const reco::Track * | bestTrack () const override |
| Track selected to be the best measurement of the muon parameters (including PFlow global information) More...
float | caloIso () const |
reco::MuonMETCorrectionData | caloMETMuonCorrs () const |
| muon MET corrections for caloMET; returns the muon correction struct if embedded during pat tuple production or an empty element More...
Muon * | clone () const override |
| required reimplementation of the Candidate's clone method More...
reco::TrackRef | combinedMuon () const override |
| reference to Track reconstructed in both tracked and muon detector (reimplemented from reco::Muon) More...
double | dB (IPTYPE type) const |
double | dB () const |
| the version without arguments returns PD2D, but with an absolute value (for backwards compatibility) More...
reco::TrackRef | dytTrack () const override |
| reference to Track reconstructed using DYT algorithm More...
float | ecalIso () const |
double | edB (IPTYPE type) const |
double | edB () const |
| the version without arguments returns PD2D, but with an absolute value (for backwards compatibility) More...
void | embedCaloMETMuonCorrs (const reco::MuonMETCorrectionData &t) |
void | embedCombinedMuon () |
| set reference to Track reconstructed in both tracked and muon detector (reimplemented from reco::Muon) More...
void | embedDytMuon () |
| embed reference to the above dyt Track More...
void | embedMuonBestTrack (bool force=false) |
void | embedPFCandidate () |
| embed the IsolatedPFCandidate pointed to by pfCandidateRef_ More...
void | embedPickyMuon () |
| embed reference to the above picky Track More...
void | embedStandAloneMuon () |
| set reference to Track reconstructed in the muon detector only (reimplemented from reco::Muon) More...
void | embedTcMETMuonCorrs (const reco::MuonMETCorrectionData &t) |
void | embedTpfmsMuon () |
| embed reference to the above tpfms Track More...
void | embedTrack () |
| set reference to Track reconstructed in the tracker only (reimplemented from reco::Muon) More...
void | embedTunePMuonBestTrack (bool force=false) |
reco::TrackRef | globalTrack () const override |
| reference to Track reconstructed in both tracked and muon detector (reimplemented from reco::Muon) More...
float | hcalIso () const |
const pat::TriggerObjectStandAlone * | hltObject (const size_t idx=0) const |
void | initImpactParameters (void) |
void | initSimInfo (void) |
reco::TrackRef | innerTrack () const override |
| reference to Track reconstructed in the tracker only (reimplemented from reco::Muon) More...
float | inverseBeta () const |
| (time is constraint to the bunch crossing time) More...
float | inverseBetaErr () const |
bool | isGood (const std::string &name) const |
bool | isHighPtMuon (const reco::Vertex &) const |
bool | isLooseMuon () const |
bool | isMediumMuon () const |
bool | isSoftMuon (const reco::Vertex &) const |
bool | isTightMuon (const reco::Vertex &) const |
float | jetPtRatio () const |
| near-by jet information More...
float | jetPtRel () const |
const pat::TriggerObjectStandAlone * | l1Object (const size_t idx=0) const |
| Trigger information. More...
float | lowptMvaValue () const |
| Muon () |
| default constructor More...
| Muon (const reco::Muon &aMuon) |
| constructor from a reco muon More...
| Muon (const edm::RefToBase< reco::Muon > &aMuonRef) |
| constructor from a RefToBase to a reco muon (to be superseded by Ptr counterpart) More...
| Muon (const edm::Ptr< reco::Muon > &aMuonRef) |
| constructor from a Ptr to a reco muon More...
reco::TrackRef | muonBestTrack () const override |
| Track selected to be the best measurement of the muon parameters (including PFlow global information) More...
bool | muonID (const std::string &name) const |
float | mvaValue () const |
| Muon MVA. More...
double | normChi2 () const |
| Norm chi2 gives the normalized chi2 of the global track. More...
size_t | numberOfSourceCandidatePtrs () const override |
| get the number of non-null PF candidates More...
unsigned int | numberOfValidHits () const |
| numberOfValidHits returns the number of valid hits on the global track. More...
reco::TrackRef | outerTrack () const override |
| reference to Track reconstructed in the muon detector only (reimplemented from reco::Muon) More...
reco::PFCandidateRef | pfCandidateRef () const |
float | pfEcalEnergy () const |
reco::TrackRef | pickyMuon () const |
| Deprecated accessors to call the corresponding above two functions; no dytMuon since this naming is deprecated. More...
reco::TrackRef | pickyTrack () const override |
| reference to Track reconstructed using hits in the tracker + "good" muon hits (reimplemented from reco::Muon) More...
float | puppiChargedHadronIso () const |
| returns PUPPI isolations More...
float | puppiNeutralHadronIso () const |
float | puppiNoLeptonsChargedHadronIso () const |
| returns PUPPINoLeptons isolations More...
float | puppiNoLeptonsNeutralHadronIso () const |
float | puppiNoLeptonsPhotonIso () const |
float | puppiPhotonIso () const |
void | readTimeExtra (const reco::MuonTimeExtra &t) |
double | segmentCompatibility (reco::Muon::ArbitrationType arbitrationType=reco::Muon::SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
| Returns the segment compatibility, using muon::segmentCompatibility (DataFormats/MuonReco/interface/MuonSelectors.h) More...
void | setDB (double dB, double edB, IPTYPE type=PV2D) |
void | setExtSimType (reco::ExtendedMuonSimType type) |
void | setIsolationPUPPI (float chargedhadrons, float neutralhadrons, float photons) |
| sets PUPPI isolations More...
void | setIsolationPUPPINoLeptons (float chargedhadrons, float neutralhadrons, float photons) |
| sets PUPPINoLeptons isolations More...
void | setJetPtRatio (float jetPtRatio) |
void | setJetPtRel (float jetPtRel) |
void | setLowPtMvaValue (float lowptmva) |
void | setMvaValue (float mva) |
void | setNormChi2 (double normChi2) |
void | setNumberOfValidHits (unsigned int numberOfValidHits) |
void | setPFCandidateRef (const reco::PFCandidateRef &ref) |
| add a reference to the source IsolatedPFCandidate More...
void | setPfEcalEnergy (float pfEcalEnergy) |
void | setSimBX (int bx) |
void | setSimEta (float eta) |
void | setSimFlavour (int f) |
void | setSimHeaviestMotherFlavour (int id) |
void | setSimMatchQuality (float quality) |
void | setSimMotherPdgId (int id) |
void | setSimPdgId (int id) |
void | setSimPhi (float phi) |
void | setSimProdRho (float rho) |
void | setSimProdZ (float z) |
void | setSimPt (float pt) |
void | setSimTpEvent (int tpEvent) |
void | setSimType (reco::MuonSimType type) |
void | setSoftMvaValue (float softmva) |
int | simBX () const |
float | simEta () const |
reco::ExtendedMuonSimType | simExtType () const |
int | simFlavour () const |
int | simHeaviestMotherFlavour () const |
float | simMatchQuality () const |
int | simMotherPdgId () const |
int | simPdgId () const |
float | simPhi () const |
float | simProdRho () const |
float | simProdZ () const |
float | simPt () const |
int | simTpEvent () const |
reco::MuonSimType | simType () const |
| MC matching information. More...
float | softMvaValue () const |
| Soft Muon MVA. More...
reco::CandidatePtr | sourceCandidatePtr (size_type i) const override |
| get the candidate pointer with index i More...
reco::TrackRef | standAloneMuon () const override |
| reference to Track reconstructed in the muon detector only (reimplemented from reco::Muon) More...
reco::MuonMETCorrectionData | tcMETMuonCorrs () const |
| muon MET corrections for tcMET; returns the muon correction struct if embedded during pat tuple production or an empty element More...
reco::TrackRef | tpfmsMuon () const |
reco::TrackRef | tpfmsTrack () const override |
| reference to Track reconstructed using hits in the tracker + info from the first muon station that has hits (reimplemented from reco::Muon) More...
reco::TrackRef | track () const override |
| reference to Track reconstructed in the tracker only (reimplemented from reco::Muon) More...
float | trackIso () const |
bool | triggered (const char *pathName) const |
reco::TrackRef | tunePMuonBestTrack () const override |
| Track selected to be the best measurement of the muon parameters (from muon information alone) More...
| ~Muon () override |
| destructor More...
float | caloIso () const |
float | chargedHadronIso () const |
Lepton< reco::Muon > * | clone () const override |
float | ecalIso () const |
const IsoDeposit * | ecalIsoDeposit () const |
void | ecalIsoDeposit (const IsoDeposit &dep) |
const reco::GenParticle * | genLepton () const |
float | hcalIso () const |
const IsoDeposit * | hcalIsoDeposit () const |
void | hcalIsoDeposit (const IsoDeposit &dep) |
const IsoDeposit * | isoDeposit (IsolationKeys key) const |
| Returns the IsoDeposit associated with some key, or a null pointer if it is not available. More...
| Lepton () |
| default constructor More...
| Lepton (const reco::Muon &aLepton) |
| constructor from LeptonType More...
| Lepton (const edm::RefToBase< reco::Muon > &aLeptonRef) |
| constructor from ref to LeptonType More...
| Lepton (const edm::Ptr< reco::Muon > &aLeptonRef) |
| constructor from ref to LeptonType More...
const PFIsolation & | miniPFIsolation () const |
float | neutralHadronIso () const |
float | particleIso () const |
float | photonIso () const |
float | puChargedHadronIso () const |
void | setEcalIso (float caloIso) |
| Sets ecal isolation variable. More...
void | setGenLepton (const reco::GenParticleRef &gl, bool embed=false) |
void | setHcalIso (float caloIso) |
| Sets hcal isolation variable. More...
void | setIsoDeposit (IsolationKeys key, const IsoDeposit &dep) |
| Sets the IsoDeposit associated with some key; if it is already existent, it is overwritten. More...
void | setIsolation (IsolationKeys key, float value) |
void | setMiniPFIsolation (PFIsolation const &iso) |
void | setTrackIso (float trackIso) |
| Sets tracker isolation variable. More...
void | setUserIso (float value, uint8_t index=0) |
| Sets user isolation variable index. More...
float | trackIso () const |
const IsoDeposit * | trackIsoDeposit () const |
void | trackIsoDeposit (const IsoDeposit &dep) |
float | userIso (uint8_t index=0) const |
const IsoDeposit * | userIsoDeposit (uint8_t index=0) const |
void | userIsoDeposit (const IsoDeposit &dep, uint8_t index=0) |
float | userIsolation (IsolationKeys key) const |
float | userIsolation (const std::string &key) const |
| ~Lepton () override |
| destructor More...
void | addGenParticleRef (const reco::GenParticleRef &ref) |
void | addTriggerObjectMatch (const TriggerObjectStandAlone &trigObj) |
| add a trigger match More...
void | addUserCand (const std::string &label, const reco::CandidatePtr &data, const bool overwrite=false) |
| Set user-defined int. More...
void | addUserData (const std::string &label, const T &data, bool transientOnly=false, bool overwrite=false) |
void | addUserDataFromPtr (const std::string &label, const edm::Ptr< pat::UserData > &data, bool overwrite=false) |
void | addUserFloat (const std::string &label, float data, const bool overwrite=false) |
| Set user-defined float. More...
void | addUserInt (const std::string &label, int32_t data, const bool overwrite=false) |
| Set user-defined int. More...
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, pat::LookupTableRecord > > | efficiencies () const |
| Returns the efficiencies as <name,value> pairs (by value) More...
const pat::LookupTableRecord & | efficiency (const std::string &name) const |
| Returns an efficiency given its name. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & | efficiencyNames () const |
| Returns the list of the names of the stored efficiencies. More...
const std::vector< pat::LookupTableRecord > & | efficiencyValues () const |
| Returns the list of the values of the stored efficiencies (the ordering is the same as in efficiencyNames()) More...
void | embedGenParticle () |
const reco::GenParticle * | genParticle (size_t idx=0) const |
reco::GenParticleRef | genParticleById (int pdgId, int status, uint8_t autoCharge=0) const |
reco::GenParticleRef | genParticleRef (size_t idx=0) const |
std::vector< reco::GenParticleRef > | genParticleRefs () const |
size_t | genParticlesSize () const |
| Number of generator level particles stored as ref or embedded. More...
const pat::CandKinResolution & | getKinResolution (const std::string &label="") const |
bool | hasKinResolution (const std::string &label="") const |
| Check if the kinematic resolutions are stored into this object (possibly specifying a label for them) More...
bool | hasOverlaps (const std::string &label) const |
| Returns true if there was at least one overlap for this test label. More...
bool | hasUserCand (const std::string &key) const |
| Return true if there is a user-defined int with a given name. More...
bool | hasUserData (const std::string &key) const |
| Check if user data with a specific type is present. More...
bool | hasUserFloat (const std::string &key) const |
| Return true if there is a user-defined float with a given name. More...
bool | hasUserFloat (const char *key) const |
| a CINT-friendly interface More...
bool | hasUserInt (const std::string &key) const |
| Return true if there is a user-defined int with a given name. More...
const reco::Candidate * | originalObject () const |
| access to the original object; returns zero for null Ref and throws for unavailable collection More...
const edm::Ptr< reco::Candidate > & | originalObjectRef () const |
| reference to original object. Returns a null reference if not available More...
const std::vector< std::string > & | overlapLabels () const |
| Returns the labels of the overlap tests that found at least one overlap. More...
const reco::CandidatePtrVector & | overlaps (const std::string &label) const |
| PATObject () |
| default constructor More...
| PATObject (const reco::Muon &obj) |
| constructor from a base object (leaves invalid reference to original object!) More...
| PATObject (const edm::RefToBase< reco::Muon > &ref) |
| constructor from reference More...
| PATObject (const edm::Ptr< reco::Muon > &ref) |
| constructor from reference More...
double | resolE (const std::string &label="") const |
| Resolution on energy, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double | resolEt (const std::string &label="") const |
| Resolution on et, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double | resolEta (const std::string &label="") const |
| Resolution on eta, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double | resolM (const std::string &label="") const |
double | resolP (const std::string &label="") const |
| Resolution on p, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double | resolPhi (const std::string &label="") const |
| Resolution on phi, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double | resolPInv (const std::string &label="") const |
| Resolution on 1/p, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double | resolPt (const std::string &label="") const |
| Resolution on pt, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double | resolPx (const std::string &label="") const |
| Resolution on px, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double | resolPy (const std::string &label="") const |
| Resolution on py, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double | resolPz (const std::string &label="") const |
| Resolution on pz, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double | resolTheta (const std::string &label="") const |
| Resolution on theta, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
void | setEfficiency (const std::string &name, const pat::LookupTableRecord &value) |
void | setGenParticle (const reco::GenParticle &particle) |
| Set the generator level particle from a particle not in the Event (embedding it, of course) More...
void | setGenParticleRef (const reco::GenParticleRef &ref, bool embed=false) |
| Set the generator level particle reference. More...
void | setKinResolution (const pat::CandKinResolution &resol, const std::string &label="") |
| Add a kinematic resolution to this object (possibly with a label) More...
void | setOverlaps (const std::string &label, const reco::CandidatePtrVector &overlaps) |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatch (const size_t idx=0) const |
| get one matched trigger object by index More...
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByAlgorithm (const std::string &nameAlgorithm, const bool algoCondAccepted=true, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByAlgorithm (const char *nameAlgorithm, const bool algoCondAccepted=true, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByAlgorithm (const std::string &nameAlgorithm, const unsigned algoCondAccepted, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByAlgorithm (const char *nameAlgorithm, const unsigned algoCondAccepted, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByCollection (const std::string &coll, const size_t idx=0) const |
| get one matched trigger object from a certain collection by index More...
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByCollection (const char *coll, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByCondition (const std::string &nameCondition, const size_t idx=0) const |
| get one matched L1 object used in a succeeding object combination of a certain L1 condition by index More...
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByCondition (const char *nameCondition, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByFilter (const std::string &labelFilter, const size_t idx=0) const |
| get one matched HLT object used in a certain HLT filter by index More...
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByFilter (const char *labelFilter, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByFilterID (const unsigned triggerObjectType, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByPath (const std::string &namePath, const bool pathLastFilterAccepted=false, const bool pathL3FilterAccepted=true, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByPath (const char *namePath, const bool pathLastFilterAccepted=false, const bool pathL3FilterAccepted=true, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByPath (const std::string &namePath, const unsigned pathLastFilterAccepted, const unsigned pathL3FilterAccepted=1, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByPath (const char *namePath, const unsigned pathLastFilterAccepted, const unsigned pathL3FilterAccepted=1, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByType (const trigger::TriggerObjectType triggerObjectType, const size_t idx=0) const |
| get one matched trigger object of a certain type by index More...
const TriggerObjectStandAlone * | triggerObjectMatchByType (const unsigned triggerObjectType, const size_t idx=0) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection & | triggerObjectMatches () const |
| get all matched trigger objects More...
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByAlgorithm (const std::string &nameAlgorithm, const bool algoCondAccepted=true) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByAlgorithm (const char *nameAlgorithm, const bool algoCondAccepted=true) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByAlgorithm (const std::string &nameAlgorithm, const unsigned algoCondAccepted) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByAlgorithm (const char *nameAlgorithm, const unsigned algoCondAccepted) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByCollection (const std::string &coll) const |
| get all matched trigger objects from a certain collection More...
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByCollection (const char *coll) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByCondition (const std::string &nameCondition) const |
| get all matched L1 objects used in a succeeding object combination of a certain L1 condition More...
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByCondition (const char *nameCondition) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByFilter (const std::string &labelFilter) const |
| get all matched HLT objects used in a certain HLT filter More...
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByFilter (const char *labelFilter) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByFilterID (const unsigned triggerObjectType) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByPath (const std::string &namePath, const bool pathLastFilterAccepted=false, const bool pathL3FilterAccepted=true) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByPath (const char *namePath, const bool pathLastFilterAccepted=false, const bool pathL3FilterAccepted=true) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByPath (const std::string &namePath, const unsigned pathLastFilterAccepted, const unsigned pathL3FilterAccepted=1) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByPath (const char *namePath, const unsigned pathLastFilterAccepted, const unsigned pathL3FilterAccepted=1) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByType (const trigger::TriggerObjectType triggerObjectType) const |
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection | triggerObjectMatchesByType (const unsigned triggerObjectType) const |
void | unpackTriggerObjectPathNames (const edm::TriggerNames &names) |
| unpack path names of matched trigger objects (if they were packed before embedding, which is not normally the case) More...
reco::CandidatePtr | userCand (const std::string &key) const |
const std::vector< std::string > & | userCandNames () const |
| Get list of user-defined cand names. More...
const T * | userData (const std::string &key) const |
| Returns user-defined data. Returns NULL if the data is not present, or not of type T. More...
const void * | userDataBare (const std::string &key) const |
const std::vector< std::string > & | userDataNames () const |
| Get list of user data object names. More...
const std::string & | userDataObjectType (const std::string &key) const |
| Get human-readable type of user data object, for debugging. More...
float | userFloat (const std::string &key) const |
float | userFloat (const char *key) const |
| a CINT-friendly interface More...
const std::vector< std::string > & | userFloatNames () const |
| Get list of user-defined float names. More...
std::vector< float > | userFloatRange (const std::string &key) const |
| return a range of values corresponding to key More...
int32_t | userInt (const std::string &key) const |
const std::vector< std::string > & | userIntNames () const |
| Get list of user-defined int names. More...
std::vector< int > | userIntRange (const std::string &key) const |
| returns a range of values corresponding to key More...
| ~PATObject () override |
| destructor More...
TrackBaseRef | bestTrackRef () const override |
| best track RefToBase More...
MuonEnergy | calEnergy () const |
| get energy deposition information More...
float | caloCompatibility () const |
MuonQuality | combinedQuality () const |
| get energy deposition information More...
float | dDxDz (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | dDyDz (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | dX (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | dY (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
unsigned int | expectedNnumberOfMatchedStations (float minDistanceFromEdge=10.0) const |
bool | hasShowerInStation (int station, int muonSubdetId, int nDtDigisCut=20, int nCscDigisCut=36) const |
| tag a shower in a given station layer More...
bool | isAValidMuonTrack (const MuonTrackType &type) const |
bool | isCaloCompatibilityValid () const |
bool | isCaloMuon () const override |
bool | isEnergyValid () const |
bool | isGEMMuon () const |
bool | isGlobalMuon () const override |
bool | isIsolationValid () const |
bool | isMatchesValid () const |
bool | isME0Muon () const |
bool | isMuon () const override |
const MuonIsolation & | isolationR03 () const |
const MuonIsolation & | isolationR05 () const |
bool | isPFIsolationValid () const |
bool | isPFMuon () const |
bool | isQualityValid () const |
bool | isRPCMuon () const |
bool | isStandAloneMuon () const override |
bool | isTimeValid () const |
bool | isTrackerMuon () const override |
std::vector< MuonChamberMatch > & | matches () |
| get muon matching information More...
const std::vector< MuonChamberMatch > & | matches () const |
| Muon () |
| Muon (Charge, const LorentzVector &, const Point &=Point(0, 0, 0)) |
| constructor from values More...
virtual MuonTrackType | muonBestTrackType () const |
TrackRef | muonTrack (const MuonTrackType &) const |
TrackRef | muonTrackFromMap (const MuonTrackType &type) const |
int | nDigisInStation (int station, int muonSubdetId) const |
| of digis in a given station layer
int | numberOfChambers () const |
int | numberOfChambersCSCorDT () const |
| number of chambers CSC or DT matches only (MuonChamberMatches include RPC rolls) More...
int | numberOfMatchedRPCLayers (ArbitrationType type=RPCHitAndTrackArbitration) const |
int | numberOfMatchedStations (ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
int | numberOfMatches (ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
| get number of chambers with matched segments More...
int | numberOfSegments (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
| get number of segments More...
int | numberOfShowers (int nDtDigisCut=20, int nCscDigisCut=36) const |
| count the number of showers along a muon track More...
bool | passed (uint64_t selection) const |
bool | passed (Selector selection) const |
const MuonPFIsolation & | pfIsolationR03 () const |
const MuonPFIsolation & | pfIsolationR04 () const |
const MuonPFIsolation & | pfMeanDRIsoProfileR03 () const |
const MuonPFIsolation & | pfMeanDRIsoProfileR04 () const |
reco::Candidate::LorentzVector | pfP4 () const |
const MuonPFIsolation & | pfSumDRIsoProfileR03 () const |
const MuonPFIsolation & | pfSumDRIsoProfileR04 () const |
float | pullDxDz (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration, bool includeSegmentError=true) const |
float | pullDyDz (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration, bool includeSegmentError=true) const |
float | pullX (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration, bool includeSegmentError=true) const |
float | pullY (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration, bool includeSegmentError=true) const |
unsigned int | RPClayerMask (ArbitrationType type=RPCHitAndTrackArbitration) const |
MuonTime | rpcTime () const |
| get RPC timing information More...
float | segmentDxDz (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | segmentDxDzErr (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | segmentDyDz (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | segmentDyDzErr (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | segmentX (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | segmentXErr (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | segmentY (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | segmentYErr (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
uint64_t | selectors () const |
virtual void | setBestTrack (MuonTrackType muonType) |
void | setCalEnergy (const MuonEnergy &calEnergy) |
| set energy deposition information More...
void | setCaloCompatibility (float input) |
virtual void | setCombined (const TrackRef &t) |
void | setCombinedQuality (const MuonQuality &combinedQuality) |
| set energy deposition information More...
virtual void | setGlobalTrack (const TrackRef &t) |
| set reference to Track More...
virtual void | setInnerTrack (const TrackRef &t) |
| set reference to Track More...
void | setIsolation (const MuonIsolation &isoR03, const MuonIsolation &isoR05) |
void | setMatches (const std::vector< MuonChamberMatch > &matches) |
| set muon matching information More...
void | setMuonTrack (const MuonTrackType &, const TrackRef &) |
virtual void | setOuterTrack (const TrackRef &t) |
| set reference to Track More...
void | setPFIsolation (const std::string &label, const reco::MuonPFIsolation &deposit) |
virtual void | setPFP4 (const reco::Candidate::LorentzVector &p4_) |
void | setRPCTime (const MuonTime &time) |
| set RPC timing information More...
void | setSelector (Selector selector, bool passed) |
void | setSelectors (uint64_t selectors) |
virtual void | setStandAlone (const TrackRef &t) |
void | setTime (const MuonTime &time) |
| set DT/CSC combined timing information More...
virtual void | setTrack (const TrackRef &t) |
virtual void | setTunePBestTrack (MuonTrackType muonType) |
void | setType (unsigned int type) |
unsigned int | stationGapMaskDistance (float distanceCut=10.) const |
unsigned int | stationGapMaskPull (float sigmaCut=3.) const |
| same as above for given number of sigmas More...
unsigned int | stationMask (ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | t0 (int n=0) |
MuonTime | time () const |
| get DT/CSC combined timing information More...
float | trackDist (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | trackDistErr (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | trackDxDz (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | trackDxDzErr (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | trackDyDz (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | trackDyDzErr (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | trackEdgeX (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | trackEdgeY (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | trackX (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | trackXErr (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | trackY (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
float | trackYErr (int station, int muonSubdetId, ArbitrationType type=SegmentAndTrackArbitration) const |
virtual MuonTrackType | tunePMuonBestTrackType () const |
unsigned int | type () const |
Public Member Functions inherited from reco::RecoCandidate |
const Track * | bestTrack () const override |
| best track pointer More...
virtual TrackType | bestTrackType () const |
| track type More...
virtual CaloTowerRef | caloTower () const |
| reference to a CaloTower More...
float | dxyError () const override |
| uncertainty on dxy More...
float | dzError () const override |
| uncertainty on dz More...
virtual reco::GsfTrackRef | gsfTrack () const |
| reference to a GsfTrack More...
virtual size_t | numberOfTracks () const |
| number of multiple Tracks More...
| RecoCandidate () |
| default constructor More...
template<typename P4 > |
| RecoCandidate (Charge q, const P4 &p4, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0) |
| constructor from values More...
virtual reco::SuperClusterRef | superCluster () const |
| reference to a SuperCluster More...
virtual reco::TrackRef | track (size_t) const |
| reference to one of multiple Tracks More...
| ~RecoCandidate () override |
| destructor More...
Public Member Functions inherited from reco::LeafCandidate |
Vector | boostToCM () const final |
int | charge () const final |
| electric charge More...
void | construct (int qx3, float pt, float eta, float phi, float mass, const Point &vtx, int pdgId, int status) |
const Candidate * | daughter (size_type) const override |
| return daughter at a given position (throws an exception) More...
Candidate * | daughter (size_type) override |
| return daughter at a given position (throws an exception) More...
Candidate * | daughter (const std::string &s) override |
| return daughter with a specified role name More...
const Candidate * | daughter (const std::string &s) const override |
| return daughter with a specified role name More...
double | energy () const final |
| energy More...
double | et () const final |
| transverse energy More...
double | et2 () const final |
| transverse energy squared (use this for cut!) More...
double | eta () const final |
| momentum pseudorapidity More...
void | fillVertexCovariance (CovarianceMatrix &v) const override |
| fill SMatrix More...
template<typename T > |
T | get () const |
| get a component More...
template<typename T , typename Tag > |
T | get () const |
| get a component More...
template<typename T > |
T | get (size_type i) const |
| get a component More...
template<typename T , typename Tag > |
T | get (size_type i) const |
| get a component More...
bool | hasMasterClone () const override |
bool | hasMasterClonePtr () const override |
bool | isConvertedPhoton () const override |
bool | isElectron () const override |
bool | isJet () const override |
bool | isPhoton () const override |
| LeafCandidate () |
| LeafCandidate (const Candidate &c) |
template<typename... Args> |
| LeafCandidate (Args &&...args) |
| LeafCandidate (LeafCandidate &rh) |
| LeafCandidate (LeafCandidate &&)=default |
| LeafCandidate (LeafCandidate const &)=default |
bool | longLived () const final |
| is long lived? More...
double | mass () const final |
| mass More...
bool | massConstraint () const final |
| do mass constraint? More...
double | massSqr () const final |
| mass squared More...
const CandidateBaseRef & | masterClone () const override |
const CandidatePtr & | masterClonePtr () const override |
template<typename Ref > |
Ref | masterRef () const |
| cast master clone reference to a concrete type More...
Vector | momentum () const final |
| spatial momentum vector More...
const Candidate * | mother (size_type) const override |
| return mother at a given position (throws an exception) More...
double | mt () const final |
| transverse mass More...
double | mtSqr () const final |
| transverse mass squared More...
template<typename T > |
size_type | numberOf () const |
| number of components More...
template<typename T , typename Tag > |
size_type | numberOf () const |
| number of components More...
size_t | numberOfDaughters () const override |
| number of daughters More...
size_t | numberOfMothers () const override |
| number of mothers More...
LeafCandidate & | operator= (LeafCandidate &&)=default |
LeafCandidate & | operator= (LeafCandidate const &)=default |
double | p () const final |
| magnitude of momentum vector More...
const LorentzVector & | p4 () const final |
| four-momentum Lorentz vector More...
int | pdgId () const final |
| PDG identifier. More...
double | phi () const final |
| momentum azimuthal angle More...
const PolarLorentzVector & | polarP4 () const final |
| four-momentum Lorentz vector More...
double | pt () const final |
| transverse momentum More...
double | px () const final |
| x coordinate of momentum vector More...
double | py () const final |
| y coordinate of momentum vector More...
double | pz () const final |
| z coordinate of momentum vector More...
double | rapidity () const final |
| rapidity More...
void | setCharge (Charge q) final |
| set electric charge More...
void | setLongLived () final |
void | setMass (double m) final |
| set particle mass More...
void | setMassConstraint () final |
void | setP4 (const LorentzVector &p4) final |
| set 4-momentum More...
void | setP4 (const PolarLorentzVector &p4) final |
| set 4-momentum More...
void | setPdgId (int pdgId) final |
void | setPz (double pz) final |
void | setStatus (int status) final |
| set status word More...
void | setThreeCharge (Charge qx3) final |
| set electric charge More...
void | setVertex (const Point &vertex) override |
| set vertex More...
int | status () const final |
| status word More...
double | theta () const final |
| momentum polar angle More...
int | threeCharge () const final |
| electric charge More...
const Point & | vertex () const override |
| vertex position (overwritten by PF...) More...
double | vertexChi2 () const override |
| chi-squares More...
double | vertexCovariance (int i, int j) const override |
| (i, j)-th element of error matrix, i, j = 0, ... 2 More...
CovarianceMatrix | vertexCovariance () const final |
| return SMatrix More...
double | vertexNdof () const override |
double | vertexNormalizedChi2 () const override |
| chi-squared divided by n.d.o.f. More...
double | vx () const override |
| x coordinate of vertex position More...
double | vy () const override |
| y coordinate of vertex position More...
double | vz () const override |
| z coordinate of vertex position More...
double | y () const final |
| rapidity More...
| ~LeafCandidate () override |
| destructor More...
Public Member Functions inherited from reco::Candidate |
const_iterator | begin () const |
| first daughter const_iterator More...
iterator | begin () |
| first daughter iterator More...
| Candidate () |
| default constructor More...
const_iterator | end () const |
| last daughter const_iterator More...
iterator | end () |
| last daughter iterator More...
template<typename T > |
T | get () const |
| get a component More...
template<typename T , typename Tag > |
T | get () const |
| get a component More...
template<typename T > |
T | get (size_type i) const |
| get a component More...
template<typename T , typename Tag > |
T | get (size_type i) const |
| get a component More...
template<typename Ref > |
Ref | masterRef () const |
| cast master clone reference to a concrete type More...
template<typename T > |
size_type | numberOf () const |
| number of components More...
template<typename T , typename Tag > |
size_type | numberOf () const |
| number of components More...
virtual void | setSourceCandidatePtr (const CandidatePtr &ptr) |
| Set the ptr to the source Candidate. More...
virtual | ~Candidate () |
| destructor More...