaSlice<<" not found in the EtaSlice map"<<std::endl ;
    else {
      // general case
      linStruc lin ;
      int forceBase12 = 0 ;
      for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
        int mult, shift ;
        bool ok = computeLinearizerParam(theta, coeff.gainRatio_[i], coeff.calibCoeff_, "EB", mult , shift) ;
        if (!ok) std::cout << "unable to compute the parameters for SM="<< id.ism()<<" xt="<< id.ic()<<" " <<dec<<id.rawId()<<std::endl ;  
        else {
          //PP begin
          //  mult = 0 ; shift = 0 ;
          //  if (CCUid==1 && xtalWithinCCUid==21) {
          //    if (i==0) {mult = 0x80 ; shift = 0x3 ;}
          //    if (i==1) {mult = 0x80 ; shift = 0x2 ;}
          //    if (i==2) {mult = 0xc0 ; shift = 0x0 ;}
          //  } 
          //PP end
          double base = coeff.pedestals_[i] ;
          if (forcedPedestalValue_ == -3 && i==0) {
            double G = mult*pow(2.,-(shift+2)) ;
            double g = G/sin(theta) ;
            // int pedestal = coeff.pedestals_[i] ;
            base = double(coeff.pedestals_[i]) - pedestal_offset_/g ;
            if (base<0.) base = 0 ;
            forceBase12 = int(base) ;
          lin.pedestal_[i] = coeff.pedestals_[i] ;
          lin.mult_[i] = mult ;
          lin.shift_[i] = shift ;

      bool ok(true) ;
      if (forcedPedestalValue_ == -2) ok = realignBaseline(lin, 0) ;
      if (forcedPedestalValue_ == -3) ok = realignBaseline(lin, forceBase12) ;
      if (!ok) std::cout<<"SM="<< id.ism()<<" xt="<< id.ic()<<" " <<dec<<id.rawId()<<std::endl ; 
      for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {      
        if (writeToFiles_) (*out_file_) << hex <<" 0x"<<lin.pedestal_[i]<<" 0x"<<lin.mult_[i]<<" 0x"<<lin.shift_[i]<<std::endl; 
        if (writeToDB_) {
          if (i==0)  {pedDB.setPedMeanG12(lin.pedestal_[i]) ; linDB.setMultX12(lin.mult_[i]) ; linDB.setShift12(lin.shift_[i]) ; } 
          if (i==1)  {pedDB.setPedMeanG6(lin.pedestal_[i]) ; linDB.setMultX6(lin.mult_[i]) ; linDB.setShift6(lin.shift_[i]) ; } 
          if (i==2)  {pedDB.setPedMeanG1(lin.pedestal_[i]) ; linDB.setMultX1(lin.mult_[i]) ; linDB.setShift1(lin.shift_[i]) ; }
        if (i==0) {
          float factor = float(lin.mult_[i])*pow(2.,-lin.shift_[i])/xtal_LSB_EB_ ;
          tpgFactorEB->Fill(id.iphi(), id.ieta(), factor) ;
                          theBarrelGeometry_->getGeometry(id)->getPosition().eta(), factor) ;                       
        double G = lin.mult_[i]*pow(2.,-(lin.shift_[i]+2)) ;
        double g = G/sin(theta) ;
        float val[] = {float(i),float(theta),float(G),float(g),
                       float(coeff.pedestals_[i]),float(lin.pedestal_[i])} ;// first arg = gainId (0 means gain12)
        ntupleSpike->Fill(val) ;
      linMap[xtalCCU] = lin ;
    if (writeToDB_) {
    // 1700 crystals/SM in the ECAL barrel
      int ixtal=(id.ism()-1)*1700+(id.ic()-1);
      EcalLogicID logicId =my_EcalLogicId[ixtal];
      pedset[logicId] = pedDB ;
      linset[logicId] = linDB ; 
  } //ebCells

  if (writeToDB_) {
    // EcalLogicID  of the whole barrel is: my_EcalLogicId_EB
    FEConfigLinParamDat linparam ;
    linparamset[my_EcalLogicId_EB] = linparam ;

    FEConfigFgrParamDat fgrparam ;
    fgrparamset[my_EcalLogicId_EB] = fgrparam ;

    FEConfigLUTParamDat lutparam ;
    lutparamset[my_EcalLogicId_EB] = lutparam ;


  // loop on EE xtals
  if (writeToFiles_) (*out_file_)<<"COMMENT ====== endcap crystals ====== "<<std::endl ;
  // special case of eta slices
  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator it = eeCells.begin(); it != eeCells.end(); ++it) {
    EEDetId id(*it) ;
    double theta = theEndcapGeometry_->getGeometry(id)->getPosition().theta() ;
    if (!useTransverseEnergy_) theta = acos(0.) ;
    const EcalTrigTowerDetId towid= (*eTTmap_).towerOf(id) ;
    const EcalTriggerElectronicsId elId = theMapping_->getTriggerElectronicsId(id) ;
    const EcalElectronicsId Id = theMapping_->getElectronicsId(id) ;
    int dccNb = Id.dccId() ;
    int tccNb = theMapping_->TCCid(towid) ;
    int towerInTCC = theMapping_->iTT(towid) ; 
    int stripInTower = elId.pseudoStripId() ;
    int xtalInStrip = elId.channelId() ;
    int CCUid = Id.towerId() ;
    int VFEid = Id.stripId() ;
    int xtalInVFE = Id.xtalId() ;
    int xtalWithinCCUid = 5*(VFEid-1) + xtalInVFE -1 ; // Evgueni expects [0,24]

    (*geomFile_)<<"dccNb = "<<dccNb<<" tccNb = "<<tccNb<<" towerInTCC = "<<towerInTCC
                <<" stripInTower = "<<stripInTower<<" xtalInStrip = "<<xtalInStrip
                <<" CCUid = "<<CCUid<<" VFEid = "<<VFEid<<" xtalInVFE = "<<xtalInVFE
                <<" xtalWithinCCUid = "<<xtalWithinCCUid<<" ix = "<<id.ix()<<" iy = "<<id.iy()
                <<" xtalhashedId = "<<id.hashedIndex()<<" xtalNb = "<<id.isc()
                <<" ietaTT = "<<towid.ieta()<<" iphiTT = "<<towid.iphi()<<std::endl ;

    int TCCch = stripInTower ;
    int SLBslot, SLBch ;
    if (towerInTCC<5) {
      SLBslot = 1 ;
      SLBch = 4 + towerInTCC ;
    else {
      SLBslot = int((towerInTCC-5)/8.) + 2 ;
      SLBch = (towerInTCC-5)%8 + 1 ;
    for (int j=0 ; j<towerInTCC-1 ; j++) TCCch += NbOfStripPerTCC[tccNb-1][j] ;
    float val[] = {float(dccNb+600),float(tccNb),float(towerInTCC),float(stripInTower),
                   float(SLBch), float(SLBslot), 
                   float(getGCTRegionEta(towid.ieta())),float(getGCTRegionPhi(towid.iphi()))} ;
    for (int i=0 ; i<24 ; i++) ntupleFloats_[i] = val[i] ;
    sprintf(ntupleDet_,getDet(tccNb).c_str()) ;
    sprintf(ntupleCrate_,getCrate(tccNb).first.c_str()) ;
    ntuple->Fill() ;
    if ((tccNb == 76 || tccNb == 94) && stripInTower == 1 && xtalInStrip == 3 && (towerInTCC-1)%4==0) {
      int etaSlice = towid.ietaAbs() ;
      coeffStruc coeff ;
      getCoeff(coeff, calibMap, id.rawId()) ;
      getCoeff(coeff, gainMap, id.rawId()) ;
      getCoeff(coeff, pedMap, id.rawId()) ;
      linStruc lin ;
      for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
        int mult, shift ;
        bool ok = computeLinearizerParam(theta, coeff.gainRatio_[i], coeff.calibCoeff_, "EE", mult , shift) ;
        if (!ok) std::cout << "unable to compute the parameters for Quadrant="<< id.iquadrant()<<" xt="<< id.ic()<<" " <<dec<<id.rawId()<<std::endl ;  
        else {
          lin.pedestal_[i] = coeff.pedestals_[i] ;
          lin.mult_[i] = mult ;
          lin.shift_[i] = shift ;

      bool ok(true) ;
      if (forcedPedestalValue_ == -2 || forcedPedestalValue_ == -3) ok = realignBaseline(lin, 0) ;
      if (!ok) std::cout<<"Quadrant="<< id.iquadrant()<<" xt="<< id.ic()<<" " <<dec<<id.rawId()<<std::endl ; 

      linEtaSlice[etaSlice] = lin ;

  // general case
  for (std::vector<DetId>::const_iterator it = eeCells.begin(); it != eeCells.end(); ++it) {
    EEDetId id(*it);
    double theta = theEndcapGeometry_->getGeometry(id)->getPosition().theta() ;
    if (!useTransverseEnergy_) theta = acos(0.) ;
    const EcalTrigTowerDetId towid= (*eTTmap_).towerOf(id) ;
    const EcalTriggerElectronicsId elId = theMapping_->getTriggerElectronicsId(id) ;
    const EcalElectronicsId Id = theMapping_->getElectronicsId(id) ;
    towerListEE.push_back(towid.rawId()) ;
    // special case of towers in inner rings of EE
    if (towid.ietaAbs() == 27 || towid.ietaAbs() == 28) {
      EcalTrigTowerDetId additionalTower(towid.zside(), towid.subDet(), towid.ietaAbs(), towid.iphi()+1) ;
      towerListEE.push_back(additionalTower.rawId()) ;
    stripListEE.push_back(elId.rawId() & 0xfffffff8) ;
    int dccNb = Id.dccId() ;
    //int tccNb = theMapping_->TCCid(towid) ;
    //int towerInTCC = theMapping_->iTT(towid) ;
    //int stripInTower = elId.pseudoStripId() ;
    //int xtalInStrip = elId.channelId() ;
    int CCUid = Id.towerId() ;
    int VFEid = Id.stripId() ;
    int xtalInVFE = Id.xtalId() ;
    int xtalWithinCCUid = 5*(VFEid-1) + xtalInVFE -1 ; // Evgueni expects [0,24]
    int etaSlice = towid.ietaAbs() ;

    EcalLogicID logicId ;
    FEConfigPedDat pedDB ;
    FEConfigLinDat linDB ;
    if (writeToFiles_) (*out_file_)<<"CRYSTAL "<<dec<<id.rawId()<<std::endl ;
    if (writeToDB_ && DBEE_) {
      int iz = id.positiveZ() ;
      if (iz ==0) iz = -1 ;
      for(int k=0; k<(int)my_CrystalEcalLogicId_EE.size(); k++) {

        int z= my_CrystalEcalLogicId_EE[k].getID1() ;
        int x= my_CrystalEcalLogicId_EE[k].getID2() ;
        int y= my_CrystalEcalLogicId_EE[k].getID3() ;

        if(id.ix()==x && id.iy()==y && iz==z) {


    coeffStruc coeff ;
    getCoeff(coeff, calibMap, id.rawId()) ;
    getCoeff(coeff, gainMap, id.rawId()) ;
    getCoeff(coeff, pedMap, id.rawId()) ;
    if (id.zside()>0) ICEEPlus->Fill(id.ix(), id.iy(), coeff.calibCoeff_) ;  
    else ICEEMinus->Fill(id.ix(), id.iy(), coeff.calibCoeff_) ;  
    IC->Fill(theEndcapGeometry_->getGeometry(id)->getPosition().phi(), theEndcapGeometry_->getGeometry(id)->getPosition().eta(), coeff.calibCoeff_) ;  
    std::vector<int> xtalCCU ;
    xtalCCU.push_back(dccNb+600) ; 
    xtalCCU.push_back(CCUid) ; 
    xtalCCU.push_back(xtalWithinCCUid) ;
    xtalCCU.push_back(id.rawId()) ;

    // compute and fill linearization parameters
    // case of eta slice
    if (forceEtaSlice_) {
      std::map<int, linStruc>::const_iterator itLin = linEtaSlice.find(etaSlice);
      if (itLin != linEtaSlice.end()) {
        linMap[xtalCCU] = itLin->second ;
        if (writeToFiles_) {
          for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) 
            (*out_file_) << hex <<" 0x"<<itLin->second.pedestal_[i]<<" 0x"<<itLin->second.mult_[i]<<" 0x"<<itLin->second.shift_[i]<<std::endl;
        if (writeToDB_ && DBEE_) {
          for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
            if (i==0)  {pedDB.setPedMeanG12(itLin->second.pedestal_[i]) ; linDB.setMultX12(itLin->second.mult_[i]) ; linDB.setShift12(itLin->second.shift_[i]) ; } 
            if (i==1)  {pedDB.setPedMeanG6(itLin->second.pedestal_[i]) ; linDB.setMultX6(itLin->second.mult_[i]) ; linDB.setShift6(itLin->second.shift_[i]) ; } 
            if (i==2)  {pedDB.setPedMeanG1(itLin->second.pedestal_[i]) ; linDB.setMultX1(itLin->second.mult_[i]) ; linDB.setShift1(itLin->second.shift_[i]) ; } 
        float factor = float(itLin->second.mult_[0])*pow(2.,-itLin->second.shift_[0])/xtal_LSB_EE_ ;
        if (id.zside()>0) tpgFactorEEPlus->Fill(id.ix(), id.iy(), factor) ;
        else tpgFactorEEMinus->Fill(id.ix(), id.iy(), factor) ;
                        theEndcapGeometry_->getGeometry(id)->getPosition().eta(), factor) ;
      else std::cout<<"current EtaSlice = "<<etaSlice<<" not found in the EtaSlice map"<<std::endl ;      
    else {
      // general case
      linStruc lin ;
      for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
        int mult, shift ;
        bool ok = computeLinearizerParam(theta, coeff.gainRatio_[i], coeff.calibCoeff_, "EE", mult , shift) ;
        if (!ok) std::cout << "unable to compute the parameters for "<<dec<<id.rawId()<<std::endl ;  
        else {
          lin.pedestal_[i] = coeff.pedestals_[i] ;
          lin.mult_[i] = mult ;
          lin.shift_[i] = shift ;

      bool ok(true) ;
      if (forcedPedestalValue_ == -2 || forcedPedestalValue_ == -3) ok = realignBaseline(lin, 0) ;
      if (!ok) std::cout<<"Quadrant="<< id.iquadrant()<<" xt="<< id.ic()<<" " <<dec<<id.rawId()<<std::endl ; 

      for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
        if (writeToFiles_) (*out_file_) << hex <<" 0x"<<lin.pedestal_[i]<<" 0x"<<lin.mult_[i]<<" 0x"<<lin.shift_[i]<<std::endl; 
        if (writeToDB_ && DBEE_) {
          if (i==0)  {pedDB.setPedMeanG12(lin.pedestal_[i]) ; linDB.setMultX12(lin.mult_[i]) ; linDB.setShift12(lin.shift_[i]) ; } 
          if (i==1)  {pedDB.setPedMeanG6(lin.pedestal_[i]) ; linDB.setMultX6(lin.mult_[i]) ; linDB.setShift6(lin.shift_[i]) ; } 
          if (i==2)  {pedDB.setPedMeanG1(lin.pedestal_[i]) ; linDB.setMultX1(lin.mult_[i]) ; linDB.setShift1(lin.shift_[i]) ; }
        if (i==0) {
          float factor = float(lin.mult_[i])*pow(2.,-lin.shift_[i])/xtal_LSB_EE_ ;
          if (id.zside()>0) tpgFactorEEPlus->Fill(id.ix(), id.iy(), factor) ;
          else tpgFactorEEMinus->Fill(id.ix(), id.iy(), factor) ;           
                          theEndcapGeometry_->getGeometry(id)->getPosition().eta(), factor) ;                               
      linMap[xtalCCU] = lin ;
    if (writeToDB_ && DBEE_) {
      pedset[logicId] = pedDB ;
      linset[logicId] = linDB ;
  } //eeCells

  if (writeToDB_ ) {
    // EcalLogicID  of the whole barrel is: my_EcalLogicId_EB
    FEConfigLinParamDat linparam ;
    linparamset[my_EcalLogicId_EE] = linparam ;

    FEConfigLUTParamDat lutparam ;
    lutparamset[my_EcalLogicId_EE] = lutparam ;

    FEConfigFgrParamDat fgrparam ;
    fgrparamset[my_EcalLogicId_EE] = fgrparam ;


  if (writeToDB_) {

    ostringstream ltag;
    ltag.str("EB_"); ltag<<Et_sat_EB_<<"_EE_"<<Et_sat_EE_;
    std::string lin_tag=ltag.str();
    std::cout<< " LIN tag "<<lin_tag<<std::endl;

    if(m_write_ped==1) ped_conf_id_=db_->writeToConfDB_TPGPedestals(pedset, 1, "from_OfflineDB") ;
    if(m_write_lin==1) lin_conf_id_=db_->writeToConfDB_TPGLinearCoef(linset,linparamset, 1, lin_tag) ;

  // Evgueni interface
  std::ofstream evgueni("TPG_hardcoded.hh", std::ios::out) ;  
  evgueni<<"void getLinParamTPG_hardcoded(int fed, int ccu, int xtal,"<<std::endl ;
  evgueni<<"                        int & mult12, int & shift12, int & base12,"<<std::endl ;
  evgueni<<"                        int & mult6, int & shift6, int & base6,"<<std::endl ;
  evgueni<<"                        int & mult1, int & shift1, int & base1)"<<std::endl ;
  evgueni<<"  mult12 = 0 ; shift12 = 0 ; base12 = 0 ; mult6 = 0 ; shift6 = 0 ; base6 = 0 ; mult1 = 0 ; shift1 = 0 ; base1 = 0 ;"<<std::endl ;
  std::map <std::vector<int>, linStruc>::const_iterator itLinMap ;
  for (itLinMap = linMap.begin() ; itLinMap != linMap.end() ; itLinMap++) {
    std::vector<int> xtalInCCU = itLinMap->first ;
    evgueni<<"  if (fed=="<<xtalInCCU[0]<<" && ccu=="<<xtalInCCU[1]<<" && xtal=="<<xtalInCCU[2]<<") {" ;
    evgueni<<"  mult12 = "<<itLinMap->second.mult_[0]<<" ; shift12 = "<<itLinMap->second.shift_[0]<<" ; base12 = "<<itLinMap->second.pedestal_[0]<<" ; " ;
    evgueni<<"  mult6 = "<<itLinMap->second.mult_[1]<<" ; shift6 = "<<itLinMap->second.shift_[1]<<" ; base6 = "<<itLinMap->second.pedestal_[1]<<" ; " ;
    evgueni<<"  mult1 = "<<itLinMap->second.mult_[2]<<" ; shift1 = "<<itLinMap->second.shift_[2]<<" ; base1 = "<<itLinMap->second.pedestal_[2]<<" ; " ;
    evgueni<<"  return ;}" <<std::endl ;
  evgueni<<"}" <<std::endl ;
  evgueni.close() ;

  // Compute weights section //

  const int NWEIGROUPS = 2 ; 
  std::vector<unsigned int> weights[NWEIGROUPS] ;

#if (CMSSW_VERSION>=340)
  EBShape shapeEB ;
  EEShape shapeEE ;
  weights[0] = computeWeights(shapeEB, hshapeEB) ;
  weights[1] = computeWeights(shapeEE, hshapeEE) ;
  // loading reference signal representation
  EcalSimParameterMap parameterMap;  
  EBDetId   barrel(1,1);
  double    phase = parameterMap.simParameters(barrel).timePhase();
  EcalShape shape(phase); 
  weights[0] = computeWeights(shape, hshapeEB) ;
  weights[1] = weights[0] ;

  std::map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigWeightGroupDat> dataset;

  for (int igrp=0 ; igrp<NWEIGROUPS ; igrp++) {

    if (weights[igrp].size() == 5) {

      if (writeToFiles_) {
        (*out_file_) <<std::endl ;
        (*out_file_) <<"WEIGHT "<<igrp<<std::endl ;
        for (unsigned int sample=0 ; sample<5 ; sample++) (*out_file_) << "0x" <<hex<<weights[igrp][sample]<<" " ;
        (*out_file_)<<std::endl ; 
        (*out_file_) <<std::endl ;
      if (writeToDB_) {
        std::cout<<"going to write the weights for groupe:"<<igrp<<std::endl;
        FEConfigWeightGroupDat gut;
        //PP WARNING: weights order is reverted when stored in the DB 
        gut.setWeight0(weights[igrp][4] );
        gut.setWeight1(weights[igrp][3]+ 0x80); //0x80 to identify the max of the pulse in the FENIX (doesn't exist in emulator)
        gut.setWeight2(weights[igrp][2] );
        gut.setWeight3(weights[igrp][1] );
        gut.setWeight4(weights[igrp][0] );
        EcalLogicID ecid = EcalLogicID( "DUMMY", igrp,igrp); //1 dummy ID per group
        // Fill the dataset
        dataset[ecid] = gut;

  if (writeToDB_) {

    // now we store in the DB the correspondence btw channels and groups 
    std::map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigWeightDat> dataset2;

    // EB loop
    for (int ich=0; ich<(int)my_StripEcalLogicId.size() ; ich++){
      FEConfigWeightDat wut;
      int igroup = 0; // this group is for EB
      dataset2[my_StripEcalLogicId[ich]] = wut;
    // EE loop
    for (int ich=0; ich<(int)my_StripEcalLogicId1_EE.size() ; ich++){
      FEConfigWeightDat wut;
      int igroup = 1; // this group is for EE
      // Fill the dataset
      dataset2[my_StripEcalLogicId1_EE[ich]] = wut;
    // EE loop 2 (we had to split the ids of EE in 2 vectors to avoid crash!)
    for (int ich=0; ich<(int)my_StripEcalLogicId2_EE.size() ; ich++){
      FEConfigWeightDat wut;
      int igroup = 1; // this group is for EE
      // Fill the dataset
      dataset2[my_StripEcalLogicId2_EE[ich]] = wut;

    // Insert the datasets
    ostringstream wtag;
    wtag.str(""); wtag<<"Shape_NGroups_"<<NWEIGROUPS;
    std::string weight_tag=wtag.str();
    std::cout<< " weight tag "<<weight_tag<<std::endl; 
    if (m_write_wei==1) wei_conf_id_=db_->writeToConfDB_TPGWeight(dataset, dataset2, NWEIGROUPS, weight_tag) ;

  // Compute FG section //

  // barrel
  unsigned int lowRatio, highRatio, lowThreshold, highThreshold, lutFG ;
  computeFineGrainEBParameters(lowRatio, highRatio, lowThreshold, highThreshold, lutFG) ;
  if (writeToFiles_) {
    (*out_file_) <<std::endl ;
    (*out_file_) <<"FG 0"<<std::endl ;
    (*out_file_)<<hex<<"0x"<<lowThreshold<<" 0x"<<highThreshold
                  <<" 0x"<<lowRatio<<" 0x"<<highRatio<<" 0x"<<lutFG
                  <<std::endl ;

  // endcap
  unsigned int threshold, lut_tower ;
  unsigned int lut_strip;
  computeFineGrainEEParameters(threshold, lut_strip, lut_tower) ; 

  // and here we store the fgr part

  if (writeToDB_) {
    std::cout<<"going to write the fgr "<< std::endl;
      std::map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigFgrGroupDat> dataset;
      // we create 1 group
      int NFGRGROUPS =1; 
      for (int ich=0; ich<NFGRGROUPS; ich++){
        FEConfigFgrGroupDat gut;
        gut.setThreshLow(lowRatio );
        EcalLogicID ecid = EcalLogicID( "DUMMY", ich,ich);
        // Fill the dataset
        dataset[ecid] = gut; // we use any logic id but different, because it is in any case ignored... 
      // now we store in the DB the correspondence btw channels and groups 
      std::map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigFgrDat> dataset2;
      // in this case I decide in a stupid way which channel belongs to which group 
      for (int ich=0; ich<(int)my_TTEcalLogicId.size() ; ich++){
        FEConfigFgrDat wut;
        int igroup=0;
        // Fill the dataset
        // the logic ids are ordered by SM (1,...36) and TT (1,...68)  
        // you have to calculate the right index here 
        dataset2[my_TTEcalLogicId[ich]] = wut;

      // endcap loop
      for (int ich=0; ich<(int)my_RTEcalLogicId_EE.size() ; ich++){
        //      std::cout << " endcap FGR " << std::endl;
        FEConfigFgrDat wut;
        int igroup=0;
        // Fill the dataset
        // the logic ids are ordered by .... ?  
        // you have to calculate the right index here 
        dataset2[my_RTEcalLogicId_EE[ich]] = wut;

      // endcap TT loop for the FEfgr EE Tower
      std::map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigFgrEETowerDat> dataset3;
      for (int ich=0; ich<(int)my_TTEcalLogicId_EE.size() ; ich++){
        FEConfigFgrEETowerDat fgreett;

      // endcap strip loop for the FEfgr EE strip
      // and barrel strip loop for the spike parameters (same structure than EE FGr)
      std::map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigFgrEEStripDat> dataset4;
      for (int ich=0; ich<(int)my_StripEcalLogicId1_EE.size() ; ich++){
        FEConfigFgrEEStripDat zut;
        dataset4[my_StripEcalLogicId1_EE[ich]] = zut;
      for (int ich=0; ich<(int)my_StripEcalLogicId2_EE.size() ; ich++){
        FEConfigFgrEEStripDat zut;
        // Fill the dataset
        dataset4[my_StripEcalLogicId2_EE[ich]] = zut;
      for (int ich=0; ich<(int)my_StripEcalLogicId.size() ; ich++){
        // EB
        FEConfigFgrEEStripDat zut;
        EcalLogicID thestrip = my_StripEcalLogicId[ich] ;
        uint32_t elStripId = stripMapEB[ich] ;
        map<uint32_t, uint32_t>::const_iterator it = stripMapEBsintheta.find(elStripId) ;
        if (it != stripMapEBsintheta.end()) zut.setThreshold(it->second);
        else {
          std::cout<<"ERROR: strip SFGVB threshold parameter not found for that strip:"<<thestrip.getID1()<<" "<<thestrip.getID3()<<" "<<thestrip.getID3()<<std::endl ; 
          std::cout<<" using value = "<<SFGVB_Threshold_+pedestal_offset_<<std::endl ;
          zut.setThreshold(SFGVB_Threshold_+pedestal_offset_) ;
        // Fill the dataset
        dataset4[thestrip] = zut;

      // Insert the dataset
      ostringstream wtag;
      wtag.str(""); wtag<<"FGR_"<<lutFG<<"_N_"<<NFGRGROUPS<<"_eb_"<<FG_lowThreshold_EB_<<"_EB_"<<FG_highThreshold_EB_;
      std::string weight_tag=wtag.str();
      std::cout<< " weight tag "<<weight_tag<<std::endl; 
      if(m_write_fgr==1) fgr_conf_id_=db_->writeToConfDB_TPGFgr(dataset, dataset2,  fgrparamset,dataset3, dataset4, NFGRGROUPS, weight_tag) ;

  if (writeToDB_) {
    std::cout<<"going to write the sliding "<< std::endl;
      std::map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigSlidingDat> dataset;
      // in this case I decide in a stupid way which channel belongs to which group 
      for (int ich=0; ich<(int)my_StripEcalLogicId.size() ; ich++){
        FEConfigSlidingDat wut;
        // Fill the dataset
        // the logic ids are ordered by SM (1,...36) , TT (1,...68) and strip (1..5) 
        // you have to calculate the right index here 
        dataset[my_StripEcalLogicId[ich]] = wut;

      // endcap loop
      for (int ich=0; ich<(int)my_StripEcalLogicId1_EE.size() ; ich++){
        FEConfigSlidingDat wut;
        // Fill the dataset
        // the logic ids are ordered by fed tower strip
        // you have to calculate the right index here 
        dataset[my_StripEcalLogicId1_EE[ich]] = wut;
      for (int ich=0; ich<(int)my_StripEcalLogicId2_EE.size() ; ich++){
        FEConfigSlidingDat wut;
        // Fill the dataset
        // the logic ids are ordered by ... ? 
        // you have to calculate the right index here 
        dataset[my_StripEcalLogicId2_EE[ich]] = wut;

      // Insert the dataset
      ostringstream wtag;
      wtag.str(""); wtag<<"Sliding_"<<sliding_;
      std::string justatag=wtag.str();
      std::cout<< " sliding tag "<<justatag<<std::endl;
      int iov_id=0; // just a parameter ... 
      if(m_write_sli==1) sli_conf_id_=db_->writeToConfDB_TPGSliding(dataset,iov_id, justatag) ;


  // Compute LUT section //

  int lut_EB[1024], lut_EE[1024] ;

  // barrel
  computeLUT(lut_EB, "EB") ; 
  if (writeToFiles_) {
    (*out_file_) <<std::endl ;
    (*out_file_) <<"LUT 0"<<std::endl ;
    for (int i=0 ; i<1024 ; i++) (*out_file_)<<"0x"<<hex<<lut_EB[i]<<std::endl ;
    (*out_file_)<<std::endl ;
  // endcap
  computeLUT(lut_EE, "EE") ;
  // check first if lut_EB and lut_EE are the same
  bool newLUT(false) ;
  for (int i=0 ; i<1024 ; i++) if (lut_EE[i] != lut_EB[i]) newLUT = true ;
  if (newLUT && writeToFiles_) { 
    (*out_file_) <<std::endl ;
    (*out_file_) <<"LUT 1"<<std::endl ;
    for (int i=0 ; i<1024 ; i++) (*out_file_)<<"0x"<<hex<<lut_EE[i]<<std::endl ;
    (*out_file_)<<std::endl ;

  if (writeToDB_) {

    std::map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigLUTGroupDat> dataset;
    // we create 1 LUT group
    int NLUTGROUPS =0; 
    int ich=0;
      FEConfigLUTGroupDat lut;
      for (int i=0; i<1024; i++){
        lut.setLUTValue(i, lut_EB[i] );
      EcalLogicID ecid = EcalLogicID( "DUMMY", ich,ich);
      // Fill the dataset
      dataset[ecid] = lut; // we use any logic id but different, because it is in any case ignored... 
      FEConfigLUTGroupDat lute;
      for (int i=0; i<1024; i++){
        lute.setLUTValue(i, lut_EE[i] );
      EcalLogicID ecide = EcalLogicID( "DUMMY", ich,ich);
      // Fill the dataset
      dataset[ecide] = lute; // we use any logic id but different, because it is in any case ignored...



    // now we store in the DB the correspondence btw channels and LUT groups 
    std::map<EcalLogicID, FEConfigLUTDat> dataset2;
    // in this case I decide in a stupid way which channel belongs to which group 
    for (int ich=0; ich<(int)my_TTEcalLogicId.size() ; ich++){
      FEConfigLUTDat lut;
      int igroup=0;
      // calculate the right TT - in the vector they are ordered by SM and by TT 
      // Fill the dataset
      dataset2[my_TTEcalLogicId[ich]] = lut;

    // endcap loop 
    for (int ich=0; ich<(int)my_TTEcalLogicId_EE.size() ; ich++){
      FEConfigLUTDat lut;
      int igroup=1;
      // calculate the right TT  
      // Fill the dataset
      dataset2[my_TTEcalLogicId_EE[ich]] = lut;

    // Insert the dataset
    ostringstream ltag;
    ltag.str(""); ltag<<LUT_option_<<"_NGroups_"<<NLUTGROUPS;
    std::string lut_tag=ltag.str();
    std::cout<< " LUT tag "<<lut_tag<<std::endl; 
    if(m_write_lut==1) lut_conf_id_=db_->writeToConfDB_TPGLUT(dataset, dataset2,lutparamset, NLUTGROUPS, lut_tag) ;


  // last we insert the FE_CONFIG_MAIN table 
 if (writeToDB_) {
   int conf_id_=db_->writeToConfDB_TPGMain(ped_conf_id_,lin_conf_id_, lut_conf_id_, fgr_conf_id_, 
                                        sli_conf_id_, wei_conf_id_, bxt_conf_id_, btt_conf_id_, tag_, version_) ;
   std::cout << "\n Conf ID = " << conf_id_ << std::endl;


  // loop on strips and associate them with  values //

  // Barrel
  stripListEB.sort() ;
  stripListEB.unique() ;
  std::cout<<"Number of EB strips="<<dec<<stripListEB.size()<<std::endl ;
  if (writeToFiles_) {
    (*out_file_) <<std::endl ;
    for (itList = stripListEB.begin(); itList != stripListEB.end(); itList++ ) {
      (*out_file_) <<"STRIP_EB "<<dec<<(*itList)<<std::endl ;
      (*out_file_) << hex << "0x" <<sliding_<<std::endl ;
      (*out_file_) <<"0" <<std::endl ;
      (*out_file_) <<"0x"<<stripMapEBsintheta[(*itList)] << " 0x" << SFGVB_lut_ <<std::endl ;

  // Endcap
  stripListEE.sort() ;
  stripListEE.unique() ;
  std::cout<<"Number of EE strips="<<dec<<stripListEE.size()<<std::endl ;
  if (writeToFiles_) {
    (*out_file_) <<std::endl ;
    for (itList = stripListEE.begin(); itList != stripListEE.end(); itList++ ) {
      (*out_file_) <<"STRIP_EE "<<dec<<(*itList)<<std::endl ;
      (*out_file_) << hex << "0x" <<sliding_<<std::endl ;
      (*out_file_) <<" 0" << std::endl ;
      (*out_file_)<<hex<<"0x"<<threshold<<" 0x"<<lut_strip<<std::endl ;  

  // loop on towers and associate them with default values //

  // Barrel
  towerListEB.sort() ;
  towerListEB.unique() ;
  std::cout<<"Number of EB towers="<<dec<<towerListEB.size()<<std::endl ;
  if (writeToFiles_) {
    (*out_file_) <<std::endl ;
    for (itList = towerListEB.begin(); itList != towerListEB.end(); itList++ ) {
      (*out_file_) <<"TOWER_EB "<<dec<<(*itList)<<std::endl ;
      (*out_file_) <<" 0\n 0\n" ;

  // Endcap
  towerListEE.sort() ;
  towerListEE.unique() ;
  std::cout<<"Number of EE towers="<<dec<<towerListEE.size()<<std::endl ;
  if (writeToFiles_) {
    (*out_file_) <<std::endl ;
    for (itList = towerListEE.begin(); itList != towerListEE.end(); itList++ ) {
      (*out_file_) <<"TOWER_EE "<<dec<<(*itList)<<std::endl ;
      if (newLUT) (*out_file_) <<" 1\n" ;
      else  (*out_file_) <<" 0\n" ;
      (*out_file_)<<hex<<"0x"<<lut_tower<<std::endl ;

  // store control histos //
  ICEB->Write() ;
  tpgFactorEB->Write() ;
  ICEEPlus->Write() ;
  tpgFactorEEPlus->Write() ;  
  ICEEMinus->Write() ;
  tpgFactorEEMinus->Write() ;
  IC->Write() ;
  tpgFactor->Write() ;
  hshapeEB->Write() ;
  hshapeEE->Write() ;
  ntuple->Write() ;
  ntupleSpike->Write() ;
  saving.Close () ;
void EcalTPGParamBuilder::beginJob ( void  ) [virtual]

Reimplemented from edm::EDAnalyzer.

Definition at line 1406 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, create_header(), DetId::Ecal, EcalBarrel, EcalEndcap, Et_sat_EB_, Et_sat_EE_, FG_highRatio_EB_, FG_highThreshold_EB_, FG_lowRatio_EB_, FG_lowThreshold_EB_, FG_Threshold_EE_, DetId::rawId(), TTF_highThreshold_EB_, TTF_highThreshold_EE_, TTF_lowThreshold_EB_, TTF_lowThreshold_EE_, and writeToFiles_.

  using namespace edm;
  using namespace std;

  std::cout<<"we are in beginJob"<<std::endl;

  create_header() ; 

  DetId eb(DetId::Ecal,EcalBarrel) ;
  DetId ee(DetId::Ecal,EcalEndcap) ;

  if (writeToFiles_) {
    (*out_file_)<<"PHYSICS_EB "<<dec<<eb.rawId()<<std::endl ;
    (*out_file_)<<Et_sat_EB_<<" "<<TTF_lowThreshold_EB_<<" "<<TTF_highThreshold_EB_<<std::endl ;
    (*out_file_)<<FG_lowThreshold_EB_<<" "<<FG_highThreshold_EB_<<" "
                  <<FG_lowRatio_EB_<<" "<<FG_highRatio_EB_<<std::endl ;
    (*out_file_) <<std::endl ;

    (*out_file_)<<"PHYSICS_EE "<<dec<<ee.rawId()<<std::endl ;
    (*out_file_)<<Et_sat_EE_<<" "<<TTF_lowThreshold_EE_<<" "<<TTF_highThreshold_EE_<<std::endl ;
    (*out_file_)<<FG_Threshold_EE_<<" "<<-1<<" "
                  <<-1<<" "<<-1<<std::endl ;
    (*out_file_) <<std::endl ;

bool EcalTPGParamBuilder::checkIfOK ( EcalPedestals::Item  item)

Definition at line 168 of file

References query::result.

  bool result=true;
  if( item.mean_x1 <150. || item.mean_x1 >250) result=false;
  if( item.mean_x6 <150. || item.mean_x6 >250) result=false;
  if( item.mean_x12 <150. || item.mean_x12 >250) result=false;
  if( item.rms_x1 <0 || item.rms_x1 > 2) result=false;
  if( item.rms_x6 <0 || item.rms_x6 > 3) result=false;
  if( item.rms_x12 <0 || item.rms_x12 > 5) result=false;
  return result; 
void EcalTPGParamBuilder::computeFineGrainEBParameters ( unsigned int &  lowRatio,
unsigned int &  highRatio,
unsigned int &  lowThreshold,
unsigned int &  highThreshold,
unsigned int &  lut 
) [private]

Definition at line 1839 of file

References Et_sat_EB_, FG_highRatio_EB_, FG_highThreshold_EB_, FG_lowRatio_EB_, FG_lowThreshold_EB_, and FG_lut_EB_.

Referenced by analyze().

  lowRatio = int(0x80*FG_lowRatio_EB_ + 0.5) ;
  if (lowRatio>0x7f) lowRatio = 0x7f ;
  highRatio = int(0x80*FG_highRatio_EB_ + 0.5) ;
  if (highRatio>0x7f) highRatio = 0x7f ;
  // lsb at the stage of the FG calculation is:
  double lsb_FG = Et_sat_EB_/1024./4 ;
  lowThreshold = int(FG_lowThreshold_EB_/lsb_FG+0.5) ;
  if (lowThreshold>0xff) lowThreshold = 0xff ;
  highThreshold = int(FG_highThreshold_EB_/lsb_FG+0.5) ;
  if (highThreshold>0xff) highThreshold = 0xff ;

  // FG lut: FGVB response is LUT(adress) where adress is: 
  // bit3: maxof2/ET >= lowRatio, bit2: maxof2/ET >= highRatio, bit1: ET >= lowThreshold, bit0: ET >= highThreshold
  // FGVB =1 if jet-like (veto active), =0 if E.M.-like
  // the condition for jet-like is: ET>Threshold and  maxof2/ET < Ratio (only TT with enough energy are vetoed)

  // With the following lut, what matters is only max(TLow, Thigh) and max(Elow, Ehigh)
  // So, jet-like if maxof2/ettot<max(TLow, Thigh) && ettot >= max(Elow, Ehigh)
  if (FG_lut_EB_ == 0) lut = 0x0888 ; 
  else lut = FG_lut_EB_ ; // let's use the users value (hope he/she knows what he/she does!)
void EcalTPGParamBuilder::computeFineGrainEEParameters ( unsigned int &  threshold,
unsigned int &  lut_strip,
unsigned int &  lut_tower 
) [private]

Definition at line 1865 of file

References Et_sat_EE_, FG_lut_strip_EE_, FG_lut_tower_EE_, and FG_Threshold_EE_.

Referenced by analyze().

  // lsb for EE:
  double lsb_FG = Et_sat_EE_/1024. ; // FIXME is it true????
  threshold = int(FG_Threshold_EE_/lsb_FG+0.5) ;
  lut_strip = FG_lut_strip_EE_  ;
  lut_tower = FG_lut_tower_EE_  ;
bool EcalTPGParamBuilder::computeLinearizerParam ( double  theta,
double  gainRatio,
double  calibCoeff,
std::string  subdet,
int &  mult,
int &  shift 
) [private]

Definition at line 1436 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, Et_sat_EB_, Et_sat_EE_, funct::false, funct::sin(), sliding_, funct::true, xtal_LSB_EB_, and xtal_LSB_EE_.

Referenced by analyze().

    Linearization coefficient are determined in order to satisfy:
    tpg(ADC_sat) = 1024
    tpg() is a model of the linearized tpg response on 10b 
    ADC_sat is the number of ADC count corresponding the Et_sat, the maximum scale of the transverse energy
    Since we have:
    Et_sat = xtal_LSB * ADC_sat * gainRatio * calibCoeff * sin(theta)
    and a simple model of tpg() being given by:
    tpg(X) = [ (X*mult) >> (shift+2) ] >> (sliding+shiftDet) 
    we must satisfy:
    [ (Et_sat/(xtal_LSB * gainRatio * calibCoeff * sin(theta)) * mult) >> (shift+2) ] >> (sliding+shiftDet) = 1024 
    that is:
    mult = 1024/Et_sat * xtal_LSB * gainRatio * calibCoeff * sin(theta) * 2^-(sliding+shiftDet+2) * 2^-shift
    mult = factor * 2^-shift

  // case barrel:
  int shiftDet = 2 ; //fixed, due to FE FENIX TCP format
  double ratio = xtal_LSB_EB_/Et_sat_EB_ ;
  // case endcap:
  if (subdet=="EE") {
    shiftDet = 2 ; //applied in TCC-EE and not in FE FENIX TCP... This parameters is setable in the TCC-EE
    //shiftDet = 0 ; //was like this before with FE bug
    ratio = xtal_LSB_EE_/Et_sat_EE_ ;

  double factor = 1024 * ratio * gainRatio * calibCoeff * sin(theta) * (1 << (sliding_ + shiftDet + 2)) ;
  // Let's try first with shift = 0 (trivial solution)
  mult = (int)(factor+0.5) ; 
  for (shift = 0 ; shift<15 ; shift++) {
    if (mult>=128  && mult<256) return true ;
    factor *= 2 ; 
    mult = (int)(factor+0.5) ;
  std::cout << "too bad we did not manage to calculate the factor for calib="<<calibCoeff<<std::endl;
  return false ;
void EcalTPGParamBuilder::computeLUT ( int *  lut,
std::string  det = "EB" 
) [private]

Definition at line 1714 of file

References Et_sat_EB_, Et_sat_EE_, i, j, LUT_constant_EB_, LUT_constant_EE_, LUT_noise_EB_, LUT_noise_EE_, LUT_option_, LUT_stochastic_EB_, LUT_stochastic_EE_, LUT_threshold_EB_, LUT_threshold_EE_, lumiNorm::norm, oneOverEtResolEt(), TTF_highThreshold_EB_, TTF_highThreshold_EE_, TTF_lowThreshold_EB_, and TTF_lowThreshold_EE_.

Referenced by analyze().

  double Et_sat = Et_sat_EB_ ;
  double LUT_threshold = LUT_threshold_EB_ ;
  double LUT_stochastic = LUT_stochastic_EB_ ;
  double LUT_noise = LUT_noise_EB_ ;
  double LUT_constant = LUT_constant_EB_ ;
  double TTF_lowThreshold = TTF_lowThreshold_EB_ ;
  double TTF_highThreshold = TTF_highThreshold_EB_ ;
  if (det == "EE") {
    Et_sat = Et_sat_EE_ ;
    LUT_threshold = LUT_threshold_EE_ ;
    LUT_stochastic = LUT_stochastic_EE_ ;
    LUT_noise = LUT_noise_EE_ ;
    LUT_constant = LUT_constant_EE_ ;
    TTF_lowThreshold = TTF_lowThreshold_EE_ ;
    TTF_highThreshold = TTF_highThreshold_EE_ ;

  // initialisation with identity
  for (int i=0 ; i<1024 ; i++) {
    lut[i] = i ;
    if (lut[i]>0xff) lut[i] = 0xff ;

  // case linear LUT
  if (LUT_option_ == "Linear") {
    int mylut = 0 ;
    for (int i=0 ; i<1024 ; i++) {
      lut[i] = mylut ;
      if ((i+1)%4 == 0 ) mylut++ ;

  // case LUT following Ecal resolution
  if (LUT_option_ == "EcalResolution") {
    TF1 * func = new TF1("func",oneOverEtResolEt, 0., Et_sat,3) ;
    func->SetParameters(LUT_stochastic, LUT_noise, LUT_constant) ;
    double norm = func->Integral(0., Et_sat) ;
    for (int i=0 ; i<1024 ; i++) {   
      double Et = i*Et_sat/1024. ;
      lut[i] =  int(0xff*func->Integral(0., Et)/norm + 0.5) ;

  // Now, add TTF thresholds to LUT and apply LUT threshold if needed
  for (int j=0 ; j<1024 ; j++) {
    double Et_GeV = Et_sat/1024*(j+0.5) ;
    if (Et_GeV <= LUT_threshold) lut[j] = 0 ; // LUT threshold
    int ttf = 0x0 ;    
    if (Et_GeV >= TTF_highThreshold) ttf = 3 ;
    if (Et_GeV >= TTF_lowThreshold && Et_GeV < TTF_highThreshold) ttf = 1 ;
    ttf = ttf << 8 ;
    lut[j] += ttf ;

std::vector< unsigned int > EcalTPGParamBuilder::computeWeights ( EcalShapeBase shape,
TH1F *  histo 
) [private]

Definition at line 222 of file

References i, asciidump::s, EcalShapeBase::timeToRise(), and tzero.

Referenced by analyze().

  double sum2 = 0.;
  double sum = 0;

  int nActualWeights = 0;

  const double tzero = -(binOfMax-1)*25+timePhase + shape.timeToRise();//ns

  for(int i=0; i<nWeights; ++i){
    double t_ns = tzero+(iFirst+i)*25;
    double s = shape(t_ns);
    result[i] = s;
    sum += s;
    sum2 += s*s;
  for(int i=0; i<nWeights; ++i){
      result[i] = 0;
    } else{
      result[i] = (result[i]-sum/nActualWeights)/(sum2-sum*sum/nActualWeights);
void EcalTPGParamBuilder::create_header ( ) [private]

Definition at line 1480 of file

References writeToFiles_.

Referenced by beginJob().

  if (!writeToFiles_) return ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT put your comments here"<<std::endl ; 

  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT           physics EB structure"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  EtSaturation (GeV), ttf_threshold_Low (GeV), ttf_threshold_High (GeV)"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  FG_lowThreshold (GeV), FG_highThreshold (GeV), FG_lowRatio, FG_highRatio"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;

  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT           physics EE structure"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  EtSaturation (GeV), ttf_threshold_Low (GeV), ttf_threshold_High (GeV)"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  FG_Threshold (GeV), dummy, dummy, dummy"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;

  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT           crystal structure (same for EB and EE)"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  ped, mult, shift [gain12]"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  ped, mult, shift [gain6]"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  ped, mult, shift [gain1]"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;

  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT           strip EB structure"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  sliding_window"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  weightGroupId"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  threshold_sfg lut_sfg"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;

  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT           strip EE structure"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  sliding_window"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  weightGroupId"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  threshold_fg lut_fg"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;

  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT           tower EB structure"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  LUTGroupId"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  FgGroupId"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;

  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT           tower EE structure"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  LUTGroupId"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  tower_lut_fg"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT           Weight structure"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  weightGroupId"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  w0, w1, w2, w3, w4"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;

  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT           lut structure"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  LUTGroupId"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  LUT[1-1024]"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;

  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT           fg EB structure"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  FgGroupId"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT  el, eh, tl, th, lut_fg"<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT ================================="<<std::endl ;
  (*out_file_) <<"COMMENT"<<std::endl ;

  (*out_file_) <<std::endl ;
void EcalTPGParamBuilder::getCoeff ( coeffStruc coeff,
const EcalIntercalibConstantMap calibMap,
unsigned int  rawId 
) [private]

Definition at line 1772 of file

References coeffStruc::calibCoeff_, gather_cfg::cout, EcalCondObjectContainer< T >::end(), EcalCondObjectContainer< T >::find(), and useInterCalibration_.

Referenced by analyze().

  // get current intercalibration coeff
  coeff.calibCoeff_ = 1. ;
  if (!useInterCalibration_) return ;
  EcalIntercalibConstantMap::const_iterator icalit = calibMap.find(rawId);
  if( icalit != calibMap.end() ) coeff.calibCoeff_ = (*icalit) ;
  else std::cout<<"getCoeff: "<<rawId<<" not found in EcalIntercalibConstantMap"<<std::endl ;
void EcalTPGParamBuilder::getCoeff ( coeffStruc coeff,
const EcalGainRatioMap gainMap,
unsigned int  rawId 
) [private]
void EcalTPGParamBuilder::getCoeff ( coeffStruc coeff,
const EcalPedestalsMap pedMap,
unsigned int  rawId 
) [private]
void EcalTPGParamBuilder::getCoeff ( coeffStruc coeff,
const std::map< EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsDat > &  pedMap,
const EcalLogicID logicId 
) [private]

Definition at line 1821 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, EcalLogicID::getID1(), EcalLogicID::getID2(), EcalLogicID::getID3(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedMeanG1(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedMeanG12(), MonPedestalsDat::getPedMeanG6(), and coeffStruc::pedestals_.

  // get current pedestal
  coeff.pedestals_[0] = 0 ;
  coeff.pedestals_[1] = 0 ;
  coeff.pedestals_[2] = 0 ;

  std::map<EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsDat>::const_iterator it =  pedMap.find(logicId);
  if (it != pedMap.end()) {
    MonPedestalsDat ped = it->second ;
    coeff.pedestals_[0] = int(ped.getPedMeanG12() + 0.5) ; 
    coeff.pedestals_[1] = int(ped.getPedMeanG6() + 0.5) ; 
    coeff.pedestals_[2] = int(ped.getPedMeanG1() + 0.5) ; 
  else std::cout<<"getCoeff: "<<logicId.getID1()<<", "<<logicId.getID2()<<", "<<logicId.getID3()
                <<" not found in std::map<EcalLogicID, MonPedestalsDat>"<<std::endl ;
std::pair< std::string, int > EcalTPGParamBuilder::getCrate ( int  tcc) [private]

Definition at line 1934 of file

References pos.

Referenced by analyze().

  std::stringstream crate ;
  std::string pos ;
  int slot = 0 ;

  crate<<"S2D" ;  
  if (tcc>=40 && tcc<=42) {crate<<"02d" ; slot = 5 + (tcc-40)*6 ;}
  if (tcc>=43 && tcc<=45) {crate<<"03d" ; slot = 5 + (tcc-43)*6 ;}
  if (tcc>=37 && tcc<=39) {crate<<"04d" ; slot = 5 + (tcc-37)*6 ;}
  if (tcc>=52 && tcc<=54) {crate<<"06d" ; slot = 5 + (tcc-52)*6 ;}
  if (tcc>=46 && tcc<=48) {crate<<"07d" ; slot = 5 + (tcc-46)*6 ;}
  if (tcc>=49 && tcc<=51) {crate<<"08d" ; slot = 5 + (tcc-49)*6 ;}
  if (tcc>=58 && tcc<=60) {crate<<"02h" ; slot = 5 + (tcc-58)*6 ;}
  if (tcc>=61 && tcc<=63) {crate<<"03h" ; slot = 5 + (tcc-61)*6 ;}
  if (tcc>=55 && tcc<=57) {crate<<"04h" ; slot = 5 + (tcc-55)*6 ;}
  if (tcc>=70 && tcc<=72) {crate<<"06h" ; slot = 5 + (tcc-70)*6 ;}
  if (tcc>=64 && tcc<=66) {crate<<"07h" ; slot = 5 + (tcc-64)*6 ;}
  if (tcc>=67 && tcc<=69) {crate<<"08h" ; slot = 5 + (tcc-67)*6 ;}

  if (tcc>=76 && tcc<=81) {
    crate<<"02l" ; 
    if (tcc%2==0) slot = 2 + (tcc-76)*3 ;
    else slot = 4 + (tcc-77)*3 ;
  if (tcc>=94 && tcc<=99) {
    crate<<"02l" ; 
    if (tcc%2==0) slot = 3 + (tcc-94)*3 ;
    else slot = 5 + (tcc-95)*3 ;

  if (tcc>=22 && tcc<=27) {
    crate<<"03l" ; 
    if (tcc%2==0) slot = 2 + (tcc-22)*3 ;
    else slot = 4 + (tcc-23)*3 ;
  if (tcc>=4 && tcc<=9) {
    crate<<"03l" ; 
    if (tcc%2==0) slot = 3 + (tcc-4)*3 ;
    else slot = 5 + (tcc-5)*3 ;

  if (tcc>=82 && tcc<=87) {
    crate<<"07l" ; 
    if (tcc%2==0) slot = 2 + (tcc-82)*3 ;
    else slot = 4 + (tcc-83)*3 ;
  if (tcc>=100 && tcc<=105) {
    crate<<"07l" ; 
    if (tcc%2==0) slot = 3 + (tcc-100)*3 ;
    else slot = 5 + (tcc-101)*3 ;

  if (tcc>=28 && tcc<=33) {
    crate<<"08l" ; 
    if (tcc%2==0) slot = 2 + (tcc-28)*3 ;
    else slot = 4 + (tcc-29)*3 ;
  if (tcc>=10 && tcc<=15) {
    crate<<"08l" ; 
    if (tcc%2==0) slot = 3 + (tcc-10)*3 ;
    else slot = 5 + (tcc-11)*3 ;

  if (tcc==34) {crate<<"04l" ; slot = 2 ;}
  if (tcc==16) {crate<<"04l" ; slot = 3 ;}
  if (tcc==35) {crate<<"04l" ; slot = 4 ;}
  if (tcc==17) {crate<<"04l" ; slot = 5 ;}
  if (tcc==36) {crate<<"04l" ; slot = 8 ;}
  if (tcc==18) {crate<<"04l" ; slot = 9 ;}
  if (tcc==19) {crate<<"04l" ; slot = 10 ;}
  if (tcc==1)  {crate<<"04l" ; slot = 11 ;}
  if (tcc==20) {crate<<"04l" ; slot = 14 ;}
  if (tcc==2)  {crate<<"04l" ; slot = 15 ;}
  if (tcc==21) {crate<<"04l" ; slot = 16 ;}
  if (tcc==3)  {crate<<"04l" ; slot = 17 ;}

  if (tcc==88)  {crate<<"06l" ; slot = 2 ;}
  if (tcc==106) {crate<<"06l" ; slot = 3 ;}
  if (tcc==89)  {crate<<"06l" ; slot = 4 ;}
  if (tcc==107) {crate<<"06l" ; slot = 5 ;}
  if (tcc==90)  {crate<<"06l" ; slot = 8 ;}
  if (tcc==108) {crate<<"06l" ; slot = 9 ;}
  if (tcc==73)  {crate<<"06l" ; slot = 10 ;}
  if (tcc==91)  {crate<<"06l" ; slot = 11 ;}
  if (tcc==74)  {crate<<"06l" ; slot = 14 ;}
  if (tcc==92)  {crate<<"06l" ; slot = 15 ;}
  if (tcc==75)  {crate<<"06l" ; slot = 16 ;}
  if (tcc==93)  {crate<<"06l" ; slot = 17 ;}

  return std::pair< std::string, int > (crate.str(),slot) ;
std::string EcalTPGParamBuilder::getDet ( int  tcc) [private]

Definition at line 1910 of file

Referenced by analyze().

  std::stringstream sdet ;

  if (tcc>36 && tcc<55) sdet<<"EB-"<<tcc-36 ;
  else if (tcc>=55 && tcc<73) sdet<<"EB+"<<tcc-54 ;
  else if (tcc<=36) sdet<<"EE-" ;
  else sdet<<"EE+" ;
  if (tcc<=36 || tcc>=73) {
    if (tcc>=73) tcc-=72 ;
    if (tcc==1 || tcc==18 || tcc==19 || tcc==36)  sdet<<7 ;
    else if (tcc==2 || tcc==3 || tcc==20 || tcc==21)  sdet<<8 ;
    else if (tcc==4 || tcc==5 || tcc==22 || tcc==23)  sdet<<9 ;
    else if (tcc==6 || tcc==7 || tcc==24 || tcc==25)  sdet<<1 ;
    else if (tcc==8 || tcc==9 || tcc==26 || tcc==27)  sdet<<2 ;
    else if (tcc==10 || tcc==11 || tcc==28 || tcc==29)  sdet<<3 ;
    else if (tcc==12 || tcc==13 || tcc==30 || tcc==31)  sdet<<4 ;
    else if (tcc==14 || tcc==15 || tcc==32 || tcc==33)  sdet<<5 ;
    else if (tcc==16 || tcc==17 || tcc==34 || tcc==35)  sdet<<6 ;

  return sdet.str() ;
int EcalTPGParamBuilder::getEtaSlice ( int  tccId,
int  towerInTCC 
) [private]

Definition at line 180 of file

  int etaSlice = (towerInTCC-1)/4+1 ;
  // barrel
  if (tccId>36 || tccId<73) return etaSlice ;
  else {
    if (tccId >=1 && tccId <= 18) etaSlice += 21 ; // inner -
    if (tccId >=19 && tccId <= 36) etaSlice += 17 ; // outer -
    if (tccId >=91 && tccId <= 108) etaSlice += 21 ; // inner +
    if (tccId >=73 && tccId <= 90) etaSlice += 17 ; // outer +
  return etaSlice ;
int EcalTPGParamBuilder::getGCTRegionEta ( int  tteta) [private]

Definition at line 1903 of file

Referenced by analyze().

  int gcteta = 0;
  if(tteta>0) gcteta = (tteta-1)/4 + 11;
  else if(tteta<0) gcteta = (tteta+1)/4 + 10;
  return gcteta;
int EcalTPGParamBuilder::getGCTRegionPhi ( int  ttphi) [private]

Definition at line 1895 of file

Referenced by analyze().

  int gctphi=0;
  gctphi = (ttphi+1)/4;
  if(ttphi<=2) gctphi=0;
  if(ttphi>=71) gctphi=0;
  return gctphi;
bool EcalTPGParamBuilder::realignBaseline ( linStruc lin,
float  forceBase12 
) [private]

Definition at line 1874 of file

References gather_cfg::cout, funct::false, i, linStruc::mult_, convertSQLiteXML::ok, linStruc::pedestal_, funct::pow(), and linStruc::shift_.

Referenced by analyze().

  bool ok(true) ;
  float base[3] = {forceBase12, float(lin.pedestal_[1]), float(lin.pedestal_[2])} ;
  for (int i=1 ; i<3 ; i++)
    base[i] = float(lin.pedestal_[i]) - 
      float(lin.mult_[0])/float(lin.mult_[i])*pow(2., -(lin.shift_[0]-lin.shift_[i]))*(lin.pedestal_[0]-base[0]) ;

  for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++) {
    //std::cout<<lin.pedestal_[i]<<" "<<base[i]<<std::endl ;
    lin.pedestal_[i] = base[i] ;
    if (base[i]<0) {
      std::cout<<"WARNING: base= "<<base[i]<<" for gainId[0-2]="<<i<<" ==> forcing at 0"<<std::endl ;
      lin.pedestal_[i] = 0 ; 
      ok = false ;
  return ok ;

int EcalTPGParamBuilder::uncodeWeight ( double  weight,
int  complement2 = 7 
) [private]

Definition at line 1572 of file

References max(), and funct::pow().

  int iweight ;
  unsigned int max = (unsigned int)(pow(2.,complement2)-1) ;
  if (weight>0) iweight=int((1<<6)*weight+0.5) ; // +0.5 for rounding pb
  else iweight= max - int(-weight*(1<<6)+0.5) +1 ;
  iweight = iweight & max ;
  return iweight ;
double EcalTPGParamBuilder::uncodeWeight ( int  iweight,
int  complement2 = 7 
) [private]

Definition at line 1582 of file

References funct::pow(), and CommonMethods::weight().

  double weight = double(iweight)/pow(2., 6.) ;
  // test if negative weight:
  if ( (iweight & (1<<(complement2-1))) != 0) weight = (double(iweight)-pow(2., complement2))/pow(2., 6.) ;
  return weight ;

Member Data Documentation

Definition at line 144 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 143 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

unsigned int EcalTPGParamBuilder::complement2_ [private]

Definition at line 112 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Definition at line 131 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 135 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

unsigned int EcalTPGParamBuilder::DBrunNb_ [private]

Definition at line 134 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Definition at line 101 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze().

unsigned int EcalTPGParamBuilder::FG_lut_EB_ [private]

Definition at line 120 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by computeFineGrainEBParameters(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

unsigned int EcalTPGParamBuilder::FG_lut_strip_EE_ [private]

Definition at line 122 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by computeFineGrainEEParameters(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

unsigned int EcalTPGParamBuilder::FG_lut_tower_EE_ [private]

Definition at line 122 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by computeFineGrainEEParameters(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 140 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 123 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 124 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

std::ofstream* EcalTPGParamBuilder::geomFile_ [private]

Definition at line 130 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 138 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 139 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 115 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by computeLUT(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 116 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by computeLUT(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 115 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by computeLUT(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 116 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by computeLUT(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

std::string EcalTPGParamBuilder::LUT_option_ [private]

Definition at line 113 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), computeLUT(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 115 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by computeLUT(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 116 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by computeLUT(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 114 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by computeLUT(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 114 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by computeLUT(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 154 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 153 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 151 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 148 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 149 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 147 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 152 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 150 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

unsigned int EcalTPGParamBuilder::nSample_ [private]

Definition at line 111 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Char_t EcalTPGParamBuilder::ntupleCrate_[10] [private]

Definition at line 158 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Char_t EcalTPGParamBuilder::ntupleDet_[10] [private]

Definition at line 157 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 156 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze().

std::ofstream* EcalTPGParamBuilder::out_file_ [private]

Definition at line 129 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), EcalTPGParamBuilder(), and ~EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 137 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

unsigned int EcalTPGParamBuilder::pedestal_offset_ [private]

Definition at line 125 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

unsigned int EcalTPGParamBuilder::sampleMax_ [private]

Definition at line 108 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by EcalTPGParamBuilder().

unsigned int EcalTPGParamBuilder::SFGVB_lut_ [private]

Definition at line 125 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

unsigned int EcalTPGParamBuilder::SFGVB_Threshold_ [private]

Definition at line 125 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 141 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

unsigned int EcalTPGParamBuilder::sliding_ [private]

Definition at line 107 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), computeLinearizerParam(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

std::string EcalTPGParamBuilder::tag_ [private]

Definition at line 145 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 100 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 99 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 102 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze().

Definition at line 117 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), computeLUT(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 118 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), computeLUT(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 117 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), computeLUT(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 118 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), beginJob(), computeLUT(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 126 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by EcalTPGParamBuilder(), and getCoeff().

Definition at line 104 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 146 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 142 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 109 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 110 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 132 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and EcalTPGParamBuilder().

Definition at line 105 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and computeLinearizerParam().

Definition at line 105 of file EcalTPGParamBuilder.h.

Referenced by analyze(), and computeLinearizerParam().