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#include <TEcnaRun.h>
TEcnaRun.h Update: 05/10/2012 Authors: B.Fabbro (berna), FX Gentit DSM/IRFU/SPP CEA-Saclay Copyright: Those valid for CEA sofware rd.f abbro @cea .fr
ECNA web page: http://cms-fabbro.web.cern.ch/cms-fabbro/
TEcnaRun + ECNA (Ecal Correlated Noise Analysis) instructions for use in the framework of CMSSW.
==============> INTRODUCTION
The present documentation contains: [1] a brief description of the ECNA package with instructions for use in the framework of the CMS Software [2] the documentation for the class TEcnaRun
ECNA consists in 2 packages named: EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisModules and EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisAlgos.
The directory tree is the following:
<local path>/CMSSW_a_b_c/src/----CalibCalorimetry/---EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisModules/BuildFile | | | |---interface/ | | | |---src/ | | |---data/ | | | |---EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisAlgos/BuildFile | | |---interface/ | | |---src/ | | |---test/ | | | | | \--- <other packages of CalibCalorimetry> | \----<other subsystems...>
The package EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisModules contains one standard analyzer (EcnaAnalyzer). The user can edit its own analyzer. A detailed description is given here after in the class TEcnaRun documentation. The package EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisAlgos contains the basic ECNA classes (in src and interface) and standalone executables (in directory test).
=========================================================================================== TEcnaRun.
This class allows the user to calculate pedestals, noises, correlations and other quantities of interest for correlated noise studies on the CMS/ECAL (EB and EE).
Three main operations are performed by the class TEcnaRun. Each of them is associated with a specific method of the analyzer EcnaAnalyzer:
(1) Initialization and calls to "preparation methods". This task is done in the constructor of the analyzer: EcnaAnalyzer::EcnaAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet& pSet)
(2) Building of the event distributions (distributions of the sample ADC values for each sample, each channel, etc...) This task is done in the method "analyze" of the analyzer: EcnaAnalyzer::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup)
(3) Calculation of the different quantities (correlations, pedestals, noises, etc...) from the distributions obtained in (2) and writing of these quantities in results ROOT files and also in ASCII files. This task is done in the destructor of the analyzer: EcnaAnalyzer::~EcnaAnalyzer()
see files EcnaAnalyzer.h and EcnaAnalyzer.cc in package EcalCorrelatedNoiseAnalysisModules
Declaration and Print Methods
Just after the declaration with the constructor, you can set a "Print Flag" by means of the following "Print Methods": TEcnaRun* MyCnaRun = new TEcnaRun(...); // declaration of the object MyCnaRun
// Print Methods:
MyCnaRun->PrintNoComment(); // Set flag to forbid printing of all the comments // except ERRORS.
MyCnaRun->PrintWarnings(); // (DEFAULT) // Set flag to authorize printing of some warnings. // WARNING/INFO: information on something unusual // in the data. // WARNING/CORRECTION: something wrong (but not too serious) // in the value of some argument. // Automatically modified to a correct value.
MyCnaRun->PrintComments(); // Set flag to authorize printing of infos // and some comments concerning initialisations
MyCnaRun->PrintAllComments(); // Set flag to authorize printing of all the comments
Method GetReadyToReadData(...) and associated methods
MyCnaRun->GetReadyToReadData(AnalysisName, NbOfSamples, RunNumber, FirstReqEvtNumber, LastReqEvtNumber, ReqNbOfEvts, StexNumber, [RunType]);
Explanations for the arguments (all of them are input arguments):
TString AnalysisName: code for the analysis. According to this code, the analyzer EcnaAnalyser selects the event type (PEDESTAL_STD, PEDESTAL_GAP, LASER_STD, etc...) and some other event characteristics (example: the gain in pedestal runs: AnalysisName = "Ped1" or "Ped6" or "Ped12") See EcnaAnalyser.h for a list of available codes. The string AnalysisName is automatically included in the name of the results files (see below: results files paragraph).
Int_t NbOfSamples number of samples (=10 maximum) Int_t RunNumber: run number Int_t FirstReqEvtNumber: first requested event number (numbering starting from 1) Int_t LastReqEvtNumber: last requested event number Int_t ReqNbOfEvts: requested number of events Int_t StexNumber: Stex number (Stex = SM if EB, Dee if EE)
The different quantities (correlations, etc...) will be calculated for ReqNbOfEvts events between event# FirstReqEvtNumber and event# LastReqEvtNumber. If LastReqEvtNumber = 0, the calculations will be performed from event# FirstReqEvtNumber until EOF if necessary (i.e. if the number of treated events is < ReqNbOfEvts)
Int_t RunType [optional]: run type
(see CMSSSW/DataFormats/EcalRawData/interface/EcalDCCHeaderBlock.h)
if RunType is specified, the run type will be displayed on the plots
==============> Method to set the start and stop times of the analysis (optional)
A method can be used to set the fStartDate and fStopDate attributes of the class TEcnaHeader from start and stop time given by the user provided these values have been recovered from the event reading:
void MyCnaRun->StartStopDate(const TString& StartDate, const TString& StopDate);
// TString StartDate, StopDate: start and stop time of the run // in "date" format. Example: // Wed Oct 8 04:14:23 2003
If the method is not called, the values of the attributes fStartDate and fStopDate are set to: "!Start date> no info" and "!Stop date> no info" at the level of Init() method of the class TEcnaHeader. The values of StartDate and StopDate are written in the header of the .root result file.
PS: another similar method exists, with time_t type arguments:
void MyCnaRun->StartStopTime(time_t StartTime, time_t StopTime);
Calculation methods
The "calculation methods" are methods which compute the different quantities of interest. They use the ADC sample values which can be recovered by the method void SampleValues():
void SampleValues(); // 3D histo of the sample ADC value // for each triple (channel,sample,event)
List of the calculation methods with associated formulae:
.......... Calculation methods ( need previous call to GetReadyToReadData(...) )
// A(t,c,s,e) : ADC value for Stin t channel c, sample s, event e (Stin = tower if EB, SC if EE)
// E_e , Cov_e : average, covariance over the events // E_s , Cov_s : average, covariance over the samples // E_s,s' : average over couples of samples (half correlation matrix)
// e* : random variable associated to events // s* : random variable associated to samples
void SampleMeans(); // Expectation values for each couple (channel,sample) // SMean(t,c,s) = E_e[A(t,c,s,e*)]
void SampleSigmas(); // Sigmas for each couple (channel,sample) // SSigma(t,c,s) = sqrt{ Cov_e[A(t,c,s,e*),A(t,c,s,e*)] }
//........................................... void CovariancesBetweenSamples(); // (s,s') covariances for each channel // Cov(t,c;s,s') = Cov_e[ A(t,c,s,e*) , A(t,c,s',e*) ] // = E_e[ ( A(t,c,s,e*) - E_e[A(t,c,s,e*)] )*( A(t,c,s',e*) - E_e[A(t,c,s',e*)] ) ]
void CorrelationsBetweenSamples(); // (s,s') correlations for each channel // Cor(t,c;s,s') = Cov(t,c;s,s')/sqrt{ Cov(t,c;s,s)*Cov(t,c;s',s') }
//.............................................. *==> Stin = tower if EB, SuperCrystal if EE void LowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(); // LF (t;c,c') covariances for each Stin void HighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(); // HF (t;c,c') covariances for each Stin void LowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(); // LF (t;c,c') correlations for each Stin void HighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(); // HF (t;c,c') correlations for each Stin
// LFCov(t;c,c') = Cov_e[ E_s[A(t,c,s*,e*)] , E_s[A(t,c',s*,e*) ] // // = E_e[ ( E_s[A(t,c ,s*,e*)] - E_e[ E_s[A(t,c ,s*,e*)] ] )* // ( E_s[A(t,c',s*,e*)] - E_e[ E_s[A(t,c',s*,e*)] ] ) ] // // HFCov(t;c,c') = E_e[ Cov_s[ A(t,c,s*,e*) , A(t,c',s*,e*) ] ] // // = E_e[ E_s[ ( A(t,c ,s*,e*) - E_s[A(t,c ,s*,e*)] )* // ( A(t,c',s*,e*) - E_s[A(t,c',s*,e*)] ) ] ] // // LFCor(t;c,c') = LFCov(t;c,c')/sqrt{ LFCov(t;c,c)*LFCov(t;c',c') } // // HFCor(t;c,c') = HFCov(t;c,c')/sqrt{ HFCov(t;c,c)*HFCov(t;c',c') }
//.............................................. . *==> Stex = SM if EB, Dee if EE void LowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenTowers(); // LF (tow,tow') correlations for each SM void HighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenTowers(); // HF (tow,tow') correlations for each SM
void LowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenSCs(); // LF (sc,sc') correlations for each Dee void HighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenSCs(); // HF (sc,sc') correlations for each Dee
//.................................................... Quantities as a function of Xtal# void Pedestals(); void TotalNoise(); void LowFrequencyNoise(); void HighFrequencyNoise(); void MeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(); void SigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples();
// Pedestal(t,c) = E_e[ E_s[A(t,c,s*,e*)] ] // TotalNoise(t,c) = E_s[ sqrt{ E_e[ ( A(t,c,s*,e*) - E_e[A(t,c,s*,e*)] )^2 ] } ] // LowFqNoise(t,c) = sqrt{ E_e[ ( E_s[A(t,c,s*,e*)] - E_e[ E_s[A(t,c,s*,e*)] ] )^2 ] } // HighFqNoise(t,c) = E_e[ sqrt{ E_s[ (A(t,c,s*,e*) - E_s[A(t,c,s*,e*)] )^2 ] } ] // MeanCorss(t,c) = E_s,s'[ Cor(t,c;s,s') ] // SigmaCorss(t,c) = E_s,s'[ Cor(t,c;s,s') - E_s,s'[ Cor(t,c;s,s') ] ]
//............ Quantities as a function of tower# (EB) or SC# (EE), average over the Xtals void AveragePedestals(); void AverageTotalNoise(); void AverageLowFrequencyNoise(); void AverageHighFrequencyNoise(); void AverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(); void AverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples();
// t = tower if EB , SC if EE , c = channel (Xtal) // AveragePedestal(t) = E_c[Pedestal(t,c*)] // TotalNoise(t) = E_c[TotalNoise(t,c*)] // LowFqNoise(t) = E_c[LowFqNoise(t,c*)] // HighFqNoise(t) = E_c[HighFqNoise(t,c*)] // MeanCorss(t) = E_c[MeanCorss(t,c*)] // SigmaCorss(t) = E_c[SigmaCorss(t,c*)]
==============> RESULTS FILES
The calculation methods above provide results which can be used directly in the user's code. However, these results can also be written in results files by appropriate methods. The names of the results files are automaticaly generated.
It is also possible to write results in ASCII files => See TEcnaWrite and TEcnaGui It is also possible to plot results in ROOT canvases => See TEcnaHistos and TEcnaGui
*--------—> Codification for the name of the ROOT file:
The name of the ROOT file is the following:
aaa_S1_sss_Rrrr_fff_lll_SMnnn.root for EB aaa_S1_sss_Rrrr_fff_lll_Deennn.root for EE
with: aaa = Analysis name sss = number of samples rrr = Run number fff = First requested event number lll = Last requested events mmm = Requested number of events nnn = SM number or Dee number
This name is automatically generated from the values of the arguments of the method "GetReadyToReadData".
*--------—> Method which writes the results in the ROOT file:
Bool_t MyCnaRun->WriteRootFile();
Definition at line 363 of file TEcnaRun.h.
TEcnaRun::TEcnaRun | ( | ) |
Definition at line 19 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
TEcnaRun::TEcnaRun | ( | TEcnaObject * | pObjectManager, |
const TString & | SubDet | ||
) |
Definition at line 26 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References fCnaParCout, fCnaParPaths, fEcal, fFileHeader, fNbSampForFic, fObjectManager, TEcnaObject::GetPointerValue(), Init(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC(), TEcnaObject::RegisterPointer(), and SetEcalSubDetector().
TEcnaRun::TEcnaRun | ( | TEcnaObject * | pObjectManager, |
const TString & | SubDet, | ||
const Int_t & | NbOfSamples | ||
) |
Definition at line 77 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaParCout, fCnaParPaths, fEcal, fFileHeader, fNbSampForFic, fObjectManager, fTTBELL, TEcnaObject::GetPointerValue(), Init(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC(), TEcnaObject::RegisterPointer(), and SetEcalSubDetector().
TEcnaRun::TEcnaRun | ( | const TEcnaRun & | dcop | ) |
override |
Definition at line 329 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fBuildEvtNotSkipped, fCdelete, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fCodePrintWarnings, fFlagPrint, fMiscDiag, fNbOfMiscDiagCounters, fT1d_av_ev_corss, fT1d_av_hifn, fT1d_av_lofn, fT1d_av_mped, fT1d_av_sig_corss, fT1d_av_totn, fT1d_ev, fT1d_ev_cor_ss, fT1d_ev_ev, fT1d_evevt_of_sigsamp, fT1d_evsamp_of_sigevt, fT1d_NbOfEvts, fT1d_sig, fT1d_sig_cor_ss, fT1d_sigevt_of_evsamp, fT1d_StexStinFromIndex, fT1dCrysNumbersTable, fT2d1_hf_cor, fT2d1_hf_cov, fT2d1_hfcc_mostins, fT2d1_lf_cor, fT2d1_lf_cov, fT2d1_lfcc_mostins, fT2d_ev, fT2d_hf_cor, fT2d_hf_cov, fT2d_hfcc_mostins, fT2d_lf_cor, fT2d_lf_cov, fT2d_lfcc_mostins, fT2d_NbOfEvts, fT2d_sig, fT2dCrysNumbersTable, fT3d1_AdcValues, fT3d1_cor_ss, fT3d1_cov_ss, fT3d2_AdcValues, fT3d2_cor_ss, fT3d2_cov_ss, fT3d_AdcValues, fT3d_cor_ss, fT3d_cov_ss, fTagAdcEvt, fTagAvHfn, fTagAvLfn, fTagAvMeanCorss, fTagAvPed, fTagAvSigCorss, fTagAvTno, fTagCorCss, fTagCovCss, fTagHFccMoStins, fTagHfCor, fTagHfCov, fTagHfn, fTagLFccMoStins, fTagLfCor, fTagLfCov, fTagLfn, fTagMeanCorss, fTagMSp, fTagNbOfEvts, fTagPed, fTagSigCorss, fTagSSp, fTagStinNumbers, fTagTno, fTTBELL, and mps_fire::i.
void TEcnaRun::AverageHighFrequencyNoise | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2135 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaHeader::fAvHfnCalc, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fMiscDiag, TEcnaHeader::fStex, fStexName, fStinName, fT1d_av_hifn, fT1d_evevt_of_sigsamp, fTagAvHfn, fTagHfn, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), HighFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaNumbering::MaxCrysInStinEcna(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex().
Referenced by StandardCalculations().
void TEcnaRun::AverageLowFrequencyNoise | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2075 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaHeader::fAvLfnCalc, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fMiscDiag, TEcnaHeader::fStex, fStexName, fStinName, fT1d_av_lofn, fT1d_sigevt_of_evsamp, fTagAvLfn, fTagLfn, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), LowFrequencyNoise(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaNumbering::MaxCrysInStinEcna(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex().
Referenced by StandardCalculations().
void TEcnaRun::AverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2195 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaHeader::fAvMeanCorssCalc, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fMiscDiag, TEcnaHeader::fStex, fStexName, fStinName, fT1d_av_ev_corss, fT1d_ev_cor_ss, fTagAvMeanCorss, fTagMeanCorss, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaNumbering::MaxCrysInStinEcna(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), and MeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples().
Referenced by StandardCalculations().
void TEcnaRun::AveragePedestals | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1954 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaHeader::fAvPedCalc, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fMiscDiag, TEcnaHeader::fStex, fStexName, fStinName, fT1d_av_mped, fT1d_ev_ev, fTagAvPed, fTagPed, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaNumbering::MaxCrysInStinEcna(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), and Pedestals().
Referenced by StandardCalculations().
void TEcnaRun::AverageSigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2255 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaHeader::fAvSigCorssCalc, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fMiscDiag, TEcnaHeader::fStex, fStexName, fStinName, fT1d_av_sig_corss, fT1d_sig_cor_ss, fTagAvSigCorss, fTagSigCorss, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaNumbering::MaxCrysInStinEcna(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), and SigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples().
Referenced by StandardCalculations().
void TEcnaRun::AverageTotalNoise | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2015 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaHeader::fAvTnoCalc, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fMiscDiag, TEcnaHeader::fStex, fStexName, fStinName, fT1d_av_totn, fT1d_evsamp_of_sigevt, fTagAvTno, fTagTno, TEcnaNumbering::Get0StexEchaFrom1StexStinAnd0StinEcha(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaNumbering::MaxCrysInStinEcna(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), and TotalNoise().
Referenced by StandardCalculations().
Bool_t TEcnaRun::CloseRootFile | ( | const Text_t * | name | ) |
Definition at line 2972 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References TEcnaRootFile::CloseFile(), gather_cfg::cout, fCnaParPaths, fCodePrintAllComments, fFlagPrint, fOpenRootFile, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, and TEcnaParPaths::ResultsRootFilePath().
Referenced by WriteRootFile().
void TEcnaRun::CorrelationsBetweenSamples | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1509 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, CovariancesBetweenSamples(), fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, TEcnaHeader::fCorCssCalc, fEcal, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fNbSampForCalc, fT3d1_cor_ss, fT3d2_cor_ss, fT3d_cor_ss, fT3d_cov_ss, fTagCorCss, fTagCovCss, mps_fire::i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), and mathSSE::sqrt().
Referenced by MeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), and StandardCalculations().
void TEcnaRun::CovariancesBetweenSamples | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1449 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, TEcnaHeader::fCovCssCalc, fEcal, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fNbSampForCalc, fNumberOfEvents, fT2d_ev, fT3d1_cov_ss, fT3d2_cov_ss, fT3d_AdcValues, fT3d_cov_ss, fTagCovCss, fTagMSp, mps_fire::i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), and SampleMeans().
Referenced by CorrelationsBetweenSamples().
void TEcnaRun::Expert1Calculations | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1299 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References HighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), and LowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels().
Referenced by TEcnaGui::Calculations().
void TEcnaRun::Expert2Calculations | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1307 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References HighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins(), and LowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins().
Referenced by TEcnaGui::Calculations().
TString TEcnaRun::GetNewRootFileName | ( | ) |
TString TEcnaRun::GetNewRootFileNameShort | ( | ) |
Definition at line 3104 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References fNewRootFileNameShort.
Referenced by TEcnaGui::Calculations().
Bool_t TEcnaRun::GetPathForResults | ( | ) |
Definition at line 134 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References fCnaParPaths, and TEcnaParPaths::GetPathForResultsRootFiles().
void TEcnaRun::GetReadyToCompute | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1219 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaWrite, fEcal, fFileHeader, TEcnaHeader::fFirstReqEvtNumber, TEcnaHeader::fLastReqEvtNumber, TEcnaWrite::fMakeResultsFileName(), TEcnaHeader::fNbOfSamples, fNbSampForFic, fNumberOfEvents, TEcnaHeader::fReqNbOfEvts, TEcnaHeader::fRunNumber, TEcnaHeader::fStex, fT2d_NbOfEvts, TEcnaHeader::fTypAna, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaWrite::NumberOfEventsAnalysis(), and TEcnaWrite::RegisterFileParameters().
Referenced by EcnaAnalyzer::analyze(), TEcnaGui::Calculations(), and EcnaAnalyzer::~EcnaAnalyzer().
void TEcnaRun::GetReadyToReadData | ( | const TString & | typ_ana, |
const Int_t & | run_number, | ||
const Int_t & | nfirst, | ||
const Int_t & | nlast, | ||
const Int_t & | nbevts, | ||
const Int_t & | Stex | ||
) |
Definition at line 507 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
Referenced by EcnaAnalyzer::analyze(), and TEcnaGui::Calculations().
void TEcnaRun::GetReadyToReadData | ( | const TString & | typ_ana, |
const Int_t & | run_number, | ||
const Int_t & | nfirst, | ||
const Int_t & | nlast, | ||
const Int_t & | nbevts, | ||
const Int_t & | Stex, | ||
const Int_t & | run_type | ||
) |
Definition at line 518 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References MessageLogger_cfi::cerr, gather_cfg::cout, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fFileHeader, TEcnaHeader::fFirstReqEvtNumber, fFlagPrint, TEcnaHeader::fLastReqEvtNumber, fMiscDiag, fNbOfMiscDiagCounters, fNbSampForFic, fObjectManager, fReadyToReadData, TEcnaHeader::fReqNbOfEvts, TEcnaHeader::fRunNumber, TEcnaHeader::fRunType, fSpecialStexStinNotIndexed, TEcnaHeader::fStex, fStexName, fStinName, fT1d_NbOfEvts, fT1d_StexStinFromIndex, fT2d_NbOfEvts, fT3d1_AdcValues, fT3d2_AdcValues, fT3d_AdcValues, fTagAdcEvt, fTagAvHfn, fTagAvLfn, fTagAvMeanCorss, fTagAvPed, fTagAvSigCorss, fTagAvTno, fTagCorCss, fTagCovCss, fTagHFccMoStins, fTagHfCor, fTagHfCov, fTagHfn, fTagLFccMoStins, fTagLfCor, fTagLfCov, fTagLfn, fTagMeanCorss, fTagMSp, fTagNbOfEvts, fTagPed, fTagSigCorss, fTagSSp, fTagStinNumbers, fTagTno, fTTBELL, TEcnaHeader::fTypAna, TEcnaHeader::HeaderParameters(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex().
TString TEcnaRun::GetRootFileName | ( | ) |
TString TEcnaRun::GetRootFileNameShort | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1186 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References fRootFileNameShort.
Referenced by TEcnaGui::Calculations().
Bool_t TEcnaRun::GetSampleAdcValues | ( | const Int_t & | n1EventNumber, |
const Int_t & | n1StexStin, | ||
const Int_t & | i0StinEcha, | ||
const Int_t & | i0Sample, | ||
const Double_t & | adcvalue | ||
) |
Definition at line 838 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fBuildEvtNotSkipped, fCodePrintAllComments, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaHeader::fNbOfEvtsCalc, fNbSampForFic, fReadyToReadData, TEcnaHeader::fReqNbOfEvts, fSpecialStexStinNotIndexed, TEcnaHeader::fStex, fStexName, fStinIndexBuilt, fStinName, TEcnaHeader::fStinNumbersCalc, fT1d_StexStinFromIndex, fT2d_NbOfEvts, fT3d_AdcValues, fTagNbOfEvts, fTagStinNumbers, fTTBELL, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex().
void TEcnaRun::HighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2640 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaHeader::fHfCorCalc, fMiscDiag, TEcnaHeader::fStex, fT2d1_hf_cor, fT2d_hf_cor, fT2d_hf_cov, fTagHfCor, fTagHfCov, HighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), mathSSE::sqrt(), and TEcnaNumbering::StexEchaForCons().
Referenced by Expert1Calculations(), and HighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins().
void TEcnaRun::HighFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2523 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaHeader::fHfCovCalc, fMiscDiag, fNbSampForCalc, fNumberOfEvents, TEcnaHeader::fStex, fT2d1_hf_cov, fT2d_hf_cov, fT3d_AdcValues, fTagHfCov, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), and TEcnaNumbering::StexEchaForCons().
Referenced by HighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels().
void TEcnaRun::HighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenSCs | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2821 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References HighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins().
void TEcnaRun::HighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2824 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaHeader::fHFccMoStinsCalc, fMiscDiag, fT2d1_hfcc_mostins, fT2d_hf_cor, fT2d_hfcc_mostins, fTagHFccMoStins, fTagHfCor, fTTBELL, HighFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), mps_fire::i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex().
Referenced by Expert2Calculations(), HighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenSCs(), and HighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenTowers().
void TEcnaRun::HighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenTowers | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2819 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References HighFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins().
void TEcnaRun::HighFrequencyNoise | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1751 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, TEcnaHeader::fHfnCalc, fMiscDiag, fNbSampForCalc, fNumberOfEvents, fT1d_evevt_of_sigsamp, fT3d_AdcValues, fTagHfn, fTTBELL, mps_fire::i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), and mathSSE::sqrt().
Referenced by AverageHighFrequencyNoise(), and StandardCalculations().
void TEcnaRun::Init | ( | void | ) |
Definition at line 136 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References fBuildEvtNotSkipped, fCdelete, fCnaCommand, fCnaError, fCnaParCout, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fCodePrintWarnings, fFlagPrint, fgMaxCar, fMaxMsgIndexForMiscDiag, fMemoReadNumberOfEventsforSamples, fMiscDiag, fNbOfMiscDiagCounters, fNumberOfEvents, fOpenRootFile, fReadyToReadData, fSpecialStexStinNotIndexed, fStinIndexBuilt, fT1d_av_ev_corss, fT1d_av_hifn, fT1d_av_lofn, fT1d_av_mped, fT1d_av_sig_corss, fT1d_av_totn, fT1d_ev, fT1d_ev_cor_ss, fT1d_ev_ev, fT1d_evevt_of_sigsamp, fT1d_evsamp_of_sigevt, fT1d_NbOfEvts, fT1d_sig, fT1d_sig_cor_ss, fT1d_sigevt_of_evsamp, fT1d_StexStinFromIndex, fT1dCrysNumbersTable, fT2d1_hf_cor, fT2d1_hf_cov, fT2d1_hfcc_mostins, fT2d1_lf_cor, fT2d1_lf_cov, fT2d1_lfcc_mostins, fT2d_ev, fT2d_hf_cor, fT2d_hf_cov, fT2d_hfcc_mostins, fT2d_lf_cor, fT2d_lf_cov, fT2d_lfcc_mostins, fT2d_NbOfEvts, fT2d_sig, fT2dCrysNumbersTable, fT3d1_AdcValues, fT3d1_cor_ss, fT3d1_cov_ss, fT3d2_AdcValues, fT3d2_cor_ss, fT3d2_cov_ss, fT3d_AdcValues, fT3d_cor_ss, fT3d_cov_ss, fTagAdcEvt, fTagAvHfn, fTagAvLfn, fTagAvMeanCorss, fTagAvPed, fTagAvSigCorss, fTagAvTno, fTagCorCss, fTagCovCss, fTagHFccMoStins, fTagHfCor, fTagHfCov, fTagHfn, fTagLFccMoStins, fTagLfCor, fTagLfCov, fTagLfn, fTagMeanCorss, fTagMSp, fTagNbOfEvts, fTagPed, fTagSigCorss, fTagSSp, fTagStinNumbers, fTagTno, fTTBELL, gCnaRootFile, and TEcnaParCout::GetCodePrint().
Referenced by TEcnaRun().
void TEcnaRun::LowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2440 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaHeader::fLfCorCalc, fMiscDiag, TEcnaHeader::fStex, fT2d1_lf_cor, fT2d_lf_cor, fT2d_lf_cov, fTagLfCor, fTagLfCov, LowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), mathSSE::sqrt(), and TEcnaNumbering::StexEchaForCons().
Referenced by Expert1Calculations(), and LowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins().
void TEcnaRun::LowFrequencyCovariancesBetweenChannels | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2335 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fEcalNumbering, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaHeader::fLfCovCalc, fMiscDiag, fNbSampForCalc, fNumberOfEvents, TEcnaHeader::fStex, fT2d1_lf_cov, fT2d_lf_cov, fT3d_AdcValues, fTagLfCov, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), and TEcnaNumbering::StexEchaForCons().
Referenced by LowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels().
void TEcnaRun::LowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenSCs | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2723 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References LowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins().
void TEcnaRun::LowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2726 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, TEcnaHeader::fLFccMoStinsCalc, fMiscDiag, fStinName, fT2d1_lfcc_mostins, fT2d_lf_cor, fT2d_lfcc_mostins, fTagLFccMoStins, fTagLfCor, fTTBELL, mps_fire::i, LowFrequencyCorrelationsBetweenChannels(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), and TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex().
Referenced by Expert2Calculations(), LowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenSCs(), and LowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenTowers().
void TEcnaRun::LowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenTowers | ( | ) |
Definition at line 2721 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References LowFrequencyMeanCorrelationsBetweenStins().
void TEcnaRun::LowFrequencyNoise | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1681 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, TEcnaHeader::fLfnCalc, fMiscDiag, fNbSampForCalc, fNumberOfEvents, fT1d_sigevt_of_evsamp, fT3d_AdcValues, fTagLfn, mps_fire::i, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), mathSSE::sqrt(), and JetChargeProducer_cfi::var.
Referenced by AverageLowFrequencyNoise(), and StandardCalculations().
void TEcnaRun::MeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1823 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References CorrelationsBetweenSamples(), gather_cfg::cout, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, TEcnaHeader::fMeanCorssCalc, fMiscDiag, fNbSampForCalc, fT1d_ev_cor_ss, fT3d_cor_ss, fTagCorCss, fTagMeanCorss, mps_fire::i, and TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex().
Referenced by AverageMeanCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), SigmaOfCorrelationsBetweenSamples(), and StandardCalculations().
Bool_t TEcnaRun::OpenRootFile | ( | const Text_t * | name, |
const TString & | status | ||
) |
Definition at line 2929 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCnaParPaths, fCodePrintAllComments, fFlagPrint, fObjectManager, fOpenRootFile, TEcnaRootFile::fRootFileStatus, gCnaRootFile, TEcnaObject::GetPointerValue(), TEcnaRootFile::OpenR(), TEcnaRootFile::OpenW(), TEcnaRootFile::ReStart(), TEcnaParPaths::ResultsRootFilePath(), and mps_update::status.
Referenced by WriteRootFile().
void TEcnaRun::Pedestals | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1583 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fMiscDiag, fNbSampForCalc, TEcnaHeader::fPedCalc, fT1d_ev_ev, fT2d_ev, fTagMSp, fTagPed, TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), and SampleMeans().
Referenced by AveragePedestals(), and StandardCalculations().
void TEcnaRun::PrintAllComments | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4544 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCodePrintAllComments, and fFlagPrint.
void TEcnaRun::PrintComments | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4528 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCodePrintComments, and fFlagPrint.
void TEcnaRun::PrintNoComment | ( | ) |
void TEcnaRun::PrintWarnings | ( | ) |
Definition at line 4536 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCodePrintWarnings, and fFlagPrint.
Bool_t TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1057 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References fEcal, and TEcnaParEcal::MaxSampADC().
Referenced by TEcnaGui::Calculations().
Bool_t TEcnaRun::ReadSampleAdcValues | ( | const Int_t & | nb_samp_for_calc | ) |
Definition at line 1059 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, TEcnaRead::DataExist(), fCnaParPaths, fEcal, fFileHeader, TEcnaHeader::fFirstReqEvtNumber, fFlagSubDet, TEcnaRead::FileParameters(), TEcnaHeader::fLastReqEvtNumber, TEcnaHeader::fNbOfEvtsCalc, TEcnaHeader::fNbOfSamples, fNbSampForCalc, fObjectManager, TEcnaHeader::fReqNbOfEvts, fRootFileName, fRootFileNameShort, TEcnaHeader::fRunNumber, TEcnaHeader::fStartDate, TEcnaHeader::fStartTime, TEcnaHeader::fStex, TEcnaHeader::fStinNumbersCalc, TEcnaHeader::fStopDate, TEcnaHeader::fStopTime, fT1d_StexStinFromIndex, fT2d_NbOfEvts, fT3d_AdcValues, fTagNbOfEvts, fTagStinNumbers, fTTBELL, TEcnaHeader::fTypAna, TEcnaRead::GetRootFileName(), TEcnaRead::GetRootFileNameShort(), TEcnaRead::GetStartDate(), TEcnaRead::GetStartTime(), TEcnaRead::GetStexStinFromIndex(), TEcnaRead::GetStopDate(), TEcnaRead::GetStopTime(), mps_fire::i, TEcnaRead::LookAtRootFile(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysInStin(), TEcnaParEcal::MaxStinEcnaInStex(), TEcnaRead::PrintNoComment(), TEcnaRead::ReadNumberOfEventsForSamples(), TEcnaRead::ReadSampleAdcValuesSameFile(), TEcnaRead::ReadStinNumbers(), and TEcnaParPaths::ResultsRootFilePath().
void TEcnaRun::SampleMeans | ( | ) |
Definition at line 1329 of file TEcnaRun.cc.
References gather_cfg::cout, fCnew, fCodePrintAllComments, fCodePrintNoComment, fEcal, fFileHeader, fFlagPrint, fMiscDiag, TEcnaHeader::fMSpCalc, fNbSampForCalc, fNumberOfEvents, fT1d_ev, fT2d_ev, fT3d_AdcValues, fTagMSp, mps_fire::i, and TEcnaParEcal::MaxCrysEcnaInStex().
Referenced by CovariancesBetweenSamples(), Pedestals(), SampleSigmas(), and StandardCalculations().