1 '''Customization functions for cmsDriver to get neutral weighted isolation''' 2 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config
as cms
8 '''run neutral particle weighting sequence and use it for isolation of electrons, muons and photons 10 syntax: --customise RecoParticleFlow/Configuration/customizeDeltaBetaWeights_cfi.customize 11 It will add 2 new sequences to the RECO sequence that will produce pfWeightedPhotons and 12 pfWeightedNeutralHadrons. They are produced from pfAllPhotons and pfAllNeutralHadrons by rescaling 13 pt of each particle by a weight that reflects the probability that it is from pileup. The formula is 14 w = sumNPU/(sumNPU+sumPU). The sums are running over all charged particles from the PV (NPU) or from the PU. 15 The function used in the sum is ln(pt(i)/deltaR(i,j)) where i is neutral particle that is being weighted and j 16 is the charged particle (either PU or NPU) that is used to access 'pileupility' of a particle. 18 Neutral isolation of electrons, muons and photons is calculated using the weighed collection. 21 if hasattr(process,
22 process.load(
23 process.pfParticleSelectionSequence += process.pfDeltaBetaWeightingSequence
25 if hasattr(process,
26 process.elPFIsoDepositNeutral=
28 if hasattr(process,
29 process.elPFIsoDepositGamma=
31 if hasattr(process,
32 process.gedElPFIsoDepositNeutral=
34 if hasattr(process,
35 process.gedElPFIsoDepositGamma=
37 if hasattr(process,
38 process.muPFIsoDepositNeutral=
40 if hasattr(process,
43 if hasattr(process,
44 process.phPFIsoDepositNeutral=
46 if hasattr(process,
47 process.phPFIsoDepositGamma.ExtractorPSet.inputCandView = cms.InputTag(
53 '''run neutral particle weighting sequence and use it for isolation of electrons only. 55 syntax: --customise RecoParticleFlow/Configuration/customizeDeltaBetaWeights_cfi.customizeElectronsOnly 56 Same as customize, only that the weighted collections are used only for electron neutral isolation, 57 while muons and photons are left untouched. 60 if hasattr(process,
61 process.load(
62 process.pfParticleSelectionSequence += process.pfDeltaBetaWeightingSequence
64 if hasattr(process,
65 process.elPFIsoDepositNeutral=
67 if hasattr(process,
68 process.elPFIsoDepositGamma=
70 if hasattr(process,
71 process.gedElPFIsoDepositNeutral=
73 if hasattr(process,
74 process.gedElPFIsoDepositGamma=
80 '''run neutral particle weighting sequence and use it for isolation of muonss only. 82 syntax: --customise RecoParticleFlow/Configuration/customizeDeltaBetaWeights_cfi.customizeMuonsOnly 83 Same as customize, only that the weighted collections are used only for muon neutral isolation, 84 while electronss and photons are left untouched. 87 if hasattr(process,
88 process.load(
89 process.pfParticleSelectionSequence += process.pfDeltaBetaWeightingSequence
91 if hasattr(process,
92 process.muPFIsoDepositNeutral=
94 if hasattr(process,
101 '''run neutral particle weighting sequence and use it for isolation of muons only. 103 syntax: --customise RecoParticleFlow/Configuration/customizeDeltaBetaWeights_cfi.customizePhotonsOnly 104 Same as customize, only that the weighted collections are used only for photon neutral isolation, 105 while electronss and muons are left untouched. 108 if hasattr(process,
109 process.load(
110 process.pfParticleSelectionSequence += process.pfDeltaBetaWeightingSequence
112 if hasattr(process,
113 process.phPFIsoDepositNeutral=
115 if hasattr(process,
116 process.phPFIsoDepositGamma.ExtractorPSet.inputCandView = cms.InputTag(
def customizeMuonsOnly(process)
def customizePhotonsOnly(process)
def customizeElectronsOnly(process)