4 #include "Math/Vector3D.h" 12 const char* tab )
const {
17 ROOT::Math::DisplacementVector3D< ROOT::Math::Cartesian3D<double> , ROOT::Math::DefaultCoordinateSystemTag >
18 clusterPos( superClusterRef_->position().X(), superClusterRef_->position().Y(),superClusterRef_->position().Z() );
20 clusterPos = clusterPos.Unit();
21 double E = superClusterRef_->energy();
23 double ET =
sqrt (clusterPos.X()*clusterPos.X() + clusterPos.Y()*clusterPos.Y());
25 out << setprecision(3);
26 out << setiosflags(ios::right);
28 out << setw(4) <<
", ET =" << setw(7) <<
29 out << setw(4) <<
", E =" << setw(7) << E;
30 out <<
" (eta,phi,z)= (";
31 out << superClusterRef_->position().Eta()<<
32 out << superClusterRef_->position().Phi()<<
33 out << superClusterRef_->position().Z() <<
void Dump(std::ostream &out=std::cout, const char *tab=" ") const override
print the object inside the element