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pat::Electron Class Reference

Analysis-level electron class. More...

#include "DataFormats/PatCandidates/interface/Electron.h"

Inheritance diagram for pat::Electron:
pat::Lepton< reco::GsfElectron > pat::PATObject< reco::GsfElectron > reco::GsfElectron reco::RecoCandidate reco::LeafCandidate reco::Candidate

Public Types

typedef std::pair< std::string, float > IdPair
enum  IPTYPE {
  PV2D = 0, PV3D = 1, BS2D = 2, BS3D = 3,
  PVDZ = 4, IpTypeSize = 5
typedef enum pat::Electron::IPTYPE IpType
- Public Types inherited from pat::PATObject< reco::GsfElectron >
typedef reco::GsfElectron base_type
- Public Types inherited from reco::GsfElectron
enum  Classification {
- Public Types inherited from reco::RecoCandidate
enum  TrackType { noTrackType, recoTrackType, gsfTrackType }
 track type More...
- Public Types inherited from reco::LeafCandidate
typedef int Charge
 electric charge type More...
typedef CandidateCollection daughters
 collection of daughter candidates More...
typedef unsigned int index
typedef math::XYZTLorentzVector LorentzVector
 Lorentz vector. More...
typedef math::XYZPoint Point
 point in the space More...
typedef math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector PolarLorentzVector
 Lorentz vector. More...
typedef math::XYZVector Vector
 point in the space More...
- Public Types inherited from reco::Candidate
enum  { dimension = 3 }
enum  { size = dimension * (dimension + 1)/2 }
 matix size More...
typedef int Charge
 electric charge type More...
typedef candidate::const_iterator const_iterator
typedef math::Error< dimension >::type CovarianceMatrix
 covariance error matrix (3x3) More...
typedef unsigned int index
 index type More...
typedef candidate::iterator iterator
typedef math::XYZTLorentzVector LorentzVector
 Lorentz vector. More...
typedef math::XYZPoint Point
 point in the space More...
typedef math::PtEtaPhiMLorentzVector PolarLorentzVector
 Lorentz vector. More...
typedef size_t size_type
typedef math::XYZVector Vector
 point in the space More...

Public Member Functions

edm::RefVector< pat::PackedCandidateCollectionassociatedPackedPFCandidates () const
 References to PFCandidates linked to this object (e.g. for isolation vetos or masking before jet reclustering) More...
const std::vector< reco::CaloCluster > & basicClusters () const
float caloIso () const
 Overload of pat::Lepton::caloIso(); returns the sum of ecalIso() and hcalIso. More...
Electronclone () const override
 required reimplementation of the Candidate's clone method More...
reco::TrackRef closestCtfTrackRef () const override
 override the reco::GsfElectron::closestCtfTrackRef method, to access the internal storage of the track More...
reco::GsfElectronCoreRef core () const override
 override the virtual reco::GsfElectron::core method, so that the embedded core can be used by GsfElectron client methods More...
double dB (IPTYPE type) const
 Impact parameter wrt primary vertex or beamspot. More...
double dB () const
 the version without arguments returns PD2D, but with an absolute value (for backwards compatibility) More...
const LorentzVectorecalDrivenMomentum () const
float ecalIso () const
 Overload of pat::Lepton::ecalIso(); returns the value of the summed Et of all recHits in the ecal in a cone of deltaR<0.4. More...
float ecalPFClusterIso () const
 get and set PFCluster Isolation More...
double ecalRegressionEnergy () const
double ecalRegressionError () const
double ecalRegressionScale () const
double ecalRegressionSmear () const
double ecalScale () const
 get scale corrections /smearings More...
double ecalSmear () const
double ecalTrackRegressionEnergy () const
 regression2 More...
double ecalTrackRegressionError () const
double ecalTrackRegressionScale () const
double ecalTrackRegressionSmear () const
double edB (IPTYPE type) const
 Uncertainty on the corresponding impact parameter. More...
double edB () const
 the version without arguments returns PD2D, but with an absolute value (for backwards compatibility) More...
 Electron ()
 default constructor More...
 Electron (const reco::GsfElectron &anElectron)
 constructor from reco::GsfElectron More...
 Electron (const edm::RefToBase< reco::GsfElectron > &anElectronRef)
 constructor from a RefToBase to a reco::GsfElectron (to be superseded by Ptr counterpart) More...
 Electron (const edm::Ptr< reco::GsfElectron > &anElectronRef)
 constructor from a Ptr to a reco::GsfElectron More...
float electronID (const std::string &name) const
 Returns a specific electron ID associated to the pat::Electron given its name. More...
float electronID (const char *name) const
const std::vector< IdPair > & electronIDs () const
 Returns all the electron IDs in the form of <name,value> pairs. The 'default' ID is the first in the list. More...
void embedBasicClusters ()
 method to store the electron's basic clusters More...
void embedGsfElectronCore ()
 method to store the electron's core internally More...
void embedGsfTrack ()
 method to store the electron's GsfTrack internally More...
void embedPFCandidate ()
 embed the PFCandidate pointed to by pfCandidateRef_ More...
void embedPflowBasicClusters ()
 method to store the electron's pflow basic clusters More...
void embedPflowPreshowerClusters ()
 method to store the electron's pflow preshower clusters More...
void embedPflowSuperCluster ()
 method to store the electron's PflowSuperCluster internally More...
void embedPreshowerClusters ()
 method to store the electron's preshower clusters More...
void embedRecHits (const EcalRecHitCollection *rechits)
 method to store the RecHits internally - can be called from the PATElectronProducer More...
void embedSeedCluster ()
 method to store the electron's seedcluster internally More...
void embedSuperCluster ()
 method to store the electron's SuperCluster internally More...
void embedTrack ()
 method to store the electron's Track internally More...
void full5x5_setSigmaIetaIphi (float sigmaIetaIphi)
float full5x5_sigmaIetaIphi () const
 sigmaIEtaIPhi (from full 5x5 non-ZS clusters without fractions, a la 5.3.X) More...
reco::GsfTrackRef gsfTrack () const override
 override the reco::GsfElectron::gsfTrack method, to access the internal storage of the supercluster More...
float hcalIso () const
 Overload of pat::Lepton::hcalIso(); returns the value of the summed Et of all caloTowers in the hcal in a cone of deltaR<0.4. More...
float hcalPFClusterIso () const
double ip3d () const
 ip3d More...
bool isElectronIDAvailable (const std::string &name) const
 Returns true if a specific ID is available in this pat::Electron. More...
bool isElectronIDAvailable (const char *name) const
bool isPF () const
size_t numberOfSourceCandidatePtrs () const override
 get the number of non-null PFCandidates More...
reco::SuperClusterRef parentSuperCluster () const override
 override the reco::GsfElectron::pflowSuperCluster method, to access the internal storage of the pflowSuperCluster More...
bool passConversionVeto () const
 vertex fit combined with missing number of hits method More...
reco::PFCandidateRef pfCandidateRef () const
 reference to the source PFCandidates; null if this has been built from a standard electron More...
const std::vector< reco::CaloCluster > & pflowBasicClusters () const
const std::vector< reco::CaloCluster > & pflowPreshowerClusters () const
const std::vector< reco::CaloCluster > & preshowerClusters () const
float puppiChargedHadronIso () const
 returns PUPPI isolations More...
float puppiNeutralHadronIso () const
float puppiNoLeptonsChargedHadronIso () const
 returns PUPPINoLeptons isolations More...
float puppiNoLeptonsNeutralHadronIso () const
float puppiNoLeptonsPhotonIso () const
float puppiPhotonIso () const
const EcalRecHitCollectionrecHits () const
reco::CaloClusterPtr seed () const
 direct access to the seed cluster More...
template<typename T >
void setAssociatedPackedPFCandidates (const edm::RefProd< pat::PackedCandidateCollection > &refprod, T beginIndexItr, T endIndexItr)
 References to PFCandidates linked to this object (e.g. for isolation vetos or masking before jet reclustering) More...
void setDB (double dB, double edB, IPTYPE type)
 Set impact parameter of a certain type and its uncertainty. More...
void setEcalDrivenMomentum (const Candidate::LorentzVector &mom)
void setEcalPFClusterIso (float ecalPFClus)
void setEcalRegressionEnergy (double val, double err)
 set regression1 More...
void setEcalRegressionScale (double val)
void setEcalRegressionSmear (double val)
void setEcalScale (double val)
 set scale corrections / smearings More...
void setEcalSmear (double val)
void setEcalTrackRegressionEnergy (double val, double err)
 set regression2 More...
void setEcalTrackRegressionScale (double val)
void setEcalTrackRegressionSmear (double val)
void setElectronIDs (const std::vector< IdPair > &ids)
 Store multiple electron ID values, discarding existing ones. The first one in the list becomes the 'default' electron id. More...
void setHcalPFClusterIso (float hcalPFClus)
void setIsolationPUPPI (float chargedhadrons_, float neutralhadrons_, float photons_)
 sets PUPPI isolations More...
void setIsolationPUPPINoLeptons (float chargedhadrons_, float neutralhadrons_, float photons_)
 sets PUPPINoLeptons isolations More...
void setIsPF (bool hasPFCandidate)
void setMvaVariables (double sigmaIetaIphi, double ip3d)
 set missing mva input variables More...
void setPassConversionVeto (bool flag)
void setPFCandidateRef (const reco::PFCandidateRef &ref)
 add a reference to the source IsolatedPFCandidate More...
float sigmaIetaIphi () const
reco::CandidatePtr sourceCandidatePtr (size_type i) const override
 get the source candidate pointer with index i More...
reco::SuperClusterRef superCluster () const override
 override the reco::GsfElectron::superCluster method, to access the internal storage of the supercluster More...
reco::TrackRef track () const override
 returns nothing. Use either gsfTrack or closestCtfTrack More...
float trackIso () const
 Overload of pat::Lepton::trackIso(); returns the value of the summed track pt in a cone of deltaR<0.4. More...
 ~Electron () override
 destructor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from pat::Lepton< reco::GsfElectron >
float caloIso () const
float chargedHadronIso () const
Lepton< reco::GsfElectron > * clone () const override
float ecalIso () const
const IsoDepositecalIsoDeposit () const
void ecalIsoDeposit (const IsoDeposit &dep)
const reco::GenParticlegenLepton () const
float hcalIso () const
const IsoDeposithcalIsoDeposit () const
void hcalIsoDeposit (const IsoDeposit &dep)
const IsoDepositisoDeposit (IsolationKeys key) const
 Returns the IsoDeposit associated with some key, or a null pointer if it is not available. More...
 Lepton ()
 default constructor More...
 Lepton (const reco::GsfElectron &aLepton)
 constructor from LeptonType More...
 Lepton (const edm::RefToBase< reco::GsfElectron > &aLeptonRef)
 constructor from ref to LeptonType More...
 Lepton (const edm::Ptr< reco::GsfElectron > &aLeptonRef)
 constructor from ref to LeptonType More...
const PFIsolationminiPFIsolation () const
float neutralHadronIso () const
float particleIso () const
float photonIso () const
float puChargedHadronIso () const
void setEcalIso (float caloIso)
 Sets ecal isolation variable. More...
void setGenLepton (const reco::GenParticleRef &gl, bool embed=false)
void setHcalIso (float caloIso)
 Sets hcal isolation variable. More...
void setIsoDeposit (IsolationKeys key, const IsoDeposit &dep)
 Sets the IsoDeposit associated with some key; if it is already existent, it is overwritten. More...
void setIsolation (IsolationKeys key, float value)
void setMiniPFIsolation (PFIsolation const &iso)
void setTrackIso (float trackIso)
 Sets tracker isolation variable. More...
void setUserIso (float value, uint8_t index=0)
 Sets user isolation variable index. More...
float trackIso () const
const IsoDeposittrackIsoDeposit () const
void trackIsoDeposit (const IsoDeposit &dep)
float userIso (uint8_t index=0) const
const IsoDeposituserIsoDeposit (uint8_t index=0) const
void userIsoDeposit (const IsoDeposit &dep, uint8_t index=0)
float userIsolation (IsolationKeys key) const
float userIsolation (const std::string &key) const
 ~Lepton () override
 destructor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from pat::PATObject< reco::GsfElectron >
void addGenParticleRef (const reco::GenParticleRef &ref)
void addTriggerObjectMatch (const TriggerObjectStandAlone &trigObj)
 add a trigger match More...
void addUserCand (const std::string &label, const reco::CandidatePtr &data, const bool overwrite=false)
 Set user-defined int. More...
void addUserData (const std::string &label, const T &data, bool transientOnly=false, bool overwrite=false)
void addUserDataFromPtr (const std::string &label, const edm::Ptr< pat::UserData > &data, bool overwrite=false)
void addUserFloat (const std::string &label, float data, const bool overwrite=false)
 Set user-defined float. More...
void addUserInt (const std::string &label, int32_t data, const bool overwrite=false)
 Set user-defined int. More...
std::vector< std::pair< std::string, pat::LookupTableRecord > > efficiencies () const
 Returns the efficiencies as <name,value> pairs (by value) More...
const pat::LookupTableRecordefficiency (const std::string &name) const
 Returns an efficiency given its name. More...
const std::vector< std::string > & efficiencyNames () const
 Returns the list of the names of the stored efficiencies. More...
const std::vector< pat::LookupTableRecord > & efficiencyValues () const
 Returns the list of the values of the stored efficiencies (the ordering is the same as in efficiencyNames()) More...
void embedGenParticle ()
const reco::GenParticlegenParticle (size_t idx=0) const
reco::GenParticleRef genParticleById (int pdgId, int status, uint8_t autoCharge=0) const
reco::GenParticleRef genParticleRef (size_t idx=0) const
std::vector< reco::GenParticleRefgenParticleRefs () const
size_t genParticlesSize () const
 Number of generator level particles stored as ref or embedded. More...
const pat::CandKinResolutiongetKinResolution (const std::string &label="") const
bool hasKinResolution (const std::string &label="") const
 Check if the kinematic resolutions are stored into this object (possibly specifying a label for them) More...
bool hasOverlaps (const std::string &label) const
 Returns true if there was at least one overlap for this test label. More...
bool hasUserCand (const std::string &key) const
 Return true if there is a user-defined int with a given name. More...
bool hasUserData (const std::string &key) const
 Check if user data with a specific type is present. More...
bool hasUserFloat (const std::string &key) const
 Return true if there is a user-defined float with a given name. More...
bool hasUserFloat (const char *key) const
 a CINT-friendly interface More...
bool hasUserInt (const std::string &key) const
 Return true if there is a user-defined int with a given name. More...
const reco::CandidateoriginalObject () const
 access to the original object; returns zero for null Ref and throws for unavailable collection More...
const edm::Ptr< reco::Candidate > & originalObjectRef () const
 reference to original object. Returns a null reference if not available More...
const std::vector< std::string > & overlapLabels () const
 Returns the labels of the overlap tests that found at least one overlap. More...
const reco::CandidatePtrVectoroverlaps (const std::string &label) const
 PATObject ()
 default constructor More...
 PATObject (const reco::GsfElectron &obj)
 constructor from a base object (leaves invalid reference to original object!) More...
 PATObject (const edm::RefToBase< reco::GsfElectron > &ref)
 constructor from reference More...
 PATObject (const edm::Ptr< reco::GsfElectron > &ref)
 constructor from reference More...
double resolE (const std::string &label="") const
 Resolution on energy, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double resolEt (const std::string &label="") const
 Resolution on et, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double resolEta (const std::string &label="") const
 Resolution on eta, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double resolM (const std::string &label="") const
double resolP (const std::string &label="") const
 Resolution on p, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double resolPhi (const std::string &label="") const
 Resolution on phi, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double resolPInv (const std::string &label="") const
 Resolution on 1/p, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double resolPt (const std::string &label="") const
 Resolution on pt, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double resolPx (const std::string &label="") const
 Resolution on px, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double resolPy (const std::string &label="") const
 Resolution on py, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double resolPz (const std::string &label="") const
 Resolution on pz, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
double resolTheta (const std::string &label="") const
 Resolution on theta, possibly with a label to specify which resolution to use. More...
void setEfficiency (const std::string &name, const pat::LookupTableRecord &value)
void setGenParticle (const reco::GenParticle &particle)
 Set the generator level particle from a particle not in the Event (embedding it, of course) More...
void setGenParticleRef (const reco::GenParticleRef &ref, bool embed=false)
 Set the generator level particle reference. More...
void setKinResolution (const pat::CandKinResolution &resol, const std::string &label="")
 Add a kinematic resolution to this object (possibly with a label) More...
void setOverlaps (const std::string &label, const reco::CandidatePtrVector &overlaps)
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatch (const size_t idx=0) const
 get one matched trigger object by index More...
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByAlgorithm (const std::string &nameAlgorithm, const bool algoCondAccepted=true, const size_t idx=0) const
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByAlgorithm (const char *nameAlgorithm, const bool algoCondAccepted=true, const size_t idx=0) const
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByAlgorithm (const std::string &nameAlgorithm, const unsigned algoCondAccepted, const size_t idx=0) const
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByAlgorithm (const char *nameAlgorithm, const unsigned algoCondAccepted, const size_t idx=0) const
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByCollection (const std::string &coll, const size_t idx=0) const
 get one matched trigger object from a certain collection by index More...
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByCollection (const char *coll, const size_t idx=0) const
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByCondition (const std::string &nameCondition, const size_t idx=0) const
 get one matched L1 object used in a succeeding object combination of a certain L1 condition by index More...
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByCondition (const char *nameCondition, const size_t idx=0) const
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByFilter (const std::string &labelFilter, const size_t idx=0) const
 get one matched HLT object used in a certain HLT filter by index More...
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByFilter (const char *labelFilter, const size_t idx=0) const
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByFilterID (const unsigned triggerObjectType, const size_t idx=0) const
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByPath (const std::string &namePath, const bool pathLastFilterAccepted=false, const bool pathL3FilterAccepted=true, const size_t idx=0) const
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByPath (const char *namePath, const bool pathLastFilterAccepted=false, const bool pathL3FilterAccepted=true, const size_t idx=0) const
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByPath (const std::string &namePath, const unsigned pathLastFilterAccepted, const unsigned pathL3FilterAccepted=1, const size_t idx=0) const
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByPath (const char *namePath, const unsigned pathLastFilterAccepted, const unsigned pathL3FilterAccepted=1, const size_t idx=0) const
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByType (const trigger::TriggerObjectType triggerObjectType, const size_t idx=0) const
 get one matched trigger object of a certain type by index More...
const TriggerObjectStandAlonetriggerObjectMatchByType (const unsigned triggerObjectType, const size_t idx=0) const
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollectiontriggerObjectMatches () const
 get all matched trigger objects More...
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByAlgorithm (const std::string &nameAlgorithm, const bool algoCondAccepted=true) const
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByAlgorithm (const char *nameAlgorithm, const bool algoCondAccepted=true) const
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByAlgorithm (const std::string &nameAlgorithm, const unsigned algoCondAccepted) const
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByAlgorithm (const char *nameAlgorithm, const unsigned algoCondAccepted) const
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByCollection (const std::string &coll) const
 get all matched trigger objects from a certain collection More...
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByCollection (const char *coll) const
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByCondition (const std::string &nameCondition) const
 get all matched L1 objects used in a succeeding object combination of a certain L1 condition More...
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByCondition (const char *nameCondition) const
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByFilter (const std::string &labelFilter) const
 get all matched HLT objects used in a certain HLT filter More...
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByFilter (const char *labelFilter) const
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByFilterID (const unsigned triggerObjectType) const
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByPath (const std::string &namePath, const bool pathLastFilterAccepted=false, const bool pathL3FilterAccepted=true) const
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByPath (const char *namePath, const bool pathLastFilterAccepted=false, const bool pathL3FilterAccepted=true) const
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByPath (const std::string &namePath, const unsigned pathLastFilterAccepted, const unsigned pathL3FilterAccepted=1) const
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByPath (const char *namePath, const unsigned pathLastFilterAccepted, const unsigned pathL3FilterAccepted=1) const
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByType (const trigger::TriggerObjectType triggerObjectType) const
const TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesByType (const unsigned triggerObjectType) const
void unpackTriggerObjectPathNames (const edm::TriggerNames &names)
 unpack path names of matched trigger objects (if they were packed before embedding, which is not normally the case) More...
reco::CandidatePtr userCand (const std::string &key) const
const std::vector< std::string > & userCandNames () const
 Get list of user-defined cand names. More...
const TuserData (const std::string &key) const
 Returns user-defined data. Returns NULL if the data is not present, or not of type T. More...
const void * userDataBare (const std::string &key) const
const std::vector< std::string > & userDataNames () const
 Get list of user data object names. More...
const std::string & userDataObjectType (const std::string &key) const
 Get human-readable type of user data object, for debugging. More...
float userFloat (const std::string &key) const
float userFloat (const char *key) const
 a CINT-friendly interface More...
const std::vector< std::string > & userFloatNames () const
 Get list of user-defined float names. More...
std::vector< float > userFloatRange (const std::string &key) const
 return a range of values corresponding to key More...
int32_t userInt (const std::string &key) const
const std::vector< std::string > & userIntNames () const
 Get list of user-defined int names. More...
std::vector< int > userIntRange (const std::string &key) const
 returns a range of values corresponding to key More...
 ~PATObject () override
 destructor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from reco::GsfElectron
void addAmbiguousGsfTrack (const reco::GsfTrackRef &t)
bool ambiguous () const
GsfTrackRefVector::const_iterator ambiguousGsfTracksBegin () const
GsfTrackRefVector::const_iterator ambiguousGsfTracksEnd () const
GsfTrackRefVector::size_type ambiguousGsfTracksSize () const
CaloCluster_iterator basicClustersBegin () const
CaloCluster_iterator basicClustersEnd () const
int basicClustersSize () const
float caloEnergy () const
math::XYZPoint caloPosition () const
P4Kind candidateP4Kind () const
const ChargeInfochargeInfo () const
Classification classification () const
const ClassificationVariablesclassificationVariables () const
void clearAmbiguousGsfTracks ()
GsfElectronclone (const GsfElectronCoreRef &core, const CaloClusterPtr &electronCluster, const TrackRef &closestCtfTrack, const TrackBaseRef &conversionPartner, const GsfTrackRefVector &ambiguousTracks) const
virtual ClosestCtfTrack closestCtfTrack () const
virtual TrackRef closestTrack () const
float convDcot () const
float convDist () const
const ConversionRejectionconversionRejectionVariables () const
int convFlags () const
TrackBaseRef convPartner () const
float convRadius () const
void correctEcalEnergy (float newEnergy, float newEnergyError)
float correctedEcalEnergy () const
float correctedEcalEnergyError () const
const Correctionscorrections () const
void correctMomentum (const LorentzVector &p4, float trackMomentumError, float p4Error)
float ctfGsfOverlap () const
float deltaEtaEleClusterTrackAtCalo () const
float deltaEtaSeedClusterTrackAtCalo () const
float deltaEtaSeedClusterTrackAtVtx () const
float deltaEtaSuperClusterTrackAtVtx () const
float deltaPhiEleClusterTrackAtCalo () const
float deltaPhiSeedClusterTrackAtCalo () const
float deltaPhiSuperClusterTrackAtVtx () const
float dr03EcalRecHitSumEt () const
float dr03HcalDepth1TowerSumEt () const
float dr03HcalDepth1TowerSumEtBc () const
float dr03HcalDepth2TowerSumEt () const
float dr03HcalDepth2TowerSumEtBc () const
float dr03HcalTowerSumEt () const
float dr03HcalTowerSumEtBc () const
const IsolationVariablesdr03IsolationVariables () const
float dr03TkSumPt () const
float dr04EcalRecHitSumEt () const
float dr04HcalDepth1TowerSumEt () const
float dr04HcalDepth1TowerSumEtBc () const
float dr04HcalDepth2TowerSumEt () const
float dr04HcalDepth2TowerSumEtBc () const
float dr04HcalTowerSumEt () const
float dr04HcalTowerSumEtBc () const
const IsolationVariablesdr04IsolationVariables () const
float dr04TkSumPt () const
float e1x5 () const
float e2x5Max () const
float e5x5 () const
float eBottom () const
bool ecalDriven () const
bool ecalDrivenSeed () const
float ecalEnergy () const
float ecalEnergyError () const
float eEleClusterOverPout () const
CaloClusterPtr electronCluster () const
float eLeft () const
float eRight () const
float eSeedClusterOverP () const
float eSeedClusterOverPout () const
float eSuperClusterOverP () const
float eTop () const
float fbrem () const
const FiducialFlagsfiducialFlags () const
float full5x5_e1x5 () const
float full5x5_e2x5Bottom () const
float full5x5_e2x5Left () const
float full5x5_e2x5Max () const
float full5x5_e2x5Right () const
float full5x5_e2x5Top () const
float full5x5_e5x5 () const
float full5x5_eBottom () const
float full5x5_eLeft () const
float full5x5_eRight () const
float full5x5_eTop () const
float full5x5_hcalDepth1OverEcal () const
float full5x5_hcalDepth1OverEcalBc () const
float full5x5_hcalDepth2OverEcal () const
float full5x5_hcalDepth2OverEcalBc () const
float full5x5_hcalOverEcal () const
float full5x5_hcalOverEcalBc () const
float full5x5_r9 () const
void full5x5_setShowerShape (const ShowerShape &s)
const ShowerShapefull5x5_showerShape () const
float full5x5_sigmaEtaEta () const
float full5x5_sigmaIetaIeta () const
float full5x5_sigmaIphiIphi () const
 GsfElectron ()
 GsfElectron (const GsfElectronCoreRef &)
 GsfElectron (const GsfElectron &, const GsfElectronCoreRef &)
 GsfElectron (const GsfElectron &electron, const GsfElectronCoreRef &core, const CaloClusterPtr &electronCluster, const TrackRef &closestCtfTrack, const TrackBaseRef &conversionPartner, const GsfTrackRefVector &ambiguousTracks)
 GsfElectron (int charge, const ChargeInfo &, const GsfElectronCoreRef &, const TrackClusterMatching &, const TrackExtrapolations &, const ClosestCtfTrack &, const FiducialFlags &, const ShowerShape &, const ConversionRejection &)
 GsfElectron (int charge, const ChargeInfo &, const GsfElectronCoreRef &, const TrackClusterMatching &, const TrackExtrapolations &, const ClosestCtfTrack &, const FiducialFlags &, const ShowerShape &, const ShowerShape &, const ConversionRejection &, const SaturationInfo &)
float hadronicOverEm () const
float hadronicOverEm1 () const
float hadronicOverEm2 () const
float hcalDepth1OverEcal () const
float hcalDepth1OverEcalBc () const
float hcalDepth2OverEcal () const
float hcalDepth2OverEcalBc () const
float hcalOverEcal () const
float hcalOverEcalBc () const
const std::vector< CaloTowerDetId > & hcalTowersBehindClusters () const
bool isEB () const
bool isEBEEGap () const
bool isEBEtaGap () const
bool isEBGap () const
bool isEBPhiGap () const
bool isEcalEnergyCorrected () const
bool isEE () const
bool isEEDeeGap () const
bool isEEGap () const
bool isEERingGap () const
bool isElectron () const override
bool isEnergyScaleCorrected () const
bool isGap () const
bool isGsfCtfChargeConsistent () const
bool isGsfCtfScPixChargeConsistent () const
bool isGsfScPixChargeConsistent () const
const IsolationVariablesisolationVariables03 () const
const IsolationVariablesisolationVariables04 () const
float isSeedSaturated () const
float mva_e_pi () const
float mva_Isolated () const
const MvaInputmvaInput () const
const MvaOutputmvaOutput () const
float nSaturatedXtals () const
int numberOfBrems () const
bool overlap (const Candidate &) const override
 check overlap with another candidate More...
const LorentzVectorp4 (P4Kind kind) const
float p4Error (P4Kind kind) const
bool passingCutBasedPreselection () const
bool passingMvaPreselection () const
bool passingPflowPreselection () const
const PflowIsolationVariablespfIsolationVariables () const
float pixelMatchDPhi1 () const
float pixelMatchDPhi2 () const
float pixelMatchDRz1 () const
float pixelMatchDRz2 () const
int pixelMatchSubdetector1 () const
int pixelMatchSubdetector2 () const
float r9 () const
const SaturationInfosaturationInfo () const
float scE1x5 () const
float scE2x5Max () const
float scE5x5 () const
int scPixCharge () const
float scSigmaEtaEta () const
float scSigmaIEtaIEta () const
void setAmbiguous (bool flag)
void setClassification (Classification myclass)
void setClassificationVariables (const ClassificationVariables &cv)
void setCore (const reco::GsfElectronCoreRef &core)
void setCorrectedEcalEnergy (float newEnergy)
void setCorrectedEcalEnergyError (float newEnergyError)
void setCorrections (const Corrections &c)
void setDeltaEtaSuperClusterAtVtx (float de)
void setDeltaPhiSuperClusterAtVtx (float dphi)
void setDr03Isolation (const IsolationVariables &dr03)
void setDr04Isolation (const IsolationVariables &dr04)
void setEcalEnergyError (float energyError)
void setFFlagIsEB (const bool b)
void setFFlagIsEBEEGap (const bool b)
void setFFlagIsEBEtaGap (const bool b)
void setFFlagIsEBPhiGap (const bool b)
void setFFlagIsEE (const bool b)
void setFFlagIsEEDeeGap (const bool b)
void setFFlagIsEERingGap (const bool b)
void setIsolation03 (const IsolationVariables &dr03)
void setIsolation04 (const IsolationVariables &dr04)
void setMvaInput (const MvaInput &mi)
void setMvaOutput (const MvaOutput &mo)
void setP4 (P4Kind kind, const LorentzVector &p4, float p4Error, bool setCandidate)
void setPassCutBasedPreselection (bool flag)
void setPassMvaPreselection (bool flag)
void setPassPflowPreselection (bool flag)
void setPfIsolationVariables (const PflowIsolationVariables &iso)
void setPixelMatchDPhi1 (float dPhi1)
void setPixelMatchDPhi2 (float dPhi2)
void setPixelMatchDRz1 (float dRz1)
void setPixelMatchDRz2 (float dRz2)
void setPixelMatchSubdetectors (int sd1, int sd2)
void setSaturationInfo (const SaturationInfo &s)
void setShowerShape (const ShowerShape &s)
void setSuperClusterFbrem (float fbrem)
void setTrackExtrapolations (const TrackExtrapolations &te)
void setTrackFbrem (float fbrem)
void setTrackMomentumError (float trackMomentumError)
float shFracInnerHits () const
const ShowerShapeshowerShape () const
float sigmaEtaEta () const
float sigmaIetaIeta () const
float sigmaIphiIphi () const
float superClusterFbrem () const
math::XYZPoint superClusterPosition () const
const TrackClusterMatchingtrackClusterMatching () const
bool trackerDrivenSeed () const
const TrackExtrapolationstrackExtrapolations () const
float trackFbrem () const
math::XYZVectorF trackMomentumAtCalo () const
math::XYZVectorF trackMomentumAtEleClus () const
math::XYZVectorF trackMomentumAtVtx () const
math::XYZVectorF trackMomentumAtVtxWithConstraint () const
float trackMomentumError () const
math::XYZVectorF trackMomentumOut () const
math::XYZPointF trackPositionAtCalo () const
math::XYZPointF TrackPositionAtCalo () const
math::XYZPointF trackPositionAtVtx () const
math::XYZPointF TrackPositionAtVtx () const
 ~GsfElectron () override
- Public Member Functions inherited from reco::RecoCandidate
const TrackbestTrack () const override
 best track pointer More...
virtual TrackBaseRef bestTrackRef () const
 best track RefToBase More...
virtual TrackType bestTrackType () const
 track type More...
virtual CaloTowerRef caloTower () const
 reference to a CaloTower More...
virtual reco::TrackRef combinedMuon () const
 reference to a stand-alone muon Track More...
float dxyError () const override
 uncertainty on dxy More...
float dzError () const override
 uncertainty on dz More...
virtual size_t numberOfTracks () const
 number of multiple Tracks More...
 RecoCandidate ()
 default constructor More...
template<typename P4 >
 RecoCandidate (Charge q, const P4 &p4, const Point &vtx=Point(0, 0, 0), int pdgId=0, int status=0)
 constructor from values More...
virtual reco::TrackRef standAloneMuon () const
 reference to a stand-alone muon Track More...
virtual reco::TrackRef track (size_t) const
 reference to one of multiple Tracks More...
 ~RecoCandidate () override
 destructor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from reco::LeafCandidate
Vector boostToCM () const final
int charge () const final
 electric charge More...
void construct (int qx3, float pt, float eta, float phi, float mass, const Point &vtx, int pdgId, int status)
const Candidatedaughter (size_type) const override
 return daughter at a given position (throws an exception) More...
Candidatedaughter (size_type) override
 return daughter at a given position (throws an exception) More...
Candidatedaughter (const std::string &s) override
 return daughter with a specified role name More...
const Candidatedaughter (const std::string &s) const override
 return daughter with a specified role name More...
double energy () const final
 energy More...
double et () const final
 transverse energy More...
double et2 () const final
 transverse energy squared (use this for cut!) More...
double eta () const final
 momentum pseudorapidity More...
void fillVertexCovariance (CovarianceMatrix &v) const override
 fill SMatrix More...
template<typename T >
T get () const
 get a component More...
template<typename T , typename Tag >
T get () const
 get a component More...
template<typename T >
T get (size_type i) const
 get a component More...
template<typename T , typename Tag >
T get (size_type i) const
 get a component More...
bool hasMasterClone () const override
bool hasMasterClonePtr () const override
bool isCaloMuon () const override
bool isConvertedPhoton () const override
bool isGlobalMuon () const override
bool isJet () const override
bool isMuon () const override
bool isPhoton () const override
bool isStandAloneMuon () const override
bool isTrackerMuon () const override
 LeafCandidate ()
 LeafCandidate (const Candidate &c)
template<typename... Args>
 LeafCandidate (Args &&...args)
 LeafCandidate (LeafCandidate &rh)
 LeafCandidate (LeafCandidate &&)=default
 LeafCandidate (LeafCandidate const &)=default
bool longLived () const final
 is long lived? More...
double mass () const final
 mass More...
bool massConstraint () const final
 do mass constraint? More...
double massSqr () const final
 mass squared More...
const CandidateBaseRefmasterClone () const override
const CandidatePtrmasterClonePtr () const override
template<typename Ref >
Ref masterRef () const
 cast master clone reference to a concrete type More...
Vector momentum () const final
 spatial momentum vector More...
const Candidatemother (size_type) const override
 return mother at a given position (throws an exception) More...
double mt () const final
 transverse mass More...
double mtSqr () const final
 transverse mass squared More...
template<typename T >
size_type numberOf () const
 number of components More...
template<typename T , typename Tag >
size_type numberOf () const
 number of components More...
size_t numberOfDaughters () const override
 number of daughters More...
size_t numberOfMothers () const override
 number of mothers More...
LeafCandidateoperator= (LeafCandidate &&)=default
LeafCandidateoperator= (LeafCandidate const &)=default
double p () const final
 magnitude of momentum vector More...
const LorentzVectorp4 () const final
 four-momentum Lorentz vector More...
int pdgId () const final
 PDG identifier. More...
double phi () const final
 momentum azimuthal angle More...
const PolarLorentzVectorpolarP4 () const final
 four-momentum Lorentz vector More...
double pt () const final
 transverse momentum More...
double px () const final
 x coordinate of momentum vector More...
double py () const final
 y coordinate of momentum vector More...
double pz () const final
 z coordinate of momentum vector More...
double rapidity () const final
 rapidity More...
void setCharge (Charge q) final
 set electric charge More...
void setLongLived () final
void setMass (double m) final
 set particle mass More...
void setMassConstraint () final
void setP4 (const LorentzVector &p4) final
 set 4-momentum More...
void setP4 (const PolarLorentzVector &p4) final
 set 4-momentum More...
void setPdgId (int pdgId) final
void setPz (double pz) final
void setStatus (int status) final
 set status word More...
void setThreeCharge (Charge qx3) final
 set electric charge More...
void setVertex (const Point &vertex) override
 set vertex More...
int status () const final
 status word More...
double theta () const final
 momentum polar angle More...
int threeCharge () const final
 electric charge More...
const Pointvertex () const override
 vertex position (overwritten by PF...) More...
double vertexChi2 () const override
 chi-squares More...
double vertexCovariance (int i, int j) const override
 (i, j)-th element of error matrix, i, j = 0, ... 2 More...
CovarianceMatrix vertexCovariance () const final
 return SMatrix More...
double vertexNdof () const override
double vertexNormalizedChi2 () const override
 chi-squared divided by n.d.o.f. More...
double vx () const override
 x coordinate of vertex position More...
double vy () const override
 y coordinate of vertex position More...
double vz () const override
 z coordinate of vertex position More...
double y () const final
 rapidity More...
 ~LeafCandidate () override
 destructor More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from reco::Candidate
const_iterator begin () const
 first daughter const_iterator More...
iterator begin ()
 first daughter iterator More...
 Candidate ()
 default constructor More...
const_iterator end () const
 last daughter const_iterator More...
iterator end ()
 last daughter iterator More...
template<typename T >
T get () const
 get a component More...
template<typename T , typename Tag >
T get () const
 get a component More...
template<typename T >
T get (size_type i) const
 get a component More...
template<typename T , typename Tag >
T get (size_type i) const
 get a component More...
template<typename Ref >
Ref masterRef () const
 cast master clone reference to a concrete type More...
template<typename T >
size_type numberOf () const
 number of components More...
template<typename T , typename Tag >
size_type numberOf () const
 number of components More...
virtual void setSourceCandidatePtr (const CandidatePtr &ptr)
 Set the ptr to the source Candidate. More...
virtual ~Candidate ()
 destructor More...

Protected Member Functions

void initImpactParameters ()
 init impact parameter defaults (for use in a constructor) More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from pat::PATObject< reco::GsfElectron >
void addUserDataObject_ (const std::string &label, std::unique_ptr< pat::UserData > value, bool overwrite=false)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from reco::RecoCandidate
template<typename R >
bool checkOverlap (const R &r1, const R &r2) const
 check if two components overlap More...

Protected Attributes

std::vector< uint16_t > associatedPackedFCandidateIndices_
std::vector< reco::CaloClusterbasicClusters_
 Place to store electron's basic clusters internally. More...
uint8_t cachedIP_
 True if the IP (former dB) has been cached. More...
LorentzVector ecalDrivenMomentum_
 ECAL-driven momentum. More...
float ecalPFClusIso_
 PFCluster Isolation (a la HLT) More...
double ecalRegressionEnergy_
 output of regression More...
double ecalRegressionError_
double ecalRegressionScale_
double ecalRegressionSmear_
double ecalScale_
 scale corrections and smearing applied or to be be applied. Initialized to -99999. More...
double ecalSmear_
double ecalTrackRegressionEnergy_
double ecalTrackRegressionError_
double ecalTrackRegressionScale_
double ecalTrackRegressionSmear_
float eip_ [IpTypeSize]
 Impact parameter uncertainty as recommended by the tracking group. More...
std::vector< IdPairelectronIDs_
 Electron IDs. More...
bool embeddedGsfElectronCore_
 True if electron's gsfElectronCore is stored internally. More...
bool embeddedGsfTrack_
 True if electron's gsfTrack is stored internally. More...
bool embeddedPFCandidate_
 true if the IsolatedPFCandidate is embedded More...
bool embeddedPflowSuperCluster_
 True if electron's pflowsupercluster is stored internally. More...
bool embeddedRecHits_
 True if RecHits stored internally. More...
bool embeddedSeedCluster_
 True if seed cluster is stored internally. More...
bool embeddedSuperCluster_
 True if electron's supercluster is stored internally. More...
bool embeddedTrack_
 True if electron's track is stored internally. More...
float full5x5_sigmaIetaIphi_
std::vector< reco::GsfElectronCoregsfElectronCore_
 Place to store electron's gsfElectronCore internally. More...
std::vector< reco::GsfTrackgsfTrack_
 Place to store electron's gsfTrack internally. More...
float hcalPFClusIso_
double ip3d_
float ip_ [IpTypeSize]
 Impact parameter at the primary vertex,. More...
bool isPF_
edm::RefProd< pat::PackedCandidateCollectionpackedPFCandidates_
bool passConversionVeto_
 conversion veto More...
reco::PFCandidateCollection pfCandidate_
 A copy of the source IsolatedPFCandidate is stored in this vector if embeddedPFCandidate_ if True. More...
reco::PFCandidateRef pfCandidateRef_
 reference to the IsolatedPFCandidate this has been built from; null if this has been built from a standard electron More...
std::vector< reco::CaloClusterpflowBasicClusters_
 Place to store electron's pflow basic clusters internally. More...
std::vector< reco::CaloClusterpflowPreshowerClusters_
 Place to store electron's pflow preshower clusters internally. More...
std::vector< reco::SuperClusterpflowSuperCluster_
 Place to store electron's pflow supercluster internally. More...
std::vector< reco::CaloClusterpreshowerClusters_
 Place to store electron's preshower clusters internally. More...
float puppiChargedHadronIso_
 PUPPI isolations. More...
float puppiNeutralHadronIso_
float puppiNoLeptonsChargedHadronIso_
 PUPPINoLeptons isolations. More...
float puppiNoLeptonsNeutralHadronIso_
float puppiNoLeptonsPhotonIso_
float puppiPhotonIso_
EcalRecHitCollection recHits_
 Place to store electron's RecHits internally (5x5 around seed+ all RecHits) More...
std::vector< reco::CaloClusterseedCluster_
 Place to store electron's seed cluster internally. More...
float sigmaIetaIphi_
 additional missing mva variables : 14/04/2012 More...
std::vector< reco::SuperClustersuperCluster_
 Place to store electron's supercluster internally. More...
edm::AtomicPtrCache< std::vector< reco::SuperCluster > > superClusterRelinked_
 Place to temporarily store the electron's supercluster after relinking the seed to it. More...
std::vector< reco::Tracktrack_
 Place to store electron's track internally. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from pat::Lepton< reco::GsfElectron >
IsoDepositPairs isoDeposits_
std::vector< float > isolations_
PFIsolation miniPFIsolation_
- Protected Attributes inherited from pat::PATObject< reco::GsfElectron >
std::vector< std::string > efficiencyNames_
 vector of the efficiencies (names) More...
std::vector< pat::LookupTableRecordefficiencyValues_
 vector of the efficiencies (values) More...
std::vector< reco::GenParticlegenParticleEmbedded_
 vector to hold an embedded generator level particle More...
std::vector< reco::GenParticleRefgenParticleRef_
 Reference to a generator level particle. More...
std::vector< std::string > kinResolutionLabels_
std::vector< pat::CandKinResolutionkinResolutions_
 Kinematic resolutions. More...
std::vector< reco::CandidatePtrVectoroverlapItems_
 Overlapping items (sorted by distance) More...
std::vector< std::string > overlapLabels_
 Overlapping test labels (only if there are any overlaps) More...
edm::Ptr< reco::CandidaterefToOrig_
TriggerObjectStandAloneCollection triggerObjectMatchesEmbedded_
 vector of trigger matches More...
std::vector< std::string > userCandLabels_
std::vector< reco::CandidatePtruserCands_
std::vector< std::string > userDataLabels_
 User data object. More...
pat::UserDataCollection userDataObjects_
std::vector< std::string > userFloatLabels_
std::vector< float > userFloats_
std::vector< std::string > userIntLabels_
std::vector< int32_t > userInts_


class PATElectronSlimmer
std::ostream & reco::operator<< (std::ostream &out, const pat::Electron &obj)
 pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Electron with PFTopProjectors) More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from pat::Lepton< reco::GsfElectron >
typedef std::vector< std::pair< IsolationKeys, pat::IsoDeposit > > IsoDepositPairs

Detailed Description

Analysis-level electron class.

pat::Electron implements the analysis-level electron class within the 'pat' namespace.

Please post comments and questions to the Physics Tools hypernews:

Steven Lowette, Giovanni Petrucciani, Frederic Ronga

Definition at line 52 of file Electron.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::pair<std::string,float> pat::Electron::IdPair

Definition at line 56 of file Electron.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 206 of file Electron.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

pat::Electron::Electron ( )

default constructor

pat::Electron::Electron ( const reco::GsfElectron anElectron)

constructor from reco::GsfElectron

pat::Electron::Electron ( const edm::RefToBase< reco::GsfElectron > &  anElectronRef)

constructor from a RefToBase to a reco::GsfElectron (to be superseded by Ptr counterpart)

pat::Electron::Electron ( const edm::Ptr< reco::GsfElectron > &  anElectronRef)

constructor from a Ptr to a reco::GsfElectron

pat::Electron::~Electron ( )


Member Function Documentation

edm::RefVector<pat::PackedCandidateCollection> pat::Electron::associatedPackedPFCandidates ( ) const

References to PFCandidates linked to this object (e.g. for isolation vetos or masking before jet reclustering)

Referenced by reco::operator<<(), and PuppiPhoton::produce().

const std::vector<reco::CaloCluster>& pat::Electron::basicClusters ( ) const

Definition at line 89 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by SuperClusterHelper::SuperClusterHelper().

89 { return basicClusters_ ; }
std::vector< reco::CaloCluster > basicClusters_
Place to store electron&#39;s basic clusters internally.
Definition: Electron.h:307
float pat::Electron::caloIso ( ) const

Overload of pat::Lepton::caloIso(); returns the sum of ecalIso() and hcalIso.

Definition at line 156 of file Electron.h.

156 { return ecalIso()+hcalIso(); }
float ecalIso() const
Overload of pat::Lepton::ecalIso(); returns the value of the summed Et of all recHits in the ecal in ...
Definition: Electron.h:152
float hcalIso() const
Overload of pat::Lepton::hcalIso(); returns the value of the summed Et of all caloTowers in the hcal ...
Definition: Electron.h:154
Electron* pat::Electron::clone ( void  ) const

required reimplementation of the Candidate's clone method

Reimplemented from reco::GsfElectron.

Definition at line 70 of file Electron.h.

References nanoDQM_cfi::Electron, SurveyInfoScenario_cff::seed, and HiIsolationCommonParameters_cff::track.

70 { return new Electron(*this); }
default constructor
reco::TrackRef pat::Electron::closestCtfTrackRef ( ) const
reco::GsfElectronCoreRef pat::Electron::core ( ) const

override the virtual reco::GsfElectron::core method, so that the embedded core can be used by GsfElectron client methods

Reimplemented from reco::GsfElectron.

Referenced by reco::operator<<().

double pat::Electron::dB ( IPTYPE  type) const
double pat::Electron::dB ( ) const

the version without arguments returns PD2D, but with an absolute value (for backwards compatibility)

Definition at line 212 of file Electron.h.

References funct::abs(), and dB().

Referenced by dB(), Lepton.Lepton::ip3D(), reco::operator<<(), and Lepton.Lepton::sip3D().

212 { return std::abs(dB(PV2D)); }
double dB() const
the version without arguments returns PD2D, but with an absolute value (for backwards compatibility) ...
Definition: Electron.h:212
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
const LorentzVector& pat::Electron::ecalDrivenMomentum ( ) const

Definition at line 219 of file Electron.h.

219 {return ecalDrivenMomentum_;}
LorentzVector ecalDrivenMomentum_
ECAL-driven momentum.
Definition: Electron.h:344
float pat::Electron::ecalIso ( ) const

Overload of pat::Lepton::ecalIso(); returns the value of the summed Et of all recHits in the ecal in a cone of deltaR<0.4.

Definition at line 152 of file Electron.h.

152 { return dr04EcalRecHitSumEt(); }
float dr04EcalRecHitSumEt() const
Definition: GsfElectron.h:555
float pat::Electron::ecalPFClusterIso ( ) const

get and set PFCluster Isolation

Definition at line 158 of file Electron.h.

158 { return ecalPFClusIso_; };
float ecalPFClusIso_
PFCluster Isolation (a la HLT)
Definition: Electron.h:367
double pat::Electron::ecalRegressionEnergy ( ) const

additional regression variables regression1

Definition at line 240 of file Electron.h.

240 { return ecalRegressionEnergy_;}
double ecalRegressionEnergy_
output of regression
Definition: Electron.h:351
double pat::Electron::ecalRegressionError ( ) const

Definition at line 241 of file Electron.h.

241 { return ecalRegressionError_;}
double ecalRegressionError_
Definition: Electron.h:353
double pat::Electron::ecalRegressionScale ( ) const

Definition at line 261 of file Electron.h.

261 { return ecalRegressionScale_ ;}
double ecalRegressionScale_
Definition: Electron.h:360
double pat::Electron::ecalRegressionSmear ( ) const

Definition at line 262 of file Electron.h.

262 { return ecalRegressionSmear_ ;}
double ecalRegressionSmear_
Definition: Electron.h:361
double pat::Electron::ecalScale ( ) const

get scale corrections /smearings

Definition at line 259 of file Electron.h.

259 { return ecalScale_ ;}
double ecalScale_
scale corrections and smearing applied or to be be applied. Initialized to -99999.
Definition: Electron.h:357
double pat::Electron::ecalSmear ( ) const

Definition at line 260 of file Electron.h.

260 { return ecalSmear_;}
double ecalSmear_
Definition: Electron.h:358
double pat::Electron::ecalTrackRegressionEnergy ( ) const


Definition at line 243 of file Electron.h.

243 { return ecalTrackRegressionEnergy_; }
double ecalTrackRegressionEnergy_
Definition: Electron.h:352
double pat::Electron::ecalTrackRegressionError ( ) const

Definition at line 244 of file Electron.h.

244 { return ecalTrackRegressionError_; }
double ecalTrackRegressionError_
Definition: Electron.h:354
double pat::Electron::ecalTrackRegressionScale ( ) const

Definition at line 263 of file Electron.h.

263 { return ecalTrackRegressionScale_ ;}
double ecalTrackRegressionScale_
Definition: Electron.h:363
double pat::Electron::ecalTrackRegressionSmear ( ) const

Definition at line 264 of file Electron.h.

264 { return ecalTrackRegressionSmear_ ;}
double ecalTrackRegressionSmear_
Definition: Electron.h:364
double pat::Electron::edB ( IPTYPE  type) const

Uncertainty on the corresponding impact parameter.

Referenced by ElectronVPlusJetsIDSelectionFunctor::firstDataCuts(), EGammaMvaEleEstimator::mvaValue(), and Lepton.Lepton::sip3D().

double pat::Electron::edB ( ) const

the version without arguments returns PD2D, but with an absolute value (for backwards compatibility)

Definition at line 214 of file Electron.h.

References funct::abs(), and edB().

Referenced by edB(), reco::operator<<(), and Lepton.Lepton::sip3D().

214 { return std::abs(edB(PV2D)); }
double edB() const
the version without arguments returns PD2D, but with an absolute value (for backwards compatibility) ...
Definition: Electron.h:214
Abs< T >::type abs(const T &t)
Definition: Abs.h:22
float pat::Electron::electronID ( const std::string &  name) const
float pat::Electron::electronID ( const char *  name) const

Definition at line 137 of file Electron.h.

References electronID(), and AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

Referenced by electronID().

137 { return electronID( std::string(name) );}
float electronID(const std::string &name) const
Returns a specific electron ID associated to the pat::Electron given its name.
const std::vector<IdPair>& pat::Electron::electronIDs ( ) const

Returns all the electron IDs in the form of <name,value> pairs. The 'default' ID is the first in the list.

Definition at line 144 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by Electron.Electron::electronID().

144 { return electronIDs_; }
std::vector< IdPair > electronIDs_
Electron IDs.
Definition: Electron.h:331
void pat::Electron::embedBasicClusters ( )

method to store the electron's basic clusters

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron(), pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron2(), and reco::operator<<().

void pat::Electron::embedGsfElectronCore ( )

method to store the electron's core internally

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron(), pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron2(), and reco::operator<<().

void pat::Electron::embedGsfTrack ( )

method to store the electron's GsfTrack internally

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron(), pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron2(), and reco::operator<<().

void pat::Electron::embedPFCandidate ( )

embed the PFCandidate pointed to by pfCandidateRef_

Referenced by reco::operator<<(), and pat::PATElectronProducer::produce().

void pat::Electron::embedPflowBasicClusters ( )

method to store the electron's pflow basic clusters

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron(), pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron2(), and reco::operator<<().

void pat::Electron::embedPflowPreshowerClusters ( )

method to store the electron's pflow preshower clusters

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron(), pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron2(), and reco::operator<<().

void pat::Electron::embedPflowSuperCluster ( )

method to store the electron's PflowSuperCluster internally

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron(), pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron2(), and reco::operator<<().

void pat::Electron::embedPreshowerClusters ( )

method to store the electron's preshower clusters

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron(), pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron2(), and reco::operator<<().

void pat::Electron::embedRecHits ( const EcalRecHitCollection rechits)

method to store the RecHits internally - can be called from the PATElectronProducer

Referenced by reco::operator<<(), and pat::PATElectronProducer::produce().

void pat::Electron::embedSeedCluster ( )

method to store the electron's seedcluster internally

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron(), pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron2(), and reco::operator<<().

void pat::Electron::embedSuperCluster ( )

method to store the electron's SuperCluster internally

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron(), pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron2(), and reco::operator<<().

void pat::Electron::embedTrack ( )

method to store the electron's Track internally

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron(), pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron2(), and reco::operator<<().

void pat::Electron::full5x5_setSigmaIetaIphi ( float  sigmaIetaIphi)

Definition at line 234 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce().

float full5x5_sigmaIetaIphi_
Definition: Electron.h:347
float sigmaIetaIphi() const
Definition: Electron.h:227
float pat::Electron::full5x5_sigmaIetaIphi ( ) const

sigmaIEtaIPhi (from full 5x5 non-ZS clusters without fractions, a la 5.3.X)

Definition at line 229 of file Electron.h.

229 { return full5x5_sigmaIetaIphi_; }
float full5x5_sigmaIetaIphi_
Definition: Electron.h:347
reco::GsfTrackRef pat::Electron::gsfTrack ( ) const
float pat::Electron::hcalIso ( ) const

Overload of pat::Lepton::hcalIso(); returns the value of the summed Et of all caloTowers in the hcal in a cone of deltaR<0.4.

Definition at line 154 of file Electron.h.

154 { return dr04HcalTowerSumEt(); }
float dr04HcalTowerSumEt() const
Definition: GsfElectron.h:558
float pat::Electron::hcalPFClusterIso ( ) const

Definition at line 159 of file Electron.h.

159 { return hcalPFClusIso_; };
float hcalPFClusIso_
Definition: Electron.h:368
void pat::Electron::initImpactParameters ( )

init impact parameter defaults (for use in a constructor)

Referenced by reco::operator<<().

double pat::Electron::ip3d ( ) const


Definition at line 231 of file Electron.h.

References electrons_cff::ip3d.

231 { return ip3d_; }
double ip3d_
Definition: Electron.h:348
bool pat::Electron::isElectronIDAvailable ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns true if a specific ID is available in this pat::Electron.

Referenced by WenuPlots::analyze(), and reco::operator<<().

bool pat::Electron::isElectronIDAvailable ( const char *  name) const

Definition at line 140 of file Electron.h.

References AlCaHLTBitMon_QueryRunRegistry::string.

140  {
142  }
bool isElectronIDAvailable(const std::string &name) const
Returns true if a specific ID is available in this pat::Electron.
bool pat::Electron::isPF ( ) const

Definition at line 187 of file Electron.h.

187 { return isPF_; }
size_t pat::Electron::numberOfSourceCandidatePtrs ( ) const

get the number of non-null PFCandidates

Reimplemented from reco::LeafCandidate.

Definition at line 199 of file Electron.h.

References mps_fire::i.

199  {
201  }
bool isNonnull() const
Checks for non-null.
Definition: Ref.h:253
std::vector< uint16_t > associatedPackedFCandidateIndices_
Definition: Electron.h:393
reco::PFCandidateRef pfCandidateRef_
reference to the IsolatedPFCandidate this has been built from; null if this has been built from a sta...
Definition: Electron.h:340
reco::SuperClusterRef pat::Electron::parentSuperCluster ( ) const

override the reco::GsfElectron::pflowSuperCluster method, to access the internal storage of the pflowSuperCluster

Reimplemented from reco::GsfElectron.

Referenced by reco::operator<<().

bool pat::Electron::passConversionVeto ( ) const

vertex fit combined with missing number of hits method

Definition at line 266 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by SoftPFElectronTagInfoProducer::produce().

266 { return passConversionVeto_; }
bool passConversionVeto_
conversion veto
Definition: Electron.h:381
reco::PFCandidateRef pat::Electron::pfCandidateRef ( ) const

reference to the source PFCandidates; null if this has been built from a standard electron

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron(), pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron2(), BPHTrackReference::getElecPF(), and reco::operator<<().

const std::vector<reco::CaloCluster>& pat::Electron::pflowBasicClusters ( ) const

Definition at line 93 of file Electron.h.

93 { return pflowBasicClusters_ ; }
std::vector< reco::CaloCluster > pflowBasicClusters_
Place to store electron&#39;s pflow basic clusters internally.
Definition: Electron.h:311
const std::vector<reco::CaloCluster>& pat::Electron::pflowPreshowerClusters ( ) const
const std::vector<reco::CaloCluster>& pat::Electron::preshowerClusters ( ) const

Definition at line 91 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by SuperClusterHelper::SuperClusterHelper().

91 { return preshowerClusters_ ; }
std::vector< reco::CaloCluster > preshowerClusters_
Place to store electron&#39;s preshower clusters internally.
Definition: Electron.h:309
float pat::Electron::puppiChargedHadronIso ( ) const

returns PUPPI isolations

Definition at line 163 of file Electron.h.

163 {return puppiChargedHadronIso_; }
float puppiChargedHadronIso_
PUPPI isolations.
Definition: Electron.h:371
float pat::Electron::puppiNeutralHadronIso ( ) const

Definition at line 164 of file Electron.h.

164 {return puppiNeutralHadronIso_; }
float puppiNeutralHadronIso_
Definition: Electron.h:372
float pat::Electron::puppiNoLeptonsChargedHadronIso ( ) const

returns PUPPINoLeptons isolations

Definition at line 167 of file Electron.h.

float puppiNoLeptonsChargedHadronIso_
PUPPINoLeptons isolations.
Definition: Electron.h:376
float pat::Electron::puppiNoLeptonsNeutralHadronIso ( ) const

Definition at line 168 of file Electron.h.

float puppiNoLeptonsNeutralHadronIso_
Definition: Electron.h:377
float pat::Electron::puppiNoLeptonsPhotonIso ( ) const

Definition at line 169 of file Electron.h.

169 {return puppiNoLeptonsPhotonIso_; }
float puppiNoLeptonsPhotonIso_
Definition: Electron.h:378
float pat::Electron::puppiPhotonIso ( ) const

Definition at line 165 of file Electron.h.

165 {return puppiPhotonIso_; }
float puppiPhotonIso_
Definition: Electron.h:373
const EcalRecHitCollection* pat::Electron::recHits ( void  ) const

Definition at line 236 of file Electron.h.

236 { return &recHits_;}
EcalRecHitCollection recHits_
Place to store electron&#39;s RecHits internally (5x5 around seed+ all RecHits)
Definition: Electron.h:327
reco::CaloClusterPtr pat::Electron::seed ( ) const

direct access to the seed cluster

Referenced by reco::operator<<(), and SuperClusterHelper::SuperClusterHelper().

template<typename T >
void pat::Electron::setAssociatedPackedPFCandidates ( const edm::RefProd< pat::PackedCandidateCollection > &  refprod,
T  beginIndexItr,
T  endIndexItr 

References to PFCandidates linked to this object (e.g. for isolation vetos or masking before jet reclustering)

Definition at line 273 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce().

275  {
276  packedPFCandidates_ = refprod;
279  beginIndexItr,
280  endIndexItr);
281  }
edm::RefProd< pat::PackedCandidateCollection > packedPFCandidates_
Definition: Electron.h:392
std::vector< uint16_t > associatedPackedFCandidateIndices_
Definition: Electron.h:393
void pat::Electron::setDB ( double  dB,
double  edB,
IPTYPE  type 

Set impact parameter of a certain type and its uncertainty.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::embedHighLevel(), reco::operator<<(), and pat::LeptonUpdater< T >::setDZ().

void pat::Electron::setEcalDrivenMomentum ( const Candidate::LorentzVector mom)

Definition at line 220 of file Electron.h.

References MuonAssociatorByHits_cfi::obj, reco::operator<<(), and MillePedeFileConverter_cfg::out.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::fillElectron2().

220 {ecalDrivenMomentum_=mom;}
LorentzVector ecalDrivenMomentum_
ECAL-driven momentum.
Definition: Electron.h:344
void pat::Electron::setEcalPFClusterIso ( float  ecalPFClus)

Definition at line 160 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce(), and pat::PATElectronProducer::produce().

160 { ecalPFClusIso_ = ecalPFClus; };
float ecalPFClusIso_
PFCluster Isolation (a la HLT)
Definition: Electron.h:367
void pat::Electron::setEcalRegressionEnergy ( double  val,
double  err 

set regression1

Definition at line 246 of file Electron.h.

References heppy_batch::val.

Referenced by RegressionEnergyPatElectronProducer::produce().

double ecalRegressionEnergy_
output of regression
Definition: Electron.h:351
double ecalRegressionError_
Definition: Electron.h:353
void pat::Electron::setEcalRegressionScale ( double  val)

Definition at line 253 of file Electron.h.

References heppy_batch::val.

double ecalRegressionScale_
Definition: Electron.h:360
void pat::Electron::setEcalRegressionSmear ( double  val)

Definition at line 254 of file Electron.h.

References heppy_batch::val.

double ecalRegressionSmear_
Definition: Electron.h:361
void pat::Electron::setEcalScale ( double  val)

set scale corrections / smearings

Definition at line 251 of file Electron.h.

References heppy_batch::val.

251 { ecalScale_= val ;}
double ecalScale_
scale corrections and smearing applied or to be be applied. Initialized to -99999.
Definition: Electron.h:357
void pat::Electron::setEcalSmear ( double  val)

Definition at line 252 of file Electron.h.

References heppy_batch::val.

252 { ecalSmear_= val;}
double ecalSmear_
Definition: Electron.h:358
void pat::Electron::setEcalTrackRegressionEnergy ( double  val,
double  err 

set regression2

Definition at line 248 of file Electron.h.

References heppy_batch::val.

void pat::Electron::setEcalTrackRegressionScale ( double  val)

Definition at line 255 of file Electron.h.

References heppy_batch::val.

void pat::Electron::setEcalTrackRegressionSmear ( double  val)

Definition at line 256 of file Electron.h.

References heppy_batch::val.

void pat::Electron::setElectronIDs ( const std::vector< IdPair > &  ids)

Store multiple electron ID values, discarding existing ones. The first one in the list becomes the 'default' electron id.

Definition at line 146 of file Electron.h.

References electrons_cff::ids.

Referenced by EGXtraModFromVMObjFiller< OutputType >::addValuesToObject(), and pat::PATElectronProducer::produce().

146 { electronIDs_ = ids; }
std::vector< IdPair > electronIDs_
Electron IDs.
Definition: Electron.h:331
void pat::Electron::setHcalPFClusterIso ( float  hcalPFClus)

Definition at line 161 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce(), and pat::PATElectronProducer::produce().

161 { hcalPFClusIso_ = hcalPFClus; };
float hcalPFClusIso_
Definition: Electron.h:368
void pat::Electron::setIsolationPUPPI ( float  chargedhadrons_,
float  neutralhadrons_,
float  photons_ 

sets PUPPI isolations

Definition at line 171 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::produce().

172  {
173  puppiChargedHadronIso_ = chargedhadrons_;
174  puppiNeutralHadronIso_ = neutralhadrons_;
175  puppiPhotonIso_ = photons_;
177  }
float puppiChargedHadronIso_
PUPPI isolations.
Definition: Electron.h:371
float puppiPhotonIso_
Definition: Electron.h:373
float puppiNeutralHadronIso_
Definition: Electron.h:372
void pat::Electron::setIsolationPUPPINoLeptons ( float  chargedhadrons_,
float  neutralhadrons_,
float  photons_ 

sets PUPPINoLeptons isolations

Definition at line 179 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::produce().

180  {
181  puppiNoLeptonsChargedHadronIso_ = chargedhadrons_;
182  puppiNoLeptonsNeutralHadronIso_ = neutralhadrons_;
183  puppiNoLeptonsPhotonIso_ = photons_;
185  }
float puppiNoLeptonsChargedHadronIso_
PUPPINoLeptons isolations.
Definition: Electron.h:376
float puppiNoLeptonsPhotonIso_
Definition: Electron.h:378
float puppiNoLeptonsNeutralHadronIso_
Definition: Electron.h:377
void pat::Electron::setIsPF ( bool  hasPFCandidate)

Definition at line 188 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::produce().

188 { isPF_ = hasPFCandidate ; }
void pat::Electron::setMvaVariables ( double  sigmaIetaIphi,
double  ip3d 

set missing mva input variables

Referenced by reco::operator<<(), and pat::PATElectronProducer::produce().

void pat::Electron::setPassConversionVeto ( bool  flag)

Definition at line 267 of file Electron.h.

References RemoveAddSevLevel::flag.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::produce().

bool passConversionVeto_
conversion veto
Definition: Electron.h:381
void pat::Electron::setPFCandidateRef ( const reco::PFCandidateRef ref)

add a reference to the source IsolatedPFCandidate

Definition at line 193 of file Electron.h.

References electronProducer_cfi::embedPFCandidate.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronProducer::produce().

193  {
194  pfCandidateRef_ = ref;
195  }
reco::PFCandidateRef pfCandidateRef_
reference to the IsolatedPFCandidate this has been built from; null if this has been built from a sta...
Definition: Electron.h:340
float pat::Electron::sigmaIetaIphi ( ) const

additional mva input variables sigmaIEtaIPhi

Definition at line 227 of file Electron.h.

227 { return sigmaIetaIphi_; }
float sigmaIetaIphi_
additional missing mva variables : 14/04/2012
Definition: Electron.h:347
reco::CandidatePtr pat::Electron::sourceCandidatePtr ( size_type  i) const

get the source candidate pointer with index i

Reimplemented from reco::LeafCandidate.

Referenced by reco::operator<<(), and pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce().

reco::SuperClusterRef pat::Electron::superCluster ( ) const
reco::TrackRef pat::Electron::track ( ) const

returns nothing. Use either gsfTrack or closestCtfTrack

Reimplemented from reco::RecoCandidate.

Referenced by reco::operator<<().

float pat::Electron::trackIso ( ) const

Overload of pat::Lepton::trackIso(); returns the value of the summed track pt in a cone of deltaR<0.4.

Definition at line 150 of file Electron.h.

150 { return dr04TkSumPt(); }
float dr04TkSumPt() const
Definition: GsfElectron.h:554

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class PATElectronSlimmer

Definition at line 283 of file Electron.h.

std::ostream& reco::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const pat::Electron obj 

pipe operator (introduced to use pat::Electron with PFTopProjectors)

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<uint16_t> pat::Electron::associatedPackedFCandidateIndices_

Definition at line 393 of file Electron.h.

std::vector<reco::CaloCluster> pat::Electron::basicClusters_

Place to store electron's basic clusters internally.

Definition at line 307 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce().

uint8_t pat::Electron::cachedIP_

True if the IP (former dB) has been cached.

Definition at line 385 of file Electron.h.

LorentzVector pat::Electron::ecalDrivenMomentum_

ECAL-driven momentum.

Definition at line 344 of file Electron.h.

float pat::Electron::ecalPFClusIso_

PFCluster Isolation (a la HLT)

Definition at line 367 of file Electron.h.

double pat::Electron::ecalRegressionEnergy_

output of regression

Definition at line 351 of file Electron.h.

double pat::Electron::ecalRegressionError_

Definition at line 353 of file Electron.h.

double pat::Electron::ecalRegressionScale_

Definition at line 360 of file Electron.h.

double pat::Electron::ecalRegressionSmear_

Definition at line 361 of file Electron.h.

double pat::Electron::ecalScale_

scale corrections and smearing applied or to be be applied. Initialized to -99999.

Definition at line 357 of file Electron.h.

double pat::Electron::ecalSmear_

Definition at line 358 of file Electron.h.

double pat::Electron::ecalTrackRegressionEnergy_

Definition at line 352 of file Electron.h.

double pat::Electron::ecalTrackRegressionError_

Definition at line 354 of file Electron.h.

double pat::Electron::ecalTrackRegressionScale_

Definition at line 363 of file Electron.h.

double pat::Electron::ecalTrackRegressionSmear_

Definition at line 364 of file Electron.h.

float pat::Electron::eip_[IpTypeSize]

Impact parameter uncertainty as recommended by the tracking group.

Definition at line 389 of file Electron.h.

std::vector<IdPair> pat::Electron::electronIDs_

Electron IDs.

Definition at line 331 of file Electron.h.

bool pat::Electron::embeddedGsfElectronCore_

True if electron's gsfElectronCore is stored internally.

Definition at line 291 of file Electron.h.

bool pat::Electron::embeddedGsfTrack_

True if electron's gsfTrack is stored internally.

Definition at line 295 of file Electron.h.

bool pat::Electron::embeddedPFCandidate_

true if the IsolatedPFCandidate is embedded

Definition at line 336 of file Electron.h.

bool pat::Electron::embeddedPflowSuperCluster_

True if electron's pflowsupercluster is stored internally.

Definition at line 301 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce().

bool pat::Electron::embeddedRecHits_

True if RecHits stored internally.

Definition at line 325 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce().

bool pat::Electron::embeddedSeedCluster_

True if seed cluster is stored internally.

Definition at line 321 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce().

bool pat::Electron::embeddedSuperCluster_

True if electron's supercluster is stored internally.

Definition at line 299 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce().

bool pat::Electron::embeddedTrack_

True if electron's track is stored internally.

Definition at line 317 of file Electron.h.

float pat::Electron::full5x5_sigmaIetaIphi_

Definition at line 347 of file Electron.h.

std::vector<reco::GsfElectronCore> pat::Electron::gsfElectronCore_

Place to store electron's gsfElectronCore internally.

Definition at line 293 of file Electron.h.

std::vector<reco::GsfTrack> pat::Electron::gsfTrack_

Place to store electron's gsfTrack internally.

Definition at line 297 of file Electron.h.

float pat::Electron::hcalPFClusIso_

Definition at line 368 of file Electron.h.

double pat::Electron::ip3d_

Definition at line 348 of file Electron.h.

float pat::Electron::ip_[IpTypeSize]

Impact parameter at the primary vertex,.

Definition at line 387 of file Electron.h.

bool pat::Electron::isPF_

Definition at line 334 of file Electron.h.

edm::RefProd<pat::PackedCandidateCollection> pat::Electron::packedPFCandidates_

Definition at line 392 of file Electron.h.

bool pat::Electron::passConversionVeto_

conversion veto

Definition at line 381 of file Electron.h.

reco::PFCandidateCollection pat::Electron::pfCandidate_

A copy of the source IsolatedPFCandidate is stored in this vector if embeddedPFCandidate_ if True.

Definition at line 338 of file Electron.h.

reco::PFCandidateRef pat::Electron::pfCandidateRef_

reference to the IsolatedPFCandidate this has been built from; null if this has been built from a standard electron

Definition at line 340 of file Electron.h.

std::vector<reco::CaloCluster> pat::Electron::pflowBasicClusters_

Place to store electron's pflow basic clusters internally.

Definition at line 311 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce().

std::vector<reco::CaloCluster> pat::Electron::pflowPreshowerClusters_

Place to store electron's pflow preshower clusters internally.

Definition at line 313 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce().

std::vector<reco::SuperCluster> pat::Electron::pflowSuperCluster_

Place to store electron's pflow supercluster internally.

Definition at line 315 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce().

std::vector<reco::CaloCluster> pat::Electron::preshowerClusters_

Place to store electron's preshower clusters internally.

Definition at line 309 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce().

float pat::Electron::puppiChargedHadronIso_

PUPPI isolations.

Definition at line 371 of file Electron.h.

float pat::Electron::puppiNeutralHadronIso_

Definition at line 372 of file Electron.h.

float pat::Electron::puppiNoLeptonsChargedHadronIso_

PUPPINoLeptons isolations.

Definition at line 376 of file Electron.h.

float pat::Electron::puppiNoLeptonsNeutralHadronIso_

Definition at line 377 of file Electron.h.

float pat::Electron::puppiNoLeptonsPhotonIso_

Definition at line 378 of file Electron.h.

float pat::Electron::puppiPhotonIso_

Definition at line 373 of file Electron.h.

EcalRecHitCollection pat::Electron::recHits_

Place to store electron's RecHits internally (5x5 around seed+ all RecHits)

Definition at line 327 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce().

std::vector<reco::CaloCluster> pat::Electron::seedCluster_

Place to store electron's seed cluster internally.

Definition at line 323 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce().

float pat::Electron::sigmaIetaIphi_

additional missing mva variables : 14/04/2012

Definition at line 347 of file Electron.h.

std::vector<reco::SuperCluster> pat::Electron::superCluster_

Place to store electron's supercluster internally.

Definition at line 303 of file Electron.h.

Referenced by pat::PATElectronSlimmer::produce().

edm::AtomicPtrCache<std::vector<reco::SuperCluster> > pat::Electron::superClusterRelinked_

Place to temporarily store the electron's supercluster after relinking the seed to it.

Definition at line 305 of file Electron.h.

std::vector<reco::Track> pat::Electron::track_

Place to store electron's track internally.

Definition at line 319 of file Electron.h.