581 std::cout <<
"*TEcnaGui> WRONG MANAGEMENT OF ALLOCATIONS: fCnew = " 596 std::cout <<
"*TEcnaGui> WRONG MANAGEMENT OF ROOT ALLOCATIONS: fCnewRoot = " 601 std::cout <<
" fCnewRoot = " <<
fCnewRoot <<
", fCdeleteRoot = " 637 Long_t i_this = (Long_t)
647 if( iCnaParCout == 0 )
660 Long_t iCnaParPaths = pObjectManager->
661 if( iCnaParPaths == 0 )
679 Long_t iEcalNumbering = pObjectManager->
680 if( iEcalNumbering == 0 )
687 Long_t iCnaParHistos = pObjectManager->
688 if( iCnaParHistos == 0 )
1509 Pixel_t SubDetColor = GetBackground();
1511 if(
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){SubDetColor = GetBackground();}
1512 if(
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){SubDetColor = GetBackground();}
1545 fVoidFrame =
new TGCompositeFrame(
this,60,20, kVerticalFrame, kSunkenFrame);
1563 GetDefaultFrameBackground());
1566 TString xAnaButText =
" Analysis ";
1567 Int_t typ_of_ana_buf_lenght = 80;
1569 kSunkenFrame);
1572 fAnaBut->Connect(
1574 fAnaBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register the analysis name written on the right");
1575 fAnaBut->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
1578 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);
1584 (
"Click and enter the analysis name (code for type of analysis)");
1587 fAnaText->Connect(
1589 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);
1593 TString xFirstReqEvtNumberButText =
" 1st event# ";
1594 Int_t first_evt_buf_lenght = 65;
1599 fFevBut->Connect(
1601 (
"Click here to register the number of the first requested event number");
1602 fFevBut->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
1604 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);
1609 fFevText->SetToolTipText(
"Click and enter the first requested event number");
1612 fFevText->Connect(
1614 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);
1618 TString xRunButText =
" Run ";
1619 Int_t run_buf_lenght = 65;
1621 kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame);
1623 fRunBut->Connect(
1624 fRunBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register the run number");
1625 fRunBut->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
1628 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);
1632 fRunText->SetToolTipText(
"Click and enter the run number");
1635 fRunText->Connect(
1637 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);
1645 xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1);
1655 GetDefaultFrameBackground());
1658 TString xNorsButText =
"Nb Samp in File";
1659 Int_t nors_buf_lenght = 45;
1661 kSunkenFrame);
1664 fNorsBut->Connect(
1666 fNorsBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register the value written on the right");
1667 fNorsBut->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
1670 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft | kLHintsTop, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);
1675 fNorsText->SetToolTipText(
"Click and enter the number of required samples");
1678 fNorsText->Connect(
1680 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsCenterX, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);
1684 TString xLastReqEvtButText =
" Last event# ";
1685 Int_t last_evt_buf_lenght = 65;
1690 fLevBut->Connect(
1691 fLevBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register the last requested event number");
1692 fLevBut->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
1694 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);
1699 fLevText->SetToolTipText(
"Click and enter the last requested event number");
1702 fLevText->Connect(
1704 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1);
1708 TString xMenuBarClean =
"Clean ";
1716 fMenuClean->Connect(
1721 TString xMenuBarSubmit =
" Submit ";
1722 fMenuSubmit =
new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++;
1730 fMenuSubmit->Connect(
1741 xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
1751 fCompStRqFrame =
new TGCompositeFrame(
1752 GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++;
1755 TString xSumoButText;
1756 if(
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){xSumoButText =
" SM# (0=EB) ";}
1757 if(
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){xSumoButText =
" Dee# (0=EE) ";}
1759 Int_t stex_number_buf_lenght = 36;
1761 new TGCompositeFrame(
fCompStRqFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
1764 fStexBut->Connect(
1765 fStexBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register the number written on the right");
1766 fStexBut->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
1768 fLayoutStexBut =
new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
1774 TString xStexNumber;
1775 if(
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){xStexNumber =
"Click and enter the SM number";}
1776 if(
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){xStexNumber =
"Click and enter the Dee number";}
1780 fStexText->Connect(
1783 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
1787 TString xNbOfReqEvtButText =
" Nb of events ";
1788 Int_t nbof_evt_buf_lenght = 65;
1790 new TGCompositeFrame(
fCompStRqFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
1793 fRevBut->Connect(
1794 fRevBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register the requested number of events");
1795 fRevBut->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
1796 fLayoutRevBut =
new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
1801 fRevText->SetToolTipText(
"Click and enter the requested number of events");
1804 fRevText->Connect(
1806 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
1814 xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
1824 fCompStnbFrame =
new TGCompositeFrame(
1825 GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++;
1830 TString xStexNbButText;
1831 if(
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){xStexNbButText =
"SM Tower Numbering";}
1832 if(
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){xStexNbButText =
"Dee SC Numbering";}
1834 fButStexNb->Connect(
1838 TString xNbSampForCalcButText =
"Nb Samp Calc";
1839 Int_t nb_of_samp_calc_buf_lenght = 28;
1841 new TGCompositeFrame(
fCompStnbFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
1844 fNbSampForCalcBut->Connect(
1845 fNbSampForCalcBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register the number written on the right");
1854 TString xNbSampForCalcNumber =
"Click and enter the nb of samples for calculations";
1858 fNbSampForCalcText->Connect(
1861 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
1865 TString xMenuBarComput =
"Calculations ";
1866 fMenuComput =
new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++;
1871 fMenuComput->Connect(
1881 xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
1890 Int_t minmax_buf_lenght = 45;
1893 (
this,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++;
1894 TString xYminButText =
" Ymin ";
1895 TString xYmaxButText =
" Ymax ";
1898 (
fStexUpFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
1906 fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbBut->Connect(
1907 fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
1910 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
1918 fVmaxD_NOE_ChNbText->Connect(
1921 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
1924 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
1932 fVminD_NOE_ChNbBut->Connect(
1933 fVminD_NOE_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
1936 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
1944 fVminD_NOE_ChNbText->Connect(
1946 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
1949 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
1953 TString xHistoChannels =
"1D Histo";
1954 TString xHistoChannelsSame =
"1D Histo SAME" ;
1955 TString xHistoChannelsSameP =
"1D Histo SAME n";
1956 TString xHistoProjection =
"1D Histo Projection";
1957 TString xHistoProjectionSame =
"1D Histo Projection SAME";
1958 TString xHistoProjectionSameP =
"1D Histo Projection SAME n";
1959 TString xHocoVecoViewSorS =
"2D, Histo";
1960 if(
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){xHocoVecoViewSorS =
"2D, Histo (eta,phi)";}
1961 if(
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){xHocoVecoViewSorS =
"2D, Histo (IX,IY)";}
1962 TString xAsciiFileStex =
"1D Histo, write in ASCII file";
1965 TString xMenuD_NOE_ChNb =
"Numbers of events ";
1973 fMenuD_NOE_ChNb->Connect(
1982 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
1987 new TGCompositeFrame(
1988 GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++;
1992 (
fStexHozFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
2001 fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbBut->Connect(
2002 fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
2011 fVmaxD_Ped_ChNbText->Connect(
2013 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2016 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2024 fVminD_Ped_ChNbBut->Connect(
2025 fVminD_Ped_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
2028 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2036 fVminD_Ped_ChNbText->Connect(
2038 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2041 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2045 TString xMenuD_Ped_ChNb =
" Pedestals ";
2053 fMenuD_Ped_ChNb->Connect(
2060 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2065 (
fStexHozFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
2073 fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbBut->Connect(
2074 fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
2077 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2084 fVmaxD_TNo_ChNbText->Connect(
2086 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2089 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2097 fVminD_TNo_ChNbBut->Connect(
2098 fVminD_TNo_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
2101 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2109 fVminD_TNo_ChNbText->Connect(
2111 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2114 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2118 TString xMenuD_TNo_ChNb =
" Total Noise ";
2127 fMenuD_TNo_ChNb->Connect(
2134 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2139 (
fStexHozFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
2147 fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbBut->Connect(
2148 fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
2151 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2158 fVmaxD_LFN_ChNbText->Connect(
2160 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2163 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2171 fVminD_LFN_ChNbBut->Connect(
2172 fVminD_LFN_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
2175 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2182 fVminD_LFN_ChNbText->Connect(
2184 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2187 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2191 TString xMenuD_LFN_ChNb =
" Low Frequency Noise ";
2200 fMenuD_LFN_ChNb->Connect(
2206 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2211 (
fStexHozFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
2219 fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbBut->Connect(
2220 fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
2223 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2230 fVmaxD_HFN_ChNbText->Connect(
2232 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2235 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2243 fVminD_HFN_ChNbBut->Connect(
2244 fVminD_HFN_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
2247 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2254 fVminD_HFN_ChNbText->Connect(
2256 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2259 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2263 TString xMenuD_HFN_ChNb =
" High Frequency Noise ";
2272 fMenuD_HFN_ChNb->Connect(
2279 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2284 (
fStexHozFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
2293 fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbBut->Connect(
2294 fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
2297 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2304 fVmaxD_MCs_ChNbText->Connect(
2306 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2309 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2317 fVminD_MCs_ChNbBut->Connect(
2318 fVminD_MCs_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
2321 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2328 fVminD_MCs_ChNbText->Connect(
2330 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2333 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2337 TString xMenuD_MCs_ChNb =
" Mean cor(s,s') ";
2346 fMenuD_MCs_ChNb->Connect(
2353 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2358 (
fStexHozFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
2366 fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbBut->Connect(
2367 fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
2370 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2377 fVmaxD_SCs_ChNbText->Connect(
2379 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2382 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2390 fVminD_SCs_ChNbBut->Connect(
2391 fVminD_SCs_ChNbBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
2394 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2401 fVminD_SCs_ChNbText->Connect(
2403 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2406 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2410 TString xMenuD_SCs_ChNb =
" Sigma of cor(s,s') ";
2419 fMenuD_SCs_ChNb->Connect(
2426 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2433 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
2439 (
fStexUpFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
2447 fVmaxLHFccBut->Connect(
2448 fVmaxLHFccBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
2451 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2458 fVmaxLHFccText->Connect(
2461 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2464 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2472 fVminLHFccBut->Connect(
2473 fVminLHFccBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
2476 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2483 fVminLHFccText->Connect(
2485 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2488 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2492 TString xMenuLHFcc =
"GeoView LF,HF Cor(c,c') (expert)";
2493 TString xLFccViewSorS;
2494 if(
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){xLFccViewSorS =
"Low Frequency Cor(c,c'), tower place -> Cor matrix";}
2495 if(
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){xLFccViewSorS =
"Low Frequency Cor(c,c'), SC place -> Cor matrix";}
2496 TString xHFccViewSorS;
2497 if(
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){xHFccViewSorS =
"High Frequency Cor(c,c'), tower place -> Cor matrix";}
2498 if(
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){xHFccViewSorS =
"High Frequency Cor(c,c'), SC place -> Cor matrix";}
2500 fMenuLHFcc =
new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++;
2503 fMenuLHFcc->Connect(
2509 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2514 (
fStexUpFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
2522 fVmaxLFccMosBut->Connect(
2523 fVmaxLFccMosBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
2526 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2533 fVmaxLFccMosText->Connect(
2536 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2539 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2547 fVminLFccMosBut->Connect(
2548 fVminLFccMosBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
2551 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2558 fVminLFccMosText->Connect(
2560 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2563 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2567 TString xMenuLFccMos;
2568 if(
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){xMenuLFccMos =
"Mean LF |Cor(c,c')| in (tow,tow')";}
2569 if(
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){xMenuLFccMos =
"Mean LF |Cor(c,c')| in (SC,SC')";}
2571 fMenuLFccMos =
new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++;
2574 fMenuLFccMos->Connect(
2580 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2585 (
fStexUpFrame,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
2593 fVmaxHFccMosBut->Connect(
2594 fVmaxHFccMosBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymax for the display of the quantity");
2597 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2604 fVmaxHFccMosText->Connect(
2607 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2610 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2618 fVminHFccMosBut->Connect(
2619 fVminHFccMosBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register ymin for the display of the quantity");
2622 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2629 fVminHFccMosText->Connect(
2631 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2634 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2638 TString xMenuHFccMos;
2639 if(
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){xMenuHFccMos =
"Mean HF |Cor(c,c')| in (tow,tow')";}
2640 if(
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){xMenuHFccMos =
"Mean HF |Cor(c,c')| in (SC,SC')";}
2642 fMenuHFccMos =
new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++;
2645 fMenuHFccMos->Connect(
2651 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2657 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsCenterX, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
2670 new TGCompositeFrame(
2671 GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++;
2673 TString xStinAButText =
2674 TString xStinBButText =
2675 Int_t Stin_buf_lenght = 10;
2678 {xStinAButText =
" Tower# [1,68] "; xStinBButText =
" Tower'# [1,68] "; Stin_buf_lenght = 50;}
2680 {xStinAButText =
"SC# for const. [150,298] "; xStinBButText =
"SC'# for const. [150,298] "; Stin_buf_lenght = 50;}
2682 {xStinAButText =
"SC# for const. [ 1,149] "; xStinBButText =
"SC'# for const. [ 1,149] "; Stin_buf_lenght = 50;}
2685 TString xStinNumberText;
2687 {xStinNumberText =
"Click here to register the tower number written on the right";}
2689 {xStinNumberText =
"Click here to register the SC number written on the right";}
2691 TString xStinNumberValue;
2693 {xStinNumberValue =
"Click and enter the tower number";}
2695 {xStinNumberValue =
"Click and enter the SC number";}
2698 (
fStinSpFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++;
2701 (
fTxSubFrame,60,20,kHorizontalFrame,kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
2704 fStinABut->Connect(
2705 fStinABut->SetToolTipText(xStinNumberText);
2707 fStinABut->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
2709 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2714 fStinAText->SetToolTipText(xStinNumberValue);
2717 Int_t StinAValue = 0;
2723 fStinAText->Connect(
2725 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1 ); fCnew++;
2730 TString xChNbButText;
2731 if (
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){xChNbButText =
"Tower Xtal Numbering ";}
2732 if (
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){xChNbButText =
" SC Xtal Numbering ";}
2735 fButChNb->Connect(
2736 fButChNb->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
2738 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
2744 TString xMenuBarCorGlob;
2745 if (
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){xMenuBarCorGlob =
" GeoView Cor(s,s') (expert)";}
2746 if (
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){xMenuBarCorGlob =
" GeoView Cor(s,s') (expert)";}
2748 TString xMenuBarCovGlob;
2749 if (
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){xMenuBarCovGlob =
" GeoView Cov(s,s') (expert)";}
2750 if (
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){xMenuBarCovGlob =
" GeoView Cov(s,s') (expert)";}
2753 fMenuCorssAll =
new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++;
2756 fMenuCorssAll->Connect(
2771 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
2776 (
fStinSpFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++;
2779 (
fTySubFrame,60,20,kHorizontalFrame,kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
2783 fStinBBut->Connect(
2784 fStinBBut->SetToolTipText(xStinNumberText);
2786 fStinBBut->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
2787 fLayoutStinBBut =
new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2792 fStinBText->SetToolTipText(xStinNumberValue);
2795 Int_t StinBValue = 0;
2801 fStinBText->Connect(
2803 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1 ); fCnew++;
2813 (kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
2819 (kLHintsTop | kLHintsCenterX, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
2823 TString xMenuBarLFCorcc;
2824 if (
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){xMenuBarLFCorcc =
" Low Frequency Cor(Xtal tower, Xtal tower')";}
2825 if (
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){xMenuBarLFCorcc =
" Low Frequency Cor(Xtal SC, Xtal SC')";}
2827 TString xMenuBarHFCorcc;
2828 if (
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){xMenuBarHFCorcc =
" High Frequency Cor(Xtal tower, Xtal tower')";}
2829 if (
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){xMenuBarHFCorcc =
" High Frequency Cor(Xtal SC, Xtal SC')";}
2832 fMenuLFCorcc =
new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++;
2836 fMenuLFCorcc->Connect(
2837 fMenuBarLFCorcc =
new TGMenuBar(
this, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++;
2842 fMenuHFCorcc =
new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++;
2846 fMenuHFCorcc->Connect(
2847 fMenuBarHFCorcc =
new TGMenuBar(
this, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++;
2857 fChSpFrame =
new TGCompositeFrame(
2858 GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++;
2860 TString xChanButText;
2861 if (
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){xChanButText =
" Channel# in tower [0,24] ";}
2862 if (
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){xChanButText =
" Crystal# in SC [1,25] ";}
2864 TString xSampButText =
" Sample# [1,10] ";
2866 Int_t chan_buf_lenght = 50;
2867 Int_t samp_buf_lenght = 50;
2869 TString xMenuBarCorss =
" Correlations between samples";
2870 TString xMenuBarCovss =
" Covariances between samples";
2871 TString xMenuBarEvs =
" Sample means";
2872 TString xMenuBarSigs =
" Sample sigmas";
2876 (
fChSpFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++;
2879 (
fChSubFrame,60,20,kHorizontalFrame,kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
2883 fChanBut->Connect(
2884 fChanBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register the channel number written to the right");
2886 fChanBut->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
2887 fLayoutChanBut =
new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2892 fChanText->SetToolTipText(
"Click and enter the channel number");
2895 Int_t xReadChanNumber = 0;
2896 if(
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){xReadChanNumber = 0;}
2897 if(
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){xReadChanNumber = 1;}
2900 fChanText->Connect(
2902 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1 ); fCnew++;
2909 fMenuCorss =
new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++;
2922 fMenuCorss->Connect(
2929 fMenuCovss =
new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++;
2942 fMenuCovss->Connect(
2953 fMenuD_MSp_SpNb->Connect(
2964 fMenuD_SSp_SpNb->Connect(
2971 (kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
2976 (
fChSpFrame,60,20,kVerticalFrame, GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++;
2979 (
fSpSubFrame,60,20,kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
2982 fSampBut->Connect(
2983 fSampBut->SetToolTipText(
"Click here to register the sample number written to the right");
2985 fSampBut->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
2987 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
2992 fSampText->SetToolTipText(
"Click and enter the sample number");
2996 fSampText->Connect(
2998 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1 ); fCnew++;
3004 (kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
3009 (kLHintsTop | kLHintsCenterX, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
3014 fMenuAdcProj =
new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++;
3017 fMenuAdcProj->Connect(
3019 fMenuBarAdcProj =
new TGMenuBar(
this, 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++;
3021 TString xEvtDistrib;
3022 xEvtDistrib =
"ADC sample values for (Xtal, Sample)";
3027 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsCenterX, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
3037 TString xRunListButText =
" List of run file name for history plots ";
3038 Int_t run_list_buf_lenght = 170;
3040 fRulFrame =
new TGCompositeFrame(
this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
3043 fRulBut->Connect(
3045 (
"Click here to register the name of the file \n containing the run list (written on the right)");
3046 fRulBut->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
3048 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
3053 fRulText->SetToolTipText(
"Click and enter the name of the file \n containing the run list");
3055 fRulText->Connect(
3057 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
3061 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
3065 TString xMenuBarHistory =
" Menu for history plots";
3066 fMenuHistory =
new TGPopupMenu(gClient->GetRoot()); fCnew++;
3090 fMenuHistory->Connect(
3091 fMenuBarHistory =
new TGMenuBar(
this , 1, 1, kHorizontalFrame); fCnew++;
3108 fLinLogFrame =
new TGCompositeFrame(
this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
3112 TString xLogxButText =
" LOG X ";
3114 fButLogx->Connect(
3115 fButLogx->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
3116 fLayoutLogxBut =
new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
3120 TString xLogyButText =
" LOG Y ";
3122 fButLogy->Connect(
3123 fButLogy->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
3124 fLayoutLogyBut =
new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
3128 TString xProjyButText =
" Y projection ";
3130 fButProjy->Connect(
3131 fButProjy->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
3132 fLayoutProjyBut =
new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
3139 TString xGenTitleButText =
" General title for plots ";
3140 Int_t gen_title_buf_lenght = 220;
3142 fGentFrame =
new TGCompositeFrame(
this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
3145 fGentBut->Connect(
3147 (
"Click here to register the general title (written on the right)");
3148 fGentBut->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
3150 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
3155 fGentText->SetToolTipText(
"Click and enter the general title");
3158 fGentText->Connect(
3160 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsBottom | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
3164 new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1,xB1,xB1,xB1); fCnew++;
3170 GetDefaultFrameBackground()); fCnew++;
3173 TString xColPalButText =
" Colors ";
3175 fButColPal->Connect(
3177 fLayoutColPalBut =
new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
3181 TString xExitButText =
" Exit ";
3183 fButExit->Connect(
3184 fButExit->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
3185 fLayoutExitBut =
new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsRight, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
3189 xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
3196 fLastFrame =
new TGCompositeFrame(
this,60,20, kHorizontalFrame, kSunkenFrame); fCnew++;
3199 TString xCloneButText =
" Clone Last Canvas ";
3201 fButClone->Connect(
3202 fButClone->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
3203 fLayoutCloneBut =
new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
3207 TString xRootButText =
" ROOT Version ";
3209 fButRoot->Connect(
3210 fButRoot->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
3211 fLayoutRootBut =
new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
3215 TString xHelpButText =
" Help ";
3217 fButHelp->Connect(
3218 fButHelp->SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
3219 fLayoutHelpBut =
new TGLayoutHints(kLHintsTop | kLHintsLeft, xB1, xB1, xB1, xB1); fCnew++;
3229 if(
fSubDet ==
"EB" ){SetWindowName(
"CMS Ecal Correlated Noise Analysis <EB>");}
3230 if(
fSubDet ==
"EE" ){SetWindowName(
"CMS Ecal Correlated Noise Analysis <EE>");}
3232 SetBackgroundColor(SubDetColor);
3271 const char *bufferchain =
3277 <<
"]> Registration of analysis name -> " 3286 const char *bufferchain =
3290 if ( !(
fKeyNbOfSamples >= 1 && fKeyNbOfSamples <= fEcal->MaxSampADC()) )
3294 <<
" Number of required samples for reading ROOT file = " <<
fKeyNbOfSamples 3295 <<
": OUT OF RANGE, " << std::endl
3296 <<
" forced to the default value (=" 3303 TString xSampButText =
" Sample [?,?] ";
3320 <<
"]> Registration of number of samples in ROOT file -> " 3337 <<
": OUT OF RANGE, " << std::endl
3338 <<
" forced to the default value (=" 3345 <<
"]> Registration of number of samples for calculations -> " 3355 const char* bufferchain =
3360 <<
"]> Registration of run number -> " 3369 const char *bufferchain =
3378 <<
": negative. " << std::endl
3384 <<
"]> Registration of first requested event number -> " 3392 const char *bufferchain =
3407 <<
"]> Registration of last requested event number -> " 3415 const char *bufferchain =
3426 <<
" less than first requested event number = " << fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber
3435 <<
": out of range (range = " << fKeyFirstReqEvtNumber <<
"," 3442 <<
"]> Registration of requested number of events -> " 3451 const char *bufferchain =
3459 <<
"]> Registration of SuperModule number -> " 3470 <<
": out of range. Range = 0 (EB) or [ 1 ," <<
MaxSMInEB() <<
" ] (SM)" 3479 TString xStinAButText =
3480 TString xStinBButText =
3482 {xStinAButText =
"SC for const. [150,298] "; xStinBButText =
"SC' for const. [150,298] ";
3485 {xStinAButText =
"SC for const. [ 1,149] "; xStinBButText =
"SC' for const. [ 1,149] ";
3489 {xStinAButText =
"SC for const. "; xStinBButText =
"SC' for const. ";
3507 <<
"]> Registration of Dee number -> " 3515 <<
": out of range. Range = 0 (EE) or [ 1 ," <<
MaxDeeInEE() <<
" ] (Dee)" 3532 <<
"]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'number of events' -> " 3547 <<
"]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'number of events' -> " 3562 <<
"]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'pedestal' -> " 3577 <<
"]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'pedestal' -> " 3592 <<
"]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'total noise' -> " 3607 <<
"]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'total noise' -> " 3622 <<
"]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'mean cor(s,s')' -> " 3637 <<
"]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'mean cor(s,s')' -> " 3653 <<
"]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'low frequency noise' -> " 3668 <<
"]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'low frequency noise' -> " 3683 <<
"]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'high frequency noise' -> " 3698 <<
"]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'high frequency noise' -> " 3713 <<
"]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'sigma of cor(s,s')' -> " 3728 <<
"]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'sigma of cor(s,s')' -> " 3743 <<
"]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'mean LF |cor(c,c')|' -> " 3758 <<
"]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'mean LF |cor(c,c')|' -> " 3773 <<
"]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'mean HF |cor(c,c')|' -> " 3788 <<
"]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'mean HF |cor(c,c')|' -> " 3798 const char *bufferchain =
3804 <<
"]> Registration of Ymin for plot 'cor(c,c') in " 3813 const char *bufferchain =
3819 <<
"]> Registration of Ymax for plot 'cor(c,c') in " 3834 const char *bufferchain =
3836 Int_t xReadStinANumberForCons = atoi(bufferchain);
3846 <<
"]> Registration of " <<
fStinName.Data() <<
" number -> " 3847 << xReadStinANumberForCons << std::endl;
3863 <<
"]> Registration of " <<
fStinName.Data() <<
" number for construction -> " 3864 << xReadStinANumberForCons << std::endl;
3866 if(
fKeyStexNumber > 0 && fKeyStexNumber <= fEcal->MaxDeeInEE() )
3868 Int_t off_set_cons = 0;
3871 if( xReadStinANumberForCons <= off_set_cons ||
3875 std::cout <<
" !TEcnaGui (" <<
fCnaError <<
") *** ERROR *** ===> SC nb for construction = " 3876 << xReadStinANumberForCons <<
". Out of range ( range = [ " << off_set_cons+1
3896 const char *bufferchain =
3898 Int_t xReadStinBNumberForCons = atoi(bufferchain);
3906 <<
"]> Registration of " <<
fStinName.Data() <<
"' number -> " 3907 << xReadStinBNumberForCons << std::endl;
3923 if(
fKeyStexNumber > 0 && fKeyStexNumber <= fEcal->MaxDeeInEE() )
3925 Int_t off_set_cons = 0;
3928 if( xReadStinBNumberForCons < off_set_cons ||
3932 std::cout <<
" !TEcnaGui (" <<
fCnaError <<
") *** ERROR *** ===> SC nb for construction = " 3933 << xReadStinBNumberForCons <<
". Out of range ( range = [ " << off_set_cons+1
3959 const char *bufferchain =
3960 Int_t xReadNumber = atoi(bufferchain);
3962 Int_t Choffset = -1;
3963 TString ChString =
3965 if(
fSubDet ==
"EB"){Choffset = 0; ChString =
3966 if(
fSubDet ==
"EE"){Choffset = 1; ChString =
3971 <<
"]> Registration of " << ChString.Data() <<
" number -> " 3972 << xReadNumber << std::endl;
3978 << ChString.Data() <<
" number in " <<
fStinName.Data() <<
" = " << xReadNumber
3979 <<
": out of range ( range = [" << Choffset <<
"," 3989 const char *bufferchain =
3990 Int_t xKeySampNumber = atoi(bufferchain);
3994 <<
"]> Registration of sample number -> " 3995 << xKeySampNumber << std::endl;
4001 <<
" Sample number = " << xKeySampNumber
4015 const char* listchain =
4016 if( listchain[0] ==
'\0' )
4020 <<
" Empty file name in entry for TIME EVOLUTION plots." 4026 char tchiffr[10] = {
'9' };
4029 if( listchain[0] == tchiffr [0] || listchain[0] == tchiffr [1] ||
4030 listchain[0] == tchiffr [2] || listchain[0] == tchiffr [3] ||
4031 listchain[0] == tchiffr [4] || listchain[0] == tchiffr [5] ||
4032 listchain[0] == tchiffr [6] || listchain[0] == tchiffr [7] ||
4033 listchain[0] == tchiffr [8] || listchain[0] == tchiffr [9] )
4037 <<
" Please, enter a file name beginning with an alphabetic letter." 4046 <<
"]> Registration of run list file name for history plots -> " 4057 const char* listchain =
4062 <<
"]> Registration of general title -> " 4080 <<
"]> X axis -> " <<
fKeyScaleX <<
" scale " << std::endl;
4090 <<
"]> Y axis -> " <<
fKeyScaleY <<
" scale " << std::endl;