
boundSpan Namespace Reference


void computeSpan (BoundSurface &plane)

Function Documentation

void boundSpan::computeSpan ( BoundSurface plane)

Definition at line 10 of file

References PV3DBase< T, PVType, FrameType >::barePhi(), BoundSurface::bounds(), i, BoundSurface::m_phiSpan, BoundSurface::m_zSpan, ExpressReco_HICollisions_FallBack::parameters, Geom::phiLess(), Surface::toGlobal(), tablePrinter::width, and z.

    typedef std::pair<float, float> return_type;  
    const TrapezoidalPlaneBounds* trapezoidalBounds( dynamic_cast<const TrapezoidalPlaneBounds*>(&(plane.bounds())));
    const RectangularPlaneBounds* rectangularBounds( dynamic_cast<const RectangularPlaneBounds*>(&(plane.bounds())));  
    Surface::GlobalPoint corners[8];

    if (trapezoidalBounds) {
      std::vector<float> const & parameters = (*trapezoidalBounds).parameters();
      float hbotedge = parameters[0];
      float htopedge = parameters[1];
      float hapothem = parameters[3];   
      float thickness =  (*trapezoidalBounds).thickness();
      corners[0] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint( -htopedge, hapothem,  thickness/2));
      corners[1] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint(  htopedge, hapothem,  thickness/2));
      corners[2] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint(  hbotedge, -hapothem, thickness/2));
      corners[3] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint( -hbotedge, -hapothem, thickness/2));
      corners[4] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint( -htopedge, hapothem,  -thickness/2));
      corners[5] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint(  htopedge, hapothem,  -thickness/2));
      corners[6] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint(  hbotedge, -hapothem, -thickness/2));
      corners[7] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint( -hbotedge, -hapothem, -thickness/2));
    }else if(rectangularBounds) {
      float length = rectangularBounds->length();
      float width  = rectangularBounds->width();   
      float thickness =  (*rectangularBounds).thickness();
      corners[0] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint( -width/2, -length/2, thickness/2));
      corners[1] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint( -width/2, +length/2, thickness/2));
      corners[2] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint( +width/2, -length/2, thickness/2));
      corners[3] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint( +width/2, +length/2, thickness/2));
      corners[4] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint( -width/2, -length/2, -thickness/2));
      corners[5] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint( -width/2, +length/2, -thickness/2));
      corners[6] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint( +width/2, -length/2, -thickness/2));
      corners[7] = plane.toGlobal( LocalPoint( +width/2, +length/2, -thickness/2));
    float phimin = corners[0].barePhi(); float phimax = phimin;
    float zmin   = corners[0].z();    float zmax   = zmin;
    for ( int i = 1; i < 8; i++ ) {
      float cPhi = corners[i].barePhi();
      if ( Geom::phiLess( cPhi, phimin)) { phimin = cPhi; }
      if ( Geom::phiLess( phimax, cPhi)) { phimax = cPhi; }
      float z = corners[i].z();
      if ( z < zmin) zmin = z;
      if ( z > zmax) zmax = z;  
    plane.m_zSpan.first    = zmin;
    plane.m_zSpan.second   = zmax;
    plane.m_phiSpan.first  = phimin;
    plane.m_phiSpan.second = phimax;